Exeter Times, 1875-6-24, Page 1[ORO FA taeopet
toneitel te Atte 8nrgeon. •
-,No4t door to limriten's 4,
Itiqddil$04- -Centre Hotel. • ' '
Pildftleidttr attention pitig tehronie disea set,
UTh1prelttptly iitteltdedv tulY4u0 z'ooa
Otor," MOM!, 'aeh 8)-y
) ' ),10.6"lit M,1),o )1'
SI GRADITATra, a UeGill trIliV(YaiWtrY, WA.
L MS end in, surgeon, ite, ,
0,1ithi aki 0441i.49800-10tetert O.
Q4140 hghrkl.--$30 IQ liall..vittil 7 to pp.,,ill:
, .
, _
PI.Wiliquillgt Vial:00S Aeeoneheurs. OgIce
-,-.Dornirlleti Medic • ltaborAOry, one door 43(01
Of fht.vis blackSidi ShoViv.11,4 s.t.,31SX4ter, lit
4ddenpe,.D.r.nriMi,i Vit, Mkt' 4 'W. HIROWIl!
Ille. 4.04 ()Minato, 'ietor et C40111b$0,1detldber Col.
4fo Physicians& fini•geonS, 'Wsit lniFIN0,
radditte flidirevitx Trinity c011ege,-Meruber Col.
3-010r1iYaloiliite and fitirgeOns; 09 -ti,
, 4i , 4 la a
P . 0, Graduate, Of Trinity College, Afton-
, 0 eol.1060'"Of PhroianS cud $arscoce'ol
,',..0.. otliAis• tole, Ivi,iii St. Granten
10,islalito,,,,preprietor of the Drug store, and eon,-
a1te. tlit le'e,p). on baud a bolo stoulc Of pure drugs
Paten tidedi nee, end r9Yo Otuirs•
Grviotoit,. n001%160,
A ilDING & HARDING, Barris;
1sswes., ttOrneya, SollCitors, Commissioners
01tPrk—IPOTiO8'11.' BA00.1c, Water Street, St,
Ions 1.1.44umNo. E, W. Lfautx6o.
1t•7fl?SSS. JOE tra MoDOUGALL,
Barri-sAttorneys-at-lawSoliidtors lu
CmiYoyancers, Commissidnorvis Ili 9,B,
tavd Notaries Publio, St, lifttreS, '
OsTion—Hutton's Block, Watir St Mary's
X 71, C13q .0aq B.A.,
1,3e1/1714g° LieeliZee u1 dla
dice store, axial e; the ile
8 :w'
t. 4d_tf,
Alf ,oiteils.
'13RO `s..\ N,ub1ie AuctiOneer,
• 1Viachelf ea. Sales proluptly atteutled to,
Terms re sellable, ,
\Vinci:to. -•,es. 00.16.187d- 'a
11-4 Por the County of Enron.
' ^
LL ONt., W. HAWKSHAW, Proprietor. Thi
new and commodiehs ho:tili,s'now t-fcompleted, ilia
fittod uo throughout with. firsurniture. The
host of Liquors anti the altufcest,of Cigars at the!
Bar. 'Ishe house is capable,of aceommodatinu
gu asts. l'..cellent stables, andan attentive hos-
tiers. \
, •
, ,
, 13()Vil?,,Promictor.: This first -clad hotel,
nos lately cl-fauged hands (iron). W. M. Will ins to
'W. Ho way), aifc,„ is fitted, with new fur [tore
throughout. Fred‘-tbus -and from thest,ttion
Office ^for the now of 'bii,;fies to T cannon.' The
bar is rePlote with tlie",obnic'est 1...4uors and frag-
%rant ILI vdmit.s.'-';--,Four eoniinercial .sample ropm.
Cdditstabling aho..attentive hostlers.,
tJLIN 1-10nt$E,, ..CO,RNER,
-,rtiink end T
7Otel has.honn-rent'd by lir,- Isaac, 7/1p,*n
„Goticlintn ai..„and tigarz,tv,t,
bar. .:Attentive..40.4phi! td3v3c3
Asek 7;,,liNpriAkk:„-.;„ gen 0
St,) ci,;veo*4e, 0
• r 015, 4141df,fiio'moonoY ak-w
3'W- Lse, Oculars frti.„,
ta"ruiii41),IA.17,411$441,'-ei; all .4>
• l'itt'OStOk.""Cclir01,11:4iti_ cont.
„ ,
1.0103tr LOT
gi.gooq 011,3-stoff„:5,-,-,,g,...!..,:.4,-fue Marl -
414),A30 i acrt3 ot.lr '
ORTH MI151)11_4ES
, Holloway's Pills and Ointment are neither/.
itallefaettireduor aiga to any part of the United
.8tates, although they nod," be obtained in thell,N.
Adlortqad PrOvinces, eel; pot and box hears the
21T•ifish GovermiOnt Strentp,with the wortb3,IfIddd-
way's Pills and Ointadent,Loution,'ongravdd there-
on. ft has become necessary toinake tide antiOna-
cement: becallso the New YorItChernical Company
(wIl0P4Y40b(4.1.1) finding at latt that their uttrue
Ilea boon so exposed., htive assumed the. Aito df
'Holloway Cor. but„even umv..n6 one Will buy
their medicines "dirtet from them; so .that they,
have Made arrangements to, supVY ,oxshisivelY
the gm of Maus. Ifoury.& 00., et 'eNY'Porkv with;
their so,called,"HollawaY's Pill, a and Ointme
It is presoneed that -iron the large connexion
Bra. floury a co. Save in the British Provinces and
elsewhere, the publle Yory likelyto be imvosed
neon by unscrupulous venders and others. unless,'
they exereise groat caution to prevent their being.
inislectt by gliding these ,medieines hearing
stamp Nvith the name of Holloway 44 Co., Nev
Yory," printed thereon. Many respectable AIMS
in the British Provinceswho obtain my inedieines
dtreet'from here, b we very properly stiggestede
that I should, for tlio benefit of themselves and
the public, instuitheir names in the papers, that
it may be known that medicines can be had genu-
ine from them. Tho following, is a list of the firms ,
,alluded to; and I parifibularly ecoromend those,
who.desire to get my medicines to apply t� sortie
of the houses natned;—MesSrs. ikverY, Brown tot.
Co4 Halifax, N. 8; Messrs, Forsyth CO., N, S.
Mews. 'N 'harlier'st Sons, At
Des•Hrinuy, Charlotte Town,p E It. Messrs, Lang.!.
lay' &'!Clo„ 'Victoria, C,; Masers:Moore ,t
toritt,ila0; Dr, John Pallel:thatain, N Mesing,
Munro dt C Montreal; Messrs..). Wilier' tiZ.".Co.;
H Mr. HJ Rose, Toronto' Mr. A Chip-
man Smith, St. John. N 13,i. Mr. ,Tolin 13ertil, Grader -
Jolt; 'Messrs. Elliot tk Co., Toronto ; Mr.,
St John, NB ;*Messrs,.11anington Bros., sv Jcthn
NB ; Mr It Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Oryen; Moral:313,-
N 6; Mr George Hunt, Jr., Fredrickton, N )6;'
WH l'Inottipsen, Harbor Grace, N ; ,,T 81
Wilfry,Fradrieldon, ; Messrs ,W =Pelle,
Montreal. The medicines are sold at the lowest
wholesale nett prices, in quantities of not less
than A!2( worth—viz., Ss, 0„ 2'2s., and Ns. per dozeu
boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re-
mittance must be sent in aclywnce, • •
Chemists an,7 oth, r vendors of Holloway's gen-
uine Pills and Ointment may have their names
inserted in the local papers if they will pleaao to
itts,poluyabouer,er—ebruttry.18, 1857113, oxford -et, N7117-0106
New ailor Shop.
W.Txt T INT ET?"
EGS to to the inhabitants
of 13x.efor and that hams opened a
New Tailor i.hop
where by strict attention to business lit 'wives to
merit a isir Share oinutronage.
."‘" T ',INV S P
, --w. meAu:4,143.gy.
• ,
& Shoe
people that he has commen,,-
COt busin'esi in the above 11'ne next door teBelj'e
Bakery and OonfectionerY, Es has on,hand
spleuoid stock of Leather of all kinds, and froth
Ile general knowledge of tho business, and do-
ing first elass work hi,pes to, obtain a largo one -
Sewed work -will receive his
spt,c41 attention.
Repairing,done'with neatness and des-
patch, and moderate'-'eharges.
" W. H. TROTT.
Exeter, Alliy 6;1875. 88.n3,
the inhabitants of Exeter and surround-
' Mg country, that ho has openedont iu
Broderick's Id Stapd
a I
and ti•oni faCilities that headssesses lie has
been enabled to,purobase his gOods in tile
a large tockof
cliirq, szonp
Cheapest Market
and fie is bound to let those favor
withh2 patroliat;as have tile benefit.
callis ontr ne • ary tO convince that ear:
Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Rais'ins,
nice Eto.
and everything in the Grocery Line at London
rices, and that my stock of'
13 0 0 & S hoes Conaplete
in"all its departments.
fOrn,-Produce taken in Exchange and the
' est -price allowed. On hand a first-tilass
lot f Bacon. -
Nri.n.s for sale the ?S.W.' of lot
eo.11 aa.L. ilvf, 4.1.-01` raR• ra.
elearesl, balnnee well timbered. 4'
se, barn and stable c .:- the periiiseb
oung ore,ard. ol graft li nit n115 ne'
'spring. 'Instant from Exeter favo
dr t'urtherliarticulars wrply to 3. DE '
STREET; one door south of
the Britannia House. souTar:oTT has
on hand a number of 1 lamps, Orders tiled on
the shortest .netico: Satisfaction guartint. cd both
as to work•andmaterivil. N. B.—A 'large quantity
of 9 inch stuff for inniipniinters' Uzer," for , niacin
NO. 924
Nirrlit of meet-
-First Friday in ov-
ory math, corner Gia -
ley end -Main sts, Visi-
ting Brethren cordially
invited. to attend.
: • WM.
Livery and SaIe'8tab/es
f.bnutetiou -with the Central Hotel),
otr' •
S 0
Iie..sIctir. 02asits Aboaries
Iff,b;11ing.:tli a1;10,:aricl
Um),,,sioc7king done io ri.ist-chtss
i41 of,tkuiiiiii.41t1;daG':ir?ti91111liaciY!;%
;hAtWeen Dundas and 411!•,, London
. TIN t1. . Must have' aklfir English educa-
tion. Apply atthiapffice,-•:, ,
..112 sALE .A.ND RETAIL.
GailD & SON
Dundas btrefiat., London, Ont., havo now opened
out.a: line line of -fishing Tackle Goods, also a
clic/143er quality for 1.voys, comprising in part Bain:
boo poles,. Jointed Rods,Wallting tick Itods,Beele,
Baskets, I wilding lind Idinnow-Neta,iirtitioialFieb
Visiting 13aits, Cotton, I,inemBeaded Linen, White
and Twisted Silk and °ilea Silk
Lives, treble lioolts, books, books brass ferules,
hooRsto gut, lioolis to gimp, tying gut,gimp by the
yard „sinkers, floats, furnished...lines, Lod, tips,
rings and keepers, Brass Swivells, etc., etc.,
Scull -by for'nrice ilst.
(2,00D AO:; A1115
ABLE *I'd": Lyle sdyktils On hand. 'Favorable
arrangement's initild With •vsenimorcial travelers.
.411 orders,' D,issottla Tioshop ?wD1,, be
Pr°114).0'0e4-2•1•.t..itb••1/4 -1113,SErn Prop.
Exeter. Se'iit'.3i.'187,0.
ws.vaig bought e..i3Tlitawkshaw, have -
Good' Horses, Comfortable Stages and
'Fast Thne.
These /I AM "are driven hy the most acconamo-
• "ing ariX07‘, leav0
ME vf.V.,NrEurito oNDON,
eve*" ilternoau, I pail., Luean th
tiraetO ceuneet with traine t eat and,west
al4eonnecting in Exeter Iv be;Clinton and 8k.
. =ATE
nee eine co:met-thee las
lanes and tritins:,
and London
oclziam ictrauD.
The )olliscribers, in returning thanks to the
formic/41%bn° for the liberal patrona/0,.
stowedvAr them hi tile pitet year at the (rod
itoji „ weaateeg to kens thet they
nottptate dontionIng Wdrk them duties trio
cowing he,Ving" teased' them,
Munber hoping to give in the future
',the 441/014tisfaceion ss tba psitt,
•Cair,flit Spinning, Vireav,ing)
•, • laarmfaettaing, •
sm. kinds of Tweeds, Plannele, &a. done ou.the
sherteat notide, aloweet tette.
Props. ot Motet, king
alto, I 18'M 44-143(
op-dlar House "
This Deiiartment is ono of the To attractions
for our Lady customers, Fula. hi, order to make it
still mote attractivo,,wo have bought largely in
Ribbo'ns 9
e Feathers
" and alIthe
Latest ,;‘Tovellitie
mine Itlat
This Department nee tt.tot,
au cceSs, and itt still ender th
Ihenki,ig.raz*auetous customers for their Rat-
; on age theA3astottal would solicit of their kind
remenabrdneo lid:the future, -would beg to remind
that I have,
my stock in'thO New and Commodious Depart-
ments of the
rick Block
at the south of the old stand, where will bo found
consisting of
Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
' 'Ready-made Cloth'g
' 7 ' Hats, Caps, &c,
I have also added a firet-ciass
‘eonlie on. my mottolV, ' Good
Midas ionable rates." Comment unneo
sexy; the goods ate hero to speak!forthent-gelves
t" Marliet Price paid for all kinds of
• Produce. „
Rernembei:``nsthis is the 0,1deat
itistheMetiinty. Opposite
Exeter, May 6, ...,1§75•,
of the
t -
Ontario '4
;Inn removed hisKogice to one dem north C.
Eticrort's liarnesdedioP, and„nearly opposit. Jah A
'Tinranith nary Medicinvd,
ritaye on hand, Calle prom31y ;tended. to:
-Horses examined as to thei isdness
; Augur tiith, 1678. .=
Little Ntersie sot by' the avenue
• And all the gay steeds gqiok pa' e flew,
With their ming bells,,and;flashing
tOudo sorrola /gap',
Margie watched the.greitt folks, hitt envied not
Sito iold buttons and Inns, nor eighod at' her'
Grand ladles swept by in their 'Mike end jure,
But ilutte lied a blither heart than hers.
, 4
Swells sait4,tored along with ogling grins—
;slot ono ell content as the ohild who sold pipe.
as she sat on, and the sun shene, bright,
Slqe Sii,t1:G 4 woo 4opg,11.9r heart was ea
For the `sparrows obirPiid oyerliead ic; the treei
And, Why'sliould she lie less gaithantaeset
wlear the Perchaseher wares
a,pleased little.face that shiliedin,tboirs
410111tri$41 rtwasirdtPIQ
And'the SifoW7flitkaii an"chi,11 'd
.Nvind howled.ardiand her, eruel and °old
An4 fow were the buttons-4,1'plus she
As She tried hi vain to sing her woe song
There came a poor limping dog along
And he looked in her face with such wistful
And seemed so starved that it made her cry.
So she took from liar basket her one piece of
'of bread. .
And shared A with hil.r.:—when. had, he been
llevr a lady looked out froth a great houee near
Froui her weaith and her Warmth and plea-
sant cheer:
Sii,w,tlie,ohild in the Anew till shivering and
Ana,ihtinglik of her. own darling, dead and gone
.4zutAhe .toi* her 1 to her? 'home , mid
heart - •
Frotri thenee nevermore while she lived to de-
, .
• part.
To -day Margie rides in velvets and 'fiirs,
And none' are wore costly or fine than hers.
She is seen at the,ball in jewels are,
And pleased eyes ,to110 her everywhere.
Brit is she lunch happier now think yott,
rhan 'when sold pini on the aVenila
CHAPTER VIL—Con tinned .
1:11S'Oltl:LI -'(.117vilaerirrillny that got! rttiod'e4iern2 -
Eng quality, at all events. tie has not
mld his wife and my mother to. some
old picture dealer, to become s, a fire -
beard covering; I can see het. yet,
what death hal left of her, and thank
God for so Much I And I am glad tinit
I buy° found it, for it needed such a re-
lining and softening influence to Make
toe fit for the duty OD which 1 Came,
Oh mother I" slid now the tide oVearly
r colleetiou so overeanie him that elle
restraint before imposed was forgotten,'
the hands' clasping Bald One big tear
breaking through its bounds and ghee-
mering in the gaslight as it rolled down
the bronzed ebeek end sought refuge
in the heavy beard. 'Oh mother, how
I have remembered you in my dreams,
when 1 had nothing else by which to
remember you. How ofteir you have
been the one influence which
stayed my hand when I Would have
been hot and hasty, for I could not dis-
grace your son. How far -you have
travelled ,with me, in laude where you
little dreamed that -your. WfiSr-ard boy
would ever be an outcast and a wander-
' Who are you 2'
an unnatural question, perhaps,
amder the circumstances, and` -yet the
noOst palpable, anti -climax to
those words which had just been so
tenderly falling from the 'lips of
the grieving son. or John Gwiler re-
turning from hie fumigator, even-
ing promenade of ten minutee, to find
his seldom -used parlor lighted and a
stalwart stranger nolding a confidential
dialogue with one of the pictures
thereinse-was enough to astonish, not
to say irritate, that.strangar, voho had
not heard ise 'sound of his cut:ant:0,
turned at t eantnereenonione salutation
and 41se,enppneed unrecognizable
iognonty slowly claanged into a ;rag
' ' " nie face which should ',.'iat1e
bee a leaet three Or kit= thousand
miled,,. tant,then,- stern and, self-
erorolle the stepped ouddeuly back
uo044.01:c°11iii`aOtoedi: 616 1415 La W0Xclif as
' 'IY--111— you
" 8
ere ?--Frederiek
r liim
'ave 'his:
all aplomb
lie feet ,that hi
stikop..9400!04 th
e.' Noe w
g under an ' re
tat that so
hi all ibiugS' not
r and tnatibeott. This of
thougfst.iftl, an ;Ca:ilia the 044 yet' eita ve
et"!eo of
• .
WhoSti tsstoiniptseinettone latasseateni eat
s Venial eatisfaotion, A isre o 1
TIIIMMEP 11, 1-4
II erzitot
0,1,4 114'
6.4 ileorec14.,k:
c 4. ere ...Autrioist
frikto "sot •
only 'I'
an .
HAP' he e
involving hiss
'410stion !apt 'wha,p, Frederick played unbroken mass Waving
ta,; iler (whose lest name the par- hats and ";:li;Ilittteriug hinutkir01140
lid greeting the turning point boundary of the crowd being defin
eI to have omitted to *Peak in Every seitare inch of ehingle down
_i e) held out his hand With the water'0 edge was covered, ,the OW
wiler's destiny came to him. by a red fringe -of soldiers, the Bonn
t2080 hands, to welt:outa their of their bands playing, "Auld Lan
0 hie 'aide, to receive his no- Syne" were only faintlY it'cillA ol?Ootttb
g ments for errors past and water. Those who ha've ,wittiewitat lth
s own for bygone mistakes and race-couree at peorti.,,nu, the Dqb
I: stalwart, any for the future, Bowie on Saturday, Thu wiltOrp to
lettinus:-:itythfioor wool ue lpdasltia InVoityhhearepn Day aaa•r4 that j't 61Wtar 81/91*of ti
tterdife eyeuttuklly, To re- fwroaoas co•l:ireivrenatewyjathollial, -41a:ettnegl: uofodoer4f
0-0 hntids -with ineulting erre-. 'weed Of canvass, le the /imagist ooek•le
a ravel/4km of scene border- laubtoentioimwbvItoinng4cifosiroyuiddetgoo t9 tali:lig
to sea. The day was dell end lieu
know e
giPftel:::1:sreq!ella:tgactual hate, ill's was—what
to ib
the csn pg record vs-1111)0WD truly re-
to A new kiwi or tiret01-0*Printors" 41ok.
.Thooli who ipso itfind that the,ring is
ed-.,trul Coin
4is breed is said to be eXeel-
A"'tledt food for the ehildren ou accetnit
0: of ati*Fior Inaltties,
o you sauffosito,ohild-ot that broad uutii
X he is all bone.
. A k4,33',Iitho is net, iirthltf.,enough
4.1r otYyle ap `,4 small onion ,bed between
:t:ttestf'and the ffrst of Julywill dig over
a lean aerie let before breakfast. looking
for bait, --
4$2th.,13 ItlaY be "No
Hglr" aratrytflarIfiiTrr-
14'• ! of Pleastire �i
the Californus steamer, yester-
day.tAre you net going toshake hands
- To be Continual.
The Arctic Expedition.
A 1 —
Tin following appears in the London
Tinto) of May 81 :--
Th Arctic expedition of s 1875, the
objed of such general interest and e0.
lichste, and upon which so many
natiaal h,opes are concentrated, left
Portmouth on its adventurous voyage
at So'clock precisely on Saturday
last!. The multitudes were assembled
at Brtsmouth to witness the sailing of
CaPil Xeres awl his brave companions
anti the hnett4iled enthsiasm with
they were isseeived, indicate, prat-
ty, rly that a' true chord has been
str ks and that-the'sympathies of elf
fr the Queeu down, go with them.
Tl*e was little to see. The apectators
me the show. Two small vessels
leiiiegtheir anchorage end sailing slow.
40 the eastward. do not eonstitutts of
tiiinselves a spemaole to attract an
snnenso erowd from all parts. But
t erlying all was the consciousness
t t the erews were about tc enter up -
o a battle with nature her sternest
a .cts, and that it was for the honor
O qie country that this should be so.
he Lards of the Admiralty had tali -
departure at 12:20, and the day be.
a departtnental holiday the yard
s strictly closed to all but the friends
Og0,4r:wnsp.on Ibtywatiszefe, lis„nttlur::114.0n7:fra
ls'8.4"1:17d°it yea-s—r:o"coard-giulls:ruy151pnaloatinbae
aditali was about to ensue between the
orews and those theyheld dear:
p sinouthipcoustorned to the domes-
atitnaefor &Omit:, *auntie. twe . ..ti ago,an effieer of , thelliw.ap"
a but 'inevitible.' con- pea ed with seeregnieition
o a, ollilor'sr',,,life, and for from theAioverncir ' .of Pennsylvania
hey ti,re . prepared. BO the for the, arrest and delivery of the: old
.piSP§very_wereton the point men "Gathers on. a charge of abduction.
'hither ninetter could reach Cather' friends wore so Well 'coniiimed
'hence nof, neWs could be of WS honesty that, they, warned him- of
tyed.-'4or three year*O7'lio thesof- theepsettance Of the officer, and aided'
and Men woultl,heidSsolutoly Cut inliding both the old man " and the
o .OrintIniworld ettlieltyitig esif they child Azad the officer- had ,departed.
w dead. ' The ship,41,,bfy,, With steam ThenrCathers explained :that he VMS '
w &t1'their bows Sinetitlyin. the stream, nut the father of Me child, -but her un.
.r. ,,,:totatart. They;fied signaleeltfrom de, stad gave a short family. history.
iliiiesis"masts fott's "permission to It was his dead sister's child, whons he
PL".. '41°911).9n3's al-1,:rs'affitmatlYe re- wao treating as .,bis own, and better if
,spq its:Wits'Ilutterinsffpcituthe Duke of possible: When his sister was dying,
syt tineston, 'and 'o.' haws,er was all that she gave the 'little girl to him, and hEi
eon 'tilted them with the *here. Qu' •protnised ttsliVefOr the -Child and guard
the ieighboring-jetties thesseletives and ,her all his ,•;,oWn. 1...Wheri ' his Sister
frie ds Were assembled:stn.:bid the ix- huShand married 'again, the father
plcr rs ,good-bye- .,it Was' noticed that wanted to take theg,irl away from her
. . . , . , „
there were few iadies preaent. There uncle, but he ad with his little treasure:
were some weePing, myna: belonging .. to to the tar weat; 'HO steppe( t Den- ,
e s .
the',.)sitiesjiteltets"'elissgirii about .the 'ver`and, liecanse- a stage driver* 4ii,ut
1444; but ati•theVnissehad bSen , inian hie love' for his piece -became ten fold,
to tko:relatiiis d..-thet-preWes, froth' the wheri '4 inteer/canieWithhs,bate weap.
000'1' Morning, the wives 'and soreet- ottfi .to:itrest hisdarling frern hiren'atid
. , , . , . , . ..
heart's of those on 'board'. had -already „CsitnersAind. • his babe ,bia , until the
takeitheir last farewelL , ,,.?4, the ;hour danger weiPast.: Lately .enether of -
of sailing appoechadAlle '.'etill in. .;the ficer came With a'reqUiSiteinfronil!en,4-
'crowdid harbar'sbecs.nicepoeitivelY,- op-' .sylvanita-and enea out it 'Warrant for
preisitie. At leo' 3 o'cIo,ik 'sounded Cathers' . :arrest. The, sheriff . refused
from to Deckytird'eMelt; aild, With ,thor taserve it, and the Pennsylvanian, went
iirst ..stioke, the tWp 444 Moved frown home etnpty :banded. .VennsyNanits
the jetties. The ttansfiguration which will have to go withOut that little girl'
ithereopen ensued. wittO startling and while thero ate ritetintain eaves in . iht
overP9edrin't; , 80' intently had the west.
eyea"oftheaspectators.been directed up-
on theibipsahat no one tteerned aware
of the` PietrifitWaPpe osorios,ef the, scene,
but ,stith the actual starting'of the ex-
peditie, ,'everything appeared .to spring
intelfeL The decks of the noble ships
that101 Ihe jetties, the yaritand rat -
IMO* be men-of-war . in the stream,.
bored on both sidee *ere, 44
riolo, iii0.1.,•!,syll;ii. r.,,,,,.cGeoeouit:,,by00...artediaribtitidi
'40h thtliakship. ""Thanks and fare-
signaled hook; and as the
ISA, at* .:Discovery, pileflid. by , the Fite
0..„,:,„,,,.0.kAdittirtils Elliott and Ales'
q, ,liOtnekiStASPePt., Sullivan on 'boat&
attd ' aceOrtfp*p:i4]by. the Heather Dell
0 and 'etlie ,iiiteihriere,,, sailed down the
herher,eh ' scefseUelnelteitre upon cheeps
t',04 the' , 'AtirVi,tlener before heard
iirreetstianuth.'s The rigging of 0.16 8t.
:Vincent training 014 presented a 'eight,
'2:thattoitt,,hdtobe lastly foegotfen. It
.Wite 4, dinse,-, ufibroken, living rue:es,
at 'eiterfaed lions the bulwarks 'and
Verect.„.thii:tepulost sky gest, and,llie
erwhiCK lads gave forth as tho,,,.',0.4-.
Was heard far AlielveAlie
nera.a1.0foon. ladaidAlliet,-,a0iti,
ant :Cote:titanic:ate-a itself to'l4,hili*o
triltiliiii!i.1,.::.45:ailitilittt.11;1 i: . :it 'tt,' rt r 11y:iota flaocry:13 ill ttsidibInde:' 1 4. 6:f1t7s,,40,;:.,titi!ii,
lit* ' ' ': aka ''StePhention,:-Coit4roirtirtol
0 wht,(*li ,, is att000ttathis,l,toThoo.
. hi ..titoritor,ltft, (,)owtouts 14athharo)
a't 'tkithiir Officers tuiltowledger the
141.11i440°1:11:4 eaki'lliii.lhtitt‘liit":titzil:Inii6t4 4' tilit'srst:10114r:
4104014 :th#, oyes of' the, erevit wail
Ohio, 'ii.tid, rendered the shinier
fl*,,0btt t.to:tiolicttiii;ii‘to is, i bpyol`f:tii :1 1),titlkittel ott:t:Et, Otidi texti rot 0:
.."it.144,4Tieb' eoris. i,..0., i ibi tr:y!,totil oe tatitoett 60 , . titft6t4e .
Peel th '
t Tomo soitena ,all things"except,
the young Wan who parts his hair in
the naiddie, aud whistles on the street
o re l`tothin can make bun any oiefter
but tile wind,which blew 'from the notth „
AAA, was highly propitieui foi• the 0X
nedition, Had it blown fro n the vvest
zt.rtlialertezkitvot\yld,,hilatie bmeturgsoetilur
teen feet at the fore ana sixreeiriees
the draught of the Discevery was fif
teen feet and seventeen feet, The Val
orous, got. under-wiegh Spit -
head on the lippeltrance of the ships,
and followed theni'at ,respeefilble dis-
tance, was still more -deeply laden., As
the breeze refreshened, the courses
were set, jibs, and flying -jibs were run
up,-top-saile, and top-gallant•sails *ere
bent, wad the ships made rapid progress
through the water, Tne last to leave
the Alert was the little daughter of the
Captain, who after beiug embraced, by
her father, was dePosited in the pilot's
boat and brought back by Mr. Harding.
The Admiral waved the ships at last
hood -bye at S8. Helen's, and gradually
the accompanying gun•boats, yachts,
and launches parted company, after
giving the erews-a lastcheer and'receiv-
ing in setae instances bouquets Of flow-
ers as,,,partiug gifts from those on totted.
The last' that was ssen otohe two ships
from the shore wae as they rounded the's
low-lying point at Bembridge, at the
extreme eastern corner of the islit"nd,
with the Valorous a considerable dis-
tance in their viake. - The animated
and excited scenes which the expl4rers
lied just witnessed must frequently flash
tier0813 their minds when pursuing their
•toilsome journey through Vie boundless
solittides of the Pole.
Tile Dart' Driver;ta ariinge
G. S. 'Cathers-is a stage driver in
Colorado. A. bright little girl of six
summers lives -with him and calls him
father: Thoifiild man and , little gid
lave an extraordinary' affecrion for
ercLt other. When, they are together
they are as happy- as Angels ; when
eekotratedtheY live in the proapect of
ins'itinkratual when they meet thisnhe-
htivelike chileass SIA124 "ttge.
The' •,,t,sotual •known.,
.his ehes)is Ogniz d the coo er m
he4out both hands 'Yei
te. „filth ti vattuly, the' prayer
fiittito: the niere acknowledgement ',.of
:oafirt14 ,ilpponanee: '
Pathan' • ,112
There is timitiostiohably o '1
poitit in the life ,of every Mei t
!lent to which trial and .aftett Whialt
judoomeotAlow, hoa aolibto thm
)11ovviti ‘!iktiottisot sill)
01)411: as ie elondlese, otak
e4 nod in The *Pile OVei tint' Ur-
natylltrtit ;,tioratsit ohiws
Mt inifilitilts sable:et
en it+ le
nal destiny It
oobweb the
Purchasing Diorite.
In examining horse, be carotid not
to let the dealer hold hini, for manylan
unsoundness is hidden by particular
position tho horse may, be placed in by
the dealer, and the fear or the dealer's
whip often makes a horse restive, awl
appear to have more life than he gener-
ally has,ai d. it makes itibsed toexa.noine
a hereto when he is constantly moving.
If the general appearance of the norse
•p1s 'the eie of the purchaser, he ciao
then begin to examine him. 'First look
at the teeth to find out, his ago. The
following :rule is generally correct,'
1 YearrlInctieors all vieible,
2. -Nippers lost theitreads.
ermanent nip/low-have
,comet..6" , s 4 Vidstre liave
6 iettrit„ e tip ,ht bore.; o
rtulite3:,0h0:"8Ifarh iorio kern' NiPlitoriko,
and neariy,..,,from dividero. , ' ,,, '
- '7 yearegaric gone' froM dividers ;
the cortiersate level.4; _
' 8 yes-:-Teetk Mette Oval.
9 years--Nippere reiander ; dividers
oval. ,,,„ ' , o, ,:l.' .' , , ..,,,,
After this' it ie difficult to judge'. Next
10.1ilitie the, eyes: , rt they ' ehine . and
WO) right, ail& Oct *poor blueness it;
ichtlii4:4464itsb, 0,oraitatiattoiteilahliotii: htsouiitirio.,:"Lh,liTritatolitii;ototielstiri,otgitkoi ,:' w'itst:It:706:14 int. 4,4'.ottiol:::,:t4:,,,,
tile wind,' 41 iehinti'rthe,
ti a horse:, ' tit ilh`:eittithlit/,'
tYkilll'S! 1r4 1.04, ho grtiotti, he
when frightened
sit resPecik
ts;witu3.101):QA:c0:100,4:$11 4";:o'or*Ivia4y13:167tTnbl'et:It:omoliolyt:0:sA)whrii0411:40° t:rtfo:
t04h:17W0loort,iik0 fauCtio
inestextraordinerY e•llife I:Orfila-
9 gge
155,0 th.
Y440 4/dY6,, 1,I1101'0 VOTIti A yo
tolixotoopuo,lioyfa0terti,100)pi orosse:ottoitniy
COYer44(1 WIt1) ocalett about the size 444
111,, tni,l4r ill eppearavo0 t0 the sealee uf
ts7tiatiitebs.. 4,, 1:0;a8:47::4
;17 pflii;00,01:111,t .4 1eti;t0b,o90Ofeli,nortlo,f);,?:40'4sh:w:0'°`Uriii.44:
ion:21;:i'l:fthtells::°419tra64' al. ?t°- ;la:: 0 8 fi9ni .
the imbridaterl plates, but varies, so
turning rod, while ,othors retain the
amber color, whiell some te be thepri•
maty color. '
odtavi)nnriaiiigeo,ra01 LI rmteotilbs' vi(.):1416: t., peffi ,en:aktrni,ymeed6,74141.4tybil a raclii
Sankey are with white peoP10.-' Ho h
a powerful fellow, physically Ned Too/il-
ly, and the fossilise that attend nis fer•
yid exhortations 'are described ita,,,bolog
aorne of religious excitement. A ger."
respcnclent of the Cincinnati r.umuterei-
al attended one of his meetings. 414
ilg hisecarrinerosnftlWr6
idn' Ile aortae the •foltdaring`a
/t1e 4rrtlaPts!tanl"N
elslieaTo Ibe
Tha ochetstier Panders*" says that in . Efyou,san't
isLeonlifig, wirer neitt. §onti.O11„-know
Ulfl0 -a
3 nug ef ows will slee
alined to e38rt.Plaster,
"Qn19haide of the Platform is
my train ?" lteketi mail in Jermey City
depotithe other day, "Well my friend,"
replied a gentleman, passing, " if you
take left, you will be right, if you take
the right, you'll be left." '
Did it ever occur to you what the
meaning of "No cards," and "No
cake. appliedao a marriage announce-
ment means ? It is simply the excla-
mation of the editor thrown in, in at
spiteful way, to show that ie;he way not
remembered. --
During a tritil the Judge called fora
witness. No one answered, and an
elderly man arose and solemnly said,
' He is gone.' "Where has hegone ?"
asked the Judge; in no tender tone.
"1 don't know; but he is dead," was
tht guarded auswer.
Holt* remake on the wonderful
provisions of pature.. He gays there is
'not even lefnaliarrow creviceunder a
ruck without a'thin black prepared by
Provideneet.si fill it. It is the same
way wheirlinostiMies occur in officio.
I'D a: ticla,'s:
lSrsaid-a little blustering man
to a'religious opponent, " to what sect
do you suppose I belong ?" "Well, I
don't exactly know," replied his oppon-
ent, "but to judge your size, appear -
once and constant buzzing, I should
think you belonged to the class gener-
ally called insects."
At a meeting of Confederate soldiers
the other day in Atlanta, so manytwere
dubbed with titles that the following
appropriate resolution was introduced:
"Resolved, That the president ap-
poiut. a committee of one to in:quire
whether there were any sur&tviug
privates of the late war. 4
A conductor in BurlingtontAtwa, wa
recently made happy by ha "ng vote
melees, • air Be.
iug eallethz foras,,...sineerisr
hustled ninon he platform. Looking
arouud for a -laoment he ejaculated
' Tickets" sant'retired. It was so ef-
fective that the band couldn't play for
en minutes. .
1' Yes you may some again next Sun-
day evening, liorace, dear. but"—and
he hesitated. " What is it, darling?
ilave I given you pain ?" he asked as
he still remained silent. "-You did
ot mean to, l'ea sure," she responded,
'Your eine,
040. r
to be convarteci 'thank, bent' hurt.
• The Lord' 'vies moekery. Sometimes
You sionalis comes ioli'rd an' holds
your , head too high oonain'• You,,
come foals yours ready, Y..m stert too
•soon, You 'don't repent; you'a no
mounah. You's foolin' wid de Lord,
You come etruttin' up to the altah ;
you flops down on your knees, an' you
peeps Ira you fingaus, die way, an' you
cooks ap your eans to see who's rnaltiu"
de best pray'r. You'a 'tirely teo peart
for peniten's. You no mullahs. Ef
you come heal to fool, you bettah stay
away. Bettah go to hell from de pew
asleep den from your cabin a sweariter,• -
clan from de penitent bench" a foolin."
A Parisian shore noted for his avar-
ice than for fidelity to Isis wife, was
driving the other day with an actress to
whom ho is. particularly devoted, when
in order to put her gloves on she was
obliged to take off four rings valued at
least $4,000 As she bad no pocked
her dress she eutrtisted the rings to
her escort, who put them careleasly in-
to his pocket s. After the performance
at the theatre was over our friend re-
turned home, and entering his wife's
room, without thinking, emptied his
pockets, placing their contents oh the
marble mantle. The glittering jewels
immediately caught the conjugal eye
and trouble was itnminent, when the
gentleman said : Nlv dear, bneinetia
has prospered to -day. These four
rings are a present for you." Distrust
vanished and joy took its place. At
daybreak a messenger came from the
actress to reclaim the rings. He want
inniiediately sent is..vay, and at 130011
the avaricious victim explaiued,,to-tho
actress and was obliged to pay her
$4,000 in bank notes for the jewele,:
As for his wife, she isow never wearisse
of eulogizing her husbands and- while" -
allowing the rings to her friends,' et.7
claims: " They say that he, is avariei- ,
oubsUasatalturtmen-forslook atsthese,",
$27 fortich inhabitant; Great Britain ;
$140; France, $121';'',8Paiii $108;
Holland, $100 ; Italy, $72,;,..;,8he' 7:Tufted -
States, $55 ; Austria, $49 ; xtziJ, $41
Mexico, $35; Germany, $25 rBassia.
$22; Turkey different rateiss
of Paterest talus( taken ae a :inetteuressaifeSse.
financial standing, Canada will he Ionaid
to be among the highest. The organ
of the London Stock Market places the
Matter as follows England, 81 per
but please next time don't wear on, cent.; Canada, 41,- per cent& ; Auetralia,
f those collars with the poiuttr turning
utwards ; they scratch eo. -
A physician in a country town in
Massacuhusetts, who had been annoyed
y numerous questiens • concerning the
ondition of a patient, was stopped
vehile onhi busy rounds, by 'a man
with, the oldquestien, " How's M—?"
• icit," replied the physician, "Does
e keep his bed 2" "Of course he
oes; do you enppose he is fool enough
o sell hiebed -because he is sick, do
ou." 41'
IV* iiftity well for a party of am -
eut citizens t9 7 down to Lake
Huron to see a seine drain for shad,
•tit when they come back and give yccitil
hiSfshali and you have it nicely coOk- sagliasoe ham. The officer not under -
41"per cent. ; United States, 5 per
de,it. • France, 5 per eons.; Russia, 5
per cent. ; Brazil, per cent. ; 6
per cent. ; Portugal, 6 per cent ;
gary, 71 per cent. ; Eqpt, 8 per
Turkey, 10 per cent.;Perti,10 ppqeli
Spain, 16 per cent. ; Mexico
cent." Canada's debt i,51, gented
by internal improvernenik4 in not,
ae almost all the icountriess, ere enu-
merated, the results of war. ^
.When Gen. Chiseret was an power-
ful in Paris in the days. of the Com-
mune. he conceived a dislike for. a man.
wined ,Piehon, wh'om he determined to
linprirs#, and with this view he said
olte dayto officer of his staff: " 1
pellet °tit Piehon to you; do not loee
ki, aud thennyou find that it is- st
f flannel drawers itfa old leather and
oir standing 'Cluseret's motive, but think -
all of sinkers and, old irou, a -114'
led out pretty thin. . beio:t-o L'titrill-eee: ir-g thatihe wanted Pichon iromotect, .
it's whi,..- " You are not losing sight of Pichon,
A few days later, Cluseret suid again,
at if the woild ien't hollow, s 1- had Lthraorthwith made lieutenant.—
hings—why, then, you
'Two soles that beat as one,' remark- eE'd",'sYtn°il ?d,,befo'r•tgloanig',Pbryomtolliiionliw
this system,
a the boy to his mother, as she was tichon found hiasself named uslonel.
ealing with him for his gins with both In full unirorra he hurried to the Place
tippers at once- - Vendome to thauk`cluser.-i, who said, s.
'I am having myself taken in .oil,' overcome with surprise, "Well, Ise
eaniatl; lwotelklikungo.,wronunPdh.78ieliCano'cl-cli°vnerP,I,a1. vYiTitnhasanvde 1^td7v,t0.111 gs bril06whne d rautt 3;01 of ilare se r a.
appose,' grotvled au experienced pa- brave,tlian,let us then embraect, end
ient. ' . let all be forgotten."
A young lady, afterreading attentive. A fearful suicide occurred in Paris
,y the title of a novel called The Last the other day. Gerard Autholiateallr
Man,' exclahned,..if 8M* a thing were ed his littler bay, aged six, to: hitt? and
o happen, what would bottom of the said"little one, you have often .wished
enaen,?',- i`i'Vhat 'would bedtime of the t, play with this pistol," shoWing hint
oar ?' was ,the remark of an an ola pistta. "Oh, yes, papa." 'Will,
isi bachelor, " we'will play with it nyw,' and loading
,kolergyinun being aPplied to in lees the wfsapon the fatlienshanded it to the
hen a year after his appointment to booy. "Now, look,' he said, I will
ut a iitOVO in the ahurch, asked how get down -4n My knee* before. you ; yod
014, his predecessor had been, there, will Point at tae right between the .341
od,-Wheu answeied, twelve yOtio, he andpull the trigger I 'tie how
aid you never here, dre tn. fanny" it is;" and ho knelt -MT -
he 'church during that time well ; the head; betW44,11 ,t)fY
e`plletilhe applicant, iknt we , Are he said again ; but trat embrace
u ;1,91eu re.; The poor aohilhaeomp oeopeashit• f11.,
, A max !etas atehding on. the wharf, , then pointe the tel ;a 41
avi h , and fired. Gerard fell back:dead, and
r; anusercn er e.t a ,sonooner 00,y4osing the terrible result, ran
Ying 044 Oirea'n' 'Know nalb°dY out of the mom sobbing, .
tits °O'aigss,4, tildriNeasnillerdocant31,Pbaullticnith4e;'llierse ho.°Onocsfsosisilis W-sslinisi: eVe:hboryi aluodoteriell
sling their handkerelnefts at me,' 8110
,,ixtead thiykor oleo ehitto I, obstructions- the 'railway line a fess
miles wed of Cadet' Dania's, hivit,
olo1llinladdx4P1llg hie bit*et Akla although the youth was faintand foot
6g'ityof; w(ux1Pili, why',sore 'With vvolking, he„ rushed batik to
hem's the shirts hu a ut W
U town• *TA succeeded in stopping
rY"' u' viarebnn:tin'' mut ottrittg a paseenger train from
It is teinerkaptr that tlai ripeipl deatruetion. The horoio,yooth was
ratliaitit0 11100; which Fellows' Syrup warded by, tits taiitola compan), ina
ypophaaphitoe 'is nude. art alkO, his name printed iti the tuiperm. Th.
oide, riShi, trots whiah, attitio to very other (11%y the 1194114 by was atVaAti4
rata agpt, dOittli54 Sots, torrobbing StPtess
This, in,Onntetion wit4the toot of ofitootatul he iontomea that he
ellowa• 1.41E1°010st ittoroose 0 peoboarnoil 'hot only in the: thef., but
onitatkndia0OrlildeirittiOn hatt, himself placed 4 ,1,4 Obstrtto.
Ott on this lt atCe
' ditt RaPialt
ongesettrof the "
oruoilkt sitigolite, 06
itt041414 $attiotgarly Of 0#‘ Rio you, hetet*, and he bad, netified'Unt
Mill in Order to t retivera alai it