HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-05-11, Page 11Rebekahs to hold barbecue EXETER - Some sisters of the Rebekahs will be accompanying the Flag Bearer, Bev Campbell on May 25 to Supreme Rebekah Lodge, St. Thomas, where she will can -y a flag at the opening of their meeting, May 25. The Rebekahs received a picture of the float which Oddfellows and Rebekahs Lodges entered in the Rose bowl Parade January 1. They plan to hang it in their hall. Some of the members are going to visit Hillcrest Lodge, St. Marys, May 27 when they are celebrating their 40th birthday with a dinner. Victoria Rebekah Lodge, Lon- don, is having a Music Night May 19 and invited Exeter lodge to be included in the music. To raise money, the Rebakahs are holding a barbecue May 27 and 28 at Holtzmann's I.G.A. Members can call the N.G. to volunteer to help for an hour or so on one of those days. Varna -area farmer appointed to new tribunal TORONTO - A Varna -area farm- er has been named to a new seven - member Farm Organizations Ac- creditation Tribunal. Gordon Lyle Hill of RR Varna was appointed to a three-year term on the tribunal by Minister of Agri- culture, Food and Rural Affairs El- mer Buchanan April 27. Buchanan said the tribunal will play a role in introducing the Farm Business Registration and Farm Or- ganizations Funding Act. They will be conducting hearings to determine farm organizations' applications for accreditation and inclusion for fund- ing. They will also decide on ex- emption applications because of re- ligious requirements under the Act. Other members named to the tri- bunal include retired general man- ager of the Ontario Bean Marketing Board Charlie Broadwell, Normand Demers of Earlton, Anne McKenzie of Englehart, Brigid Pyke of Wolfe Island, Hilbert Rumph of Drayton, and Betty Semeniuk of '1'hamestord. • Ziirich Public Sc/ioot spring concert 'Of TIrnes-Advocate, May 11, 1994 Page 11 BEST SF4L IJERt NCar OVELS 424 Mala: (5 • 9i a The Kindergarten class (above) of Zurich Public School sang "My Aunt Came Back" for the school's con- cert Thursday afternoon and evening. Mark Coulthard ORGANIC LAWN CARE Organic lawn care is a complete lawn construction, maintenance and renovation program that places equal importance on the growth and development of lawn grasses and on sod micro and macro -organisms. The goal of all lawn care products should be to enhance and promote natural pro- cesses in the lawn. Encouraging a strong. healthy soil of micro-organisms will ensure a healthy lawn. Lawn grasses have a strong influence on soil formation. One grass plant is capa- ble of producing 375 miles of fibrous roots in a healthy lawn. Many living organ- isms live around soil particles and roots. In one pound of root zone, there are 930 billion organisms of bacteria, fungi and actimonycetes. In 1,000 square feet of turf these same organisms weigh about 70 pounds. These organisms promote soil through decomposition of plant matter and lawn products. Both soil and lawn grasses are interdependent. Carefully consider your lawn maintenance program to ensure a healthy, active lawn. Next Week: Naturally Chemical. See this space each week for a valuable Weed Man Turf Tip. int§ta7UCA GODERICH 524-2424 WE CARE FOR YOUR LAWN Proprietors Christine & Mark Coulthard TOLL-FREE 1-800-387-0342 n itsav Sawlog euas 1400 (slaw im more« e•••••RF•..a ed 9se0ee4q/" THEO'S FOOD TOWN Huron Park, Ontario NOTICE. HOURS HAVE CHANGED. Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.in. Sat. 8:30 - 6 p.m. SAVE MORE... SAVOR MORE...WITHOUR UALITY FOOD BUYS The grade eight class contributed a selection of songs from around the world. The last number was "One Mo- ment in Time" with solos by Alisha VanGiesen (front left). Becky Kirk, and Candace Schilbe. SIRLOAY TIP ROAST 2.89 QUAKER R.T.S., 325-426 G. AS SORT. StM Patrick's hosting Deanery By H. Davis SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's Holy Communion Service was held at 11:00 a.m. Sunday. Rev. Stephen Emery talked to the children about people in the world not being al- lowed to belong and reminded them the family is not just those you live with, but all God's chil- dren everywhere. On May 15, scripture readings are to be Acts 1:15-17, 21-26, I John 5:9-13. Responsive reading will be Psalm 1, Holy Gospel John 17:6-19. Last minute plans are being made for Perth Spring Deanery being held at St. Patrick's on May I1, with registration at 6:30 p.m. The Holy Communion Service is at 6:45 p.m. There will be refresh- ments in the Parish Hall followed by guest speaker The Rev. Bever- ley Wheeler showing slides of her trip to the Holy Land. Mary Davis visited with all her family on Mother's Day weekend; Earl and Marguerite Greenlee, Jim and Janet( Barker and family, Bob and Alexia Tindall and family and Hugh and Hazel Davis and Heather MacGillivray staying with parents since her surgery. Bob MacGilliv- ray and family with Bruce and Pam Clarke of Walton and Stevie Mac- Qillivray of Lions Head. Congratulations go to Harley Da- vis for placing fifth in the Spring Nc1ie Numbers In the TA Phone Book for Dlnney Furniture and Dismay Funeral Service were transposed The correct number$ ars: Dlnney Furniture 235-0173 Dlnney Funeral Home 235-3500 Motocross Classic at Gopher Dunes in the 60cc Pee Wee division. Hazel Davis attended a get to- gether at the home of Marylou Chowan of Ilderton along with 14 wives of the former players and management of the Lucan Ilderton Jets Hockey Team. They spent the evening reminiscing presented Donna\ Thompson, a friend for many years, a gift for her new home following the tragic fire which destroyed her home and be- longings this winter. NCAN HINES, ASS. 515 GR. CAKE MIX 1.49 MRS. SMITHS FROZEN 737 OR. APPLE PIE U.S.A. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUE .99 MANU FAQU RI RS/DI STIII WTORS 'DIRECT TO YOU" "WE HAVE IT ALL FOR GREAT CASUAL LIVING" • For Outdoors • Pools • Garden Areas • Sunrooms • HAMMOCKS • ARTIFICIAL PLANTS. TREES and FLOWERS • SHADE HOUSES • ACCESSORIES Casual hkltkstrice Inc ltYC. llibsilat Resin hirnilwrit - the Ultimate in Elegant o•tdoor uoing... CELERY 1.29 BRUCE BRAND HOTHOUSE, PRODUCT 0 ONT. CAN. NO. 1 TOMATOES PICNIC PORK S WITH COUPON 878 G. BOX CORN FLAKES PICNIC FROZEN, WHITE OR PIN 12 OZ. TIN BB l SAUCE Uisiinrlion Quite Simply the Finest The A Dodilion h, Wrought Iron KRAFT POURABLE, ASSORT. VARIETIES WITH COUPON 250 ML. BTL. WATCH FOR WACKY WED. AD IN OUR FLYER �itw+�:4.sfw *rALSO AIMUFACTURE, UMORSIAS, RIPIACDIENT1 CUSHIONS,FUNNTURII 1 LONDON IMry. 22 & Wonderland (lust Vest of Negative's) 4747220 t nuw+k ls.• lO.s 1011 • M. OS . SO tics ,.... GRAND BEND Hwy. 83 E. (2 miss from the water plan) 2382110 MUM" -wM 1110SOO • SO ,o otm SARNIA CoMaduMlon $q, Pias (1070 ConfadMNlO„ St.) 3444441 teal, OW%OS tN • M %Oa • Ye I7.1 re features Whiie,quantities last Prices effective Mon., M b ye ri htuntil to Closing Sat !1 May 14, 1994.