HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-05-11, Page 8['ago 8 111110S Advocate, May 11, 1994 COMM1IW[TY Stephen's Spring Fling concert Grade eight students at Stephen Central try to look tough for their roles in a student -written play. From left are: Heath Palen, Jason Neil, Josh Becker, Lisa Clarke and Miranda Hayter. Also on Thursday night Brent Yearley entertains the audience with his musical ability. Mother's Day celebration CREDITON - More than 160 per- sons were in attendance at Sunday's Mother's Day observances at Credi- ton United Church. Presented for baptism by Rev Ed Laksmanis were infants Meghan Idella Brand, Christopher George Mullin and Natasha Lynne Hibbert. The junior girls choir presented two special numbers and all moth- ers, grandmothers and great grand- mothers in attendance received a rose. A number of special Sundays are on the church calendar for the next few weeks. On Sunday, May 22 will be Confirmation of a special class of young people along with a Pentecost Communion service. The church will celebrate its an- niversary on May 29 and. the fol- lowing Sunday, June 5 it will be an intergenerational worship with the Sunday School to be followed by an old-fashioned picnic. Ladies of the U.C.W. are plan- ning a Spring Banquet to include all ladies of the congregation. It will be held Thursday, June 2 at Larry's Town and Country Restau- ram in Crediton. Reservations should be made by calling Jeanette Wales at 234-6312 or Joyce Presz- cator at 234-6269 before May 25. Crediton and area residents in hospital are Emmerson Wein and Erma Krueger in South Huron in Exeter and Bloss Pepper at Univer- sity Hospital in London. Church garage sale The annual Crediton United Church garage sale will be on Sat- urday, May 28. W.I. Elects officers The new executive of the Credi- ton Women's Institute was elected and installed at the group's regular meeting on April 20 at the home of Anne Cottel. Officers are: Past President- Mar- garet McClure; President - Lois Hodgins; Vice-president Cheryl McLeod; Secretary - Jane Dearing; Treasurer - Alma Davey - Assistant Secretary and Treasurer - Dianne Finkbeiner; Programme Co - Ordinator and Resolutions - Anne Cottel; District Director and Public Relations - Irene Haugh; Alternate District Director - Ada Dietrich; Curator - Dolores Shapton. The next meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Wednes- day, May 18 and it will be in the form of a Mystery Tour. Members are asked to meet at the Crediton Community Hall at 6 p.m. Centralia UCW plan social hour By Mary Peterson CENTRALIA - Mother's Day was celebrated at Centralia United Church on Sunday. Sunday school children gave car- nations to all the women as they en- tered the church. In honour of the day, the men's choir sang two an- thems. Rev. Peggy Campbell - Geddes told the children's story about the importance of the family and God's family. In his sermon, Rev. Clare Geddes delivered a message about family values and a mother's role. His ser- mon was entitled "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle". The daughters of Toots Bowden placed a bouquet ofcarnations in the church in mem- ory of their mother. Last week, the Centralia United Church Stewards met to plan the food booth for the Grand Bend air 'show. The booth will be at Huron Park near the airfield and static airplane display. The group will sell sand- wiches, pies, coffee and pop. Vol - McCurdy concert focuses on future The Grade two class at McCurdy Public School presented the magic garden play last Thursday, during the school concert "With the Future in Mind". On the left are actors Jamie Springall, Jeff Smale, Narada Inthisorn, Millan Lawrence, T.J. Sheridan, Kellye Cruikshank, Jeffrey Van Bergen, Shane Wilson and standing up front is Sarah Noonan. Below are: Freddie Ford (holding window), April Wood, Ashley Arnold and Sarah Noonan. i‘ollers of O s`dbe t `�`�`+iQ f. tatiek...0.,,a f \j � pikst!‘ o ` `( O `'�`iear-i. �li fi1-t IP$ ic: -0%-- ,_.,..,,,,,,.,,a, 10. 4t Ito S WoBla Your contribution stays here... Flowers of Hope Campaign May 1994 Community env • South Huron Pl ado 94.0. 9ef1411e0444 unteers to help at the booth are asked to sign the sheet on the bulle- tin board in the church. The United Church Women took a tour of the Bluewater Recycling facility on May 5. The tour guide was very informative about the re- cycling process. Roger McComb from Ingersoll will be guest speaker at the com- bined church service on May 15 at Thames Road United Church. A lively hymn sing will be held at 10:30 a.m. The worship service is to begin at 11:00 a.m. and lunch will follow. The Memorial Fund Committee of Centralia United Church has pro- posed several expenditures which include refinishing the church pews, painting exterior windows. replacing upstairs carpet and sup- porting a child through the Chris- tian Children's Fund. A short con- gregational meeting will be held following the service on May 22 to vote on these proposals. A joint session meeting will take place at Zion West United Church at 8:00 p.m., May 18. On May 22, the Centralia and Zion West congregations will hold a social hour following the service at Centralia to say thank you and farewell to Rev. Peggy and Rev. Clare. Centralia will supply sand- wiches and Zion West will supply dessert. A donation box and card have been placed in the church if you wish to show your apprecia- tion. Personal Yvonne Overholt enjoyed Moth- er's Day with members of her fami- ly at the home of Tom and Elaine Hayter and family in Dashwood. jam !! AA New 400' Spirit of Giving IMAGINE Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello Stopping smoking? Good for you! Try cutting down on your coffee intake, too. Smokers metabolize caf- feine more quickly than non-smokers. So within days of kicking the habit, two cups of coffee will feel like five. A switch to 'decaf' is in order. A group of genetic researchers in North Carolina have found that some people carry a gene for a protein called A -IV -2 that allows them to eat all the eggs they want without raising their cholesterol. When screening for this gene is perfected, it will help doctors determine who is at risk of high cholesterol and who isn't. How many hours of sleep do you get per night? According to a 1993 study, those sleeping less than 6 hours per night had a 70% higher mor- tality rate compared to those sleeping 7 or 8 hours per night. Speaking of sleeping, a new treatment for snorers comes out of France. It involves laser surgery to trim the uvula, that little flap of tissue that hangs in the back of the throat. Making the uvula smaller seems to help reduce the snoring. In these days when everything seems to be getting bigger and more im- personal, it's nice to know that the staff of Huron Apothecary still has time to get to know you. Get to know la, tool Nul-on Apothecary td 1 `Your Health Care Pharmacy' PHONE 2351982 440 MAIN ST., EXETER. ONT. We're glad you ■ asked... BILL HASKETT Xfo• 4,447 Funeral Home Limited 370 William Street, Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-1220 BOB FLE('CHER NOW DO 1 WRITE A LETTER OF CONDOLENCE? A social gesture that means a lot to bereaved people is the letter of condolence. Such a letter is usually sent within the first week follow- ing a death. Letters of condolence need not be long; in fact, a bereaved person often does not want to read through a long letter. What is most im- portant is that the letter express deepest sympathy, while at the same time recaNing some aspect of the deceased person's fife. A tennis partner of the person who died, for example, may write how much they enjoyed the sport together. As funeral directors, we have experience in counselling people who wish to extend these expressions of sympathy. Please phone us or stop by If you wish to talk about 11. eVON WINO 1 UM 11A1 SEawe ♦ssorr►noN onoomomwdi 0 HOPPER HOCKEY FUNERAL HOME