HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-05-25, Page 15LQMMIJM [TY Granton news Granton WI members attend annual By Muriel Lewis GRANTON - The 91st district annual of North Middlesex Wom- en's Institutes was held at Poplar Hill Baptist church on Wednesday evening hosted by South Lobo branch. President Glenna Ladell chaired the meeting and gave thoughts on the theme 'Family and Friends'. Reports were given by provincial board director Dorothy Sutherland, resolutions convener Thelma By - craft, public relations Muriel Lew- is, Tweedsmuir History curator Dorothy Pavitt, program co- ordinator Rie Van Steeg, education co-ordinator Lois Baker and a pres- entation was given by the rural community advisor from O.M.A.F. Linda Ambrose. London -area president Margaret Dale announced that the convention would be held on October 27 at Mt. Brydges Community Centre. A donation was made to the County 4-H Association. Evelyn McNaughton presented the new slate of officers and the board di- rector conducted the election and installations. Attending from Granton WI were Florence Bryan, Alma Nicholson, Muriel Lewis, Nora Wissel and El- sie Dann. Weddings, baptisms Jean Collins of Peterborough was a May 7 weekend guest with Ila - belle Harlton and attended the wed- ding of Steven Bannerman and Car- ol Hill at the North Park Communi- ty Church, London with pastor Douglas Loveday of the Granton Community Bible Church officiat- ing. The reception was held at Os- car Taylor on the Green overlook- ing Fanshawe Lake. Afterwards the happy couple left for a honeymoon in Colorado and on their return they will be residing in Ottawa. Last Sunday, May 8 at Communi- ty Bible Church, Jordan Taylor, son of Jamie and Andra (Bannerman) Brand, was dedicated to the Lord. Jordan is a grandson of Bill and Shirley Bannerman and a great- grandson of llabelle Harlton. Later the fancily gathered at the Harlton home to celebrate Mother's Day. Sympathy is extended to the fam- ily of Lorne Ford of London who died suddenly on May 7. The funer- al service was held at the C. Has- kett Funeral Home, Lucan on Tues- day. Nora Wissel and Muriel Lewis spent four days over the weekend on a trip to the Tulip Festival in Holland, Michigan. On May 8, 20 members of the Emerson Wallis family held a com- bination Mother's Day and birthday picnic at Weldon Park, Arva. Those celebrating birthdays were Linda and Faith Wallis of Kirkton, Sandra Wallis of Sarnia, John McLennan of London and Edna and Mary Wallis of Granton. After a picnic lunch, a hall game was enjoyed in the park. Margaret Oakley and Olive Hod- gins attended the Perth Deanery A.C.W. meeting held at St. Pat- rick's Church, Saintshury on Wednesday evening. The Anglican bible study group met at the home of Phyllis Abrams on May 11. At .the St. Thomas Anglican Church on Sunday, May 15, Rev. Stephen Emery celebrated the Holy Eucharist and baptized Elizabeth Mac, daughter of John and Terry Herbert; and Amy Samantha, daughter of Gary and Betty Ann Waugh. His message was about Je- sus' plan for ministry for each per- son. A solo was sung by Lynda Hod- gins accompanied by organist Mar- lene French. A time of fellowship followed the service. At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Marilyn Humphrey led the congregational worship service of the London Conference annual meeting on the theme 'Engaging the Bible'. April Bryan led the chil- dren's time about 'We listen for God's Word'. The Christ Candle was lit by Heather Westman. Marge McColl led the Psalm and Storytime, which was an 'interview with Elijah', portrayed by Lloyd Mardlin and Leroy Bryan. Kirkton-Woodham bike rodeo Times -Advocate, May 25, 1994 Page 15 Teen leaders were honoured for their help with the Exeter Guiding groups at last Tuesday's Mother and Daughter Banquet. In front, from left, are Juanita Chappel, and Jenni Mercer. Be- hind, from left, are Barb Mortley, Melinda Nethercott, and Charlene Chappel. Sparks going up to the Ex- eter Brownies this fall will be Michelle Roy (back left), Claire Hodder, Michelle Johnson, Shannon Clarke, Alanah Vugyra, Brittany Darling, and Scarlet An- taya. In front, from left are Rachel Cooper, Tabitha Koebel, Brittany Lucio, Laura Noakes, Lara Spring, and Alysha Morrissey. By H. Davis SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's Holy Communion Service was held at 11:00 a.m. The Day of Pentecost sunday. Rev. Stephen Emery spoke to the children on Pentecost and its symbols and meaning of the Power of the Holy Spirit, like the disciples we need that power to reveal God's love. Sick members remembered were Marguerite Greenlee, Ethel Copeland and Norman Hodgins. Sunday, May 29, Trinity Sunday (Year B), St. Patrick's will cele- brate their 134th anniversary at 11:00 a.m. Scripture reading are to he Isaiah 6:1-8, Romans 8:12-17, Responsive reading Psalm 29, The Holy Gospel John 3:1-17. A time of fellowship will follow iire service in the palisi, Bali. Brenda Carroll and boys were lunch guests Sunday with parents Ron and Margaret Carroll. 1 Greater reduction for less money. With an incredible 20:1 yard was'.e reduction ratio, this 5hp Simplicity Chipper/Shredder rt d:lces a yard full of debris into a small pile of useful compost. And with the optional vacuum attachment, it vacuums. chips, shreds and bags in one simple step. And it does it for a lot less than you'd expect to pay. Stop by today for a free demonstration. The 5C Yard Waste Management SystemTM. Only $750... and only at your Simplicity dealer. Outdoor Power Equipment HYDE BROTHERS FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED Jct Old Hwy #7 & M tchall Road 81 Wellington St Rannoch 229-6700 Hensall 262-2605 Kirkton/Woodham's bike rodeo was a success Saturday morning. In front, Sta- cey Vermeire, Bryan Vermeire, Erin Rob- inson, Elizabeth Arm- strong, Nicole Haynes, and Amy Nethercott prepare to attempt one of the skill -testing obstacle courses. NOTICE RE SPOT SPRAYING OF WEEDS This is to notify residents of the County of Huron that the County will be SPOT SPRAYING WEEDS in rural areas commencing June 6, 1994, for a period of approximately 12-14 weeks. Pesticides to be used are ESTAPROP, Registration No. 14803; AMITROL-T, Registration No. 16548, and DIPHENOPROP 700, Registration No. 15707. To be controlled are noxious weeds as per the Provincial Weed Control Act. This notice complies with regulation 914 of the Pesticides Act. For further information and for the locations of the roads to be treated, please call Joe Gibson, Weed Inspector at 519-233- 3229. ELWYN KERSLAKE IS A WINNER! The Kirkton branch of Cook's Division of P & H Ltd., and Cyanamid Canada are pleased to announce that Elwyn Kerslake of Woodham, Ontario is the winner of 5 jugs of PROWL corn herbicide. Last fall, Elwyn was among several corn producers who participated in a satisfaction survey after purchasing PROWL from Cook's and using it in the 1993 crop year. A draw for free PROWL was held this spring and from hundreds of other satisfied PROWL users, Elwyn's name was drawn and declared as the lucky winner. Introduced to Canadian corn growers last year, PROWL has proven itself to producers by providing both effective and economical weed control. Growers have found that PROWL will provide excellent control of both annual grasses and tough, triazine resistant weeds. With the tank mix flexibility of PROWL, producers finally have broad spectrum weed control in a one pass application. As one of the most economical corn herbicides on the market today, more growers are finding that PROWL delivers the weed control and flexibility they demand. Once again, congratulations to Elwyn Kerslake, winner of PROWL corn herbicide. For more information about PROWL, or other Cyanamid crop protection products, contact Cooks at Kirkton or your Cyanamid representative.