HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-04-27, Page 26unrwsnvirmtinirs ael9 ►x•'t• u •tom Page 26 Times -Advocate, April 27, 1994 Good Times Thurs. & Sat. Karaoke April 29 Landslide $ 2.00 cover Free pool on Sunday's Everyone's Favorite 6o's Band IA BAMBA NO DOUBT ABOUT IT OW TIME ROCK "N ' ROIL 1)0 YOU WANT TO DANCE `" SATISFACTION DOWAH DIDDY MONY MONY I WANT TO HOW YOUR HAND SUMMERTIME BLUES SURFIN USA SHERRY GIRLS ALREADY GONE 111ST & SIHOUT =" -- PRETIY WOMAN Saturday May 7 Appearing: At the "Parkhill Arena" For the first spring into summer 60's Rock "n" Roll Dance Ticket: $8.00 advance, $10.00 per person at the door: •J.R. Proofs Mens and Boys Wear 294-6284, • Cheese House Parkhill 294-6388, • Paton's Esso, Parkhill 294-6323, • Parkhill Arena (May 7th only) 294-0082, • Les' Country Meats 293-3145 Sponsored by The Parkhill Optimist For moreFor more jfikrinefigns&n= Ted Floyd 472-3274, 114 Franklin Way, Hyde Park, Ont. NOM 1Z0 l The i-hiron County 111 V/AIDS Network is proud to present ROB NEWMAN from the Robby Care Fund siv.:Anit:. a ihIIJicn Inmg wuh HIS \II» ll� hr held at the (Amain Tow n Hati. Tucsta),. Ma), 3. 1994 ,i( 7:(Nt p.ni. ALI. WELCOME! wLDANCE HALL 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. 349.2678 Line dancers welcome Fri., April 29 Country Justice Sat., April 30 Nightwatch Sun., May 1 Old Time Fiddlers Jamboree (2 p.m. - ?) One Call To your Travel Agent books our Comprehensive Escorted Tours To Europe &Britain Globus & Cosmos offer the finest tours to Europe, Britain and other exciting destinations around the world. One call books air space, transfers and all other elements of the land tour. Choose from a great program of 229 escorted and independent tours. We've specialized in quality touring since 1928. Today we sell more escorted vacations than anyone else. Globus...for first-class tours at reasonable prices. Cosmos Tourama...world leader in bargain tours. For more information and a copy of our brochures contact: ELLISON TRAVEL Old Town Hall, Exeter 235-2000 Long Distance 1-800-265-7022 Huron County Agricultural Awareness Committee "A SLICE OF HURON" WISHES TO THANK... Ontario Cattlemen s Association Huron County Beef Producers Iluron County Beef Improvement Association Harvey and Yvonne Hoggart Neil Dolmage (;crock Farms Whispering Brook Farm Iluron County Pork Producers Ontario Pork Producers McGuire Welding Huron Feeding Systems Londesborough Co op Ross Veal Richard Erb Huron County Milk Committee Iluron County ('reams Producers Seaforth Veterinary Clinic llensall District ('o -op. Seaforth Branch EIligsen Electric Andrew McBride Dairy Lane Farm Supply Ken Scott Murray Hutton Janet and Harvey Boot Brian s harm Service Mary Jane Greidanus Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Ausahle Bayfield Conservation Authority Jim Axtman Barb Storey Grey Bruce Maple Syrup Association 11'.(; Thompson & Sons Ltd. Hensall District ('o•op Cook's Division of Parish & Heunhecker Limited Martin Mills Cereal Division Hilton Whole (;rain \Millers Farm Safety Assoiialion Centralia College Vincent Farm Equipment Donald and John Munn Lorne Fell Rosehank Seed Orland Reichert Teter Bishack Ross Corbell tintario('oloured Bean (;rowers Association Apple Board Nelson Pullman Ontario Seed Co. Ltd. Stokes Seeds Ltd. Art Bell Fruit Farm Teem Farm Huron Ridge Acres Hon and Judy Dougall Miller Farms Macintosh Poultry Chris Hill Ontario Erg Marketing Board Don and Peter Boersma Rick Branderhorst Ontario dlinistr of Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Seaforth. Exeter, Clinton Agricultural Societies Clinton Christian School Board Iluron-Perth Separate Board of Education Huron County Board of Education Perth FM Communication Seaforth District Community Centres We thank the Iluron County Women's Institute for preparing the noon meals for our volunteers. Supplies were donated by: Fleming Feed Mill Visschef Farms Zehrs Goderich Lyon s Food Market McTaggart's Food Markel Nabisco. Exeter Seip s Valu Mart Holtman's IGA Veal s Meal Markel ilayter Turkey Iluron County Pork Producers Seaforth Creamery Tasty Nu Bakery Quality Produce Wayne Shapira) Const Darling s Tenderspot Zurich Corrie s Valu mart Larry and Fred Elder Iluron County Reef Producers Huron County Beef Improvement Association Freamans Meal Kuenr.igs Knechtels Ilurondale Dairy W.G. Thompson and Sons M & M Meats Iluron Ice Huron County Women s Institute Thank you to those who attended our Thursday night open house and for the food items they donated. A total of 446 items were donate(' along with $31 cash. THANKS TO ALL VOLUNTEERS Chairman: Wayne Shapton Albatross Tavern Huron Park 228-6733 LADIES NICHT .Sat. May 7 @ 8 p.m with „S7444q Beit (4 male dancers) Advance tickets $7.50, Door $10.00 'Call the bar if you need a ride ft, Can Rose get Aylmer out of the barn for the BLYTH FESTIVAL? TICKETS ON SALE NOW 523-9300 A QUAU1Y MEMORIAL NFA NOT BE EXPINS -ar) Local Rep: Jim and Donna Hoffman 114 Main St. Dashwood 237-3763 1-800-265-2677 Home Appointments available NELSON MONUMENTS Ltd. Since 1909 $1003 ALL TAXES INCL. PRICE INCLUDES TABLET: 20" long by 6" thick by 24" high. BASE 26" long in matching granite with polished top YOUR CHOICE of designs and lettering styles. r� - Cemetery Foundation Extra "� A EARLY BIRDS COULD WIN! Be one of the first 500 entrants to the show each morning and receive a special ballot, your chance to win a trip for 2 to Australia. Courtesy of Pacific Bestour and Qantas Airways. Progress Building, Westem Fairgrounds, London Thurs. April 28, 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday Aprll 29, 10 a.m.. - 5:00 p.m. POWER OF ATTORNEY Special seminar and question period presented by Ella Stone of the Attorney General's Office, Thurs. at 2 p.m. FREE ADMISSION Donations to the Food Bank Gratefully Accepted Show Produced by Today's Seolors FANTASTIC ENTERTAINMENT LINEUP Twilite Dance Band - Thurs. Only Dave Hoy, Honky Tonk Pianist Walter's Family Band Jacquelyn Brown, Harpist The Classic Tappers The Memories, Fashion Shows Mo Vint, Jack Roach Country "Hams", Shoestring players The Clogettes Ongoing Travel Videos & Seminars Show Sponsored by The Ontario Motor Coach,Association j Mo-the''S _`nary /A'AA Restaurant and Dining Lounge Banquet facilities available ,A Specical Tveat fov a Special Mom Give her a break, bring her to the Three AAA Restaurant and every Mother receives a treat 3 p.m. - 9 p.m. Enjoy our Special Menu for Mother's Day Including - all you can eat BRUNCH 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and 71i5 Children 12 and under 5.50 3 & under FREE SMORGASBORD 295 3 p.m. - 9 p.m. Now offering catering services to small and large groups. Your choice of location 235-2949 220 Main St. Exeter, No. 4 & 83 Licensed under L.L.B4O. Buck fab for Carolyn Hoonard & Steve Simpson Sat., April 30 8:30-1 Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre D.J. Lunch provided. i k t $5. I. eac .Stag & \ for Steve Rau & Stacy Hicks Fri. April 29 Clinton Community Arena 9.1 $5.00 per person Age of majority required Lunch provided. Music by "3 Neat Guys' r Your Health Food Store & Finelle Skin r Care Products OPEN NOW at 6 Queen St. Grand Bend 238-5854 You are invited to an OPEN HOUSE for Andrew and Gladys Crown in honour of their 60th Wedding Anniversary Sal., April j0 2-4p.m. &7-9p.m. Grand Bend Legion Best wishes only • Open Wedding Reception for Julianne Rader and Brent Evans Fri., May 6 at 9 p.m. Ailsa Craig Recreation "Centre Everyone welcome • • rrrrrrrrrrrr IP for Kim Woodley and IF Craig (Storm) Winbow Sat. Apr. 30 9:00- 1:00 a.m. Exeter Agriculture Building Age of Majority Required Tickets: $5.00 For more information call Mike Burdon 235-0902 or Beth Ronson 235-3323 qr rrrrrrrrrrrr Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary BINGO Thurs., April 28 7:00 p.m. 10 Regular Games 5 Specials 1 Share the Wealth Jackpot $650 No one under 18 admitted Lic. #M125539 Lucan Community Bingo April 27 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games $1000 Jackpot Game 51 calls or less 5300. bonus Total prizes $3000 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence #537495 4/