HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-7-29, Page 61 t (1-14 t ? it-Anatoln thie latitude, elm had etvet Way din itiat1u dog dap, atid ltont JoeitUh1Uug aV 61.1Z.0 tlw th0 11.1.Q v sztilor whkr jula ;,otojett aor atage thiswifr lso the ettro, wheal lit eel! oat tlie herbalin a lialdt teltill% Ode 4latty nun 'lie Way, ilex, io the, ituttunii af 1447, ;rased TOWd, got lagvi ul tt'Vr/b19, p;1110 11713`.3 raging, two mon eet, StOppCil 11k li,1W4pi1ppri and t1tuGSG to (VOSS tile 110,11)0r Wilil ii0V01111, Slieep Ala) ,vtt't e J1. of hie pt go didit, and OD tryille, to rescue one that, had Intl the tettene.ao went (ton jailed him- fallen over-daaterd, eaLio near awakening self, their boat ; seeing their aeril ,frktre the An etnaehltliot •in trying JO find out eindow of her tattster's lighthouse, you 1 now, by the dotMle beesV1OI Mita; jeavie aaeut to their aid., awl to plitser of the orchestra LS "Mid',a1; 11 m...ent, _tete ettfely wtut lame mid re8- 11e4tioa, POrliitnP a is beeetteeeliteletici- cued the etieep. ltut her greatest ex. nine violin takes the 'air. oloit was performed CE tile 29th ul Ante jst 2 to kept be hateve, led the a e, nonce e),u,n,' en0 t ratn,N• -thei '2 , thitie. Then I „„, . • celdeetudUM`, t 1)111.8terillg:(1437B OVQ.r Pai.,40(1‘. t:\ G1110 jckg 'Yea in the tj.140,0. A hien driving a witaltbrolen horse otou Bridge street, Saturday,was ha a eta 01 bovortlio entlaieed if the horse we i far sale, "Plio man didn't 'tettow bat he Wit. "Wall" obeeeved ,he little rascal, "they'd like to git ,e,hoot soch a twitter up to the clitireh to iota thi.1 rget S1111 aft.:78.7' A. roterued Eleoch Arden was turning atroued and tetiting at the ,Christitte .eoreenuaity that would -allow 0 woman Artetarve tteztely to death in tile aheetico ol orb oband., The truth is he left' bier in the days of hoopskiats lookitne, 110 thie 0, end ote his return fouotl piti Jed b.tnls ttnel looking, like this L. di' \ i'1)1 0)11 tilA she iiad o a natural. 'March 1809, 'when 0 boat eon Gilman two young soldiers 0(10 0, boy 'Vas sI 1001 by a seuttll on the haeboreaul 01,00 urn. e'0. Though ill at the time, Ida rueln ed out of the house, launched 1101 iife. Loot, speang in, with naither bat oe her her head er ehoee on lier feet, reachett the week just ie tram to setae the two soldiere Ite they were about 100eing their hold fano exlieuationt the boy haviog lIlelouwiliki perished, and rowed tlism to the liehthottee. Miss Lewis shonld be the first tif. 1.0001Y0 the neW decoration to be heetowecl by 'Congress for hevoic deeds in ettvieg life. A YOUNG IVOATAN'f8 SWKINIRTG The L011(1011 1)aily News of September '2 oontaius the following ;—Yesterclay tor Charity' 'afternoon Miss Agnes Beckwith, a daughter of Prof, Beekwith of Lambeth A ceeettable fete held recently le l3aths, swam from Lenon 'Bridge, to ,Pat le lied for ite heroine a certain welle Um pier at Greenwich. adilicent to the Pelecee,J. The lady, woo was hospital. Due notice having bee giv- :sent , .10 ,Vetal or cigars, was accoeted ,ita of tlie ontenaplated exhibition, a '..hytI Rnssian Nobleman famoue for the: iteamer waS engaged to accOntrany the ,ateteeltrie uses he made of his colossal iihtatrice. Precieely at five minutes .forrat to, who, after spookily; to her,and past five o'clock Miss Beckwith took antesota nig some of the articles she had the water fromea wherry in front of Otte on side, asked leer saddeely, "What steamer just belew the bridge, and awill p.m sell nip a kiss for?" A intent feone shirt to finish' she literally took alred thousand france," replied tilt: her ease on the tide, sual was as freth Priaceee, thinkieg that the queetiee when she got out as when site entered was not put in earnest. cried the water. She completed the distance, the Rossi:tot as 110 tIVOW bis pocket 0trifle over five miles, ail exactly one 'book from his coat, and scribbled: on a hour an0 nine minutes Miss Becktvith Jog an order 00 his banker for the \ V011 a purse of one himdrel pounds and ..$29,Q0f) demand. Throwing his pro- a gold medal hy her feat. She is only roiee to pay on the encounter, he held just fottateen... ,out his check to the belle 7n.erehcoule, who After spire hesitation, performed her part of -.the contract, and thus it was -that the amootit collected that year for the poor was incraased by the princely sum of $20,00•-athe price of a kiss. a 6i-ra1zge siory. A. strange story is reported from pain. A. detachmeut of Alfonsfist soldiers recently diseovered in a seclud- ed part of a mountain chain a cavern :which woe inhabited by robbers, who bad taken advantage of the civil war in •order to elY their criminal avocations. An alcove was attached to this subter- galleons dwelling, the door of which the foldiers broke open.. They -were as- tonished to find the department decent - :1y furnished, and provided with books; elowea s, and even a piano. In an easy •chair set a venerable old man. The soldiers interrogated him, but obtained onlyincohereut replies. It lute eince been aseertained, from the confession ,of one of tete robbers, that the old man avas the cashier of a banking then at Bingos ; that they had broken into the bank, stolen the safe, and taken the naehier wi h them, in hopes that he Won't' assietthem to open the sea. Thiring their retreat., which wee mark- ed by many adventurers, the iutrepid • ,old man succeeded in evading the vigi- tlence of his guardians for a short time and s creting the safe ie a place where w, uld be ttble to recov, r it afterward. When the booty was ma sed, and the robbers failed to induce the cashier te aeveal to them the place whet e it was , , ,concealod, they revived the proceedings of the famous obariffeurs by roasting the feet of theirvictim in order to exort confesion. But the inflicted tor- -tures had a diffeeent effect. The man got mad; and it was with the object of restoring bitn to reason that the rob- bers bestowed the utmost attentions .on him, in hopes that when he recover- ed. his reason 'he would reveal to them t he place where the safe was conceal - 0. 4,41 Catlett iffizoti. wae amused and interested e Cawnpere by hearing a group of young man discussing the style of their drees- es for that great institution ofAuglo-In- ilia, a caton ball, to 'be held at the 'United Service Club at Luclumw an evening or two later. "What is • your aharacter ?' "Net quite sure yet, ---a am to see Mrs. So-and-so to-moriowienort, ang--what's yours ?" "Oh, mine's the so-and-so ; Mrs, So-and:so is to choosc the colors ;" thus the pie...tear t genial icbatter ran on. A cotton ball is in its - Alf mirth a few words of description, Frit, it is eseeatially a fancy taP ; no ore must be there "out of costumer -unless ftS 0 special favor, Secondly atvery dress must be of calico, which the native tailore make up with wonderfal taste and, skill. The station ays a .complitnet to Manchester in the cot - fon, secures very pretty dressee for one night, mid avoids getting into debts as 4t certainly would not it thesceim were -transferred to May fair. .1 evas courte- ,ously invited to join the little party from Cownpore, \vithout paying eaten-, lion to the calico rule, and I gladly ac- ateptedthe invitatioe. !Thule were alhont three hundred poisons at the .calico ball, One eentleman, in go an And wig, represented a barrister ; he iwn tohen for Dr. Kenettly, and possi- • bly woe flattered. Another, a Beneas ie baboo, etichewed deneing 1001700 grave, 0l'itt00l, mopkingly, and' but for at certain twinkle in tlic\ corner of ids ,eye, which seemed. scarcely Itengttlee, should leave asked hio Hindoo opinion .nf the bell. At length he said : "None „ad my friend e know me.'' "Then yon tare English ?" "Of coaree T ant ; what Ale troll take me fOr ?" Here was 0 g.eetlemen area) ed woll%00 :his own aatiefaetion. We had, in peet -ty and greeefal attire, lediee 00 Briton - atia Coleunbitt, Prench oertettnt, the ,Colleen Patwo,the Whito Ce ,the ()neon .of Ilettrte, the Witch, ft atlian pee- atant,, &0. yottng mon reepecting pori - 011 -1 loug before Cottonopolis lied die- ,eoveved that eettset s ldlg, tool then 0311nod te prove, with a 20 (1(1 nitjayea raficui the 001 voleiou 011) eital war, that eotton, after all, is not yet quite, king, man of the Anglo-Saxon rode, J.Srich ia An gio,til diam ao n ball-- ihmeinr.; nit fhin' in the raoroing, tome Torii:rent till sit; then back to the evert lasting routine of the ltedien wheel. six weeka, iit recipe alone is woth the pidea of any newepaper in the luta tteseeratesseentessesetaseeate,„.....-, pow sianitacariattarinted « 00\off The 1ead49 l';ogle of last week saye ---" For the last two Nvoolis a sou of Al- len Rogers, aged eleven years, a wood -1 anttor on WO Bine itlenntains, aboat, three MHOS fr0111 Hamburg, has beee in the letbit ot leaviag his father's house every mottling about 9 o'clook, end net roir1dng until nis,lon, T.lhe pa, rents of the boy have queetioned ldw aeveral tieee es to where he went, and ho vuo1CL rOld,V to play N\ ltll a neiehboring boy etleted loringer. On Friday la ei tee tether watched his sou, 0111 followed at a short distance, foal wheii Rho t ha1taini1e from tbe Meese, the boy euterod a piece of thick sprout land, in frem the road eome two hendred yards, where he 'seeted himself upon a largo reek, mid la less then tun minuteS the father was horri, fled on seeiug a mender black snake crawl nnoti the rock and put its heed in the boy's lap. The father, states that the snake Was the largest he ever FikLAV OE the hills. 1-1e states that it was easily fifteen feet long, and as thick as his arm, which is well developed. The boy had taken bread with him and was f " (iodine. the snake, which at intervals wtold stick a large tongue out as if hissing for more to eat. Then it would coil itself around the neck and body of the boy, and play with its mouth and' neck with the boy's halide. The father had often hoard of snakes elArmiug children, and that if they Were disturbed w,hile they were in the act they would kill the child. As the father turned to leave his boy with Lis deadly companion, be turrol back, and the sneke at once thearing a noise, micoiled itself, and raised its body at least ,four feet from the rock and looked in all directions, and then re- turned to the boy's lap ; and the'father retraced his steps home,eand awaited the boy's return, which was, as usual, 'about noon.. When told that he had been playing with a saake, the boy said the first morning he mot the entitle he liked to play with it : then he took it food, and he was so much pleased with his companion that something told him lee Must meet the snake every morning One morning be said he was late, and when he reached the place the soalse was standing op, and came out to meet him, then followed him to the rock. Then° is something very strange about a, snake charming not only chil- dren, but 'WO have lead of adults corn- ing under their charms.- Oi.iSiturday. morning the father and two of the eigh bors went to the place with guns, arid at the usual time the snake made its appearance, when all fired at once, killing the reptile. SAD RESULTS OF RELIGIOUS EXCITE- MENT.--Oue of the sad results of exces- sive religious excitement was witnessed last nigrit on the north side. A young girl, living on East Indiana street, near Clark, had devoted herself to religious exercises an(10 reading until she had. be - conic partially demented, and, in 0 fa- vor of what sho deemed pious zeal, she concluded that to the pare m heart ail things were pure, and that therefore clothes were only a hindrance and en- tirely superfluous to the righteous. Thus believiog, she removed every ar- ticle. of raiment from her person and ran out into the street. Before her ab - sauce from tile housetnad been noticed she had made her weet to Clark street and passed rapidly along that thorough- fare for two or three blocks before any- body could summon up courage enough to stop her. It is hardly necessary to SOY she was the observed of all whom she (net. At length a man with 'more moral stamina than the rest, stopped her and wanted her tO go home. She refused to do this, however, and also declined to put on a shawl offerecl her by a lady, sayieg to the latter that saa would not be deled by the touch of gartnehts, aud that only the sinful needed covering ; for heeself she was clothed with righteousness, and needed no oi,ber habiliments than' those of the Woad. A policeneau collie up and took her in charge and returned her to her home.---Micatto TribUn. AN EXTRAORDINARY FEAT.—Yesterday morniug, about nine o'clock, says 00 Albany paper, as the boat " Templar" was passing under the Ferry etreei bridge, that spans the Erie canal, aAit- tle daughter, of the captain of the boat (Johnson) about eleven years old, to 1 it into her head to swing from one of the iron rods of the bridge, and benne, she could release herself, the hoat'pas- sed ou and left her suspended over the water. Her cries atta acted the lame - tion of the workmen engaged upon Ge- neral Ratheone's new foundry, but her position was sucli that it seemed almost impossible to render her any assistance, she being about midway under the bridge, and the only alternative left her apparently, was to drop into die canal, and take the chances of being rescued by, some of the spectators. This she would not do, yet it w as only a:quest Lion of time befoie ehe would be com- pelled to relniquish her hold and drop exhausted into tne canal- At this junc- ture relief came to the little sufferer. A. roan named itrichael Casey, residing on Ferry street, seeing che crowd, had emne to learn the cause of the excite- meut. A glance was sufficient. With a coolness worthy/Of record heidivested. nimselftof coat, hat wad boots, anti get- ting down the side Of the bridge, took a ;lying leap and caught the iron rod on TRALIA. LOCATI,011';' e\ND elm he olavamel on easy terios 1)1 111.1 THRIVING NEW VILLAK wine 1, from its great advantages ji connec- tion with 0 Depot and St ON THE ion London, Huron & Brace Rail- way, os,,,,,Qt fall to become a place of importauee. A. Capital Opening is presented for almost every kind of i11du0tr5. • Grand Auction Sale of Village Lots on. Monday, Oc- tober 4t1i. 1"HOMAS TRIVITT. Centralia Sept. C, 1875. 106-tf. Ti!eCedars of Lelpanais The cedars of Lebanou, once the glory of the earth, have become like the hietory of the past. Time was when their wide -spread branches, each form- ing a creeen plateau, one above the other, flourished in all their luxuriance and beauty on the fai. famed mountain of Lebanon. That was the time when the monarch of Tyre—a city then the queen of nations—sent thousands of his workmen to fell cedars for the construc- tion of the temple of . Jerusel em. Those who would view the cedars of Lebanou now must be somewhat, affect- ed by the fewness of their number, end their decay and desolation. • A little remnant is left, and the traveller gazes upon thein with a fooling that has hi it, a touch of sadness. All through the 'Alit:Idle Ages a visit to to cedars of Lebanon was regarded by many per - sone in the hell of ft pllgrimatte. Some of the trees were thought to °have been planted by King Solomon Limeelf, and were looked upon as secred erelics. Iodeed. thevisitors took away ao many pieces of wood from the bark, of which to make crosses and other articles, that it was feared the trees would be do, stroyed. The once magnificent grove is but a speck, ma the mountain side.— Many persons have taken it in the dis- tance for a wood of fir trees; but on the approaeh nearer and tatting a cleser view, the trees resume somewhat their acient majesty. The space they cover is not more than hallo mile ; but once ie the mid -1t of Mein. the beautiful fan- like branches overhead, -the exquisite green of the yonlider trees, and the n n eelossa,1 size of the older ones, fill the mind with admiration: The trees are foot dissapea,ring from the face cif the earth. Each sucoeeding, traveler finde them fewer in number than his prede- cessor. There are now bat seven of the cedars remaining, which, from their ago and experience, indicate that they had an existence in Bible days, the little girt was suspended. lie BEWARE 010 COUNTERFEITS. then "walked" hand. over' Aland . until he reached her, arid 'having got his arm aroun0 her waist, lowered her down 1131- 111 she rested on his foot. In‘this way. he rot -Altered to the tow -path side. ,of ,tee canal, nial deposited his charge it\ safe; ty on ,the batik. It ',vas a herculean' task, and one which would reflect etedtt onOrolessionalgymoast, Ott to speak, 1,4,1,i'veYe?,TAelgt.1,t'ljyr „,, , , . . of. iale 0001)1E88 aria 00111000 (1131)13101(1 , astentea r ade For the protection of the public of Blitish Xorth America i10001 11 my duty to state teat my rills and 000 210111101' illaaUtttetured nor gold in any, part of the TJuited Stateer n`..acli pot and box, boars tlio GOVOril /nen t Stank,y,witli the words, ,Hollo- ;,vay's Imel °intro ent,LOn ndo,'engraved there- on. au the label is the adclresi, 58:3 Oxfoad,sbrubt, Lembo». This notice has becoine necessary, in consequence of vile 'and spurious imitations of " Holloway's Pill6 n Oititmonti,'! 1)eing fabricated. at78.5friulen Lane ties styling them- , and Co.," with an , ma thus— vvonclors ob- a very low price, idr• (disc)", tituinaiel'ils.`t;'easili'l°a`l RECIPE FOB, PRESERVING ATEAT.--ThO' following by a writer in the New York, Jima will prove both seasonable and serviceableThereio no good reason why farmers and their families should eat so tench salt pork, leaving- all the trash pleat to the inhabitants of the cities and villages, when the following needled win, hbap meta freali for Weeks, oven in the warmest weather, I love tried it for years, As soon. as the ani- mal heat is mit of the moat, eliee 0 up leanly for cookieg. Prepare a lerge ittr by scolding it tvell with hot, salt and W0 bor. Mi x t an O. pulverieett sal t - tete)... Cover the bottom of the jar with a sprinkle of salt and peeper:, Put do wo a -layer of Meet, sprinkle .with, ealt and pepper the same as if it, 0001 3111111 going to the teble, aed eon - throe in the Mate niariner until the or ie full.. Fold tilt\ elot oe arevet rotd Wa it, in strong' 501 (11001 we ter ib which a little of the saltpetre ie diattolved, Prees the eloth clostdy over the meet and set, it in. 0 eool !deco, Be snee end nross the cloth le tightly ft3 0f1011 In.yOf 111 101110000l 0t1 yoee FeltlAi; 117111 3:6(1) ffni. Menthe,. Itis a gon0 1111111 te lot the meat reentie over night. alter it ie 1110 - 1,Vo1 fIrelonat ea Nenaeoter.--Ida o 0, hefovo 11aekliig Tho arwhl 1.01, Wi!:'S late exploit itt lathing Ontthe blood fast (mane flame it. It will I 4 nhee, Reek lieththonee in the Iow- 110008000704 oh 015411(1114). kitJi 00011i000. rowpost beeber T11e1330 5) and yes, ally, oe teite t hrf woe"-, it, io otat 111 )t men froth ,leeeeithre teeella tire 1. water, then ecetel Wil i.01' /10 ttt 110100 etnents *hell have gh" (111(0 11007' tar rbOrg 040 110 •,0 1li1Gratlet Pftrlift, 0`, 1, fresh 1lle0,t Ptil the yeitinroilinl, I" Lean amigo deeervo you, , y 80111113 tOe 5006101' 1113, genuine Pille and 01110. 1110311, 'which thre manufactured only at 533.0xford street, Loudon., Persons who may be depcived please onmmicato with rn9,Many spect'blefirmg P1 Pc 'British. Provinces -who o1.tnull iny pclicinag direct from hero, 12 kV0 very properly suggested that 1 should, for the benefit' of themselves nanl' the public, insert their nalMs in the papers, that it may be known that medicilies can he had gene 111010001 1110111. The P110 30113 1 a of P1011101 e tdinded to ; ,01211 particularly 2000y -emend' those 01110 10111(0 to got my occlicines to apply 10 1011)0F of, the hoarier; iirtmeel-r-N.osirri. Avery, Brown 1,, f;faltfax, ,N. 0; Niesern. Forsyth & CO. N. S. Messrs. '1311 Barlsor & Bons, 5(1 1101111, N Mr, T D01l11hny, Charlotte Lown,P E ; ATOSAYS. Lang- ley & Co,, Victoria, 130.;, INICOVC & COrNiC- tia:11, B (3; Dr. if Mail:ran Chatani, N B; 3ICI34114: 1101100 N01161:0U,1; Messrs.J Winer 1 Co., 111)11 lto ; 'Atr. 31 1 Rose, Toronto; Mr„ A Chip- man Smith, St. ,Tohn.N 13 Mr. Tolin Bond, Gmler. lob ; 111 cns lUliot 000., Toronto 310 (11100E10V, 110 0011:1, N. B ; 1101110"t4, IT11:41/a10O 131 0$4 St John l‘f B Mr It PriddY, Windser Mts Oryon, Morden, 13 s; Ilo Goorgo111vat.,, rnorickton N' 53; Mr, NV If bompsom Harbov 'Greco, 141 Wilfry,Fredrickton,'N B 11/0ser,i D ,)1011 l'entreal. The m (Anin es arc neld at the lowest w1101e101e 'ran 0 ))r(001, 1».Turtnlities of not less than .820 wortb—yi;,,, 6s. 6.„J'21,, 01(11 80 la& 4.10ZOO 1,40a Of Cr pots of Ointment, for which ro- raitta coo .1111151 be sent In dv:, nee. TITOMA;-S 110 171JONV0Y'' T1111'DT IrAllt, 1875. Offrzed in rrizos cenatent r net at 01.:YE1' TO. . aeatee the.CiPy.Of lionOon 011 &t8thlia &jet 'OCT,e. rrIzn, Llsts Ana y*tharyaat.rs3a10a be had at fbc Beae tr's01100AL ta0are 10(411 0130 to bete06u enorhefo33filil see Reatese Ba03110011Maao 100001 tope to London arui return,* NyM,. kiocretraY, Ara f8Pfrfoin, r Satiate , 1034 AT G 11 G BOOIMELLER ".LATIONER Exeter. rplIE W.D.MBGLOCHLON WATCH is the best la ttiC Wallet 'but$' Furnibin lYLtIl 50010 05 tbe tee sebeneess 00,2 pa11 blxerytilien 1) lilo from a pnatic to a, Iludson. Bev overceat 1111 IN had Of 1,1011, :1J1te, 0611010 OraVatn, $.,111 has M '0) ' citn,711: 1)1000 VTEED RE/PLITT 14";',i'i cut ia-tkc meet bteLanicatc styte. 1,11 110 chased..of me cut free of 'eluago, Mo1131'1.13.1'., 1 CO. ,EX.etOr, SePtelfilihr?,,' b. GltittlItta TtlItlilS1I • GROCERIES CHEAP, AT SANDERS' Store, rost °Mee Block An excellent stock of cirocorMs and Confection ery 00 00110, ›P% CHOICE TOBACCOES and CIGARS. sportsmen. supplied With Ammunition. School Books, Stationery, Magazines. ALL THE LATESF NOVELS., N.B,-Sewing Machin() Nocalos of every icind;for Cale. G. SANDERS. Bo sure and got tl3o D.McGlochlon watch before buying. You will have 110 other attar see- ing thelc. 011 who wear themrecomin end them Cold aud Silver, Ladies and Gentleman's sizcs. 77 Dundukstreet, London. See the testimonials, The largest, bestand cheapest stook: of flue Gold Jewelry, Clocks, Silver, and 'Plated Ware, Fancy Goods,10., &c., in the Province. Repairing of every description. 113,3). MoGLOTJOHLON. 771Muclas SO, L0314.10a, 001. New Tailor Shop. W. Mo.b...MT.ITEY' -pEGS to intimate ,to the inhabitants el a and Vicinity, that 110 111,6 opened a Now Tailor shop At Elimville 01111110 by strict attention to business lu Ehopes to merit a fair share of patronage. A GOODFIT GUARANTEED. PANT-CCITT/NG A SPECIAL' It. Elimville,'July 8, 1075 W. MOARTNEY. THOMPSON& WILLIAMS t ; Aft RICULTURA L DULL(' MEN TS B°iler and Engine Work MITCHELL, ONT. Two -horse pOlvet wood Sawitg Machine This maChino b.as been thorenglily testoOnni given , ENTIRE SATISFACTION it is supplied With BAN -1.D NV -171 -BEL f er clriving,a Straw- Putter, Grain Cusher, Or otbor machinery, without extra Ovronme 011 eopt for OM belt TRIAL OFF BED. All kinds of Farrmingimplenlents kept 00111441.114 011 11111(1. BOILER SHOP in full operation. , INIGI35,1=9 of 011 sizes to order, A.1. Kept ab 13issott,';,4 Tin —sIn'tp, Exoto-t% aromptle attended to TITOMPSON & wrilitjAvs„ EXETER STEAM RAKE & CRAD LE FACORY. GEO. CO T TI_AE IgIANIMACTUlt/tIt 01, Vrooden. Harvest Tools Bakes, Snaithes, Fork Handles, Grain Cradles, ETC. Sume CtS He will have 'ready for the coining harvest, the celebrate(L kby Hay Rake A. Novelty in, this section. ' MERCHANTS will find it to Their Advantage to Buy their Stock from me, as I au prop: aed to deal with them RC reasona- bly as any ether establishment, an d to give prompt attelition te all orders. WHOLESALE 436E111TAIL. ofall kinds made a specialty in the business. GEORGE COTTLE xeter,April 8, Th70.80-1511 FRESH ARRIVALS'! AT THE Peoo e ...I, Grocery _ 04 co tore. J. cRUNNIOA1 has rcoivod a large stock of GROCERIE$ C ROCIEER,7, &C. also a large stock of ;300TE a 81-5ZoEs suitable for Fall and Winter, cousisting of Men's, Women's and Child- ren's Wear, Those in want of a firsf-ciass articto in the Boot and &me line shoul0 not 4(131 ±0 EXAMINE MY STOOK Before pUrchasing, and it will receive prompt attention. Satis- as my experience of thirty yens that line ena- bles me in purchasing to select that only which 1 faction guatanteed. can recommend. 0.) CD 3,1 )10:14INILIS 2yTiGUN SHOP AND RI- R. W. SOPER Manufacturer of and defiler in RPtIes Slior Guns, ,Revolvers Pistols, Fishing Tackle, and Hunters' supplies Gun -stocking done 111'E:1811 -class style. Pin -fire Guns altered ao Centrallfire. Sign of the Gun and Golden Key, CLARENCE st.,between Dundas and King, Loudon. 75-1y. RUMP FACT 0 RI( Grocery and Liquor to large stock Green, Japan, Young Hyson Black Teas, Raisins„ Currants, zitIED APPLES" OgitiNVZ Sardines 'Lobsters, The subscribers have started a Pump Factory n the Village of Carroubrook, and also in the Township of Hay ONE MILE NORTH OF EXETER and they aro in posssssiouof STZAIVI POWER they 'will bo able to Lot only do their work wol but cheaper tha,i then who have to do their work y hand. Every variety of 'wooden pumps, in- ,. eluding the CELEBRATED FORCE PUMP made to order and. placed in wells,all being war- ranted for two years. _ 011 orders lof at the shop ofMr. Boulton one mile north of ii,Ixetar will receive promt.t attention. MUNSINGER & BOULTON. HAY, May 27 1875 JOHN BELL, raker and Confectioner, begs to return thanks to tho people of Exeter and vicinity tor the largo patronage oestowed upen him since he commenced business in Exeter, and lames by paying attention to business and giving satisfaction to his customers to Merit a continu- ance of the same,: IF 'YOU WANT GOOD SWEET BREAD, CALL AT J. BELL'S BAICEBY. IF YOU WANT GOOD CONFEC. TIONERY, CALL AT J. BELL'S, irRtrz alinon Bitter Sallee and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines- and Syrups, Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and .Comraon Whiskies, Tobaccoes and Cigars, If you want the very best calms, etc., or tett' parties, picnics, 10., LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH J. BELL, A LARGE LOT or First Class Bacon JUST RECEIVED. J. CRUNN1CAN ,BRODERICIC'S OLD STAND. IF YOU WANT GOOD GROCERIES at prices as low as they can be purchased for at any store in Exeter, GO TO J. BELL'S. Givo mo a call. J. BELL. ' PIICEINTI2E FOUNDRY Corner Bathurst & Wellington Sts, LONDON, - - ONT.A.RIC ;DUN ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR. MANUFACTURER Or MeadowLark Itoapor and Vtower, Calativa. tors, Plow, Cang-Flows, AND ALL IMPLEMENT 5 USED BY FARMERS. PARMEES 1,S7E DI4L1.1 petted to, supply them 9, 10, it, 12 tul)es enell,witll 1311)0 shifter or Witboutt iteeorcllug to. or- I 'This iniplement fats a double (*tioxibliung erem 011)1, end 11 Admitted to he the best befOr0 T -t• rrt 0A rttri e‘t 04n tie mitaio. ton \tow ausily segrigoi antitiee 11)etn for the erring see(lieg, and will be pre- , XIA.) +-1 ••••• "j„, 0 tINI) Onit 03111 (1141.4.10,60 tO 110,01) hancl ei(Imrltinit and size to supply any wile nifty not nave Sin "I 1. given their orilef, The tiutot, ona Inca, need will bo found 0114 that orit dogrod, Weadin 21,11(k ...I- al tier. tilt) ity. Wholesale and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street Exeter. PRICES 01? T AT iH1.4 IIAVE Dropped Right Down AT THE GOLDEN STOVE ST. "MARY'S. J. C. GILPIN. unattire for Cash! Desiring to introduce 'THE CASH SysTENE, I will offer d-uring the MONTHS OF AUGUST AND SEPT. My large and full stock of FURNITURK FOR CASH AT GREATLY REDUCED YRICES. I will, on thP smallest purchase, G -IV 1-i, A LIBERAL DISCO -LINT; and to large buyers will give special rates. TO JUDGE OF MY PRICES, STYLES AND QUALITY, Call Must Be Made. I invite inspection. JOHN DREW, Next Door to Molsons Bank and opposite Times office. IS ACdARLING begs loave to thank his friends in Exeter and surrounding conntry for their liberal patronage in the past, and hopes to merit a fair share of their trade in the future, having ON HAND one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks Usua lly found in a General Store CONSISTING OV DryinGoods; Groceries, Etc.. Ready-made C ot hing, wines and 1- quors,. Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Leather, etc. Please give f. C. a Call as he . is ,datermined not to be under- sold by any establishment in this section of eounrty. IrmirmiwoimisiormitoramemommoiNisormisiorrilogonolinmartime • • • Itsl\TI/z3a, 1'AN0Y 11EEly0 AND IIISOU'IT 13AKVII, & coNFEcTsoN-Eli,, EKETEE, white returinee 11111 siectre thenits to tho inhabit mita of Ileetor end stirrer:aiding riliegos fOr their 01181 11001'l1 petionAgo, itepieg to merit a eotitinnanoc of their favors, would cell their atteatiou tohi huge steak of Cakes, Crackers and Corifectionety. ,myt if etteationaoi eeentiesed 10 WeSt01.0 Catte,da, . 'JOHN: .1.,;LA-01:4,T, PhollrOs ,p -6.,d),/, Corner Ditt)triat e41t21 Wol-footo4 $4.4 RAmeloo4 10* Fresh Pread dentitattly 011 hand at Ettoter and Neth 1134 editon, and liattellelles, tenitudia, Fftthilics Wafted on daily. 1trxter &Oil 30, 1874. C7-tf,