Exeter Times, 1875-6-24, Page 4b)csi
b., that &vela. mata
inn/ dropped Into the heat, who Utte, W
fao uorelt 11&ah oar than, Ito
L1Latioat working a 131107,r4 ana hi it
tilistake WN.$ tt.) oar eutort off
ta tato handle, 014t1 soul%) more tiMe WaS
1,,Ist,ii gettiug autztlw, SO fall
of nu ittaur Wits ladt PAy
were rettlia Itiv144,* waY it& ,Lthro
Lilt, of Ate, By this time Tile rafiti
tue atng 4 Ie time bad oarried 1431,3
ro,itiLkile down the strewn, and
was closing iti ae.
was out of oiolit hearing. Ali
that could be (tone wits to pull as rap -
a8 ptlbeibie down the elitotatel, alK1
hope to overhaul As for lite, my
case was getting somewhat critical,-
Altliongh still floating bravelY, Yet
wtta bat:a/roma numbed with the cold,
A big \Nave ‘vozild sotiletitues give me
lee torah, joat eminall to wara no that
if I waii eaasized, and the upper arm
of my pipe beoom,&fuled with water, it
would 1.ni all over with me ii 1LQ'
kiense than one. Xnet new, too, I tit),
tieed taa,t While the water Mul bten
aboot Waist hign, a big wave NI, Oula now
and then Imthe ,T„folt of the
witddiug hi th•e l)W't jO1Utwilep, hor-
ror of horrors, it wa,i being gradually
forced into the pipe Should thepree-
sure drive it past the elbow, 'it would
snout out of the upright, stein in a mo-
ment, Lind my buoyant life preservei.
would beouane 1/SO.OSS
But, hapolly, I was not, left'' long to
the tuoughts tliis'idiecovery saaggested,
l'he boat was now beariog tlown upon.
Ine rapidly, and the -look.ovt on the
bows caught sight of me, and gave a
cheering shout whichs1 joyfully return-
ed. Tue ollieers protaptly gave orders.
tts to liow I•should be picked up. Aa
the boat Deared tile, at the word, every
oar waa to hold water, and, as he
steered. the, Latta of the boataitoward
the look-ont was to seize rue and drag,
me to the boat. Bat here aatatin our
uoftartunate Irishman marred the whole
Proceediug. As he caught s.iglit of the
; •ia h:iltirliteas, in an agony of terror
aa a...teen ,te •t7 a it < ,
raak hesexclaitnect
, glass e
<,y tag, onatto
aro it she is ts,aila.4
aaaas by- ' ; to rout,
seeu, saltds
yk or glooal,
II sluittis
gaLurea loauzt,
; gracious,
61. utask,
ow s hula suegions,
s nisyvios to 45243;,
aro,t4rinee or Itattana
GL.' a-oloott co her °hook,
toe ,f.uswer.
ni• a`iittaltutters maim them aziales,
Au a kilUt+.:3A
Tof-uPriug matt to throw toe thee,
Q t to wio tild•st„ake Of niotorutaat,
soon playlet int,
, •
atica hers woutittlee
jr',01.1 • Of f•S O'''21/7" ke
NVab my Ina once to reside lit a
angtl,village tuile.i froth tile
Lt,Y '0- , bolueLi ,tito, tl.tys
f ratalrftafe -• and 4•01a.'Kettee,ist,,»Iistil to,
baavattyoot the P L.0
'• 0
• 1C' d,iiv',titu'u; to the it,v in idle
Mormon itaifi'rettiettolo tit blta evetunt,,
oat,cat 'it vary Invelliatit for
o -at to.o Lin; oity .tett tato-
tet, their boaitiess retuat by the.
(re „4.er,60.11 strailue flaure before hull looming k
.1„ in tarn, to lOde a i‘a1103.01.1
voRAtry, yOU 04 madly got from 0 to
40 Pet" etautp for Money leaned, oh first,
elasa tuortag,ee. Laud ia selling for
a eat to end now ia the time to
invest. You iteli 11,te if I Wgkild i1 t
go littek awl settle 'dottot. Well, the
1 L,44 • Ort,‘14-,, 11 " Whist 1 itowly inither, an' what is
Way titiogs are roiling here pow we
1)8,Ve got tt? go iieuatsivizere Oat Of this,
for a time at lest. don't want, you
t00000t. this a letter. It intlY
promissory uote, ard as 111 have lots of
time I'll write whole heaps of letters.
I need not ask you fol.! I know yo0, will
convey the'linidest regards to INir,—
and "Afr.‘ and, ,,vies;—,
that the traders have not eoine in yet,
but wlieu they do I'll bectire butialo
robe awl other furs for him.
Yours 'aery aftectionatiy.
-4-Guelplt Mercury.
f)oilitwir, ticOrihoepy
B'8 liU Waterloo, and /Ilona
Vista, the open Polae Sea, Bay and
City ofNew York by luootilight, with
tre. P.M.t$, the pirate, hanging
front beafteld Bediuc's island in the
foregrouud, ioterior of 4 1.30wery eon -
cert. saloon, the roate of propasod
Air Ling A.tailroad, iiktorior of
—'s great pid factory, ike,,
tbs.) etrahger, " taat
moat eertaitily be e," remarkable weak."
" Yes," said .1„i'roatiltn. " I should
;toy so, Ot coutse you 'will subaeribe
foe 'a copy," ."
, Sbrib,Oh» no. (19)1'0. wait
tho book. I let you go oti heiatise
used to canvaso for it myself, and I just
wanteti to see whether yon knew your
lo 38011. You will do pretty well, tbough
you forgot sonie thing; but you made
011 tilk1 evoiling of the 11th lust., at t‘hat olaket, Fox's Book of,Marts go
Association litalleo ow Yolk. onia But attei you'Ye had itinata peo-
Lyou gave out the words. S. Cal r the clerical looking parlY ,avent i111111e,
six youog men sita upon tile Plaiforiii, tile say 110, 'Alla been kicked dowi• the
LU emtrei601 thelLsdves corl'ect stairS hull; a ,do'heil times, youlwill
44aa alautaaot, pet000teiation. Pi of. ;earn bow., Good -day," mid Nvithliia
There was a. proupahees4 fiellsatiou was talio 112, W tolks, 14at's
tip fi that by ptkittiii. it great' 4/1141Y
ing oulored. ee blight colors al.
att.). thing about auy of tlie picturas
that are /lot in. , But you forgot to say
aocl.G. Ail.)ett Loh:Ley acted aS J b ttui,tled dom.
the fulinermanitgaig Webster'e dietion- Broulley gazed at the closed doe for
itry iLod Lilo, latter , taluog. elittrge' of ii, feW inoments "Ilieh turued and' 'vent,
NVoreearer'e• Iiiree Prizes were offer" to'llie hotel tue:litating. Ilo stayef at
ed, as fo1lOW8 Firat, $,IialiegPeare'a New Bruntsaieli two weeks 1 limey. tit
writings ; seeolid„13yron'sPoenis;t, did nut ,essay any urt ier canvaas,
(-Teneral.S.,110nan's Memoirs." til lie received. a letter frooa p b-
auflience was; large and appveeiative itshea, exprek,f,nt,g surprise and reovt
Pratessor•Itytaii began the eaterLaiu" itt,•not hearing from losnew agent, s've
aiert by apellitigabdomen wlthout` as hy drafts fur. el‘Penses• 5113 eiluti
word. gave a whole day' steadY-cativitssi
a- Abaulanteu," said the young can- without any successamt.11 near sundow
didate for a plize. By thia hour he had g'Ot 'veil out 'tat
" Wroag," Oaid the Professor, `,.`it is the country 'when in die centre of t
`do,' not " large lot, remote trom any'. neighbors
'roe fun then began in earnest, Ono he tsaW, a CarpODtGr at work on the rou
man lost his alance tor ,gihry by Bald- of a new hot -se. A.scertainiug, that p
hag 'pat' -instead of 'pay' 11.1 'patron,' one waS near Bromley approached. 7
matter of ueceseity, prononocaug he Bromley to utak° Lo auothei ant.1)\ e
while another, discovering 'pay in lieu
'pat in 'patriot, _retned„ tom the con-
test. 'Co' and odt ,gow having been
, a
phated by a spructe-ltiolting geutlenian
in , 'pealagogya -tliti • uusuceessful pro-
tloafarly • To lettata to-oe-aea, by a beiaga. 'it.? He rides the say like a Mare-
*.itil tv.,(11,1tvv, et,i,t;L il.t,e,e 1,61,.: t44 co 1,1.aja alia eei,rie., I silm k , -t. .k 1YOULIOU bade the audience &tat even
, . . . . . .
, „ , 01 mil- . , 6, t o e-rs at, like , . , -
.1110ati.t1..,,, ofrthe,srliall, cost ,...loieLi be: a saaaa stsitaler.t, , , . in. a ,"tdamopetalons' itilled another
lougad ao a' toTIVillethel° ,41)'.6ti..eztin._ DroPtiing .is oar at -the taitailtne in,'O, entestailif. '40t1er was tlefeated by
pronouucing 'giro' avitlioue a 'j' A so-
'13e16'.‘v the. 'haijige 'w.as tho. steathboat naent, lie Oattuttgad to foul all 011 liis
ber looking- prouonucer stuck ‘joc' into
, , . ,.a...,. a (, tie .., a line, so , lit ,. , , - , 1
lauding for.thellja6 ot city-. ituI il p side at that yeaiet.itio 1 't. - tl t
wacor. ,- '' ' ' • - - the boat instetidoof coatitia oia to .me .10Citiee, and he,etenped to the rear with
At the Liana of mY` story •ii, was latent head oil, strueitNnie broadside, and pits-
8,01:ZOW deplete up u his pa fttce.
• Out.,)bers spell of fl'hity weather int,d sett, over me, aud' life-presere.-er ba. 'One IlealtdiY loOking Colnputitur was
b 1 ' '
. ., • , natec in &agape:louts, a wag.
retio lotto as. ttlittat.wietota was ceinnia on 51(10. ' ' '
"tlic stove pipe out of, nay. ars‘,", and it ('-irele e put `°13e.wiloi@,
rtiod tintt our stove's must b‘a set ito and - The shock oLtlie encounter linetikeby 'a1tiope d W.'11 aarr t'if ri7a1 blewn°ht ef the
11 11 ue it 1 tot ZU w10 p01, ()Taal% So w„s SUIJIi to the bottooa ; and. it., *NI ttll 14've beet." 'hx-ir • -f"r
taxile' was the cause of the bauislent
o routed by toy soauae to prbettre the my, \vial's coteon, batting, Wasal3st for-
ofone of the emulators,. -
Lecessary pipe, 'for on". 'parlor stove, ever. As for rile, 'as I 'came to the sur Lyon _
aod sure nava -tile jointa perfeetae fade on the other side'of the boat hear -handed, some 'card -a
- round, handing -one to each'.of _the re-
tuant, for ,titat 'green wind soniotinies
. , ,
1)Yniligenous acid, whielcdrip-
ping through a lettlay 'oipeespoiled our
carpet. ',a ,aleceseary pipe included'
so elbo* With oae straight.aoint
to one end and'ttao to the other. I ain
necessarily' tootieular oo this, point,
beeatise, as ;the realer will perceiv3, on
this same stove -pipe the whole interest
of nay story tortia. -
A;ousual at this .season of tile year,
thcs tiuruan was gretttly pressod with
business; an 1 say job' was only , coin-
eted at,the last moment. Seizing tny
irOnwttee. and some other purchases I
huariod to -the stage office, jus`, in time
fiod the coach all filled aud only
room fiat." me cn top, Here <seated
myself with. My purchases,. arOund me,
a dozen hands; were stretched, out to
haul tue lo.,, Luakily. Patrick with a
stout grip, canglit me by the collaroand
lifted me iutu the boat, blubbering now
-with the heartiness of Joy that he had
rescued a human being, as he was just
now iu his terror at the nondescriPt
sea -monster he saw floathig before Imo
'pie rest of my story is soon told. -
boat's crew punoa back tothe
stdarner with' a will. 1 wa,s at once,,a,,n
inY arrival at the steamer, stripped of
my wet garments, tunne hof blankets
were thrown.a.bout nae,and I threw my-
self around a pint of hot brahdy and
water. This artificial ',heat, 'applied
outwardly and inwardly, soon "ievived
ine, and in an hour's time I was in a
coOdition to be driven. home.
.• .
„ .
molt 0:impact tuner-. The stov0-pipe
I held bolt up1i4l1t by my side, and
801110 rolls of hitting, which I had pro.
cored for my wife for a winter comfort-
able, I 8tuffeil into the shorter joint of
the -pipe for convenience sake. I liad
all my traps snugly arranged just as
the stage reached •tho draw -bridge ;
but there rnisfotaune o.vertook me.
A achootier h L 1 jast passed tliroutah
the dratv, and by Carelessness of the
bridge tender, the gate was left a little
ajar. Tate` &aver taiaa good
'time, -was in exciellent spirits , (having
met several friends in the city of con
vivial habits), cracked his whip jaist as
he reached the bridoe, the teant sprang
forward, the wheele of the coach sti tack
suddenly into the.gap left between the
aatava :trills °tattle draw. came out with a '
boandatilted the emelt on title side .for
• a in nnent"; just long enough -to slide ma
and the Imagage otitop off into the wa-
ter, and tat ssed on. ' '
The driver was just taraiik enough to
see that by great luel- he had escaped
an,Fta,) c:traless to sce, if any re'al da 0-
-age was dote. The passengers inside
• tireaeortains down to keep the ()old
, oat, andadavatiodtina. As for oapelf I
Voila; the water cm tha.lower sida of
'1,y• Loyoud toy detall, the
An ignorant subscriber to tloi Eliza
beth4etrs c tne in to the office few
days ago said ordered his pitpei'atopped
because he clitlerecl with ditcher() La
Rue in nig'. views 't'tf subsbiling fence
,* &Lk. , conceded tile Matt s
right to atop the pappo, said remarked
c 'oily, as he looked over his list :-
Do you know Jiiia Sowders, dom.' at
liard-erabble ?" ° Very ,,well," said
the titan. " Well, lie etopped his pa-
per last week bet:atlas I tliottgilt a farm-
er wits a blamed fetal wuo didu't kuoty
that timothy tvits tt good thitigto gr t ft
on lioeltlebei.ry 'knishes, and ate died in
less than four hours." 4, Lord, is that
so said "the astnnislied orang;er.
" Yes, you know old George Et'ricicsoti,
down on Eagle Creek ?" .4 Welt, I've
heard of him." " Well," said Bat hard
gravely, tie stopped becauae. I said
he was the happy •latber of twitis, and
undoing classmates, and requested lam
to,read it. The reqaest was kindly
cdmotied -with, end the reader said:
He puthifo'ot in the stump
11 covered with syrup.
and he slipped up On. ieur' in thefinal
wurd. ibis flu eoliplet was flux\ eci
by another and a say,oury uue, aa fol-
' He stood on the stoop
With a dieli oiaoup.
-Immeolately atter the auutence were
delighte:d. Wail these t ive elebiratut brocit-
ures of the Muse, a, delicately , fe,aineit
prottouncer thrust 'sag lir'
ar' should ito and,by -this
rue ottly,,,threehe ' et tniateued inon
were left in.,the eig4s. , The contest was
beconci, aud ‘V.• .13:. Pake the 'third.
Theauccessfuf gentiemeu bowed. their
thanks, ate audience blew a' little ,hp -
pause into. the air, and tue organ
ataucit tip aut Weal nacho, ttria.
house, ascended.tneoladder, acciA
ed the workman ,with' you wa, t
the History''of„ the' World ' 'from-
" Nol'a interrupted,' the man elution .
Bromley was atlast.., And, loo
iug at thecarpenter a morneutolie r
sowed: "'Look here, you've got,to bu
the book." "What `do ph) mean ?''
". I mean just I canie from, Pon
necticut to New Brunsaick to sell lid
work. 1 have been here two weeks
have not sold. a Ccipy. , 1thin going bacl
to-morrow,,and'yyn are the last man
shalt speak te'labout:it, but you've go
to subscribe. . aloue on thi
reef: -I am biggti. than 'du and 1 hav
got control,of this ladder.. Down 'goest
your ;name, or down gees the ladder
The carpenter suraeyed the situation
for a few memento, and, saw that Brom-
ley held,the key, ofthe position, aud
that there was no escape-, as nobody
Was within hearing' , mid the ladderwasthe only means of access'te the roof.-
Renee he said quietly, o Where:shall
sign There,",said Brom1y, hanct
Mg him a blitultabetika. The man sign-,
ed uid then asked "How 'mita `?"--
' ",Tbere it is," hand-,
ing 4...vver. the amount. All riolit ;yen
shall have.the. book in, tv few days. ---
" All right.' o Good day" . ' "Good
day." " Deal trouble yourself -to . come
hero age-1th", 4!Naver.":' this
Brolnley went down'lle ladder, went tc;
Lis .Lotel, packed Ms valise,. and start-
ed. honathat night. .
Isaac ih7.1*Olattey as It, tielari.; &igen,
A late 'editOrial in If ork 'papdi
un book -agents, it' appettrS t init., baars
Broiale,y's ear- ma,rita. If so', I'M one
could speak more feelingly on tliia- stib-
ject Bromley, for he was once.
bout; agent himself. ' broluley hail but
just left college, and was hesitating
as to what au do, when the enterprising
publisher cf ,The Histoty. of .1110
World " perSuaded hini to inatlie a trip
to 'New lirunssvick to inta.o Lice the
,t-tzdf. „Alter some hesitation, Bromley
cLaigrailnated 11111i on his '.enecess 54 acceded, aotl stattad on 11144 jourtteya-.--
ty:iniontes. There'ai lots of froth his hotel to common
late in Re fell dead-withitt tweh- after,ifis arrivad lezee sailied 'Ont
his ctl1vas
'cases, but it don't matter. I'11 cross but aaaaa- tooi' while lisitated 4144 40
Yew' hlulle off, though You -doll% look where to begin,. By- and:bye he espied
strong and there's a -bad color en yor 'tt person of very .ileat appearance autl
nose."' ." See b-'3roa J1)-11'. La Rnef'''saiil tlignified detneatior, sitting on a frOldf
the subteriber, bmkiag '§rotriewha, 'step. Appreachjng hini,'PironileY
alarmed, " 1 balieve I'll just take it ite: to:0414.166d .1.44.4„selif as illtaaduata, Lhe
fun.? oat 11-te a mil -race., enug- ealer .Yead;','; at'a3i 1 IIWIT3 dat like f-litory of the'oWorl ,
lig 1,11 d,Iar lif, t,r.) my 'stove- plot), a,,a I your paper. an I came to think ib nit "Pleased tfiaMpot.you. Tttise a seat,"
liontiug at the top of my voice to tzio it, Y(Pa ro P)L1 111, at111 some al- said the'strariger: " Whattliave yon to
*tap -drivel.. 6) Ji )td on ftaft not leave 1 ovanc,a arbor be .in tde," and be de- say 'about the book ?"
in., to ,Fraw.t. All in The 4eatil sati•tli itt) 11 110 tutu made a mL! uclieticburaged by this kind' of re.
's on a folt trot, ttod $oon
drivor ittul til, b'fvond 1b0 4311:1,1
of my voice, Az.b.I I was luft :Ilene
It was (line to lOok abou",-, ine aret, to
learn lay :ft,eitz.ti, position. As I slip
ped (aim the stone I To oiselotiao
tu ale „attive- oiattiaby nay sitie,anj
it a tmt ove;-faaarll int" tho water . with
N.P.vonedei. ortlinary cirautn-
stances a sfave.piae 3i 1101 afenott.ltal fly
Iftioyant nat. iota' actaffted e.s ft life pre-
sex.ver, but by. tile flifeest accide'ait I
had fitted it inat tan-a:ably for the lat.
ter par oae, Tee 1 ating had stuff-
ioto he slierteratititnot only' roe-
dered i buoyant bul imporvione to tat)
water. happy ',Lough t struck- rile -
I etr.tlea" 'alp pipe, aitting upoo tlie
allor'er and clasping my artns
around the 10 aer whoa' oftssed 31
foot ,tliove my ad. If
ritto-SHoiety Ilia tueirlolves >11 worli•
to devi.ea life -pre erva, e ey could not
have done loftter, `Tliere vas I riding
the v, ayes like a &mita 4i11yctu1 as, au
albatross, no clanger 6 olonvnitiar as
long an 1 coult1 Iceep ihyelf upright,
and my lite.paeserver eidar of water.--
Fikit oh the ()the,. hand, ilig,t, w1L3 a,p.
proaching, my !hubs would ioon be bo-
ninnbed with .cold, and till tide was
sweeping me rapidly toward the
Sefund. ' I had not ottsaed eteato,
boat, and its / neared her >1i4>1ilo,1
row esc,oat from 110:1111.
.7114zp, Titiii ,..;-• are Ed .11iiitolid. .
, ......
The.„-falPrwing inte,,revting , ch;ntatini-
tion is "WrItten by a young, into) recent-
lY ,,,,f,,Guolpifibta now in Winuipebo", to
his sister .itt 'Grtelpli, a d kindly hand-
ed,tu is for tealittoltian aatet...
Fort Garry,, June 1, 1876.
' MY Dataa St srerta-Your very afel-
awns,• it. tte reached ,,me ye;iterday.': 1
bad a 161)g', wearis ',tile 'journey, having
been delved evet.ywhere, both on litiid
and water. I had to Nv,iit fear „days at
Sarnia, compelled to lay overra couple
of days on Lake Ilaroil on account of
theice ;. in fact we had to break ona
01117 fr an one end of that Vast refrig,-
orator to tho utile'', and of course . we
were delayed l'On tin) American' side, as
all the licitelstitre otvnad by the Railway
Conafacties, It: tdolt -us twenty .days
ili,teadraf* :,..ix to travel fiatm Guelph
here. and ' ifolras bean,: raining ever
sinee, so yoit can hnitgina 'how I „fun
enjoyiug taysell'. '13ut'your letter eatne
like aaatty cif sunshine, ,and if ,you only
keep ou semling then, why, it can keep
011 rainiog as loin; as it likes. This
unfortunate country is in a.deplorable.
state. It was hard work multi ng 1.1.0tid
W3117 even at die liost, ot times, but this
year there is a 1.)lue look for ita, The
woote f u !aee ot the aeoautry la cane
With all inyintglit foe beip. ', moving nnu,ss ot looasto foto graesnoo.
,..... ,,, , . „ , , ,
, „ , „ ,t, , .,
taisel, and as 1 tiriftea swiftly Ptst the , in; coaii6.Y,I'do not, beli '.Ve,.' theroill
1,1"tPptlY for Inc triV 0rY wa". heaacl, nets and throttgliout tile letiotli and
, A. cry ot "mom overboard " ata theh breadth et this "trulyltilagniticout fartii-
eteatuer 1 SaN'4, the lioorls of , tile crew i b oae bushel,of grakii ritiped. Th .
peering civet. the guards itt ine:'witli
10011.31 of mingled irlartr1 and. aefoalso-
leicmi. Ai fp-km poa4ibie 11 bf att was
rottined, but io 811t1) aft eiliergotitaY
thiag worked quite right, Tito bfat
to be la,Uoelied froiu on +lack, lind
this was a wt,rk of tittle, Finull,y the
ere* were ail in their places arid (46q1
Itle,tiOeil ',tuning down strettaft, bot in t Immo nolv, and all '
the hti. of the tnernent, one Or ti)0 eht0t1,4h tb a their f
utl(n'y is very hittolft)vorcrowdett,'allil
1 see tioLlung but,':ttlirvittion staring 'Ib
III the face, I3usut0,,s, of', all 1;inds" is
rtsralyzed the 1)1(2-tratte,h0 alla
1110 lit,le tvorlt4the Goveaholeat is doing
.tv 11 nat,give eilj.pkytioati1 to omatelith
of the p.10(4144 wanting' tt ' will only
for tIA) uithanier ; ,ituni 4 are going'
, dtave money
atrWilt 'go itome
440k Lto-,1,14, tuatalliumto tho 1:give
Cep tioto 'Brotoloyebegan his. astory, iii
winch he 1)4111 been very carefully iu-
, „ ,
structecl on leaving ootne, to the effect
that Elie book was the' /theory of the
world, from the creatio'n of''tho world
down to the present ,year." S.--;
.braQing fulhand complete descriptions
bathe Cl-arden of Eden, the world before
the tioltige,,oth,e flood its,elaprogress axid
mil of• the Gertnan and. Roman'aBatn.
pires wi11.1 much information conceeti.
ling other nations of autiq,uity prior to
1119 birth of Christ; the rise and prog-
re.4s of Christianity, the Conversion of
00.11Stal1 tine, growth of the Papachthe
ceosticles fthe thirty years war. the Am'.
, I y
ericau Revolution. the French Revolu-
tion, the afexioan war, the great revolt-
utioo, the voyage and fate of Sit. 30110
Pratfkliti, a full exposition of the Roeh.
ester knockings tlie loss of tile Arctie
eto., etc., all in one loagnificout °eta, -
0, half ';Turkey morocco, of several'
uudred pages, all at the low price of'
ve dollars --a" Here the Dew so-
lo tor paheed for Lreatb.'
44 Any illustrations? said the strata.
" Pieturos ? I ahoula say so. There
aro steel plates by the dezeta,
gralnis itiahtlie.htuldrecIt and weed cuts
by. t'tet,
tt Portraits Or latAselpes was the'.
next qnery.
" B sir, and everything else on
or; Ilte Waters tinder tlw,'eartli, Like.
messes of Evo, Noah, Noses,
wife,'Daniel, Moses arid ,a11
the'O'tlior old saints besides Napoleon,
Oeorge N,VaShington, Taylor). F,
Pierce, lientiotta, koblusott "the vi,Iled
tirderess, Barainin 314,114110(101
o 'able others, besides augrating's froth
firit'tviliga by Ont. Own artists, engage 'T
at an etiOrinOUS efiponse every see-
tiani, of the globe. Among these are
views Of We garden of li;den, croseing
th ltd Sett, total, Of Seiniritroia, Sex.
011 NVolicierg'Of theWorltl'ittncietttEgyp-
thin trietliod Of plowingaltalian races,
it ad idodi of tho ha 1104 a aul<battlifielde of
0 0 It IC
be to return thanks tot e mato) fricTtla Who so ah4r, aRsisted to Having hie pronertY
&mita the disastrous eontiagradion ou the night of Thursday, Sane instant, Alai he taloa.
title vaportunity to inform Ids hiecas and eustontere that be ihtens to be ".
fo,r' Work In about Two Weeks
when all lepttiting as well as new NV91k 1411 have'proutpt attention.
At the Same time he would remind tbose who an/
Indebted to Hirrk. By N oto or Book Acoount
Kw' A 'WORD TO Tim wisr. •,it•r,rienENT,
St. Mary's, June 10, 1876.
Corner Bathurst 84 Wel on;
0 :STD 0 N
Rompers 'and Uo.wero, Cultivevtortc,
ClarLC-PloWs. Oultivatorav
.03 in receipt a a large lot of :
oonsi,ting ifyart of
Young Hysons,
apans, ,
Congos, &
Nis Dry Goods stock Is well assorted.
Gents' Felt Hats'in great variety,
Ladies Silk Jackets as half price,
Black and Coored Lustres,
Dress Goods, Prints,
Shirtings, Denims,
(-'4-rey and -White Cottons,
Cheap for Cash or Trade.
Don't fail to call and see whatli lias, No trouble to show goods,
. .
Griffin s Exater Seed Store.
...E.1,„PTI.ONT ED
Given away in. rri ',es at ',he
Exeter Fall Fair.
. lEARINE. '
peaptaaisi. -train alia'aato grease of the Cana a
••p.1411.Arl wyproa.r.,4
t.0 rem odu..in ally; nenired., posi tie n. It givea Cie
hair a, luxuliaat.,growtO,and'nrrcats grayness a id
balducia'6and the head-ahd
Cielaufaol.lear's Grease lots long 1.),oen held luh03la
osteeloa valtadde article for dressing the
ft has ooeallighly commended and use,11xy oak
nee.t (3/11/1181) and i':iysitiaus-cyf eve y ootiatr4'...1
Fatah bOtGiO thIrdbOal'd baC 811.1,1
rounded by a fiiaelyig:ave•e,„1wrapper,qorinirigl.
p cadge • both oi-iazziou44,atid: ,itssiul, on ever,40
DIE ssnlggko).0":Y4-1°Alet i5a.c t er pack1tge;-
P.Gi1B-KDAY,1,4,S;11,7-,'Pronrieters.1,,Ion al.
• 13IDIET-14AIMR:',:i 4,11/4D.,ItTAlittRAWIlik
thia opportahitY.tffirifortialie inh1tbitax*'')1af, 'a
and surroutidingtootions'that their' NeW.:1'u,eaTE�
rove , -Wed tor
Re eml.er the snot.
is now completecVand they do not hesitate in sa,-
ing:the..6 it'ls ono of. the best in 'this western par ,
01Ir LlisL01:112,TAXING,Departtuent, 1LS herotoror '
will bejoupd in a very ,eftioient condition.
,CoillnS—plain arid' ornamobtal,-- also, shrouds,
ete Punerals furnished o.i the shortest, notie
and most roasotable terms. • ;
N. 13. —A ' good assortment of liT,112,:121711E. 431
Ways in stec13 August 28, '71 12-ly f '
• ..
flails Sc Cordwood '
-DERSONS requiring Rails, Cedar'Posts;ir
.,11.- Cordwaod, eau be supplied by applying o
' 11'110St G-IIEENWAY,
. ocutaal-a; r, while returning his sincere tbanks to the inhabitants of Exeter ancl surrounding villages for
their past liberal pationags, Ilopirg to ineii! a co-aim:lane( of their favors, void(' call their
attention to his large stock of
:nag fpr the Cluden.
oeds and. p3.2.nts
-den and Flower Seeds
I del' 4 lbs. in -weight
t oes.
First Dor tOrth of Carling's store.
-Clover, Timothy, Flax, Millet, Hungarian Grass, Orchard Grass,
&c., at lowest pi -hies.
ea.. ...SKINNER,
W.H.,611EENWAY;on the. preinioes, Lo 7,
and9. No-th Jorizulary, Stephen. ' 0-
, .
R. H. 'illism,AN, D.PN‘.-1-1s,T.,/
re sr., -,"e ir--d
iffeit6,i,.stry3eut -'. "f roi,-- ..,.,
, •:-...,._, .7
goOddaylii./ht,, itallarill
any,time m
°IgutreciaVa ORCepted)., 21_6. \ ath, ..ree - Pr 61118
should call for advice about ehildren's first epth
043..80011 OA they begin to fail, Work will be uuaI
to that,of any Oh,or onice mut warranted s isfac
Cakes, Crackers, and Confectionery.
Weddings and Parties a Speciality.
It' Fresh Eretal constantly on band zit Exeter and ,North Exeter Post Offices,and J. Short'
Crediton,'ad Mitchell's, Cent). alia, 1 anzilies waited on daily. •
Exeler, April 10, 187,4. .67-tf, A. SK1NNE13,.
Begsleave toseault bis friends in Exeter and surrounding country for their liberal patronage
in the past, Audi -lopes to nunit a fair shtue of their trade in the future, having
one of the Largest and
Best Assorted Stooks
Usually found in a General
Dry GIJods Groceries
Reay-niade Clothing wines and
quors, Etardware iCrookery, Boots
and Shoes 4Leathe, eta,
Please give 1. C. a eat' as he determined not to be under
Acad by any estahlishniiatin tin) sontion of eouart y.
This implement hail a doable distributing grain cup, and is aduzittea to be the beat before
the public. I am how busily engaged making theta for the, titling setairta, and will be pre -
pa, ea to sapply them 9, 10, 11, 12 tubes eaeli, with tube bliifter 0 without, according to or-
der, nod. will endeavor to keep on hand either Moil ancl size to supply aey -who may not. hare
given their order. 'J'he style, finish, and. matetial used, will be found all that ear/ be desired
aua, if equalled, not sorpassea in Western Canada,
This requires no introanotion. it*has becoin a 31- ce'l,'-sitylo to; 1 • ou v ft NVor
saving nupieunent, but in the increased citr,smtni, 1 Otgraill tavel tay 'eking tile stubble after ,
tho rea4)er. in Tatious 'ways it can, 1, L./used 17* .44N7.44ntage. The experience of the1a1 t vo
decid131:t''.11se13 -32r°1:lbieui cvAl4?Cr19-1A-,',1a:434hts6.1Tiaggeitat,hi.e
best, not ,itcurly 87, kipt testi >t ilo apart)stal miss in 4 along: :Wistern 1141 1 twit Fost
PriZe, 11? Eft:yr, beside the 13, V. Taylor. I antinalung,., e telifield Rake. ve••••,,
1110611 like the lthica. 111 1310 eastern',c.qat es and:iiie Luv, or 1,1 07-11.16es it ims takol 13414d
of all others. 1 made ten of them last l'etlf,0171• £111 '1113 -y -have amt
satisfaetiOn. 1 will be reit d.ritrafaion with beat hinds, and hope to'be able to sop 'qv 114 11141
inay ;favor ME with their or,Ier. Last season I was short 'Wily ouo,handreal rakes.
are just now opening out a lot of
Owing to the depression in trade
They have Dought a number of
h e a
and are now prepared to offer
Goeds ever offered in the Village.
Call and Examine.
, •
Exeter, march 18,1878.
Direct Fro= Salt,tho.ore,
3 cans for
per can.
Vivo 'Pounds 1Best Tea in Inx€46
Tett Pouncls
in prop rtioi, at the