HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-7-29, Page 5;be WMBRODERICK notify 410 public that his New Store is about complot- edl and his now stock of O d:. Goods navy c ) and o T. LTRSTAY, 30th SEPTEMBER, Will be prepared to show A largeand well AssortedStock cif New Goods the whnle stock having been purchased 'within wW the last two o weeks. . ` e s The subscriber has pleasure in stating that Goods are Much lower in Price this Season than they have been for many years past, and in order to se- cure these bargains the subscriber has purchased very largely, and is determined to give his customers the benefit, which will enable him to turn over his goods much sooner than by holding on for high prices, " SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS" being his motto. His stock will be found Choice, Good and a, Well Assorted, (nd it is only necessary to call and examine the prices to con- vince all that Goods will be offered. at ASTONISHINGLY LOW FIGURES Circulars will be issued in a few days, giviiig a list of the ,different classes of "Goods kept in stock. The subscriber also wishes to'take this opportunity of return- ing his best thanks for the support so kindly bestowed upon him during his business in Exeter, and trusts by strict atten- tion to business and fair dealing to merit a share of public pat- ronage, and can assure those who favo-- him with a call that .o pains will be spared in order to please every customer. J ■ OD IC ■ P.S.-The highest price paid for. Butter and Eggs. THE L., H. & B. R. IS COMING And we are Still Ahead. .and have opened out the LARGEST, ` CHEAPES & BEST stock of Goods ever brought into Exeter. Of Everything in theGeneral Line of Business. y g e 1. slness, consisting of Staple & Fancy Dry -Goods, Millinery, F.Oa.d -made Clo'kh a .gp+ Gents' Furnishings, Hats Rs ,Caps, Carpets, House Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, Boots ,.:and°Shoes, Stationery, Wall Papers, a:rockery and Glassware, Patent Medicines, &c., circ. I have also secured the services of MR W. H. IVES of Bowlnnnville,late of Toronto, as manager of my Clothing Department. All work sent out by him guaranteed to be second tonone.in the Dominion. Pant cutting a speciality. All persons favoring us with a call Will find the goods and prites. right. Remember, {,this is the dace to get everything you want at low prices. N. B. -All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. Exeter 9, 1875. JAS. PICKARD Ole ari Sale OF SUMMER STOCK. • SAMWELL .•.4 PICKARD having para a ed largely in Enland for the Fall trade, have decided to "nark Down the . Balance their Summer Stank to ensure a complete clearance, and make room for new Fall Goods, which we expect to',arrive-in a few weeks. ` We therefore oder .tle'balance of our Summer Stook at VERY LOW PRICES' ¥fc;tri tip R,trpl�r�a,_ Mr. J Y gavage, twodoorrstrerrl Mclean s tvi„itws been Appointed our agent fel l,uca>.t 1.11,14 vi'lxiitylnut tot'iod to rceoiti'o oidors, for cub- seiiptioe0.jeeprintin ,&v.,M4totolieutW3,3°1rrlta .and give receipts ter tee same. 'rho went le not roslaorrsiOle for all einlel;l)and., Wren* our own Corresoout'vnt). Li ai . If lleiary".Ward Beechen ( Brooklyn be virtuous or ,l:lonry J orgit. son of London township bo ail up- right nragistr•ate they are sadly belied, men, Public opinion is strongly,. against the roriner, although a jury of, his countrymen taile&.to agree its to his guilt. Pizblio opinion in this plane as- sociates too name of the other with magisterial chicanery aua a doterulina- iiorl to suck outundue advantage from those vide are t ufortunate enough to to his court 1n quest ofjustice, and go � . � . the ease of Coiporatioti 'of Luciiu vs,. Henry Ferguson, lately tried before the County judge brought facts to light which will go far to justify Liman pub- lic opinion. The Lucan License In a ,actor lodged a colt- Ilaint with For 1 guson against ouo Commis for selling whiskey without license, and,` although it was the duty of the magistrate to take the vase without a deposit, he re- fused to do so but got $12,80 ,from the Inspector. He afterward, through means of his constable, got $13,50 out of the accused, $3,50 of which he complained the constable kept,and,nott withstanding this Connors was sent to jail for lion -payment of his fine and served his time in prison. When the council applied to hint for the return of the deposit he said it was all swat. lowed up in expenses and he showed a bill of costs of over $26 exclusive 'of the $3,50 he alleged his statellite appropri- ated. The judge was of opinion his costs were outrageous but to make as- srranoe doubly sure ho had the hill taxed by the county attoiney who pro- nounced many of them illegal, and the result is that the municipality has ob- tained judgment, although not for the full amount of its claim against the justice, The corporation deserves the thanks of the pulic for' the determina- tion not to be imposed Llpan. The stock consists of :Fancy Silk Dress Goods, FaucY and PlainDress Goods Beady made Clothing, White and colored Shirts, Millinery, Boots &' Shoes, Felt Hats and Caps, a gen- eral 'selection of Teas and Groceries CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER SAMWEtL & .PICKARD, osier, July 28, 075, GI'I.i ✓i"TO.)4".' Coxalslix.-Granton Fair will termi- nate to -morrow (Friday) by a grand concert in the evening. ' The best pro- gramme'yet offered to a Granton .audi- ence, 80 reported.. NEN GRAINsTorn .--Tllo site for a new graiustore was located by the G. T. R. engineer on Friday. The gentlemen who are pushing this matter will begin work at an early day. CATTLE 'KILLED. -We understand that nine head of cattle were killed a once about 3 miles west of here on th Grand Trunk Railway, on. Friday last. They wore the property' of Alex Lan ford, South Boundary Biddulph. P. or H. -The regular quarter] meeting of the "Victoria Division Grange.., Patrons of Husbandry, ria held here in the Temperance Hall, o Saturday last. About 30 ropresenta- tives were present. iVluch interes seemed to bo niauifested in their work. "Victoria" was entertained to dinner and lunch by Granton suborclinat grange. The socialty and iuterconrse thereby afforded is a high recommenda- tion' for the existence' of the order. In the evening a public meeting was hen when addresses were given by Messrs. Donald son, Fotheringham- Johnston, and Porter, on the general objects o the order. The information 'solieitec will tend, I doubt not, ,to" dispel HMO misapprehension • exisisting regardin .he order. EplscorAL Ciuncn.--A meeting o those interested in the erection of th new Episcopal church was held o Tuesday 14th.' . It was resolved not t proceed this season, but to make pro paration during winter for a vigorou proseci tion of the work during the sum mer of 11576. ELOPEMENT. - Somethingnew an novel in its character, at least for till locality,' in the shape of an elopement has furnished food for gossip for a weel or more. It would appear thatdurin early summer an intimacy sprung u betweenthedaughter of a- prominen resident of London township and young pian named Peaslee, also of Lon don. Tho intimacy` gradually ripene into affection. Onobserving this th parents of ye maiden faire caused he to return home (she was away at firs acquaintance). Her sister took he place, and the visits of the young, ma` becoming troublesome, he was iorbalde the house. Ghosts were visible in th rear part of pa's farm after this. Man causes were assigned, but subsequen uen 'events indicate clandestine meetings o the injured couple in this wise. How ever, thimzs went on apparently ac cording to order, so far as was visible t the unobserving eyes of the "innocent' parents. But lo ! one night last wee Gosse ri would not go to bed yet ;" i " was too warm in this room." Sin raised the window for air. Pool• Mar tha fell asleep, dreamed, and next morn ing awoke. Gosse /0 waru't" there Silo had flown, baggage and all, out a the window, down over the verandah thence into the loving embrace of he Peasle,, and soon was on the road t Strathroy, where' the twain were road one at 7 next morning, the measure 10 wedding dress having been taken 'b friends in pa's house about tFw o wveok before, and was already made. no returned to his friends to hear at lutes vacs the fearful denunciations of til bride's parents, but to listen with a air of triumph worthy of a succe:5sft issue to a more 1101101 able earnpalgn. OUSE AND LOri, VOR S ALK,- A good one-8te yframo house, containing l roenrs ;alai] # acre ott laud, ,ttdjohrli g the Market (pato, Exeter. On the lot is an oxeollsrst toll of ater, 1� or partieulart apldy to IsAA(; 13.13,W - DEN, 13xotcr. 7i•tf. 0.13, NO. 924 .1E-4« 141141rf, of lnoat- ing--li irst Priday ie_ ev- ery month,, owl! Stah- 1 it f4 atOrO 10 �J'orhy , ]brewr s new bl0ctic, Main st. Criszl,in ilrotl,ran cordially invited to at, told; OA'1')aN WIilT IS. JOAN' �C'11Ir3i, 70:1y. secretary, IIINCRE SE . � Il •o 13a1• ry r t vn , of "Winr;hclsoa,ir)lorm$ his 4rlorfds that he can suj'ply therm with' ell manner Lea}},,- ing, inowiug and threshing machirrti repairs, 110 ie s,lway5 ready to meet his friends. and do his best for them by supplying them with, winner e 00011 work, HAJIll;w DIt(iwN. ISSOr, tJTION OP PARtiTNER- SItIP. i'bo pat•tner•shlp ho5°o0oforo aximt• ia14 between ill00e1.0. iIo11510. & Trott, doing bust,, t the ovish 10 of Stephen as butchers and f)rors, has ham dissolved 5)5) 0)1100)101 OOntOiit w this. �tailt day of 1)ncbtelber, F1876, All :tecnun s i11 favor of and 04041s0 the late erre will be settled by 0, liolnian. j N, NOLOTAN 6ThitaA. iier,ttAS1, 1,,W IIN P.T#,f1TT .w rlluw.',1'xrorr, Witney t.4107411stopheir, sep1,a,1076, aa,'.FTRat Lt.'I. Sono , Ou'r,-Mr.': Greenway, this placo, has disposed of his store I Mi'. J. Parsons, of Crediton, • who wi shortly take possession. MUCH NEEDED. -A8 'Centralia is rap- idly growing in population and import- t ante, and there being avery large num, bei of children in the 'neighborhood of school age, the necessity for a new. school section being formed is daily bo. corning more keenly felt: We suggest that some steps should "be taken at an early date to endeavor to secure' so de- sirable au object in favor of the rising generation, seeing that• education in 'a thousand instances has proved to be a better, and more lasting fortune than wisthitn, :3C101n. wealth without OBARIVAllt.---A. few evenings since we were treated With a spullnleli of this singular, not to say barbarous mode of wolcornirtg a newly-anarr•ied couple into the village, Triose engaged higetting up and carrying out siren Seref.\ ides, of oouraa are Only aetuated by feelings of mirth and good will, yet in the eyes and euro of all good and consiiltoft citizens, this mode of honoring now ,C011101`6 can only bo looked ujlori an it brottoh of to- npoat, its Woll at of nil wv and good order, and it. laroceoling far behind the lightened wl cin whiob we live. tis to be hoped, however, unlit the goed sane' Of min young people will holioofortla bury this itidoeoloua and foolish oust; tom .and Bever jet it rise agai31 iii Qoi traria. 1LL4ai V1 O1'10,1.Y 'FOR SALE To be spld in the village of Exeter, on Simeon street, sputh of the Bil)lo Christian 17hurali, s one and a halt story brink dwelling house, containing elx,r`oerus, With nearly 3 of an acre of land Tile 1,report is well fence „picket in front and eleee boarded at the Bidet, and the house is new, llaving been built iu tho s tiring, k'or further particulate apply at this etliee or to 104 ALLEN el; the promisee, iltA.ltitl I) mc ''Alun---GBI .- At th -residence a the. 1, da' o f brides fatheriixoter, on the 15th inst,Mr, B. Mental, of Sootorth, to Miss Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr W Grigg, Exeter. t e y. n e d 1 f tr n O 3 _ and p d 11 Digt,. l30awNi4m-In Usborne, en, the '21st inst., Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr. Jirilles Brownlee, aged 19 ,7 t Fuoars month audt4days, ie'a1 takes place toelay, at 1 p.m. Sur:refs-In aixoter on the 18th inst.,LuluMinnle, infant child of Mr. Wm. Suttee. rxonAzan,T0 10 Exeter, one the ii inst., infant child of Mr, War. Pfekard. Sale Register • Wednesday Oct, 6:-I! arra stook, and implements, the property of Air. N. Clark, lot 5, con phen, Terms, 14 months, 12 noon w. • sonAuo. Saturday, 000, 9--Parm stock and implements,the Property of Mr, J. Fitzgerald, 14 months. Eodgsoli Aub.' Saturday, Oct 2' -Farm stook andimplemonte, property of A, 111cEaohan, lot 15, eon. phen. 14 months, 12 noon. H. Ort, Auot. Sat.,' Sept, 25 -Farm stook, implements, the property of S. R. Wanner, lot 7, Hay. 10 o'clock a.rn, 15th inonths H. Orth, assn. Monday, October 4, 1875 -Farm stook, monts, &e., the property of Mr. R, lot' 20, con. 8, Stephen. 1 pin. A. op, auctioneer. • Monday, Oct. 4 -Village lots at Centralia, property of Mr, Thomas Trivitt. D. Shoff, auctioneer Tuesday, Oot. 5 -Village lots, at. Hensall, property of Messrs G ct J. Petty. o'clock noon. W. Hodgson, aro Sat, Sept. 25-,9l1age lots in Exeter, propert3 of Mr. ,T Southcott, < 4 p. m. Wh son, auctioneer. 9, Ste- ilrodg- W. the 12 Ste- etc., eon, 9, credi':. imple- Adams, Bish the 1 p in. the 15 Hodg $ 100 105 40 40 • 60 12 - 17 600 12 10 7 25 5' 50 0 05• 110 10 00 2 00 100 15 , Clerk) to 10.1 10 5 to 75 to 65 to 40 to 12 to 16 to 57. to 209 tot 00 to 180 to2;05 to 100 1'27 to105 tol 05 to 10 to 65 to 6O 15 to 15 .to 11 1 02 to 1 05 to 1 10 to 0 80 to 95 to 10 to 11 to 0 75 to 13 to • 7 to 10 00 to,3 50 to 6 75 to 35 to 1 50. to. 6 .„.e./.! s Txntreifc.OExa r September O to ,23, .L' ii TkIt. \Vilito Wneat. $1 00 to Spring Wheat 1 00 to Oats 37 to Potatoes 40 to Peas 55 to 1ggs 11 to Button 1G to Flour per bbl.... ... 600 to Brain •, 12 to Shorts . 14 to Hogs 7 00 • to Beef 4 50 to 'Hides- ... ... ......... 0 01 • to Sheepskins::, ....:. ..:...... 90 to Hay 10 00 to Dried Apples::,.,.:, .. ,... 1 75 to Onions y..•... 75 to Lard„: ................ 14 to , Woul- ...., .,J .... ., 35 ST. MARY'S, (Reported regularly by A. Galbraith, Deihl wheat, per busscl 1. 00 Spring wheat ... 100 to Barley , 55 Pens - . .,, , , 60 Oo•ts .., ... ... 38 Egg., per dozen ,. .,, ... 11 Butter ... ... . 14 Wool 35 Hay 900to1000 LONDON. - White Wheat, per cental... ,. • 190 " Trc adwl oil : • 160 Red Winter wheat„. ,., -...-"•.. 1.770 Spring Wheat.., •.. 2 00 Barley . 100 Peas,,. 180t0182 Oats .,. . 1L5t° ST_,AFOI0T11. Fall Wheat 100 Spring wheat:,. •. 1 00 Oats 0 40 Barley 60 Peas 0 55 Butter 0 Eggs i 11 LIMAN. White wheat 1 ((Oto Treadwell' 1 00 Spring,:.. 1 10 Oats 03910041 Peas 0 55 Barley 00 Bettor 10 Eggs, per dozen 11 Potatoes., 75 Lard 12 Tallow 6 Hay : 8 00 ' Timothy send , 3 25 Clover seed 6 00' • Wool. 35 Sheepskins 1 CO Beef, 600to050 Hides - 5 Pork 700to750. p r• : N rL+ ,,,t 'cit". •rr) F . g �t MM d . ri 4 m 1-,' et' r c O IH l"'ji,,,,i.+ I:Ir m r ,,� U, c., C cn GJ. (��` -ym p 1 y W, m N r, cn V cn O 1' i) ,- C Pi m Ea V k 01.-t co P 0 F'''e Ot^; o P P 1 eft` ,rate c0 �, Q i•. u h•,, to ie_(,-, `,4 6 0 e, ee tztJ 11:5cie is Y, 5, r,-.1 C;, o 0 r o.ri. Y h c?, H r,. t4- CJ k_. c rte' a u-- �..�r .w'; Cg4 0 c - )1to JR. (� 1Ina co. Eh' ,� -4 gis AS Which both ]uys Oh Bells for Cash f1RST•C19SS GR91N IS NOW OFFERING B,11,(1 A Full Pound xn: Weight !OR I�4�O� ��R ' and one ufIlypound and Woou ounces anwei�ht> of a very superior r nale, qbite equal ��f not better, than any o h r manufacture in the Dominion for .4.50 AT GREATLY GREY .COTTONS TLY .._ .A, RED - ED U C PRICES, MORE A Good Cotton, 34 in. wide for 7 ots.; and 36 in. wide for 8 and 9 ots, per yd. A large lot - OF THOSE CHEAP from 12• cts. per yard up just arrived, Also, a quantity of those cheap HOLLANDS TOWELS at 5 and cts. each and Tovellrn s at 5 and 8 cis.. ei yard. A. fresh supply ofSugars lust arrived, and selling still cheaper r than before. STANLEY & Is the Cheapest Spot in Town for Anything or Everything fn the General Store Line. Exeter, September 7, 1875. JOHN B ANTON begs to advise his many friends that he expects to OPEN OUT WITH A ,NEW STOCK IN PANSOI 'S NEW BLOCK October Next About 7th August 18th, 1875. G ElOG'E LA 3C:A Fashionable BOOT &- SHOE MAKER Sin of the �' Big .�- g Boot, Lucan, Ontario, Arr OULD acquaint the inhabitants of this and the surrounding country, and those visiting V V 4 , • Luoan market, that ho has on hand a large stock of Boots and Shoes of his own man- ufacture, also imported work, which he CAN $ELL AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. and that he is preparecl to do order work second to none, a:, he employs none but First-clas workmen, and uses nothing but First-class Stock. G. CATHCART. Lrcan October22, 1874. (61-y1) rat L Lid0 JERMY■ R ODDS' " SELLING CHEAPER- R 7°4/6) G THAN F.VERAT HENDERSON & WHITE ] M P O R IU M �IIac sso�s�ro G. s. SMITH •' ST. MARY'S GEORGE KEMP begs to end the attention to those desirous of pur- chasing a first-class article_ in Pipes Tobaccoes Cigars that owing, to the increased demand he has im- ported direct from England a splendid assort wont of MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TOBACCO. POUCHES (different designs) Cigar Holders (best quality),English Clay Pines in great variety, Genniuo Briar Pipes, Tobaccoes, all the leading , arioties, and other goods for use of smokers too numerous to mention, which will bo sold 25 per cent. les than any other place in Exeter. Remember the spot, next door to Tre- ble's shoo store, Main street, Exeter. GEORGE KEMP. Exeter, Sept. 16, 1875. OYER 400,000 Our stock this season has been bought and se, lected for us by Mr. Smith personally in the Euro- pean markets, from first hands- for cash,. along with his own stook for his wholesale house in Th - route, at a timo when trade allover the world was stagnant and the money market most stringent, and goods in the hands of manufacturer a drug, thus placing him in a position to make his own terms for rots and to take full advantage of the highest premium that has ever been placed, on READY' MONEY" for years. We aro now prepared to show our cnlE- tomers Cneaper Goode and Bettor: Value than we over did before, and only goods bought under arch. cireumatan'- es And in qualitit:es such as a whole- sale house requires could bo shewo at the prides. Ordered and Ready-made 1both=ng Department enlarged. Piles of new Tweeds cheap, arts great Bargains in Ready-made Suits. HEN.DERISON & WHITE Successors to G. B. Smith. St. Mary's, September 22, .1875. S& U. AG. SOCIETY. -THE • following prizes will bo offered for horses f Q in the several classes by tho Stephen & IIeborno / Agricultural Society at the show' to bo held in,'Ex eter, on Thursday and Friday, 7th and sea Octob- er,1875. See largo posters. " CLASS 1st. `- HORSES --HEAVY DRAFT. Best Brood Mare f Hemlock Lumber or S' V AT THE Freidsburg Saw Mil. TNO. COOZ, BRo,. Frei ) oundirco country that to ortn they hhae vepeople ngover 400,000 feet of DRY HE1311e 1010 LUMBER, which they are of- fering at greatly roducod prices, viz., $6 PER THOUS'.tD, IN QUANTITIES, being $1 less than last year's figure. ALSO ASH & BASSWOOD, A11 kinds of sized Lumber, scantliug and joist up to 1811. in length always in stock, Longer than that sawed to order, JI30. COOK & BRO. Froidsburg, September 16, 1875. 107-3m. INTERESTING. EDI CAL men say that nothing is so im i3 portant to gord health as a room com fortably warmed. The season of year is now at hand when you will requite the very best 7^ S ATO Y � 1st. 2nd. $2 00 $100 - Foal 2 00 1 00 Three year-old Gelding 200 1 00 Three -1 `rFilly l old L. OU 100 �. Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Gelding 2 00, 1 00 One -year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Span of Draft Horses 3 00 2 00' CLASS 2nd.-HORSESGENERALP• URPOSE Best Brood Mare 2 00 1 'al Foal 2 00 1 00 Three-year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 One -year-old Filly . 2 00 1 00 One -year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 Span of General Purpose Horses S 00 2 00 CLASS 3rd. -CARRIAGE HORSES. Best Brood blare 2 00 1 00 Foal 2 00 1 00 F -i Three-year-old Gelding 2 CO 1 00 Three-yoar oil Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Two-year-old Gelding 2 00 1 00 One• year-old Filly 2 00 1 00 Ono -year-old Golding l°i Spall Carriage Horses 0 00 2 00 Baggy Horse 2 00 1 00 Best pla,ir Driving Horses . AND (Roadsters) 2 00 1 00 2 0() 1 00 B I SS ETT BROS. Best Saddle Horse 2 00 1 00 beg to say that they have just received one of the largest Stocks in the county, eonsistiug of Stoves of the very latest design and the boat manufactures, which WILL BE SOLD EEASONA73LY CIIIaAP Their aim is and always has been to satisfy cur touters. Hardware, Tinware, Cop erwwareetc. always onhand. Alto the, v7 at iAo0 Azt i anti 1,000 :Li3'OCJAf,I;ci101t Il18. Old Pas Copper, herr roto, bought. g pp ]BTSS'11'1"i' 131.108t Stages laaye l iter daily for 1,uoalr and :t•,Ondot, at la•m,; arrivlug 10 •1',iioan at tZ a.ni, ; hi London at et, nf, 8aaves London for lvxoter et 0pan x,odair, at 511, n).: arlvi6g hr Exeter at 7 p'.±0 r Clinton itIn ' twi os leave Exeter dailyfo CI teat u 6 a, arriVitng In lhitohat 10 Ain,- Leave Clinton a 080p.no arrive in 100±0±r, at We pan at,agesleave Exeter on Pnosdaytr Thursday ar dsaturdays for St• ly cry's, at 0 a,tu„a0rii iiig in ti►defer Aeon trains qc int; east a..il west, Loays Iiiar'y%At2,710p,n .; attiff5 -1 x0, et at 8110 Lally' & Gentleman Bider 2 00 1 00 a er. k' 9 i11105 IBdFIInY�ralYitU Every Thursday Mornin de Tnt on'vrcn, plalios,vrt ,M 0.sort's rt:c 1'10ithT>4 $0.10 tier annum, payable- strictiv n advance NO subscription taken for lees Chnt ele•rtro=ittt+a'. 'lilt ihsortlo)i lice lino,..,... Be 168e1 '9iikis0 )unit 1)1500000 per lino . ,,:,20 A,lvrn0isenionts of strayed 0(1101 », abrtielcs'l081 or uu11,1, &o., not exceeding torr ines-•-first biotin) t 1,00; ucch 50105t04narnt 1110nt11, 6000111L b 10119 tllar01 S Notices of i , ttiga laud clatatloins) r to r,no• ,l,leortisonientri Without 5 ec11e ilirectIone ii11,1 be (tlsortiid till forbid, and charged accordingly Advertisements to, bo measeicd by a scale 60 if I, l t o a0io1. sol r p 1,°;1 r,t 5) 4OOSILx„tr.5.s.i' �; '11t6 following rites will bo charged .ter yearly l'Ivertiacments; - '055 030 tie, 0 ito9, 0 2iCt,`1 (115„01,1(1)0 ,,,,,,,$60 ,. ., 35 JR5 tY It waiter 20,. „•, 11 k,lglitlt t2 d IluriiaC550Axtbp,�A11G1inoSt,0ln+lar.�4 tr,r, 5 tomo, rd•. J. NV114I';I