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Times -Advocate, May 18, 1994
Page 27
4110 Andveraar7
Fortieth anniversary celebrations for Carl
and Mane Nickles at the Exeter Legion on
Saturday. May 28. Social hour 8 to 9 p.m.
and dance from 9 to 12. Beat wishes only
please 20c
LUO•WALPER - Clarissa proudly an-
nounces the arrival of her little sister Hilary
Win, born April 14. 1994 weighing 10 lbs. 6
ozs. Proud parents are Karen and Nathan
Luo. Thrilled grandparents are Joanne and
Willis Waiper. and Wei -Yu and Yi-Zhi Luo.
Insured 20c
PENN - Sheila and Al are happy to an-
nounce the birth of Gregory Adani George
on March 28, 1994 at Guelph General Hos-
pital weighing 7 lbs. 15 oz.s. A little brother
for Jeffrey 20c
PENNINGS - Gerry. Debbie. Erin. Alicia
and Lauren are bursting with joy to share
their good news. Luke Gerard was born on
April 30. 1994 at St. Joseph's Hospital. tip-
ping the scales at 6 lbs. 1 oz. Watching over
hien is his brother Jeremy in heaven. Excited
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mei-
clinger and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pennings. An
extra special thank you to Dr. Maynard for a
safe delivery. 20•
REGiER (INGRAM) - Sam and Julie are
pleased to announce the safe and early am-
val of their fourth child, a boy. Mitchell
Lawrence, weighing 6 lbs. 3 ozs. on May 8.
1994 A little brother for Lindsay, Kristin.
Samantha. Proud grandparents are Pauline
Ingram and Frank and Doreen Regier.
Great-grandparents Ennis and Elsie Rock.
r.' DEATHS r
DFSJARDiNE - Peacefully at Chateau Gar-
dens Nursing Home. Parkhill. on Wednes-
day. May 11. 1994. Elmer Desjardine, for-
merly of RR #1. Grand Bend. in his 89th
year. Beloved husband of idena V. (Hord)
Desjardine. Loved brother of Mrs. Elsie Be -
staid of London. Dear brother-in-law of
Mrs. Beulah Desjardine, Mrs. Evelyn Hen-
drick. Alvic D. and Kathleen Hord. Also
loved by his many nieces. nephews and their
families. Predeceased by his sisters, Mrs.
Lena Stebbins. Mrs. Lillie Vincent, Mrs.
Amelia Desjardine and brothers, Abraham,
Leesome, William. Wilfred and Clarence
Desjardine. Rested at the T. Harty Hoffman
& Sons Funeral Home. Dashwood.; where
the funeral service was held on Friday. May
13. 1994. Pastor Floyd Rhude officiated as-
sisted by Pastor Kevin McDonald. Interment
Grand Bend Cemetery. if desired, memorial
donations to Harvest Pentecostal Church,
Parkhill. Chateau Gardens Nursing Home or
charity of choice would be appreciated. 20
DESJARDINE - Elmer Desjaniine, born of
French Canadian parents. in the house on the
grounds of the Playhouse near Grand Bend
on July 14. 1905. died peacefully at Chateau
Gardens Nursing Hoene, Parkhill, on May
11. 1994. Elmer farmed on his farm near
Grand Bend, married Idem V. (Hord) Des-
jardine April 4. 1942 when they continued
farming, caring for Elmer's elderly mother,
Mary. while Iden taught all eight grades in
rural schools in the area. Elmer was a kind.
supportive husband, uncle and friend to the
people he met, a man who could make deci-
sions wisely, a Christian who believed in do-
ing the right thing when making church or
life decisions. Pastor Floyd Rhude. of Bur-
lington. at Elmers funeral service. recalled
the support that Elmer gave him as a young
minister at Exeter Pentecostal Church where
Elmer served on the Board at that time. In
his 89th year. Elmer had only two desires.
one to go home to his fart and the second to
go to Heaven to be with his maker. Thanks
to Pastors Floyd Rhude. Kevin McDonald
and Mark Isaac for their capable handling of
Elner's funeral service. to Harry Hoffman
for singing. "Home Sweet Home", to Cliff
Penhale and the Hoffman brothers for their
caring way of looking after all of the many
funeral details. all who came to support the
family. all who gave floral arrangements.
donated to chanty, church or Gideon Bibles.
the ladies of the Church of God, Grand
Bend. who provided a bountiful lunch. the
pallbearers. staff of Chateau Gardens Nurs-
ing Horne in Parkhill where Elmer received
loving care for his final years on earth. 20c
SMiTH • At South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
on Friday. May 13. 1994, Cecilia Victoria
(Whillans) Smith of RR #1. Dashwood
(Turnbull's Grove), in her 68th year. Be-
loved wife of Douglas Smith. Loved mother
of Doug and Christine Smith of RR #2, Zu-
rich, Jim and Cheryl Smith of Hensall.
Heather Smith of Keswick. Pauline and John
Hest of Coruna. Loving grandma of Penny.
Vicki and Stacey Smith; Brian, Kevin. tan
and Darrin Smith and Laura Heat. Dear sis-
ter of John and Carol Whillans of Winnipeg,
Manitoba and sister-in-law of George and
Jan Smith of Port Franks.. Evelyn and Ray
Gauthier of Prince George, B.C. and Muriel
Smith of Exeter. Cremation. A public funer-
al Mass was held at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Roman Catholic Church, Grand Bend.
on Tuesday, May 17, 1994 with Rev. Father
Paul J. Beck. Celebrant. Interment Pinery
Cemetery. If desired, memorial donations to
the Heart and Stroke Foundation or charity
of choice would be appreciated. T. Harry
Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood.
entrusted with arrangements. 237-3532. 20
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sieds Vander Meer
Worship Services
May 22
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4
during moming service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
We may give without loving. but we
cannot love without giving.'
Comer of James and Andrew St.
May 22, 1994
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
and Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Courtesy Car:
Chester Dunn 235-1400
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, May 22
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Moming Worship
7:00 p.m. Ewing Fellowship
Wednesday. 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
riiiisur rao
May 22 n
9:30-10:45 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
284 Mali Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M.
The Day of Pentecost
May 22, 1994
11 a.m.Moming Prayer
Book of Common Prayer
Sunday School
Nursery •
Everyone Welcome
May 22
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Wheelchair access
68 Main Street South
Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Sunday, May 22
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
and Sunday School
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
670 Main St. S
Pastor Vemon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stahle
Sunday, May 22
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Nursery available for all services
'A place to meet God and a friend'
May 22
11:00-12:10 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30.11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. - Bible Study
AN services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
For more Information please
call 229-8881
ALEXANDER - In loving memory of Cas-
sandra Alexander. who passed away 2 years
ago on May 21. 1992
I'll lend for a little time. a child of mine, Ile
For you to love while she lives and mourn
when she is dead
It may be six or seven years or twenty-two
or three
But. will you till I call her buck, take care of
her for me'?
She'll bong her chanes to gladden you and
shall her stay be beef.
You'll have her lovely memories as solace
for your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay. since all from
earth return.
But. there are lessons taught down there 1
want this child to learn.
I've looked the whole world over in ins
search for teachers true..
And from the throngs that crowds life's lane.
I have selected you
Now will you give her all your love. nor
think the labor vain.
Nor hate me when I come to call. to take her
back again.
fancied that I heard them say. Dear Lord.
thy will be done.
For all the joy thy child shall bring, the risk
of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness, we'll love
her while we may.
And for the happiness we've known. we'll
ever grateful stay.
But shall the angel call for her much sooner
than we planned.
We'II brave the bitter grief that comes, and
try to understand.
Sadly missed and always loved by Mom
my, Daddy. Ryan, Joshua, Christopher. Mat-
thew. 20c
ANDERSON • In loving memory of our
parents. grandparents and great
grandparents. who passed away; James.
March 15, 1982 and Edna. May 18, 1992.
Our family circle has been broken.
A link gone from our chain,
But though we are parted for a while.
We know we will meet again.
Lovingly remembered always by Doris.
Jean. Helen and families. 20*
ANDERSON - in loving memory of our
grandmother and great-grandmother Edna
Anderson who left us two years ago today.
May 18. 1992 as a result of an automobile
Dear Grandma, Great -Grandma:
There was no time to say goodbye,
That afternoon you went away,
Your passing was so sudden,
Two years ago today.
You've never left our memories.
You'll never leave our hearts.
Though two years seems forever.
That we have been apart,
The sun still shines; the flowers still bloom,
The world still carries on.
But a part of us can never be,
The same since you've been gone.
Always in our thoughts and sadly missed
by Cathy. Ralph, Jason and Jeremy. 20*
HODGiNS - In loving memory of our hus-
band, father, father-in-law and grandfather.
Ken Hodgins. who passed away May 25.
The years may wile out many things.
But this they'll wipe out never,
The memory of those happy days,
Which we all spent together.
Always remembered by all your family.
OESCH - In loving memory of a dear hus-
band, father and grandfather, Russell. who
passed away one year ago. May 24, 1993.
Beautiful memories are wonderful things,
They last till the longest day,
They never wear out. they never get lost.
And can never be given away.
To some you may be forgotten,
To others a pari of the past,
But to us who loved and lost you,
Your memory will always last.
Sadly missed and always remembered by
wife Dorothy and family. 20c
SMITH - In loving memory of Ashley (Joel
Smith. who passed away May 22, 1990.
Little did we know that morning.
"The sorrow the day would bring.
The call was sudden. the shock severe.
To pan with one we loved so dear.
You didn't have time to say farewell,
Or for us to say good-bye.
You had gone before we reared,
And only God knows why.
We think of you in silence,
And often speak your name.
All we have are memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Our hearts still ache with sadness.
Our silent tears still flow,
For what it meant to lose you.
No one will ever know.
Sadly missed by wife Irene. daughter Shir-
ley and family. 20•
WILSON - In loving memory of a dear son.
brother. uncle, and grandson, Doug Wilson.
who died five years ago, May 19, 1989.
May the winds of love blow softly.
And whisper so you'll hear.
That we still love and miss you.
And wish that you were here.
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by
Dad and Sue, sisters Cathie and Mike. Judi
and Rob. Tracy. and niece Brooke and
Grandpa Doug Insley. 20
like to thank our wedding party for all their
hard work on Saturday night. Special thanks
to Terry for doing the 11110 and Maarten and
Eric We had a great time and the fun is
just beginning!
Julie and Greg
COLEMAN-PYM - We would like to ex
press our thanks to all those who came to
our Buck and Doe on May 14. Special
thanks to Jed and the wedding party for all
their help and to Don and Ruth Haines for
providing the lunch.
0• Sherri and Steve
DiNSMORE - The family of the late Doug
las James (Jim) Dinsmore wish to thank rel
aives, friends, and neighbours for their ex
pression of sympathy. We would like to
thank those who sett flowers, food to the
house. and visits and calls during this time
At a time like this it was nice to know that
(here are so many caring people. Special
thanks to Dr Wallace. Maggie Vlscher, and
the staff of South Huron Hospital. Jim will
truly be missed.
20nc Doris Dinsmore.
Bonnie and Wayne Keller and girls
HACKNEY - A most grateful),af-,sincere
(hankou to everyone that sent flowers.
food, fir their visits and phone calls after
my car accident. Tine kind generodty and
concern was overwhelming and deeply ap
prectated. A special thank you to Patsy and
IBev Hhtasl for being there the day of the SC -
!oldest. Thanks again, to all my friends and
120c Linda
HOD(:INS • Words cannot express our
thanks to w many friends, neiOhbours and
family tor your caring at this time. For the
flowers. donations, cards, visits and food.
our thanks Your support will never be for-
Paul, Chris and Darcy
HOD(:INS.DIErRICH - We wish to thank
family, friends and neighbours for your vis-
its. cards. flowers. food and support. So
mans caring people made this tine a little
2(k Willa. Linda. Jim. Mary Lynn and Jini
PE -('K - The family of the lase Harold Peck
would like to express our sincere thanks to
our Inends, neighbours and relatives for
their cards. phone calls, visits, doral tributes,
ch,mtable donations and food brought to our
hoin.'s during the time of our recent loss.
Special thanks to Rev. Miriam Jones for her
couching service and comforting prayers, to
ilk Goshen U.C.W. ladies for the delicious
lunch Thanks also, to the O'Connor Funeral
Hones and staff. to Doctors Wallace, Eng -
len and nurses of the South Huron Hospital
for their care and concern. Your kindness
and support is very much appreciated and
will never be forgotten during our time of
220.. Gladys Peck and family
PFAFF • The family of the late Alien Pfaff
wish to thank relatives, neighbours and
friends for their expressions of sympathy at
the nate of Allen's death. We would like to
thank Rev. Ed Laksmanis, Hoffman's Funer-
al Horne. pallbearers, flower bearers and the
ladies who served the lunch at the church.
We would also like to thank Dr. Wm. Ste-
ciuk, I)r. Jadd, Dr. M. Roach, Dr. Gervin
and his team, to all the staff at South Huron
Hospital and University Hospital, London.
Many thanks to everyone who gave us sup-
pon in any way.
13* Doris Pfaff and family
REiCHERT - 1 wish to thank everyone
who remembered me with prayers. visits,
cards, treats, and flowers while a patient in
South Huron Hospital and since returning
honk. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Mrs.
Vischcr and staff at South Huron Hospital.
220' Sincerely,
ROMI'HF - The family of the recently de-
parted loved one, Norma Romphf, wish to
extend appreciation to relatives. friends and
neighbours for the many expressions of sym-
pathy. Special thanks to Dr. Hugh Allen.
Gyn or 43 years, Dr. Y.M. Lam. M.D., and
Dr 1 Engles, ONC. Your prayers, care and
kindness will always be remembered.
20c Judy. Bruce. Crystal and Mark
ics are being held in Grand Bend for all
Lambton County children entering school in
September '94. These clinics include assess-
ments for: vision. hearing, dental. speech/
language and immunization. Parents. please
contact the Lambton health Unit at 383-8331
(ext. 305) to set up an appointment for your
child. 18.19,20c
Sunday School Anniversary. May 22. 11
a m. Speakers Rev. Ralph King and Marian
Jackson Tyler. Special music Wanless Fami-
ly, Chords of Woodham Sunday School
Children and the choir. Lunch provided fol-
lowing service. Everyone welcome. 20c
SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, May 22 at the
Wingham Legion Hall. Dancing 7 to 11.
Music by: The Wildwoods. No blue jeans
please. 20c
29. I to 4 p.m.. Lambton Heritage Museum.
Hwy., 21, south of Grand Bend. Restored
engines and tractors. 20 autos. 20c
NiGHTS, free testing for bacteria. nitrates.
calcium. sodium and fluoride. Monday. May
30 at Hensall Arena; Monday. June 6 at
Brussels Arena; Monday. June 13 at Forest-
er s all, Benmiller 7 to 9 p.m. Sponsored
by Fbron County Health Unit 20c
AUCTION, Exeter United Church. Time
talent and treasure auction. Saturday. May
28. BBQ - 6:00. Adults $5 00. under 10
S3.00. Auction 7:00. Everyone welcome.
20,21 c
ing, May 31. 8 p.nt. at Curling Club. 20.2Ic
Beef Barbecue
Sun., May 29
serving 5 - 8 p.m.
Community Centre
Adults $10.00 advance
$11.00 at door
Children $5.00 advance,
$5.50 at door
Available at Something Special
or from Board Members pi
1, i.:SSONS
All Red Cross colours
offered and adults tool
Summer sessions at
Pine Dale Motor Inn in
Grand Bend
July 4-15; July 18 29;
Aug. 1-12; Aug. 15-26
10 lessons per
Registration: May 26,
7 - 9 p.m. at Pine
Dale. If unable to
attend) call Catherine
Whiting 294-6600
Swimming Lessons
offered near Grand Bend
Wed., May 25,
7 - 10 p.m.
Two 2 week sessions
starting July 4
For more information call
Jodi Woodburn at 238-2748
K -W Optimist Club
ffii, IR(1) (11(:„(1)
at the K -W Community Centre
Saturday May 21
at 10 a.m.
Prizes for each class
Class #1 - Kindergarten to Grade 2
Class #2 - Grade 3 and 4
Class 113 - Grade 5 and 6
Free hot dog and pop for every
ausasa1.1WAQ xA.-isaai iyNNauN4.1ai 9.1
Buck ana Doe
for Brian Denomme
& Cheryl MacDonald
Sat.. May 28
Dashwood Community Centre
Music by D.J. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Lunch provided. $5. per person
Age of majority required
Don't Come
Unless You're Hungry for God
Camp Meeting `94
7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour 6 p.m.
May 7,14,21 & 28 Nursery provided
Exeter Pentecostal
20 miles north of London on
Hwy. #4. Tel: (519) 235-2991
Happy 20th Wedding
Anniversary May 24th,
Albert and Frances
Love from your Kids, Jason ,
Kim, Shawn, Dayna & Gregory,
Opa and Oma
for Ron Coolman & Diane Mlddegaal
Sat., May 21
Exeter Ag Building
Phone: 235-2988 or 235-3452
Age of Majority $5. per person
9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Dress Code
*5 time world fiddle champion
* star of CBC Radio, TV & Stage
SAT., MAY 21 9 PM -1 AM
Advance Tickets - $8.00 At The Door - $9.00 -
For more Information call: 349-2678 or 349-2249 Graham Townsend
R.E. Pooley Branch #167
Exeter, Ontario ti
Coming Events
Thurs. May 26th - General meeting at 8 p.m.
Initiation of new members
Sun. May 29th WWIi veterans bus trip to Grand Bend Airshow
Legion parade at Grand Bend - 1:00 p.m .
- Sign up at Branch
Wed., June lot - Provincial service officer to visit branch
- Contact Norm Eveland for appointment
Sun., June 12th - Two ball foursome golf and steak BBQ
- Sign up for this event
Fi reworks
May 22
at dusk, Crediton Ball Park
Pancake Breakfast
Sat., May 28 Sun., May 29
7 -ii a.m. 7 -ii a.m.
Pancakes, sausage, coffee & juice
Adults $4. Children $2.
at Stephen Township Firehall
Sponsored by Stephen Townshlp Firefighters .R