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Times -Advocate, May 11, 1994
Mother's' 1)a y Tea
Jamie Reabum, playing Joseph, displays the coat of many colours in the Hensall Public School
production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Thursday evening.
at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter
Dispersing the household of longtime resident Mrs. Dorothy Wildfong
aiong with excellent additions from the Dean Gibson home of Lucan.
This auction includes several good antique pcs., fine dining room furni-
ture, a full line of appliances, a large offering of china and glass; living
room & bedroom furnishings, 12 h.p. Homelite riding mower (like new)
and hundreds of useful and collectible items. SEE LAST WEEK'S
PAPER for a full listing of this fine auction.
Huron Rec Centre: Household, antiques & misc. for Mr. Ted Bowden
who has sold his Centralia residence along with an entire Lucan house-
Riding lawn mower, car, furniture, tools etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's
Auction Building in Clinton for Ken Johns of Exeter and the Estate of
ChristinaFinnigan of Goderich.
CAR; 1976 Buick Le Sabre 4 door 88000 miles as is.
AIDING MOWER: Mastercraft 12 h.p. 38 inch cut with bagger, 4 years
with black oven door, looks like new, Hot Point microwave, antique bed-
room suite, wringer washer, chest freezer, apt. size freezer, 3/4 size vio-
lin, portable TV with remote, Electrolux vacuum with power head, china
cabinet with glass front and sides, oval parlour table, buffet with mirror,
chesterfield with a pull-out bed, 2 captain's chairs, dark pine 5 drawer
chest and dresser with mirror, cedar chest, single box sprang and mat-
tress with brass headboard, night table, maple desk, maple table and
four chairs, mantle clock, small china cabinet, tin train, two old toy trac-
tors, apple peeler, 3-1878 bells, oil Tamp, 6 gal. crock, antique shelf
clock, washstand, trunks, brass beam scale, large offering bedding, lin-
ens, hand made quilts, large offering of dishes and glassware includes
antique pieces, 40 cups and saucers, 400 salt and pepper shaker col-
lection, pictures, plus much more.
TOOLS: Table saw, cattle clippers, 15 inch scroll saw (new), anvil, two
chainsaws, floor jack, chain fall, battery charger, Mikita disc grinder,
electric drills, small drill press, hyd. jack, jack all jack, draw knives, 32 ft.
38 ft. aluminum ladders, sockets, hand wrenches, 2 cross cut saws,
plus many other items. NOTE: large offering - two auctioneers selling at
9 a.m.
Terms cash or cheque with proper I.D.
THURS. MAY 26 AT 12 NOON 1985 Chev 4x4, JD 2955 front wheel as-
sist, John Deere 1630 with loader, modem tillage planting and haying
equipment for Heather Young, 5 miles east of Goderich on Highway 8
then one mile south on Concession 7 and 8.
at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter
We will be dispersing the well kept estate household of Mr. Mervyn Cud -
more. This auction is exclusively from the Cudmore home
and in excellent repair.
ANTIQUES & FURNISHINGS: Fitton Parker dining suite incl. china
hutch and buffet, ext. table and chairs; antique bureau and lovely chest
on chest with spool comers; old drop leaf table; 4 Ontario chairs with
caned seats; Sherlock Manning apt. -size piano; 4 pc. Vilos maple bed
suite; 2 nice spool beds; needlepoint chair; carved parlour chair; Dun-
can Phyfe coffee table; 2 Sklar chesterfield and chairs; several nice
lamp and plant tables; chest of drawers; double pedestal desk and
chair, davenport; pressback rocker oak hall bench and mirror; cast um-
brella stand;open and closed washstands; 2 drop leaf night tables; ce-
dar chest; console walnut dining table; Hitachi colour T.V. and remote;
stereo; lamps; humidifier, elec. sewing machine; Inglis auto. washer
(like new); Inglis elec. dryer; Moffat 30 elec. range (approx. 1 yr. old);
Inglis refrigerator, microwave; small appliances and kitchenware; card
table and four chairs; luggage; bedding and quilts; chest freezer; exer-
cise bike and treadmill; china and glass incl. approx. one dozen pcs. of
carnival glass; opalescent brides basket; crystal; R.S. Germany; hand
Painted plates; cruet set; figurines; silver tea service; 10 place settings
Tuscan dinnerware; cut and pressed glass; oil lamp; sad irons; copper
bolter; anniversary, pillar and pendulum clocks; crocks; brassware; milk
cans; lawn furniture, cast Iron registers, etc.
TOOLS & MISC: Stratford, elec. china kiln model LT3 plus china paint-
ing supplies; American machine lathe; Delta 10' table saw; small power
and hand tools; garden tools; stained glass and copper craft supplies;
Spalding golf dubs and cart; self propelled gas lawnmower, 3 wheel
adult Mke; mens bike and hundreds of useful and collectible items.
May. 14 - Clearing
household, For John Watson,
302 Drury Lane Strathroy,
10:30 a.m.
May 20 - Bull and Heifer Sale
- Belldoon Farms, Iona Stn., 8
May 21- Est. of Mr. and Mrs.
R. Gregory, household, car,
etc., Cty. Rd. S. of Poplar Hill.
May 26 - Clearing Farm
Machinery Misc. Etc. For A.
Mott, Lot 12, Conc. 2 NER
Adelaide Twp. 5:30 p.m.
May 28 - Household and
Property, Est. W. Dorman,
132 Queen, Ailsa Craig,
12:30 p.m.
June 1- Clearing Household
and Musical instruments, Est.
R. Lawson, Strathroy Arena
Hall, 5:30 p.m.
June 2 - Clearing Excellent
Household Furnishings Etc.
For Charles and Ella Olmsted,
19 Head St., Strathroy, sale
held on location. 5:30 p.m.
June 4 - Large Consignment of
Household Effects, Farm
Machinery, Shrubs, Clothing
Store Fixtures, Etc., at
Ilderton Fair Grounds, 10 a.m.
June 5 - Charity Fund Raising
Auction for Palliative Care,
Strathroy Curling Club.
June 5 - Charity Fund Raising
Auction, Jewish Synagogue,
Huron and Adelaide Streets
June 11 - Large household,
collectibles, antiques,new
rugs, from Lambton and local
estates Strathroy Arena Hall,
10:00 a.m. Consignments
accepted for this sale.
June 18 - Estate dispersal for
Alex Newbigging Ltd., tools,
truck parts, general items
pertaining to the gravel
business. S. of Village of
June 25 - Annual Pony and
Horse and Tack, Ild rton Fair
June 30 - Swi Production,
Lesterosa ine, Forest.
7:30 p.m.
July 2 - Lumber and antique
tractors etc. Delaware Sawmil
Ltd. 2 mi. east o;* Delaware.
12 noon.
with real estate to sell
please contact us for details.
We have sold 9 properties to
the owners satisfaction to
the last month.'
The Blue Water Rest Home held a Mothers Day Tea Saturday afternoon. Combined with a
bake sale and craft sale, it brought daughters, grand -daughters, and even great-grand-
daughters together with residents of the home. Enjoying a spot of tea, and some juice, in the
dining room were Dianne Becker (!eft) and her grand -daughter Becki Deitrich, who were visiting
their mother and great-grandmother Marcella Deitrich (right).
LEO to study volunteerism
in Lambton County
GRAND BEND - Lambton Eld-
erly Outreach (LEO) is a non prof-
it home support agency servicing
older adults and people with disa-
bilities in Lambton County. LEO
is currently conducting a three
Phase study on volunteerism in
Lambton County.
Phase I of the study involves a
literature search and a question-
naire that is being administered to
County residents aged 50 years+.
LEO's Executive Director, Patricia
Kelly says that "Phase I of the
study goes beyond simply asking
people what types of activities
they are currently involved in as
volunteers or, asking people if
they are interested in volunteering.
We also :want. to know why people
cio not or cannot volunteer. Once
we identify constraints or barriers
to people's participation in volun-
teer programs, we will then be able
to determine if there is something
that LEO can do to help people
volunteer. While LEO is not in a
position to address constraints
such as lack of time to volunteer,
LEO is in a position to address is-
sues such as lack of transportation
or lack of information on volunteer
One possible direction that LEO
is exploring is the development of
Supported Volunteer Programs for
Volunteers with Special Needs.
The goal of such programs is to in-
volve people who want to volun-
teer and have special needs arising
out of disabilities or disadvantages
circumstances such as poverty or
illiteracy. In supported volunteer
programs, barriers to people's par-
ticipation are identified and re-
moved. Appropriate accommoda-
tions are made and support is
provided so that people can suc-
ceed at their volunteer jobs. Simi-
lar models already exist across
Canada in places such as Ottawa -
Carlton and Victoria, B.C.
LEO invites people aged 50+ to
participate in Phase 1 of the study
by completing a written question-
naire. The questionnaire also asks
people about the kinds of services
they want or need. To obtain a
copy of the questionnaire call LEO
toll free at 1-800-265-0203 or, con-
tact one of LEO's four offices lo-
cated in Petrolia, Grand Bend, Co-
runna and Forest.
In Phase iI of the study, LEO is
surveying agencies in Lambton
County who use volunteers. The
purpose of Phase 11 is to determine
the need for a centralized volunteer
hurcau. The proposed bureau
would recruit and place people
with agencies in need of volunteers
and would promote the benefits of
volunteering. There are so many
volunteer opportunities available in
our community, it can sometimes
be overwhelming for first time vol-
unteers. A volunteer bureau aims to
inform people about their options
and assist people in making choic-
es that suit their skills, interests,
time availability and geographical
location in the County. A volunteer
hurcau is not meant to replace the
volunteer recruitment efforts of
agencies but is meant to support
and enhance them." A similar and
very successful centralized recruit-
ment program already exists in Sar-
nia called Senior VIP. The volun-
teer bureau being proposed by LEO
would complement the work of
Senior VIP in that it would focus
on recruiting and placing people in
all areas of Lambton County out-
side of the City of Sarnia.
Phase II of the study involves
key informant interviews with ma-
jor corporations in the County.
LEO has teamed up with Senior
VIP in Sarnia to investigate what
corporations are doing in the way
of retirement planning and volun-
teer programs for their employees.
Specifically, the two agencies want
to find out of corporations would
like assistance in establishing vol-
unteer programs. LEO and Senior
VIP also want to know if corpora-
tions are intere&ted in educating
their employees on the in,
volunteerism through their existing
corporate retirement planning pro-
People are retiring much earlier
these days by choice or due to the
tough economic times that are forc-
ing them out of jobs. While previ-
ous retirees could expect to retire
at age 65, today's retirees could
potentially retire 15 years earlier at
age 50. At the same time, the need
for volunteers has never been
greater as many community based
agencies deal with funding cut-
backs and greater demands for ser-
vices. "We have a very talented
group of up and coming retirees
who have a lot to offer the commu-
nity in the way of their experience,
skills and knowledge. While plan-
ning for the financial, housing and
legal aspects of retirement is of
great importance, so is planning
for use of unobliged or leisure
time. Our goal is to encourage peo-
ple to consider volunteering as an
option for retirement and to edu-
cate them on the benefits for both
the individual and the community
as a whole," said Kelly.
We can provide aerial photos of your tile pattern to
assist in drainage installations.
Call us now for future drainage needs.
Robb= Farm Brahma lilted
R.R. #3, Ailsa Craig, Phone 519-293-3645,
Evenings 519-293-3197
"We insist on customer satisfaction"
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Chief Administrative Officer,
Mr. Rick Hundey, 406 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6,
will be received by him until 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May , 1994
for the construction of sanitary a storm sewers.
The work includes approximately:
• 645 lineal metres of 200 mm and 300 mm PVC sanitary
• 250 lineal metres of storm sewer ranging in size from 300
mm to 925 mm
as well as other work incidental thereto.
Plans, specifications, and tender forms may be obtained from
the office of the yndersigned upon payment of a non-refundable
fee of $30.00. This fee includes all taxes.
A certified cheque in the amount of $13,000 must accompany
each bid.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Consulting Engineers
62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario
N7A 2T4
Phone: (519) 524-2641
Fax: (519) 524-4403