HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-05-11, Page 13fOMMUN!TY Exeter 1'.S' spring concert Times -Advocate, May 11, 1994 Page 13 The junior choir of the Exeter Public School filled the auditorium, both with themselves and their music, for the spring concert Thursday evening. At right, the grade 4/5 class presented "The Little Peacock's Gift". Province's new budget means less for hospital EXETER - As expected, the South Huron District Hospital fell victim to the province's funding freeze last week as they received 1.5 percent less funding from the Ministry of Health. "We received our funding alloca- tion and it's 1.5 percent less than what it was last year," said hospital administrator Don Currell. Last year South Huron received its share of the base funding for hospitals plus a one percent supple- ment for being a small hospital (less than 50 beds) and a one-half percent one-time additional pay- ment. Those are both gone and as a re- sult the hospital will have to make due with $56,475 less and Currell said he will only have about a $3,000 surplus from the budget. Exeter and Wingham on hold for JK CLINTON - Although there is still some grumbling that Junior Kindergarten is not welcomed in Huron County, the board of educa- tion will have the program in place at all but two of its schools by Sep- tember. "People in Goderich are telling me they don't want it," said trustee Nor- man Pickell. "We are proceeding with the pro- gram where support is expressed," said board director Paul Carroll. "And people signing up for the pro- gram, including those in Goderich, are telling us they want the pro- gram," he said. The bottom line is that parents are asking for the program throughout the county including Exeter and Wingham where programs have yet tc be announced due to space con- straints. frustee Bea Dawson said she has been approached by parents who want to know when these schools will have the program. Superintendent of programs, Ar- nold Mathers, said he hopes to have more information on the issue by the June meeting. Zurich WI take guided tour..of Huronview By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - C.W.L. membership dues will be collected at the week- end masses by the women on May 15 and 22 at St. Boniface Church ($10 each). Their next monthly meeting will be held on May 17 following the 7:30 p.m. Mass for vocations. The St. Boniface K of C Council will be having their meeting to- night, Wednesday, and nominations and elections is on the agenda. May 15 is Rose Sunday. Roses are sold at the church that weekend to sup- port the Right to Life group. There will be a K of C Youth Leadership Camp in Orillia from August 24 to 29 for students enter- ing into grade 10, 11 or 12 this year. Phone John Jacobs for more information. Talent Show A good crowd was on hand to watch the talent show last Friday at the Zurich Arena which was spon- sored by the Optimists Club, to raise money for the children's hos- pital in London. Kendra Fenwick, 1993 Zurich Fair Ambassador opened the pro- gram and introduced M.C. for the evening, Paul Steckle, M.P. for Hu- ron -Perth. WI The Women's Institute travelled to Vanastra May 2 to have lunch at Kate's Restaurant and tour the Hu- ronview Home for the Aged. A short meeting and social followed at the home of president Bridget Groot, RR I Zurich. Blue Water Rest Home Blue Water Rest Home held their annual Mother's Day bake sale and tea. Corsages were pinned on all the women residents by Auxiliary members. Tulips decorated the ta- bles in the dining room. Winner of the decorated cake made by Mary - Lou Erb was Les Hoffman while the baby crib quilt made by Ina Neeb was won by Bonnie Keller. Bridge Club Twenty-two women from the Grand Coves Bstate Bridge Club enjoyed a hot smorgasbord meal and short meeting at the Dominion Tavern last Thursday afternoon. Golden Avers The Golden Agers met at the Township hall May 9 at 7:30 p.m. for a night of line dancing and sen- ior games. The playoffs will be tak- ing place this summer. Teen dance The last Optimist Club Teen Dance until September will be held on May 13 at the Zurich Arena from 7 to 10 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Congratulations to Kim Rau, RR #2, Zurich who won the Trip of the Month draw last Saturday from the Chamber of Commerce. The trip to Niagara -on -the -Lake includes tick- ets to the Shaw Festival plus Sun- day night accommodations at the Prince of Wales Hotel with dinner for two and morning breakfast. The next Chamber meeting will be held at the Dominion Tavern on May 16. Singles Only "Singles Only" will have a meet- ing May 12 in Exeter at South Hu- ron District High School's library beginning at 7:30 p.m. All single parents are welcome. Zurich WI The Zurich Women's Institute held their monthly meeting May 2. Members dined at Kate's Station followed by a guided tour of the Huronview Rest Home. A short business meeting fol- lowed at the home of president Bridget Groot. I will be away on holidays next week so bring your write-ups into the Times -Advocate office before noon on Monday, May 16. Personals Congratulations to Joyce and Doug McBeath on the occasion of their 25th anniversary. Congratulations to the five grade two children who made their First Holy Conimunion this past Sunday at St. Boniface Church on Mother's Day by Fr. Wronski., those being Ricky Geoffrey, Francis Lansbcr- gen, Nicole DeBont, Justin LaPorte and Steven Prang. Happy birthday wishes go out to Steve Durand, Mike Masse, Mike Miller, Dennis Overholt, Pat Regi- er, Case VanRaay, Dennis Regicr and Hank Hendriks; also to Heather Klopp on May 10; Stacey Overholt, London, on May 12; Marcel Gcli- nas on May 16, and Doreen Die- trich on May 4. Happy anniversary wishes to Brian and Rose Rader, Zurich and Joe and Nancy Becker, Dashwood. Congratulations to Roberta (Bob- bi) Brown and Jeff Hoffman who were married on Saturday at Exeter United Church with dinner and re- ception at the Rec Centre. A bridal shower was held for Monica Gingerich at the Mennonite church hall on Friday. She is the daughter of Sharon and Don Ginge- rich, RR 2, Zurich. At the same time, a bachelor party was held at the township hall for her fiance Richard Gingerich (son of Marlene and Lewis), Zurich. The couple are planning to be married on June 4. There will be a buck and doe dance for Greg Overholt, son of Glen and Laura, and Julie Blom- macrt on May 14 at the Zurich are- na. Craig and Jackie Clausius and children have moved into the for- mer home of Val Parsons on Main street beside the bowling alley, as the Parsons went to Exeter. Doris Hamilton and Laurene Zchr have both moved from apart- ments in town into their own hous- es on Goshen street. Councillors Dwayne LaPorte and wife Theresa along with Doug Eck- el and wife Bobbi -Lynn recently at- tended a three day convention held in Windsor at the Hutton Hotel. Best wishes for a speedy recov- ery arc sent out to those in town who had the misfortune of falling TM Hay Tdwrs h/p History Book Commilttoo received a grant of $14,000 under the federal government's New Horizons program. The book will be published In early 1996 to mark 150 years and more of Hay settlement as part of the township's sesquicentennial year. From left are Margaret Delchert, MP Paul Steckle presenting treasurer Victor Brisson wlth the cheque, and committee chair tan McAllister. The commltte say they are already receiving several calls a day about the book, as well as contributions of famiy histories and photographs. recently and are now in casts, being Josie Denomme (leg), Lucille Masse (arm), Nathan Regier (arm, due to roller blading), Ashley Over- holt (broken nose due to getting hit with a baseball bat), and Leo Hoff- man with a cast on his arm due to a hand fracture and also to Nora Bri- dle who had an operation on her hand. Sympathy of the community goes to Nora Bridle on the sudden loss of her sister. The funeral was held in Seaforth on May 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ken LaBute, De- troit, stayed with Irene Steinbach over the Mother's Day weekend and visited with Hilda Rader at the rest home. Friday evening they at- tended a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Brent Evans at Ailsa Craig. Congratulations to Earl and Anne Flaxbard whose anniversary is on May 12. "Tightening up of a few things is just about done," said Currell of trying to save money wherever they can. 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