Times Advocate, 1994-06-22, Page 11v1EJvII1VflE R L1111 )1111 SHDHS Variety Night '94 is a huge success Photos and story by Catherine O'Brien Times -Advocate, June 22, 1994 Page 11 EXETER - This was the first year that South Huron District High School students - both past and present - along with staff tried their hand at putting together a variety show. The audience en- joyed the show so much, they barely commented on the ex- treme heat in the gym. "By Friday night we had all the bugs worked out, " said di- rector Glen- da Burrell. She has been work- ing on the show since December - ecuiting potential stars. "1 thought it would be great to bring to- gether people of all ages in per- formances, " Burrell said. She also said that anyone who audi- tioned was able to take part in the va- riety night. "We have a lot of tal- ented people in the community and this was an at- tempt to spot- light some of them, like with our After Hours Cdfe, " she said. By opening night last Wednesday there were some 40 acts taking part, in- cluding prin- cipal Joe Wood- en and a few teachers. During the three nights of entertainment, the performers kept the near capacity crowds amused with music, dance, comedy and short readings. "There was some- thing for everyone," Burrell said. Anne Packham does an inter- pretive dance. Jason Hartman plays part of a grand- mother. /Princlpal Joe Wood - Ien, above, recites 'Albert and the Lion' while MC Mat- thew Jaques, left, does his best 'Ace Ventura' impres- sion. Jenn Rompf. teacher Mary ; skit. FennMatt show °" from left, Jantsi, nBeth t take part In the 'washer woman Matt Jaques, Krlstl Sang drea Slaters, Kali, Megh>eNt' Klnher Itysre. dKlmsho