HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-05-25, Page 26• 26 Times -Advocate, Ma 25 1994 Second annual StJi)JLS Science west A solar -powered car was one of the few outdoor demonstra- tions at last Wednesday's Science West exhibit at South Hu- ron District High School. Matt Miller (at right), Jason Wein, Dave Morlock (in black shirt) and Shawn Durand built a car with a large solar panel driving the motor to the rear wheels. Although the gearing was too high for the car to move, it dem- onstrated the power of the sun's energy to fascinated ele- , mentary school visitors. It might seem like a water torture test, but it's really good science. Carrie Kapp's (left) ex- periment demonstrated how temperature affects muscle abilities. She had Kim MacLean and Marilou Hem from Usborne Central School plunge their hands into icy water and then try to write their names. The resu!ts were compared to an effort when their hands were warm. Making jewellery from recycled items was the environmental theme of the booth set up by Jenny Ellison (left) and Erin Coward. Here they demonstrate the craft of recycled art to Eliz- abeth Lutgendorff of Usborne Central School and to Kelly Atkinson of Clinton Public at Wednesday afternoon's Science West. Ga�b(�s IN THE BEND 238-2393 Tliurs.. Fri.. Sat. Allay 2G-28 Thurs.-Sat. June 2 4 Wed. -Sat. lune 8 - 11 Coaling again, charity casino May 27, 28, 29 Shuffleboard Hensall May 17 6 game winners Helen McKay Gertie Moir Lloyd Lovell Russell Ferguson Pearl McKnight Dave Woodward Lorne Archer Hazel McEwan Exeter May 11 5 game winners Steve Hrapcheck Muriel Marshall Wm. Baechler 4 game winners Pearl McKnight Joe Gosar Hugh McKay May 18 4 game winners Ruby Beaver Marge McCurdy Lloyd Ballantyne Doris Denham 3 game winners Beatrice Richardson Bea Johns Grace Farquhar May 19 5 game winners Doris Miller Howard Johns Marge McCurdy Allen Johns 4 game winners Hugh McKay Pearl McKnight Clara Harris 514 480 476 466 442 435 431 426 444 375 369 379 320 252 390 332 298 292 220 212 194 442 408 391 389 376 362 354 Precious Blood Cash Calendar Winners May 8.$50. Bob Murray. 9. $50 Darryl Glavin. 10. $50. Randy Geoffrey. 11, $50. Morley & Maureen Thompson. 12. $50. Annie Van Raay. 13. $50. Diana Leddy. 14. $100. Joe/Joanne Bengough. 15, $50. Clare O'Rourke. 18. $50. Linda Johns. 17. $50. Joe Smits. 18 $50. Elsy Klaver. 19. $50. Doug Upshall. 20 $50. Doc Campbell. 21 $100. Steve DesJardlne Granton news Locals enjoy plane ride By Muriel Lewis GRANTON - Nelson Tate bought a plane ride and Swiss Cha- let dinners last March at the United Church Talent Auction and finally cashed in on them, both on Satur- day. Nelson was accompanied by Mary Jones (who was also one of the bidders) and Geraldine McAlor- um whose husband Bob was the pi- lot. Later, they all enjoyed the din- ners at Swiss Chalet. April Bryan and Amelia Jameson were guests at the Evangel Pente- costal Church in Brantford for the marriage of Jackie Pierce and Mor- ris Nyyossonen on Saturday. A reception followed at the Sher- wood Restaurant. Margaret Oakley was a lay dele- gate at the Huron Diocesan synod meeting from the St. Thomas An- glican Church held on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in London. Frank and Ruth Nichol of Forest visited with the former's sister Ila - belle Harlton on Sunday afternoon. The Anglican parish Bible Study group met at Phyllis Abrams' place on Wednesday, May 18. At the St. Thomas Anglican Church on Pentecost Sunday, May 22, the Rev. Stephen Emery's mes- sage was about being available to - God to reveal to others that Jes9s is the Saviour of all mankind. At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Normalie Voakes' sermon was entitled "What are you doing here?" The Christ candle was lit by Matthew McRobert. The ministry of music by the choir was an anthem entitled 'Great and Marvelous'. Granton WI news A Granton Women's Institute meeting was hosted by Muriel Lewis at the St. Thomas Anglican church on May 17. Lewis chaired the meeting and opened with a reading 'Close to God'. The program topic was Citizen- ship and Legislation and the roll call was answered by naming a characteristic of a good citizen. The motto 'Of all the things you wear the most important is your expres- sion' was illustrated by Olive Hod- gins in a reading 'Continue with a Grin'. Lewis read an article on etttiadr an Citizenship which revealed that Canada's official colours (red and white) were proclaimed by King George V in 1921; the Maple Leaf flag was officially proclaimed Feb- ruary 15, 1965. and Canada joined the United Nations in 1945. A highlight of the program was a demonstration of podgey swans and pots, etc., by Becky Kindree. A sing -along accompanied by Velma Hodgins and a puzzle contest by Olive completed the program. During the business, a report of the recent district annual was given and an invitation to the 90th anni- versary of South Lobo WI at Cold- stream was read. Lunch was served by Lewis and Hodgins. Optimist bike rodeo The Granton Optimist Club held their fifth annual hike rodeo at thc park on May 14 with 35 kids and almost as many adults present. Const. Doug Graham put every- one through their paces after regis- tration. The Optimists had two bikes and nine helmets for prizes, and thanks to two generous Gran- tonites ended up with four prizes in the three groups. The winners were: Grade one and under Jennie Topham, Kelly Dick- enson, Patrick Broughton and Rus- sell Vander Hyden all with perfect scores; Grades 2-4 - first Simon Os- ter, second Lisa Topham, third Ka- tie Russell and fourth Emma Bur- nett; Grade 5 and up - first Aaron Lewcock, second Tara Wessman, third Curtis VanderHyden and fourth Tonya Westman. After hot dogs and drinks, all the names of those who had registered were put in a draw for two bikes. The names drawn had to be accom- panied by an adult to claim their prize so that the parents could see what the kids do and how they could help with the event. Robbie Stiltz was the winner of the boys bike, and Lisa Topham won the girls bike. Everyone had lots of fun and went home with a bag of goodies. 50 -plus The next 50 -plus lunch and eu- chre is May 27 at noon at the Ma- sonic Hall at a cost of $5. Tennis Tennis with Ron Ferguson will he starting again on Monday, Junc 6 to Thursday, June 9.4 Pre- registration only by Friday, May 27 - $10. _ CaII Becky Kindree 225-2575 or Ron 227-1 109 after 4 p.m. No. 1 Granton 4-H Club The No. 1 441 Club Achieve- ment Night for the Baker Babes was held at leader Margaret Bryan's home on May 11 with par- ents. brothers and sisters of the members attending. Leader Deanna Beatson wel- comed everyone and led some con- tests and charades. By this time, Karen Cornell, pres- ident of the Middlesex 4-H associa- tion and Phyllis O'Neill, director at large had completed the judging for the baking contest. Jean Bryan came first with the most points, Ja- mie O'Shea second and Lee -Anne Kelly third and each were present- ed with 4-1-I spoons. - The members each received bars for completing the club and Shan- non O'Shea, Mary Mcllhargey and Lenny Vandenberg received their new member plaques. Awards for completing six clubs were present- ed to Colleen Moore and Charlotte Mcllhargey and Deanna Beatson received her ten year leader's cer- tificate. No. 2 Granton 4-H Club The Sexy Spatulas met at the Li- ons hall on May 2 and opened with the 4-1-1 pledge. Leader Audrey Westman led a discussion on cake and the group combined the ingre- dients. While the cake was baking, Jennifer Young, Lyndsay Johnson and Lisa Couchman sang some songs. Before going home they enjoyed thc great cakc which they had made. Aaron Lewcock was the re- porter. ON MAIN STREET Grand Bend May 27, 28, 29 Fri. - 4 p.m. -4 a.m. Sat. - Noon -4 a.m. Sun. - Noon -1 a.m. presents another Th 7CHARITY Sift 0 (LAS VEGAS -STYLE RULES) * Free admission * $10 maximum bets * $100 maximum table * Regular & rapid Blackjack cr\urioV Ne�ers tste0 N 01...„0..7- O 5\\c`4\ Be part of the Aviation Extravaganza UP, UP AND AWAVES Revel in the Celebration of Canadian Aviation.... past and present. Your passport button gives you unlimited admission to the Air Show over Grand Bend Beach, May 27-29, a massive static display at Huron Park, parking at both sites, unlimited shuttle bus service between both sites, entertainment and fireworks. Adults: $10.00. Children 6 to 12 $5.00, Children 5 and under admitted free Contact Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce at (519) 238-2001 or 1-800-265-0316 for more details. All aircraft appearances subject to weather, mechanical and operational conditions.