Exeter Times, 1875-7-29, Page 2.0! t441. If' yen Want eiectelers, If yeti Wald, If you waat ouveloeee, If you want busineee etude, If you want LOA. bil/-110thabt yeu Went shippipg taee . , If you want testY letter beetle, ee you, want, tfio best of weijc, of forming a. wand opinion Olt Elleh , Opinnme coneereiag the elevotieft (4' the Freneli Otieediene to Geeet Britain. Bak we think -the writer fails to phew thet the lilt:elicit exe dieloyal to the Crown. Mr, Smith meet be desperate. ly in need of au argument V.`110)1 4e• $11111C'S that wiatit appeere lit least to If you watit nleo Ineiting etarde; 'iar41).1e. biS"Q)4n SUbjeOtS, eeteeenely improbable, to y011 Want may kind of job pun Leave youx otdere at the (i.`ietne office *lid you can sew -re them ea short no - tics, at low rates, end the beet style, 11\,1 E TABLE. onoroir or •rixr,--s Gallia EAST, 'DINO BAST., nBn ARIt&NORNIENTS. a. M, se, 8.0e 1,45; 7.35 1'3.15, n, Wf1WY .15 6.17 R. I,ucau,Iacie 1, 1875. STILL THEY COME. STANLEY & JERMYN OPENED TES 23T11 SULT their iminitusth stook el DRY GOODS, GrtOCERIES, BOOTS & 81-10ES, HATS & OAPS, It F. A 1)Y -731 is,DE OL T IE G, A.- 0., sea would salt special attention to these job lines a imr GOCDS which be quite within the bounds of et:sea:di- . No doubt tne Freueh fiTQ devout in their eoligioes obseevinicee end hew) a warm feeling of veneration for the tend of tlisis fot °fathers ; and it is quite possible at tile same tiniethat theyiposess 5. feelieg of deep attachment and loyal- ty the empire with witith they are indissolubly connected. put the sup- position of disloyalty will scarcely stand examinatioa. The argumenta used to sustain a euppositioo so palpably ab- surd collie be applied with more plaus- ibility and fore° to prove that what ttf)- pears in be d, houtogsmeous peohle- Great Britain itself----rs in danger of disruption from the fact that Scotland, though forming an integral portion of the mighty Empire, is almost entirely ignored by politicians and. writers in pealing of and treating on questions as much interest as any kther-all the glory and renown eeeming to eenter aroued and add lustre to that one word England.; that any country in the world should have an hereditary hatred of another,8cetland should. se hate En- gland, for their quarrels were fiercer, 'more vindictive, of longer- duration, and More thoroughly natioual than the galena's between Franee and. England. But Time's healing hand smoothed all this, and. -where . once Teigned liatred, rate also . ebout eetike Stepa were) Ihtst'Wttwail°e1h at 13elgre've; $3°t11 being taltete by tlioee who ilieVe the power to du it, te lanee VtibliO (1011011- satio ti the oeeasioll of the foetla- eoming Onenieg taf the & R, OA this point. We do net thinle tliat dieselithig voice th the Council taking O.Ass.9 IT troe.ured rfc?Ir themittt auction in ttivi litont real arhet. 1 e tie tyre sumo. e ose leap itnes Cottons, B own Hollands, Black Lnstres, Black Broadcloths, towels, towesling, !clomp and Volt Carpeting, Black Silk, ite., Also two job lots of TEAS purchased in Hamilton at sacrifieiug prices. See further uartieulars in another column. STANLEY Si, .EINITN. • Exeter, July 1. 1875. 1/84f. mmempalesommismorma • be (hetet lutes stelae in the matter wou/d be beard, Such a demaxistratioa, got up be the way we all know Exeter weuld eet it up, weuld he the means of hinging in- to oar village for the first time strangers from all along the road ana elsewhere. by so deing,it might bothe moans September, Weetern Lotidou, on 26th, 20th, 1,10th ofSeptetabee awl let of tha toe, 111errie Blyth on the ,i4th mice 15th c'ileePettell-1111.1)tr%rt'l Daugattilenf-''' and otii of Octobor,. linnet, at Clinton, On 21,St aua 2nd 8tepi.eu it Ueborne, at Ex,eter, oh °(ILt°11'ile61120trial, aalt1(11-8itulle.linow , ea FridaY, 1st, Voter and of 'Maiming men of energy, and canital to emne amongst uS: Wm assisting. considerably in the geowth of the place, . , THURSl)AY, ,JULY 29, 1875 The only Libbral-Couservative Journal iu Sout Huron. "We are well aware that people wno- have never visited 1, xetee cannot judge' of its many merits by hearsay, but when they own° and,soe for themselVOs; they can form their own opinions, and in all probability they would be favora- ble to the place. We ,were to have had tho honor Of turninh the sod, but un- fortunately the lenah of -time which. elapsed from the, time of the meeting called for discuesing that objeet and the time when the road was aetually coin- ntehced was so great that the whole af- fair went ' out like a -candle. Having, a 'flea Irelt li.D.LMUIS E. some of OUT Traders may be aware, there is a weekly paper published in Toronto bearing the high sounding and patriotic nanie of The Nation. This weekly was started some eight or nine mouths ago, professedly in the intereats the youthful arid numerically small " Canada First" harty7otherwise known as the Independence party., ,The fact that this Cremona First paper is publish- edis not of much haportance itself, and few people would ever notice the hectoring diatribes aud cowaedly thiusts againeiRelgland andhenpresentconnex- leader took the matter in hand. A coy ..patriot might be found en Mr. Jno. disedrd and strife, tai. new is unity, love and peace. And so it is between the British and ,French fellow -countrymen in ,their loyalty to Great Britain as long as she remains the same generous and liberal parent she 110W is. The Oxford professor has not the slightest around for maiden; the dastardly huh,• uneven againet the loyalty of the French spealtine popedation of 'the Dominion. The eery source' of denger Quebee,is the Rouge party ; but such Cheat-let:tea °nen' can be found in every„ ceutetry un- der the sun at cl und.er every form of Gov- ernment a,- .foottrchical, Republican, or their depenclencies-bat their Dais chief-make:1g power is always greatly over -et Limated calculatirg the power of observable forces in our naidsf, and they serve ra,ther to adel zest and. varie- ty to a dull political routine., Such a party might be formed in Ontario if some one more skilful tiler the present hn ofswo-uld give to the outer world an idea of our go.alleachitiveeese, and could not bele) but give us pecuniary B.I.Looar r E.IrT E Last week we recorded the supposed loss of Prof, .Doualdson, the feronaut, and his companion Grimwood, a Ceic- ago reporter, in Lake Mehigan• It is now two weeks sines their disappear- ' once, and we are Jain to adopt the belief indulged in by some newspapers at that time, that they werenot drown- ed, but are yet alive and well. An ex- change speaks leopefnlly against their loss by drowniug. The fact that nei- ther bodies of the missiug men nor any part of the wrecked balloon ha E been picked up on the lakes, gives odor to the idea, that they did not perish in the waves. And the theory now "generally adopted by leke men, and those versed in mina): science is-, thatl hey -were •pro- "bably carriecl far northward, landing in the forests of Northern Michigan or the Lake Superior region of Canada. If so, we will doubtless hear of them again, sooner or late:, whether dead or alive. Th'ey took with them food whatever and no extra clothing. If they landed safely in the forests they would be able to subsist uptil they reached civilization upon wild berries which grow plentifully in that region ninsp canz,. . ,01110 1.11)01.1 jumny, , Shame Ivor yQ13. 1105Y 13A.US to TlItio,ol.y tieltle V Icahn; the BOW I Don'tyou do so again, '9uotth I iliero you' go agaijai Lot ine.,.olone, no w, feeding the pow, . , ' Go away, now jinany, I'll puli your hair, 1 vow ; Soo, I'm spilling half the:swill) , Feeding the. flOW 1 • '. 5:02:22. 121Y dr,etiti-tvliata cFookl, , (City girls tie 'euxiback,)1 Wiry lo yin 13Dthe; me, feeding the sow ? Shop 1 I tell you, Jitnrny. Tat11 Sol swow Oh Mr 0 rolline-pm" I. IT° lavatittantii°1111 Yen SWecA , ° 'Mean thingt to tiekle me, footling, be Sow ion with the North American colonies which it contains trnm week to week if . it were not for another fact -that the . , principal writer on its staff is a gentics man „Who is generally supposed (though with what show of justice the claim is made we cannot.quite see) to be one of the fmest living writers of the English laiigna,ge-a gentleman, too, who was at one time a Professor at Oxford, and is uow the representative of the sehhol teachers of this Province in the' Cotincil of Public Instruction, in which important position it is an. easy matter for one who is disaffected and. disloyal to propagate an d.spread:his disloyal Isenti meuts much to the disadvantage of the rising generation. We refer to Profes- sor Goldwin SMith. The fact that he is chief editor of the Nation makes that journal's utteranees of more importance than they would otherwise be, especial- ly when they are the reflex of Mr, Goldwin Smith's spoken sentiments ou ter his coining, to this country. Last week's issue seem S to have almost dropped the thin mask behind. which it has hitherto attempted to hide its opin- ions. The occasion which calls forth this article is the speech of Lord Dun ferin (which appears on our back page) at an entertainment given in. his hon- or by the Canada Club. In it the fol- - lowing passttees occur : "Like Mr. Childers and some other gentlemen of eminence who have re- ceutly uudertaken to give the English people authentic information. on' the subject, he describes the people of the Dominion as pervaded universally and DOn0h113;the man who made disloy- al speeches to a company of -volun- teers under his command • a spark of enthusitism might be 'kind- led in the breast of Jerry Merrick, and plenty of others would no doubt quite readily become inartyrs,to traitor - ism, bete -where iS a more efficient leader than the one now at the, head of theIndependence party. But no dan., ger would be anticipated from an out- break of these' spirits -so with the French dislOyalists. Next conies a charge of disloyalty against the Irish, simply because a pap- ner called the Trish Canadian (fit cou- frere of the Nation). published in To- ronto, and edited by one Boyle, who was suspected of having some comma - on with a Fenianism, denounces every- thing British and tsars and foams at every political party or politician who will not become his 'footstool. Here is what the paper thinks of the Irish: But while the French Canadian is ' Roman commences to -mor day) evg. to dispose, of the b his etock by auotion. SssiwErm 4 Pieliard are s Mug, off their slimmer goods at bargain , See s\ advt., and then see them. , BERRYING,--Nunthers daily gosto the lake and other points berry picking. The fruit this year is large and slentis fnl, and but few return illy defied The advertisince account of I. T. Stew - with their SUCCOSS. , I art & Co., of New York, last year foot- - ed MaTeir.---"' The annul Reap- ea up aheat $85'°°°' or IrearlY °ire Per ing Mitch, under the auspicde of the CNA of the total aulatart of their sales' Huron Farmers' and Mechanic:8' A.sso. •.!e; w°1114/ a eenrs°' be needless t° ask dation willhe held on the lagni of Mr. Mr. Stewart if he believes advertising George 'Stanbury, lst concession Stale. PaY4* ' s'°ele Pe°Ple think Mr' tew- TIIE m . D i:T. i i without advertising. Ile does not ,A,NO ANOTIME $)"."4*//0,-,--1,1a0t WO* WO 1/1.111li a,COUPIO Of liatOS frOni subeeribers paying 9 00111plinlent tl)e excelleney of the Tinge. Below we vivo alter letter, Whi011 stiOWfi that the natter hi apProOOtted, by outeidere. St. Mijys 'filly 27, 1875, lee the lediter a the Exeter Mee Sita, --You will please MO en- elesed tile slim of two dollars ($2) sub- scriptioa for your ptp 1 Mit it e 'neper which I cannot readily do with-, out. l\rl. lel. Aiinifnetueo, teacher. Coar Sanday leate At. j. Kileattrick's eow was graziug in the vi- cinity of the eld saw -rain to the west of tlie new railway bridge', When elle en- totea the ruins to Pt:Genie aortae shade - An ItIlkileitteglrYoenEietdel),'40114toti\avtelvner!wheeruet lier to alighted, on a log, from whieli projected a lens' spike. On tliis she struck tear- inher and breaking some of her ribk, P. C. 'A. -The reghlar semi - amiably meeting of the AboveAssocia- \.M. e tio•,)'‘viilibinihnTnd be in thehoaBseamyv enotoof W. iatuli: next, coin mehdAng ist 8 P. M., viten the following gentleinen will take part in the programme; Rey. Mr., Livhg- stono, address ; P. Irving, .issessing, Everyone invited ; admiesion free. HAL OPENING, ittunher o iuU- rjt$ Or ohrr Yiduale, have; we anderetand, s eared the servioea of Reugougli, Or ip'$ great T1110,140.7 lest the mania for speenha. eartOonist, tn deliver OUO of his fixruens , 'Oen ilitl not run wild, altliengh it was lectiires ill 04, slot time, ie Ale, En almost eontagioue. There was :mill. Drewni aew hall. Would it ant -be a clout ha the transaetione of thet day, nooa i4eti, to have Mr, 1.3011.goegife lee- to eonainee anyone that ee loot; ae tlio \ tOPO as the opening night a the U. Yellen() of Exeter eontaiies III0/1 ef Audi Tho Proeeede aee to be handed °VOX tO .0110) -VY aLK1 SPOOlalat1011, it Will neither some tiooleity foe dieteibution. :Notice. deereese in population or wealth. Tile lace hereafter. ' ' total aiaeunt vvIiiele,Peaf fresh oWnere w (Fri - lance of and on small game which is abundant. , PARRIULL heathens ask the ministers of the.,place to pay poll tax. indifferent, the Irishman is a positive enemy ; his hatred of his old conqueror and oppressor is in fact the one politi- est spiltiMent Whiell iS strong in him, Indit is perpetuated yam.- it-Wontierial tenacity`of life, from gen eratioh to gen- eration, on this side of the .A.tlantic. Lord Duiferin can never have looked into' a copy of the Irish. Canadian, or ahy paper popular among:the Roman Catholic Irish; if he had, be would have seen that with regard to that ele- ment at least, his picture of universal attachment to Erqland stood greatly in need of qualification, Against the Ca- nadian Government the Irishman has no feeling whatever ; nor is there any- thing to prevent his becoming a good and loyal citizen of a Canadian natior ; but that he will ever become British in heart, or be capable of being governed by 'appeals to his British feelings is „between the hours of 7 A. and 7 VATAYAJL'E 1/4°x".--4eiezu1 in a' M,,NYae ltb011t $49,000. Thi a Will, 110 gam county eende this eeeipe to NOW 401.1ltt,, 011,1160 ontelders to Stare, dna York, apropos of the approaeliing peach dot down our village es a minittnere seeson : Talie-the head from keg, fill Wall Izitreet, but the fact is es stated, it with the handsomeet rine Peaelles' alitlientiaated by the following pettiea- t iti all the wfiskeyit will hold then . Pu 4 11 477 lar$ head it up agaiii, lu vi.Ptor taee will elle() largeet inyeetmeet was in tlie Ue found beautifully preserved, with the )urcha$e „ . ADYETISING.-The ueWsPaPert by general consent, has come to be eon- siclered tlie only unfailing advertising medium for bringing certain returns and large profits, This is the testi- inony of thousanits all" over the land, among whom is the man wqo sent his last dollar for a few band -bills, and the firm who have invested hundreds of thousands in daubing their announee, monts over the hills and rocks of the country. a with slight SOR1,111g I t) neena all On, .8011 Titz " GEtiWRAT.4 cQi yeteeeW,113,6a'Arirrni4t h tV :4% bueieeas °Wen Seund, lately left for the Statee, Ile LAS left te- number of eerrowinee friends behind, having pre. vieuely 'victimized beake and businefai ottet)n, th Palotilit of $26e000 or 080e' Mr, R. OrinaeldhY., Of 13eaforth, has hie garden a crab apple tree which !us inueilivbfiewr xtph.e eaeleertretoiTbieQthpsivis soetrieono ueual in the epring, end the, fruit op it re8t ..t.Y111.13Ants tiPTIott"tost 411111031etdifilaa the tree has a plentiful ooveriPg eof bloaeoms, end will bear again Met Thomas Russel, Con. 17,Morrie, has flax. which ineaeures nearly lour feet in leegth. There ie coneiderable flax SOMII ill this township this Beason, and it prondees to be an abundant yield. The flax on Mr. Russell's was not sown mai IMay 26. - On the llth of March, 1874, Mr. P. G. White, a merchant in Lueknow,left here for the avowed purpose of is:teeth:kg lithiserocreudpit.ei:Bs, awitt,h,okaaviieuvsrgo spuswyinogf .money with him, and ha e never since been heard of. lie lett loving wife and four small ehildrep, with no ar- rangement for their sustailiance• The name P. G. White has on Se -Vella CYO- oasions been in the leading newspapers but whether it be the bailie one or not has never been ascertertained. Any intelligence will be thanlifully received by his lenely wire. Address Mrs. P. G-. White,Lueinanteontarin-Litelenow Sentinel and, eealding m eyrup, they are a. de- by mosso,. oke Dis$et, foe the very lictous accompanierit to lee cream, far e oine sant of $1.0,000 etieb• This esiepeeclreiowrhtioslatenyYwbthatielhalertleprneaaicollseswi. rjhe 1:11.1141111.11111:41ga wol:ticeehrietubc'y 4toYfi°woofrkmaricolheitliel•cp., felind excelleut for ItlitIOS pies. and trud. bee been prouounced to be eeitial to any ding sauce. hotel in the western tOWila, Was buit Zi THAT puHp.--110 was F1, *Mask and .78 by the late invuer, Capt, J'.N, How- ttlaine'partoldvelrilt,thhaertegd wleourde:Sat NaVbIloeulit tli11;3 aar Ia. rili4gtIv"46Eattutin: °milt IwilsaslUttiritopubguhtt Ntvohebne Illeell shone brightest' B'ellig fond' of a few months back he was offered $ste eon -luny, lie soon -became one of those 500 for it, which offer liae since depraved and bad little dogs which al, creafied to $10,000, these thoughts are ways seem to think that , the choiceet murdered. Negotiations for tae elope- lashal:i.tolif Ye°44,rdibegetinielseaabbbyabtltaheer andwhatsat of the " Ceotral " bad scarcely been completed, before the Capt. -svae mak- should have bei wiser dogs in devious ing arrangements for the immediate twthriiettmt,nisiejaistv,bteaos 01 beforei tidewohinttptihai enytiloton005.,:ntiakenariei,avytael:a:,. evil- eietthi oenn t e ropf rist we ow illargeio, h is b.::: k:i) estores, o . directly to the north of the hotel. -- wicked ways. It wea a, well of ancient eeended, he purposes building to the usual midnight serenade, having the same iseight as the " Central," joining stars above as gaslight, d b I n and e-° gea thereto, latenee the same style of front, to Mr. T. Croeker. The music was in- thus, making a btAtutiful b10011, Tile tereVereetilv a showerbf imperatives -plans for the stores will sson be made, ftLoeffiviPeriuojitevet.ed Before outtilo odfoxowindowlogysavians and as tbv. will ,,ba ready. t6r ocoupa. Hon, before winter Sets in, and WM. be pronounced tho scene waiohanged, and in e, - an exonillent' business centre, nb btbisatdw°geslhl WiPittea3eneanCtelletroattehdespdeeepdthosnl°y1 trouble will be experienced in letting acquired by bad little dogs. The noise tbhusimit: foTrhwellick Purpose theY are being then raised by him as he surveyed his " BRITANNIA HOUSE " Ai ITEM FOR OUR BUSINESS MEN. - The following paragraph taken from,a reliable source is now going the rounds of our exchanges, aud is worthy the sober reflection of business men ley, on the first Tuesday in isuist. or.t's nosiness sufficiently established RENTED.- D.Johns ICS ren et. t„ea, to fl „ his old stand, which he vaented last week, to a stranger who intends open- DUE BIEL FOR SALE. --A due bill ' on ing out business in the hardware line Messrs. Bell St Co., manufacturers or some time in Lite beginning of Septees. organs, melodeons alai piapos Guelph ber. n1, , Oat., the same lieing good for 40 per. -.PicNios.--Yesterklay.'''Imor4ng quit`0,41,. iefail price of au instru- TIIE Forest .E'xpress says the girl with the blue oaten won_ tit, the recent foot- race 10-1arkhill. What- Makes that paper get above its business ? " NVE believe it is fully two days since the Tomtit° See had. any reference to " truly good" men or to inen with "true inwardness." Is" the Snit -man hinaself getting sick of such stuff? number of young people Started for ment of not less than $120 ; or will be • thier Grand Bend to spend the day in pie- received as Mee -third payment on nicking, We presume theyhad a hap_ oath. ogee. For instanee, in purchas- py. time. From their Appearance as in a $600 piano the due bill would be they were leaving the village we think. worth t 200. This valsable document we are safe in saying they anticipated will he disposed of isatrowllhuaetstii:onitabeiren. as much. advertisers call a tremendous sacrifice, Coennerzoe.--Listead of Mr. J. N. while its YaliclitY Howard's name appearing as 'V: G. in 41)1Y at the TIMES °FFICE. • f +1 I TT ltr the punusneu nst o. ceacers ea MAKE _....ASFBERRY VINEGAR.- , Twelve years ago, says a St. John's paper, a Gederich, Ont., young man worked during the day, studied law at night, and is now on the bench -in a shoe shop, cobbling. Awful warning I ta improbable to h last degree. S -without exception by a single eon thatin effect,, of the population which Lord Dufferin represents as entirely animated by the same deep and pas- sionate sentiment, more than it third a.re not animated by that Sentiment at all, while a large number are animated, by its very opposite. It is eurely sin - gala. that a man of his Lordship's in- tellect can hav,e looked so long upon a political situation without taking in its most salient facts. Was ever a baser slander uttered? In Ireland surely the feeling of autipa- thy to Englaud and disaffection 'leder her rule is more strongly developed and marked than among the Irish in Cana- da; and have not Irishmen ever been among the first to spring to aims in defence of Britain's shores when threat- ened by a foreign foe? have they not been 0Vel 'Teady, S110111401' to shOUlder with the Rhenish, to dash into a dare. gevous breach, and proudly plant the British eosien on the eaptured fortress? Have thy not fairly leaped to death with ringing eheers to eave the name of Britain's glory? And are not they the men who die like epithets tea the field of battle, loyal to the Queen and eorestittie ? And in Canada, the Sallie agen- chs are not operation to keep warm and nutteet the seeds of discontent, eIld Why then should 'We regard Irish tnent, that of deep attachment to len. gland.. If this., were the ftiet, or any- thing like the feet, the problem to be solved by Carteedian statesman and by English statesmen, so Inc as they a concerned. in shaping the destinies of Canada, would be infinitely simpler and easier than it is." If Lord Dufferiu had. been aware that we have in this country the eminent Oieford" professor he might possibly have qualified. what his critic is pleased to consider extravagant langeage. And still it is possible that Lord Dilfferin was aware of 'Mr.' Srnithe existeace, aud that, he entertained an idea of Se- put:ling the colonies from the Empire, and yet estimated the aforesaid emi- nent pereonage at his real value. " But utfortnuatEdy Leta Dufferin's desceiption is very far from correct, ' Of the three millions and a half over whom Lord Dufferin Governor- General presidee, about millien are of a eaee wbieli never !me felt and. never 'eau feel the elightest attealinteat to 1 Eaglitpd, 'whin) eeme fem. hundred thousand ate of a- Tone athiclettegards England lied hat too much reasou to terd her with hereditary laetred, To Englaed -they (the French Canadians) have im aetiptt,thyy but on the other lifted they do eot regard her, net is it tonceiviible that they ever ehotild negate her with any, flinch loSs willi dee') atteehermot, Sit George Cartiet eaIled himeelf an Englislinuto. sneaking Ftench, but then Sir Geoege Cattier Was a pelitithan and a baronet, EtiOnii0 Ttitche said, or ie reperted id liave said; that the last gun for Bele. ish connection would be fired by ft French eatiadism ; ;but in those days the old antagonism, betweo tlierreneli COltelics and the Puritans of New Vnf.,,S t tiptt.," e twit) is atni tatglifrt ti show vrin, ageray' 1111 new apartments was worse than that also nal a, change of proprietorship on made by the juniper -colored young mau the same day. len Jahn Heentehen In Clinton as he operates on his new nurehased it from his brother, William horse fiddle. - The oombined howl el Hewkshaw, for the sum of $1,400. his companions in crime can then be Besides the sales of real estate dir- MOre readily imagined than *described. ectly in the -village there were others Efforts were made in the -morning to • made by release him, but,Mr. George CUdIllOre MR. W. nooasoie was only grGsped. at the Op M suffici- One of these was the purchase of the ent time to keep him from going down 100 acre farm north of Exeter, belong - through the foul air front which he ing to Mr. J"ohn Hawkshaw, for the had just haetened. And the black and sum of .$6,600. The same individual tan ceased. howling, but keeps his un- purchaeed 111r. John Morris's lot 20, O. .F. lodge of this place, he should Peur over 1 lb. of bruised berries 1 have been 13ro. W. Iloward. ' quart of the best eidei vinegar, next Mn. STORMS, the Napanee town con- , s stable, got a new suit of clothes a, few Faseethes,_seeeree evesAnge of late clay, stram the liquor on 1 lb. of fresh we have heard the reports l kf pistol ripe raepberries, bruise them also, and shots in the village. They do'not sound on the following day do the same' D° nice to the oar at such an hour, and not squeeze the fruit, only drain the are furthermore dateerous ad the core- liquor thoroughly. Put the juice into the practice. ..... e '' tied of 1 lb. to a pint. When the su-e House DIED,- On Sundayaast,•-Mr.. pan 01 water, -Which boat-; skim thetli- - , • . laneseeteate.iiiethis villaetensaal ---- - a few inineueee ieuneve- item- tale ure, inanity. A stop swill shilla be put to a stone jar and. add sugar in propor- gar is -melted, ,place the jars in a sauce - Atkinson, engaged a hare° at leonine quo, and after whit, sitamorea for, a arrival in Seafortti cteappe dead: It cover aild, bottle. , loelted-for quarter:fa his shirit hitving ton. 8, Hibbert, for the sum of $6,200. taken itiflighteto that leut where the With 200 tee'res of lend, it might be spirits of other bacl dogs go. asked wha,t does Hodgson want witli BASE Beet, W.Teecia.e-The Athintics it? Well, he iutends to speculate on of Liman, aud the North Stars of this it. Other investments were made in place indulged in a game of base ball horse flesh, such as the sale of on „tile North Ste'. eroand thiS BANK OF ENGLAND is thaught that it had heart disease. Mr. A. bad to procure a eonveyance in Pool' Lo t -The sun Poured down on Seaforthta bring himself and- buggy the heads of the tormeuted of earte un - home. , til they swelterecl again. The dust i '' rose in clouds aud filled the mouths of .A.HE ....RIDGE. - The 9-1 SABLET1 rn hridoe , . • . • • • e the perspiring with. its pulverized. en - which crosses., the ,Sable in tnistvillage gredietits. This was about the hour is last approaching completion.. The when Ohl Sons reys described their days fice, and the street Arabs and merchants of the place raised such'.a storm over his head that he tacked about, reatdeneort, and. Accurate' his old Ten Forest P.:a:press says dogs are put out of ehurches in that place. Why can't the editor of that paper go to church in Parkhill. r.Clie people there allow the editor of, the Gagette to le - main in church -when lie goes. A. Gennniou exchange says a horse frame vt/rk "w erected; and from most perpendicular course, and on Sat - named " Old Peer took ra,thee a hasty start from the store of .Mr. Hilliard, and after runuing a considerable dis- tance was caught by sonic boys grazing on South Street." We always thought Goderieli too poor to keep people from turnip.. Nebuchadnezzars. Uanadian00 traltorS, only Waithie a, -,00d opportunity to thrust it knife in to ont back? Hardly, we thihk, WaS not the firse men to felleindet. lienin bellete al: Ridgeway en Well Cethelle ? And he died in delete() of British rine, and yet We are IQ dishonor Ille memory evith the accusation that ho Wit 5 a tient., tor to the flag which he proteeted and otn., der tile etieple folda of which tie died ! &teltit Slander On either the living er the deed, if uttered in the beating of a fel- Ok & place on Saturday last. The Exeter to Mr, V. Hodgson. Messrs. e boys took the bat, sending Lucan VO Bissett sold him and. the books of the field, and run' up a score of five. the season for $3,500. A. few days By ,poor playing on the side of the since, Mr. Hodgson sold. his share of North Stars, their opponents scored OLD NETRERBY eleven runs. 'The seconcliunings show- to Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw for what sum ed. some fine play on the part of Luean we did not learn. Mr. Watts in the capacity .'ef pitcher --e-ealee-4 eeut in his under handers with yen - Mr, °narks Goodwin, 4th con. Cara - doe, while splitting rails, one day last week, cut his right foot betwomi the toes and. inetep. very severely, Ho will be laid up for some them. Dr. Ed. wards attended bun and drwed the wound., Mr. John Sheldon, who WEIS run over by a train on the Grand Trunk Rail- way, at Montreal, and instantly de- prived of life, was formerly baggage - man between London and Stratford, in which capacity he was well known. and. esteemed. His body was frightfully mutilated. Mr. W. Worden, of Goilerich, has purchased the trotting, mare Lady Duf- ferin, for the sum of $600. Mr. A. M. Polley, of the same place, has procur- ed a "fast 'nn" -a 2.35 trottet-from. New York, for which he peid $1,000:e -- .110 D V'. LL geance, and Me. Porte doing some pret• tY one -hand eatchine this innings 33ese Beae.---A match between the Tams. -In Goderich, on Saturday, the 17th • inst., the wife of Judge Toms, of a daugh- ter. ROWTLEY. — in ITsborue, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr. Rowtley of a son. several of the Liman club showed- they jolly Boys, of Rodgerville, and the a 0. After this innings the play be- School Boys, of Chiselhurst, came Off were no mean foes. Exeter recorded oanariSinatetstrsasaet,in July 3. Owing to the, •nthane winc,reaa,rnbie:t,83::;t.esi.,,115.4t6:11riStehtlatu'P, wea: were played, in 'which the Jolly Boys g in, only seven innings came off victors by a majority of 23 present appearances, we Should pro- urday last. DownMain street, in all pounce the veorlunartship perfect. It will be the glory and pomp of the days when will not be lopg before teams the Great Spirit helped the red man,. Tuu Globe says :-Saturday after- noon Mr. S, C. Wood, member for South Victoria, was sworn in before the Lieutenant Governor a meinber of the Executive„„Council of Ontario, and appointed Provincial Seeretary and Cornmissioneek of Areiculture in the room end ste d of theb,Hon. Archibald McKellar,,resigned. ' , .The, editor' of the' Goderieh Star 'says, the Exeter 'TIMES editor feeds on mos-, quitoes. The hero of Exeter in replY addresses his confrere thulit--" 'We might inform the Star man untie ace cording to promise, we have saved their eseneeefor his picking, and ehall timid able to cross. In the Meantime they , ay came -a pony, a squaw and two either have to go through the river or travel around the PERSONAL.-We were pau a call on Saturday last by 1V1r; Brhith- waite, of Uuionville, Co. York, -who, with,his wife and child, was visiting his -friends in the western section- ,We noticed but little chanee hippepan ance since the days oft'our Mr. B. returned home on Monday last; carrying with him a lively impression of basiness enterprise in the West. . -Me. C. Gridley stillresnains at Park hill in a low state. On the.11,th of July he went to Parkhill to assiSt ,the band in the sollowing day'a entertainment. - He felt unwell at the time, and was shortly afterwards taken somuch worse that he was unable to get home. -When Johnnie Brawn takes his new sitnation in a Seaforth cabinet - shop, which will be next week, Exeter willslose a rnuch-esteemed noting man, and the village bend a vatuable assis- tant. We hope to learn on, the success of our young friend in Ids new home. -Mrs. 13ruce of Ilamilten has paid a visiato some friends in the village. • Donald.son and Steele, two resting pedagogues, ,,i3ave Exeter a amounted. to over $40. [The above visit on tiesday last, and, ce other was unavoidably left out of last week's strangers, wonder at the ene f issue.] low nenettettaant Would be hurled in- dignantly ack into tho teeth of him i Wha titttettideit"; to as a trtogly ehe ori toirtnients its Matte 1-ift vet. , WO issue. the second instalinetit any tirne he wishes." Gentlemen, threw down your mosquito bones and gid abi armor worthy of the erat.-,Kineardirte Re- porter. Watild titive thrown your bones dowinlong since, but knew there was na sting left, and. it. mighthurt you. - children, with bared heads, three or four quilts and saddlebags, in the vanj at the time several balls were fouled. the husband, father and warrior. With which otherwise were safe knocks. Mr. tread as dienified as when his great c. Hatton for Exeter made same speln- v 1,11,00VAll14wn d t„._the score eight innings, Exeter seemed likely to gaan her decreasmg laurels by white- JOLLY BOYS. SCHOOL BOYS, washing Miceli three times in succes- R\ It. son. The fifth innings displayed somH e 12...Themson...„. 7 . ItIctiOnala.... n ltttle wranglingas to tee 1.11anneriuwhich II. C. Tibb....... 4 ' V. Lab' ' 6 it man was declared "out" by the um- G. Deihl 8 13- Bc'a 4 pire. A. noticeable performeranee of G. Murray 6 R. Steel......... 1 the day was the beautifal catch made J. Marray6 A. Mcdontild.... 3 by Jermyn who masa as Sb.urt. stop, lee W. Stonennua7 3. Hogarth 3 'mailing a pretty fly catch. by running P. Logie.......... 3 T. Moore 2 backward several yards, and nabbing D. McDougall- e, J. Gray .,.,4 STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the snhscriher, lot 21, con. 14, Hibbert, about the middle of May, two steers -one 3 years ohl, red, Ind the other two 'years old. Persons Proving property and paying all expenses eau take them away. JONAS SIMMONS. 100-3t. TYPOUNDED ON LOT 4, CON 3, 1 'Osborne, on julyl.'/, 1875, a gray. pony. If not taken awayby owner, ivho is required to pay all expenses, before August 13, he will be said. J. , Ponndlicepor. 'Osborne, Jaly SI, 187.). 1004d, Of WANTED TO LEARN PRIN TING. Must have a fair English educa- tion. Apply at this office a long field ball. In the third innings W. Denali-- 5 J. Campbell e the Lucian pitcher received a slight arm - hurt, wnichlhrew him from his 1)DSi.- Total ----- ---52 Total 29 tion Owing to the wind which existed fOrelathers pursued the bounding ga- did eatchee behind the bat. The field: eche through the wilds of the old fDr- ing of the Exeter boys was good after Park from thoSes who avvitnessed the tallense'eirn'Iletariiengnitelgegn'eleltneda' d'haecleceint second ,ests, he itelked along, allowing ncare- snow to cause a retort or look. • nings -Lucan would • have name off P. A. Soetee-The Ladies' Aid Soci. second best. Fault was found. with ety in connection with Christ Church, some decision given Liss the umpire Mr. Exeter, gave an interesting' soeial at Clittterham, but with what correctness the residence of Isaac CarTing Esq we cannot say. At the ieturn match on the ev'g of Thursday, the 15th inst. which takes place ie a few weeks The lawn to the front and side of the we hope Exeter will gain what she lost gentleman's residence was soap bespot- but lost ith huger, as the Liman club ted 'with gay ones handling the menet, is one of acknowledge powess. The roqueting their opponent's ball, and following isthesicore, Mr.GeElliottscor- crying oat "Quit that cheating, now," ing for Exeter mid Air. H. P. Macklin Ali were smiles and 011eerfrilness Out- for Inman : side and inside the house. Inside you 1401tT11 TTARS. TECUMSETLIS. Were beset by waiters, handling the R R. good things of life, and others passine Orr 2 Fleury 6 around small bags- filled with confec- I:Iyudman 2 'Porte.- . . 5 tionery,retailing " onlY4ve cents each." Sheldon.......... 2 Stanley 4 The bazar Wee not an well patronized. Balkwill 5 Watts .. . .. 5 as it might have been, but then times Anderson 6 Murdoch....... -were dull. Music was indulged in to FrayneGleason's-- . ;he pleastire of 'the listeners.' Peoceeds lerniyn2 'Atkinson....... 4 4 McLean 4 e 4 Quigley 8 Total ...... 80 Total 86 /DO U.LP.U. Those persons, Who began te eat large qitantities of fish a few years agoy and have kept up the practice ever since evitiloot having expeelenced the desired inereage of ee ual. capacity, may thank the New Orleans Republican f'or this eXplanation :-" IItdess mlia en s beeline it ie'neeleee for him te eat brainfood. It heel nevet been clainied tor Asli that it eteetesf it Only streegtliene the beeenne Won't the Goderiele Star inan be tfexed now, though? eitizeps. .r• r He WAS :AN TIUSIIMAN--ri,-e,.. hailed from old Ireland, shure, and'hisbrOgue mighthave been' cut with a lalife, IIis particular liking was to tWiet, his ehil- elagh once niore, and fling' tip his car- pet bag as he cursed every other cattn. try but Ireland, the land of ,his Aral all because he could got no more whiskey, and what had already found its way down the cavity opening at his m.outli being double X. Main street leat Monday evening. A Leveret Itioe.-On Friday evening last, quite it lively race between 'a span Mr. lettirray, who defeated it/ft, peter White ba North Renteeet some inoPths eitice, has been nuseatea for bribery by agents. Venues lqueray, brother of the teepondent. will bereported for car. rtipt reetieee. of hoses attached. to a bp.ottche con- taining a'eouple of ladies and the same number of gentlemen and a doctor's horse was indulged it on Main Street, north of -the IVIeteodist Church: The single rig had the lead and mainteined . it at fun running speed, the carriage in withOut PaYing fiftY centg' swieging along cit a terrible gait be- hind, until it neared the brow of the hill leading to the Sable, when the double rig was alkiteed te,aess.• The ladies enjoyed- the race, if 'anythieg more than their accompanying jelfast , Mowien. Itleonixn Cotteee.--ekt. „net -T- ime metalline contest toeitt Place' 'et' Shakespeare, on Tueedtty IftlY'' 1811in on the farin ef Donald Me a418,11,POrth Faet$110110, be'tWeell the t1tnipwn in go mower, manufactured Iy dm Rail Iiiianulatittring Company, ehawa, and the Cityligathiefx Jr,, in'er ',,ly mann. facturedhy.AoMpson & JItanis, of Mitchell, /fillet tt severe tri , lodged Don Carlos,. i ting to ling Al. arid other grassy lasting o, er tlitee houts, the Ottrage, Chide Jr `i 1110Wer Was It elated tile Vieter., . IY11.*(1 14 6,110V, eft( Patter8011, A., ttoberi'ltrdtt Ilained Ijiddel, SebaAtiati Pyini, and wronoo Jiattttot, BASE BALI, TERMS. -People Who are nuzzled at the technical PlIrases used., in base ball reports are ...Awn:mended to the perusal of the following definitions : ,..Field -The cow pasture where the leather hunting is perfornied. Base-Sait brigs seattered around in the grass for players to jump an. Nine -The number of roosters in knee breeches that coneteree ,base ball desk, Umpire -The chief baller--he bawls out " strike." His other duty is to sit on the top of the bat and smell it as it goes by. Judgment ---The umoiree opinion af- ter lie takes ouch a aniell. One ball ---What the umpite says when the smell proves unsatisfaetery. Strike -A 111i80110 by the batter. Put ut-The fellow who tries to get tense, templaina bitterly of tIkA way in which MS- aeldiere are treated by the Alp1ioil42h General Joeelter Waste. tltligedAtiVadridt thinking tile Carlists thoaditillY anbairod., 1 Dead. ball -One which conies to life again after being buried in tile hands of the piteter. ball Whieh bounds just the way one is positive it Will not. Fair foul -e -A, little one for it 00/1t. Balk -A " brettell of promise'' indul- ged In by tile pito sr. - Stealing bass -Stuffing a bag in the car and walkiog off to the next, when the catcher isn't looking. Itectuty--A. ball eo hot that the see. Orld baetemeti liee on ills Stornaeh to avoid , 4 1Etaft tie that singes the snort step's head as it goes by. Fly --4 ball Which seceeis the earth, and, like the gelid° 1101see flybtzzes ,around in the eIeVated trtmosphetn, Wild tiltow--Slingil*t th6 itt baseman and killitte 6 616611 1)61,16 tilt a le right iot , --uspoRxE PURCHASED. -MT. George Mulhol- land, of the Townshipof Morris has sold his farm, northhalf of lot 17, con. 6, -Morris, 100 acres, to 1VIr. Samuel Love of Usborne. for $3,000. Mr. Love has also purcliased the farm of Mr. J. Mulholland, north half of lot 1.6, con. SLEEPY MAG. -0n Tuesday ,of last week, Dag,g's "Sleepy Mag" carried off the first money in the Farmers' Rim ning Race, at the Watford races, be- ing some excellept horsee. win NJ En TRE Lyre FIRE. -Mr. Simon Mc - Lead, Reeve of Parkhill, has received the following letter from Messrs. Rae, Barns Ss Morphy, Widder Station :- " Dear Sir, --Herewith we inclose ten dollars for the benefit ef the Fire Com- pany that so ably assisted at the lett fire, on Satueday morniag last. We also beg leave' through you to tender our hearty thanks to the citizens of Parkhill who so promptly reSpended te the call for assistance. Great exeitement prevails itt Widder Stahori over thee sudden (teeth of Mrs, Collies. A coroner's inquest was held, and as it result suspicione of poison he. ling the enlist) other death were reised, and the body, SWIS sent to TOTPlitg., Whet further has buil elicited we have not !wet& 3, 100 acres I( r $3,5t)0. FOR SALE. A number of good milch cows. Apply to JOHN CARLEY, Lot S. con.% sZBEEP E STRAY. -Strayed' on the premises of the subscriber, lot 11, bounilfrry, line, Blansharcl, two ewes and two lambs, on or., about June 1st._ A.ny person proving to property ' ern- take nem awu,v. July 5. WILLIAM HIE' K. VARM FOR SALE -LOT 12, cosh 2, nay, about 5 miles -from Exeter, contain- iuglon acres, about 85 cleared, the .einainder in hardwood bush; creek running through the lot, and Well on premnsis. Good brick house and frame barn and stable. For further particulars apply en premises or by letter to DONALD TAY LOB, Redgerville P. 0. 9541. G11.14'7'03: HOTEL CHANEE.-Tlie "Ontario " House has abeut changed hands. Mr. 1101f i rrtalteleti eeitivtopirporpirsioe,taair,idisv,a,ilman o doubt, do a geed business. Till" a ITS. Lucknow councillors still delight in their "little 'squabbles." The steam man was showu in Mit- obeli on Thursday last. Parkhill is to have it mile of: new sidewalks; and the corincil have also resolved to purchase a market site. Mr, David Chmees, East Williams, has just died. He was one of the old- est settlers having come f•eue Inverness. shire, Scotland, in 1833. Er titr,r, lionses TAG tItOltZL-011 Friday htstr Ite Mr. A. Walker,. of the 2nd con. Stephen Was 111011114 InallUre With it epah colts, tbey ran away., Coe of thernk it Valuable beat, became 'entail. gle4 .bo *tools and hernestf, and thivgga thus fOr some diettaiee. 'Ives gaga it was found to boo oken. It is nOW doing well and ti reeovery 1\10TICE TO TRESPASSERS ON o THE osssApA.cosns.saiv's LANDS. , - I hereby caution all persons against cutting or removing timber from the lauds of the Canada Company, as I am authori ..ed to prosecute all trespassers with the utmost i' or of the law SO .1; sPACKMAN, Tirniifr Agent Can„,igo,, ' Exeter, May 13, 1875. 804f. TO OR S A.LE , AN XCE LLENT JL' FAR ti, being Lot Z N,E. 3rc1 con, ;McGilli- vray, 100 acres of excellmV land, r acres cleared: and under cultivation 18 acres 810 1,1801 followed ; balance well timbered and feneeli in. A frame dwelling halloo, 2 frame barns ati frame sts.Ve witlt other outhouses on the pro iseS. Also 'a- younggood:boaring orchard, two 15010 of water with pumps, DiBt211100 from Exetot es males, and 2 miles from Centralia MIL station. 1'015558i00 t given after harvest. For furtlaer particu rs op, *' ply to EDWARD JONES, lot 10, N.B.McGil 'vray, or if by letter to Credlion P.O. 1804f. ... ... _. „ John Wright, of the township of Warwick, was lately tried before Scraire Kenward, of Watford, for threatening to shoot his wife, and sentenced to tax months'. imprisonment in the comity jail. The Star Is informed that Mr. Miller Inspector Schools in South Huron, has been requested to visit the District of Algoma to inspect such schools as are in operation and organize others. Last WeaneSdaY night Colleefor Caven, atisSiSten hy Officers Detlor and Donaghy, captured an ellicit still in the village of Wingham, in it building situ- ated on the' property of one Thomas Vance. The offiCers arrived at the place, aboet midnight, when they found the Workmen had ilitt gone away, evi- dently rather horriedly, the door being left tinloelced and. one left his vest and , watch behind. The apparatus was con- fiscated and sold. Tile still had not been long in operation. Negotiations have commeneed, be- tween tho 'Pown. Council of Strathroy and the Ancaster Knitting Company concerning the removal of their works t6 that (plaice A;mass, Meeting was held iii the Firemans' Hall to Ilear the re: pert of thb delegates sent to interview the Directors of the compary as to the bonne requited, et. A reSOltiti011 Vas ttniamittyly tattried by bios meeting re. questing the Town Council to submit, it by. granting the 061Y11)&ny it bontos OftOlit t110118alid t1011itttl, - A Wingham, man named Bob Small, who habitually beats his wife and chil- dren was., Iast week punished offenitev lot FOR SALE A desirable frame cettage for sale on Huron street, Exeter, accompanying the cottage is a frame carpenter shop, and stable, wilh two or four one-fifth acre lots, to suit purchaser. The cottage contains ten rooms, with good well on the premises. For further paaticulars apply to V. 8: JOEY, on the premises ; or to J. 17., OROCEER, Prop., Seaforth P. 0. Exeter, July 14th, 1875. 98-tf. P1-10TectnAPIIS OHAS. SENIOR having removed te the standlately occupied by Mr. C. South- cotte, tailor, has completely retiovahld the prem. tees and arranged his studio so as to command, One ef the Best tights in Canada is prepared to execute work in drot-elass Acknowledging past patronage, he begs a eon, tinnance of the faver6 of the public,. Attention is called to his stock of Frames, &c., having on hand. a good. selection o f mouldings, arid being prepared to make frames at moderate rates. - Residences photographed. Photographewhen re, touched, (f2 per dos; Cabinets 54. Iinperials $E 8,4 S. GIDLEY, EXETER, C'A. BINETs-MAIKETt & UNDERTAKERS, tako this apnortunity to infortn the inhabitants ofthis and surroundingsectimis that their New nears° Is now completed, and they do not hesitate:I ing that it Jamie of the best in this western Our UNDERTANING Department, ort Herat will be fotind in it very otadient condition. Caine -plain and ornamental,- also, eh etc Funerals furnished o4 the shortest' and est. raasonahleterrna, 14;13.-A pea essorteateat of 17t/ENITIII Says ht Stock August 28, '74 K E IVI F' 'ago to inform the tnneking connranilty a DXFAl'Elt Ibo SurrOinuling 'neichnorhood that he 1318 opened 0 STORE 021 01)potito Mointyto & Co o 6 itopes 'by selling riests,o'IS tt oteg&d el btfttikwafei 0at0litiitt:0Agto, u