HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-7-8, Page 29:11URSDAY, Juliyt3 1s76
al in
?rho only Liberal.Couserve,tlye ,70
w.b,o apiet iow how to apelli" et he
Mule time ae d Bore in hieh iiihh-tened
)(Miami tO role Y to hem, ao u
doing he beliee himeelf. L . stnellel
nur—(the editor itnist net eegae( this as )
an allgeion to liiinself)--thalteet fuee
and attacke yen, he is langhed at ; if a
inestiff do the same thing, you defead
youreelf as best you can. Compare lisa
Onions, Ingle -toned editor, and own iap
like the littae man thitt you are, tliAt if
these are s' irreepepsibie hoye and
girls" yo g imagine them to he giaote,
or else that you make yonreelf appear
ridiculous M replying te them at sach
length. Sueh an unjournelistic prone
(lure s eettadiug the menaberp oft so-
ciety withont allowing them a _chance
for reply or pahlishing tho pausp of
disagreement, is Without a precedent,
expept it he with the highetoned "
Compulsory prepayment of postage
newepanere takeplaee on and after
Potoher twit. As 'we have lie intention.
pf prepaying postaeN for any who are
in arreare for huhspription to the Exe-
glee-Trees, we intend' sto strpce ol the
pitmes of all tench, and, witieoet further
notiee will take means ,te onsyre their
nollection. The nae e pf those :jsho
p.re over two years in arrears will be
truck off ,nur 4ocrics atthe Firet of Sep
tensber. Those who are nneler two
years in arraays evill h,ey,e to the lest of
,Septenaiter to pnt ehemselyes right, WO
intnd 4eaeefort1i to adhere strintly to
PIO CA,.SLI IN ADVAI,JOE peinciple. We
swonisl therpfore.urge ape% pot subscrib-
er the necessity of paying tip 4 and wo
they•wiii respond with
ehe nuoy.wiheu we inferin them that
snit of s,everiel hundred sniiscriptions
,comnie,nning on the 1st of SepteMber,
,only b few ,dozen ve ,ap yet ,been paid.
To those who have always paid na in
splyanne, we rptarn our sinc,ere thanks,
and hope that they as well as we are
benefitted by the system. Furthernmee,,
we have in houtemplatien some lamer-
Puit changes and itnprevements in the
paper, which will •greatly add to its
e-alue ; bet we cannot tele any !steps
itowards the eompletion of our plans
piffle subscribers and others ere so
toey in setthils aocoante„
The late the has been the peens of
:unmasking the hidden- daugere which
which were luriciog behind ail apparent
eafety. We haye all along looked upon
our stately brick edifices ft'S being4 too
stern a build to tottle at the approach
of fire. So !hey are ; too stern to hettle
as readily as more infientable material
.than their brick is ,composed of. But
let us not be too epre M this respect.
Although they may stand eonsiderable
firend yet is no timed° toprumble!asido es
wood, they may soon be rendered even
els useless as the wooden. Imildings be-
side them As for instance, notice Mr.
Southcott's brick store—completely
spoiled. But yet its advantage by
provinga barrie, to the fartherprogress
of the fire has 'been shown, s has also
the enviable position id -case of e fire
which Exeter enjoys in the possession
pf sp many briek buildings. As the
late fire has proven, we are isot entire -
safe, and even were we essared of
pur safety,:should we be leeslax in leek-
ing after the peoteetion.of property. We
. want protection which is. at all times a
guaranteed safety. The possession of
enfire engine is not alone going to war-
rant us a lifedong respite from the de-
, vourine element. It may assistift time
of danger, if in a different condition
from whet "the Rescae" was on Tues-
day night week. Wo want other ae-
pliances; eve also want a thoroughly es-
tablished fire company, whose delight
will be to keep the engine in working
order, and place her ender suitable
nihelter, which eve suppose -the. council
will provide as semi as peesible.
While the late fire was iu pr ogress,
many were those who pensured the pur-
,,phasers of the fire engine. A few weeks
Once, everyone who whmessed the man-
lier in which the engine threw water
was delighted with it, Then, not a
pensnrable word was neard. But now,
,atfer the engine as undergone a
pcorching process ever since the trial,
which no engine could stand and re -
'sin all its hood qualities, it doe ft not
work, and the purchasers are the cause
of it. As stated, ihsse who have seen
-the engine work know ; better. The
plait to pursue, n.ow, is for the council
to appoint a fire brigade or confirm the
Appointment of the one made long since
pince, and have the engipo now in their
possession thoroughly Dyer -hauled,
,and then if she works all right, keep her
in working,. C011e4tion and give her
practice Work to do. If she does not
• week.; throw her aside, for any sale
don't sell here -and pnechaee smother.
,These are matters of all the impor-
:tame we ,coeld wish to giye, them, and
.we hope they may be acted
Tne St Mary' p Argus publishednearly
et two column article about the resole -
n; (which he refused to print) pub-
elsewlsete, and thee say e St.
MaryheDiv,ision S. of P. is poinposed of
irrespoosible boys and girls. Poojish
to take such notice of them.
A Feta � .e,ditor of the
Exeter limed beea do,e hill which be
advertises for sale! Now, we have it bill
Ana and will trade with hint noeight
and unseen. We do not know svuat to
elo with it, Ana would liq .o 4ett,1 A
with a,./4,/,tite nan. e Star
V:its ; sotto tailor's bill youhhe jest
received. You can't dome that on tui,
.We've been there, yeei knoev,„
Wn leave been faVoreel evith
, glance at the pt. Mara 4iq, abed
Villein 12y the way,. ,eonsiders it as he -
;heath. the ,digr4tV bfg,11-foned ond
first -1a jnitrintlisin to isay any attert.;
tiori to the pommel] things Of this life,
pr to indulge in ,h,,riplOgpleasttn,tr;y.--
flat hurts ifs tone s o smith , yett Icheety
it ,thjg copy knci tbo it
jAttip .A•,4)) ,f,3,romiej ,"iiresponsinic opyii
'pin editor of the Argus is ,erusa.ding
against the tomperanee peoplEr..ofeSt.
Mary's. Now eve delft want,to see tem-
. , „
neramse .seffering Odin his savage on-
,elaught,'' and as' .sve know he is ,cheap, ,
we don't mind giving fifty pouts and
huyisigninna .oyer—just for the sake of
theeceuse yea l•now. But perlsaps he
can't haat ,tho people, ,afterell..
'THE St, Mary's Argus seys the " irre•
aponsible boys aud girls" who ,compose
the Sons of Temperance in that town
wish to dictate how that jeurnal shall
be conducted. Any change would be
a benefit to the paper, and no doubt its
readers svould gladly welcome any
change --even to its dictation by " free-
spousible boys and girls."
xeter and firitidg
1,t was not thutI love4 her ovettnuch
That 'made aur par -1,1,0g bitter ;
It was not for the softness of her touch,
Or hor eyes' glitter.
it was not that her cheek was rosy fair,
Or sweet as any reaches;
It :was not that she bad such lots of hair
As black as fooehes,
It w.1 s not for the cunning hat she wore,
All flowers and lace and leather,
It was not that, though temperance to the core,
We smiled together.
'Twee notthat when we parted her small hand
Waved an a aid not so discern it.
'Twas that she borrowed my umbrella,.and
Did uot return it.
SCHOOLS. piose oi WedneSday evening
next. •
A egaon' drain is beinebplit across
Main street below Drew'shotel.
To LOVERSOF THE WEED.—rn_....i 10se,
who use the prp-ci Oa mastieate the weed
read Mr. Kemp's advertisement in
another column. He is arare connois-
seurs to per wishes.
DOUBLE TRACK.—At the late meeting
the Copnty Coiincil, a by law was
read and passed, proeiding for a double
track in winter, osi the London Road
from Exeter to:the boundary of Mid-
OPEN Our. -Messrs. Stanley & Jermyn
epxpept to Aspen oet iu their new store
in the parse of a week. Their stock
is all new; they are young men of gen,
earl ability, and most accommodating.
We wish them every SUCCOSS.
FIRST pF AUGUST.—By the first of
August, Mr. Broderick says he intends
to show customers through his new
store, and allow them to inspect Ins
large new stock,
Soutlgiott has opened out his stock pf
gents' furnishings in the shop knew.
as Harwood's furniture warerooms. He
°flees it et greatly reduced rates. owing
to some of it being damaged by the fire
Esenaeanee—We n,otice in the county
estimates for 1875, that the rebnilding
of Exeter bridge will cost $1,180, and
the approaches .thereto, $150,00;
Bridges cat the Hay and Stephen
botnidary, will gest $300 ; Manchester
bridge, $5,000.
BASE BALL.—On Doniinio.i.3 Day, a
match at Base Ball was played en the
grounds in this place, between the
Teenmseths of Lusan and Clippers of
Exeter. The Tecumethp were'clipped
by their opponents with the score
standing : Clippers, 41; Teciereeethe,
26. The Match lasted two hours and
twenty minutes.
A BIG DAY.—The Parkhillites are to
have a large time on Monday next, the
42th July, Stratford district in addi-
tion to the L. 0. L. diStrict already
mentioned South Huron and North
Middlesex will be presens. In all mak-
ing oboutrsixteen ka and of colors. Cheap
fare from'Ailsa Craig, Lucan. G-ranton
St. Mary's and Stratford per Grand
—On Sunday night last, three young
scoundrels broke into the store of Mes-
srs. Satnwell & Pickard, and made
themselves the possessors of several
jacknives and other small articles. The
same individuals have been on like
around before, and if the act is perpet-
rated a third time they well find a home
in Goderich, as they are known to thee e
A LA EQUINE. --During the past few
days in has been a disgrace to see the
number of drunken men who parade
the streets. Often the ludicrous is so
forcibly given that one is inclined to
laiigh even at these drunken mon. On
Tueeday last, a trio of them psraded
Main Street, one following behind and
inflicting a seeming punishment on the
person of another who Mounted on
the shoulders of a third,
NeevousNess.,It affords nee great
pleasure to bear testimony to the bane-
gts I have eepeived from using Fellows'
Doinpound Syrup of Ilypoplioephites.
have recommended it to many of my
riends, and it has proved an excellent
urative foe nervousness and general
It is also is 1st tonic, enables a per -
mi to take on flesh rapidly, and is
ree from the constipatieg effeets char,
dtepistio of other topic e I have tried
IIENRY JOHNSTON, 1\1011trettl.
Trs T
.i.j4TE 171
IRE.—Owing to the early
onr d wliioh Wd went to press on the
ay of the late fire l it was impossible
o get every particular which we should
alto mentioned, 'Since that time we
earned that Mr. Pratt's bar was open at
the time of the breaking out of tne fire
nd it was those therein who say they
ere the first to tee it. Mr, Pratt's boy
t once sounded the alarm, while Mr.
ratt himself with much alacrity, and
the assistance of his boarders, saved
r, Path 'd fninitnre aed assisted in
etting the goods out of the adjoining
remises; gr, Skinner else made
lineedprominent by the ineemer ih
Iiiele'he worked in saving the, goods in
r, teller. We think it but
gilt ilfat thos t Mid honor id 40
eottid leaVe
)W4 BIM,. Veit $4Saneseet ahe kill O
,lossi'4,.. Bch, iii Coo Manufacturere 0
organs, melodeons awl piegeee, Cilielp
Oet., the same being good fo.g. 40 41or.
cent, On the entail. priee of $0 ii!etol.
went of not dpee than $j); Or will be
recnived tas one-third payment on kliier
catinogne.'. For ieetanee, ie pprehas-
nag a $600 piano the due bill Seeuid be
worth $200. Thie valeable (beg ent
,svill he dispesed in of at what den
advertisers ,call a tremendous sa1einipe
while its validity i s unteueetioneble
Appiy at the Teen9s Carp*: .
13Leas.--Si2ce Messrs. Perry Ditvis
k 'i,c)A ookn11ence4 tbe wanufaeture Of
rine, the Canada teapper has found
a lacrativo burnoose in cepturine old
Brum. Measrs. Davis & Son pay a
good price ler the greaep, and e)ie skins
are always sought after„ Mesars. Davis
& Son have a modo of refining the
greasO perfuming it, &c. making it
superior to any other we hay() ever
S. S. Ahishrensene.—The advertise
anniversary ,of the Meth. S. S. too
place in the grove in this village, on
Dominion Day. A grand time WAS
spent, strawberries and cream being in
abundance. The spoits were heartily
indulged in by all present. The Rev.
Mr. Holmes was present, and addres-
ed a le w words:to the picnickers. The
Exeter Brass Band maintained the re-
putation as exeellent mesicians on that
day. The proceeds amounted to $75.
BAND CoNoree.--The'promenade COL.,
cert given by the Exeter Brass Band,
in, the Drill stied, on the est., of the
First of July was in every sense of the
word a euceess. It was a new feature
in the yillege, and its most pleasing
phase was, that full liberty was given
to those who wished to parade the
ground, to talk, sing or joke. A few
more of these promenade concerts
would bring our band more fully into
note Last isn't a joke.
To THE PUBLIC.- The boa: belong-
ing te .1VIr. Renton, and coptaining iill
eutriee from the morning of the '22nd
up to the night of the fire was burned.
Mr. R. would take it as a favor if pur-
chasers from that date would advise
him of the amount obtained, he would
al8o request those who may have had
any item placed to their credit to noti-
fy him, that the entries may be proper-
ly made on his books. He would also
intimate to them that he is unable to
open his eta:ale:until after ,the.eisit of the,
visit of the Fire Inspector, when he in-
tends offering everything by public
A VALUABLE REMEDY:—A. very reli-
able gentleman of London who some
years ago, was afflicted with that ter-
rible disease, the leek -jaw, the. result
or i
running a rusty nail n his foot,
gives the following receipt, which in
his case he insures us 'gave relief in
twenty minutes after he had been given
up for dead : " In a pint of new milk
put a piece of pulverized copperas as
large at a hazel nut. Put them on the
stove for twenty-five minutes until it
thickens, then apply around the wound,
keeping a poultice on for half an hour
at a time." Out this out, it is worth a
trial anyway, and may prove valuable
Monday last, a couple of navvies, who
had been away with the volunteers,
passed through' the village on their
warto Exeter North, and made the
village people to 'wonder at their noise.
They had not been long in Exeter
North till, in it drunken spree, one of
there nanied McDonald had his nose
bitten off by Bruce Brownlee, with
whom he was fighting. He was at
once teken to Dr. Morden's office, and
the hanging flesh aiia bone sewed toge-
ther by that gentleman.
SUNSTROKE.—On Dominion Day,
while Mr. john Ross, who was in his
usual geed health, was chatting to some
friends at the S. S. pienic, when he
pncldenly fell to -the ground in a seeming
swoon. He was at once conveyed to
bit residenee, and the services of Dr.
Moore obtained, who gave it as his
opinion that it was a case of heart dis-
ease, eeeelerated by the heat of the sun.
Mr. Rossints the sympathy of the com-
munity, and it is hoped he will soon be
around end well,
VW/age C01174Ci1,
Coundil meeting held by order of the
Reeve at the School House, Exeter
June 29th, 1875. All the members
present ; the minutes of the previous
meeting were 'read and confirmed. Mr
J. Gill reported $90 coliected from per
sons not on the Assessment Roll for
the village, and several others to be
attended to forthwith. Moved by W
H. Verity, seconded by J. Ross, That
Mr. Gill be paid $2 for expenses.—.Car-
ried. The estimetes and assessment
concerning the proposed drain were
laid before tile council. The Reeve re-
ported that he had seen drainage in
Clinton two and a half feet wide, esti-
mated at $10 per rod; and, also that
he had the opinion of Mr, Bay, the
Co. Engineer, that a two foot drain
would be sufficient to take all the wat-
er from the street mentioned; also, that
the estimate cost of a two foot draM in
the town of Geduld], average depth 5
feet ,is $7.50 per rod. Movedeby J.
Ross, seconded by D. Johns, That the
Clerk get a by:law dra,ftedin accord -2
ance with statutes, on the subject o
the above mentioned drain to be sub,-
mitted to this council for provisional
adoption, Monday 5th day of July. -Car-
ried. Moved by D, Johns, seconded
by j. Ross, That the Reeve be empow-
eredto sell the bricks of the culvert at
Drew's Hotel.—Carried.
Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by
D. Johns, That the Culvert be extend-
ed across the road provided Mr. Pick-
ard will pay what it will cost over $20.
--Carried. Meved by W. Verity,
seconded by D, Johns, Thet the Coun-
cil adjourn until Monday, the 5thjuly,
at 7.80 p.m.—Carried.
XONLAY .EVG., elm's. 5,
The Council met pursuiant to ad-
journment at the school house. All
the inembeies present except Mr. Ross,
who was repeated ill. The minutes of
the proyions meeting were read and
001Arnlec1i MOVea by j. Pickard, se-
eonded 11. Verity, r.Pliat orders
be granted for the payment �f the fo1.
towing egois on itCC01.111t for lab° ,r ViZ
Isaac Whitlock, $16,87; W. Luker,
$9.12 ;ojacob Webster# $1,60; Thos
tl'honipson# $6 ; W. Ilorn, $4; Thos
Dearing, $8 ; Thos. Bissett, 2.4O;$
Isaac Bawden# $8,90 ; John Winon
$11.80Mil George Sanders, 00 eta.,
lot powder, safok.-r-Carried.
The Clerk having reported that the
petition of ratepayers asking for drain
Vas wanting in pertain partictilars, it
was agreed that the petition be referred
to the rater aril% for correction.
, . ,
The cOMMittee On Site for engine
hottee, loelteuP, Salo reportea that nr•
MePhillips. offered A Pee° of gronAd
50:00 feet for 225;.$Mr, Boss, 40a05
fee, Mr $1.00 ; and Mr. Pickard, 2:430
ft. for $2 per year grou, a rent for
from five to fifteen yetus at the pleise-
ureof the Council.
Aloyed by I). JefillS, SCCOrlde4 bV W.
IL Verity, 'flint the offer of Mr. -Vick,
and be accepted.—Carried.
Moved by W II, Verity, s4hontled by
1. Pickard, That a Committee he ap-
pointed consisting of Mr, johns, the
Reeve and She ,elerk to procure plans
and epecitieations of an engine home
and lock -tip and advertise for tendere.
--Carried. 1
Moyed Pickard, secended by
I), johns, That this Connell adjourn
until eall of the Ree've.—Carried.
No Mumma MEN, --Mr. Senior, the
photographer, says he don't deal with
middle men. If tho Grangers want
any pictures taken, ho asks thorn to
cone° along themselvee, as he Will meet
their views by positively declining to
take your picture if you send any one
else for that purpose, He has again
become himself after the fire, and his
studio se -arranged.
Dica, at h6 Post.
On Friday morning • last, Mr. Wm
Brooks, one of -the most gentlemanly
and accommodating stage drivers that
ever drove, left ,Exeter at 4 the
'visual our, having quite is number of
paseeogers. The stage was eoe that
had been in uee last seeing, and but
little since then. All went well until
nearing'.Londen and going down -the'
hill at -pewit Hopei when Donnely's,
oppesitione stage Attempted to pass.'
Brooke then Whipped up hie horSes, and
they sped along at a rapid rate and
hurried their driver to desteuction.
From the Free Press we learn that .the
nut of the left fore wheel then came off,
and the iron nen° fell to the ground.
Brooks was, then dashed to the earth,'
and, by many, suppeeed to have struck
the whiffletree while falling. From Mi.,
D. Johns. who was at the time on the,
eta,ge we got a vivid description'
states that there seeee eight passengers.
in all, that when the accident occierrechi
the horses dashed off at a rapid ogait_S
the passengers in tho meantime tumb-
ling out alensethe load to make them-
selves safe. The horses at last turned
into the sidewalk and were there caught
by a passerby, who en being asked.
where the driver was, said there was
none. Mr. Brooks having been picked
up by Mr. Cebbledick, was carried
to the city where the services of Drs.
tagarty, McKenzie end Bratto 13, Prov-
ed unavailing to save the poor man's
life, which ceased about 4 p. in. The
friends in Exeter were at once notified
of the accident and proceeded immedi-
ately tetLondon to help him. Afterthe
inquest, the jury of which rendered a
verdict in accordance with the above
facts,the remains were brought home to
the sorrowing family. Mrs. Brooks
accompanying them. On Saturday
last, nearly eighty conveyances accom-
panied the corpse to the cemetery in
this place. Primary ,'cause of the in-
cident is supposed to be that -the stage,
which turned and backed several
times while at Lucan, had the 113:Its
loosened, and the rapid motion given
the wheels while going down .the
hill, bullied them off. This is the
second time that Mr. Brooks has been
made a victim of the removal of nuts
from his vehicle. On the previous oc-
casion, at the time of the Provincial
Exhibition, it was done maliciously,
but happilyno person was hurt. Thus
has died, a man, who was -respected by
all who knew him, and a man who,had
the fear of his God always in his view.
When it child MreBrooks was adopted
by Mr. R. Manning with Whom he re-
sided for seventeen years.
JficIGIL vita
Suaenasn Fl iday even-
ing, the 2nd inst., the Incumbent apd
two ladies belonging to the Si. MarY's
(Church of England), llth comeMeGil-
liiiray„ called upon the respected.ganist of the ehurch, and on behalf of
the eougregation, presented her with is
very handsome gold locket, chain' and
a pair of beautiful bracelets, as a slight
acknowledgement of past services rent
dered to the church. The incumbee
made some appropriate remarks on be-
half of the donors, and the fair recipi-
ent expreesed her :thanks in a very
suitable manner. I need only add that
the ladies who acompanied the Rev.
Mr. Green were Mesdames. Lewis:and
Corbett, who have both worked bard
to obtain the object in view, and that
the lady to whom honor, was given,' is
Mrs. T. Sholdice, who for the past
twelve months has with great self-deni-
al, faithfully performed her duties as
organist and led the singing to the
praise and glory of Almighty God:,
Such conduct deserves more thait:inere
thanks and I am pleased to find that
the McGillivray friends know how to
reward services worthily rendered.
OFF THE TNA'IC.—On Dominion Day„,
about four o'clock, three or fotl'. of a
train of freight cars ran off the track at'
thipaplace. After some hard work they
were soon Oared on the, steel, and hur-
riedly took their departure.
crowd of temperance folks aesembled in
Grantonlon Thursday last, (Dominion
Day), their object being, ,we pregame, a
four -fold one, viz., to get tie ratieh as'
possible of the 'geed things'preeided, to
enjoy themselves, to hear the peohibie
tionieb,Mr. G. W. Rose expound his lit-
tle tate, and to help forward the cause
of the day. We should say that on the
whole, if these were the ounce of ass
semblage, these who went had no ;rea-
son for regret," Shortly after the' ap-
pointed hour, the procession, lioaded,by
the Leman Braes Band, gad immedi-
ate followed by the carriage conveying
Mr, Ross, left the Temperance Halt,
and liroceedect to the grotinds Where in
ftrilpIe Sprefifl. lay the hg000d tiihge."
Af tee ,several tables had been relioVed Of
their 'Weight, Mr, Botta' Eetbnef' St.
Mary's was called to the chair,' ,Whein
tien.e dallod Aspen the epeakeee, Hall of
Grantor), McAlpine of St. Mary's, , and
Ross of Strathroy. Able and elositiont
addreeees did she Men -delieer to
wrapt audiences, �n the grounds,
ttinuseneetts of all Ott Were provided,
and croquet parties were Seattored here
and there lit ivofesien, 'A hege ,pahle,
which we suivesed to be tho tight -rope,
found its way from tree be trec,,, sus,
ponied, about fiVe feet' frern the
ittiagnuet it Wottla require
eheat is M1404 ail]. to AA off that rope
as to hang on to sonna In the evert-
iag a grand eoncert was held in the
Temperance hall, Needy $1d() wore
if/ StiOnmE
BCBLIC SCHOOL illututlAcrimi.---The
half -yearly examination of the pupils
of S 5, No. 7, Usborne. took place on
Friday, June 25t1i, and wee in every
it deeided success, The pupils
wero oxftinined is the majority ef
yini‘ea.n, ches t gircluoatg air) itth Uettr/. t'91(ji
geography, history, o, hy their teach-
er, Mr. Henry Westlake, assisted. by
Mr.. John Bevel* of London township,
itlid 18 allthe banche z1 whieh they
were examined the pepils displayed
great proficiency, reflecting much
oretlit on themselves, as well as their
teacher. The credit was elost praise -
Worthy. Thejariotis exercises of the
day were interspersed by excellent
music from the pupils assisted by their
teacher. At the close of the examina-
tion, it number of recitations and dia-
loeues were well rendered by the pu-
pils. After a few congratulatory ad-
dresses by the visitoes and teachers, we
all departed for ome well pleased and
profited by the days proceedings. An
ample supply el provisions WAS provid-
ed at the school -house by the fair sex,
for the want of the inner man, both
visitors and pupils partaking thereof.
PICNIC —The Union Picnic o°Al
ftle. •
Elimville and Winchelsem Sabbath
Schools was held on Thursday, July 1st,
iu the grove situated betweeu the two
villages. Notwithstanding the many
festivals at surrounding places, a large
assemblage of people old and young,
collected together tospend an hour or
two in social enjoyment. The young
people amused themselves with singing,
croqueting and general chit-chat, while
the more sedate took pleasure in
watching them. After sone time was
spent in this manner all were request-
ed to be quietly seated to listen to the
excellent addresses delivered by Mr.
Luker and T. Greenway, Esq. M. P.
The Winchelsea brass band kindly came
and enlivened the exercises anti made
the grove resound with their sweet
music. Another very pleasing and int -
portant feature was to witness a hu•ge
table laden with baskets containing
delicacies of all hinds which were provid-
ed by the ladiee, and of which all par-
took and did ample justice to. The
band having to retire at an early hour,
played " God save the Queen," after
which all joined in givipg three cheers
for the Queeu and three for Mr. Green-
way. Altogether, a pleasant time was
spent, and all seemed to go away much
gratified. We hope to have many
aloe° suchgatherings.
pursuant to adjournment. All mem
bers preseme Minutes of previous
meeting were read and confirmed
Moved by D. Miller,, seconded by R
Mopteith, That the Clerk notifiy
Mr. Jones to have his fence on the side
road. betwan Lots A aud 1 on the 71h
con., reniOved off the side road at once.
—Carried:. Moved. by D. Miller, second-
ed by R. Monteith, That $20 be expend-
ed on the side road west of R. Blatch-
ford's, as the read is iihnost impassible.
—Carried. Moved by J. Halls, second-
ed. by, W. Broek, Thai as complaints
Inive beenenake to this Council cePcern-
ing the ahnost impassable state of the
road between Lots 15 and 10 on the
3rd con., the Clerk ootify the Path -
master of the beat to repair the same
immediately, and, in case of nou re-
pair, the Getman will hold the Path -
master responsible for any damage that
arises from the same.—Carried Moved
by D. Miller, seconded by R. Monteith,
That the pe ition of W. Quinton and
others be Inid over for further ccmsider.
ation.—Carried. Council adjourned to
meet first Saturday in August.
S. P. Heats,
Township Hell, Usborne, July, 3rd,
SCHOOL PIC-NIC.—A very succeseful
pic-oic WAS held on Frelay, June 25t1i,
iu connection wit h the school ln S. S.
No. 2, Usborne, in the beautiful grove
on Mr. Hunkin's faun. The scheol i
at present under the chat ge of Mr. J. A.
Bradley. After some preliminary ar-
aatogements, the ehair was:taken by Mr.
Mowbray, which he filled With entire
satisfaction. The first peat of the pro
gramme consisted of dialogues and re-
citations given by theptipils and others
in excellent style, interspersed with
selections of vocal music, furnished by
the young people of the neighborhood.
Instructive addresses were delivered
by Messrs. Spicer, Johnson, Turnbull
Dr. Irving and the Revs. Gracey and
Beer, which were listened to with much
interest by both ola and young. While
the usual vote of thanks were being ten,
dared, your correspondent noticed' the
fair sex engaged in spreading snow
white table -cloths on the grass and
covering them with choice viands to
which ample justice was done shortly
afterwards by the children and visitors.
The demands of nature being satisfied,
the visitors and children dispersed
themselves all 'overthe grove, enjoying
themselves with swinging, playing cro-
qUet, &c., till the sombre shade e of
°Veiling told them that it watt time to
repair to their homes. 'The- order
maintained during the whole proceed-
ings was excellent awl reflects much,
credit on all parties concerned.
AuxivunsAity.--The annual anniver-
sary of the Methodist Sabbath School
was held at Kirkton, on Snuday the
27th day of June, and Thursday the
let of July. On Sunday, sermons were
preached at 10:30, 3, and 6:801O'aloclt,
by the Revs. J. Wakefield, H. Gracey,
and. J Watson. On the lst of.July,
tea was served in Mr. Alex, Kirk's
grove, at one o'clock, after which Me.
11. Porter was tailed to the chair,
when addresses were delivered by the
Revs. 1. Watson, J. Goodwin, ,and J.
Wakefield, The Kirliton choir render-
ed good music on the oecasion, under
tho leaclevship of Mr. George Vickers,
Miss Shollington presided at the organ.
Proceed i Of delleetienS and tea were
over ono hundred and t wo dollars,
coNcFavv,—or, theist of July, Miss
8hellington and J, W. rera gave it
grand donoert iii the hall, at 8 o'clock
p.m. The Winchiseit Brass Band
present and gave some of their
choice nittsk, oh the oceasion. Procee(le
over 40 &Aare.
The stireeyors aro said to be at work
on the -Dresden alid Oil Springs Pail:
way. Mr. Sisk proposes to have the
VOild 11.1111lihg this fall, and an extension
to Sarnianext spring,
. „
Nz 1 X, Aiii,Y850t, two *tor" new ,ige„ _tersea4 be,
1011,08 boon 4111)0040d our afinnt 04,404981k
v).9,h14Y; Is to tp rt)outve eniore ter see-
seiyipciotts, ton prolong, itud to coheetaeocessee
saal IMO A'9Q01148 :Or to genie.
4.110 4Sentsn0'ee,ponsible for all "oryetippn.
NQwm1;U11,1)$, IleL
ixe p0
akih08t1 IY,1I
1‘ 17°14°:1 g1 ta riZni
sing a°
lati.igesi tlthe
n(i°ue of leu1
damper Oh the hopes of the petitioners
that they wished t..1 have the hearing Of
the ease adjourned until September
next. 'The defeated. candidate, who
fondly thought that his suceessful rival
wonid be unseated, had the bad test
to ettend the court, hoping to triumph
over the people's choice, but when an
adjournment was asked for, the sardon-
ic grill left his countenance, which in
its place assumed it look of bluetit despair
and disappointed ambition.
MOVING Yee. --Notwithstanding the
hard timee building and other public
improvements are not at a stand still
Tun GOAT AGAIN.—It now appears
that the story of some evil -disposed per-
son cutting the throat of Mr. Boyd's
goat in order to revenge themselves on
him or the bank wa an ekaggeration,
the simple truth being that the dread-
ful gash in the animals throat was
ceused by its rubbing against a nail in
the stable wall, and on this slight feint -
dation the fair fame of our village has
•been impeached, its people accused of
rowdyism, the chief delight of its neer-
chants said to be dog -fighting, and,
worse than all, a first-class paper war
got up between the owner of the goat
and the Parkhill Gazette whereat the
slandered Lucanites smile, and hint
that some people could affordto change
heads with the goat.
(JouNem PuoceeinNes.—The regular
meeting el' the Lucan Council wits held
in the town hall on Friday, July 2nd
1875, at 7 o'clock pan. Present. T.
Dight, Reeve, in the chair; Councillors
McLean, Hutchins, & McRoberts.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
approved. , Tenders front the following
persons for putting 50 cords of gravel
OD the streets of this village were receiv-
ed and read. W. H. Ryan, screened
gravel, $3.74 ; unseveened, $8.26 ; river
..,$car,c8e9ne;11,m, Walker, river gavel,$3.35;
$3.00 •,*Oefiobins, unscreened
$2.70. Moved by 1). MeReberts sec-
onded by R. McLean, the t Robert liol-
iiis and is hereby appoiuted Inspec-
tor of gravel for the eeason, at it salary
of $1 a day while emplie-ed.—Carried.
Moved by 'W. IL Hutchins, seconded
by D. McRoberts, that George Hodgins
be and is hereby appointe 1 cullector of
poll tax for the °uncut year under the
authority of the b --law respeccing poll
tax, and that he receive 10 per cent of
the sum eollected for hie services.—Car-
ried. Moved by D. MeRoberts, second-
ed by R. MeLean, that the following be
poid and the reeve sign orders for the
same ::Jemes:Cuuniughateifor work clone
on sidewalks on Maiu etreet. $9.75 ;
Miehael Connors, tor work done on side-
walks on Main street, $8.00 ; Isaac
Hodgins. covering bridge on Main st.,
$1.50 ; Andrew Brown, work on Alice
st., ,$1.50 ; E. Gnilfoil. repairing bridge
011 townline being Lucan's share of the
S imp, $3.50.— Moved by R. McLean
seconded by D. McRoberts, that1110
coneideration othe
f gravel tenders b
laid over till 5 au 111 5 nexi, tho 10th
inst., at 7 :30 o'clock p. m.—Carried.
Moved by R. McLean, seconded by W.
H. Hutchins, that the council now ad-
journ to meet again on Saturday the
11 hist at 7:30 p.
Tel 17; I.N'G S.
Parkhill has 240 votes.
A bank is to be establiAed at Mil-
More boars have been seen at Ux•
Seaforth is to have a new oatmeal
The value of real estate is increasing
in Ingersoll.
New potatoes are general throughoel
the conntry.
The ladies of Picton wish the
Act 1,do u tea .
A large lynx has bee e caught in a
trap near Trow biidge.
An Oddlellows' Lodge has been or -
in Port Elgio.
Sarnia by popular vote has decided
not to license eitaions.
Godelich rejoices in a temperance
man named Bro. Boosey.
West Huron Fall Show at Dungan-
non on Oct., 5th and 6th.
At Brussels two venturesome boys
have been drowned in the mill pond.
There was a temperance demonstra-
tion at Port Hope on Dominion Day.
Counterfeit Bank of British Noi•th
America money is in circulation.
The Watford firemen have got a now
uniform. They are said to look smart.
Two hogs have died in the County of
Lanark through eating a quantity of
potato bugs.
The Came Citiun says the services
of Agent -General Jenkins are about to
be dispensed with.
A joint-stock company has been .or-
ganized at Wroxeter to erect is public
hell, two stories in height, 27 x 50.
Mr. Wm. Wilmot, of Newcastle, is
making arrangements to show speci-
mens of Canadian fish at the Centen-
Mr. George Brown has taken the
pastorate of the Methodist Church in
Dunnville. Ile is not the editor of the
Dr. Eby, of Berlin lias patented it
very useful and ingenious machine for
collectingpotato-bugs from the growing
Ono day lately, Mr. Sander-
son of Blatiehard, shot a good specimen
of the Iynx on his own farm near Skin,
Imre Cornets,,
The Mee horse Ifitty Wells, died of
in fl anitaat ion ih Friday morn -
Dr. Sparltham, the Brockville abor.
Monist, is book.keeper in the penitent
buy laundry department t.
On Wear esdayafternoon' !Says the
a Grand Trntik freighttrain WAS
detitined end mile West of ItooltWeep the'
half an hour graeshopperkl, r hey.
were Over an Iveli thick DA the
ritils, and eneteed the wheels' to Slip its
ff reiniing on grease The eXPrOSSyis
ehort, title afterwards, its delayed for
half an hour from the Saft16 Oti#0*
11001CWONI IR near 61161
'Hie Pay woo $pent InExeter,
Domonon Day, last l'Ings(lny, wa
OallaeOlatyl 810141),eleft3:1eteliStaaantailin$1s0i$Nnmenejr0L-
in this respect quite a contrast to the
last few previous anniversaries of Con-
federation. The sun being hidden by
masses of fleecy clouds, could net ponr
down, her blistering rays anon Poor hu-
manity ; the air was eoel and delight-
ful, and the slight breezes whifth gent.
ler stirred the zephyrs bad an exhilara-
ting efi'ect. In early morn, nowhere of
pleasure -seekers started for the lake, to
spend the day in promenading on the
pinasant beach, is shady grove, and
riding on the bosom of the deep, But
the principal featare of the day's pro-
gramme mid that which drew together
the greatest number of on-leolcers and
participators, was the
The Association had been at consid.
erable expense in making preparations,
and the amount given in prizes was no
insignificant sum, and a successful day
was therefore anticipated ; ansi Oleh'
113013t extravagant anticipatiens, both
in point of numbers and display of
horseflesh, were fully realized, Shortly
after 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the
band started for the parka This was
the signal for the rush of the orowd,
and by the time the races had com.
menced 2,500 persons must have been
on the ground. Every available point
from which a good view could be ob-
tained; was eagerly seized upon by
the multitude. The grand stand, ca-
pable of seatina over 400, was crowd-
ed. The track, which is, as the Asso-
elation promised it would be, one of the
best half -mile tracks in the Province,
was in excellept condition, and every-
thing in order. About e2 o'clock
the sport began, the first race being
'rail -mile heats, 2 in 4, Purse $35. 9
entries—A. Lewis's brk m. Shamrock ;
MfiedOnfild ch. in. Matilda; C. Hand -
ford's brit in. Lady Beacon ; 3. Batten-
bury's ch. in. 13rucefield ; Teale's
bhk s Black Jack; Avery's bl'k
Lady Stanley;. F. Dagg's b. m. Tor-
inent ; Fogarty's 8. in. Silver Heels ;
Troyer's Uric g. Black Rock. I,
1st 1eat-8 horses started off well to-
gether. Matiisia„took the lead and
kept it around the course. Silver Heels
got 2ncl place, and kept it till the a -mile
tuna when Black gallantly put on
more speed and took lier pince, keeping
it till the end of the heat, Silver Heels
making, a gallaut effort to regain her
2nd heat—Matilda again tools the
lead, aml kept it throughout, though
hard pressed by Black Jack. Silver
Heels tools the 2nd place at start, but
was soon superseded by Torment, Sil-
ver Heels, however taking 3rd money
by virtue of her position in the 211d
Matilde ....... 1
Black Jack.. ...... 2 2 -
Silver Heels 8 4
Torment 3 0
NO. 2—latillenne' TROTTING RACE.
Half -mile heats, 2 in 8 Purse $40. 7
entries—MeLeod's b.b. Bay Jim ; Mit-
chell's Oh Grey Norman ; Gravel's b.
m. Huron Salt; Tetreau's s.h. Honest
Jack ; Ennis's m. Gold Dust ; Rae's s:
m. Minnie; Flanagan's m. Honest
1st, 211,1 and 3rd heats, --Minnie won
in a jog''. Some misunderstanding
seems to have arisen M regard to the
admission of Minnie, some thinking
there was a fraud and contending that
she was au old ringer,. and which, by
the way, she seemed to be. On this
account there was little or no interest
manifested in the race, and the result
was a foregone conclusion. The mare
was from St. Mary's.
Minnie.... ........ 1 1
Honest Kate 2 2
Heron Salt 8 3
fIalfhpile heats, 2 in 3. Pure,e $30.
entries ---Meredith's s. m. Alice Poole
Rook Allan ; McRean's b. h. Bay Jack
Marks' ch. s. Limerick Boy ; Fitton'
san. Grace Darling ; Simpsons ben
Ledy Bell; Dagg's gin. Sleepy Mag.,
This was the most exciting race- o
the day, ancl more than ordinary inter
ose was taken in it by the spectators
The herses were all in good trim am
presented a fine appearance, Two et
1.,liree of the older coursers took matter
as they came, but the yonnger blood
was more impetuous, plunging aronnd
wildly and chafing tinder the restrain
of the bit. Solne reared up 011 hind
legs ancl beet the air with fore feet, a
the apparene risk of the riders, but the
little folios clung to the saddles man-
fully ; some dashed madly along the
ring, severely trying the patience and
endurance of their leaders. It WaS
great difficulty that they were got
close enough together to got it start,
one pawing this way, entl another
kicking out that way.
1,st heat—The horses got away alliii
a heap, Grace Darling tiChiegthe lead,
Lady Bell pressing closely lebilid her.
When at }-mile tune Sleepy Meg tools
2nd place, and coming down the hem°
stretch astonished everybody by get-
ting even with Grace Darling. The
most intense excitement now prevailed.
The two horses, neck and neck, swept
past the judges' stand like a whirlwind.
Dead Sheet. The horses were again
started, but Grace Darling at the time
Was fleeing the east, and had to tnrn
around before getting, off, by which
time the other horses were 8 or 10 rods
in advance, but she managed to over-
take Alice Poole at the +-mile tuin,and
thus secured lst place, with every pros-
pect of retaining it. But Sleepy Mag
again put on more speed coming down
the home stretch, and came in winner
in splendid style by about two lengths,
*181151 the enthusiastic cheering of the
pleased and exited Biddulphites, An
accident which might have resulted far
more seriously than it did, happened
while the hOrSe8 Were running thie beet.
Omit nelfswayaronnd the conrse,
the horses going at a slashing pace, ap-
parentl3r all in a heap, One Of the theln
WaS Seen to roll against :the inside
fence and turn completely head over
heels', and throWing her ridee gait° a
4istanee into the ring. He, however,
alighted oti a ” soft spot," and escaped
with a alight shaking up ; but the hers()
Wits so badly damaged by her leg strik-
ing the cad, of is fence pole, that Ales
hael to be taken filial the eoursel The
animal Was Rook Allen, and in 00118e -
!pence of the injuries it sustained,
there were only two contestants for the
010011 rlinning rape: The result of the
Sleepy Mag,„,,,.,1
Oritee Dir1itig;:e.8
.41ito oIo
NO. 4---04.C/f ANS .DAIVINO TliOrlaf0 XAOR.,
Mile beats, 8 in 6. 1,)urse $80, 5 en,
tries. 4 starting—Bissott's 331%ck Rap,
; Pratt's b.rn. Katie 1),ratt ; Young's
r.li. Wind8or pen; Drake's s,h, Sorel
1st and 2iut beats wore won by Sorel
Den, Windsor Bell frequently pressing
her closely ; but just so sorely as he
itasi fit prospeet of getting ohead SO sure,
ly woold he break up.
ara heate-Bell got away Arst ard
managed to keep hiepiece, I/Ine.ek ,
isi 2n4 and Katie Pratt 8rd, ' "'"
4t4 heat—Windsor Bell again tool$
the lead and kept it easily. The time
Made in this beat was tile best made
throughout the day.
5th heat --Windsor 33e11 got away
first, followed by Rapid. At thoi-saile
turn Bell broke up badly and Dan took
his place, On the home stretch Bell
got down to work in earnest, and caene
in winner by about 8 lengths,
Windsor Bell.....,..2 2 1 1 1
Sorel Dan,,..........1 1 0 .2 2
Black Rapid.. . 0 2 8 3
Katie Pratt..... -..,3 3 0 0 0
NO.--opN 111.1NNXNG RACE.
Mile heats, 2 in 8, Purse, $125. 4
entries -2 starting, Bay Jack and Alice
Poole. Bay Jack was the handsomest
horse in the ring, and ;showed splendid
running, lent Alice Poole won both
Alice Poole...„1 1
Bay Tack 2,2 •
No. 6-,--opeN e1)esa'a1110 11.113E.
Mile heats, 3 in 5. Purse $1.80. fy
entries-,-Blatdc Rapid, Drake's br. m,
Gypsy Queen; Lamb's br. h. Hornet,
the last two starting. The first two
heats were won by Gypsy Queen, Her,
net breaking badly. ,
The 8r4, 4th and th heats were won
by Hornet, though no fast time wag
made by either Of the horses, batbin.
dining to hrea,lt badly when .4 fell
, 2 2 1 1 1
Gypsy Queen 1 1 2 2 2
The judg,es were J. G. Addington,
Woodstock; P. Flanagan, Flanagan's
Corners; John Dolmage,
Mr. Daniel Mere lam of Brussels left
for Europe a few tags since.
Mr. Pope, Clerk of the Crown in
Chancery, is obliged to attend all the
contested election cases which take
place under the ballot, according to the
provisions of the new Act. e*,''
I(EEP constantly on hand the Largest an
Best Assortment of
Patent Medicines!
Tooth, Nail, Hair, anti Cloth
E .1",' U..11 h.' RI' ,T OI S 41) S
School Books, Toy Books,
BlankoBooks, AIngazines,
A lbuineFaney Goods
Pencil Slates. Lead Pen.
oils, &c.
OLE Agents for LAZALUS, 1101i111S,
Co.'s Celebrated Perfeeled Speetaeles an
Presei iptions and llecipes quickly and aeon-
rately dispensed. Ilentomber the Place—Di-
rectly opposite Ole " Central Hoteq"
EXeter, Janutfp 7, 1874. 71 -yl.
A. M. P. AI.
GOING Er. 8.05 1.45;
P. 11. 4.11.
GOING EAST. 7.35 12.15,
r.m. P. 54
GfOLNG WEsT 1.15 "' 5.417
F. 11. JENNINeelee,
Lucan, Jqpe 1, 1675.
Vwxnus.--In Ifirkton, on the 20th of June, the
wife of Mr. George Vickers of a daughter.
DAwsox.-In Blanshard, on the 2.15h of June, thd
wife of Mr. Alex. Dawson, of a son.
SHEEP ESTRAY„—Strayed on the
premises of the snbscriber, lot 11, bounaary.,
line, Blanshard, two ewes and two Iambs, en or
about Juno 1st. Any person proving the property
and paying charges can take theni away.
July b. WIL.141AM KIRK.
TATANTED.—Wanted a 'good aener-
v v 0,1 servant in an English tiergyman's fam
ily-only two children. Apply AT, ONCE, statin
wages required, 50 11118, GREEN, Ansa Craig 2t,
Card of Thanks.
The subscriber takes this the earliest opportu,
nity of publicly expressing :his deep* gratitude to
those pzrties who workod,so energetioally,fiuring
the fire on Wednesday morning to prevent tho
complete destruction of 1115 belittling anti in cor
voyiitg his stock of goods and household effects to
a P5500 05 safety. CITA.S. SENIOR.
Card of Thanks /
OHN RANTON begs to tender his
sincere thanks to those kind friends who as,
sistod so promptly in removing goods from his
store, on the night of the late fire He cannot re-
frain from expressing his dOep 801180 of gratitude
to those who have Tiroved themselves friends in
this his time of need, in affording himself and •
family shelter, and for the many expreseidus of
sympathy and kindness received on every hand
since the fire. July 8, 5875, JNO,EANTON.
.., SHIP. , — ,
!the undersigned have this day dissolved p
nership by inutual consent. .
'Witnees: IT. D. STANLEY,
Wst, JEuxtyN. 1.3011N HUDSON o
Grantee, Jeine 25, 1871 813,11b.
. , _ ,
bee to inform the anioMtig eereintinity el
and thit,40±0,no.aitlitp8,920sdivirtorhood t
Opsit ti manitytet•
flo tiolvalusr seine's
tleat-tiatte rotoa ah "g•
tho tritht et thOt t
'tOti llah"