HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-8-11, Page 1r e • ot Uy 4x• il.o.xspoon,4„, 4.004)„Xettitlerteg."0/474ettr, Ont. CO 48411.40 AO t40 p,,n), " 41 , 0111,• , f4. r gee Physiclapa Oredllete Enke* *PlAYlic a i). ,.. thhie, It . onus, , fine . . Tulteaki e 'a MI' tderiWMittiN •", ,4' • v., >4 ,•• •.• -.ERMA Isttev, , ea ":' I. -,,ockz. •.'• '4, ,qo• .• Vertiettletattetttiott pe lt tCehrottio dItI04,080. aD•efihAVOMPOY uttegtleikt4140401,14 ' ' . • XII*etertgaleit 20,1016 •.„, . It, ItA,NO, lt,f, t lkt., ,I) ' .,' :,11. .0. II' $ � uttee Rt. erleity col eaa Mom' ter of the colllego ot hheetemea eaa seeeetute et ''- ' , ,, Qeteelo, °Meth -Drug 'stow, *ale et. brown, awl se, alto. peephetae et the note *tare, Shod'cen4. , r ' stently keeps oafitand a letge steels 01,13141Ce4-00, . Fatenttafeiiticinee. and Dye stfs, •t• ,•.:, • • • ,Dratd9fit‘Tittlerl$(10.74. uf 34 minion Laboratory C. TIODUSEN cI 3,1t0211. Go to the ))9Etl1n1ou14h01'a,tory •'if -you-want ' .TT ggP Olt bend the Lareeet ILARDING' P.arrif! , AIL Bett Aasortment ters ttorodys 0000IIA00040Iter4 ittl,Rte 1)1t,T.TC+8,S (trgrepa44erroN'e Vitathr Sti,44, St. , Piot RE fiRU ios Xeettetat, , ev. aihrtme OR,Z :DYE-STUF7A'S .C13'n1.1•647 184tuff-Qq Y ,t„,,7 'e.C11•CillTeS. 4ktferneys-at-la.w, aoliciters in Cheneefltr ArgOiwat'oB4 V°P1u316Bf°nera in noitst„, , • •&rid ATOtie4 ob St4 Nell yr:yra • i.,,,frootrii s 417/0.444/ 44- ! • Avir -14401-szt •4 , 4,', , 'T000414111, Hair, And.•Clo J',11ABIlffiTER,3407PARY;'CONVEYINEti •PARIS GREEN R 811 E LTIOAN; NT. • 4rAXT.: • ,G. WILSON; ISSUER OF PEliF U.3IE RY,TOIL ET- 8 0 .41) AS . •Marriage Licenses under the new Ac tit the Post °ince store, Enrich, Ont„ OM. • ant luttidutipts. II-7•••BROWN, Public Auctioneer, e " Winchelsee. Sales promptly atteucled to Terms reasonable. Winebelsea, Oet. 1541871 7. SPACKM21N, ICENSEI) A.1JCTIONEER , POr the County of Enron, - EXETER, Ca ,SA LES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CHARGES 1110DEIIITE. 74atels. \- ATANSION HOUSE, EXETER 11.1. ONt., W. PlAWKSHAW, Proprietor. Thi nem and commodious hole; is now completekgtnd _fitted up throughout with first -furniture, The hest of Liquors andthe choicest of Cigars at the Bar. The house is capable of accommodathau 35' guests. Exeellent stables and an attentive' hos- tler& ITtEKS- HOLL, LUCA.N. W BOWIli, Proprietor. This first -chat hotel tans 1Ltely clumgedhandt, (from W. M. Will 4114 to W. do way). and i SittOtl with now hir ithre thronghout. Free 'Ims to 41441 from the station °thee for the new line of 'busses to 1 andoi.. The tatris replete with the choicest i.quors and frag- r.t.ntlfs,vanatt. Poor commercial sample room. Goods tabling and attentive. hostlers. 32.11. 1\13LIN HOUSE CORNER OF value teal wilitem Streets, Lucian. The eboveT7ete1 has been rented by Mr. 'setae White, and there ably re htted for the emotort of the traveling ublic. flondliquors and cigars at the bar. Attun 'voliostler always hi attendance. Lucan. Alli,,T,5,1875. 135-tite. IsAAC WHITII,Prop. rf,- • cit , PEE, D gents 1 Vat? ted Al; tior,J' ,clats"-teit .enrking laccosle, of ea. her seX, yontig or , ., old. n .l• las e1(,1,r1e1ninnuy t IQ. 24.411 th!al at, re ?ft,» mulit am,1','344r41 4,"0. 1'0.3 e241 '511444.1,• n-oc- cent. Alleei fi 41, Di4ral.11,1a. 14.f1. i 044-1 U.§:1:41 4114? • . 1. 6.11E-$LO.Very C!. 5.1-e4Mts. ,i,lato •1 mare of Mod, aatJoini3r. tho tvlesq,et qais,r1,4 litcolyr. On the lot 1-• an o:zeolknr welt 0: 4.,,, 'Par particulars it.p.til`i co 1,3,..1C4 .1.114N,,!Eze.,,tox. 'w‘it,A.r • volt thA.LY •---T1 • 4.'4444p4' Off,U4'3 :ell,. the, N.W, 1 ;4 lot .3, 0)4.34 iTshorta,a, Pont:doing Ztl 4:444. Of exeetlent • 111.:11, At eto-ar41.1„ nain well timbered, s •8 notwo,'Int,1414 e fel 14.:'4J43 c tho, pr Fr 1,0 ,3; yoaa 4)4"411d of graft truit one oe rcr.failitt4 sin log. Iiistant froan Exotei four. r tarta,"er 1,•ta rr.ioulars ayanly to af. DE 831' SE:V. orwarliria.., .1.:xotcr P.O. 73-tf. EXNT E ft PUN? F.wyou ATAIN.STREET, one doer south of the Britannia, House. .T. SOUTIVOTT has on' hand a number of 1 limps. Orders 11113141 on tile shortest notice. S:ttisfaction gunriant,cd both ni to work owl material. ;N. D. -A large quantity of 0 inch stud' for pampinakor' use • for stilton JOHN SOUTIICtr.r.V. 0.L. N. 924 a....4• Night of meett Me -Piro Friday in ev- ery month, corner Gid - ley 111241 134:1414 Ids. Visi- ting 'Brethren cordially invitedte attend. OATEN WILLIS, JOHN WIIITE, , secretary. 70-1y. FOR POTATO BUG$ AND • HELLEBORE FOR INSECTS A.T THE CHEAPEST RATES. W. I-1. '1" 11 0 r_ur Fashionable Boot cE • Shoe would intorut •44,.. people 1,1143434 1)0 has commen. (led business in the above line next door toliell's Bakery and Confectionery. He has on hAnd a sp1eri4id stock of Loather of all kinds, and from his general knowledgeof the business, and do - nig first class work ln.pes to obtain a large cus- tom. Sewe(1 work will receive his special attention. R•epairing.doae with neatress and „tees - pada. 434nt1.44434alat e ch stages( . 'ti#e Exeter, May 6, 1875. 88-m3. .1. .A.. 1-Z, 1.1 E i s Stoek-13ree4r33i. ••• , M. SWF/MT_ 17`..:'t4';j' •;radente etae-V of the - .1 Ontario nary • Ciollege. nes removed his office to one door north ,)1 c Elacrert's hitrness shop, and nearly opposite John Tinsmith shoo. Veterinary Medicines aj. '1844443 042 hand,. Calls promptly. attended to. Horses examined as to their soundnese Angus W801.1873. Woodham HarnessShop 1 I3ISSETTS' •HEN121:7" ICAIILMIEL , 'very and sale stables gtiinagn3:vilintf.aor UHIFneoar7elnull!:;t1c(11 allot he has on 110.14 0.3141 is prepared to manIfac- , an connection with the Centra.notelj. ure , ..tttra.nlsk.T2.2. "IVX‘xt °r•Alsr--.1' anal those ip want of anything in his lizu will etndy their own interests b iny giving him a cl be - el fore purer', sing elsewhere. liepairing pronptly attended to. Carriage trimming done. 754m. 4. S. GIDLEY, EXETER, "CA. - k.,./ • BINET-MAKER UNDEDTAKERS,take this opportunity to inforna the inhabitants d this and surroundingsections that their New Marge 1011T AND HEAVY HARNESS, ir14.001) HORSES AND COMFORT- Atiltlit 'Vehicles always on band, 'Favorable laramfonientiiiiiide -with commercial travelers. ,A11 tirdAre left at Blss4tt's Tinshop will be Iteillptik attended to. ,. • ' B. az T. ETSSETT, Prop. •4, Jgaeter, Sepg, 4, l.87s. 2.1y. r4 .34 4VOEITE LINE. • , $O .EEOPBflTbBsWP, Vginit'011'• -FLANAOAN ' iBfaidtg,i2Lielelhi.:64t1IditMltethltM, have Stages and uv. the Meat iteeenamo, ,•• ating ohettan#s3. and iliaVe , • , •:,.. ' . • „ TiIIE .104i.pliciikgt;tospoie4 . erk,afteriloc4itteiithi,;"arriVing'itt: tucart hi . • 6 iitiet ytlth:trrilli_ltf..01:00,flast. 'and *bet "14.011,00 _ int Clinton and tik #0WIAlii4 tin,e• 4tItt tetiderk t SHOOES rOlD*Silt , Alp t., 114,, Driliera r,r0Orle 4 , 44 , 9 C)C):rom Tf h,erfehaekL. ith (4144 3424444 otd totittteenhtseelhere!Teta/lungtne pone 'e he feeal paeonag,ht 44 "83111°Ii1rrillttxe• . t •to,:%0 eett . ) P Is parpOsit• continnirrg'ed vibrk thOnt dedetie the pining aletuater. ' }retitle leaned them Hfo' a, , riailiber ot pooh, eloping f 0 give iii, the tidal% , . Alm anatteatihfaetiou stet ht thepat. , • • . : tUaratogt Spittning,, VVectvinio '' ai , ,Ord4.*do is noty completed, and they do, not besitat n say- ing that, it IS one of the best in this westd • part. Our uNDEIt'PAILCN G Department, as her ofore, will be found 111 0. very efacient cOndition.. Coffins—Plain and. ornamental,— elle. (I 00483 etc l'unerals fuxiiished the shortest 'dice end most xeasoustble terms. N.:13, -A good assortment- of rtinNITC1 meys in stock' • August 28. '74 52- p Ec) G P begdto inform the enloking comMunity • IT • end the surrotincling neighgerheod that h • ' • Pruned; 0 • . Me.in.st., C610 \,' hOPOS, by soiling • ,fthifk,f440- r006660, 4fiel: fOrmrs ta :Obtaftt,,thefiter.orthelt• Vetrenag," sDc. STATIONERY School Books, Toy Books, BlankoBooks, Magazines, A lbun3sPancy Goods Pencil Slates, Lead Pen- cils, /U. OLE Ago.) 10 LAtALUS, MORRIS, 4: LI Co.'s it curet cd Pet fected Spectacles an Eve.glasser. Prescriptions and Recipes quickly and sem- rately dispensed. Remember the Place—Di. rectly opposite the " Central Hotel," Main-st., Exetei. , C. VANDUSEN 't Co. Exeter, Tannery 7, 1874. 71 -yl. Ice Cream AND Soda Water, sparkling and Fresh from the Fountain AT • SA.NIDER'S ,Sto e Post Office Etuatlin VAN LLA, LEMON, PINEAPPLE, le!SYBERRY and other flavoring Syrup§ used. G. SANDERS. LOOK! ,TO TODD OWN • I N", S T /AND PURCHASE THE phsT ORGAN ' ON TS CONTINENT. SEE THE Silver Tongue AND ALSO THE Clough & Warren AT Senior's Pb.otograph Gallery MAIN STREET, EXETER RA NZ 1/1, WHITLOCE SOLE AGENT NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS ON THE CANADA. COMPANY'S LANDS. I hereby caution all persons against cutting or removing timber from the lauds of the Canada Company, as I am authorized to prosecute an trespassers with the utmost rigor of the law. JOEY: sPACKMAN, Tiniber Agent Can. Co. Exeter, May 18,1875. 89-tf. PIEOTOC11101.151-XS HA.S. SENIOR haying renaoved to the stand I ately occupied by Air. C. 8buth- cone; tailor, has completely renovated the prem. hies and arranged his studio so as to command One of' the Best Lights in Canada , is prepared to execute work in first-elass Fi4 yle.— Acknowledging _past patronage, lie bogs a con- tinnance of the favors of the public. Attention is called to his stock of Frames, ,k0., having on hand a good selection o f and being prepared to make framea et Moderate rates,- itcsidencee photographed. Photographs when re. touched, 02 per doz,; Cabinets, 14; linperials, $6 .„.„Azelogloiczied a-C.414;yd: '•,‘ • ' , 44, *44 gw'rtflPturing' aeaa n atelgee') a 44,-ti.jnittealoneviie cot ; 5/6' 49' , #+, odeive ' et,14."1ttefd 4a4lS. t &43 T:If14°$r1.41.044. i1,t t1 4•°'. N. it, .0l•l,eel•a, 'L,Ootrilt,14411me, :• at4(4401 0II4 4tteteeg,eaueaeueeneal, ' 434 JO4'0r, , , Pteeg44rpshMftlll • • i see040.1 t , FARMERS' OtEZS• ia the early raoriti»g, /net at the poop of day, Altraining tlie milk in the deiry, ' '-uurnine the °ewe away— Sweeping the floors in the kitchen, lefekieg the beds up staite, tlie brealifatit diShes, Dating the parlor ehairs. Brushing eremites from tbe pantry, Ranting tor ()ego in the barn, ROasting 'the meat for dinner, Spinning tho stocking yarn; e„. Spreading the MOW white linen "0•• Down the bushes below, Alausaeldug every meadow. , • &AIM red4atfaMberri4d4roc44 Starching the cotton for Sunday, - Churning the snowy cream, Rinsing the pails and strainer Down in the running stream; Feeding the geese and poultry, Making the puddings and pica ; Jogging the little ones cradle; Driving (Way the flies. G rage in every motion; Music in every: tone ; Beauty of form and feature 'Thousands might covet to own; Cheeks that rival the roses; Teeth the whitest of pearl; Ono of the country maidens is worth A score of your city girls. TWO TERRIBLE TALES. The following legend, with which the writer was diverted by a travelling ac- quaintance at an Engbish hostelry ono starmy night in 1866, may also dinuse his readers: ru the hanting season some seventy. years ago, in one of the northwestern countries of England, four gentlemen sat in au iun, picking their teeth and oracking jokes after dinner. Theland- lord entered politely, and announced a hungry stranger. Tne four -filled ban- queters elected him to a seat nude bade the landlord return the joint •already roasted. Lifting his bat the guest gave' his entertainers 'greeting awl thanks, drew up his chair, aud then seizing send sharpening the carving -knife, with a violent semi -circular switch around and across the table, slit all their weazands. He shoed his mutton and ate it to the 803113(1 orjour crimson cateracts flowing over four shert-fronts to the floor. Re- entering the rocnin aud observing, as he thought, impkins of a strange cOloi, I to ihe fli mom Is wide open es an re. eards strangely bent upon•. the greedy guest, the landanu stereo,. ' Come here,' said the interesting stranger, gobbling his meat. The land- lord approached. 'Do yuo see anything odd in my eye?' The landlord's stare became 'intensi- fied. . 'Because,' continued the maniac, 'I see something so obsoxious to me in yours hat I think you'll have to stop looking.' He drew the knife from the joint and unerringly thrust it bete een the land- lord's second mad third ribs. Solacing himself at desert with the gurgle of his fifth victim's heart's blood, he was not pleased by the appearance of the meek headwaiter, to whom, beckoning with the knife while hid the master's body with an outstreched leg, he said slyly: 'Have you a pistol?' 11321 ' Good Lord, sir, why?' 'Haven't you (with an exquisite ine tonation) 'a revolver about. the premis- ses 2' 'Why, yes, sir, I think there is /one —yes, sir.' , ' Do you see that rat ?' • 'Eat. sir' No sir ! What rat 2' ' In the corner, there:- 1 ' The waiter crouchea and gazect awl gazed and crouched again. " ' No, sir.' '' i ' Ali,' said the stranger, grae,chally waving his fork, he's goneinto hiehole. He'll be out presently. Fetch the evol- ver!' • The revolver having been pro urea, the gnest ' asked, smilin,ge' tedibly :. 'Who is the manufacturer of this l wee; port.' 1 \ Disliking the speaker's mannet the servitor forgot to answer. 'How big a mark is required ft:1r it, at, ,say, your distance ?' ' .\,, Waiter perplexed and almost p nil- yzed. 'You scoundrel I will you be lily inaik e' The writer, in a tone like a oats - comb's ech. pleaded : ' Oh, dCar, sir -- ' What shouted the madman, in a voice 'that rang shrilly through the inn; You have come here to tease me! You are here to frustrate my purpose. Dovin to the carpet,--dowu, I say 1 You vile Hall, knave, scoundrel, nhscreant, vagabond, ruffian, incendiary, rogue, outlaw, reptile. 'You , utterly Men, strous mad irreclaimable Vetch,' down. • Dolha on your knees, trembling, 'Ware/tit an4 rascal, pray ;' ” • Au indistinguishable neumblo. Pray • The Lord's prayer rose to We lips of' •the door/led old. num, who had beep thirty yes,rs in his &Ina master's serVies aila *as now fascinated by this human basilisk t Our. father who art in Ileaven hallowed be the name thy • rester r 'Thy kingdom ctune; • 'Paster " ' (Oh sit)1Tilv Will he done en earth it lel DI neitVetit ' Dauht you, say, foster Ab, put dowel e ins s chelting the Weltpoli. 04(1, •while , 21,f said the bedlatnito, •car,e, Ins (yem awfu ly, po king in a e/ • 44r/v(terr•Kier, eievoi, 1( e 404 •7.fr#0*.it el'f'"?'"'4t b easere. 044,'<itte.14104, 0 r $ • 11 ' , 14044 affairs, You dislike theni—porl s *or lie at' 80.40 All audience %ton OA 01.040`04 of ChihhIng a glass of rY0 , whiskey:''''' Plc $40.41,1110Dt0 Qii0il tells' 1)thie .epsttliofiToov'astreeray ; 4 t, : '1,ttnolAy7,,td:meiri 11, laced it on ',the Oen Uto borer° him .The bear placed his fore -paws orA the edge of the counter, and drank the 144, tior with :apparent relish; zurtoy of the csairsioniste meanwhile patting nim ,eahreelitigehrkboat. The glass bakiug ,111te°3ePrie4rriloftilibVttglietdii8 91t°n:elle'08.1AP dt171114i021.11;: tatna4n4P,,alesustettiVhohAth'Ihbibetrnt,NvaithUee' ilhoi8f lett ,14ystandera playfully 'took the 'bear 'hY tne ear. 'The beast be:Owning enettoed seized' tho bar-J:13(4)6es' lzaho, • sinking hia te:eth deep' into 'the fleshyportipn or tte4PeltillAVevtrri?ttkiutteOlet;t tlittr.li''''P' T0 lete%ei;;Pil l or beat the beafr,over tile head. 'W.' make, him let go, but Without the desire() ef. feet. The ber-kee er drew a revolver, and pointed it at the animal's head, but did not fire, fearing the shot might not be fetal. All efforts to make the bear loose his hold failed, and in the end the hand had to be pulled by main force ont of its jaws, causing terrible laceratien, strings of flesh hanging down as the band was finally with- al/1WD. The bear now grew nnich more violent, and the crowd of ladies and gentlemen that nad filled the sal- oon became panic-strieken, and fled in all directions, the men shouting and the women screaming. The keeper, however, having hold of the bear's chain, took a turn round a post sup- porting the ceiling of tho apartment, and kept him from doing farther harm, 'and finally after a considerable heating was removed to his cage. A physician who accompanied the.excursionists did honor to ins profession by remaining and dressing the barkeeper's hand, while the others were dispersing. The barkeeper, whose wonderfnl nerve and courtage evere commeuted upon cidnair- ingly by all,he having scarcely changed color, notwithstanding the intense pain, expressed his determinatioa to kilt the bear, but the keepers and others oppos- ed him, and he then gave up his situa- tion at the house en disgust.' haps yith ,Miseoestrue the meaning of t e-vtAstIon 'stuffed leathern ot- thou. , vereeive that, meniaras yea ton:lano, an te of skins by valieth are) yea are It persoii oflean and flimsy hundred set Pie 'qnielsly replaced 9,$) intelleet. You interest mel lioiveyet. chairs and tit oue end oilt Yon aiv at present the delight or my dining hall, r,Lt. e Russian tb- °PIS, In you I shall presently find pied an elevated 'seat of )41 the peace) ,becanse I shall slake in your frent of thus thong, 14,30 1 wae currents extinguished thirst for ready the isosteSfir bloodShod." I am about to butcher you, side, her The en " without a, oertaint,„40. ; bOuratittuliwat::::lict i?ostureal4i ble bOdy into view)to tiny' friend, the retinue oeleomtpa gr,covs 0 aitra llaveisent Your •Intleter (leihkihR of her *le e844 d ithd handeolne Devil.' from ilekhT. 4, ,41fercy sir said the'inan)feelit?g the Greek. with a'sitAgle 'gesturel have, 'Bt' four The comeliest,- corpries rotting, and with an accurate the Counte e%bgh' cdt"Inl$tat‘tr rRYtha4, • " I 14114' k evnhtliY; the cur' eyes' �f' company to be compared, with thei classic m idols. At last the heavy curtains were draw close afterla splendid allegorical tablet), which had comprised more than on hunched. human figures, and the corn pany prepared to disperse. 'Stay !' cried the Conutess,rising wit a graceful and commanding gesture The last scene ought always to be th best, and the best is yet to come. pray you, mutat) your stmts.', • All obeyed, and an interval of a few minutes occurred, during which conver sation graduallyiceased, and the grea hall:became,profoundly;silent. Then th curtains we slowly withdrawn, reveal ing the back -ground of storm -clouds and darkness an appallingly realiatio representation of the crucifiaon. of Christ. At the foot of the rugged cross, whose upright beam reached nearly to the ceiling, were clustered in every Va- riety of attitude two or three seems of mocking Jews, all liftiug fingers of scorn and hatred, sotue gazing iu each others' faces looks of triumplia,ut glee, some gloating on the spectacle above their heads. U.`he figure against the cross, on which, and on several of the upturned faces, a bright light was cast froro torehes behind a screen, was seen to be actually spiked through hands and feet, from which the blood had not ceased tridkliag. The body drooped, the knees were alightly bent, the head forward with its crown of thorns. The whole figure, which was Una of a man in the very flower of physical beauty, was ghastly with the ft 8,11or of a :cruel death. A shudder and then a murmur of horror infected the epectatore of this scene. From the dais, on which she had been gayly chatting with her host- ess, the lovely Russian wee seen to bend forward with a terrible cry,and then to rush screaming down the room to the foot of Ih44 Ii t...tonci.risisnsimiess.hwehttoerNivneree gathered there. Reaching up, she clasped the knees of the man crueified, and called, to ears that were forever deaf, her murdered husband's name. J.„WAS:tient met Witii; and 40 WOO ti :oiltip.fitc9m14,, $0,100t,ft00,': 934 11 0 14 The, t,iststel's inuSX1e"'Wortithist-he'ad.. , Suddenly. ivitlidiawing it the murder' -4 er uttered a 'horrid cry which degener- ated gradoally into still more horrid laughter. Then adjusting the cocked revolver at his hwii heart, and pointing with his disengaged hand at one after the other of his five victims, he said, in tones as solemn as Mug Arthur's over prostrate Guinevere :— have made my dead. I leave you to weep for them. There sits the last of their noble house hose ancestor, unhorsed and vanquished at Agincourt, dragged himself into heaven in the face of his foe. Youcle14 a rests forever ' the doscont of the sternest Puritan who ever obeyed CromWell. By his side hangs the chin of a voluntary so inven- two of love's art that, ere I perish, I wish I could summon here his Dolly Sweeteles, and hear her lamentations. But see,' and in the midst of his infer- nal ecstasy the revolver 'dropped from the chair ooshion, 'see that sinful monster! Ci-od 1 into what twisted womb Of ;slat contorted she devil was the seed tef him ? What life grotesque and wicked did she lead while within her Went on aud on his pre -natal mord de-. formation. What Jezebel smirked up- on him at birth 2 'Whose hag'e druge nourished:him ? What Pagao bestuecl him fortutor. Wliat angel of deepest hell sioged his boy's heart and shrilled his man's conecience 2 into the pre- sence of the loveliest, to the betrayal of the naostdovelike of Scotlan's danghters what evil power led him ? He Pas -hie reward and P—the madman here up- turned two melancholy eyes--' have mine. But I stillecherisla in sorrow—. Tile old waiter's resolution had come to him ; iu the instant he had seized the revolver; in the next he arose and aim- ed it at the raver's head. Turniug away, the latter ran to an open window and, pausino one instaut with a wild cry and gesture upon the sill, flung himself to death in a manner of a diver leettd foremost, upon the pavement be - In the latter part of the seventeenth century Frenonwoman of extraordin- ary beauty startled Florence, in Italy, by the splendor of her equipage and en- teetainments. Her husband, the Ceinit , had been dead some two years, and the brilliant widow made The Lancaster (Penh.) Express as- socle attractive use of the millions he Buts that the subjoined are genuiue ex - had. left her that she soon ceased to tracts from a will lately discovered at number her courtiers on her fingers. the Registry office in that city, which One, plight she discovered a mad in was written by a man who committed the assembly at her palace vvhom it was suicide in the Susquehanna, at Colum- hOr destieeato.love. He, too, was very bia, more than 100 years ago, but was handsome, and for a time the fairest never probated: n Irishmen's wat. couple wnom the society of Florence in 44 This will be found after my deth if those stately days looked up n were alley look sharp. As I noe the people thought to be destined to a life of mu- • that hes found my harms is curious Mal. happiness. But one more atm- about my deth, which is something out terous at least,suddenly descended from of tho way, I'll give them aul the satis- ehe north captivatedAdonis. This was faction in my power about it, as I noe a Russitto woman of high rank, whose the hole mealier from beginning to end residences and tiCrf:f3 were scattered ---whiCh is me own misfortune that I through every country in Europe. She married a cross woman thatis niver departed with her bridegroom at the viand but when she's vexing Inc. and close of a triumphant season of revels, shponding me , substance, whereby I after inviting her Gallican rival to be- have been redueed to great shifts, as come her guest for a fortnight in the well the world knows—'adder McDon- course Of the approaching summer. ough in particular. It may be report - The Frenchwomau surprised the victor ed, as the world is greatly given to ly- by accepting the iovitation, awl iu the ing, that I died by aceideut e but this is brief July of 1682, at a superb summer a mistake, for threwed myself on Wed - residence on the southern shore of the sdity evening, being tired of the world Gulf,of Finland, hard by the site of the and fretted out. of me life ; and as the splendid Peteroff, the memory of the little that's left of rim substance is not antagonism at Florence was apparently much, I hope there will be no quarrel laughed and whiled away. The bean- about my disposing of it in the follow- tiful Countess did not leave herfriends jug Inenner : hrithout obtaining from them a promise There may hem my breechee pocket to visit her at .ner own favorite retreat (its I put there all I nad), about some - the very next year. In, the following thing less than half a guineain shillings July she welcomed them to an immense and sixpences, and some half pence, ancient country seat on a slope of the give that to Dolly McGinnis. western range of the Carpthian Men.- Peter Doyle makes me pay too intieh tain Mountains. From the day of for.naer cabbin and little bit of -potato their arrival they were treated, day and geounk but I made it :Miser by chalet, night. to its OUVOGoolo.. ta'r •pte.aotticao Ma • Tile Varttuii ace.° llo way and todder; so seutpassieg any that she had received I lave it to my youngest son, Robin, at• their handa. • Her retait)ers were because I like him better than Coredy. ,i;umerous, trained to perfection and As for Corney and his mudder,theyttuty hbeyed their mistress,witli the celerity, provide for themeelves. I had emit'. to l'ilence and huinilily of slaves. Her doe to tne,intein them , during my itlife,l orses were of the ilobleit breeds, and and I'm allure I'll not trotible Lae *hod; tho bridle paths led through the 1115011t lhet0.110le rid `add. - ti charming scenery, Her 'sappers, sow and pigs, rand InY:' crltoifitt- id with the glittering display of tnat along, Wid me' badeS, mb , tObne0Dit00 e, offered the dishes and tile Wines of lielia,',and'rne Masa hook, i lteve'to Fad-, t31410 conutries, lIari?rrs and Singers dor 1,161)onock) fur thougl) lio squeezes j'ined at tt distorter) in giving thezest 11-1 Aro 104,4, ne"e aude anuf eetel ut. 11: artin's Pttleeteitta's Cettenariiii'e music, tile bothetti :4 to those feasts, which wart followed al-, Ale ook ine. dog, 016 woktle)*, ileost trigletly by , theatrical, ,rpletwieutet- nightcap And tee ratet give to holiest trhy.1)°;o'fitrzolTgl?I'llie014 14f )T1agiCLaU. or eTvoebrydilrirb11;1;gati".' 14.1 1av.ehiin,aleo er)inetialies "took off a dishevelled andbe good sliirt. As to the 01111 I ilaVO .011 wiltivring,gayet • 4.- now it is. tint ,343O I se. 1 of the vi it' 'vat tg; laive it to 1110 -Wife thtlt she in,ty -have le a wooS 1. • • eiee6it morteluiltient ;tea, delightful no rasoll ontsillaill" ' ' by ilte presence of a large nowhee' • • 1)21010 TOorAnr, distinguished gtiests;froixt various qattr, Fehrtlary 26, 17,f31) tere of Burope--friends oftlie Countess conisstrA) ' ' whb soltiom let a satnteer'pass without / forgive' all the exoept trto itecopting her Dohornain wife, stint, 'fOrgive I0or tt)o) but it's And ,the hist t)ipiltbeforo their de. stgoiiist two will, and I do' it to vlazo t (11..0 farall en tertaiu tnen t'which Paddtr McDonough,' and kapc 34310 A/V01) pretnised to 'itirpitis everytiong that, had, SpOil 601 of ,purgotory, don'b titely ded it in 410 re<Jpeet of novelty knew where shall ge to) m ptob • aby abotti tita,t, as got )go Too uoulltoos'oati arroligtt, 1101100 to -day",, tke presto's of thy t01,0gie01 and tiheal tableaiat know= what, was ,ite Led, iii17,4/444 014.44 titinibel, of the guests of • 1i1331110 Tootti. tousioal key, ate emit , ask the' both ty too, inoimAiug hot foillior o formlio her young. My gi4ty,lialiecl husband of the Itussioaa, had, boon petok or et lett beak, rtionia, eolititiud yout prayor, for, provollscl'„, oil to 101(0 )911t8 111thorn, 6(0) sou have hero no time to, tray , At the 411080 Of ale Ifr91g33i8.001It ,t,14:tati dinnarneie heir kept at` illtetL,' tiA, tho coltiPatlY, so,l)fitittitt# Rota, Sootaineuto, Was let eue oir000k your pitstol." Titoso wilo wore to 01)Potikr 111,4114 rOP1101* ,hrbilght itteltie hity4sitim en the 101h t • ( 7 tura tiortr, U9* as a w nd a theic tir 4 t„,110 ' tiraL tot ".1#1:10 ITO ovalis hit e/a) 74'9,,tt Aro ta. fu,iity.mtkoitztoo wk th0 rOat tO 4,140' t'AZ,b4104,0,011s1$ '1 J 444 ' 48444., 134 , .4n Ungditont Joke. She came from Detro it, Mich., and her great pride was being an invalid. She lost no time m stating she came to Minnesota to recuperate. She did not hesitate to enter into conversation with any person she came in contact with, giving advice, climatological and phy- siological, to invalids, and 'seeking the same. from those of robust cobstitution Her conversation was always prefaced with the iptroductory inquiry, eo com- mon to vitirorieheeDide-you• eofnahhere for your health ?" She thus iaddressed a stalwart, ruddy -visaged gaifileman at the dinner -table of the Metropolitan a few days since, and the fOloYsing di- whiskey. He persisted in singing at dOittit.,foadlit ohildron woro tho rolOit of the liulon, The Aoblo family tIie Atarctnio • ' turned up tiloip 1414 1.40$00 tiii* toarrisp with baohwoo4e oirl of: <4,,x4', 0r1011, Ter11504 3"04,001,4Z0 iser,• The husband seVeral ycars no, boonieeio 9,, member of the ,Doard Trade ef"ChicAtgo. go 'there, showed mil same lyttyNyara txigto, "t4 ta,s1 boon tlio ownso lo life) Ile Inado forturteetand lost tikseu • Sonletinles lie SYAO (43. t1.10 toU ltago ,itte prosperity, and .agaiii he lived In 8.1•00•1111. • , ill. 0130 of his periods of denreSS,* took his own life) 11.B io jeaviop4 laic wife and srx04:404: 7 in poverty.• svidow r`API cbiltiroAi att(1po )nea,us is a itilleciara#ffig .1404,014ott,gro. Or elsewhere., *The 4".1. 'est boy contributed what he Cettld 'to •. tua,support of the •faraily ‘1,10,0144Lng, boot*: andfeelling 3lowol)a1)91' '`.4(41:4 Wasrefooted rttgf4ed,anct trete,edn-,, cation was received, in thttr`..stree,tS;'-":4, story thus far 18 0110 of elitAY reolt- lesstiose and waywardness., eet'self,,exiler from home, and,. tell 0114,Y, ,YArriagUi 1)t: a premature 41„ookt#, sabsequ.V• , • wretonedoess tollia4iimily, :The crttiu- N eluding chiipterslOin no40-' be writteit. • Intelligence '111441.'1st 4,Vsittehod Chioago tnat the Marchioness...1)e „Bel:1(1, 'has , died. TlioPhioagoftw, the,' 04ee14 son of the !Wily; Ali 'that le' 'Want- , ing the "proofs of' it 'War' marriage' aatcceiditege to the, Aueerioau , raw,„,,ehali he' i'erWard1c4.; • to tiauOs. ' The- Perna lesoAlizcs. foreign -)!` 44 moriageS contraletidlatIriendty oonas , tries accordiug to `the ittar 'of those "'4 countries. Consequently the marriage 'with the Michigan girl will be held •va- lid, and not only do the title ef tho family, but one-third of the fortunes descentl to the widow and her family, now in Genesee. The widow herself' bermines a Marchioness, holding tlie same relative position to the family an • did the deceased Marchioness. The oldest buy becomes a Marquis. l'be , family is one of the most distinguished in France. It dates ,back to the Cru- sades. It has furnished two Cardin- als ancl two Marshals to the nation. Excenott Interest itulegt. For finding the interest on anyprin- cipal for any number of days, the an- swer in each case being in cents. septa - ate the two right hand figures; to ex- press it in dollars and cents' Four per cent. --Multiply the Finch - pal in the number of days to run; sep- arate the right hand figure from pro- duct, and divide by 0. Five per cent.—Multiply by weather ` of days, and divide by 72.. 4 A' Six per cent. --Multiply by number of days; separate right hand figures, and divide by 6. Eight per cent.—MultiplY by num- ber of days, and divide by 45. fl Nino per 307134.—Multiplv by number of day; separate right hanil figure, and divide by 4. Tee per cent.—Multiply the number of days and divide by 36. Twelve per eent.--Multiply by num- ber of days; separate right hand figure and divide by 3. Fifteen per cent. Multiply by num- ber of days, and divide by 24. Eighteen per cant.—.Multiply by number of days; separate right hand figure, and divide by 2. Twenty per cent:—Multiply by mber of days, and divide by 18. tte hea.. On one of the Anchor Line boats the othei clay, was a young man of decent look, but a good- deal the worse for logue ensued : " Yes, madam ; I came hod 'proba- bly the weakest person you ever saw. I had no use of toy limbs ; in fact my bones were little tougher than cartila- ges. I had no intelligent control of a single muscle, nor the use of a, single faculty." " Great Heavens," exclaimed the as- tonished auditor, " and you lived !" "1 did, Miss, althong,li I was devoid of sight, toothless, unable to articulate a, single word, and dependent upon oth- ers for everything, being complete- ly deprived of all power to help myself. I commenced to gain immedietely upon my arrival, and have scarcely experi- enced a sick day sinee, hence I can conseientiously recommend the cli- mate." "A wonderful case," said the lady, "but do you think your lungs were af- fected 2" ." They were probably sound, but possessed of so little vitality that but for the most careful nursing, they must have ceasedtheir funetions." "1 hope you foam' kind fliends,sir?" "Indeed I did, madame ; it is to them and the pure air of Minnesota that I owe my life. My father's family were, all with me, but unfortunately my ino- ther was prostrated with severe illuass during the time of my g.eatest prostra- tion." "How sad 1 Pray what was your diet ancl treatment ?' " Merdiet was the siinalest possible, consisting only of milk,: tliat being the 001vtodmy syatetn Would bear. As for treatment I depended aetieely oie the top of his voice, and it was the poorest kind of singing. After a brief pauso he removed his hat and • said:-- " Now I'm going to dog something ve- ry sod." "Hadn't you as soon wait till we get to Vicksburg?" inquired a * passenger. " Wh-'—what f'r ?' gasped Inc young man. "Because I've got a young mule on the lower deck, and if he gets an idea that he can sing as good as you do he'll never be worth a nickel to bray." There was no mare singing. ......._• Gen. Schenck, 1.1. S. Minister to En.. land has been using an old Americair ' anecdote to good advantage. To the"' wife of a British Cabinet officer who. assured him that " England made Am- erica all that sne ie," he said, "Pardon me, madana, you remind me of the an. ewer of the Ohio lad in his teens,who attending Sunday school for the first time, was asked by his teacher, "who made you?" , He teplied, 'why God made me about so long (holding his hands about ton inches apart) but 1 growed the rest.' " "What are ye dancing around here for?" inquired a bootblack of aisoy *a- quaintance whose face was covere"dwith smiles, andwho was executiag a dou- ble shuffle " GlOry nuff fet ono day!". replied the lad, jumping still higher, " Cow got into the gareen this iriOrn- inrr and tramped every bed flat as yor hat, and I won't love to pull :a weed this summer." ".1 wilder whin, makes my eyes 80 weak." said a fop to a ._,(e,,,• genth ta mm“Be,. caust4e3' 'ro in s' an\e'' wastele nee.,e„,,, p...e,et188 Of Minnesota wek • aiaioolt0 xth0swe• r r, tl1),h• a • 444.4 t.."L'etoliavferroY(tr Ztluss My ;444, laiv'.foul07v, I'341110 334 ieol, 1t3111 14402, 34 arrival. etaylitubs sooil became strong ,spre,tehee, 11, atae ae .74ii-a.„141111,04,Ibat }ma my .iglit.itnd voles) cunie to me lea sr b.00 , aSti ?f• e tr , e8.1,11(t17' 1111rk 'flfii11145111" .L.etieur.citA,10).• sttre tis he Wail - tio tiatetItso, A hnAn atlytre ' • " .44 his Clot ties ---- -ta morel! gi - We ttentr AuS. = g(3110$ ' tt , I dou't ee)ceab'4ili „ • . atY.S' ' k Iti YOu °uncle thOm tee011 , too, ht Aga.fle fik8h. • II 1 but intle ,N ,and :i •IT" weig 8 , Gooa any, 110 Y., pateh, 1\1°4 WititIOSOttr4 ,174/6 rile tee ,v1a, vva:41)oktv''' rt,a.rouu(-1:w01160'itel)li3 tto trho':-aoit0,7'1 aYfirritgh .1(tat 114it Pt: 13444411 kIlbW'fl tb.ya Trttdo, Man, U. De is 1b,I, 4 icAnottit (nod by tomtit 'peoPle in Chicago a, 40104 £O 141304A ' 03410 ll91*8 Qte* 411t thffajongia1•t)o'n(ny,6' i'g11,3144,8: itt%V1,6, .rIl.0.ti11isrt'•6Ctiu ait it1'4, tYa Olio (41 t'1oldestAA,rs1t,4. 1134111105 Of VrdteeIntroe Ana adguealt potofs i:o i;ia,eltgre'o ar4.1 4L11 in full wore thIfarnAyinala6, front,•tlt 103348 11 luau of iluo oitet, tinnrefnetnont. 344334 ineines „„ his'ealylfe he Wae d opon:bisforttoto liotne koddTs 011113t3414 Y(94114031 tWeiity-fve ears.,orna, eoota,to* yeakoeeobtains Ilyettlood teaio .raik tohimself041 inalmotlog roo )44 ITO Il'1OV71411t11416ith0tiifernn, ,2811U,'4 .14444404.42'44 .t(5 • 1018 1$10bIDIIT • fit1 'W11 , tx6 gM frolit Mithl teengoa34444 •of t froti 7tatsie ,r• 344 : Va I 'O. 31