HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-7-15, Page 5TANZEY 8c JERl4!lY: GRATD �pE11iING S. WILL COiw._?NC. AB UT THE 2OTH QF TK1S MONTH AND Continue for Several Weeks. trtet t'utiit (0' I;*ne�. 1 0114(10er'. JilTvasil 11A,13.1,11, --BOT PUl pL1ST"( �t'Ua3K1�1sli OaZnn T.Alii+:tt'a`o 1narla„7, `i AL O'111 ,E as 'P 4,1iLN 1N'a'ps <7US'r011it, Tile Free Press Windsor c;ozrreepoaad- eat writes, under Saturdazy's date ;-• - "The particulars of a desperate duel have just come to hen& It occurred here bonne aaye sago, between n Western SQJaalra er and one of our eitieeus, The of ode were one preliminariessfilo e t, theouglh with, after which (rano the tatenty paces, and "ready, aim, lino 1" Both duellists were wounded,. but neither were, apparently, satisfied ; and a s000ta(.xou,11.1 Was 003.1ea. Both seen ceurugeously xnarehed.to the eoratch bait when the word, ''ready" was palled, Nridellaieh One of the; parties to the ("ee1) took to his heels and loft. Worlef this foe). the fioia. About an hour ago, Nadolluck sought adversity he his room in his hotel, and ou attempting te'ronew tho fight, Worlef opened fire on him SO furiously, that Nadolluck was again beaten off, receiving a bullet in his ' abdomen, . Constable Brown took M. \V3rlef in charge at tuis j ung thre, and the affair waits investigation, by the authorities. Nadoliuck is a large, robust lean, and Worlef is spare built. Both men' are Jowe—a remark- able fact in the history of duelling. Mr. E. Carswell laas, duringthe last faw , weeks, made a number of -fine ,sketches for paintings of landscapes iu the neighborhood of the town. ' The nuniber oflovely spots he leis placed on eauvass shows that the town and neighborhood are of rare loveliness. We hope. M>;., Carswell will exhibit his pictures a a at tlie;forthoonsing,Proviucial Being a month later in stating than we anticipated when Exhibition as he purpcses to do.- Osliatoo Y191r11otor. As the express train was going south b'etWeon the Ovinia and the Midland Juliction a man was discovered lying On 'the track apparently asleep, ten mike south of Orillia,. The breaks were immediately applied, but it was ' too late." Before the oars could Ito, �.QH' Q'$'Z+®'' R��n`�s�.®��'a�w .shopped the train had passed over flim, killing hint instantly. On stopping the train cause was foundto be -whiskey. Albert Abbatoxy, of Kinston, Ont., under the influence of liquor, fell over the banks onnthe Canadian side, near the Clifton ITouse, Niagara.Falis a dis- tance of one hundred feet. No bones wore broken. He wanted more whiskey When raised to the bank above. 11Iuch`damago'has beendone in Dev- onshire by the rainstorms. The rivers And streams are swollen, and at a number of places there are' uninda- tions. By the bursting of Monmouth shire Reservoir a factory and a number of dwellings were entirely destroyed. 'The Biver.._Ebbo has overflowed Boats are plying in the main .streetsof the town of Moamoa th. Similiar reports' of inundations conte from Ross and Hereford, County of Hereford, at Car - lion, 11lounlouth Co. Fears are enter- tained for the safety of Ross, Mon- mouth stud Wye Valley Railways. At 8 o'clock on Wednesday night the wa- ters in the overflowed streams are still rlsil g. The River'Frome, whieh pas- sed through Bristol, has risen 9 feet i-bove its -ordinary level, and the lower portions of that , city are flooded. Thousands of acres of land lying be- tween the Froane and Severn aro also under waiter. At Ottawa. the potato nags, having dispatched the potatoes on a field, have tttken a new role. They are killing the young ` turkeys. One man has over 'forty fatally poisoned. The Niagara Falls Register says Slielcon Luther, of that place, walked trough the rapids from Goat Island to Robinson Island ou rl'rinrscley, taking with him a basket of provisions far the exiled clog. He found tho 1 auine in apparently good health, and iuforms its that he will soon go again, to the island and bring the famous dog back with him., Courageous., 0 Mr. C.Grant has shown thellIcaforcl atheitor, a couple of ears of the double headed spring wheat—Eldorado--to which reference was Made lest ' fall. These were grown in St. Vincent town- ship, and though the seed was sown as late as the 22nd of May, the stalk aneasuired 3 feet 8 inches in length, the heed only peepitag out from the short blade. The ivheat wits grown original- ly by a Mr. Smith ofCollingwood town- ship, and his whole crop was bought up bycertain American Cel c 11a speculators at an a'_lnbstfabulous price. After having been shipped. to ths:States it was return- ed' to be sown in the better soil and un- der u t ernore favorable ble climate of this eountry,'to which it may be said to have been almost indigenous, the ar- =ties growing it agreeing to hand over: tthe in3rease ant a fired price to the• aforesaid speculators, who seem to un- derstand perfectly what they are about. purchasing, and having purohased larger quantities of suinrller goods titan we will require so late in -the season, we are deter- mined to 0.4 C Q a.T the large surplus stock of goods we have on hand before' they become unseasonable; and in time Make room for our till Stoo:t. Our stock consists of DRY- G Ocms, o e s HATS' CAPS, RE Y MADE CLOTHING, Stationery, Patent T 1 AND HAS BEEN BOUGIELT Ft: � IN THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MARKETS. . �1VAILALLF. 'Tis Cash that d=oes Ite` - T..N while visiting the different market's with CASH IN AN, ma .a ed to secui.e several job lines m groceries, at shop an both dry goods and ENORIVIOUS REDUCTION IN' PRICE, as will enable us to sell them al, a lar:;e,' g . er . „ l?' ":11 .{, BELOW. . REGULAR -WHOLESALE Pl?101. , tar' ctr ftntitoa' trot timer rs aeo advclti r~tnelit iri'rartc±4,11':1 eolttni l : tt rtt5'i 1. l baildbiilw and,'e,ireolar , The Nrortla Store in L+', Drelv's Now 13lcie'k, West endo ilialn•st Ellet`tr A call aia.�l to ;i�rslle t t:.arl of our ootlt .11 pr°•lc.os r o7lo,.i.tcl STAN Exa er, Itay 16, I $7€ ., WAY ;" There is leo ion gee any doubt that Prof. Donaldson and his companion, Mr. Gri►nwood,of the Chicago Journal, who left Chicago on Thursday in- . a balloon; have been drowned :in Lake 1<'fichigan. There was a severe storm On Thursday night about 12.80 o'clock, -teear the time when the balloon would - 'have to descend. If -it aid descend bo fore or dining the storm, and into the 'Elie, there was little chance for the lee;. '. upauts"'ef the wicker -basket and . life.' 'Preservers. If they had landed on the Michigan or W'iscaaisinshore, or hacl been•picked lap by is Vessel, there are tstroug probabilities that they t,+oatld'. have been heard from before tide time: Taking all these 'circuanstanees into coueidei•ation, it is Hardly poesible to' avoid the col,clusion that the occupants n1' the , .balloon have perished. New' ,come Tuesday morning ;at one e'clock, boevever, that Donaldson alit;lntea 0, terra ,jr,Prir_.r on Sunday, alive, l:ttlt in ai nxhausi,od condi ion. The be teller shop ' e•i' IVin., Lfodgin cornet. "(f Ridoa t and King streets, was 'set' on .fire ibis rni rning and totally ,cle. 'Str,ryod.. Considerable darnage wars dotie• to (he swl{a,i:nieg ttaulclings, the rye• ctlp:tilts of winch also snffe+ed from{ damage to their beeeehold edenta Hudgins ie insured fc,t :13800 A fow lint n af`t,or this Tire a man �y1L,5:��ftl going into t1L,)tS rblrltva 11t,ublc'r, Yvlrich have stood thee° or itrui itoemlittty atternpai or r)6, teethe watched by 0 WOU1all Wil) live; in one of the neighboring houses, : was' Leon: to a matee and deliberately set fire to -tile place, The alarm was given. ,;ncl the men cetpterod. He prnvect to be tt r;ta,rpenter otlt of elntleyrent minted Joseph Moll, an individual whom the polies had under eu spicnnt for some months as being concerned in seveht6l incendiary fires. He 11a8 leen ICOOlftntted fop throb tiay4 to await e:. amination, specimen, politics cones las Uy telegraph. Tho oaaatost ter � the l eeneipalrl eltiefelaip of the Cherokee Nation is- ,getting Moire ezccitllag every dQyn Tiio eatatestants are W. .P. 'hose: 4n1,411ieJt ,. Wig sin the past eisay. day$ ixtecn. mon and two females have been elerdo ed in the Cherokee Natioaz,: "Meet of thoee murders have been Pohl. Witted by reason of euereels between the'RoSe and drowning parties. be Nfr. h'Qa1, of the firm of Peel &, Goo' bol,; who some time sineeleft Mitehthl under suspicious circumstances, turned rap 3 few days eine° at St, Albans junction; 'Vt., tyxid war leeruglat to Stratford, where he was bailed en tete. sum of $4,000. V'Z L. F, 3' E. A. R. IS COMING elan KV Ts \Venue Wheat , $ 93 to $ 100 Spring Wheal, Oats PotWtooa 1'0E1,B Butter Flour per Drax; Shorts Ilogy 37 to l37 70 to 75 12 to 12 100 to 5 OG 12 14 t0, .1210 7 00 to 7 25 •:iiia s .. 0 04 to a ao Slieepslcins., , 13ay 15 00 toto' to 00 Pried Apple o 1 76 to 2 00 Onions 75 to 1 00 Ltirci ..... ... .......... 14 to 15 '6Voo1 .S`0 01Alt 'S Deihl wheat, per bussol 90 to 93 Spring wheat 00 to 02 Barley .., 60 to 05 Peas 05 to 70 Oats 58 to 40 Eggs, per dozen 11 to. 11- Butter 14 to 16 Wool 85 to 37 Hay 10 00 to 1200 I4UOAN. White wheat 00to 52 Treitidtyall.,::,; , 85 to 90 Sprjzlg 85 to 88 • Oats. 0 39 to 0 41 Peas,...„.,..„ ....:,. ....,. 0 75 to 0 75 Barley 00 to 05 Butter„..„ '.: , ..,,,, 16 to 10 Eggs, per dozen 11 to 11 Potatoes,,.,.;... .,., ..,., , ::, 7u to 0 75 Larva 12 to 13 Tallow 6 to 7 Hay 12 00 to 14 00 Timothy seed' 0 25 to 8 50 Clover seed 6 00. to 0 75 Wool - '85 to 35 Sheepskins 1 90 to 1 50 Beef 0 00 to 0 00 Elides a to 0 Porn ... ........ . ....... ..,.,7 00 to 7 50 LONDON White Wheat, per ceutell ' 1 75 tol 85 170,to 182 1BedWinter Wheat 170 60182. Spring Wheat.., •.. .,.. 1.20 toe 25 Pall Wheat 3 84 to $ '89 Spring Wheat... ... 8'3 to 89 Vats 'Peas Barley. Butter Eggs 00 to 46 70 to 71 75 to 78 15 1G 10 16 sE eonteH. Fan -wheat 00 to 02 Spring wheat...' 90 to 90 Oats 0 40 to 40 Barley.,.,.... _....; •60 to 65 Pea s ........:. .. .... . ............:0 '79 to 75 Butter 0.15 to 15 Eggs ' 11 0 11 JOHN BELL, raker and Confectioner, begs to return thanks to the people of Exeter and vicinity -for the largo patronage eoatowed upon hiui.sinoo he commenced business hi -Exeter, and hopes by paying attention to business and' giving satisfaction to his customers to merit 9. continu- ance of the same, IF YOU WANT GOOD SWEET BREAD, CALL AT J. BELL'S BAKERY. IF .YOU WANT GOOD CONFEC- TIONERY, CALL 'A T J. BELL'S, If you want the very best cakes, etc., or tea parties, picnics, clic., LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH • J. BELL, • and it will receive prompt attention. Satis- faction guaranteed. II YOU WANT GOOD GROCERIES C)CLRIE-S at prices as low as they can be purchased for, at any store in Exeter, GO TO J. BELL'S: Give me a call. J. BELL. t. G-RIGG- BOOESELLER 8., STATIONER `Exeter. c: 0) n PI CS Cag N a O J >. 4.3 en 6) 5. > ra ::