HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-6-17, Page 2nth
tal bo',',4et "or a drat
dayligh Vednesiley otorniog,
tne bc.04.0 41i0iit throe gallona of
atter, toety pontide of rim heel, foal.*
Qo pounds Of ,hredd wet widi otti,
water, tonl oeutpitee *Mob did not
Ad out wheo the boat cepsitted. Again
ave pat tatil Oit anti steered aontin •-1,1
blowitig from the northwata and
weat all throogla the seetue wet ainsede
•Roiki; Atmet pale, heeded the botet'e
leteet ,to nertheetet till Tina ad ty
pouting, nom teeked to the weet aSo
three o elects in the eine:400o. and
eguin with e drag till eine o'clock
.1)heu toek 14 the
eleete Untde awl eetioe te the-
uorte.etset till Fri. t upruhtg,
cleylegitt teteeed te (40. xis/1404-W0t tld
".1.141,13y,, tAcktla egeitt to the nartli-east
till morning, Nt aboat half-eatet tee
o'cloek, wet sighted, your ship. „We got
vaodward yen pleked tie up, I
think thee forty odd people; with tLe
4.lktpttiu, went dowo with the 44, We
bed blankets io our /Kerte for throe
ladies and the etewerdeee, which were
lotte when the boate citpsized, "We saw
no hates elre chief or secoild utlicer's
0 1 6,U
)4, 4 I.,
,4se 144,16,
eat. tok-
eitte wr 1-.10 7
pi R. 44i,IKRIN
la0014 Jane L 4476. .
eter litle#
JUNE 17, 1876
es; Q0e no, ooti,
t *raid that nothieg in this werld
goei to weete ; elate a body ..deetty4 it
has bet cluenged its state, ,a,tel Soule
othee bey, eroleably of the most re -
to LW 041'3 aud palled ItwaT dead to unite eitture ie brought into active ex.
ieteuee by the putrid subetauce which
is left uf it, the one inhalirg the other.
If then, God Ilits 80 bC.StUWEid upon hie
erealloil such abeteaetive powers, why
enould we ) ot deetee meting to inaite
nee of eyerythilig. from. which ee vow
turn in diegust. Boul,e Years age, the
frog wee loolted upon am• the most
loathsome of reptilee; now, by the
tilitise appetite of some htluiP7 FkencL
luau, it lute to be looked ,upon tie for;
...Mug &choice morsel for the breakfast
tahle. It is upou good authority the
woad is atieured that tile horse is an
excellent appetizer. For many years
the cat played the part ef a life sustain-
er to the Orient:as. Species ot' sualte
nave by conleeteut judges, been pre-
itemised excellint. Even vegetable
maitre in its leweet coucepeon late
been 1111.1t10 tO .fu);114 its elone to the,
el avings of ntan's fickle appetite. The
melon -bed, and the (mien pipe and cab..
bage, gerdeu have daily taken from
ainoileeet its legal growth, hundreds
of meels which have, when they have
passed tle•ough the bawls of an apt
ilisciple of the culinary art, the most
delicious flavor. Can we wonder then
that What has been thinight to be 'a
dread scourge to tho people of Manito,
ba and the Weatern States, may now
prove one of the blessings ef God long
ago sent but now haviug its true na-
ture fully made known. Complitiutsof
the ravages of the grasshopper have
been malty and sad. But the follow-
itig which is clipped from a Weatein
paper will ehow that some use Way be
made of tide pest :
There were 91 persons on hoard, 7
cabin, 25 steerage, and 50 of tlie erew.
Netnee ef tee caone passengers ;--Bry-
MeShaueeof Morita:eat ; Rev. C. A.
Adains, George Lauding ; Miss (./.
i.atharland, Tonna°. Mr. II. I:lette,
itelleville ; Ir. and MI s. Bloom, Gretna
:slay, Wis. ; W. Vipoud, Montreal.
l•eteerage :-0. Perrau, G. It. Arm-
etroug, Philipe Permit, Isaute lieesor,
Meridiem ; Mrs. E. D. Gentling aua
iufaut, Sherbrooke • J. Griffith, Min,
'nesoot ; Johu D:leney, llelbovrne ;
B. O. G. Butnee, "Ituroer end
George jr. ; Richerd Corbett,
Mrs. J. C. Barry, Moutreel ; Albert
Mr. Olivt r, Secretary of toe Hume
, Rule steeotilettent, reporte that the yes-
Quebee spoke the Viekeburg just ae
the hater was about eucountering thee
.iee, and that the Captain of the Que7
bee wanted ,the ill-fated;eessel not t?
risk the paseage, 11.3 efeeewas ith diet-
eulty that the Qtlebea'was enabled the
get throngh. --
Nine of thee arew and three passen-
gers of the Veckeburg have been saved
by an American fisiterman.
The Govermneut has tliepatched
Steattiei• frot`a Helifax, in search of 'the
missieg boeit: Further particulars ex-
Posher Greenwood, seaman, etate
that the fitst boat, with ,four 'nen
swamped alougside ; our second boat,
with twelve 'nen, got stove, but the
leak was stoined with a blatnket. A
quirter of an hoar afterwerds the vessel
stink ; trice to save men flow iiig ou
spars, and they wield not get near
them fur sea aml lee ; seve ono boat
with twenty MEE, ittld another with the
first officer and six. meu ; afterwai•ds
baw her bottom up, with - first . officer
turd thee 'men on her bottom ; tile
eaptaiu teld us we were 120 miles front
St. Julius, aud to steel northeest ;
Baer the captaia cn the bridge a rno-
ineut before the steamer sauk ; was 52
hears in the boat when picked up 300
miles from land.
Jones-White:30u one of I,he seamen -
who were on board wheo picked up by
--the State of Geergia, neat preseet
the Semnans Retreet Hoepital, ott Sta-
ten said that he belouged to
No. 5 ,boat, of Vicksburg, and was
rrbout to get into her waen he was told
by one of the officers to hold !diesel( in
readinetse for anything. Therefore he
had c aft. ,to the quarter deck to
a ;vett fureher orders. White there
lAtilltessou said tile caPtaiu, now dead.
rustled towartle,hiio in a terrible Ante
of excitnneet, and, Presenting e pistol
to eta heed, o.,::`dereil him to j tune dowu
into the boat No. 1, which wasethell
haligiug on thelee aide with the; for,
weed tackle fouled. Feering thee', he
would be shot,. he mounted the 'rail
-and spraeg t1111 Wien he
reached was half stunned, end his
feet was so bediy hurt teat lie could
net stand for several minutes. Five
minutes afterwards tee Vicksburg went
do.vn, head foremost, Each boar, pull-
ed away to wiiiderard and leeward, -is
they were headin,,,,,, and parted non -
patty, so thet Witeeson, who did not
consider eiinseif a responsible persou-
age ie tenet, No.1, paid uo antentiou to
au lit save ithundf. He ouly ktiew
that Gorgau tv. s " on tha lookout" on
the forecaetle when the vet:reel etrucli
the icebarg, and Gorgait was poeitave
-ehat he hael betel relieved from all re.
sponsibility iti that direction hy tht4
nmee, who, he seid, was ordered fur.
ward by the Cleptain on the brid e a
long tittle before toe disaster. Wilke-.
son, with the other men, gave up
charge of bott tele. 1 to the boatswain's
Ceowley, believing him tu be
bed able to s,eer them into safety, aud
eoatepting themeelvee with short ra-
tions slid hardehipe until the State of
Georgia picked them up:
, 'The followiug, is a list of the names
of those who arrived at St. Johne,
which varies in some instances from
th ,t already forwarded. Crew-- P.
tireesew Jernes Can Latham, joist]
Rtain, Jarnee Dolma William Jones, J.
Welker, John Carteni, John ,Redinen,
Mertin Lee. Passertgeris--joseph Pert -
ningtou, Bryan McShane, Riehoid Cor-
bett, ...The mate's beet tipset: !led was
lost an hour after leaving the ship.
The editor of the Goder.iell giro has
,been thede the rettipient a a ba,ket of
new potatoes, beans 'and cauliflowere.
ly of tito opiniett that, the $10,000,tverg
Voitinonts‘ible,,to .i);IvaloPlabtaioyate .:00efttltoto
learn thet thileinee in, tilaskgett.
PC& Att'll,
Wad of I or tleeemeele
selyee t
• , In 'Toronto; John *tiler and hio wife
Were retnandea to neftt Aosi-Ses, to be
-held in September,
thillthea ; is to contesv
•Nurtn Yolk in'the ConserVativo
, .
A.little girl named Tureer, of tinelph
fell out oe secood' story -window the
e,ther day to the pavenient and hedised
her bawl. ,
The Hon. I). Christie, Prttna Farm,
near Peeis, advertisee his mantle! vela
,lie eel* of ehiert,herile for Wetituattley;
Jette 213rd, ' -
e Dieing tha rodent celcbration 't‘o
Cit &get att., in the athletio gitineet
11/4,1, Janlicsen cleared 12 feet 7 niehea
in standing junip,
;the trotting mare,: 'of tletie
'Volunteer Meld, owned by roan Ile
tinne, Flin,hing, %slid Valt1ed at
$1,06010 Was fround in her pasture with
her 10g broken,* and i:ihe was killed.
, A pa.Sofier 1/1 ttle Ottawa jail hae
Sent it. petition to the ipinistee of jitetice
praying that of iinprisolitnent
be ex14,Inlekover -the corning' winter.
T po. pr 'spent' for einploymeot
g a. Ilk r0i5S011 tOr further beano+,
Yesterday afternoon Mesers. Riley &
Straight determined to test the cooked
locust question in regerd te its edepta-
bility as food for the Inman. -stomach,
Getting wind of the late affair, and be-
ing itiways in haste: tb' in' free
feeding,: we made beld"te intrude our -
oureelf On , Our scieti 0401148, , We
found a bouuttiotte tablt4 'sprite& Setfre
rounded by the:gen eleinea ac-
eompanied . by ,S1 re. Mid t by. • Witbi
much weste ceremony, there' were
five persons seated and were nellied to
otip,.whieli 'plainly shoWed, its 'origin,
aul tasted. like .chiekeensoupeaand
was geode after 'seasoning 'Wes added,
we could distinguish eleheate mush-
room flavor -and it 'was better.. Then
came betterecaltsa, , ehrough which
locusts were well:mieed.. Tae soup had
banished silly prejudice, and, shar ened
our appetite for this next, le son, and
the batter-cekes quick:y disandeared al-
so. Baked locusts were" then tried
(plain hoppers, without grease oe condi-
ment), and either with or without ace
complements. It was pronunced
*excellent dish... The meal was closed
ith a la John the Beptist-baked, lo-
cust§ fifla honey -and, if' we know any-
thing, we can testify thee the distire
gitished Scripture ,eharecter must heea
thrived. on his rude diet the- wilder-
ness of Judea. We believOethis is the
first atteMpt'' at putting tide' insect te
its- best' use, acid the result is not ouly,
satisfaCtory ni those' braie enotigh .to
make the attempt, but should this in
sect make hio visit oftener and cause
ereater destruction futaree,enerations
will Ilan he preeenee with, joy. It. wilt
be jubilee, yeetee-like manna in. the wil-
deruess, of' quaint in the desert-4.nd
without money aod „estliout.
Now, dear reeder, p.m. may shrug your
shoulders and smile, but heoceforth We
Ii11311 esteem grasshoppsae ett. lexery
to be classed ,with oyseers, ,eeefiste,
mushrooms, &c. Ae tiotio as - soon as,
arrangenieuts can, oe merle, so aseort-,
moue of loeuets .wilt seut eo Sp. Louie
fortri.t1 by the spientific" researchers ,of
that city. •
ictiaten hate
t nuti iiinap
1/1 , t sea libielt
ru b V Isle, ' aleo
for ''et `Yot 'the
municipalitieo by way' f bouuses„,,-,
ritioordinot ,il'epo rter,
" WELL, well the greatestpaystery
„ . ,
life its the Viity Ur0 *aye the Lou.
don AYeaald. StranKee but the battle
thiug Lae been 4 raptor), to- us 9Ver
hinge alt read the first 0017 Qt tbe
lier(044,'", But we 00)3004 OA editor
tieVOr read road hie. eikit.pepar. After,
was printed.
2da. 1301MTIME was ricnninated for
North York,"in oppoSition to' blr, Reu-
ter telegram Dymond. Four years ago
Mr. Boultbee carried the riding against
the Roo. j. Mediurrick, who was sun:.
posed tO. have a life lease of' it; We
here no deubt he ill carry it Beam
Againet thie imported "seeretary of the
societyto 'abolieh the `Ctutieliniept
dearth." 11«.-isers MeDougall and M. C,
Cameeot butte takee the field in :NIL-
Boultbee's interest. The qpiveisal im-
pression' is that Oymoial is as goad as
beaten eady.
tog nox
melee stailte J P feRA !T. W. broaerieli,
away, Geo; Pipe 4tes, ;ohm Valpotxtes,
w. onkel, n, Oreeteolebe AO& ateseumee Tome.
“CiOleF BAIPI04544, letentteanietenettle Vex-
-,41404,1,1, P. reaper.
‘11-$1.4.010;ra.*'-liVe go•Vo lost Reek
what tifieetipposed to be a correct'
of thi'''44igtfii to be inade in'the 49-
.pOiht,t6e0s On the Exeter'W. Cir.
euit. Rev. W. Latta goo to Vtrestnette
etee ; USSV. 'W, t..iodwiu to Ifelluout,-
Bev. Jellohnes is tlie supyly for this
elects; tine 10 be seine Mr. Holmes is
au, la trientlaf tivJ People of this cir-
, OTICE-..-1•To whom it may concern, For
some eougiderable tianepast Hume e Ply-
mouth Brother" or Meereeite "Carpeyite"
or some person' of the same steps, hes persist-
ed nepestering me by bending trhets, religious
and rotane, through the post -office. 13e it
herebytknown to such on one that so far as
fun concerned, his powder and shot are wasted
as 1 invariably tear the leaflet of the afore-
said without leading them. J. B. D1761eAN,
.. That's the man for Gal -hold ;.'tlio',
eh, yee, correct. Ile won't receive a
teiten-religiou, or ,peotarie-he rends
them in twain before reading them. Ye
Wicked and perverse generaeimee Send
Sankey 1
Tnee've been fooling, atbout that
Wentwo. th shrievalty appointment so
long, that before one is made,
one of the Hareiltoinetlitoes will went
the column upholding his hei.d elastic-
ated, and who's to do it. To ltave the
metter settled ai speedily as podsible,
WO would have appointt dthe merit-
ber for South Huroo, hut being a
op he evouldn'ecere to boss the rope,
and' would, -in all Probability,' spoil the
victim's chances 'for a happy future by
raising his lenghibilites with a joke or a
conuadrum-allparliainientarians have
to perpeteatethe • latLer.
In an petiole, in our issue of the .3rd
inst., we stated that Government,when
it informed ,the people of' Kincardine
that they would haye their harb4
preyed during the coming skimmer; in.,
tended nothing of .the,hind., The elec-:
tien of Mr: Blake WAS ftbOilt tO talc&
place, and trouble might be giveu Win;
The least trouble the better. he ett,
waS Utterly utieleete'auywity. 'It was"
not the intention to oppose 1.1611, and,
theesictioh of elie government is'. a con-
detunible By' offering •-tbe bait'
they hoped to cbtain his elootien With-
out troubls.. Easier Prebably than
they anticipated did they gain it, No*
the Kincardine people have to -intik
their thnuthe ter another:Detre 0r,'at
leaat the government nine stqe
the vverk on the' harbor improve4
(' ments could eot unclettalten before
" Spring." Title genie euthoriter seed
fow weeks ago elute the present Smut
meravotild itiqt operations conngeneed,
I Comperivons do ma os tbeage totek,,
strapder aotrietimes: We news weit with
anxiety to see if the gOvertinient,
live loog enough te liCep ,its promise
Whitt manner it will ,
, a xu enabler coltienrisetill
lie found enatele,,neheii fr,oker the -146n,
don Fre# pnwi "LOittIOn Ufal.
way aftaire ie a natration.offeets
canile0tion with certain attacks toads
9_01416 Directortt of the late London
ti,arot"and Blaine itailtiay,. WO AO
uish meddle with 1.Jondon
pleastiptness, hut ti think it is due
tuttl those of his coadihtet
who trent time to thud,
Cooriaetiott `With the'Whighatri
tension' te.) it tate that those
titne vfileh grattikt tobAtifoks are aoei404.
faller and
No rain yet.
LOTS of strangers,
LITTLE to be seen:but dust.
Gno. Sender's :soda -fountain is rea-
dy to qeench your thiiete - Step in.
((dem are now
iu training on the Driving Park.
,Fon'aime-Our boys start for camp
ou 'Tuesday morning next.
Mesoeue Pic-Nrc:--The Free-Maeons
of Lebanon Forest Lodge pie-nic them-
selves, families and friends on the 24th
oldie present month.
A VIS1T.-Exeter Division S. of T.
lied a visit from Rev. John Greenwiry,
of Wisconsin, U. S., who addressed
the Division et some length.
Seeme--The spelling match which
wade() have taken place last Monde
evening, owing to the vieit of Rev. Mr.
Greennay 'aas been postponed until
next Monday evening.,
Fort SA.LE.---Iternetnber Rev. John
Green way sells the house and lot, 110W
oecupied by air. B: V. Elliott, ou Mon
tlayevening next. Mr. W. Hodgson is
'the auctioneer.
Meese's. StaiileY' and; Iei•iriene have
we learn, rented Mte Drew's large dwel-
ling house ou st. Tliey hope
tc get inew their new etore about theist
f J I
LECTURE.. Revs. J. Greeway and W.
Godwin have consented to address the
0Sdf• ilows, and es inaey others as wish
to en me hathe I. 0. 0. F. 'hall on Fre
day evening. Tee lectures will be free;
eellection; end well worth hearing.
. ' b
TEACH 1 S -.-1(011 sh use the
authorized Monthly Repines. Se d to
Us and sechow r.casoilably we Nudge
them sent -to anyOaddrese free of Post -
a -e. A lot just priuted--on, sp eta
paper, andiu clear type.
The bib-tiro:1 Consort ativee of the Rid-
lug theiF annual, meotil.?9 Bruce -
(411 lVft?tiday last, whcn the muni-
eiPallties wete ToProloOcill• , '
aesociatiou ineete
r nd, tt. 914 TuseSday View
p following, will partici-
Pealten4 Yir,,
§044464 7:44403.104091i11;0 499:11:07
0.46A Alikg, elaceoevie
SI' Ps' 4.0t ittrAr rodaerwe apt%
, tlr Up815'1" -Mr Daw of II,ty came
into the village ou Monday last, with
a load of bay. lie had it Weighed on
the ecales, aud was about to 'deliver it
when metr with # 111141hp by hi>
load toppliag over when front of the
Britannia Hotese. After 4 couple of
hours tedious work he got it loaded on
another wagon, the reach, of his own
hawing been broken, and he started On,
HVIIDLI$C4,-=4. Pratt had 'his truttieg
mare down` at the park the other day,
gtving her an airing. She elidu t
it at all when one of the wheels of the
trotting wagon ROW Off. S119 then tleW,
#1.4 ilittrtt little' auntoement of her. own
for shoit thnc; te the detriinent of
the vehittle, HoWever, shd „*.e.seoe at
all abused, and ttill play ber p#rt #t
the races ou the let of July.
PoLL TAX. -We understand that Mr.
GilleCollector of the commutation tax
over fifty nameo on his Collecting
has book. • •
WESTERN FAIR, -This fair will be held
sliece.s.saeGoderiale papers,. say that.
:the .races in ,that.town...ou,,,i,t1o3„. 4et of
Jnly ComPriee eforia- .and. ,:tatke
Exetea• ptiliteee, itaY eiit :'raceo will.
aompeted, for, att licit us $52fi, in, the:
Dorr.-----A number -of du'inping cal tit;
.for Use On the ritilroad,passe th
Tuesday morning f1.119/1.tiOked.'as.
if already they had:aetionepteelted agood
deal. of work. , - •
Eittattein.Mr: hat;
, .
!net with .-euelisLecess Sinae. he'Opeiied
Edit tailoring establishment in this
Ogee that he•lias•cleetneifit• .ne6essary,,
to empley a larger 'Staff uf afid
eitlargolde CreruisEs.e ad'vertise-
111, BSe'r r. Iv re. Baw-
. . ,
'1? 'M t
ilatighter purpose leavieg EX,
.etersfer tie day: (Thuteda
-the ih'IUY:".S'etSva be
.4',41.1tort nnitistint. one, their iiijentrii
With ilithey conlit
'04'4, _arid' theirlefenien itineetiti'reit
" • lir
Ott ratinutty,tinci mont
tleligleteifeete- betini,te-ebleertiee the
;gro'v,vtit• of,,,thAir vegetabtee
.fireteete beet:Mil ,hlkek, the villeS
4liat, Once Weiv,:grOt4it, 11:114;,,t11.0,101.eadl,
otof aotitatiltieititii,"•11;17..a.??,,,trti*lrti,*•••tatoitlit‘ov"inec
the, e,aineeSof u tiepin anionget
etteutoberee ahd the
tato,buis favoidte-diehk, -
rf.t'o "CiteeseeeItitlice 'on 1 4 us id
believe soineqeW Weels4sintie' the
8pring 'croo n6,Ver'11e;rvesied,,niitieli
'4 tit ttetillian they Avoid& Oils eitit0e. '
Sineo. the -green tiades
their little ithoVe the 'gr0;
aditeCel'y any ;raiii.lnis fell, :AO
what,-'ithotild be stout, 'healthy4..olting
.sp0eiiiienii, in pliteta' are
'Withered Stalks, and ,Suffering: gretttlY
'for Went bleatineindlterstilie (Met. SIti
664. the 001 wheat itOpeare t'o'he
gettitig tii#11,:aopitts. tdtliky
.1:14,(1.4'lertithhotftiPtihg *ilit
fcet, in bight iron the strowberrS beds.
614)1)04 ettawbeStieti, Iteeprao them.
r'irio°04)141(1,4tt:41.1414)11i0"ege otelluttowilel)Qanytattl'al
in length, hend 'it right englee tea
inches front eahli end, hold 'the space
between the rielh eunleet inte Puree.
Stoup these two ends six. Welles io
depth int,) the earth close to the straw.
berry ylants, then deaw the 1'014 over
the wire, each plant requiring two, To
prevent rusting, .place Ales wires in
creosote three or four days, and then
dry them
1115540YING POTATO 1390S, -A, suseriber
iti°09t'eLkeeeidtly'ho‘T' rteQoatohlie,
log potato hags from the vittes, not to
interfere with operatione of a little. red
bug, who is employed in devouring the
eugregas,4bet. th,e bug and nreventhig their in-
13oxem THE EAR, ---The drum of it
is as thin RS thin paper, and stretched
like a cuetalu between the ait• outside
toad that withiu ; aul thus, hevieg no,
thing to support it, oda being extremee
delicate, a slan with 'the Lend on
tbe side of the nice, nnide with the
force MIMI eudden aud violeet roiger
gives it,' 'nue in multitudes of caees
ruptured this delieate membutne, re -
Suiting it the affliction of &duets far,
life. 'As the right hand is almost eh
waye used, it is the left ear which is
etricken • thee aide in accounting tor
the fact t'hat, the left is 1110r0 frequently
affected with deafness than the right.
PensoNees.--=-Mrs. 13oyd. of Luck:
new, formerly Miss Soli of this village,
spent a few days amongst her friends
, place during the past week. „
- -Rev. Johu Gi'eenWay,,of Wiseon
.sin, U. $.,neld who wits iu ettendance.
at the B. C. Coulerence lately held at
Betemenville, preeehed in the 13. 0:
eh urelehere hest Sundey evening.
-A few days sinee ate. Mr. joseph
vitchen was employed Ot his Woyk
slipped and fell, sproining hks left arm.
teed handl- erch tel around neck mid dog.
bled -up arm now. •
-W"at did that dam"sel of sweet
eixteen inean when she said; the 'Other
eveniug, "'they:re ell gone,' andeethe
youngsters are in bed ; .1211 be !wine ie
half an hour'?" Tell the truth now, Jim
Tuesday eveeing leen Miss
Bissett was eleeted oreitniet ip the:
W. M. Charoli,In placeofelliss Verity,
eesigned. Mr. Ji.e4eh "Stnith -Was'
ectedleader. •
--Rev. W. Lund preaches hie fare-
well sermon to the Exeter peoole 2on
Sunday Morning • next. n''.-Deritig the
seine wedded intends"removiue to his
new appoisitment. Tide geetlene hAs
aml a thiee-year's iticumbeucy on :this
circuit, aucl_during thet time has gath-
ered arottud ' ' Many,' andawatnir
Sriende. Rev. W. Goa, his
.tadress oa Sunday evening- next.
at London on the Palace grounds, com-
mencing Tuesday, 28th Sept., aud cola-
tiuttitig tor the three following days.
The exhibition is expected to be eveu
more successful than preceding ones.,
The nrme list has 'been increased- to
CANADA. THISTLES.-Fartner$ 1 don t
oeglect to cut, your Canada Ed:sties':
Minty ef us know that there. are Ater
taiu days in the year on which to .cut
thistles and kill them. Now I wish is,
tell you the days tor 1875, viz: Tilt'
29th of June, 27th of July and 23rd"di
August'. If they are pleety with yeti,
take the scythe ; if few, take the hoe ;
but be sure you cut them all. As' far
as my farm is concerned, 1. am not
alarmed abeut them, but by folfowine
• hie rule.I have got rid of them etfecte
ually.-Jos. REECE, Birkhall P. 0. -
&wain .0beerrer.
tiesd ago Mr. James McFarlane was ;tn.,:
flicted with paralysis thee•ight
the arm being quite poWerless. An:the
suggestiou of ItIclicking, he has beea:
bathing it in brine taken from the sail
wells, arid is getteng better rapidly. We,
/Mae heafel of eeveral ieste laces before,
.uf tile good etrects of brine upen disease.
Of this character, one iu partieular bee
itle the case of an American gentleman,
writ) was afflicted with paralysis', heine7
entirely cured by a number ef baths.-
SiliDncrael. Brae Fon SALE.= --A. due bill .0
Metiers. Bell & Co., manufacni.aes
organs, melodeons aud piituos, Guelpb
Ont., the same being geed for 40 pei:
cent. on the retail 'price bf an instrit-
-meth of not less than $120 ; or will be
received as one-third peyment ea thee'
cata ogue. For instance, iii purehes-
inc a $600 piano tho due bill would be
worth eS200., This valuable docenneei
will be disposed of at what elation,
advertisers call a tremendeoos siterifiee
while its validity is unqueetionable.
:Apply at the TIMES OFFICE.
MOONLIeliTING.---NeXt., thing for reel
'enjoyment to a jam-up Nate(' steW.-.29
lis sitsby the hour with one, lege fine g
oeer u. bmird feoce
.masic of .Exeter braseslieuel.:` It'eFeen-
eoyable: In the dim lieteSi-ee .e.Weet;
deep cadence the eteaine, steal :teiwit4es
dropuing theenselvt:e',Ieke. cleter.'efienie
angels wheal, and caosting 'sits to feel'
entranced with the magnetisen. The
eotes swell ; they rise tint t5-. fell and
dee again with louder steatin ; end tben
-buret with at seething fury which causes
the music spreading -in -thee air ';.td,"...fall`,
ituongst u t with a sonlid'
that produced by an fir
leatst that's about the 'way a nresictil
eritiCaput it when. le heatdetlieitenaite
dooaperformenbe the Otinifeireni4g..-±-`
WithOnt it doubt; our band well eoon be
hard to beat., •
.'Htritain Foi'Excizit. -The dieectere
Of th6 einith.iia tit g Ile rt4 Akriu It tir-
alSociety letve let tLe teuders foe the
ereetiere oftheir new hall on the groundii
PerChesel by 'therm builds
nig will be brick, 80 feilt 'by '32, antr
will he in the form of -enress,,seutitellic
foer whip, The tender of Mr, lisaett,
of Exeter; wae acCepteds fiere:t1iti
Werk anct that Mr, And,rew,..111,artitnt,,ef„
St. Mary'e the, carPen tee. work, The
ettf t '`'`$1 00
tota anome, encore Is 8
the soelety
'Work Willebe."adinfiletect'atid the btrildigg!•
reedy foreuse t idle 'for the fell exilibt-"'
tido; Which tekesaitaceediirieg the, first
'week Oetobeter
,'T ion,tere-..--Theea4i/ti,,iii for une
haa, Conn) 'it.> hip& and it'm ,be called
Cue of tbe tn Jet substantial 'ritiniliers of
tae Publication wnielt tuts :et itppeu.re,
eppealidg; throgghout,, Oahe einaet'' re-
Owed," and "Saved and 'Tio,st," the
Story of 'roan's:spiritual peril' add- tits
0.4 .strik,
, A -Page pictire o 1..umber
graflile,:"Battlenf,' Bunker fol,
lOWing 'Ont • the 'patriotic _ ttenteunial
Poinnieliced' three nesentils ag,S.
-1,t1. SenttS
the' dDeinkiiie Stets
SInletteeteprees; fro 'gory of the, SOS-,
. ,
ition war boo been eopleinly 411t1 yot so
Sweetly tOld, attis,"( A Virgient
Exeerienee at the Vali of Riclatencl,'
of eshitdi it part is given thinumber,
The novel of the ReVolation, ,i‘The
Spur of :Monneetitle." bread'ens and
deepeint io intereeteited teoclitees pow
freoly 'enough GO indicate a
Wide. field before the cotichtsion.
So).'nettow,-It is well known 'that
blue and scarlet telore juktaposition
0ause, e,4, dazzling effect ' en the eye.,
' %est polorit „strung,ort a line and plac-
bpda produce a pat.
'0 rd' b`
ttlk thp gaigeo yvhitc...,086vAolorg
,flutter in We 'rile,' Meet; ef blile And
,sca.rist,calico.s1,01414.be ,,cnt ,a140fii'One
and a holt feet in length, and tied to a
',hie One feet epart, An di ,fleneel
*tileoat, eepply a large quantity
id &ex 'naive iearlet strips. The
ie bo ouppOrted. by polec six
„Cowin PE9OgEDIN98.-4)01.19011 met
to -day, All inefOurs present, the Alio.
utes Prtiviolialutteting read ttOti coin,
firmed- aloVed by Mr. Sowyer, .se",
emitted hy Ur- ,Dinehacra, That 'thO
Reeve. grant erde I a for the following
901E8 ; John , Sitellett, ; Widow
Tolma, $$..; WidOW DOUPeor ; ^ Wat
01.11(dil, $3 ; Ruth Itionie, $8 for
itiotitiog and $5 fur charity ; George
Wilkinson, $8 ; 'Boruttra.,,, $8';
Alex. Froser, ; charities. 1,444.
ford, $02,, ior colvert On St. Mar,Y's
gravel rOad ; jOhn Praper, $2, digging
ditch on St. Mary'e%. gravet ;odd ; J,
Belt, $2,, repitiriug raii road bridge;
Johhateh, $.50, Oa balery ;
Sauclereorn $4,41, fee. plinth ; Charlet*
Bellauy, $4.%), for graYele
stone 46 cents fur spikes ; John Chap -
Pei, $1.25, repaithig culvert centre
side road ; ledwardDelenege, $60 salary
its assesoor'for 1876,--Cartied.'
sum $50. Wai.ordered ta be 'expend -
eel on:River roud oPpOsite lot 40, con.
T.,*and o forther.,sozu $2O.,. betit
No., 22. •
Comes OF linvision.-The council
then adjouthed for the Court of Revie-
iun. Com teif Revision met edr. Mccul-
twig!, in the chair, the utembere hay,
nag enbsceileed to thanath, the follow -
appeal Wer8 diSpOsed , Of JOPIL-
I112111 Shier, against assessment of per -
601111/ ykoper,ty, ass,essmeut confirmed;
G. T..R. (Joe, assesernent confirmed;
janies-Mol-airg, against assessment, of
Mourne, 'ceptiritied.; William Kirk,
a,anist assessment' on real EMIL.
efr ,•
te assesoinent confirmed ; John 'Forest,
tEgill iSt #sser,sment of rea estate, 1/86-
. '1. 1
086L11811t Confirmed ; a55055 -
tile t "till real estate, assessment con-
firmed; McConnel, ,gagainst
assessment -of personal property, ass-
essment COullyined Peter MeConnel,
nani6,'entered 'on the rail; Harris,
name erased, nod that James. John -
swell entered instead, and assessment
personal,property reduced to $200 ;
Priver, ag,itins,„ real -estate, ass,
estuient, d ,; James. -Siloam;
eigaiese, personal property, :assessment
'Contirnied,;- Jain -Scotti, agailist... real
estate, asseerneet confiemed ;
Brooks, a8aiust itosessment on personal
Iseopeeted redeced $200 e,E,„elierdieg,
6. teiteher, against assesiunent of i
come, struck oft ; S..11. _Harding, S.
teacher, 't.i-i,tainst Itibbinec
iisses'snient..ciiiifirnied.' -The roll,- 'Was'
tbus pressed as eevised, and .the,
eourteidjouseted. Council ,mee,
the Reeve en the chair.. The .som of
$50 was granted to tile Smith" 'Riding
tral.)erth Agricultural Society, anti a
fur her Surneof '$40 try the .Blaushard
Agricultural S'ociety. Special 1,181ItS
fur*the porpose of.b•ilding halls. The
eamcil theu adjourped ti:1 the fit•st
Afonday in July tb„ine'et "at heur
teu, a. in.
6"liii•le,I61:14::ciii7B-litn8h:tcd; j'une 7:•,C1.18e7115c:
0.rganiiatien uf n
base baliclub wee:, held .at" Anderson,
To4414 Nine let. 'They
h7Tlej'youreg Haymak-
ers." elaCtjel.: 'isi•esidelite J.
Burns ; Se'd'aTeetie'..eDunean
Thera dee tWenty::twO tiled/be:1.S
Il.uNA.w4.-As Mr. Jamea Robertson
wai retUrningshOine fr6in .St., .Mary's,
n entering:hie own lime his horses
took fright -at a feey who Was jeading
them, egainst "strunp,
broke off: ilewheenand knocked the b»x
over. A lifele fertherson" they Srilas119a
ttonwagoif HapPily no
'enienvas injured.
1-iittage Councel:
. COUNCiL PaocEtianios.-Council met
by- order Of., thes,-,1-teeiait There ay -
evening lest. The ReeS;e; 'and' tierieinil."
tors Verity, Julius end Pickard present.
The initult.es of the ,eyeecieseeere read
an d cto go vied 'hy PIZ., kit
eeeonded ',:by W. "Veeity; "b"iilers
be granted for the fullowing sums on
el' for' viZ., Isaac Whitlock.
$11,25 ; Wm. Luker, $1.8.00 ; .Riednirci
ii.orn, 18.56 ; Henry Korn,' $14".:62
Jateeb.',W,Obster, .$15.75 ; W. Browplee,
$13.37.; Thos Bissett, $42..00eST1Ments
Dearing,' $42.00; Authouy Webster,
•1339.00; TiewisTowere, $27:00 ; Thomas
Teetapson, $45.00; Wirn-Horn, $11.25;
Geo $12,00 ; Rieliard
Davis, $0.00 ; and Gee. & J. • Bropke"
$2.00 forgate hioges.-eCarried..
ed by D. Johiie, eeconded W;
•Itrei'• Th at' th 'Re ey,e p
".the council adjourn -"until' 05,1.1 of the.
iOn refereoce eo 'thee, proadseelenleetin
Tlineseley next, at 7.30. pan: toegi ",e
opportnuity for.eepreseion-bf °pee -
mi Main st.,'OburtljonSe",'Ilo'cli'nit
Carried. illoved by W. H,b-,yekif41'•thtt,t,
heeting to be held at
Reeve Carried.
14•44i 094144 1,MO, 14144 t° roar 0
We Import our own (boas,
We keep a large and
Fancy Pry.Goad$ and
mad illot At WU betar we Sal our goods' CUNT
66 SMALL ,PI -1:0E-1
•vete the fek
;C:/rilli" MEE TING. -7-T11,,0 411nual eueeting
,of,thepeeinau Methodist bodywas held
'dining the pitet week 'and. ..cleeed on
4tpday evening. Great, ceowSW Were
efresdn't all the time, and, anueli
wassacco mp fished
• !' US BO nsrE
A.NN1V6SARY.--q140 anniversary see-
vrolibiutHyb;„ di set? lit pi irr,,tetgqfei,,n.t...0' lioare, Li i4u, fth.ti. 'tiititbi d_ 1.11`&1.:.1.(:)(t):: inovro-iye(F„,e,id:tv).1-.'.1,.,,epletitlid
,ityteedoulsed for,ae„the programme
, ; , • •
sandkPgiv%ti6I'cic°eDirjjp;lilkonj141.1'1_,I,s'e,''In4:1e.d.1.-°..e,...eil,i,ec..t.,a,...c;c?'.•4141.,t.8 t•i,ale 111,, h
„fs, a v. sewleentwes em-of,ete yices of 5.410-4 will
-Piett.w.-The scholars {if the Ulliou
(Frcm Own. Corresuondentf.
Sabbath Sciloo,l, Elitnville enjoyed. the
gpee tr cgoeTil
and surveying tins 'greund, pre-
e-r,,.$91•Vaii St .thP Pdratimis were made for dinner. '111 the
6upposec • o ave een • • ee irmiteng . •
• neetti ime, cioquet aml sstroll oa the
NEARLY, ,, -.4ds;,,and through. the 1 lids were in-
rY:sfslt°t4t'ilisi ee'dli.tjduf,,a ta.ame'e' stn. 1 keo.f.,
tory durieg '41te hoer” "having
fitsillowtevreed bwyit'bno7tsi'zittgi
tii• evict g I p, natl r„‘eiv Iles!) etteelgtily, gi .1‘tvplitoi juggre ep
°tit tile throat. of .pleasuro ef picnicking al the Gepaid Bend
ground. ,Water beitig !Imlay 'the fii•talen the r"'er,'crequet *ith some and a
A. yacht was moored at the wharf and
quite a few 'evened theeneelves• of a sai,
on the waves of Lek°. Huron. ' Alas,
though they could raise toe wind to
pay their evoey eut, they.,.cohld "not get
a breeze to conie back with, So muse
culefeenseere had el) he mown. Bath ig
twain ' about:4.30a and prepa-aticus for
, e..geitereletitreltieg off fer the Lake Shore.
was soon quenched.
e, .A.itUSE3LENT.--FOrepaUgtOgreiit.ri.ieh-
age,rie and showe,perform•• Ite-e 011 June
25th, Tli,ey 'Ili -Fatly billing the-
ttyo'; jypiii the arnount of PoSting done
here kid from the,„noticee ,of,
we fe,a t,o: tho ere ft geti.."-„,
kid no haliibuo• wiiidb,
B D *Pliteeltija!istfi:tillite"dtgtyosodbiltis.itril:*:
,weedvell)St4itierfl'etl .1i/itti its pleasure,
"oinf4-01ei'll:';ilei;tifl,..i. seesetsies
i't's-4:ii:e,kinecting charms,
band sentineled the L acanite,s,Rn,
day eveunig initdersetIO's feedeeshni,",-,Of
MeeCre. Robiesorr,r-Sitne `,TI;eY •
&serve ch'etlit for '',",their pedurmafices
Coesiderind the sbort''time of:,,practice,
We hope tta have _the- ple Laura'. of ofteti
hearing then ..itiriki'g•thaSititiiiiier.even;
'EX.' 6
s (racial our ewe eon espondent) '
PICgiC1.-'11116. 0,1111194' iliClii9 of the
Periele 7.; Mte 0arthel 'and St. Petere'
Congregetiou will be .11,91,(1, (D. V.) on
Thursday 24 tit t. ,ett t the usu al pittce
Goodt3lack Wilt Dress; oily ett
Oood l'eplio Dress, only 50
4,1004131ack Alpaca only 20 Illld Ct3. p(tr yard
Cloud White Ootton'ii 11,144 10 scuts per yar,l
Orood. and -extra wide kieirriug 12 cents lacr yard
1'4 yards Factory Cotton for :)9,
flood Frints 8 aud10 cents, per yard
kFirst.class cutter always on the Pr
(.1 ILI and examine our exteneiyo stociA, No`
otiaiing ; ,eall early; remember *a 014 4iinic
. , ,
-moonlight' nightsse and ' mosquitoes s
good sidewalks and eitterpiltere; eieket-
ty gatee andeardeat loverriaLLfe'S 1161171, at
the marks of tile hirch manipulated y
pa, in, honor of their having put. their
liaudi into the sugar -howl and stafilliq
their pockets full of cakes the *tame
Looming. "Sure's death , it's her ;
,ot)9,30 1 don't ltnaw that veil ; anti gl-te
winked at. me corning out of church,"
bet you my three-blatled ,knife if
it iS then' can take them home," At
tide moment the passing -by of e couple
ut relatives eetteed the excitemeat , eo
assume apPearance ot a dug when
he is in advert(%) of a' couple of flying,
boots. "We 'low looked ahead, and die:,
cerned the objects 61 the' above con-
versation trudging slowly aloog. tow-
ards the river, hoping no doribtAliat
" By its limpid stream
,po cool the iove-tack. thonght:
- Sell WhOloilie 4 Ite
Weil 0.6604 -led Steels, of '
eiptiiing; find ,litniSe .ieurnisTailgs,
for Cash,
lowing Priees : .1"
1,031ky Flannel Shirting 2o,,aa51itS pelts per yard
y,a• lace curtalri not ror i)U - •
.careeo, 131.4i:war Cieth very
od Duzaitek 2.`itiebteper,yerd
rslye•o, Zringedo lily 75 cents" vox oaken, ,
Niee all -wool' tweeds; only sosod cc vents For -
Snit rweed, and made, Wily OAS 76 -
omiSOs etteUdie ordered Clothing' • .
trouble toshOW our goods; no offence-0(0dt par;
/eel taa.161401,* APO.,
pith° strlitliin ctoettiopPositomarkst lune
Of course their innoeence,,of those Who•
edlowed was bliss----yetC; • bliss, of'
course. In meditation me tho .rapid
transition from -boyhood to couttehip
we hurried on and gailied the river
edvence of our subject. The iadiett
seemed to have addeil one to theirthir-
teentli year, and might do fair prob-
lem iu siMple multiplicatiOn.• We. lin-
gered, but liogored vain.' The youth',
fel spirits took delight in mecking oee,
curio:Sty. Strolling down due of. the
beele streets we again eneoeucered a
pair of couples, languieltiugly throw. '
Mg out sweetness in honeyed,words.--
The near apinoitch. of et etrengee 'was
the signal. for _those . nearest -him to
introduce to tlieitieleighbors: eieVer
wore -out subject, "Weetaee.Se. 'oeG-Sta
:iug coot, ieu't it ?"' The .i"airrtiee
whom the coliOereatii•n Ives uddreesed
not khoWing the, eauSe of such inoppori:
tune languagd, continued their dove -
talk, reedy stopping long epoitg,h te. re-
mark iii what might ' soem an answer,
'but. was realty part of the cenversetiete
never neiw your. eqiial, met"
before I met you. ilia int knoe
went love was." Site greened neolibly,
and lealled heavier. Swiftly pessnie,
the sound of whisperings lilted breezra
ward toward ue amid pleinly as lan
guage, could tell it. that our y. une,
friend of Main-st., had won wa ger
and "- had se, n her home." Little aid
he think as he eat on the door:step of
the house .and 'clasped in mute' em-
brace the 'loving but sheinking form .of
the pet of the mansioo. Little did he
think as iu reply to the query."shall we
take a strell re a ides was-impressecf on
his brOW„ that ere they'returned their.
fame would ba sealed. " I say you: did ;
I heard you and say, coining
up .by the Wesleyan • chin eh, that it
would break my. bones ; and now .you
have done it." " Oh,
metre to ; what's the matter ? ; oh, my
oi•okee" :Yes; likely.. pity it
evasa't your neck. My arm is 'brokep,,
though. Get- upe and helpene rise, you
mean fellow." Ile; with many .tmems,
after searching for his hat, and finding
her back hair, glov€s and hat,lifts her
up, aud trial stupid consternation lie
gazes upon the retreating figure of. his
adored, to whom the eagle has lent his
Wings. Adonis fiuds his hat, and et
smile ofjoy beeme in his countenance
ash° diseovere the cause -of their die:
With quick step he hies- to the abode
ofehisNeuns, knocks: ente,s, and be-
anie his leu•angue of explanation- mid
aptilogy. Bat the ready ear of the Its.
teeing parent of the rnale hide of the
luniee has jnst the. story from the lips
of his ..feintieg daughter. You in-
grate scoundrel " Wheels and " boo,
0-110o.; , Mr. —" " You villain"!"'
Whacle Whack wnizz-z-z and " eo-
hoo-o-o," 3earn you to.play
n my daughter ; 1'11 teach you, you
preed, seivel ling bit •olanatonly, to en.-
tice and alt tire my daughter from tilt:
parental roof before she has on (whack
'boo") ,long (whack-n•back).long tires:
ey. les, shake u 11-0 " met,
amorphose your being that a new eicis,
twice will be yours. Now go, and im-
mediately thereafter might be seen
heels of the broken-hearted aspirant
striking the flaps of his coat•tait
abiut the same time aa made , a kettle-
drinnmer when tatooing " :411R:r-
an Guards." Those two fatnilio t
speak now. That jeelous chum Toast
haye paid fully fiVe cents hir tale rope
lie.stretclied across, the."7oad. It is
near -The hour ldien couches ElhOtild
groan witlithe weight of their occu-
pante, and So we hurry hence. It ised-
Fib the hoot' at which all regal ted tam
ilies, „should 'eject' theq
ilow...the gates suffei ed end their hinges,
.grea4t1 inwaraly, Had they.,.,,ears to"
listen mouths tO Speak' iihat gush.
litiaS:ot,love would -We bear. ' But theee
youtigeardentiehave arrieed at an age
of discretien. and only gate posts weee
preseid when 'the pliphdags af
• . . • .
last the waY, tIni• re lorter, . be- i'144"1"g;" tun'.° huve„ be,71-1P.11,4.e:iL 74.e
, . andi.ois ard,theinseiv.es and n tiny inie
8ebilzue elteatippears in the vicinity, evet•yttneg
tween llOSO, tIVO bidet; poesy
cloth exiet, has'itt Commenced to attank ,,assatos the sileuce Abe cane°. end,
with hie met'eed.". wdrds the poer love. if waglance•ht the .direction,, of those
„, „
"sttqali-4ilVain eLese lettniege iipPeatatii 'two figures we will be opt to accept
$0...,the., ,puieepe4 aciroeg the eee,0 then' . we t,f ;the tteefs rout:d.
;the gasteepoiSte; vt Idle Scattered in The'e 't'ares reotisseel:ceriet' e
Cc)ugliliit's, grove, tosvii line: As it ,e e PJeitstu-'t tied Judie e s
is uuder the. auspices of tlie ,lieeljes of 'he ale tee PeeP11i-g, may be' witnessed. in Exeter one aily
t,winl ling; eilly equalled in evening. NVo also have others te ehoW,
the ,Altar Soeiete it is wort Y itirge *
patronage. The ladiPfi, litid the gaallp. tete,the -lustre (-tithe 01.1",b4 is,t81-1Tenitgit1111.,,ailltal8ntt„..Ith,ally 54ttt:tothle)ItsrtLe-p's
Mott of the coininittas, !flake, of llee eteatelti enwrapped in ne
this a greeter stie§6,sS' tillth rMY. et? 'the ..`a.kyughti 1.401,:tho fruits of the art: tblp.,t14361ilisktdbytn(loY,t-idgivinsgat:dri*bsSI°ItlittteedItty'attitl'dd abned.
tieeneadjug oniee.;,,,lss So,'
woo, 4,0,m0•4;.(,),0-Aaj ,a-ofi.100aisi, itaiA 1.f.ten 'titit'admitiog audience Love eneenoteet tile tour oauses
'''X':;ii'ation Of 1;eve`SIOeilges tO Which Ow 'f6rword eeeeee eacege teeey
iedy depend n daye:-,goott,,,,eftjt.
be.fore given,alierertalfliel;an, eett'eelefertuhe;Sleeeohs art thy ways:
ler a r54.1!,11 itdAT • 1).efi'Ar4!'ir,?::SiVA 44y, eliteptiegeees the
ttVo, Popitlar the' •ii',Ott:tninierVer Wthit,',Patlia he,
editors oft file -•14.1NOtEir''•TIMES:.. Biltt• InAitrae4 hand of tlie'lititjer,
Parkhill GiazciiCt;,.4,A11 •itlik,1:1•Y evening itlie.ohlY, titile'' that
a t 06ptlin (60. proisiss 44",e' tells yh;ere,0ttpid hey and to What
to do their beet to entertain them, defith pierced, It we went
, to keep watatchtul eye a a'are orced
bo Where we ean 'sod, We therefore
don our duster, throw aside every eare,
and witli car6loAs inlet), parole Maio
Stteet., , We find our el Os 'ys al a iirg
tin, year and following in the wake of a
ofieung men in earnest but deep
'Obitiorsalien, it might not he andss
tO Kty, that, were any of thew to bare
,AvIrvA8AilY,-J.1:116 Sebbath Scheel
In the village Kirition piirposo
bolding their ,anniverarY in 'Afr. D.
Ich grov4, 'ear the en TlirtrW.,
day July let.e'Domininie'Dqt PoStera
''""" ,their btilts,.tiattre might be Seen in which opeake the oottl'a ontbutet of
n•,:rvonslf ehift' The
coitet'being °fear, 110
the dO1`1191'; and squatted' 'behind the
fenee, tile preconcerted, signal
15 109'117' A hint -limit, eitreful
clesing' of door al the rustle of Cali,
islitard, and the dark figure Of one
of,,the, gentler 8ex ie seen to" approtte11,
thiS-lItte hoUV Sweet' Irmo,:
conen; could you glance inte future's
1' v." t * 1 11 o 1
t ei spee,ti v .y ut
, ,
be retraced., Although you do
wait upon ,y,eur intister's table, your
heaven ;14 the 6itlite bis. Hold ; but
;' she. httrries on, le .that totteh one
of love ; is that. clasping of Ilittlatl O/16
liffeetion ? That eye of .paesion -per-
tainly don't bespeak It. . Virgin,
slum ihe the; poniard in- tny breast, ,and
alloys:thy blood to ooze iteelf away;
sooner elute remain lonier. where the
'sinade.has coocealed his. head: in• The':
grue's; what' bus she' been, burry,:
-ing-Hker ruin ?„ Let us .hope n'ot. But
fingerO, ti.ining' to 'the oche.'
inerf.S‘ tide. :'Let the durfi.
CheaStiane, ehere are , yet - subjectS for
c vlicusEN
constantly on hand thd Rari,ost and
I% Best Aesortuient of
• .
Patent Medicines!,
Tooth, klair, and ClOth
U •E S
iiFtEmER r, To/ L SOA
School Books, Toy Boekse
llamieFithey Goods
.PenCil•Slitees;•Lead Pen.-
* r6:
0 CO.'s Celebrated Perfected SpectaCies and
Eye -glasses. "
Prescriptions and Recipes •quickly -nut' accu-
rately dispensed. Rernenilier, the Place,= -,D4.
rectly opposite the " Central Hotel," Main-st.,
Exetel. C. VANDUSEN Co. ,
Exeter, January 7, 1874. 71 -yl.
. ,
IV, 13. AFFLECK.yesteraay bought a. ticau-
Cita organ from 1,et-liii, Skirrow .2 Co.,03Yonge-8r.
to be sent direct from the factories of Gtorgo
Wootls &Co., BoRtoni to Iiiii home in Old 'York,
Eng1and. A 3nore fitting souvenir of his visit to
'this country iie could .not well have. than oue of
chose sterling 'Woods organe.—Litierai, Jame 3. •
„Mr. John Drew has the agency fur .theso organs,.
• ,
For sale, a few etcros of lying
13,1.ao;-71 TAinaber-.,
suited tor rail!, „Cattle would be taken for 1 ay.
Apply iminedia.tely to ADAM SCOTT, lot 20, con.
Stephen, .• • - • ..• " "84.1'
ArucTION- SALE.;;..
The Rev: WM. LUND will (DN.) offei-for sale 'by
l'ublie Auction,,at hic resid7Itice,,,,Ereter,
.Satt.-13.davEl-v6- 19thinst
the Jul lowing first-,class•stc dlegant-.7.
ly mounted in rosowooj..linil gilt : ,
1. Paul preaching at eteees. .•
-2. The Charge to Peter.
3. The Death of Ananias.
4. glymas the Sorcerer,
5. The Aliraculeus„Thaught of Fishca.
6. Paul anti Burn:aim. rejceti»g the Snerifloo.
7. The ,Heautiful Gate of *the Temple.' -
The abOve engravings aro all dry Raphael and
are of the first order.
Also a beautiful six -step OREI.AN,`Lear new,»
together with it lot of cholec'Tlooks,dc4
Sale to commence at 6 o'C 60. •1
1-...11011, 8 ALE, AN FX„0,,ELLENT
FARM ou the 6111 cOncusimf: of Hay.P 10
aereS cleared; with good buildings,',0,0.
Also fitly acres in 9th C011, :itepheic Ai ply to
0111 June, 187'5. , StliVciteln21E'x'(Ielt'er.
• the unileisigued have enter,d into pa,:ther-
snip for the purpose of carrying 011 tle buomakt of
butchering in the Village of Exeter. WESLEY
Exeter, June 9 1575 . 03-31.
▪ containing r•roonal; and pantry,,y4t14itchen
attached. Alsh•partlot on'whien the house
is built. 5 -tipple trees and itainnih.orof Puss aud
cherry trees ou thelet, allb,earim fruit. .5,pply
'1'110S. DEAll1149;Elizidietlistreet,Ilietlik. 604f
• .
.. •
VOTIet :TO TREsPiii5sgE s oN,
• , ,
-I hereby caution all persons again,st cutting yr, •
removing,timber from the lands 'ts'i the Canada
Company, as X ink authorized to' prodecute.41.11 •
treSpµssers with the utmost rigor of,the'
• ' .70111.. riPACKMAN';'' '
• TiniberAgent Can. Co. -,
Exeter, May 13,1875, ' fid-tr
Exerer, NoreinbOr1874,;10:-' 66.11
Enlargoniont of
ret ladirvormac
begs to return his 1311100t11 tor the very lib-
eral patronage bestowod'upois* •Sinee • mix-
, . • • . • ,
rooming ousinoan Thie large patron,
ago he considers ie. -owing to tho fc;ct Invbas
ithiligi) PERFECT FITS
na the clothing 1M0 and given univers81 satiatad- • ,•.!
tionto his etistoiner8,,, Nei • ivould also. state that
he luta moved intd his now building, Bisbbur
tittincl,,and ha8 consideraoly lidded. to hie al-
itadY. tarp and vurIPd
SToditidl? VW1.1t1)8 aps
at,d ciente' Puraitlibetp of every deeerlptibri.
M r a' 'cr '
seal has elisige of the' ;Pailo'ring bopartinent.
cut the 'mist fasilionable style: Clotliciair-
cbased",,of cut fro° bf charge..
' 3. ONTY,Till Oo '
ice Cream
$oda Water
Presh rcna: t e (milt
'Stara') Oftice., Ow/
ItAS14131.43URY and other flavoring
3.,1‘tape usett: