HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-6-17, Page 3BEAAINE.
revolve, trout the pure oreaso ,ot the nana.as
Moor, Tula delis itatity oertittnekl igautiratleit
imuortS *sort glosay tiotalt4o1zuinelinios
it to wamato out eaetrad, totitiou, it gives Pito
**tea Initurtaaa growor jonaerrestsara as.
Att. (iitneey, of the Oth con., Boson
(riot, lest ohila a few days eitiee by
fJU ioto well that had been
It tur.09,Yeted, It had oul$ -been in
bc,leastarias4ethevetseestre et ea* asectaact Scott tit% wateV 4.f4w 41"14*4 wh°11' t".
*ea. *Pate Preis* teteleo Of 4 Kt 1244 sko out was regite deed -
star ite a v riebte &Moeller dowries -tbe Aror
tomp,ose Mort veeoetalise *ea Asia 47-•uitMI* Arait was_ oompetteaf. luy af40
aittiestele ;oat altesteterreot eveiyconotry.
a,chhotsw soma 40, aeardboard box our preekture of hew od'vertisnaente, te terallet
eeee *No vougooro, wrapper, tormies* Nu moo 40,pieteome, $4ttullsy.
$04 a oraigasatiutra usetet, ott. avarX
g r4.4" U.
QUop011ey Q01,4111.74241e0ttaCtlitotICibAlhwisus.
orgy of its young rh* has already
given it bee]; 004
At St. Catharinee a young lad named
CillotiOPtO000 7o8ro or ago, got Poo -
lesion of a revolver, and he and another
00101 tioy,named, Wilkins, commenced
PlitYbIlf With it, Wilkins point r d it
i0 Gib:0014440 discharged it, the bell
entering near the top of Gibson's, right
ear,.and lodging near. th /Me. 'The
hIU was extracted, but it is feared that
the.wnund miii,proVe fatal, -
2"4"toig SAP /MORA
Th. Atlauttcs sad lite teoon4 al"- of'
the Tesumeethe Leudou flayed a•
match game on Friday last, tiloora
Tocuniesthe 9 Mlontiee 5.
Tia• iuhbituutu of Latteeate4 pro,
wanted hie }lohor D. A. IteDenaid with
an address congratulating him or is
elevation to the Lientenent,Goeernor-
ship of Onteeio, it beieg his first 'visit
since his appointrnant, tt) Which His
Honor very suitably: leplied,
The fellowing are the Homeepathic
represeneetiaeeXa' ehe Ontario Meaicel
Council r -Dr. Catuslbell, Tenant° ;
Dr. Logan, Ottawa; Dr. Morden, Lon-
don ; Dr. Vernon, Hamilton, ,ancl,Ileu-'
derson, Strathroy.
A short time ago,„ says the Huron
Sisprat, three young', men, named How-
son aaa James,' of Hallet, and Craig,
of Goderieh ' towtiship. left here for
California, with the hope of bettering
their condition in the laud of gold.
After arriving in California, they found
thonsands of unemployed raiM there,
who had been deluded with theeettetea
hope at, thermic' vet, and were; of Einriie,
unable to find."' employment., They
have preceeded to Britieh" Columbia,
imt with.what success there future joitr7
.iatiri lees 'Aeon, - attended, we have' net
be Provincial exhibition, A:is an-,
cominence this year ori
(indite', 20th, SepeeMber. 00 0
• The bass with whieli it ig intended-
to resstock the River Speed.htive been
aatieht in Lake Huron and are now
pp their way to Gaelphse
Mr. Hu, Of Whitby, writing ' from
Fevre, alianesota, says; he "vniulan't
tilde off a con.cessionelot ita Ontario for
the ;Whole country." Pehaps he is pre-
3u -diced ! ,
- Amass. Greene a farmer living, near
Staffordville, has under cultivation 3 ix
Ores of the 'Rappahatiock yariety of
wheat. It is now completely out in
tad. His neighbors think this is ex
tremely eerly, stud will watch the, pro.:
gaess of Lae crop to matinitr, and the
eield that alP will then result' from it,:
with lively interest. 0 0•
The people' of Florence, with. Come
mendable energy, turned out a.,few
speaks ago to progure and. set out trees
aleng the etreets. The resultis ,is
Atii,t 500 fine thrivioOnleples aka'. no*
,growing beautifully.
fax•The wife of Mr: George Griihiam-
... -blacksmith near Greenwood Was milk-
ing Thursday last, when a dog ran. up
:Slid seized theceiw bylier heels, when in
enrning around to attack the dog with
her home struck.1(rs. Graham on the
ferehead, itifiicting a severe wound.
Tlie beasts which had always been very
quiet, then became iufuriated and at-,
tacked the poor Woman, goring, and
ttrampline upon her in a fearful manner,
although her husband aut a, neighbcir
Were close at haud, and secured the
pew hannediat sly. The •unfortaintte
Nieman had received such injuries that
she expired in fifteen nainutesetfter.
Bears(are more than usually. numer-
Que. and destructive ou tire Gatineau
this spring; in one instance a farmer
had weuty sheep killed in one night,
another lost five, end several others
lost in smaller proportion. A few days
ago a cow was attacked- by two bears
and fearfully mangled
The Lindsay Warder says : " On
Friday last, a, little girl daughter of Mr.
Thompson;Iiing Street, had a very
narrow escape from being burned to
death. While the mother of
the child went. into the next
house, ond remained away but a few
moments, its clethes caught fire from
the stove. The child ran into the yard
completely euvelopea in flames, but fer-
al:irately wee discovered in time to be
- saved from a terrible death. Though
badly burned on the back, it is thought
she will soon. recovek.". •
Theeirst statioa on the line Of the
O Port Raver and leeke Huron railway
.was erected on the grounds at Norwich
on Saturday laseelenid, greet rejeicines
Or the people there, in view of the early
cempletion of the road to that place.
The conti actor is progressing with the
southern end of the reed's .' ..,
The Old London paper e tell a sad
story of that .irreelehrieble being the,
British deck Ter.: 'Atone Of Moody,
and Sanity's receet meetings there
was a great outpeuring, and after the
audience had alaneceseary indication' s
of a hopefut state of mind, Mr. Moody
celled upon all those who wished to
go to heavea to take their place. Gee
after another alt ethe pereone present'
got up and (mourned standiug save on
PaFaarse sailor, who Ofiti40.0y.,4.ept his
seet. Fixing this obdurate mariner
with his eye,Itly..Moodv, addressed him,
and asked bienelf itacetticitie poSsiblehe
did not wittli'to go ' to heaven." . "Tliair
" why don't you rise with the rest ?"-
" Because," replied Jack, very' slowly,
.and surveyiag the company with a
Scrutinizing glance " bee:U.180 1 don't
want to,ship with any such a looking
crew, as
Clef Justide Draper gave judge-,
!Tient oh June 14, at Oegoode Hall, in
the Peel Local election trial. kie re-
viewed titeeVidetiee at great length, and
incidentally touched upon the , praCtice
of Obtaining ettlideerite (rent witeeterea
to their original:eleatianants or
the retie& fog nen tly '',.,#f Oltiged, ,',1411,114
parties to th�r.,. taSttiat04,0Aslif i 10.#4,6
eases the Witirtf#1,4e0are .?:),P,itt the
bad not/stated i(appe, a • in L',tiii
affidatiit, In OttOfailiat thut* 'davit ;was
drawn i0 by :a thittilikty4ind taken
to an ignaraht Witneart'In ",aign,, and
sIo 'aftetwards, in coutt,.,46eIttledr.r:that
. , .. ,
she had 'levier 6 WOrrt to the etettaieht
it eoli W114. . In another . eteeto -0; (loon -
t was inutilated, and a third; a Wit.
nese was Made tci say in her affidavit
1 iitu mother of so and ie. And ot Audi'
it plant); spinster." His Lcashp anialte
., would' not ‘, Mention -namei, otherwise
it would show that the praetitiOr who'
drew the affidavit akt sot ktiovi•ths dif-
ference between is,spinater. and .. a roar
tied Wetilittia face which Might reenit
to hie profeasional injury,. Ilia Lord
,-, ship rencludeny saying that,: theugh
r')., it Wait not estattielied that a money con-
' iiideration had been:offered as an in-
ilimettient, h *ea cleat .the:rospondent
'hid offered emploment as a conoen,
acOn or 7rotoo,,.itha- ,..., Cliii.ohnvtte
tibtorarglyilifollifed, fitillfs tio,
bisisnoWitir iititit kis tifotituailitstitsi.
The ordittetion eeavieta.of the Idetha,
dist Cenference at Ineton was held on
Stinday ana the spacious
building woie.Orowded to overflovring.
,Theintrodeeto4 peritonea of the ser-
vice was conducted by,the.,rresident,
the'Rev. J. A. , Williams, President of
the London Confeeence. The sermon
Was PrellOhea IsYethe Rev. Dr. Nelles,
President or eVictoria College ; text,
Eeeitiastie's vii, 10. It was a dis-
pOurie of 'rare eloquence and power.
,Vow who Were there will ever forget tfie
occaeion. Shortly after tha minister
had read his text a panic seized the con-
gregation, and for a few moments not
a few were iu thegreatest peril. Crowds
Were pressing. o. , the, doers, but the
Ahoe*.bdipgja.r_nuxed there wee no way
of-eptretpe.0 'The',nlinisters in the put-
pitand Others called' .'34',Sit down," but
It was diffieelt tepaeitiede the exalt.
ed• inoltitude theriewera no danger.- The
choireconimenead'to sing, and after
some fifteeriebretwenty minutes order
was reStbeed slid not until a few perseas
had reeeivecaeome bruises. The pedalo
"was occasion:ad:by the fall of e, book-
case in the basement, which caused the
peoale to believe theohurch was failing.
Dr, Nelles proceeded and finished his
, iscourse in. a Way that a few onuld
hevedene under the eircumetances,
Says the 'Rand Eau Ne•rs:-.Our
cheese_factoriekeares. in full blast just
atiweeepikelition nethe business has be-
couie so strong -that it is said some of
them offer4oInalte': the farmere'
into ulteeie, for nething„ aturn all ttic
whey, and keep efieeltifeily in butter
and cheese, besides ;.:0.ritipPlying them
,with cream during the strawberry sea -
eon. '
Oo.the works or the London, Huron,
.aed Berme Railway ean be seen a num-
or..Sasedes at work, who still retain
their- old Wooden shees which, though
they May keep the feet perfectly dry,
y.eeeneble a miniature "dug bout" canoe
.ii.PontilinerePf construction.
i1a that Rev. Father Chiniquy
willettiortly be elected a member of al
Orange lodge in alontreal. ,
O A very lamentable aceiderit occurred
at Peterboro' on Thursday night, by
which young lady named Sutherland
'Oat her life. Slie was in a canoe
with 'kir. G. W. Rogers, barrister, and
in coining up -the shore of the river be-
low Llietocks date the bow of the canoe
struck a large stone, turning it outa
wards into, the current. Miss Suther-
laud on observing their perilous posi
tion Made an involuntary start, which
was Sufficient in the counter currents
then existing to upset the canoe.
Regers caught hold_oeher by ,,the arm
with one hand while he held..the canoe
by the other ;leaving go his hod ef her
for an instant to grasp a proffered
rescue she was drawn from him by the
current, ewhen he abandoned the meal's
to eseupe to save her, and by a great
effort, caught her by the jacket or To Deisineas Mew
shawi she wore, when itslipped off and
freed her, and the current iu an instant If you want circulars,
drew her into the boil below the darn, If you want hand -bills,
beyond the reach of mortal help. Mr. If you want envelope's,
Rogers, With much difficulty, reached If you want business cards,
shore. If you want neat bill -heads,
Our readers may recollectehat at the If you want shipping tags,
last .Elgin Assizes a notorious woman If you waut tasty letter heads,
named Catharine Ostrander was tried If you want nice visiting etude,
for -an attempt to procure au abortion If you want the best of ball work.
on the person of Eliza McQuiggan, If you Want any kind of job priutiug.
sr the villa...se of Aylmer. - McQuiggan Leave your orders at the TIMMS office
wits the presecutrix, a d she stated in and you can secure them on short no -
her evidence that on, the 1st of Dacem- tice, at low rates, and the best style.
ber her seducer took her to the resi
deuce ex the woman Ostrander, who
1.ves at a place called Hamburg, about
live miles frope Aylmer, for thepurpose Lawis.-Purnieter on Wedneadity, mu instant,
of having an abortion procured ; A
manlier:of other vieits and the (merit-
tiods performed were detailed, the evi- MARRIED.
donee being unfit for publication. The
,judge,,,Hen. Stec/ten Richards, advised
the jury to bring in a verdict ot "not
guilty" on the grounctthatnothing had
resulted ,from ,the steta of..the prisoner,
that the evidence was very slight, and
that the prosecutrix was, in a certain
sense, an accomplice to the act. In
dischargiag the prisoner His Lordship
expreesed 0 .CIOnht of,:; guilt and
waruoil her that if she continued in the
"same course she would certainly be
found out arip perhaps he puuishedby
death. A few weeks iigo, Eliza Mc-
Ouiggein gave Math' to a 'child, 'Which
died ehortly afterweraerand on Thurs-
day .):nito_pr.dvjlitunfOrtunate vietira
of the sed'peer; °tate .UbortioPist, and.
of a merciful judge and jury, was freed,
by death from ,..her • terrible sufferings.,
Is itjuet tied riebt"that the seducer
arid the abortionist should escape pun-
ishment for this hozwible '. prime ?-St.
Thoniaa Tinzes,,
*Capt. Brown luta .founkthe iron safe
of U. 5 man of war, Cumberland, sunk
the Hampton Roads by the Confed,
erne ram Virginia, in 1862. Divers,
been at work ten years,eedeavor-
irigaoeeeceier the seek. Th 'lucky
,ftutif'holt Aintf,beam,tit- work foety-eight
lienrs When he fuhrid, the safe.' buried
iti three feettlef 1ntt By the explosion
torpedo the este;was eracke4aid as it'.
hoisted on decli'4 few piecee of: gold
noiti'droppeilp.t. It is generally be.;
lieVect the 6045.r. contains betweehl sixty
and ondliiiiidgeOhaitsand •Aollars in
,gold-.*Whil04-445440 131$.4"'wa
Searehing thOtielt:heconiiterogs
petritiel initnititliedk,in a perfect state:
The rinpPeSeS" "fhe bedy to be
that of an officer, and intends to return
and get
Red Oletul and Spotted Tail, two of
theSioux Chiefs who have bon hi
Waabingten negotiating lot .the istiatit
Hills territory, took supper at the sta,
tien Dining Room ii totulon on their
Way through froni Witshingtoti..
0404 or thirfy o theittaliant
wOrking oit the 'Credit Valley reilway
"t;'"ti taken up their abode inWhitt W96
fornierly the town hall but what it tin*
private property, Theyaterepretented
as being hind tu Palk Whet t110
ithadeant night -restii "
*0311460d 411i Mgt
tsiiiitog aon-4e,
We understand that Mr W toatent
gentlehleU pecooesingtz. noioseory.
capitol, is deturioue of establial3ing
sehiPYtard hero, if lot eon eee4rost quit",
ble site on reaponable torOlo, Thu* 14
no better place in the rrovfnee ler tho
leestiuri of Imola an enterprise, 044 ws
siusgroly hope that Nr. Stanton will,
9U Vi0iti/1E tillt town , be able te melte
aucIa arr4agomouto to will 141044
proval-Pert Hop, Tinos.
A farmer nomad Hurlubile, at La-
chine, and a giii in his employ, wire
struck by lightning during is storm.
The man was hilted inetontlyp but tbo
girl will probebly recover.
The hull of the ship Niagoixe, Ashore
off Holyhead, ie breeking up. Three
hundred bates of cotton have boom ro-
covered from the wreck.
Brigandage in Italy is oneh an ex-
citing tonic that on Frideythe Cham-
of Deputies broke up n diserder,
owing to the turbulence 0 the alumni-
sion of the bill to suppress
The railroad war is continued and
the Erie Company reduced en Mouthy
fermi between New York, Rocheeter,
B offal° ,and Niagara Falle, the vein °then
being more than $3 on the round trip
•Tax areen grassgrows in thimeadew.
Go spread over it a thin layer of Bear.
hie. and the tiny blades will shoot up.
wards, and grow more luxuriantly than
before. Try the 66111e experiment upon
your hair and the effect is still more
marked ; the Lair grown vigorous and
seems to and in Bearine all the ingre-
dients to support its life.
The editor of the ()tithe -Times har;
been telling his readers abo et a mom -
rota fieh somebody sent him. He
SONS it weighed ten pountle, and, he
Rade. "we have eaten it." Ten potirulli
of fi4111 Gond erseinns. If , he keepe
on that way he will soon hey.) fish
bones erinneh ;mowing ont et him to
adinit of his being stoed up in tee hall
as a' hat rack.-7nrento Sun. _
• And sufficient brains to assist him in
editing his own paper were ho to nos
ns n oh heading to the Ti1710, "The
Child's paper,.
Injesticeis very hard to bear. Yet
we must all learn to expect it, and to
suffer it as calmly as we can. 'Po have
our best deeds turned and twieted into
evil ones ; to have our acts and words
utterly misrepresented; to have those
turn cold to us for whom we have al-
ways 'felt the warmest friendship, is
only the fate of humanity. Net all the
truth and tenderness that heaven gives
can save us from injustice. Nay, since
en; mies are often made by acts of
kindness, and people generally dislike
those do them fawner, one will find that
where most justice was to be expected
O there is the greatest lack of it.
People who want to tliinkifl ef other,
can alwaye do se. They can willfully
blind themselves to 'good point, and
exaggerate the bad ones. There may
be two meanings to many things that
are said, and the sneer " that was sar-
casm" will turu a friendly speech into a
venomous one. " He did this for
ostentation," or "jut to make people
talk of him " She wants people to
believe her an angel, and sti goes about
pretending to mile ;"all these re -
pt -dillies are to be expected by the most
unaffected and eimplo-hearted. And,
" Oh, yes! she's very polite, but she
secretly hates me," is one of these nice
little venomous speeches that throw
friendship back into one's face.
the wife of Alex. Lewis of a son.
nurrox-vrderry-On the 10th inst., by the Rev.
W. Lund, at the residence of the bride's fath-
er. Mr. narveY W. nutton, of St. Mary's to
Mary Ann, eldest daughter of W. II. Verity Esq.
of Exeter.
and colts at W. Quintoe's, naborne, tot, I,
00. 5. " W. QUINTON.
&glair &LETS
Waite Wneti8 75 to
Spring Wheat .... 75 so
Butter '
Flour per bbl....
Breit •
f Beef=
, • •
' ...... 0 46 to 0
ti 60 3. lug!: , 70 to 1 IS
...O , . ... . ';$ 00 to 14 00
171 to ',0•011
oaions 78 to 100
, Lard,. , 14 to IS
Wool , ... OD 2.41
35*0 AO
00 to , SO
70 to 76
12 to IS
14 to 14
500*0 500
12 te 12
:..' 14
7,00 to 125,
; -4:50 to CIO
Deihl wheat, per„hhetiel, 0, .... ; 1182t4 167
Spring wheat ... ... ,,, 88 te 47
Barley CO to 65
Peas . I` o • .1. 74 to 77
Oats "' ' .0'. .,. ' 40 to ' 41
ItIggs, per dozen . .. ... .10 tor 11
Butter .., .., IS to 014
Wool 55 to 00
Kay 0 OD to 100
Adam Ciollbreth, market clerk.
White wheat. . ..... 00t0 02
Treadwell , 05 10, 90 '
Spring 85 to' 110
...... .... ....... . L. . .. a so tcco
P04111 0 73 'CO 0 WS
Barley 90 to. 95
Butter._ . . .... ... , . . ... . .. ".• 3.0 16
EUCH, Psi dozen., , 11 to 11
..0 . . . .. „.0 7S to 015
Lard .. .. ,..0 .. . ..... .. ... ...... .10 to 15
Tallow,. „ 6 ki 47
Bay' 12 00 to 14 00'
. rhJA 15 to 9 JO
. . . . •00t� 678 '
• ,W001,,,' . . . Ss to ,ss.,
Sheepsitinti ... . . 106 to 1 130
. . . .... y 41 6 co to 111 50
Hile . . , ..... . . • . Y. 6 to- 6
Pork . . ... . . . ' 1 09 SO' 50
White Wheat, pet (ient441„,-..--..,"' 1 60 4411
Treadwell 140 to 15 0
Bed Witt 'Wheat- • ."', ."',.".o. 1 46 06180
90 '144- ;iota
nitrie1 14301 •
Issto 86
isitirbett 84 to 41' 90
' 1314fig Weeet...` .0. 0,, 62, ta
,2070 f."
1421 its •fr f, 70 te '11
tarloy „ .„. 75 ' 78 •
Btitter 15 18
*040' at.
Immo *nett_ „ 82' to ff
01311 tei :410
75,t0 09
.0.00000 0
.t.0F•t0(11.+10:i.../0r.er4601' a 110
00410Snarlot2ittloo;otheretorr it Too
Chemicals o'y 0 D y e
117 H. & B.
to carry away
axn ALL:a/jibs or
(mut and Ornaments!)
Special Attention paid to "
Orders for Parties, etc
The subscriber would oleo announce to the
people of Exeter and vicinity that he has ou
,hand all kinds of
C.+ R 0 C Ell I E S
Teas *.at cairnot be surpassed for their quality
end flavor. Sugars, Currents, Raisins, To-
beccoes, etc.
Also, all kinds of
Delf, Glassware
Small*ars, Toys, eta. All kinds of
Prams taken in whinge for goods.
Berhrorlber Vas Place -Next door to Bolton',
Drug Store. Breed delivered in"allparts of the
town free of Charge.
Exeter, Noy. 9, 1874.
Carload of
We have alto in hand • large stock of
Clover, Timothy, Hungarian
Grass, and other Seeds
Warranted All Fresh
No old Seeds kept in Stock
Sutherland Bros.
811,ary's, April 8 1875.
The Dominion Organ
GEQ. c�rrnl*r
Wooderi,„ Ilarve$t T'PaS
Fork Handles,
Grain cradlee,
Re will have ready kr the coining harvoet, the
celebrated •
Sul!<ey 1 -lay -Rake
A Novelty in this section.
will dnd it to '
Their Advantage to Buy their Stock from
as I art prepred to deal with them as reasona-
bly as any other establishment, and to give prompt
attet Mon to all orders,
of all kinds made a specialty in the business.
Exeter,April 8,1875, 82.041
4 Bales Brussels Carpet
6 Bales Tapeetry Carpet
5 Bales Persian Carpet
4,Bales 3 -ply Carpet
8 Bales Kidderminster Carpet
6 Bales Uniin Carpet
4 Bales danadian carpet
4-4 English Oil -cloth
6-4 English Oil -cloth
8-4 English Oil -cloth
10-4 English Oilcloth
12-4 Etiglisn Oil -cloth
15-4 English 0il7clot1i
24 feet English Oil -cloth
1 Case Persian Damask
1 Case Velyet Damaslc
1 Case liepp Damask
1 Case French Damask
1 Case Piano Covers
1 Case Table Covers
when purchasing, as no one will do
better with you.
No, 124 Dundee St.
No. 126 Carling St. LONDON.
MED1CAL mac say that nothing is 60 Mi -
portant to good health as h room com-
fortably warmed. Thc, soason of year is now
at hand when you will require the very best
Cail eat eiee tit
0 , '
5 0 ,
Splendid Success
Taking Everywhere
Immense Number Sold,
N. B. -Old Instruments taken
in eichange for hew.
instruments eonstantly on hand at 3. Dre*/0
Furniture Ware -room. Music Stools from 91
to 95 eaell.
Bend for Circular to
C. rediar,
EXETER Po O. t man al Agent.
is the bait in the inertia*
O etre etre �l Wflt�1Ifl0hl�nViateh
hileltifbuying, Witt 1 rilOrentlifthet
All1Ohd. 4 ?theta teilefillitit
Old lad$�.rZftdtfl Mid Gated
a 4. Were(' Feri4e.
to it e 1161iiihnitiff of
beg to say that theyhave jhst received one or
the largest stooks in the county‘ consisting of
Stoves of the very latest debign and the best
manufactnres, whial
Their aim is and alwayti hes been to 'Satisfy ens-
tomei s. Hardware,
Tinware, Copper -Ware,' etc.,
always on hand. Also the
Warztod 3i-.41-mce
And 1,000 LB SCALE1r0B $18.
Old Bags,,Oopp.er, ?iron, etc., bought,
75) SPRING (75
Gen tsFurnish'ng
AND' 0tN1.01IAL
nounce that he has just received a splendid
,solsortment of
wheat for
0 0
begs to ieturn thanhs to the, nn4terou0 iuds who so ably assisted ft; savtag his property
darmg ths disastroact urIootiou no thO Riot 9 uhirkicley, $ro. Jane i+istant, And 1491440S
tltit opportunity t9 inform his Mends and 014491110/S that he jute0ii tg bp
O Ready for:Work in about Two ',Weeks
when all repOring aa well as new work will have prompt ot1e4tian,
'At the slime titae iteWeida remind these 1,v1to are
Illdebted to F.Lirx,tByNote or Book Ac,tpatint
t1at-A F111,E,ND NEED IS A romEND1NDEEI),
Altrtaltn TO Tbx witsr, .J5 SUFFICIENT.
St. My', J641010, 1875.
Board of Trustees of Exeter SCh00
By Cash in hand from 1873 5100 51 ;Rent, Repairs', °loaning school, &o.,-3 77 25
I,ocal and Government grant ........ . 288 00 'Paid for Wood ... . . .... ..... 63 70
" 'Wooly 11 "00 ( e I
CA fii001 hitt), ........ „. C07 15
Received or holland on fence, and
school opening, &c,, ctc 1 3 05
" Received for Debentures ... . ... 3,014 84
" Iteoeived surplus money, 2,070 00
" lteoeiyed, scloeol 14oid....sment 1,11700
$9,061 15
Audited and found correct.
Exeter, 811.1 January. 1875,
ands, Plans, ‘to , ... as Oo
" " Posts
, . 32 GO
" '' Sehool site - ' 915 8.
Teackers' salaries 076 00
Well and, excavating under the
.0 " leencing, Dru,ining, ke. 002 2,:.
" " Interest • . 93 , 4
Levelling round the school DO 79
Copp & Brotbers,"Tor conductor, •
Pipes, &o 51 14
" " Printing , 18 00
Opening of school, ko,, &a, 35 00 Seating sebeol, ko.. &e, ' 418 78
Building school, &e., 7019 3,
Pump, water -closets, ko 45 00
seocets.ry and Inspectors 67 00
Taking census 4 tit.
Sawing and splitting wood, ko
By eit,ah in hand
89 2ti
0020 09
347 Oir
09,067 13
N MACDONELL.). Auditors.
3Q1111 DREW
would beg so announce that he has lately
Purchased the Stock of M
knAJOE3S0:0$ TO 0, RI/VIE
1,:cuko4 lw Ur. Onith.portStually Z111c0 )4*
e•Pttoslast 1,, "t‘toroatati, stdonsat ot 0004s
vat In,lltitain,„,
44 further
saving to Customers
thzedtch Our advantageous couneattoe aod Ian
eommand of the inerkotS.
0,P, Smith having arrived in the British raar-
401B 10 I:04 ids Pall stook for his'Whoteaale 'ttouto
in Toronto actor tido k,ninmer wholeeq4,. export
trade was over, and taiting, advantage of t1,10,13,10-
rificos maintratilrers are Ivitlina r/ta10 00 11,11Y
soh:hoer goods that inigtit bp left en their hands,
rather than "oarry them 0ovt r another season,
has securod tor us s voral linoti at Prie0i ti,kat
could soarcoly be. credited withOut aeeintt 'C,60
Now' opened 4 lot of
bliqhor gtados equally low in price. Alsoia lot of
w,de plaid sash rir.)bciari in all colors, from
to lit) cts. Further shipments coming to /awl
N, 13H-st4ll clearing out boots and:shoes' 44 re-
clUeed 0 rico*,
" successors to O. 13. Smith.
Thastnith and general dealer in stove*, Plows -0.
rat8glaEs'&o',19;4 Tinware,
ecl)Prwa, aid
• ,Tho Cgrtis plow 60
Important to every owner OE a
'Carson's Paint,
(improved Fire -proof.) Those who are la
need of Paint should empire for Carson's
Improved Paint.
It is Cheap and File -proof, entering the
grain of the wood ; it stops alk small leaks in
'oda, and preserves them against the action
of both t'mt and weather. Quo coat is as ber-
o'ioeabj of common phliat; and two
Agent, Exeter,
N. B.= -Wood taken ;n e7rhantto for the pain
A.BEATTIE &C.'icIt'.•
1.-3 cpcnoDzi 4
H• P '-',-' .- •
. E. Drew . %
;-ct t",d ' G• :s-'' Z
5/3 0 uPto th:
c0 4- H et
g - ...• et- /=.,
.1 big 5. CI. 1.11 k
- 3
D3n8186i; a
of evory descriptiobthus making his present stock
The Largest
and best . •
North of Leilidellin
Ile has also purchased Mr. E, Drew's
-welch is estimated to be one of the finest In
the Dominion, and he isitherefare prepared
to attend funerals, and
Coffins,. Shrouds, &c., always on hand & furnished L reasonably.
AGENT for the Geor,,be Woods Boston, organ ; also for the Marshall
& Wendall, Knabe, *arc= Etc., pianos..
... • .
Fas1iiOnab1e'BGOT,d6 SIT KE13,;„':Sign of the
!fo.,1,:o.. • •
1 ;
01.11D, atiquaint the' inhabitant§ of thilralitth'e sditrounding country, and those Nisibing
44iiican market, that he has on hand ttlarge tst•OCIN/ 0libols and'Shoes 01"11i5 own man-
. 02g0.'11011)01.te4 voip, \dna lia, • ;• • '
and that he is: etni.1;oys nono but First,e1
- , , ,,G.
, .
,46f -y1)
Lateen, °etcher 22,1874.
.Depliettiteet is teplote with elate' teedste 201
prtWeinent, and etienishiad Monthly with
TA01110.11 PLAirgs
A.ttiOriOatt Stiaas au4
Alt Work, gnerinitOid,mut. Out in, tho. meet
Oen Early, sna NO0 the Cholteat and ,b(lAt tto
batedateskalittoiere arid offer:lee at low fig.
ties /0'060400010 ,C0 SOBT/TCOTT
%gator, Aprit
F1io, .
iittbsorilmn hate started 1Punip Pao '
In the Village of Carrohbrooli, said 010100 111,AI
Township or Hay
. . .
ONE MILE; NoE,Til OF 11X i14
and as they are in eons sssiOn �l 0
they *lit be able to not only do the t
via Cheaper thaa those who havo lb a° tluir Wor
by hand. livery 'satiety , el wooden inesapsi.
eluding filo
1000110*0 Order and plated in walla, al/ totitg war-
ranted for two yoats,ii ,<
Ail thders 101. 71. tho shomendr, /Wilton ono mile
berth of kIxotorwill 00001VO p00101,1,1, ntiebtion.
MY, May 274 OM
7.ki0fieth10tnto7lf i.It1t aidtft\ Ivo` y..tt tftlaWf ,'i;1‘,000,41
iCIVillti'thO,11111A;iliti),Afit1;,6f1P111001,10`iliOt 1.119,O 11111),1
tit tit liejing oh haud and is 0e,!10pared,tede100i7100e7
:fAJ HEAVY "iikitiVE418$
0 511.11 hi, .Ftnt ,o ituythhui. in 1ns.,1fit5 9511
As 44,3$ thrilivoWtrattteitictaby givittt Met 13/,41,0Pliti•
f0000 7)00*0101 *top 870007111010 ' 0001011011y
attentiorltb, Curidagb trinitning &Me. 73-0t10,
es "
7je,Oxittcr Otnies
,Ever,j/ Thursday IVIorning
$1.00 per annum, p4016 strictly In advance,
No subser1ption'taketi102 less than 11Month*.
81101." insertion per11110 '... ..... . . . ...
1(11011 SUL150(111001. 71180011021 1)00 .....
)7tt800t28en1o11t8 strayoci or
otuid,..kni,„ not 0)0000(210)5 tett Ines;--flist, melith
7.1,00 ; 00011 1;U11800100211,111011t11, 500011t8,
Nutides oi births, Marriages and deaths inserted
Advertisements without speetic directierni
ite 11008118,1 till forbid, wild charged itheordingly.
O Advertisements to be meastiled 'by a soak Of
Sliol tiouptuiel.
01 1,..Al1t1" 1LOR.Ei61/PN g:
following vales Will be charged for yeltrly
4.1,vetilseineMsz- '
01015 YdAtt. , „ mos
o 10 °Wiwi ,„„,$00
Ifs If „.„ .001.0000000 es
0 10
Qtiatter ' .7, 00 .,.., 12 000001 8
Eighth "0 10 8 0.000 0..
liooiO0C0 Carats, Mkt -it -10S O'0(1101141,00.C4V
<0108 070.. ,Jo Will
tageS I 7.tve cl.d19100 1, 0:tli tund 7 011:1"
at 47.100 ; atos..o. at 6 s.no, ; 00LonslotO
itt 9 a, in. teaVca bond'en '9or 810701,02 a,t 00
Liman, at 501).717.0 tG0,i0Ing 11X Ir'x(vt 001. at 7 10.00-
00,0408 leave tlxotor tinny tor canton at
1141'1\411g1» Wintbi) at 10 00010, Dotty() Clinton 70
0,661.1/1 arriVo 711 1.1Yetel,, at 0C10 p,111
0t6g6NI8407e N.Stetor bit Ihttfale,s, Thtirettli,
'8,n9tr0tI00IA,V3 fOr 31o0708, 1%t 61011.0tVIV
time to.i- neon 1081108 1007100 WO* :( „
st Nlary's at Zse pm,i 8001044110 20070,4* itt011,D