HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-06-15, Page 23Cards of Thanks 1
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r Come join us as we celebrate,
e Pearl's special birthday date.
We'll chat over tea, coffee and
tcake. Best wishes only, please
• a request we make.
une 19, 2-4 p. m,
e St. Marys United Church
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Tunes -Advocate, June 15, 1994 Page 23
OKE - Tom and Deb Oke of Osborne Twp.
are pleased to announce the safe arrival of
their daughter, Shelby Louise. born May 20.
1994 at St. Joseph's Hospital. London.
weighing 8 lbs. 6 ozs. Proud grandparents
are Allen and Marjorie Oke, also of Usbome
Twp. and Ron and Dianne Zellas of St.
Thomas. Great-grandparents are Charles and
Eva Zellas of St. Thomas and Beatrice Gor-
don of Union. 24c
PFAFF - Harvey and Dorothy Pfaff are hap-
py to announce the arrival of their fourth
grandchild Sarah Ann. Proud parents are
Steve and Jo Ann and big sister Stephanie.
A new cousin for Stacey and Scott. 24*
RUPERT - Ron and Karen Rupert (nee Par-
sons) are very happy to announce the safe
arrival of their twin boys on June 2. 1994 at
Victoria Hospital: Mathew Douglas weigh-
ing 6 lbs. 1 oz and Ryan Joseph. weighing 6
lbs. 7 112 ozs. Proud grandparents are Doug
and Norma Parsons of Exeter. Harold Ru-
pert. Windsor and Bev Rupert, Comox. B.C.
Special thanks to Dr. Waters and Dr. Cher -
nick. 24'
STEPIHENS/STEFFENS - Introducing the
1994 Miss Masonville! Big brothers Jake
and Jeff are pleased to announce the birth of
their sister Grace Joanna Marie. born May
27, 1994 at the corner of Richmond St. and
Sharian Blvd.. London. Grace is the third
grandchild of Herman and Joanne Steffens.
Lucan and fifth grandchild of Joe and Mary
Stephens, Kirkton. Great-grandmother is
Pearl Stephens, Kirkton, and great -great-
grandmother is H. Husen, Holland, Special
thanks to daddy, third floor nursing staff, St.
Joseph's, Dr. Jadd, Oma and Opa and the
terrific nurses at South Huron Hospital for
all their TLC. 24*
Open House
COPELAND - You're invited to an Open
House for the 80th Birthday of Ethel Cope-
land of Kirkton on -Sunday, June 19 from
2:30 to 4:30 at the Kirkton-Woodham Com-
munity Centre. Your presence is your gift.
45th Anniversary
The family of Mac and Bill Butson cordially
invite you to an open house in honour of
their parents' 45th wedding anniversary at
their home. 8 Duke St.. Seaforth on Satur-
day. June 18 from 7 p.m. to ? Your presence
is our gift. 24•
memory of a dear father, father-in-law and
grandfather, Morley Cooper who passed
away 11 years ago June 28, 1983, and Frank
McClinchey who passed away 3 years ago
June 19, 1991.
There is a bndge of memories.
From here to heaven above.
That keeps you very close to us.
It's called a bridge of love.
As times go by without you.
And days turn into years.
They hold a million memories,
And a thousand silent tears.
To us you were very special,
What more is there to say.
Except to wish with all our hearts.
That you were here today.
Sadly missed and never forgotten by Lloyd.
June and Scott. 24c
GOVERS - In loving memory of a dear son
and brother Ken, who died June 16. 1988.
A special smile. a special face.
A part of our family we cannot replace.
To have a son to love then to part.
Is the greatest son -ow of one's heart.
Ow family has grown since you left.
But they know their Uncle Ken.
They look at your picture and understand,
They'll never be able to touch your hand.
No longer in our lives to share.
But in our hearts you are always there.
Always loved and sadly missed by Mom and
Dad, Rick, Marg and Emily, Mary -Ann.
Mike. Michelle and Matthew. 24'
RATZ - in loving memory of our dear son
and brother. Glen, who passed away June
14. 1970.
Precious forever our memories of you,
Today, tomorrow and all our lives through,
Wherever we go. whatever we do.
We shall always love and remember you.
Lovingly remembered by Mom. Dad. Larry
and Barbara. 24.
ain South
Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Sunday June 19
11 a -m. Outdoor Service
at McNaughton Park
Everyone Welcome
Comer of James and Andrew St.
June 19, 1994
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
and Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Courtesy Car:
Elly VanBergen 235-2586
264 Main Street.
Exeter. Ontario
The Rev. Fay M.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
June 19, 1994
11 a.m.Holy Eucharist
Words of the 1962 Prayer book
Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sheds Vander Meer
Worship Services
June 19
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4
during morning service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
June 19
11:00-12:10 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
We may give without loving, but we
cannot love witfxxit giving.'
June 19
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Wheelchair access
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, June 19
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Morning Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. • Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
For more information please •
call 229-8881
June 19
9:30-10:45 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
670 Main SI. S.
Pastor Vemon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stable
Sunday, June 19
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Nursery available tor all services
eararw �
'A place to meat God and a (nand'
GUNNESS - Suddenly at University Hospi-
tal, London, Ontario, on Sunday. June 12.
1994, John Vernon Gunness of Huron Park.
in his 71st year. Loved by his late wife Au-
drey Jane Gunness (1989). Beloved step-
father of Cindy Forrest (Bob). Liz Hudgins
(Derwyn), and Ila Bowerman all of Exeter.
Art Bowerman (Betty), Jane Bowerman and
Lillian Heam (Mark), all of Huron Park.
Herb Bowerman (Ruth) of Belmont, Wend)
Campbell (Gary) of Hensall, Susan Glasgow
(Bob) of Glencoe. Karen Clouds (John) of 11-
derton. Father of Catherine Gunness. Barba-
ra Deakin. Laurie Cameron (Richard). Patrr
cia Gunness. John Gunness (Marisa).Paul
Gunness, and David Gunness all of n4on
Brother of Stella Fisher of Lucan and Mar.
garet Royal of Strathroy. Survived by 19
grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild and
several nieces and nephews. Predeceased h)
6 brothers and I sister. Rested at the Dinney
Funeral Home, Main Street, Exeter. for visi-
tation Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Legion ser-
vice at 6:30 p.m. Funeral service will he
held on Wednesday. June 15. 1994 at 1 30
p.m. with Rev. Fay Patterson of Trivitt Me-
morial Anglican Church, Padre of R.E. ('00 -
ley Branch #167 Legion officiating. Inter-
ment in Exeter Cemetery. Donations to
South Huron Hospital, Heart and Stroke and
Lung Association would be appreciated by
the family. 24c
MILLER • Peacefully at Blue Water Rest
Home, Zurich. on Friday, June 10, 1994.
Emilie Marie Elizabeth (Miller) Miller. for-
merly of Dashwood. in her 97th year. Be-
loved wife of the late Reinhold Louis Miller
(1983). Loved mother of Martha and Colin
Hindley of London. Lorna and Harold Main
of Elmwood. Hubert and Vesta Miller of
Dashwood. Loving grandma of 8 grandchil-
dren and 10 great-grandchildren. Dear sister
of Oscar Miller of Dashwood: sister-in-law
of Edith. Greta and Grace Miller. Hildegard
and Earl Stumpf and Earl Kursinsky. Prede-
ceased by her brothers Rudolph. Samuel.
Ferdinand and Walter Miller. her sisters Al-
meda Miller and Mary Andersen; her par-
ents Simon and Elizabeth (Krueger) Miller.
Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Fu-
neral Home, Dashwood. Funeral service was
held at Zion Lutheran Church. Dashwood,
on Sunday, June 14 1994 at 2 p.m. Pastor
Larry Stojkovic officiated. Interment Zion
Lutheran Cemetery. If desired, memorial do-
nations to a charity of choice would be ap-
p+,:ciated. 24
CHAPPEL - The family of the late Marie
Chappel wishes to thank friends, neighbours
and relatives for their prayers, cards. calls.
visits, flowers, donations and food brought
to their homes. Special thanks to Dr. Hod-
der. staff at South Huron Hospital, Rev. Cor -
del Parsons. Dinney Funeral Home and the
Staffa Church ladies who served the lunch.
Your kindness. care and support will always
be remembered. 24•
DAVIDSON • Many thanks to my family
and friends for the visits, phone calls, cards.
flowers and gifts. Special thanks to Dr. Po-
toschnik and the nurses at Stratford General.
24' Shirley
DESJARDINE - A very special thank you
to the teachers and parents of Usborne Cen-
tral School who worked so hard to make my
Retirement Open House such a memorable
event. Thank you to my family friends and
colleagues for the many cards. gifts and best
24' Morley
HOGGARTH - 1 really enjoyed talking and
reminiscing with everyone who came to
share in my ninetieth birthday. it was good
to meet everyone again. Thank you for your
cards and gifts.
24' Ruby
to express our thanks and appreciation to all
those who participated in helping to make
our show at McCurdy Public School on Jdne
6, a great success. Mr. Rob Walker of Huron
Park was the winner of our 50/50 draw, and
he won S204.00. We had many donations
that were given as door prizes. They were
donated by: Stephen Township Fire Dept..
Tasty Nu Bakery & Cheese House. Oscar's
Video, Sugar & Spice. Mary Lou Becker.
Darlene Robinson, The Purple Turtle. Cana-
' dian Tire. Country Flowers, New Orleans
Pizza, McDonalds, Gerrards, Stedmans,
Centralia Farm Supply. Glanville Towing. A
special thanks to the Exeter Legion. who
sponsored the club for the purchase of club
jackets and hats. We also would like to
thank all the parents who helped and sup-
ported the group with the preparation for the
show. 24•
gion Ladies Auxiliary Br. 468 Hensall
v auld like to thank businesses and individu-
als for their kind donations to our recent
Penny Sale. Also to Paul Klopp. M.P.P. for
his assistance with the draw, Michael
O'Connor for the use of his buildings, to
members and those who helped in any way
24c iva Reid, President
LUTHER • In loving memory of Bonnie
Luther. Ivan Luther and family would like to
thank relatives and friends for their love.
support and prayers. A special thanks to the
girfs of the Town & Country Homemakers
and Palliative Care, Dr. Hodder. the nurses
and staff of South Huron Hospital, Rev. Pec
blcs, Hoffman's Funeral Home, Ronnie's
girlfriends, the pallbearers and all those who
gave generous donations and beautiful flow-
How do 1 love thee? Let me count the ways
1 love thee with the breath. smiles. tears. of
all my life! 1 shall hut love thee better after
24• Ivan
PROGRAM - The Palliative Care Volun-
olumteer Program wish to thank the many indi-
viduals and businesses who supported our
annual "Time to Touch" Dinner Auction
Thanks to those who donated services or
items. to those who gave their time and tal-
ent and to those who attended. All of whom
made our day so special- 24c
Mon., June 13/94: Game 1:
$12.50 ea.Elizabeth Puptock.
Heather HIrtell, Nancy Oowson,
Elizabeth Mason.Game 2: $50
Ann Lawrence. Game 3; $50 Cora
Wurm. Game 4: $37.50 ea.
Jeanne Parent Elaine Riley.
Game 5 $100 Carrie Russell.
Game 6; $100 consolation Kelly
Talbot. Next weeks Jackpot
•if •1 I 110'.-
` ailtail_LRIvauayyyytaiakataNtaLl_
aam &pp
in Thames Rd.
United Church
Mon.. June 201
Adults: $8., children 12 and
under $3.50, preschool free
for Brad Taylor
& Ann Marie Kiley
Sat., June 18
Lunch provided
For information cal!
235-2457 or 235-3107
Ii' Happy 10th Anniversary
Mom & Dad
Lots of love from Michelle
& Matthew XOXO
Wedding Reception
JUNE 1 8, 9 p.M.
Elimville Sunday School
June 19
at 10 a.m.
Guest speaker:
Valerie Hodgins of
Siloam United Church ti
r• �G�en Barbed
r V O0
e Motherwell - Avonbank
z Presbyterian Church e
r Kirkton Community Centre i
€ Wed., July 6, 5 to 8 p.m. I
e Adults (1/2chicken) $I0. g
e Child (1/4 chicken) f5. i
e Reserved tickets only
e Call Gordon at 229-6659
e r
Strawberry &
Ham Supper
Wed., June 22
Holy Trinity Anglican
Church, Lucan
5 - 7:30 p.m.
Adults $8.00
Children 12 and under
Preschoolers free
If you are an older individual
who cares for a spouse, a
partner, a friend or a relative,
join others for 3 afternoons to
share Ideas and get
Discussions start:
Thurs. Jule 7
Lions Parkview Place,
Seniors Building,
271 Beech Street, Lucan,
Ontario NOM 2J0
1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Call: Middlesex -London
Health Unit, Public Health
Nursing, 663-5317
extension 2461
Sponsored by the Caregiver Support
Group lesex-London Health
Unit, r of Nurses and
Thames 'Placement
Coordination Service.
You're always saying you're
— so old
So now you really are
riuck & 1
for Tanya Delbrldge
& Dale Allen
Sat., June 18
D.J. Beef BBQ, $5
,I 1•I (wf
& Doe
for Jeff Verelien &
Gia King
Fri. June 17
Stratford Coliseum.
lunch provided
For information call
Happy 25th Anniversary
June 14, 1994
Bob and Ann Oke
Love Sheila & Corrie
Buck ftDoe
for Randy Bowers
& Julie Hendrick
Fri. June 24
Dashwood Community Centre
$5.00, beef barbecue,
age of majority required
For information call
Happg 50th Anniversary
Runt Bernice and Uncle Bob
Love and Best Wishes
Jean G Bob, Kim and Tim,
Scott, Lori G Mikala
Sister Erma
.oo oo- . -• • -•- o o o, o 4o, 4.
Open House
Doug & Eva Triebner
on the occasion of their
'i 60th Wedding Anniversary
Sun. June 26,
2 - 4 p.m.
Trivitt Memorial Church
(Parish Hall)
:�4��►��.w.�.�.�.�.w.�.�.��.�..�...Best wishes only
Coming events
BOOK SALE, Exeter Branch Library, June 16, 17, 18. regular hours. Good used books
for all ages and tastes. 24•
SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, June 19 at the Wingham Legion Hall. Dancing 7 to I I.
Music by: Tumbleweed North. No blue jeans please. 24e
THE MARTENE REUNION is being held on Sunday. June 19. 1994 at I p.m. at
Dashwood Community Park. Bring food. beverage and dishes for pot luck dinner. 24•
STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Wednesday. June 22 at Dashwood Communi-
ty Centre. Sponsored by Dashwood U.C.W. Please note: Supper is 1 week later this
year. Adults 57.50; 10 and under S3.00; under 5 free. Takeouts 50e extra. 22,23.(24)c
STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Lucan.
Wednesday, June 22. 5 to 7:30 p.m. 22.23.(24)c
STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER, Wednesday, June 29, 1994, Brinsley Angli-
can Church. Adults 57.50; 12 and under 53.00.11 23.24,(25)•
FISH FRY, Sunday. July 3. 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.. Ihasonic Hall, 248 McConnell Street.
Adults SI0.00 advance, SI1.00 at the door; children $6.00. (All you can cat.) Tickets
available from Order of Eastern Star members or phone 2.34-6377 1724,25,(26)c
BRiNSLEY UNITED CHURCH Chicken Barbecue, Wednesday, July 13. 1994.
Time: 5 to 7 p.m. Adults 58.50. children 53.50.
ANNUAL iOOF LODGE CAMPOUT will be held on August 1910 21 at Family Par-
adise Campground Contact Wilmer Adkins 235-0523 or Sam Skinner 229-8292.
South Huron District High School
June 15, 16, 17
8 p.m. Small Gym
Tickets available at the school or through Greeting ('ar(1
World, Tickets SS.00