HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-7-29, Page 3r ,t menIio , rco uel, of N. LI, 'Atarf L Jolm kl,tu, of llarrigon to Alanitoba. 'The follkming few notes IA hien )1a,,r1tle: took of Ins trip aftor attiring at \Vinuilpe. • 40,),rot,‘4,1 Winni-1,,•:0;•,,,,• a pi.ic"4:"@1voAly nioritopoi:tance than they o'o,)e,;ted, arrival tY met with, 3 numbOr of old friend th.,) to se,„ t.h.o airt)ng the tILt tl,to.Y fell in with if latne$ Stirtoti, f;;;:cxathalrip- betherofDa\ id 8triton, e sQn$.11 Wilnipe peT.ihttion abottt folar t',14 .11%.%) th...,usAmA inilabitant.,3; and so'cu iii lniokbui1dit is in tin eity ot lTamilton Or TQr,,'"„t';, but 1;it3 ,,),,ru is built vi b. wood. The f saw atql griA mi 1Thele Ll3Tloy havo >,) the ex'.ani,A.le ( t' lown-;iiOn- ai by s t& Ling 11t1 onn TI,Eve 13 as. nice a conutry around 1 ever .3,aw i'tinyIn.e, 7,0„ .--111„yppori cr,et.ythi them, From ii„;•i',.) V,"Qtt 'vas Inthing of an) '21:1.(%). t tit P ooeosionally 11 d3U p Aktr iitiiy 1I niado our way b,te whore t'M y- ful, aft,'..w which we started for home 3)1 t3'stewrio. felkirk., up tho Red Rivor, which is the nio...t eroolteCI f evel 'Cie land along here don't looi. d to settle on, th,m,,,,;,,11 them .nne Moo scomr,. 'Thiterminate, tra.Vels through TAranik,ba. We then 1:nide1 on. the „lmoeican Nvo found a imIra congouhd clime frae f1.1.:1 grasshoppers and mo.iquitees. out of the ordinary course :,nts occurred after this till w3 .forind it netymsary to start home, t\hich find tho bet tv.laptc711 to u.uf au.) We S.:1W Oil our whole trip, and believe itt ito',withst:tnding disadvnutagos suepasss aytiiig yot to be "ou,v1 West --Guei, It LIT BR313tTtS, OF Si3i_c;l1)1NCi. CU MAC) 3.1' THE Y313.3, SI% John, N, B., August 11, 1869. 3. : ;I:onsider it my duty 4...) i:)f,trin you of the groat benefit 1 liave1Ce3Lrwl from the u,aa .of your Compound Syrup ,)1vphop1osp1xites. I have been,f)r the 1:t3t niue yoarso, greatlior suiTerer from BL•t,uchitis and .Astbinzi, at times so. that tor echs I could noither lie doti 1.or 'take any notnish went of ttny eon sequeno,.,,, and duringthe time In:oust:1v. 1 have had, at 0.3.112erein tina.::s„ Cho adviee o'fs twenty-two physi- pia.nst '••• 'e••• • 1 • '• sale to oi 1 .1 Lam,. oi draught ".‘vas sure to result in a severe attat:k 1 lly disease. Fiudi.)g no ro- f from all the ra:.‘,113in3s I had t tkei twneirded to try yta,. Compound Syrup of Ilypophosp, ins, and liavt 1;rer,t reason to G. d for the re- st,lt. I Lave, in all, talcen LwtIve tiL t 'Ales, and now .1 fool as strong and ft, well as 1 ever felt in tny life, aud feu last ye.n: have not had a inoinci.t s :iclimess, and n3ither11001 dampness oi {lraught have the loasf effect upon me -Weie 1 to write on the subject 1.1 hours, I could. not say enough in praist of your inva:uble Compound Syrup o dlypopho .pLites,or,give a:.,d quote ido: .of my sufferings. Yuri are at iiberiy ti make what use 3. -on please of this 1,ette• 1„:cause hope it. publicity 'may betht 1:1 %ins c)f oon,sntting Oth',33 tiuff.33cirs a. , as it. LittS no. 1 reinai:,, yo urs respectfull-v, mr,s. Hip V./...LILL, Exmouth stveot. 44...shaurEaroonoono......mt. pf ,tr.szzel,4 (lt• fa,e1 in CO11fli3Ct101t with he is that taluy are not afraid o notic0 ti.is even Di oxee,a tions. J1.IC .lonjorily of men who an got itre reported to die "golue.” D.Jath 14lowiag di 010 or injury is se dornaccompanit.t1 Diseits, dull. tlio intollece so t1ift1 the situti- ,tonmay-:not be folly cornirolieucled ;or .1.11.4y• be pain, ad :oath is 100130,1 Lpoll as a relief. Nature, by p, ovisi n, scems to prepare foy. the f1i111, of' tile spirit; as tt.,e hold upol, li:o grow tt natIzer, so ous tile desire fol life grow less; and in scarcely 0 single :101 133030 thy 0tt,11 expc,ience, or Iv thin t„at of iny professiomtI.h.roLliven it11 Wt1c,111 1 have conver.,ed 210011 1)31:3 not tile dying 11001 t U111 --1. IIIOid, the 1,„st sce3ni4 4..elacte.t.ce or fear. The ..ov31.31;1 pity. ical plictiotneno ti 1‘,.,..acti accompany 01 tc:;log Vary F.:unsiderablo 113 tile 0.,3ly sht.gos with the ctuses which produce death. ; there is inu,.:11 similarity in the latter stops. 1)eatli, offers then, a ;Ai csiognoiny which, o.oe witaos,ic, , i.3 not 11,t3c1 t,/ 201 ;AO again. A:uo„.t - the inure C012.L3d1 84118 aro cae, p0130, NtIneh grmlu: 1- b 13033333, imperpoptible, 11 is', at, 1110 wrist 1 3 -ttly 1.1e, oroat Itself; Lilo e3- tre0n3ti3:4 grow cold.; the esn.l.tontlice c.:angos as (lie vel,lotis blood cou).a.,i 1113 03101Ies ; skin grows clammy ot..- tho 101,33 ; 1130 oye gh,,,,reg; ;lie jaw ,1)s; Llio 33331 accumulates in tlio .0313303 ;g the -death rattle, - 113. i1i1 LLIe ai:paoses 1;1ron,,31; cotta,,,4 :hurt, and liholly ceo,4,2s, tho,30d bit)0(1.. 'MVOs the the Ipt14me11t, becomes 01)1003e'l, and tido dolioient. bueonnri, 001.103001. :Ituy L11110.1 words'' are 113 ?13330d 1)y afLetin Li tu nac 41J1 11103,1 11 1 al; 13303311113 if them '1 its ably rti. all. "IC gliO 0.".1 dariCy''/Ot '311 0311 avo the ooninion laynIgo 08 110 -opo 1101111) 1110s its ethiluttis ; nr 'trango sights w ty 1)L: seen. and 101101(3 1011, oc.our solootinies in the ail] 11,111neita,t,k,I,5 of t,:to 1,114 ,,by be oCt..n.t 031)1012131) upoti litIt (11)33 0i11.131 r ag gel/Ilan/An 1Ig 12111113 eity 111131 Lle3 31 fi's‘" 4"Y'; citiU t's‘) 111,11,10 32 „ , (LOVV1 1 lllu 11.ver 3111(1 111 rtsinga, 32a113113 11011104 ,311 111211 in a, spaA'sely a,* 1110 310.1d \VD, ill 10 47V01113i31 103:lied l(bdorn, 1 find this t ainued,•clown ott tho floor on a ard, vorY 131' „ 1100 ilia Ioeiauol v.s.`rt" 111 t1.1' 13111,'3` end 0:i tlie 13001 l',1^ 1131c1 IW') hniIM 311001. by k) ..f•thonlder, 03131 13.13):1:1,1;,.,41),,;31, whm (.11,1 hiol in 111. pmvorfal 3))) 131Y to %tub 1 13ant to ax a favor.' 1' imintroil the VIeW031"?..k'orp03 bo rubbed 11113 eyos and soLt t 1) 1)0'3 pi.ax don't yo trinver , of eourso.' rAo'n the old woulit,3 ean't soriielloty Fshe's cross and redly, ,Ind I 80031 1313 t1131110, i most - who, wo, 3101111111...J; tp ,„vort'l ole 1)001.1. V'ere've111 ild fit ; ,raE3j. she's eirtioit grit, and it's an even rill sorry," put 131 thQ Vicits imIrgor as tno squatter ,esitated. becn a balkin' since we 01101, ,trang,:r, and we've inatlo np to ahl1 yo to hold tlk? cm:4110 111131 hi us ge in for to ole 3O33103 of a, fight—a, reg -lar ole tw(Adolager, )0.1011 will 10 (1133 otrr fuso 1 11 1 liek 6110'11 go ; 3)1131 11 silo licks I'll 101 sorry if Lk 11011 3310, 01111 I 1331),3 you 31 .3)11 31311)1 lo've got to do it, ,11.131nger !' tlie woman, 1 won't live will' a .n.ttn, who 63331 iiok ino, and he's just as Sana's as good 13;i the tun „3' wen, but 110'1 lazy and saksy, iicl ,vants 10 woar his hot on. h1,3 08.3 vigli' stranger,' said the squat - tor, and this cabi1 can't liold both of 333 143)31031 11.'6 tit a, fair light etnbuine.:, 13111 we wou't ...79 hack on your decision 1' l'icksburgor prote.-,ted, but the 113011131.1.1 placed a lighteot candle in his haml, and posted himself in tlie door, :31111 man and 3130 :111331 stepped out an tile ground.. 11 I'm going to wallop ye right smart, j tist four hoots kaal a holler 1' said the sfluittter, Its lie pushed up his sleeves, Saul, y -e (10111 weigh 'nun' into t,liree tons 1' she ropliod, itt it grim voice, and die battle comniericcd„ The Vicks15tirger mentally 1)et twenty to 011e on 1110 rnan 131 start, but in two minutes lie had rodocad the odds to ten, and it' two inure minutes lie wits but litlg °veil. Tlio wit'u was like a t\ id cat, 1-pringing, dodging, striking and clawing, and pretty soon lier ()and 113311 to 1( 1113(1 011 tho dol;‘usivo. Look out for 1110 Bongal tiger, Sake 1' lie warned', 01(1313(31 the air. 1 can whip tho boots off n yo, S tin !' lie replied, ;Jai 1110 battle grew more Ode of the wt-maan's sharp naih- ,truell tho 1,u balal's eye ancl blind(Al him foz 01 1111133111. As lie tlinw up his arms she seiz,'d both her hands into his hair, _vaulted him do \vii, 133131 111 ano- ther 111011133111 111(11 11.o gmigo' 011 t13.7 chntd \1'110(1, St-tIze, and £'1111 11 lielied man,' lie 1000171111111y - zWered. She lot 111111 up a11412110 turned to the. Vicksburger and inquired : Stranger, was it a, fa'r folfght.?' 1 Irne..,s it \\ l' 11'1(m 1 trave.1 He 01011 eatersd Intt, put 011 his 3)0(31211)31 11331, tcolc up his rido, and a, 113 earne out he reached his hand to his wife 133111 said 3 -- Good-bye, Sake? We agreed fa'r d squar, ancl liere 1 !' Then tur_ - ing to the traveller, he added obleegod, strangor—ye 11E.Ad the Landle plump ftt'e, mid didn't holler for either 01.0 of us.' And. lie ‘valked clown to the fence, leaped over and 1.73)1.3 80011 lost to sight. 31+0031 '11011 on the slio;•,t,' anised the ccife as she gazed itftrr him. but Ills" tightim; clitr run down to UU thin. 1 'icksbury i.Lerald. - CE N U - TAKEll'SEX:PEIIIENOE IN IL f.1.‘1.1I1A. hadjust rect. ived my api)ointinent and. startod out to begin lily la,bors 3111 it " Census New to the busi- ness; aaid having been f.. rewarned of coming troubles in the v, ay (if rebuffs f3001 scilitive ladies, stupid folks and 0111033, 1. had deLormine(1 to begin in suell 0 way as to \vin attention f301/1 those1 WaS to approach. Here is an ,teoonut of my first call in. pay di.triet in (Jhelum.% cuunty : i\ly-f,dio, blanks and pencil were all in good shape. and after h,tving lung a doorbell 1 ealm'y awaited the ailswev to my eall. All Orld lady ertutif u ly opened tlie 31003. " iNladain," 1 81) 311, "1 have e,alled for tno census." "Yes," slie replied c Inhly, ;vial a 10011 that, told she ladled to realiza tile force of my 8 13,0111011±. 1 ropeotuti the 'woeclo.— " Madam, 1 0011331 for tile census." X stare of 80.3113110 133131 re -3d3-..s'anei,t 011101' spoutaels prefaced the reply— "Yes what aid you say ?" Again I 111131, and perIntps with too math ern - 311(1.118. "The e'en 113-1110 03318116, y011 ONIT, (10 1— n 0, I 310111. 1 "Liess yoa're crazy ain't you ? Who be you 2" Tilcioupon she grasTed tlic door knob, and, barritmtling with her well devlioped loin:, 1110 3101 11311 01hoe 611003311. rue 331 11 glane0 liow complete was het mastery of tho atisni mattets Jountnd au exhi- bition of lior powers. , 'Xiten quoth 8113 : Now, rniFter, 1 ttan't 1431003 3131.10 you be, nor wlaat you want; bat if you've loft your 1(311 130(1 33n5 - 0311e4.0 lye 1/ain't gob 'em, and don't wallt '0130 "-1311(1 you'd bettor go along." Tito wor118 'von n'othing to nae, 1)01 1(10 rierisive smile 111131 1131111011 lter good old race :hinoyed rIIO. Ilut intent on bast,' nes's 1 opened lily folio and prepared to ask. the. app,,•in1.031 i3l10:3110118, 3)(10,111,'' tslIed aro you the lady of the 1103110"' '?" -a 10 . you .),.; a po(„ar,.. are you Olt 1 sLo -bItt ws don't waait anythine " \fad:tin, rejoined, you don't unjorstami, 1 arn after th ? e37111113.' d\. 001t1u0131 /1/1(1 331131033$ 11)011 again 8a".tled upon faee ; but tvilli an 17±- ±3131 silo said: " Poor fellow, you 0333 ' 33333101.1h11' crazy, ain,„ you---inac 313103‘i you 030111 113121 3111 y hitin't, got your se11,4es--so now do go aIong,won't yeti 2" Once tnore 1 Ossa,y'od Loy work, " No, 110, Oa (1c1.111 ; 5)31 (1.0111 IIII11031'i3)11C14 the 001431145 tiro o.oustto.--,,y,itir, age and °Cott potion," 1-Ivitiontly 1110 old 115' ;Liar tiled, looR (3±31I10)034113)10 canto upon Ito): as rvoli-)15 roplitIct, Gotilinosg 0)11 1 how you clo stick !" fold P111- eatl. behind the Flair, tilittt door with Et tn.Ylee 'that would, ougbio, illoto in 33 - t; 1,010‘V 611111 1 6013 tlten sht 1113,11e31 111111 13023)33 11 ", tit 1 113111. 1.1370'3 yoti la)). wl 1,11 a 131014.CYO,. 213 031 3 11. 111g 1 1,111,4.' 110 3133711,131 run'',' 211 1331l1 a clarion 111011. 1130 1137i311,1)3'01.00,Ll was arousekt. 11)11311, 3\'010,et""/ 13301 ehildren cami.„) cl'omtiog arou1111. 110 61eps a filled Al 111131 point, 1110 seeho beesrso ex, eit,41g, Tho 01(1 133115 alternated in scre:t(rts'• for Htlarrit,') 1010 failed to ti,l)pear, "police I" and entreaties 31111t 1 sliolaid leave, INfoIliors rtitt abottt 3133313'0,re3)331e31 to cliildrozy to ooine along Tula: befoie you got 11(3131 l?k)ys slibutod " 011335 33101 (Itureal 111)(1 ad, 11e31 jIl 11311 p()ssi,Laln 313053 to the grovillg 1111bhub„ ju6( fi'Dpearea on the stairs 031111111, " .fIartit," with .131)3 baby 011 1101' 11131r30, scr(”Lming loucler 1111411 33133'-. 110313' 3)40, 1i \Vhat,, ruhtltor, 111101 111 it ? o'n, dear, oh, (137017—o11 11-.13 1" auct down she suillt ill a swoon at tile foot of tho stairs, while ,lior lusty baby's v",erethins wero. "wortlx, or 31 first-class Indian, massacre. 1inprosSeL1 3131111. 31 101.180 Of the absurdity of the scone, I unfortunatcdy here .bur6t 1/11033 6110113 of uncontrollable laug11101s, 4)111.„;? 13)03113 3133)0 1130(.10 to bring tile VOW Lo 11 eli1110.x. - I langLied, women ,.s-reant6d, 1)c)3's shouted. There wits general ruiliAilig to and fio, and. all'over ' tbo confusion 11.10 voioe of tile Old lady rulig out Jibe a e3t:11105e, in a "rnaLlnes of fright. 111 the , of it all -1 was seized by 1133(1 a (101911 3113)11,an , d jllst then 011 001110 poliet:inan who 1703)1)31. 111)30(1 1110 RS ft, neighbor,. and Illowing iny business rescued itre and gave /no a ellunee to explain to nay 031110133 and the crowd. In a moment the•tniii nit of alttrin, was eltarn:,,ed to' a 800110 of Iziugliter that alraost .rivallod the open- ing of the flans. " I (.74)1- BOOEgELLE11 STATIOFIRY "cre r. Err su:on-ro. -(4t71" 34 )HE I.J.:'7.1)131'...SIG-NEDWpuLDAcquAr.sT the inhabitants of Exeter and surround- ing country, that lte has opened out in 3113111343 stock of h:02 mooTs all:OMS Ready- Made Clothing etc., etc., 11.1133 fro -in thd tadiIitresho possesses ltg a_s boon enablochto pureldase in the eaDest Market,. nid 336 1(4 bound to let 1110.10 1331,7 favor hint with their patranao have the benefit. A callis only necessary to eon ince tlutt 1 can sell Teas, Sugars., Coffees, Raisins, Rice, Etc. ncl 010131112113) 131 the Grocery Line at London li111 that my' sloe 13 of -Roots& Shoes complete 111 all its departments. Vann proance taken in. in Exchange, and 111e highest plice allowed. On band a first-class lot of.Baeon. .331st receivea ()so:lad:L1i1ot, of Cro.kely 3. CRUNICAN Ilzeler, May 1875. '88 in,EVOLVEns AND CARTRIDGES GGC, R.P'S OUtta. & SoN) Deuclas, Street, London, Ontario. Iltvreln stock Ilevolvers, 43(4 133210)31 Wasson, Swamp Angel, Bull Dog, Terrier, tiotte, Stanclarcl, Friend, Annihilator, Alert. 00413, 311e13 ; alsO every size 03 8)07333(14.30. 'Wholes ile 111111 1etail.priiiori eat close tO Gash bevel's, Send 3)01 301? iorPrice List. 14. 11.--01un Stocking and itcpairing. 110110 in the host r,tyla. JOHN BELL, 71,a. r Co”iiirtactioi)or logs to retain, thanks to the -people of lilgxeter and viciotty for the huge patronage on9tew ed. ttdon ,111m sleet: ha commenced business in lAxetor, tuna hopes 1119' 'paying attention to business ancl 7.1v1ng 3111330301200 to his customers to inorit 11 C011ti1171- 2103 C/f tr110 111111 Ir YOU WANT GOOD SWEET 1.311:pLAp, (ATJL AT J. BELL'S BAKILiI. rif YOU' WANT 0001) CONVEX, TIONERY, ()ALL AT d, BELL'S 131300 wtt very r 107 'la 1106, PiOnies, (11„ LE VIP! "YO'UB 0it11)i31I NV IT] t ,T B3 11L4 11a4 it will 366e213e prompt 413)4.110123 11941.,l033 33ui11"31r id .04 -4001 4,ato Bo 111170 3(01) pet the W, D. Mcciloc3 acac wateh 101301 330311)1. 'Slott will 0,3311)) other 1310(3)16' Mg them. 3311 wim weer Qom ree010 ni mid them. (iota caul ana Oolitic -10 an'§ szeS. 3'7 Dumb's t.treet, Loudon. Sec the toBtnnonsis, 3er31eit,Lie31 and 3)1)133.3381 13(11)3 Orf 33P,001 Jelmiry. 01031114, Si1V0e, :10(1. Platca Woro, 3111131)1 3)1., 131 tno PrOvitlae. lleuittring (13 038113 description. W. 11, 3Ic(11,01,10111',oN. 771 hin 310 s t„ 3311n31301), 0.41, 12.3ITINIP IFIA0r.174c)17t7v- $1,11160001111 10AV1 Ktft,1"-t(1(.1 '13 Primp PaetorY u 311e 'Village of Carroebreoic, cud clso in the liorgnship 03 313)1 ONE Ili n1131013111 015 EXElElI ,1 11 1 3 - poss-7ssion'rf 6'1 E2,EAL 'Ng the' 1)211 wil1 Ito able to not only do tlioir work' wall bub cheaper ths,.1 those 'who bEINC) 33,110 11613 37013)1 y hand. FiVory vcorlteiatYing.cgtfilwQ 0.0‘1011 PlurIPB: i CriLEZIR4IT1I1 ITOP CEPT,Tler.P macle Le cnaler and 1)1)38033 111131118,1111 being wiri - ran..lect for 130 yoccri,. .A.11 orders left at ttio slcqp ofMr. B1ton ono 1.17110 north ef 11;seter )r111 reality() Itroint.,t attoution. ,MUNSING.111,1 D 0 uirroN 313313.1Ia'y 27,1876. ‘, FA.RMER S LOOK 10 YOUR INTE.REST, JAMES McNABB 2111.1 11011' on halal 13 ment;or of thoset CELEBRATED SPRING HAY RUES and Charnpfbn Pea Harvester, • wbuat tavve •• TAKEN • P;R:1,Z•RS:...w.B.F.,B,Iii..\'''..14.11. These implomonft require no pitfting, bub1.ave al- ready spoken for tbontsolves. Tlacy can be ied)x at the • EXETER STEAM BENDING AND .1 -IUB: FACTORY. The rickes are rannufacturra 17y himself from the V01'3 140341 gl arrITIlltorial, end \VARP.ARTBD TO GIVE :liar:IPA:0% TION. The*subscriber ib 3)ermini13ea to sell out his ;,tccil cct, reduced 1)1710(6, 6131 COLPILTITION. .A.1.111413ADS OF Tiii.ninc). Done to 0 isrlex '111131 11001 00,181.,may on hand; Also ell hinds o: SPINIIING 31313133131315 OX,HAND. Ileinember the spot--Lnear Eanble Bridge. JAS. Me Nr.z-\..131-3. SPRING en ts Fur,nsi PEE 'AND 0"1".27,1WL. 7 e rrIIIE SUBSCRIBER BE6S: TO AN - g 11 00;i10 that Ile 11115 j (161 10013031 11 qam)etid 3.4.5011,110113 of CANAMAN, SCOTCH a, ENGLES. , • , TVITMLF.E) BLACK BROADCLUE.IIS DOESKINS, ETC.; 1. 3,1,4131330r S.7.11/3 AND OTYAIZT WILL BE HARD TO BEAT' ! ' IIAOR I Ik\I Departrdexit is replete with cvery modern 191) proveinent, and fttrnished monthly with `,FAVE-Eicall° PLAT...NM American Styles and. Cuts. All Work guaranteed, !gold. 011.1 1.11 t110 30003 ' fashionalile 8tYle. • • 01111 early aria see 0116 of 010 clipice'st'anc.1 best selecte11 stitelts in town, and offering- 13( 1)103 priceit for cash, - .• 0. SOtrIlIELGOTT. ITEAITRAKE:4,GRADE:::FACTRY 0 T " ,:a.,..z,;c),r,c6.31;i17!,11 01' 'Wooden ".aarvest, 'Tools Rakes, . OS •_,E7 011 -Froidles, Grain Ciad1, 31 311330 ea for the conne„; arvest, h etlebratocl ukey Hay Rake • A. Novoliy' 3.11 ±1.11.31 soctioll. A3 INCT YAW 011 133'.? 31133 3)13n307.1) Y ni()) local buildinutt :Va.. 1' 1.0 t • 3)113. 41, \',1.1IALMI,.Solleiter, 1310133, :V.1110 13436 stem -rat lttt,,rattgint.; nirss'4Q from 037', 111,1,4 glere (63 3)130) 30 two )14.703t 316 fia10,i 14114( tkltilaing tbo vt)1kfe, sot lune, 1.173. rn1atpra4 Proraiaoal 5-gc,ozzvrvz. boo.: to r3t:rill:13 830)331)31 11)831134 for the vary 11115 era; 13)113 32110310 bettewcal epee 3)ine sinee vont, klaPtcr, 'Vhis large lattrgt),' at‘e 00130n0110138 is owiriv to pa) 0731 10 11314 Tuv &Li- PERFECT FITS thc clonally glyes 1n1iye3si41 zoittsrao., 4.2o 10 Hs customers, lie woukci ells., state thtit bo 11.136 11107(.4 1110 WO 3W17 011114107g VItAbblirit's 013111110,54)11 11a,80010,111Ore,1.ly 11331033 to his al, csol.;,' large „and varicil STUCK 015 TAITEED,s, IJATS, CAPS, stua 003131' Fitrinbilin'gii ef every doseriPti0iA . 1.3 T..1 g 113111 1:118 01143076 of 1110 Ta1101,±013 31tItEl1t11141t PERF1301'3 PITS ABB GI.TARANTEED. Oat 111 'the incfst fashionalls style; 010311 part elleseil of imiLiut free of charge. 13. 1?, mo'INT C• N 21,ix 4 xtt, r-vr :FIGS to intimate to the inhabitants 6f Flint -ciao and Nieinit, 13313 1102)3(8 opeaccl, Nov Tailor' shop '' ' • .431 I]lirrcT1 11 e 'where by strict, a =lion to business 113 [hopes to • merit 73 lair share of patronage. •• w. Nlirev1110, .Ttily 6, 11753 SEED We 0(370 al80 011 (1, ttfge stock of . . - • - • • Clover Tiricotlly, IT.rincrarictii 6.rass and °tiler Seeds ,7a".;:yrarItea. i'&11 FreF11', No old 'Seeas Rept in I.Stocli. Sutheriand Br S3Ti1131's, April .8 1.875. 3 • 1E3 ,111 7, rr"041117P Cq' 61\1 iP;J C; v 0' tv,,r,S=1:-.<v!;:` 13 13 Ir1r11.,7,Lri'ri'n LIU irt'N'Tq Boilei and Engine orks .01 - .: • ' 2.-11 , . ,aorrine: '1312 1113101,11)0 liasi,hegit,),..01.111,11orcu,inly,' tested. au.11. $A1.131r..A.C'ZION '3? 15 51133)111131 \Otl) 11 HEITE' iErW t_t e El .10: C. 030 1110:1 "ivitliout 36t11P113- (11(10 ('1 33311) 4isr ti;y butt. '0'13)'33)304010"3"8'11.11111330 01 1, 5 1213 18)3)) 1.1,3' cal 11 n fail opera ton ' Of all shies to order: PS proMp al!)611dcal to. A dreS TTIGi\IPSON" WILLLAJ FS 111itchell, Ont. Df3M1113011C)1 rrlits ()Tto you want ood Goods & Cheap goods o to tb,o & Liquor Store. .12 1bs, gu,ga,,3c for $1.00 " very lori.gh.t " 1,00 9.. " " 4` 1,00 Our 75 et and. Dollar Tea gi-ve the best satisfaction of any- thing .offered in town. J-vv't received "it lot of cannec 001'111. Peacilos, 101itatoes, Pineapples, Lobsters Sa,rdines, Fresh Salmon, Dried Apples,Raising, Currants, Biscuits and 00,,Afe3)tioner5. Liquors of all kinds---, 1)0,1 ever offered in kown Goods delivered fret, of charge. GEO. lfACE.: —N 2K, r1i N'DY. Corner. 1.3a,t1iuri$t 84 Sts., 0 .1N- ..„A„11I ,MAN ELIBTURGFEVETGR, C.tr't 5 C NAY AND ALT_, KI.N.1)3I OF IMPLEMENTS MANUFACTUDED. FARMERS' •••,- "7-* ..t -t) -BAR implement has a double glistribu .11(3 31111.01 eep, gina 0-1111110 3) lo 110 111lhos t befor the rifh-lic.. I am engaged malting th(n) for the sp 'lug seeding, 147 31. W'in be pre pared to suppl,y them. 9, 3)3, 11, 13 tal,os ottah, 1171131 till ifter or without, ;taco lath; g• to or der, and will endeavor to Ifeap 00 halal obtherkind and to snottily ;tily who may it ot int\ t;tivon their `rho strYit': finish - and ut ustal will bo 3.0111) 1311 That 41)01 be desired. and if °Quailed, 1101 surpassoil 1,Vesbe'll Oanaila, `Eh 5 requires lio irytToci,uotion. 1( 11338 1,eeon7 tp,eecl tc, cog; ; uol 011 3' 135 p, labor' saving implement, but ill 113e ,increltsed gltaniiio of 3)e1310 sctved 11313137 "stribble , after 110 fio.tpor., lu 1311110110 1170131, 1? ean Le Iiiiect to a11v11it1ago. The c-xperiolive of the. last two , se1.50115 bas docicled 1110 to rise, 18.3'4 roun(3 steel incicad 0( 113. oval fcr .tee111. tl 4, best 1 faiapted 303 the war:korai; 'only the 811'011gef.t 11/1711004t liable, to 311e1hitt '3301111,11 the hal,'nQt yieftrly (6 npt to straddle apart sant 43114:i 4.1) aking. At tlic V3:61:3tt9.1 ?molt First Prize in 8011:3' ltaber, tresidtt'theB, C. l3i.'83'101..., I ado vaalimg' the ft is very I 110011 1)130 tate I tIliaa, irt 3)31513) ,Statc5„ 3)133 3118 Lower' Prory'a„cos 31 haaltaltau the load 03 1111 others,. 111713(30 ten 01 thon.last season 314 all lntWe 33)1'0)1 .3911)310 t0tis31at1.t1011. 1 3311113(.1 reflay ill seagaii. beth 1<113318, 1(13(1 litrpe 10,1)011h:1o. all 'who 111i1V fiLVOr 1110 331111 3111011, 03i3(1'. Last ..s."s•-,$)ril 1111l,13 S/101'1' ft:111V otot 12000r141) '0 (DI:TINT F1_,T '41E0 .21l()8)1(15011, ("031 (0)' 13,:ak112'13t ItTeilinel/olz'S(8,, 1,41)13140,0443. 'inees.xpersarm;EseatEari.,,umalr,sla AN )t trtj Offltir , 11,11,410 TILE NEM' 5 )0 to ey PWA 13 a ad; 131 Carson's Paint, fimPt" viveupPtr':I\ed f')iVhloe ,wh° 1914) ill 23333111,41/i13 bou1O, 3)11'4311o'3) for Caroo's It is C1101131 1.14111 Firel)roof, *altering tiae grain of the wood; i 510)311 3311 szna11 lesks iAt roofs, sad preserves them sgsiost he s.ctior, of ))0111 Vine sod weather, 0,,zie cost is ss her. 13±80)31131,,),3 0 013 ee(nuznQ11 41)(1 11o'0ats VV1LL AST A 31FETIIVIE JAMES priou'r; N. is. --Wood taken to excbapegoliotr, EthXttle)4(r14, 33) C-1-• rp A-1--)773 (-4 Insweg 13EWA11.E COLINTE 11 FE fTS, For the protection of the pil11c of 'it: itish.' North America I cleena 111 ley duty , 'state , tout Pills aml Ointhielit e 111 133,33 ma1111f,LeturodLor sold' ally pert 00 13,,, 0111(6)1) 8111.6.4, Sacli pot emit box 'beers 131.0 1 11r1333471 Governmen ,83crti,p,vvi th, 11.3 word w1Ly's mid OintluoO313oOXIdU,'e1,32111'5# (61313113. OD. all t1.02 labeliti 140 mo1i003, 0312(0-119131 street). - 1,0111018, Teis notice lies it ,e01115 115180S,1111')', 1933 C.01186111101180 of vile mid spuriotts'iroitetiees of 11011.0.1riey's.Pills 0in1.ment11 behot ficoricpitca phr 1.41 1./i1.133 t'4 g, 8011101 1 ; and cro 111)1113 t It 11114, , .3331 0 11 1,13 0())1e(1 VC.J'a011"3' 1141,11 017' 113111 t3316 tram). it low prict 1311<100 3101101013 yen ' - 3,y 011033131 31133. 7313 11)9010 (03)genuine anal meet, mitinifeeto tett oii!..Y,,a,t,00„.,30%Tortt,,,,' • Leedom Pm soli who initY*4••tteealivcit 3)10)1110(3)311011)3034.18 with in e.:11L910) ritefiee.tlbleArms in the Ilutil,i Provinces: 112,0 ohtaln toy tuatticinett aireet frola lwrc, 11 '08.1311')'. properly suggestcat 311: 0-1 slicaghl, for tile bonott of tileueselves antl' tin: iesert 11310)0)1)1 t1l0 papers, that , (1 1013)' 00 Rue wn thstan oil ',eines Can be had genu» hie from 'clime. 3100 follo)viirg is a list of ,t1re antis tail...laud to; ivral I narticulatly ee'buiteend who 10000 00 get my medicnic.ao 34:313....03 1031113 3313 ,303 houses 331m3(1 _...333 Avery,' Brown 03 .00., Halifax,' 13-8; IsiestAk+. -Forsyth ,i„tt t:o., N.. 8," Atostirs. T 13 Barker .4380313363 31.1111, N 1); Mr. 'I!, Dos 1(1001)', 01.*))11•Ity11e.Tovi,n,P ,F3 lt 11518818. la33)7 ' ley it; Co,, Victoria., 13 04...Alessi's. 'Al)ore toria, 33 (3; Dr. O'olle Palle400at010, N 13; Motels. Munro & 6lontreal; l'iloSsrs,./-Winor 3) Co., ' 01,11In3001; 1413. it ;I ltose, Toronto; all% A ealilig man Smith, '.t!t, John, Si 11.; (31'. 30113330103,0031(11'3 tell; Messrs. 6., Trirobto;,:Mr., Challoncr, St John, 11.1)1 'Mastirs. Raningten -111-os., St John N 13 ; lt Windsor; iqrs Oryen, Itiorden,i IT 8; llfr George Hunt, fr.; FroarIcliten,,N 11; Mr, W(3hotoption, 701311:03(11'a8e,' N 16; Mr ',I At Willry,10re01rickt0tt, N 13;,3/1,088rs & 7.) '1'1111o, ltfontroal.233:8 reedicines are, sold at the lowest ' wholesale mut prices, in quantitIeS of 31(0- 1118 than „32e 1.143.3)01' (liven 03 (33118 of Dlittnront, ,for which tc, mittrinee inti tit be semi, irt:Wavt4t6e. ' ,31113)3fA8, 13I00Low331.7, . I]ST BE STI 333)IC3333 men say that nothill3 is so in3 per_iilt 3)01A1 h' 'tit 4381(31101) 011:1 , sea6on of yetis' is now at liauttwitett yott Will require tale very 133e1` , 7,8)1111 1.3813 111141110109111110 n 3y Pur'chase' JIOW'1)IA,N'VD'ILE,"T, e Stoc Drew of ORGANS, OP G.A.1\1- 45 101111(0 Ur; 'YOU NV 1,f1.1 'Ind it to tilvgtilltge ±0' 11333' their ' totcy ' it t rot t 13,TIcg L.„ "Po v • •..