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Times -Advocate, April 27, 1994
Kristin Strang, right, of the South Huron Senior team against Elgin on Saturday.
Seniors eliminated early
I Allow
only one
goal in
EXETER - Lacking in offence,
the hosting senior girls soccer team
failed to win a game Saturday in the
Exeter Optimist -South Huron Sen-
ior Girls Soccer Tournament on
In the four division, I6 -team
event, the Panthers opened with a
scoreless tie against London Oak-
ridge and then in their second
game, battled to another 0-0 dead-
lock, this time against John Paul II.
Later in the afternoon, South Hu -
Zurich bowling team wins in Strafford
By Ron Dann
ZURICH - The "Frisky Five" Zu-
rich Bowlers' Association Black
Tower ladies champion team won
the Black Tower Regional Team ti-
tle Sunday at Stratford. Zurich won
the three game, round robin, match
play, pins over average rolloff with
17 points, three more than second
place Stratford.
Connie Masse led the Zurich
team to victory by scoring 123 pins
over her average while Arlene Bry-
son, Natalie Mason, Barb Reschke,
Carol Prang and Petra O'Neal add-
ed plus 78, plus 46, plus 29, minus
16 and minus 30 respectively.
Zurich now advances, along with
Zurich Association's tournament
director Bert de Bont as team
coach, to the Black Tower Provin-
cial Team Championship June 4 at
Toronto's O'Connor Bowl. A Mo-
lesworth team is also advancing
from another Black Tower Region-
al held Sunday at Molesworth. ,
Black Tower Booster Regional
Lucknow's Dave Sproul came
from behind with a hot third game
317 score and a 634 triple to win
the Bluewater Five Pin Bowlers'
Association Black Tower Booster
Club Zone three game, pins over
average rolloff with 199 pins over
his 123 league average Sunday in a
field of 54 entries hosted by Zurich
Town and Country Lanes.
Mount Forest's Karen Rave
rolled a tremendous 836 triple but
fell five pins short with 194 pins
over her 214 average and Moles -
worth's Kim Cupskey finished
third with a 763 triple and 157 pins
over her 202 average.
Sproul will now represent Blue -
water in the Black Tower Ontario
Five Pin Booster Club Champion-
ships May 28 at an Ontario Five
Pin Bowlers' Association
(O.F.P.B.A.) designated location.
Two Zurich teams are competing
in the Ontario National Golden Age
Men's and Ladies Triples Champi-
onship today at Hamilton's Bol-
O'Drome lanes.
The Zurich Men's team includes
Grand Bend Golden Agers Milt
Robins and Ron Dann along with
Grand Coves' Milt Glendenning
while the Ladies team consist of
Grand Coves' Hilda White and Vi
Glendenning along with Dash-
ood's Theresa McCann.
The Ontario Champion Ladies
nd Men's team will advance to the
National Championships in Saska-
toon, Saskatchewan.
The playoff champs of the Zurich Men's League were the Hen-
sall Boomers. In front are Darren Keyes (left) and Trevor
Truemner. Behind are Peter Bedard Sr. (left), Peter Bedard
Jr., Don Kirk, and missing is Mike Lebold.
Individual awards to top bowlers In the Zurich Men's League
this year went to Gary Huston (front left, high average), Peter
Bedard Jr. (most Improved), Jim Russell (back left, high triple),
and to Paul Rood for his high single.
The 'A' champs of the Zurich Men's Bowling League were the
Rockets this season. They were presented with their awards
last Tuesday evening in Zurich. In front, from left, are Gary
Huston, Jim Bedard, and Jim Russell. Behind, from left, are
Wayne Pearce, Bert deBont, Don Jackson, Frank Palen, and
Bill Coleman.
EXETER - The following arc the
results of the NHL Hockey Pool for
the '93-94 season:
First - Randy Gilfillan, trip to At-
lantic City; Second - Jim Lewis.
Skydome Package; Third - Brian
Taylor, Ironwood Golf Passport;
Fourth - Brad Coates, hockey lock-
er and aluminum stick; Fifth - Ja-
son McFalls, two Jays tickets and
transportation; Sixth - Bob Coates,
Pepsi golf bag; Seventh - Jack Full-
er, Murphy's Pub and Eatery gift
certificate; Eighth - Doug Small,
Kentucky Fried Chicken gift certifi-
cate; Ninth - Sherri Pickering, new
Orleans Pizza gift certificate; Tenth
- Rick Hundey, RSD Sports Den
gift certificate.
Winners of the Month ar :: Octo-
ber, Dennis Foran; November, La-
verne Heywood; December, Scott
Bogart; January, Steve Farquhar;
February, Rick Hundey; March,
Robert Ens.
Thanks to all those who took part
in the hockey pool. Money raised
will go toward the swim pool reno-
vations. The Recreation staff will
be operating the pool again next
season and entry forms will he
available at the Recreation Centre
in September.
ron and East Elgin were scoreless
up until about 30 seconds left in the
first half when East Elgin got one
past Jana Webster for the only goal
of the game.
Despite having only one goal
scored against them, the Panthers
did not advance. London CCH won
the tournament.
Thursday in league play, South
Huron beat Wingham's F.E. Madill
2-1 as Kim Farquhar and Jamie
McGee scored for the Panthers.
In other soccer action, the boys'
teams host their own tournament of
Saturday in Exeter.
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