HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-05-18, Page 3Bakery and
¶asty?'4u Cheese House Cafe
444 Main St. S. Exeter
'Thank You Exeter!
For making our grand Opening a success!
Winner of our draw is Barb Consitt, Congratulations!
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Bavarian Rye Bread $1.29
Delicious Cherry Pie
Butter Tarts
Crusty Rolls
Try our delicious Danish,
Kaiser buns and hamburg and
hot dog Rolls!
Fresh off the block
Onion and
Parsley $3.99 Ib.
Marble Cheese ....$3.99 Ib.
Try our fresh brie, curds
an' e rom
(P.S. Don't forget to stock up on fresh
bread and rolls as we
will be closed Mon., May 23!!)
Fresh hot coffee and donuts, soups and
sandwiches, cold salads, and more in
our ("Smoke free") Cafe
Times -Advocate, May 18, 1994
Page 3
wrap up
ST. MARYS - Two Sebring-
ville OPP officers left for Wyo-
ming last Tuesday to bring hack
the man suspected in the murder
of St. Marys resident Shirley
Claude Lefler, was picked up
by Wyoming Highway Patrol
last Monday night after he was
spotted hitch hiking.
Lefler, of RR3 St. Thomas
was charged with first degree
murder in the death of Lickers
less than 24 hours after the
March 14 stabbing, it was re-
ported in the Journal Argus.
Since then, there was an inten-
sive search throughout Canada
and the United States. Police in-
tensified their search of Lefler in
the U.S., after his car was found
abandoned in Alabama on
March 31.
clerk -
HOWICK - Tom Miller,
clerk -treasurer with Howick
Township Council has been sus-
pended with pay.
Last Friday, reeve Norman
Fairies, told the Listowel Banner
of Miller's suspension which
took place two weeks ago. The
reeve said he was told by the
township's solicitor not to com-
ment any further.
Last Monday council met in
camera with Miller at his re-
quest. . The Banner could not
reach Miller for comment. He
was clerk -treasurer for the town-
ship since 1986.
GODERICH - Sharon Little of
Goderich is recovering in a
North Carolina hospital after be-
ing shot three times by an assai-
lant who took $100 from her.
Little underwent surgery at a
hospital in Greenville, N.C., af-
ter being shot in the chest and
Greenville police chief Charles
Hinman said in an interview with
the Goderich Signal -Star that Lit-
tle had gone to an automatic tell-
er machine with her nine-year-
old son when the incident oc-
"He snatched the money out of
her hand, took a couple of steps
backward and shot her three
times," the police chief said.
A man has been arrested in the
Waste sites
COLBORNE - It was a classic
clase of 'not in my back yard' as
a standing room only crowd
gathered at the Colborne Town-
ship Hall last Monday night to
discuss the site selections for a
new county landfill site.
Four of the 11 sites picked by
the consulting firm working for
the county are clustered in Col-
borne Township along Conces-
sions 4, 6 and 8.
Concerned landowners and
neighbours of the sites ex-
pressed thier concerns.
Several residents questioned
Craig Metzger, project co-
ordinator for the Huron County
Waste Managment Plan, about
the possibity of expanding the
existing Holmesville site.
Metzger said that option was
the first looked at when the need
for a new landfill became appar-
ant. But the Holmesville site is
not suitable for expansion.
Many Iandowners were con-
cerned about odours from the
landfill as well as possible leach-
Fines and jail term
ordered in
provincial court
EXETER - In Exeter provincial court on May 10, Judge R.G.E.
Hunter handed out fines and a jail term on a variety of charges in-
cluding unpaired driving, assault and illegal firearm possession.
BAC over 80
Brian Jones, RR I,
Woodhatirwas fined $750
on a charge of operating a
vehicle while having a
blood alcohol level over
the acceptable limit of .80
The vehicle being driv-
en by Jones at 12.23 a.m.
on February 5, 1994 was stopped by OPP Constable Penn when it
was noticed travelling easterly on Huron street in Usborne township
from 80 to 90 kilometres in a 50 kilometres per hour zone.
The vehicle was reported to have been swaying back and forth and
the driver was found to have an alcoholic odour on his breath. Brea-
thalizer tests at the OPP detachment were registered at 1.30 and 1.40.
Three other charges were withdrawn by the Crown.
Possession of narcotic
Fines of $750 and $100, were levied against Michael Moffatt of
Huron Park. The charges to which he pleaded guilty were having
care and control 9.f..a, vehicle while his ability to drive was impaired
and having possession of a narcotic.
On March 13, 1994, Moffatt was found behind the wheel of his ve-
hicle parked at the Zurich Community Centre with the motor running
by OPP Constables Finch and Herbert. A part vial of canabis was
found in the vehicle.
BAC over 80
Matthew Hartman of Hay township was fined $750 for operating a
vehicle with a blood alcohol content over the limit of .80 mg. The in-
cident occurred on April 9 of this year when Hartman's vehicle was
stopped by police when it was travelling westerly on Huron street in
Two minutes after the vehicle was stopped the accused was arrest-
ed and taken to the Exeter OPP detachment where readings of 2.00
and 1.90 were registered. A charge of impaired driving was dropped.
A fine of $850 was levied against Ian Thiel of R.R. 3, Zurich for
operating a vehicle while his blood alcohol content was tested at over
.80 mg. Thiel pleaded not guilty and his lawyer argued that the fact
the officer stopping the vehicle had to radio for another officer to
bring a breathalizer alert tester was illegal..
Thiel was stopped by OPP Constable Monck at 11.21 p.m. on De-
cember 11, 1993 while on regular patrol on Highway 4, about three
miles north of Exeter and a large mug of a mixed drink was found.
Evidence indicated Monck radioed Constable Kern who arrived three
minutes later with the alert tester.
Thiel's lawyer said if an officer doesn't have a tester with him, any
delay is illegal detention. Judge Hunter disagreed saying, " I feel the
test was taken forthwith and was proper." When the lawyer asked for
a moderate fine, Hunter replied, " I start at $750 on a guilty plea and
on a not guilty plea I begin at $850."
Impaired driving
Douglas Regier of London was fined $1,000 on a charge of im-
paired driving. The incident o;curred in the early morning hours of
November 26, 1993 when his vehicle was stopped by OPP Constable
Weverink after it was noticed to be drifting hack and forth while trav-
elling just north of Exeter on Highway 4.
Weverink testified the accused was slouched in the driver's scat
when approached and a part bottle of whiskey was found in the vehi-
Taken to the OPP station at nearly 2 a.m., Regier refused to blow
into the hreathalizer machine until officers did first Following a call
to Legal Aid and two calls to a lawyer in Clinton, the accused regis-
tered 1.40 mg. at 3.09 and 1.40 mg. again at 3.25 a.m.
Regier said he consumed two small bottles of vodka while in a sep-
arate room making the calls to his lawyer, but this was disputed by
officers who said he was searched and nothing was found. The ac-
cused said he was not searched. He said notes provided by the offi-
cers were "inaccurate and inconclusive."
Judge Hunter's final remarks were, "There is no doubt in my mind
that. you were impaired."
Dennis McDonald of Huron Park was put on probation for 12
months and ordered to do 75 hours of community service after plead-
ing guilty to a charge of assault.
A 90 day jail sentence was levied against Steven Kirk of RR 3, Ex-
eter on a charge of assault for kicking his 14 year-old son with steel
toed boots. The boy and his mother were on the witness stand to de-
scribe the attack, but Kirk denied ever touching the boy.
In sentencing the accused, Judge Hunter said, " I don't believe you
for a minute."
Neil Lockhart of Hensall was fined $200 for having a firearm in his
possession without a Fire Arm Certificate.
Lockhart was originally stopped by Conservation Office Glenn
Sturgeon in the Hay Swamp arca on October 28, 1993, but said he
was preparing to go for a dirt bike ride. Sturgeon testified that a 12
gauge shot gun was found behind the seat of his truck and did have a
lock on the trigger.
Sturgeon said it is unlawful to have a firearm in an arca where
small game can be found and an FAC must be produced. In his de-
fence, Lockhart said he didn't know he needed an FAC certificate as
he bought the gun four years ago at a camp at Donnybrook.
Judge Hunter's final determination was a fine of $200 and added,
"You will try to acquire an FAC and the gun will be held by police
until that happens."
Hunter ordered a ban on publication of evidence given in a prelimi-
nary hearing on an assualt charge against Wayne Gaiser of Dash-
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*'Continued from front page
system. Corporal punishment must
he introduced for those who choose
not to be governed by more conven-
tional methods," he told the House.
Reaction to his statement was
quick. Steckle said within two -
hours his Ottawa office was receiv-
ing calls from people supporting his
In the House, he said, reaction
was simply moderate applause.
"I didn't do thisto be a popular
guy. There will be some who like
would 1 say, those who don't and --
those how will be afraid to say how (�
they feel," Steckle said.
His next step will depend on pub-
lic reaction.
"I'm prepared to see this through
to law, but.it can't happen if people
don't speak out in numbers," Steck-
le said.
"If someone has a better way of
dealing with it [repeat crimes], one
that works on limited dollars, I want
to hear about it," he said.
"I'm not doing it for the party's
sake, I'm not doing it for my sake,
J'm doing it for the country's sake,"
he said.
User -pay fire
calls not
ZURICH - A proposal to make
fighting a house fire a user -pay sce-
nario won't fly, Zurich council was
The Zurich Fire Board suggested
in March that local property owners
he killed for the cost of fighting a
fire. The main question at the time
was whether or not fire insurance
would cover those costs.
However, a letter of opinion from
Hay Township's solicitor indicates
that a municipality has no authority
on which to make firefighting ser-
vices a user -pay opportunity.
Hay Township council had passed
a resolution supporting billing for
tire calls, but rescinded their motion
after receiving the legal opinion.
At the time of the proposal, it was
believed some municipalities in the
province were using a user -pay pro-
gram for fire protection.
Winner of a 1964 Chevy Impala convertible from the recent
Lucan Lions draw was Doug Brousseau of Guelph, left. Here
he receives the keys from Lions Club president Dave Barr.
2PM Sunday, June 5
Tickets $2 &AvailableAtd
South Huron Rec. Centre
Art's Auto Repair, Exeter & Blythe
Exeter Insurance & at the door
Proceeds to Exeter Optimist Club