Exeter Times, 1875-7-15, Page 6tithusiastic
o .„1,r;*cs 4,1iwoVor,Y
grave steno so11ew1ie10 i.trthu
Ii1111 whick is ti„tonsixt b of eN„tra
hniry 1tliti111111,1'11/1.1 L()11 the
`e aro C1.1 111
'1 010101
s. t'. AN-w1t,roistiti
14,6' rupposed to cumin amorat01001(1
00 historieal o.Nat, 01 the ea,rly
t10)1(111t Y n21 -
The wite 01 tho late PriA'essor
oio 10100 0110 11.101(00! 0011 1,0:01t0jaril "ti,4"
,OV1 ding to custom, to 1 on tier stock-
ing *tad 01100.4. At a certain shwo 01'
!this process a little scream. 0tl,racted
attention, and not having yz.:t
Ito leaned anN..aub,,, ins 1 pi n. el-
.) -
bow, idquiring ;flail the illatter
l'rofessor, a little bilake has
just orawled out 01 mV lyiot," said she..
Only uue, rny doar ?" reiurned
:Professor, calmly lying do ;
there snould have been three,' Ilo'
11:t15 put them there to ke,-,9,2 11(110
.kniericitu gentle inan wo riaing
tb.e Lop 01 11 coach, in the Trossacks,
ti,,inpany with twa entinu;lastic Scot,-
elim,on, who had .0.0000 boon giere be -
for.,„ 1)1.710i0!....; 0 Sheet of wa,(er ono of
111,41,1 oxclainod to tho 01110.0,Look,'
there's Lock Lommond," and
tairnin,”; to the Americanhe said "have
yo ony thing. like thot hiAmeriea ?
On ye roplied " why we, littve
11z11ei 01e.1°U, 11.101 y011 0;111 sail 00 for
,days, wilhout seeing land !" 00811!"
the SeJtchman as Ito turned
'to 1.110 companion,' he' -i lecr JinYon-
ii,)stott editor lduslies for the ig,
noran co of three yenne ladies of that
city (11(0 ;tried to get their horse's head
1.1 so 14101 it coltld driul by tinbuck-
their horses crupper. Probably
same girls wlio mibuckled tile
nr,niching strat) going (I .,1011 dewn hill,
pepause it pulled against tile iloor
At ca.011),Ir.,N.t..itig summer, a
--.‘11Pr1blo sister benlii 1110 hymn—
..\ly soul be 011 t1.1Y guard:
`i:eu 1110110..ind foes 1110710,0
;She begau ha slit ill quavers, but it was
pit.olle15 too high. c Ten t u cl—
Ten thousand," she screeched, aila
s4opped. " Start her at 5,0001' erica
co, verted stook broker present.
Oile of the importunaLjav'e.iiies vilio
l'kT pennies was lislied : \A•There
your mother ?" She ,tinswerod 01111.
't Site is dead" -r 1T10'e you
110 --„Yes, sir but ho is
What ails him ?" continu
111e'questioner. " 110.0 got -a sore
sir." " Indeed ?" Yes, sir."
Then wily don't he cut,It off?' "Ple(tse,
responcle(1 the little 1011111, " lie
jiasn't ,rot any money to buy a knife."
Inting chilli
'trait of Little
If ore i4 ijJ11Vlfl1t which
Yott to accept, nut Q1 account of
Yaluo, but aS a token of es
te..00 and respect.,"
And he 11e i1 tido pict aro ,.1.1„t my
hand, -1.
tun distributing a of 'these
.0.0(114,a4;.'s ainott;fl1YAl:lends, lie
tirmed„ eatioe,coneii damask' 1
intend. tor Pat is.‘son of 010 the
uavd,tablo will to 1 1iti 01.11110 Of 1110
o 01111littt,i, E(.„ larrer is to 0,0
alla restol the tornikee go
to various other tiewsooper 1000 in
dincront part* of tho uountry wlio 1nt\20
none se 00 1U' 0,11 erotic,
an appreeittuve punitt',
too lo our bed
000 U) ,tud rol,eat vont°
and inorning or.if-ohs 10 think
of t1ib(1i1 1f 11or, un,1 beth 110
aspit(ttion for lily 110 0)0011.
..1.4,e greeted. me 'with 0 kiss of aspira,
Con, 1001 \V0 ooiood.
Can yott )v011de5; ILOt it, dark s 11 a de w
has fallen 44r000 the pathway of zy
isted.ce, OX-
ond Una though the sun may
shim), the llowiNts bloom,. and the.
Carol as blith.ori, as of yore„ the beauty
,tad 'hlightness, the, freshness and
fragrance, seem to lnivo fled front life?
J.1111 .E.1,4 BRIG (1S, 1), B
Graduate of (lobocank University,
Toueuto, ;July111, 1875,
10111. retnovn g the
0001.1. it^,*
. Very stern parent indeed—Come
:here, sir ! this complaint till
sehoolmastei had. made (.11aitist ?
l\luch injured youtli—It is just nothing
at all. •You see, Yeinnay ,Hughes bent
pin frndI just left it on the teacher's
chair for him to look at, and lie (Janie
in without his snecs ancl sat dowl,
on the pin, and BOW he *wants to blanae.
,run for it.
An elderly nentleman returninn
liome fro01 01111.0011, 1211)111.1 to extole 1,119
the. dierits uf the scullioo to his son.
Said. he : " Jack 1 hoard 0)te of the
most delig1ituL serinon s ve L-1 e I ive red
before a Christiau society. It cairied
me to the gate of heaven." " Why
!didn't 3011 dodge',', ?" " You will
liexor have such a chance again."
A boy who had stolen some ,apnles
was' forgiven for the rather ing,enion,-
inaainer 110 000101.1. he ,excused .himse
Th,) schoulma:iter aiing hioi what he
11,1.11 to say for liimself,, 1110 urchin 1.0,7
" The apples\ were Tom's ; I
don't Imo w how.lis got them ; and now
they are inine, and lie don't know how
11 000E11t1'i0 old fellow, who 'lives
alongside of a graveyard, Ar,r,ts asked it
wits „nut, aft unpleasant location. 'No,'
said " T never jilted places in my,
ith a set of neighbors that mind-
ed their own business so tiddy as the,)-
,9" 1001102(1500
Probably no hOrse 10110 ever more ge:
nerally known the celebrated
horse, Cruiser, imported from England
11'1 831 by Sohn S. 111t1.037, 1011000 1)00-
00111 of h00710 -training fOr some time
the sensation in this country .ainl En-
,\Nrhe,n REr. Rarey wont to En -
glaild his system. , W1171 thoroughly put
to the test by' contact with Cruiser, an
animal that 1001. SO 010101171 ill dt 110 Wari
closely aud continuously confined in a
stable., in such a wity that he ,could by
no possibility reach anybody,- eitber
with Ids mouth 01 heels. ilis food
was delivered to him through a sort of
foul e1, and he seeins to Lave, bOou hep
solely tts an extr`einely wicked curiosity.
His splendid muscle and activity gave
him the vilest scope for the exofcise
of his incorrigibility, and he is said to
nave lacked so high 1171 10 strike aboard
11oor, fourteen ,foot above the floor on
which he stood. Ordinarily, it was on-
ly the 000110 of a tow minutes for Mr.
Rarey 10 tame hers,e, .but it took hhn
three hours to subdue the terrific Ccuis-
er. After putting him. under control.,
Mr. riVavey purchased him and brought
111111 to this country, and placed him on
the Farm, Groveport, in this
st•tte wb-ra he bocanie nopnlar with
breeders. 110 became so gentle -that
the people about Ratoy faini could fon-
dle hinuas theY would aliitteri, aol! 1110
colts were notod for their kind disposi-
tion-. Strangers, however, were not
permitted to have much to do with
him. This was to prevenli teasing and
the revival of the old propensities.
Cruiser died at Rarey farm the other
day, in thc twenty-third year of his age.
Ills teeth wore worn so much that he
could,not eat hay, and proveinley had
vu be specially provided for him. As
contemplated by the will of Mr. Rarey,
he receiveli the kindest care in his old
age, and it • was only recently 11111 110
fell into a decline.. From a bill dated
'2,lay,4, 1861, we take „the pedigree el
(it:nisei., Its (10110 (0710,.
" Cruiser is‘of the colebrated Venison
stock of Engictud, and. 0011.0 sired by Old"
Venison, the winner of the Derby race
in 1818. Venison proved himsellthe
010111001 11000(1 of his day, having 1.001'-
ailed on foot 111 one year,' when only,
three years uld, nine „Pirtnated 1111100,
and 11111 I our teen racts 411(1 won t
CriliSer WaS bred. by Lord Dorchester
in 18152, sired. by Venison by Partizan,
by Walton[out of Parasal by Potatoes,
,71013 of _Eclipse. Cruiser's dam was
Red Rover, by Tramp, out .of Syntaxi-
na, sister t"O Syntits,;, sire of Beeswing,
the dam Di: New 111inster, the most val-
uable stallion now 11.1 En,dand." •
Let callous and. shallow -hearted 31:i.-
-tires Jest over the 'loss of one 'SVO 110'1'0
1:5100011 so Well and ioveel, 00 dettrly.
I leave it to others to nritke tile 01301-
1 001110110 1111.1.1110 caMe WO rill litIle
And tr'ett,f 100/011 00080 t1.10LIS',a, .(1011:11;S,
(11 370110. 1 00111101 pu.n. over (lie, grave'
f severed friendship. -Let those 'who
.failed; to appreciate Itis iichle qualities
of head and 11011(0 give, vent,' to unfeel-
ing observations respecting Idle
(,:iltrievadt,y) Q11,111101 bind
Jtin1 to tiie 1101)1.37. ine it would
00(7111) 111(0,01 desecration of tlie holiest
,..feelings of .
1.)ear old man 1 5 called. at his office"
,yesterday to p•,ty 111111 11, farewell visit.
11010 1.01a0 fatherly Sinile 071 Of old illu-
ininod his f1101-7 altd,,\vettilier:1),tab.
Co ttia teN,tan ee; \va:3 ,sea,ted the
0101(0 '1)11010 dttunts's., hallo;vtd by so
111(10137: ple(tsin„,0- , associations.
ccrner steed 'the 0001)L-1ab/0, tho, 15.81.11,
(11 Intliielt 1011,1111015 00111137 1e00ii1i.3ecilcos
,pf bygone limits. Upoil 11 stooti tIio
11.01)11.0001.• 110(1 champagne glitsses 1151010.
brable in the liictery Of 4111: Provit.ce.
0,a tile wail tu front of Jinn innig OLe
origiritti and, never-to.be'-forgotten pee-
1rait of Little lqrs. --L--- A renewed,
oens of grief and c estront 00037, 0)10101
oltor nte at 11120 og1.ti 1. wa.s 00 ever-
eoine tlitit 131 11 talied, tit`e ticarc;SI,
1500,10 100 ibild filling ft 111asaive 111511
ly 01100101 goblet With the an1hei:'00.01o),...
0, d.r111111 it off 131 order to rocover
10137 COTITri08a,re. let grasIred 111y
hand. Tettes' stood id our eyes, ,but,
either spoke fei: some rinoirients.
'4 So," said I . at 1e01)1(1, you are
)0111 to Ieave tis."
Yes,' lie faintly rau u re d, 50 11,
voice faltering ,,with enlotion ; 1)r15y
irriperati 3013Y deinttilds the 00(101. 1001. It
s the will (4.07re-w1t,'
" 1110 will, not (10)1 0, re-'
o,ndeti " but it is Irtrd—s?* htt-d to bd
Yes,". lie said, d
11001i deeply I grieve oiterILo fridnds I
fi'V'O 1)6)1111d rite, and may toyer 'never
• 0
, .)
again, r„Ilhe parti9g,
Yon in prtrt icul at aiie been nlore,
to me than 5 ever ead
Arid 0013C01t1001 ilk 0)11) 01100
'owed old 1tQ0e,e13'j)0S of bitters and blA-
Int to fill ne aud " 01140-
00y," tui called it, 0011tained abolat
Wo 11110L1F15 typographical errors and
Aulf that many gratatufia001 blunders.
4tt it wits 0 fou1lt:4410111 t1.141 IN Went
111 0ee0001110„511b0e101.2t1O100 Valk( 8ellahlg
'Or railroad passes. 110 .0 wont tor',
iuperiutenden18 until he had. a pass
wkw ig.crY road in 1.110 1.310ate 1. but these
vero not onotig It, 1.0 sent abroad, and
Wally he a1515re071ed the ottperintettleot
of Ohio road. No an;:‘,\VOr,, The
k3tlitor wrote ttp,ain. No 11 02001'
\00010 11.10 1111015 letter, and au answer
eawo back, Co to 100 I.L'he editor
turned the letter over and wrote ” Send
me a pa:is on your road and
l'ito pass came and he was made hap
0%! -
In .111)i.Illdelpll la p110020
OrS,1 LIQV 1100 vcllicies winoli ai
OlaWil.111;•eS 10i1 1i0 Lit, NV 111(101VS or. other
1000114 ventilation., Idled with pas-
sengers and the do'or closed tight, tliere'
1.0 110 access for light 0,1' air.' A few days
ago a number, of convicts wore crowded
into ore of them for a long ride from a
police court„to 11. prisea in the suburb.'
Tho heat hi the open air wAs eighty -
Lino in the Lado. Tho ride lasted for
four hours. The temperature) wituin,
the 0001 111(100 have boen 125, and the
air vitiated besides `by the fetid breath
of drunkards. At the 'cud of the jeur-
ney one of the convicts was foun11 to
haye been stilled.
Tlie education 01 1110 British soli:out-
tural laborer is 11010 80 far a15vant3od
that in Scotlandlie is learning to dance ;
and 0 short time ago 0 curious Ties,.
tion as to whether a plowman' may act
as a dancing ii-iaster to the prejudice of'
his' employer came before the Sheriff'r
Court for solution. It appears that the
1119,11 11,1 0,1 Oal 1 ublio bt ils er I s
0 \‘ 1 (.3 11
follow-labot.ors and their wives qua
daughters--sonie of them his own put-
pils--usod to go, and all got so drunk
that they coalct do 00 WOrli, the next
day. .The Sheriff considered that some
of the man's wages should be forfeited;
but a London writer expresses the hope
that plowmen and. iwricalturaI laborers
generally will not be discoura„,crecl from
attempting to acquire gracefuland har-
monious movements. The end of
tlaucineris to realize per103t grace in
tilotioo, and in fhis it must be admitted
the agricultural. laborer is at present
deficieu 1.
11 bridling (361)101 01 1001 1)1(11.0
'I come to say j
11101 1i10 18,b3.101tVi&
.ffaptisecg by JUIsEglize,
Some of oar worthy Colored brethren
of the 1311p103t persuasion 110(1 a bap-
tism clowli 111 the _creek last Sandfi.y,
an(t the ceremony attracted a Very largo
crT,vd of people.' Mrs. Pitman's color -
o11 servant girl was very' anxious to',be
present, 111115, 11 11 (008 ilot her Sunday
out, she slipped away J'rom 1110.1100.5e
1110 tlitiler was eAtiu, -ntd \vent
11)01111(1 111 lier workirq); clothes. 1.Ic
interest was so intense that silo stood
close to 11.10 iiiinister, 00110 Was hi the
water, while the cerentony proceeded..
Aff,er six or 060011 had been clipped, 11150
clerg,yinan, filled with entliasiasm„
so'lzod ,her and. pulled her into the wet -
'1.' 8118 resisted brit minister
that 'she was inerely afraid , of
the coldness ,cf tIto \vatet, so bet01.0
0 OOLliC1 OXIllitin the situation lie sour -
1(1 lter. S'ae 001110 '-1.112 splutterin{,,, and
" yolt 9" Lemnle 1016
,eo I tell "(1 1"
1))tit he oNerted his strength, an(1 set
her " below 0110 surfa,co
0)0 0. 8110 etuiirged, clawing the air
(0111110 Iced eloirttilic,
ay from 11070! 1)011' t yott
00(1011. 1)10 under again, you nigger 1"
1300 1,110 elorgynait 00113 1100'xoi'eble,
and lie Ixituvreit untl'ol. tilt) titird
113)15 1101e1 lier thera for a, minute so as
to 1.00110 11111 aini de her got)(1'. Theft
site ettipo 1.03 arid 011.11e11. for 1110, 011000,
0100111)115 L1101.0, looking like a drag.
151015 r(1ertnai(l 0110 1(1 cbonyl 511), sllook
1101' :(jot at .1,110 astonislid pitStor, and
shriei:od '
51I fix you 1 I1, bust tile
hatc.1 offen you, yirri t h
1.1 ,11 1 1.110 nt (10111110
ly drowned nft. y() well
(OIOt)1)'ll all de t1100 dat *L'b
and howl c1)ri4st,,Ited 1)37 t
3701,1 betlerS, 11)1)1 101160011 moro1511$, 00^
11 . i I all de .1,l'ap1.issce, dat' 'over
s)lottted, you scatiriti 41111
ine got,tlie rhoinnatiz ,1i10Set
Inc 01. 1103' ! Pll 10100 yf$11
very di,ty or illy 1)1101.0 111 riot
you woolly -110;1;40d
Then joliannal went 11000 0) rearriSleti)
aria 1100 'eerdffiorty peocceded. 1114ist4
JOIDItstIti ig noW cOrtVinceel that the
aAro not any better
• YiUdiver,Agvolorewelnassog
jr,fr. 1.3cec5m1'08 ,s43,f,Iceecgittg red -
• —
When 1110 law -war began, a young
man, tile only son of a widow, • who
had been fascinated by Air. Beeehor's
preaching, was mt,vde bylis Patriotic
exhortations and influence to 01111511,
and was presently killed in battle. His
body, was brought home, and
Beecher going to the house, led the
mother to the coffin 0011 -100511 to her that
there lay her son before me dead; that
the young man, the hope of her hie
and stay of her age, and been murder-
ed, cruelly ,murdered, and that
(Beecher) wa's the assassin. And
thereupon he burst into so passionate
a paroxysm of self-accusation and re-
proach that the mother became con-
seltaion to him. Such and incident
entirely consonant with what 1.1 known
of i\Ir. Beecher, would. find a natural
place intim pions chronicles.
tsise Lue,ra.
510).1.00 . it
fain y01 $A,t,)dy Nov/
lots *t vary ilramtleal way ,of viewing
events hi life axid, (Waling with stuldoi
oltwr04e110ics. .1.11110 fearteoli-year•-old
ditagliter of tliis fatiilly, who 1)0(1 bog*
addieted 10 dilae-tievet otior se01-
11.00010101. 1)1)01),Wjt111 school -boy,
1301 /married tb 11510, (1.1115 t1.*01.1 0011.100e15
with to ,bo, forgi'Ven, after the man-
ner of the .,ever; a the diine 000018.
5'410 parents, hosvever, were 1101 Ilice the
parents in tho dime novels, for tile xno,
the spundly spanked. the 13101,
boy ou 1110 Nvay (nit 01 tlie 31011.0(0 00f11i
kicliod seventeen times by 0310 flttlier.
As ileitner of t'lent hail read anything
01 11)10 sort iir dime ziovels, the deiame,
010)11 001)8 11 genuine surpiise to Ilicin,
Tlie")veloolne,of the fon11 parents, i)o
ever, it is said, to worlc Jibo it oharia
and both the lovers -are cured of tlien.
folly. Love may laugh at a locksmith;
but wheit it collies to spandang and No,
12 boots, lovecarx raise ttt best only it
sickly smile,
The 3.)untritts ,S'101)(10.r11 records 011001
of: lievpic bravery ftnck presences cf niitici
such 001100 rarely IvititosSed, 111 a child,
ancl which -in this instanee,,,vas certain-•
ly the means of saving olio child, and
perhaps two. Iti appears thtrt 11 num-
ber of' girls were playing, on 100 ba.uks
of the Inn iniinediately above klouti-
gan's axo factory, wbich 1)11100 15 a com-
mon rendezvous fOr juvenile gatherings.
0110 the water close to one of the lilile
sand islands NvIiich are pretty in:truer-
ous, there wfte a -raft 011 whiclitlie child-
ren were ht the habit 65 a,nusing thee). -
selves. Two 'little girls each about
.twelve years of two, named Lizzie
Campbell of trito Pork shop oil Kinn
street, iund 1\fr. Stephen_ Johnston,
market clerk, *got, on ]lis raf.t. • to enjoy
tlioniselves. iliero some of time
ronutininu git15 pushed the raft .off,
leaviuu tfio two children 110 means, of
escape. .As the raft reeeeded from,
the 1wd, the girls 1)ecanie frightened
and n 01 knowiag the deptli of the •rt ater
they rosolvet1 to junip in, thinking they
,vout(l be able to wade out. But „tile
\valet: being inuell deeper thau expected
they went over the head iiniiiediately,,
(tudWore in imminent danger of droivu-,
1111). 1515) tbi8 1nomeitt a boy ;lamed
Price, itgecl eleven, son of 111r. G. N.
Price, Ivas standing on' tlio bridge.
without hesitation,' the little hero
jumped right into the Water, .11015 madb
for one of tlie,two who seemed to be io
the greatest danger. In fact, by the
tinie he reached her, she' was all but
drowned. but fortunately he was in
time to seize lier, and the other grasp-
ing ilold of his braices, he gallantly
dragged tliena both out of the water.
OIL': of 11)e ;P011e1)i0202? 01'
1.11.10 01.1" OT 4100E E011 1UPROVED 110 TIIE
CUTTING. 0151 01' 371111 0111111.
The sabseribors have Etivrted. a Pump Factol'Y
litho .Village of Carronhrook, IAA io ,in the
Townallip of lIsy
k11 they art; io7P0 SS
, •
they will, be ablo tocilii1colitl.,6011:111yorlo their '11C070 well
but cheaper those -11110 have do their worlt
y 10.1013'veriety of 1100(1011 110.031), th.-
CELKDRATED roncE rumr,
(115,11)1.0 Order 1111,1 1111.10015 in 'wellsall being -a at-
All orders l.(ift at the h 13 Iton 000 mile
h o
nortf E.Xe.,ter 10001V0Pronll,t 001.0001.01,11011,tio.
S °11
nAx 1115)'00.1873.G, & EOULTON.
hasnew on han,1 11 numbor of those
Champion Pea Harvester,
which have
These impleMents require no puffing, but have al-
ready spoken for theiuselv'es. They oan be ioon
A.a.ron Shute, of 479 Tompkins axon:
02, Brookl,y11,,w110 was 011001)111 to have
been 1051111y shot by a buiglar nearly 'a
inontll'ago, Is recovering, One of the
bullets entered tliree niches under the
loft ear, anOtifer one on the right side
1)1 1100110011, rtad a third close to tile
lobe of the left ear. Soon after the
'burglars escaped from the house Mr.
Shute vonnfecl large quantities of blood
and tlie physicians proirotniced the case
fatal, and refused to do anything, But
titrough Airs. Stitt te's entreaties one of
thsui gave 40 husband a dosc of ice-.
water, 111215 tilt; ble(idin, was stopped
Tlie wounds were, not dressed ,
seven o'cioel the next evening, titepliy-
sicians declining to give Iiim *nedicine,
they thought a dying man
On Saturday last Shute's right
eye NI7 a Si fttlielt '0110. Exactly the
c'entrie of the eyo ball was a A•rnitll braA
Tho buliet 11)01 (112101101. (1)111011 tho
)00100*1'0 found hy 111)0 i110 of [ho boll.
371h±00w'et ballot dint grazed the lobo'
of a pea. This bone 00013
t 1)11t4 went obliquely glider
137i0111d lodged bohinct tite pupil of
,c oval of hi* light 4a37e
0100a0,41 neovend 1158
WYen able,to g‘le HOPI)
f111, "1.hit155 iriia`16ng
The rakes 5170 manufactured by himself flout the
very 301711. 01 thy -material, and -
Tim subscriber is determined to sell out his s1.oio
at reef:need prices, Ilan
ALI/ 01a/000 OF
r_I*11.11' 1.Done to Order
msul lcept constantly on hand. Also all kinds of
lemembor the 1we1.---1e1.l• Satible
Gen,ts Furnish:in
'A.1711 Gli,'NEBAL
1,0110(71) 10,11.110 bas'jioit receive( a 1)0 111217111.1
assortment of ' •
emit r
W111011 for
Department is replete with °very modern lui-
proyenient, and furnished monthly with •
• . . .
American., Styles and GlitS.
All 'Work guaranteed, :and cut iu t io mot
Call early and see one of tile choicest and best
elected 01.001(01 11 town, ;ind offering at low
prices for cttsli. • ; 0. SOUTI-I00TT.
3I,1100IIACTISOI1I( 01'
Wooden Ilarvest Tools
° Fork Handles,
Grain Cradles,
0 ivilI 11500 VOEIdy 1.01' 010 coMing harvegt, the
Pulkey Hay rRake
Xovelty in 'ootion.
0.1 on i>I1Q eth ee,no,eo 00
roxit w,g)),60,0t tP,ma440„40. Aitliy. 02
A14,. , kuotor.
, ,
who bmi 01.100,01iota, iptg,54ng orisize frejn onc;
14A 1101,V, (11A ?.'760) to Lwo (111)01,1.00wale, la anti ttti•
ining o village. 11,0 J4110, 1)0').
rp.iargomen,t of Pronuso
q. 2/40INTIr.1133
retttre Ina s(ncloo thanks fyr On; Very
011 partoxittEat bestowed upon 11711)1 sine° 00111-
nienentg ensmess 171;(eter. ',this lto*ge patyon,
ago ho een514).'s 1.11 owing to the fe,et 4,0 117111
in the clothing lino 0)1)1 1)10011 (01 )1)0(011), satistae•
tion to Ins eustoteerso 5i would, alr,o stake that
Oo ints 100060 (11t0 Ws new building, ,Visliburii'l•
010 considerably added. to lits
ready largo and 'paled '
STOOK 01P Twlial,,,Ds RATS ()APS
aiia Gents' Vurnishings of every '.ioscriptiota.
INT; 1-1) g t
charge of tTailoring Department
Gut la the inost fashioluable style. Clotil pur-
()based of me euf free of charge. •
J l‘foiNT,S 00.
• .
will 12i,dil 00
Thcir Itago to 1,ti3' ttioir Sttei
asi I art' x**61)..,,y01. to deaf With them 1111. reasona-
bly as any 1)1.1100 01. lablishnient, and tO'git!'e pl'outpt
attention to ell orders,
kt Ind 510110)&111.y' 18 the htSineSti.
;April t,1;
New Tailor Shop.
VS7'. . INT Z
EGS to intimate to the inhabitants
of and Viemity that helms opened
i-;ev 0511017 0102) '
At Eliinville
Where Y stria attention to business lac thoPe
moil a fair share 01. 1)01.10111150,'
A X T -C G
NV. 1\14A1VINEY.
1011m1'lile, Tuly 8, 11713.
f you want
Good G�ods & Cheap goods
'Exete Grocery .& Liquor Storo
12 lbs. splendid Sugar for $1.00
10 " very 'bright " " 1.00
9 " white 1.00
to Oui 75'et, and Dollar Tea give tile best satisfaction 'of any-
thing offered in town. Just received, a lot of canned cora.
Peaches, Tomatoes Pineapples Lobsters Saraiiies Fre611 Salmon Dried
Apples, Raisins, Currants, Biscuits aul Confectionery. Liquors of all kinds—
best ever offered in town Goods doliverea free of charge. GEO. IVIACE,
jusai RECE nrE I)
Carload of
We have also on hanl a,laige stock of
Clover TilliOtldy, Hinagarian
Gra,s,s, and other Seeds
Warranted All Fresh
No old Seeds kept in Stock
Sutherland Bros
SIVIary's, April 8 1875.
Bo' r aricl
Ei-gine -c7.
Two -horse power
wood Say-A:111PM.aohinc
This machine has hcen thoroughly rested and
• givtia •
It is supplied with a
BA,.1%.,I )
or driving a
Stra* Cutter,
1. -rain Crusher,
Cti•othor inach1.n43',, without extra expense ko
. cept for, the bolt. '
All kinds.01
Fr atrmingim.p/prnents
1. kept constantly on hand.*
Dal olperation.
of 011 1111100 to order.
promptly, attended to.
(101 es ,
Mitchell, Ont.
The Dominion
'*1 I
Call and see our
Corner Bathurst & Wellington Sts.,
Itsapers and :Mowers, Cultivators Flow.:
Canglows, Cultivators,
Important to evoq
Carson s Paint
Wirroved. Virolroot) TliOso who are 14
med. k) Sh01.04, onquiro for 041.801°4
Improved Imint.
1101s 0100,p an4 13140ring 111.9
grain of the wtaal ; it 500pst;11 J0401,101144 411
roofs, 11114 pt:eserves then,t against the 'action
of both. Vale ancl weather, One mat ia
We it1)),
u o of epulmou paint, and two
„ (mats
J.AmEs F11013 T,
Agent, Exeter,
N. B. --,:Wood taken 111 exellange for the intin
A.33EATTIE &C,a,
T11 ) IR I.
Tith implenient has a double di,ttlibutilig grain eup, and is admitted to be the best before
Lite pbiic. 1 am now busily engw.toti makintt theta, for the spring seeding, mai will he pre-
(3ared to supply them. 1.), 10, 11, 12 tabus e0117, with 1111.0 or ‘vilhin.,1, acct., rding le or-
der, wilt to.lao.:-.1o: to keep on hand eitherkind. 511(1 S17.0 to supply any ('11,) may not imv(
given I heir ortlel•. The style, tbris11, ui,i 11111171710 used will be I iltnid all dart emi 11u (lesirea.
atal if ogitalletl, not airlift:Ise.' in Wostern Canad.a.
• 0
This regoiros no inttoduelion. It has bacon.' (1 1100601 i y to tile formers not on y ILS ft 'labor
saving implement, hut in the increased quantlieS 01 1,3171(02) saved. by ;raking the t4ubhle alter
he 'super. In various ways it can be used to advantage. The experioner. 01' (1,0 last two
seations has 710010601010 'a)e 18.32 1111.3)10 :406 ir.stead of ilie oval for I( th, 1,1 0,10 g4gc 1011
adapted. for the .00111, 1101 only the strongest analeast liable to breali, holds it, position the
best, not nearly 00 011)0 to straddle apart and 1001 in raking, At• WesKnii .t 10011 _First
101100111 Sulky Dalcer, beside the 13, 0. Taylor. I am inaking the Litelitiold ilako. It is Yory
much like the 1.thica. ln tins eastern States and the Lowor ProViuce>4 it has taken the hIttl
91 all others.. 12311(1.10 ton of them. last season as an experiment. TheY 11aV,0 autPh•
satisfaction. 11.0110130 ready in season -with betIr kinds, and hope to be able to supply all who
may favor me ‘vitli their order. IAEA 50015011 1 WM; 31101'1 1.1111V 0110 Inineirell
11hamiz lrOu'adol, Corner Pailtarst and IVellina I on Sts., London ,
, • '
P21:7•72301211EllaWIEMIXTIZIM-.Ja-n••••m• ..soesermonsersrs.4rzsmosimilissimimer1111
J(11.111 DRE
-would beg co linen 'Co 1111(1 1.10 hos lately
urchased the Stock of Mr. E. Drew
con ting ol
of every descr4ttion, thus making hit; preeont stoek
Splendid Slice es8
Taking Everywhere
Imtheriso, Nottloor Sdid. ,
N B. Old'. Ins (-)ttan otit s. taken
51) cieliango new.
trt' eenStantly Olt hand at 3. )row's
taro Ware -room. Unsie 'Stools from it
1101 oc11..
Send for Cirdulat to
e;TIOt Mont,
he Largest
orth o
LmaTID Ilipids4at
woinb oAttroated ho ono 'of tho finest if,
the Dominion, and lie isAllorofero prepared
....,toattond funerals, oral
T A.MOM:Ir‘NT'S 'N'Ort(!/.1-}
of i
Shro'itds, ttl.%vo,ys on 1.1t-ti).t1 reaflontlibl
A PINT tor tho 000040 NVooas, 13001.021.• organ ; also,tor the 1111o:shall
NVenclall* 1Tardmai, Ft°4* piques
• 1
' ifs 013o
-For ttto protection of Cita itublie of 131itien
North Anioriea 1 deem it my duty to state
.;,ait, illy Pills 'and Ointment' are 1101141er
manufactured nor ,,iwata itny part of the 'United
11,11011, ..111111 pot • :Ma box bears the
4.3) 1.10:0 C.701)6111)/fOit Stir /11y),\VI Ill the word rt,‘Plo llo-
way's Pills and Ointinent,London;entnavedthere- '
on. On the label is the address, ,51.3 Oxfoad. street, NI
tendon. Tina notice litts boAiome necessary, .
consequence of vilo and spurious imitationd of
“ReiloW/Ly's and Ointment,' -
bem, fain lotted t78 11 den I a 'e
New York, by par, 4 ties styling them-
selves " Bolloway and Co.," with an:
assumed tr a de
Unp r in cipled vendors can ob-
taur this trash ata vOTY'' low Price,
midst) deco ive you , by selling the
same tor my geimineHolloway's Pills anti 01131.'
100111., which are manufactured only at 5)13 rOrd.
street, LtlilaOlf. VOIS011g NVII0 Tritt-y be deceived
please conntruicatewitlinto.ilfauy'respeet'bletirius
ut the 'British Prcivinceswho obtain my medicines
direet,front here, 11 we very properly suggested
that I should, for the benefit of themselves 511(1 '
the publie,-insert their names hi the papers, that,
it nig.), be known that motlicines'enn lic had genu-
ine fr011l thenl. 10116 following is a list of the 11*11110
111111(100 10• (1.1111 I Particularly 1 00011101ml those
who desire' to 0111. 211)1 medicines -1d s'amly to 501210
of the hOuses named:-Blessrs. Avery, Brown &
Co., Halifax, 10.8; 11e0512. Foisyth 'SP; Co., N. S.
Messrs. TB Barker & 50118, St 301111, -14 33; Mr. T
Dos Charlotte ToWu, 1010 1.1 Messrs. Lan0-
1.t7 & Co., Victoria:, 230.; 'Messrs. Msero & Co.,Vic-
toritt, 33 C; Dr.,•Tolni Panel, Chatton, N 23; MeSsrs.
Munro & Montreal; 'Messrs. 11 Winer ,..Cc Co.,
tmilton,; Mr. 11 J Bose, Toronto; .'Afr, A Chip-
man Smith, StlJohu.N B--,• Mr. John Bonet, Goiter -
fah ; Moser's. &Co., Toronto ; Chakmer•
st John, N 11; Messrs. Ilitrungton Bros,, St John
•\(' ; 11I3 11. 1,rlddy, Windsor; Itos Oryon, Morden,
N S; Mr Goorge Hunt, jr., Fredrick -ton, N 33; l‘fr.„
0011 hompson, Harbor Grace, N 10; Mr
NVilfry,Vregrickton, N 33; Mestirs,AV & ID Yulle, ,
Montreal. The medicines are sold at the lowest
Wholesale nott,priees, in. quantities of not gss
than .02(7 worth -viz., Ss. (0, Us., and 3(5,1)01' dozen
boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for *which re-
mittance must 1)o sent, 1.31 atiV111100.
THOMAS Bor.itowAt.
MD1CAL 11101:X say that nothing is SO 100
Eportant to gord health as a roctm-horn
fortabl,y -warmed. The se"ason of year brnOW"
at hand when you willrequire the very best
beg to say that they have lust reeeived ono or
tho largest stoelca 111 the 00011.0y,',consisting of
Stoves of the very latest a0511(11 and the best
3311 80111) IMASOIVADLY 011110151?
Their 315111i581111 always lam beero to(111111(30111.
toincts, Harawaic,
Titewlro Coppor-vizro oto
111(00370 0111.11111a, /1180 tito
041 liags, Copper, iron, oto,,,bottolt.
wkll 1,000 VII SChiTIVA11011
'cr .6:Is:..Tre PROS,