Times Advocate, 1994-06-29, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, lune 29, 1994 Back in Time... By Ross Haugh from the archives of the Exeter Times Advocate 10 YEARS AGO June 27, 1984 -Fleck Manu- facturing of Huron Park has received a Q-1 quality award from the Ford Motor Compa- ny. Fleck, makers of automo- tive wiring asemhlies received the Ford plaque For continued excellence in product quality. After a meeting with engi- neer B.M. Ross, Hay town- ship council learned that a wa- ter distribution system along Highway 21 from the water- works plant to Drysdale would cost over $2.2 million. Ross proposed that the full capital costs he paid by prop- erty owners on the basis of accessible frontage. Agricultural Information Services Limited of Exeter has recently been appointed North American advertising sales representative for Arab Agriculture.With an initial print run of 9,500 copies, Arab Agriculture will he dis- tr.huted in December of this year to all key decision mak- ers involved in agriculture in the 21 Arab countries that comprise "the Arab world." The village of Hensall will observe a special birthday this weekend and there will be some special fun and fellow- ship when 100 candles will be blown out. 25 YEARS AGO June 26, 1969 -Saturday night, Benson Tuckey was honoured for 40 years in thc trucking_business.While the president of Guenther Tuckey Transports can now dispatch a truck that could haul up to 27 tons of cargo, his first truck wasn't large enough to haul all of his household belong- ings. On June 29, 1929, Benson Tuckey jumped behind the wheel of a "little red chev truck" and drove from Lon- dpn to Exeter, marking the in- auguration of a business that is today one of the ;largest employers in this arca. 35 YEARS AGO June 24, 1959 - Next week, the Huron County Health Unit will officially complete 10 years of public service. The unit now has a staff of 15. During the ladies night pro- gram of the Exeter Kinsmen Thursday night, past presidents Ralph Genttner and Irvine Armstrong received their ninth year attendance pins. Their wives, both past presidents of thc Kinette club received their seven year pins. 40 YEARS AGO June 26. 1954 - The Exeter Citizens hand has disbanded it was reported at council Mon- day night. The hand was formed in the fall of 1934 for thc Old Boys' Reunion thc next ycar. Thc first garden party at Tri - vitt Memorial Anglican Church in 25 years gave thc new Restoration Fund its first major contribution, Wednes- day. 50 YEARS AGO June 27, 1944 - A tidal wave swept the beach at Grand Bend Sunday morning and entered the Aux Sable river causing it to rise about five feet, with the water surrounding the fisher- man's shanties and doing con- siderable damage. This is the second of its kind to occur in the past fifty years. 75 YEARS AGO June 26, 1919 - Last week, Messrs. T.O and H.O. South - colt purchased the stock and business of Reeve B.W.F. Bea- vers who had been conducting a dry goods and shoe store here for several years. Rev. J.W. Baird who goes to Hamilton this week after three years as pastor of James Street Methodist Church, preached his farewell sermons on Sun- day. Visscher Farms Country Mn►kct NOW HARVESTING BROCCOLI • Ready to bake muffin batter now available • Fruits and vegetables in season * Baked goods - jams, honey. Open 9 - 6 daily Closed Sundays 5 kms. west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 237-3442 Exeter woman solves mystery of family tree Ity Erin Lobb T -A slag EXETER - If you've ever won- dered just how small the world real- ly is just ask Exeter genealogist Grace Adkins. "I've had people contact me about family names in this area from as far away as Australia, British Co- lumbia, and California." said Ad- kins. Genealogy, the study of ones family history, is a curiosity -driven hobby that Adkins has been in- volved with for 14 years. "It started with a family tree my daughter had to do as a school pro- jcct. After that I just began to get more and more curious about my family background." Adkins said that later on she began to wonder about hcr father's second name, Hessic. "Since then 1 have traced my side of the family back to my great - great -grandfather." Adkins dis- covered that hcr family was part of the group who opened up the 1(u- ron tract in the mid -1800's. They started out in Hibbert then moved on to Tuckcrsmith Township. "The first thing you should do is Grace Adkins loves "rooting around Huron". The 14 year ge- nealogist has been detangling the history of local familys along with the help of the Huron Branch of the Ontario Ge- nealogical Society. Here she displays some of the many pub- lications she uses to track down information. Savouring strawberies at Fanshawe Pioneer Village LONDON - The strawberry sea- son will officially be opcncd with a Strawberry Social at Fanshawe Village on June, 26, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visitor's taste buds will be tempted with fresh straw- berry short cake and whip cream, served from the Village Tea and Treasures tea room and gift shop. The event will have a garden party theme and visitors can stroll through the village and experien the sights and sounds of an old- time Strawberry Social. Musical entertainment will be supplied by the Sweet Adclaines, a quartet called Vjvant and the London Re- corder Society, who will he play- ing chamber music in the Paul Peel home. Children will have the opportunity to participate in activi- ties such is crafts, story telling and a crokinole table. Fanshawe Pioneer Village, Lon- don's only living history museum, consists of more than 22 restored buildings. The Village, located on Fanshawe Park Road. cast of Clarke Road, is open daily from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until October 10. Reduced hours will take place in the fall. Admission: Adults, $5.. Senior/ Student, $4, children ages 5-12. $3, children under 5 are free. Fam- ily rate of $15. eir rl �/I ri r tel; a --- since 1887 — "A Tradition of Family Service ...where your confidence is well placed. t1 FITNERAI, II() ; INC;. -40.- 471 C►471 Main .Stn ct, Exctcr --- 235-3500 .�( ��• y c�I '1 JA You're Invited to... t1 Date: Friday July 1 Time: 12 to 5 p.m. Place: Prospect Hills Campground Pavillon This party is hosted by Golden Opportunities and features 1OK and 14K rings, charms, chains, bracelets and earrings below fleamarket prices. We also have diamonds and other gems and can do custom orders. All merchandise is available for immediate selection and prices start at $10.00. Repair services are available. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Admission $1.00 entitles you to all park facilities; I.E. Swimming etc. fgeeU iheize! start at home. Dig up old obituaries and whatever you can find," says Adkins. It was after this that ,r joined thc H.C. Branch of the On- tario Genealogical Society because 1 wasn't sure how to go about tak- ing the next steps." Adkins found assistance from other members in securing directories and listings of cemetery stones, church records, and census reports. "There are many, many ways of finding out your family history. World-wide directories can link you up with people who may have already researched the name your looking for. It prevents you from doing the same work twice," said Adkins. Adkins is now responsible for thc mail-order end of the society. Hu- ron County has made listings avail- able of transcribed inscriptions on gravestones in arca burial grounds. Approximately 98 percent of well over 100 known cemeteries have been transcribed. Because thc aim of the Huron County Branch of the Ontario Gc- ncological Society is to provide a forum for ideas and techniques, and to provide gatherings for the ex- change of information, the group meets on the first Wednesday of every month at the Huron County Pioneer Museum in Godcrich. Thc 325 members have helped to compile extensive records which they house in the log cabin at thc museum. Maps, atlases, period- icals, lineage charts, and other di- rectories arc available for branch members consultation. "It helps if you become a mem- ber, because by networking you may meet people who arc working on the same family as you." Ad- kins says that there is a lot of in- formation available it's just a mat - CANCER INFORMATION SERVICE CALL 1-800-263-6750 ter of getting enough hands together to put it tpgethcr. In order to make it easier for the next generation Adkins advises people to keep their records up to date. Save those family bibles, and old photographs for future refer- ence. "A lot of records have been lost over the years because people don't now their value. We have had lc actually return things to us that they have found in the dump." Besides quenching her thirst for knowledge of the past, Adkins says that she enjoys thc social as- pect of the genealogical society. "It's nice to meet so many people from all over the county, it's inter- esting to see how people's pasts sometimes link up." The next meeting of the Huron County Branch sill be held July 6, and will feature Alison Lohh who will be speaking on publishing your farnily histories. Inc. IMNUFA(TURIRS/DISTRI IUTORS 'DIRECT TO YOU" "WE HAVE IT ALL FOR GREAT CASUAL LIVING" • For Outdoors • Pools • Garden Areas • Sunrooms • HAMMOCKS • ARTIFICIAL PLANTS, 7 TREES and FLOWERS -% • SHADE HOUSES • ACCESSORIES l 'asiial `S bl�luslil_fr, hr Y.V.C. Tabular Herrn 1 ...mt.,- the Morale rn Elrga,l Outdoor Lwow... PPURrl WICKER a/tili; /J Qude Simply the I. Ines: ,gr J' ' l;1Qu$gty Lloyd /Flanders tsonga lrodrinm<ro IY,i ler U09141sslot► T7u• / G,arrs Herne "01 Ait., WE ALSO MANUFACTURE, UMBRELLAS, REPLACEMENTS CUSHIONS, FURNITURE COVERS A 1,a.hlm„ L1 O l-.SI)rtll' LONDON Hwy. 22 & Wonderland (Just West of Masonville) 474-7220 MPS M. I..,• v) t, .'- 11* . S. In.. -r.omrr GRAND BEND Hwy. 83 E. 12 miles from the water plant) 238-2110 SARNIA Confederahon Sy- Plaza 11070 Conlederatron St.) 344-8448 ► "Is Yer Fone Number Not Kurently Listed or Listed Inkurectly?" Due to overwhelming response... once again this year we will be publishing the Exeter and Area Phone Book. It is our intention to publish a telephone listing as correct and current as possible. So, if your business or home phone number is not listed or is incorrect, we will be happy to add or correct your number. Just... Complete the handy coupon below and make sure it is at our office no later than Thurs., June 30. Clip and bring to Times -Advocate by Thurs., June 30 J New listing Please change Name Address Phone J If listed previously please clip old incorrect listing and attach here. We will delete it ATTENTION BUSINESSES if you have not been contacted for advertising space in our book please call Barb Consitt 235-1331 ► ► ► ► ► WATCH FOR IT... Your personal copy coming soon! 4 1