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Times -Advocate, June 15, 1994
Page 11
Hensall Legion marks
50th anniversary of D Day
The day
parade to
taph and a
which "The
was played.
included a
the ceno-
service at
Last Pest"
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - On Sunday, June 5,
Hensall Legion Br. 468 commemo-
rated the 50th anniversary of D -
Day, with good attendance of vets,
spouses, Legion executive and La-
dies auxiliary.
A parade to the cenotaph was fol-
lowed by a short service with Rev.
Henry Annen, Legion Padre, offi-
ciating. The Last Post was played
by Frans Boogemans. Everyone re-
turned to the Legion for an after-
noon of reminiscing and musical
entertainment. A meal was served
by the ladies of the legion and the
May 27, Joint installations were
held at the Blyth Branch. Hensall
Legion installed the following slate
of officers: President Larry Uyl, 1st
Vice Pete Zwaan, 2nd Vice Brian
Fink, Secretary -treasurer Bea Uyl,
Sgt. at Arms Dave Smale, Execu-
tive, John McAllister, Wilmer Dal-
rymple, Jack Simmons, Randy Bed-
ard, Lillian Baynham and Glen
The final Legion meeting of the
season was held June 8. A donation
was made to the Usborne Minor
baseball. On June 18, the legion is
hosting the Zone CI golf tourna-
The Legion wishes all members a
safe and happy summer and hope to
see them at the next meeting in
Friendship Circle
Mona Alderdice welcomed eve-
ryone to the June 6 meeting of the
Friendship Circle of the Hensall
United Church. She opened with a
poem "These Things I Know".
The Roll Call was answered by
13 members, each telling of the
most enjoyable trip they had been
. on.
The minutes were read and it was
decided to wait until the end of Oc-
tober or early November to pack a
bale this year. The Queensway
Nursing Home will be holding a
Strawberry Social on June 28 from
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Home.
Kay Mock opened the devotional
with verse 10 of II Malachi. The
hymn "Happy the Home When
God is There" was sung. The topic
of the devotional was "Rethinking
the Family". A prayer for the fami-
ly was given and "Oh Happy
Home" closed the devotions. Belva
Fuss was the pianist for the eve-
Alderdice showed the group a
trip to Alaska on video. A poem
"Let Us Give Thanks", and the
Mizpah benediction closed the
meeting. Everyone enjoyed fellow-
ship over a cup of tea and dessert,
served by Mary Brintnell and Kay
Carmel P.C.W.
President Jan Baker opened the
June meeting of the Carmel P.C.W.
with a poem. Afterwards, Pat Pol-
lock and Lola Nixon were thanked
for their help with the refreshments
at the Huron Co. Historical Socie-
ty's Annual Meeting and also to
the ladies who helped with the
church kitchen.
Marilyn Campbell conducted the
worship service with Edith Bell as
The minutes of the May meeting
were approved as read by Secretary
Marg Varley. Correspondence was
read. It was announced Carmel
P.C.W. will be twinned with At-
wood Presbyterian Women.
Lunch was served by Winnie
Skes and Helen McKay.
Hensall United Church
At the Hensall United Church
this Sunday, the congregation sang
the song of the month "We Are the
Church". The greeter for the day
was Eleanor Mansfield, the ushers
The Ministry . of Transportation is proceeding with the
replacement of a culvert on the Cooper Drainage Works on
Highway 4, 1.0 km north of Kippen in Huron County.
The Ministry is proposing to:
- replace the existing 2.0 m x 1.5m open type culvert located on
the Cooper Drainage Works with a 3.0 x 1.75m box type
concrete culvert 5m south of the current location;
- construct a 2 lane paved highway detour on the west end of the
existing culvert
-construct a short stream diversion from the west end of the
replacement culvert to the existing streams (10-20m); and
- remove the detour following completion of construction.
This study has followed a screening process. Following contacts
with external agencies and the public, and review within the
Ministry, it has been determined that this project will not result
In any significant detrimental environmental effects.
If you have any questions about the proposed construction,
please contact:
Mr. Al Seppala
Project Engineer
Planning and Design Section
Southwestern Region
Ministry of Transportation
659 Exeter Road
P.O. Box 5$38
London, Ontario
N6A 5H2
Telephone: (519) 649-3129
Toll Free: 1-800-265-6072 Ext. 3129
Fax: (519) 649-3109
were Ray Jacobi and Doug Kyle.
The pianist for the day was Belva
Fuss. The Official Board Meeting
of the Hensall United Church will
be held Wednesday, June 15 at
7:30 p.m. All members are urged to
Senior's Drop -In
The Senior's Drop -In will be
held Thursday at the Hensall Unit-
ed Church. Lunch will be at 12
noon. Contact Marg Cole at 262-
2304. Everyone is welcome.
Hensall Spring Fair
The Hensall Spring Fair was a
great success - despite a little bit of
rain. Few spirits were dampened
with the rain, especially for the fel-
lows participating in the Tug -if -
War competition!
The Hensall Fair Board appre-
ciate the many volunteers who
make the day such a success. These
volunteers are invited to an Appre-
ciation Night, scheduled for June
20. The dinner will be at the Hen-
sall Community Centre, at 7:00
p.m. All volunteers are welcome!
The results of the Hensall Eco-
nomic Development Committee's
Annual Photo Contest were an-
nounced at the Spring Fair. The
winners were as follows: People
Category - Jayne Fragiskatos, first;
Barb Westlake -Power, second;
Jayne Fragiskatos, third. Land-
scape/Nature Category - Jayne Fra-
giskatos, first; Susan Hartman, sec-
ond; Janne Van Wieren, third.
Humour Category - Ron Hartman,
first; Brad Hartman, second; Janne
Van Wieren, third.
Tae Kwon Do competitors
The Exeter Tae Kwon Do Club competed in the London TKD Championships on June 4,
and came away with several well-placed finishes in their respective age classes. In front,
from left are Mallory Greenhill (1st white belt sparring), Laura Phimprahchanh (2nd white
belt sparring), Lance Weiss (3rd in white and yellow belt sparring and forms), Jason In-
gram (firsts in white and yellow lightweight sparring and forms), and Tanner Ingram (3rd in
white and yellow forms, 1st in heavyweight sparring). Standing, from left, are instructor
Sai Visouvath, Robert Hoang (1st in white and yellow forms), Khanxay Chantharatt (1st
white and yellow patterns, 2nd in sparring), Robert Kamsouk (2nd green belt patterns,
1st in sparring, Eddy Phimprahchanh (1st green belt pattems, 3rd in sparring), Tim
McQuiggan (2nd green belt patterns, 3rd sparring), Brian Greenhill (1st blue belt pat-
terns, 2nd sparring), Colin Grasdahl (1st red and black belt sparring), and JoDee Grafi
dahl (1st womens black belt patterns and 2nd in sparring). Visouvath and JoDee Gras-
dahl have qualified for the Ontario team heading to the Canadian National
Championships in Edmonton later this month.
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