HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-04-27, Page 24Page 24 Times -Advocate, April 27, 1994 HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY REFERENCE a: S.F.T. • (HC) 94-09 Janitorial Services & Snow removal at 134 Sanders Street, Exeter 'Tenders will be received for the above contract until 11:00 a.m. local time. Wednesday. Mav 11, 1994, by the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 East Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3, (519) 524-2637, from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting refer- ence number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. With your support cancer can be beaten. SERVICES CLEARING AUCTION SAT.. APRIL. 30 10:00 A.M. Heti' 21 South end of Bayfield For Bayfield Lumber Ltd Owner Dave Johnston 565 2990 Selling all hardware, tools. office equip vehicles and ronstruction equip AUCTIONEER REG BADLEY 345-2564 . Stocker Sale DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Thursday, May 5 at 1:00 p.m. 1000 Head Steers and heifers suitable for grass and feedlot 500 to 1000 lbs. Mostly exotic cross To consign call Brett Coulter Bruce Coulter 294-6164 294-0585 Yards 666-1140 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Please note that the following has a specific date and time for site visit to view the work. It is MANDATORY that contractors at- tend the site visit. There is one only site visit. Contractors to meet at ODC Administration Office, Huron Park. 'LUMBING CONTRACTORS - HIP94/13 For replacement of sanitary, storm and water lines, from house foundation to mains at six (6) residential units at Huron Park. SiTE VISiT - Friday, April 29, 1994 at 10:30 a.m. ROOFING CONTRACTORS - HIP94/14 Replacement of eavestroughs and downspouts at ten (10) resi- dential units. Included where required fascia board replacement and/or build up. SITE VISIT - Friday, April 29, 1994 at 11:30 a.m. GAS HEATING CONTRACTORS - HIP94/15 Replacement of five (5) furnaces in residential units, including as required duct work alteration and/or replacement SiTE VISIT - Friday, April 29, 1994 at 1:30 p.m. "The Ontario Government intends that equitable employment practices be supported in the private sector and encourages you to take an active role in achieving the goals of employment equi- ty Individual Sealed Tenders for the abov$.`conti Ots wilt be re- ceived until 12:00 noon LOCAL TIME ON FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1994 AT 12:00 NOON. Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Develop- ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario NOM I YO. For further information regarding these tenders please contact the Huron Park Office at the above address or telephone (519) 228-6657. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY AC- CEPTABLE. . Ontario MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC, DEVELOPMENT & TRADE PROPERTY SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, FARM MACHINERY, ETC. For John and Mary Horn, Lot 4, Concession 4 & 9, McGillivray Twp. 10 mi. S.W. of Exeter, turn W. off #4 at Cooks Elevator, go to 3rd Road, turn left. 10 mi. N.W. of Lucan, off #4 Hwy. take county road 24 west to 2nd road then north. Farm location has silo with Volkswagen on top. SATURDAY MAY 7 -10:00 A.M. ANTIQUES: Dining room table with leaves, table with spindle legs, old dressers, 4 drawer cabinet, cream separator complete, treadle sewing machine, portable sewing machines, nail kegs, orange crates, bottles, cans, Avon bottles, 1963 Kennedy tapestry, Kennedy news items, old Ontario flag, lanterns, cross cut saws, radios, cameras, picture frames, gallon whiskey crock, hotel type arm chairs, old double and single license plates dating to 1911, record players and records, National Geographies, old London Free Press, catalogues, Popular Mechanics, Rockwell Canadian picture, etc. etc. TIMBER AND LOOS; Cherry tree logs, 4 x 4 x 24 pine and spruce lumber, 8 x 8 17' long timber, 6 x 10 20' long timbers, pine log 22', assorted bundles of lumber. HOUSEHOLD: Sears automatic dryer, Westinghouse frost free fridge, Westinghouse elec. stove, deep freeze, B/W TV with games, kitchen table, bar stools, set of 8 door metal lockers, metal cabinet, 6' tables, new 6' base board heater, all kinds of roil -a -ways (manufactured by Mr. Horn), sofa bed, air bed with mattress, bunk bed, assorted beds and frames, dressers, utility and coffee tables, microwave and stand, 20' ceramic owl, dishes, cutlery, sealers, small appliances, picnic table. lawn chairs, lawn ornaments, cast Iron pot for flowers, etc. FARM MACHINERY; M.F. #65 gas tractor, 2 fur. plow, 3 pt. h. blade, Woods 5' bush hog, 3 pt. h. 16 plate disc, 10', 3 pt. h. cult., harrows, hay rack and wagon, utility trailer, Frost and Wood pull type mower, 3 pt. h. mower, 2 row corn planter, hay loader, seed drills. jam; 1963 Chev G.M.C. pickup truck, 8 cyl. 1968 Ford Falrfane, car, 4 door, 6 cyl., 1975 Chev Vega, 4 cyl. 2 door, the above selling as Is. Not bad condition. MISQ: Copper wire, windows of all sizes, wire mesh baskets, animal traps, elec. fence Insulator), chain saw, chain hoist, wood and aluminum windows different sizes, chain Ilnk fence, oil tanks, bath tubs, sinks, pressure system, push lawnmowers (for parts), bikes, new wood frames for sofas end chairs, also gilder bases, 45 gal. drum smoke house, garden seeder, lawn roller ,snow shoes, skis, assortment of nuts, bolts, washers, etc. This Is a partial list only. Plan to attend this Interesting auction. Further Info (519) 22838294. TERMS: Cash sale day or approved cheque. Lunch booth AUC tIIONUER$ FILSON & ROBSON PRONE/FAX (819) 69414:1933 ,S'1. Malys quilt ,','/iO)if Checking out the fancy pattern called Star Spinners on Mel- va Ecker's entry in the Stonetown and Huron -Perth Quitters Guild in St. Marys on the weekend are Melva Ecker of Exeter (left) and Ella Switzer of St. Marys. With over 40 colours in the fabrics and a lot of cutting over the summer months at the Ecker's cottage, the pieces were assembled and Gladys Richardson of Exeter quilted the pattern. 91."7 Saturday Mar 7 at 11 a.m, Selling for the executors of the late Ethel Regier on location known as Concession 10 North part of Lot 19 Hay Township on the south edge of Zurich, approx. 24 3/4 acres of good productive land, clay loam soil. minutes from the water and beautiful sunsets on Lake Huron, invest in this ideal property location that has many possibilities and value for your future, selling subject to a reserve bid. Terms: 10% down, balance in 30 days. Auctioneer John Finlay 236.4814 ESTATE PROPERTY AUCTION 40,4: 070, STOCKER SALE 900 Head on Mon. May 2, at 1 p.m. at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. Consisting of - Steers, Heifers & Calves Consignments welcome For more information call Barry Miller - 235-2717 Truck - 661-8956 Office - 262-2831 Auctioneer - Larry Gardiner We can provide aerial photos of your tile pattern to assist in drainage installations. Call us now for future drainage needs. ROME rry arow. weed R.R. *3, Ailsa Craig, Phone 519-293-3645, Evenings 519-293-3197 "We insist on customer satisfaction" Festival Singers promise evening of fun at Cabaret BLYTH - An evening of dancing, singing, good fun and great food awaits everyone who attends the Blyth Festival Singers' first annual Cabaret on May 14 in Blyth Memo- rial Community Hall. The choir will start off the eve- ning's entertainment with a medley of well-known Broadway hits and film tunes, with an occasional bar song from medieval and renais- sance times. Punctuating the choir's presentations will be solo performances by choir members Vicki Girth, John Delaeger, Paul Zurbrigg and Christa Cameron. It is rumoured that pianists Carol Carter and Bob Stoner have a ninety-year- old piece of rag time included in their repertoire. Blyth raconteur Duncan McGre- gor, M.C. for the evening, will let everyone know when the dancing begins in the Bainton Gallery. The music of Mixed Company of Gode- rich will have everyone on their feet and heading for the Gallery. More singing will follow before a late evening supper is served. Doors open at 7 p.m. with enter- tainment beginning at 7:30. Tickets are $18 single, $30 a couple, availa- ble from the Festival Box Office (523-9300) and Crossroads, Clinton (482-5855), Campbell's Photogra- phy, Goderich (524-7532), and Bob & Betty's Seaforth (527-1680). taiiiet: *lire Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Upcoming Auctions Sat., April 30: at 10 a.m. at South Huron Rec centre. Large auction of household items for Mrs. Russel Hayter plus con- signments. Thurs. May 5 at 5:30: an ex- cellent well kept auction for the late Wes Witmer along with household effects for Mr. Don Cooper who has sold his home. Sat., May 7 at 10 a.m. on loca- tion north of Seaforth in Win- throp and clearing the entire stock of trees, shrubs, nursery stock and related equip. for Ryans Landscaping. Don't buy your spring supplies till you at- ' tend this sale. Thurs., Evening May 12 at 5:30 p.m. Household and an- tiques from the home of Mrs. Dorothy Wildfong along with well, kept furnishings for Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson of Lu - can. Sat. May 14: Excellent an- tiques and household auction for the estate of Mr. Mervyn Cudmore. C; U U U U U U U U U U U U U 0 CONSIGNMENT SALE Saturday May 28 11 a.m. at Coulter Auctions, Corbett To consign call ' Bruce Coulter (519) 294-0585 Brett Coulter 519-294-6164 U U U U 0 U U U U U 0 Household and Antique Auction Thursday evening. May 5 at 5:30 p.m, South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter We will be dispersing an excellent clean auction for the estate of the late Wes Witmer along with the entire household of Mr. Don Cooper who has sold his Anne St. home. ANTIQUES fL fOUSEHOLD: 9 pc. Reitzels-Wats lber. uttQg suite incl. comer china cabinet, buffet, dining table and 6 chairs, lovely chi- na cabinet, oak pedestal table with 2 leaves and 4 Windsor style chairs (only 1 yr. old), lovely queen size sofa bed, 2 day beds, oval maple table and 4 chairs, (dinette size), wing back arm chair, nice plant and Tamp tables, maple rocker, 2 seat sofa, Vilas hutch and buf- fet, McLary frost free fridge (2 yrs. old), 24" elect range, GE auto washer and dryer, apt. size fridge, small chest freezer, air conditioner, Woods chest freezer, Regulator clock, several odd chairs, several lamps, kitchenwaie dishes, wicker chairs, organ stool. quilt frames, crocks, china and glass, Ironstone, several Royal Doulton figurine, 2 ladder back maple chairs, maple double headboard, stereo, pictures. MISC. ITEMS: 5 HP riding lawnmower, 5 HP Viking Tecumseh 24' snowblower, gas pushmower, Noma moonlights, patio tables, lawn roller, bicycles, weedeater, hand and garden tools, roller blades and hundreds of useful and collectible items. (Clip this ad for reference). UPCOMING AUCTIONS Saturday, May 7 at 10 a.m. Complete dis- persal of nursery stock and related equip. for Ryans.Landscaping on location In Winthrop. Thursday May 12: Household and antiques from the home of Mrs. Dorothy Wildfong long time resident of Exeter along with well kept fur- nishings for Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson of Lucan. Saturday May 14: Excellent auction for the estate of the late Mervyn Cudmore. Auctioneer: Bob Heywood 235-0874 AUCTION SALE To be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Tabitha Bogie of Goderich, Effie McCall of Blyth plus additions. Saturday. April 30 et 9 a.m, RIDING MOWER John Deere 110 with 42' cut, 2 gas mowers, electric mower. LUMBER ETC. new Dashwood window 39 1/4 x 34, used window 4 ft. x 3 ft. 10 used doors, used windows, approx. 50 1x10 inch pine and spruce boards, 8 to 12 ft. long, 2 1/4 xl3x 8 ft. planks, new vanity 42 inch. ANTIQUES. FURNITURE ETC. 9 piece dining suite, antique combina- tion drop front secretary with bowed glass door, antique pressed pat - tem clock, side board bottom, 2 treadle sewing machines, hump back trunk, Morris chair, Victorian side chair, top for flat to wall cupboard, 3/ 4 wooden bed with new mattress, double box spring and mattress, wooden high chair, hamess makers bench, washstand, matching dresser, vanitydresser and chest of drawers, 3 preesback chairs, 2 loveseat cheserfields, like new, chesterfield, old wooden caned back chesterfield with 2 matching chairs, 2 modem kitchen chairs, portable colour TV, 2 gas stoves, portable washer, bridge lamp, cedar chest, small tables, antique hall mirror, clothes dryer, lawn chairs, 3 milk cans, crocks, cordless phone, bedding, dishes and glassware, includ- ing antique pieces etc., hand hooked rugs, 32 ft. aluminum ladder, plus many Items too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper ID AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton Saturday May 7 at 9 a.m. Antique auction at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton. CLEARANCE LIQUIDATION AUCTION FOR RYAN LANDSCAPING SATURDAY, MAY 7 AT 10:30 A.M. Everything goes on the block including all types of shade trees, windbreak trees, hedging types. spruce, pine, cedar. etc.; Junipers, Roses and many kinds of flowering shrubs, poodle trees, flowering trees. saucer magnolias, Japanese maples, standards. etc.; Bulbs, seeds. many perennials, vines, sand, topsoil. mulch. peat moss. rails, ties, lumber, sprays, fertilizer, pots, baskets. shelving, etc.: Flagstone, lattice. and much more. EQUIPMENT includes 1985 - 270 M.F. tractor with quick attach loader, only (i25 hours; 1981 Ford 1/2 ton, pickup with tool box, Loaded, AS IS. Flat rack wagon, Interchangeable sign. Toledo electronic scale, elec- tric lawn mower, Five H.P. rototilier. 3 furrow plough, garden tools, cash register, 2 older fridges, 2 water fountains with pumps, and hundreds of other related items. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. ' Food Rooth. Subject to additions or deletions. Terms Cash or Acceptable Cheque. Proprietor: Tom Ryan, 345-2494 Auctioneer: Bob Heywood - 235-0874 (NORTH OF SEAFORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 12) WINTHROP