HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-05-18, Page 11CQMM LLN JTY Exeter Jump for Heart Jump Rope for Heart was another success this year. Exeter Public School skippers raised $4,380.10 for the The Heart Foundation. Shown here is Co-ordinator Nancy Corrigan, and jumpers Jason Monteith, Lindsey McLeod, Jenalyn Baker, Amy Schwartzentruber, Selena Campbell, and Kathy Keskinen. Thames Road news Churches combine for Sunday service By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - The church was almost full at Thames Road Sunday as "A Community of Eight Churches United in Faith" met for a church service. Betorc the service started there was an orchestra composed of Jean Hodgen on the piano; Doris Spence leader on guitar; Ray Cann, violin; Cliff Jaques, violin; Don McCurdy, banjo; Ross McFalls, guitar; Mac Mills, banjo; Bill Rohde, violin; and Doug Stephen, guitar. Spcncc then led a sing song. Glenn Copeland of Woodham U.C. gave the opening remarks and then the service proceeded unan- nounced. Robert Bray of Thames Road U.C. gave the Call to Worship. A congregational hymn "Wel- come Happy Morning" was sung with Agnes Bray, Thanes Road -0 U.C. organist and David Switzer of Kirkton U.C. on the piano. Elizabeth Kerslake of Elimvillc U.C. gave the Prayer of Approach. Joyce Fell of Hibbert U.C. direct- ed the choir as they sang "Haven of Rest" accompanied by Bray on the organ. Joost Drost of Hibbert U.C. led in the Prayer of Confession and the Assurance of Pardon. George Bur- gin of Kirkton U.C. introduced guest speaker Rev. Roger McComb of Ingersoll. He gave the children's story "Reach Out and Hug the World, A Globe". Becky Harrett of Centralia U.C. read the Gospel Scripture Luke 10:25-37. The choir sang "I Have a Friend". Rev. McComh gave the Contem- porary Scripture "The Pit", "The Hands of Christ". The congrega- tional hymn "Love Lifted Me" was sung with Gwen Christie of Hibbert U.C. on the piano and Bray on the organ. The sermon was entitled "Getting off your Donkey" by Rev. McComb. The choir sang "In My Heart There Rings a Melody" while Don Brine, Reg McCurdy, Keith Ste- phens and Ray Switzer received the offering. Judith Parker gave the Offering Dedication and led in the Lord's Prayer. The congregational hymn "Lord Dis►niss us with Thy Blessing" was sung with Judy Mills accompany- ing on the piano. Bruce Delbridge of Elimvillc U.C. gave the benediction and grace. "Till We Meet Again" was sung. Everyone went downstairs for sandwiches, squares, relish and re- freshments. SATURDAY, DRel IPS s �E 01y FAQ/ ro �21 Po 4 ,SALON o rod R SERVICE •P/oipu/tAelzAali, Ceiebitaii • Come and help • Vicki, Kim and Terri enjoy the week of Mon. May 16 - Sat. May 21 to the very fullest Cutting 10 Wellington St. & Main, (Beside Murphy's) 235 -HAIR (4247) 000 4o l00polls voik o 0����� RoptG�S 4 1 Times -Advocate, May 18, 1994 Page 11 Presbyterian Women meet EXETER - The Presbyterian Church Women stet on May 9 be- ginning with a delicious desert. The President, Donna Webster opened the meeting with a reading. Bea Ersrnan read a beautiful poem about "Our Mothers". The group then sang a hymn and read Psalrn 116 followed by prayer. Lois Learn gave a reading and a musical number was sung by Helen Toornstra accompanied on the pia- no by Pauline Simmons. Bea Ersman and Edna Simmons each gave a reading. The president conducted the business of the meet- ing. Rev. Henderson closed with prayer. IF GIVING GIVES YOU WARM FEELING IN YOUR TOES, NFJ=D A LOT MORE WARM TOES. • "Mr giving begins with yvu. 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