HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-6-17, Page 111S, 1 %QWNU TRY,E40, tierseeeeeteeetwateette Q't0c0 14, 24b9ratery,, Ono4o Atb of Dik ilibiOdiqP,.^ Salai3t.,,Ex4toy, eteenee. Dr. erowteee'e. &elven .st• 4F Yit.,10.0r4. g.p„ 000,1,000,Y1000.0,V0110iN, bri.01110,10V tc,10t, 4.0 41016,4448.0 fiffrgtfene, Wf,t, 114VISTe,, NL1) 4,14.411,1kW BniVersity Trinity Conego,V0iillanN01.4 *40 2441-041S WI SUratg011e; 09^gg I (3, • Awe 0 *Vent tdoute Itotverstoeceen. teem 4/14 40, Rotor, 01 ma,,iktid 7 tole lam. , 011P1eZ4 Houneopathlize ebeelefee end Surgeon. rtgls-,fNext deprthaavolen's marble works. B rarOit Pa UllsaStellttiOtti =paid to clucalc di4eata>aA all cella promptly attended advice free r,,eter, March SS 1870 edi LA NCl .31 (;) S. Q. Gradubte ef WtinitYCO1f°11 ege, ber Of e Oullege of Physicians a d Bar"goon th* Oriteritv tOftlaciA)eug Steze, Eft,,,i4firogiUteuff rtse4tenitualivi4452Filrturdt°at 1414:De sliffelltgfrt'4444' 4'reu°g4E" aUS Dye stuffs. 'llrgiuton Jun4310.1814. 45-Ottt. 1 A LIDING Jr HARDING. Barris 1 1. em, ttorneys, Solicitors, Commissioners R. U., ‘te. Oryton--aurron'a Btoog, Wt or Strout, St. Wry's. _ _ Ions; Fa ECAmortio. E. W. HAUDINO 1VIITSSRS. JONES tt MoDOUGALL, ..4.Y.11-0 Barristers, Attorueyo-at-law, Solicitors in ecery, Conveyen ere Commissioners in q.rt and Notaries Public, 8t, Marv's, 4 Orincit--Eutton's Block, Water St., St. Mary's t. T-ly. W MoDIARMID, Belt lisISTER, NOTARYeCONVEYANER, &C., LUCAN,•ONT. G. WILSON, ISSUER OF t the le lift oarrialacc L, icenses under the new Ac as ce store, Zurich, Ont. 46-tf. ittfioneip. BROWN, Public Auctioneer, e wtechelsem. Sales promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Winchelsea, Oct. 1.1,1873. J. SPACKMAN,', •ICENSED AUCTIONEER 10-4 For the County of Huron. RESIDENCE, - - EXETER, On ALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CHARGES MODERATE. ATANSION HOUSE, EXETER lac feet., W. n AWK ell IV, Proprietor. Thi 33ew aud C01111110111011111(0111* is now completed, and Ilttod 'up titrongitout with ilrst-furgiiture. Tht best of Lighters and the ccent of cigli,rs at . Bar. Tito house is capable of accOMInodatintt i. atteats. Exeoll.nt sta, ties and an attentive hos- tler!. BOLLL, LUCIA. \\ HOWE 1i, Proprietor. This ;hist -elm hote. Pa! lately changed finials (from W. E. Will us te W. itowey), and is fitted with 114(NV fur iturt tlargmj.ititit. ,e'ree 'bus to met front tue station (knee for Me new line ot 'busses tocrieoL. bar is -replete With the cbc!eg st ...jeers and r3Lg- Urt4. et)ue, LIVIAA.111..±14 come Go .),I stabi1:1g au d attentive :mailers. 1elii3LIN HOUSE COieNle.R; OI etee elsede :ma Sti. cuts, liticau, sto..tvga %idol nos been rented by :or, Isaac 'A hte, nndtfigiro.fg..ly refitted 14)1 1..43 c rtL o t 30' tie cling public, ti coo liquors e.t.a bar. itostier always 30 alt U33) 1.LC .1' T15, Pr( 15, 187.5. 8..(-1241.11. PEDY.—Aggf nts Wiegted ! _Al $5 • epaw RA ot .vorkitig peo,ire, of 31. titer sex, ii0:111‘;o old, netke more mulles at, wor. fr us to 1 eir spare nannews, or all the tint ;titan adytititig else. P.artgeulars free. -Post • to Star. , sts hut one 3.111. AdAress tt,ON .1: 0. .'ortland, Maine. 02-1y. • A -I, OUSE A.D LOT bOal A good gote-stor,:j tram c bonne, cobtainint 5 cutout ;41,13(1 acre to laud, adjoit.i.ig the Markt! thaare, 0:toter. On Eno 101 /14 t11.4 eIcellenewell o water. For particulars uppgy to IC sAA DEN, Exeter. • 77-tf. 11A.1.%1 FO it SALE.--TIIE SB- lcrlb3r otfers for sale the N.W. • ot lot 3 Con. 3, fig:borne, containing r.0 :temp. et excellent -&O acres cloture.% halnuee woli timbered; I g house, rn end qt Able ( premises a▪ lso a good yoil ng orecnrd of graft ,critit and a ne ver -failing spring. Pistant from Fx.etnr fon miles. Ffu er rthea r -prticulars evilly to .7. DEMI' e proprierer. Excite r Pee eete EXETER PUMP FACTORY ATAIN STREET, One door shnth ..1.Y.L the Britannia, Hone. sol-Tivirrrhai on, hand a untidier of mops. Orders tilled the shortest notice. Satisfaction guar:int 1(0111 AP to work nail material. N. large qusictitj of inch staff for inthipmskers' use for salum JOHN SOLITHCOTT. Nov. T0.1a. NO., 024 e.. Night of meel - Mg -Firit Friday ill gr. - ery montlg, cocner Gid - ley and Mgi in gds. Visi- ting flcetlireti cordially invited to attend. C ATEN WITiTtIS JOHN WHIT'?" , i secretary. 7a.ly. 7vIlouri No. .1--I R 0 T 9[1, i•1- Fashionable Boot & Shoe` PUBIIC CAUTION olloWay's Pills and Qintmeut aro 'neither manitfaetured nor 801t1 4 any part of the Unitod StateS, although they rnay be Obtained IL1 Ainerioan, Provinces. Kach pet 41,4ti.bOX bears the British Gogerantent Star/0)011th the wordHolle- ,Wily'fi rali'and Ointment,Lotidom'engravedthere- on, It has become neeetisary to make this announ, cement3 becauSe the New YorkChemical Company (who nay nobody) finding at lett Octet their nanio has been 80 exposed, have assumed the title of • Holfgway ,34 Car but, even now, no ono willbuy their medicines direet from them, so that they have Made arrangeruents t 0 supply elMlusively the Mat of Measrs, Benry Co„ of New'rork, with their so•calle'd "11o11oway's Bills and...Ointment.. It iii.Ptesumed that from the Intge'oOntleXiOn Mos, ere Homy 001 11310 in the British Provinees and elsewhere', the public is very likelyto be imposed upon by unscrupulous, Venders and others: unless tiny exercise great caution prevent their being misled, by finding these medieines hearing stamp with the name of Holloway , Go., rim printed thereon:, 'Many respectable arms In the British Provinceswho obtain my medicines direct trine here, hi.ve , very 'properly suggested that 1 should, for the4. benefit of themselves and the publica insert their names in the papers, that It may bo known that medicines ean be had genu- ine from them. The folloWing 16 13 UM of the lirms alluded to; and palt/OUlarly ()commend theee who desire to get my medicines to apply to. genie of the houses nareed;--Messrs, Avery, Brown it Co„ Halifax, N. S; Messrs. Forsyth ct CO.. N. B. Messrs. TB Barker & Sons, St John, N.B ; Mr. T 33es Brisay, Charlotte TOVA,P 331; Messrs. Lang- ley & Co., Victoria, 330; WIessrs.Moore & Co„Vie- toria, B C; Dr. John Panel, Cluttam, 1,7 ; Messrs. Munro 6: Co., Aleut -real; Messrs. J' Wirier de Go., Hamilton; Mr. H Rose, Toronto; Mr. A Chip- man Smith, St. John, N It ; Mr, John Bond, Goder- ieh ; Messrs, Elliot & Co., Toronto; Mr., Glialoner, St John, N ; Hanington Bros„ Rt John. N B ; It Priddy, Windsor; Mrs Oryen, Morden, N 8; Mr George Hunt, jr„ Fredrickton, N B; Mr, WH hompson, Harbor Grace, N F; Mr J M Wilfrv,Fredrickton. N 13; Messrs AV & Tulle, Montreal. Tee medicines are sold at the lowest wholesale nett prices; in quantities of not Ices than .1:tif 'worth -viz., 8s. 0., 228., and Ms. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re- mittance must be sent in adv nce. TH011 AS HOLLOW' Chemists aria oth r vendors of Holloway's gen- uine Pills and Ointment may have their names inserted in the local papers if they will plettae to apply here— 503, Oxford -t, W aLondou, February. 18,1873 77-inG New tailor Shop. W. A.11,TITE7 nEGS to ini iinnte to the inliftliitituts of Exeter and thr.t he hes cmid New Tailor ellop 1N LEAR of IlfsAtli's itaftfifer-shop EXETER; where by strict attention to bushiest; hopcs•to merit a fair auare of 1,atronaae. A GOODITT GUARANTEED. ANT -C CIT/A'll'- .1 SPEC w. VoARTNET. I IOMINION GUN SHOP AND: RI - I Fra: Feeerone. . SOT -'1]P, Manufacturer of and &tiller ',II feet les, Sp If tat', Itcrolvers eistois, Fislting Tackle, mid limiters' sup'plies Gun -stocking (lone in Axst-chtse style. Pin -fire 0(111altered eo Central Fire. Sign of the Gun and Golden Key, CLARENCE tt„iatwe.gin Dumbis and Eing, London. 75 ly. L1ISH1NG TACKLE, WHOLESALE IL' SALE AND RETAIL. ,I. CUED St SON Dubdus-strcet, Leuglcag, Ont., have 110W opened eut rine line of fishing Tackle (7oeds, also a (mealier quality for b.f.)) contprising part Iiam- goo Pole: , Jett gted Rods, Walking Stick Rods, Reels, Bt. fikots, ending and :Minnow Nets, ArtincialPish Fisougg Bait, Cotton, Linen,liettgledItinen, White Hair, Bair and Silk, 'I Nvisted Silk and Oiled' Silk Lines, treble hooks, fly 3001.11, 930010 11(1111) ferules, hook att. gar, hooks to gimp, tying gut,gitnp the' yard sinkers, floats, turinshed_ Mica, roils, tips, rings and keepers, BrliNg SW1Velle, etc., etc„ ete.-- Sand by lost In price ilst. • 13.ISSETTS' 1 I Livery and 'Sale Stables W. G R c, C- _ 1.1n connection with the Central Rotel). " oc.c....t.r. -)41VZ RY STki:4 t 1,, (i1131 01,. (100D lIt)RSES AND COMFORT- S -A• ABLE v aides 111-WAY.B On hand. Favorifble arrangenients niede with commercial trav'eldri. All orders :hat at Bissett's Tinehop will be proMptly attended to. ... • • R. it T. BISSETT Prep, Exeter; Sopa. 4.1813. . 1.711E FAVORITE' LINE. • CHANGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP CROIVLEY AND FLANAGAN , asving bought tilt nawkeliaw, 111 1316 4 • Qood Horses, Comfortable Stages and. Fed Time., These stages Bre driren by the moat *Comma dating of drivers, and leave , • THE WESTERN 110TEL, LONDON re g ri.ni. arriving in. Liman in 416iimelitoll'fiattentlin°06°t 'wlath trains`for the eitet and west aLtt connecting in Exeter with tlie Clinton and el Issrfs stereo. • T.RAVE EILETERATIOUT • ,ig001t,inc..tenn'eoting in'tucan and London ittld 1r31308.• TEE CliOWTAIY 0 W. DItOtIlIter. PAT PLAIgAGAN, Prourieto ciREDITON vroozaz* • KOESELLER ene returning thanks to the If Joe tete patrenage be. 401 in the past yea stt the Cred.. fte, wetildhOtti, State that they elite f Work Mord AtiAng ttlit isereing eammet. having lensed them tor a netlike 011faittf hoping to give) in the &Mee the semeeetiattection itt the Oat. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, •and Iqatirtfactaiting 'di kinds' of '1.ftreette, Elattnette ece, dene oh the ohorteet notiefe aim et lowest tates. JOHNSTON Prooft. Zerieli Milts 14 STATIONER, Won't' inform the people that he has commen- ced business in theabeVe line next door toBeies Bakery and Confectionery. has on hand a splentlid stook.of Leather of all kinds, and irom his genethl knowledge a the lousindss, and do- ing first class workln.pes to obtain a large cus- tom, Sewed work. will receive his • specia,1 attention. Repairing done with fleetness and (les- ;• patch, 'and moderate Charges. 'Exeter, May 601875 W. II. T1.1°`17.'- t6b F'opular House " MILLINERY DEPAR:FMENT. The Potpies' STOE.E. 9-1 HE 'UNDERSIGNED IN OULD AC QUAIN T 1 the inhabitants of Exeter and surround- ing country, that he has openedout Brodenc s Old Stand a large stock of BOOTS sizons ETC„ ETC, and trom the faeil i ties that he possesses he has been enabled to purchase his goods ,in tho Cheapest Market !' and he is bound to let those who favor him with their patronage have the benefit. callis only neccssaxy to convince that I °an sell Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Raisins; Rice, Etc. and everything in the Grocery Line at Loudon P10011, and that my stock of Boots&ShoesCorpplote in all its departments. Parm 'Produce taken in.Exclifingc, and the highest price allowed. On hand. a first-class let of Bacon. 3. CRU NICAN Exeter, May 6, 187.5. $8 ill HE OLD E T ABLISHED IIOUSE RI. PI C KAR3D Th n nl. i ng my numerous customers for their pat- ronage in '11101)11,81, 4111C1'W011141 (4011011 of their kind remembrance in the future, would beg to remind them that I have 11.-ZMOV'ED my stock in the Nev,' and Commodious Depart- ments of the Brick at -the south of the old stand, where will be found EVERYTHING IN THE GENERAL BUSINESS LINE consisting of • Dry G-oods, Millinery, • .11ardware, G-roce ries, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, Ready-made Cloth'g Hats, Caps, &c, 1 have also added a first -clogs the p alb fie°, the slight i°r 11 61 the eon. dee to elef-remeneera t b Cent$14240+61 ,T. PAROXYSMAL., 11119 TlLTON TO DEM733EE Y,011 liiSSOCI. MO, my head 'dropped low on your .breast,', ,• Witli a feeling of shelter hnd infinite rest, 'While the holy emotion.' iny :tongue eared -ea 61)0,01, Plusheiclitileieilkiiite a flame frOM mY heart to my. Your arnitilield Me fast ! 0111 yonr arms were ' so bold I ' 1.1O111,:t fio.elasp:onded to heart in that passidaate Your glances seeind drawing my Boni through pine eyes,. , Ais the sim dra:ws"the Mist' from the sea to the skies. And-your,lips clung to mine till l'prayed in My • bliss, They might never unclasp 'from that rapturous • kiss You kissed mal my heart and my breast and my will In delicious delight for the moment stood sti11/1 Life bad for me then no temptations, no charms, No.vista of pleasures outside of your. arms! And were I thiS moment an angel possessed Of the glory and peace that belongs to the blest, I would east my white robes unrepiningly down, And tear, from my forehead its beautiful crown, To nestle once more in that, heaven of rest, With your lips pressed to mine and my head on your breast 1 You kissed ine 1 my ,onl in a bliss diine Reeled and swooned like a man that is drunk- ' en with wine Anil I thought 'twere delicious to die then, if death Would come While my lips were still moist with your breath 1 'Twere delicious to die if my heart might grew cold While your arms wrapped me,fist in that pas- sionate hold ! And these are the questions I ask day midnight: Must my heart taste bet once such exquisite delight ? Would you a -e if my breast were your shelter as then ? And if I were there would you kiss me again ? T. A. I L B, G Dooartrnent m connection. My motto:is, Good Goods at reasonable rates." Comment is unnec": wiry ; the goods ale here to sp'e..k for themselves Hi6hest Market Price paic for all kinds of Produce. • Remember, this is the Oldest Fetal). lished House in the County. Opposite t the Post Oftlee, Exeter, May 6, 1875 x nopartknent 1. 0110 of tho greatest att-thetions for di:tr./Jody customers, and in order to maim it still mere attractive, we have bought largely in Ribbons Flowers, • Feathers, Ornaments, Laiest Novelitics in Trim- • ming itateria18. • Tina Departinerit hal mot with eittraordhlarY succeas, one 1 oiituridtIr ttio superiutondoned Of Miss Hull, hose tiiiitofiilpthcheilMig holt seasem gale 1111 liatiafaetiori. A teege tetteetior" of .11111•14/4P. i14rg AMD b0NlitEt8, eire. Sit EGT Vitt1A7. TO- FA It M 11 S • And Stock.-13reeder1. M. SWEET 7° S., Graduate of the Veteri- nary• SAFE -UNSAFE; OR, THE MAN FROM CALIFORNIA. liY HENRY .M011FORD. CHAPTER VI.—Continued. " Oh, dear!" she said iu a low voice, almost as pitiful as thatwhich had that very morning implored clemency from her enraged mother—"Oh, how I wish tlett I wasn't little hateful' with snub a stupid head that don't know rothine a'most Them is bad men—I know they is, • Mr. Gwiler, darn him !—lie is very ;lad, and the other man—that's' Tom Flynn, I know him, the potter down to the store—he has ;1 little bit of gond. With all the bad. They say se many words about my pee and about robbitig and taking money, and sister Lillie, uald I know—" here the poor 1ittle thing's recollection seemed to,fail her, and she put her hand to Ler head as if in pain—''no, I don't know, but I think that I hive been doin' bad to pa. III put this letter that pa . gave' me, here on the desk—there wasn't to be tie answer, yen know Gwiler will get it, and then shell not have to:see him again. Oh dear, I am so afraid :of him new.!'' She weet teethe desk, still on tiptoe as if the dreaded owner of the room had been near her, (deposited the letter end went toward the door, finishing her abstuse calculations, Meanwhile, with a very .sensible ree(detion. .e.I.ilitest 'tell sister Lillie about eh them nmighty w °vete, if I can only '.re- member ; and maybe she will know.", . :Maybe she will, little: daelieg apd:otheeseebetterehan yonrweak brain' Ontario College. nes reinoved his office 10 0110 door north Eacrert's harness shop, and nearly oppositi Solna Tinsmith shop. Veterinary Medicines al- ways on hand,, Calls promptly' attended to. 110050$3 examined as to their soundnese Align; Walt, 1873, i."*.41'.btsOltp:).ALOgo..016.61t6 aT,.).0.40(03.,,tune:•1:023•81... • .• 66.71y,..; • • 374(05 6thati9,* r111:;.:771tareolant'a ,re(ZweW.;7 Clieeh4. VeetheXte, 'e C C'et 9 40geOettft, ee-C•17/eeete‘ (10,00 ale aeenoa sji iiii)060)6 06.1'36 ,..flee,fedteei •ecloeifeeeet eelkoneet ere de gate /V el erezee ift.4 etiott. Art atsme8Oa) erklejel &/,;:)pt reSototesil; +este), ‘4.0; Slot r) ,aelsoeite, ft el"..gttefoie. bave told, then or afterward, Why be: fore he rang he laid his hand upon the knob of the door which lie expected to, fina immoveble but he did eo ,tbe. knob turnea, and the door opened,- 'A suprisetl, he walked in. .r.Phere was a faint light fi om the burner in the hall, but a brigther one came out from the lialf-epened door of John Gvii- ler's apartment, and he entered with the saine entire absence •(A hesitation. Beneath either of thelights there would not have been much difficulty iu cognizing the slouchedbet, stout figure and beardea face of Fred,erish Grater) Californian, who thus suddenly fonnti himself temporary master of a lionise which he had expected to find difficulty in entering, aud who was only a h4le less surprised at the mimes than. Wits that Spanish warrior of old when, the horse of his fallen Moorish enozny ran away with him frnm the battle and 'end- ed him full po'ssession of 'the Ernie' stronghold, wives, servant's, and other luxuries and couvenienoes. "Humph !" he said,'leisurely eurvey- mg the room and its condition. "Thief is a nice state of affairs—the street door on the latch, and nobody within If John Crwiler does not take better care of the property that he will fled it neeessmey to hand over to mevome day, I must have a guardian appoiuted I Why you no c6ine, John? Mellicao man no good, though, anyhow. Well, the light over the desk,andthose,papers lying around so miscellaneously indi- cate that some one is coming back at no distant day, and I do hot know but I can afford to wait. The Governor has cigars, too—a, bad habit for a man of his age, which ought tote corrected! I wonder if they are good. ?'' One of John Gwiler's choice Revenge (and he Wag very choice in the article as the mau who dyed hie whiskers couln not avoid being) was at that time ha progress of eontlagration ; and very ;goon after, the smoker might have been seen (had G. P. R. J. unexpectedly arrived) stretched out at immense length forna one of the arm -chairs, and apparently quite as much at borne as he had been the night before at the "Shades." "I wonder what the rat (mil possibly be doing, that he called -him Away so suddenly 1" he went on, though he was not speaking aloud, be it observed. "Bet your pile it's some villiany, or at least grinding somebody., which it is nearly the same. Wouldn't it boa good thing, I wonder, for me to freeze him out by taking possession of all Cum documents and vamoosing? What righteous old ro-v there would, be, in about five minutes after discovery! 'But I couldn't do it, you know, the re- spectable proprietor will be so glad to see me, nand I can't deny myself the pleasure 1" Silence and smoke for a moment or two—then a, new line of thought alto- gether. "Yes, why not? I don't helieve he would have deetroye.1 it; certainly no. one week' have wanted to buy it ; tied as for his giving anything avetty, 1118, altogether out of the quastiOn. If he cant take care of his house,why shouldn't, I see what is in it? Not a match in ane of my pockets—all petered out, of course. None on theemental, or any- where else except possibly in the slop - pail or the coal scuttle. This will do, ;hough, and here goes 1—let him catch ole, if ne likes 1" imagine. .eleybe the lisping, childish, unconnected worde that you will speak te her, will be letter and longer- re- membered than any others that have Hien ;woe her ears since childhood. The trifle mey be much, before it h ewer. • The inner, door wes alreedy open the mike opened aboost as noiselessly as the ether had done, tendlittle Hotly slipped down the steps and ran away, home, more feightened than she was in the hebit diming when sent on such cruel night -errands, because she coulcl not av,oid thinking that the ,awning pests before the shope,and lamp -posts along the sidewalks were living beings, noddiug andlaugiting at cull other and, le nesting of the wicked thines. (het they had: done or were going t7eedo to her pa. CIIAP'IER APPRCTIONATE. FATHER AND DUTIFUL SON. A piece of paper frotn the desk, with- out much care, must be confessed, to see that it did not have a valuable note or receipt on the other side—this paper rolled up ihto a lamp -lighter and set ;tblaze from the burner '• and the "son of the house" went on Whatlieemetglike- ly to be a sort of exploring expeditiou. Not very far, however --only across the hall and into the parlor upon which the opposite hall -door °pealed, where he found the cliatelelier a ithout diftioulty, and set first one and then another, of the burners alight. . - '" How confoundedly fine we are get.: fing to been our old daye !" was-. hie comment, as bis eyes:gan 'around ehe room and took iti the en:ion/de ,Of heavy, ,crimson cureains, richly friliged, ' Thr-, key carpets. rich mahogany futuitute, and picin res ip everyshowY guilt fraretes,., "Wealth begins to tell, desen't it ?-'.-- No tnatter how it has heel; got, Or hove; lsep,t " Evidently he eonsidered 'the; latter the thing of moat conseqnepoe, judgment by the very decided empha- •sis 1 "Don't see it hero! carennba 1—ifl he has destroyed it, .1, would hot like tee bet all my small change againstit de- claratioefof war, even when I came ou a peaceable errand 1 Ali let us see back here I" and he' paseed under the arch which marked the division once' existing between the two parlorti. As: le: did go, what change wag that Which eaane c vet* him ?e -and Who could have believed that there had been no Aetna' 'transformation ' hi' 'personality,? t' The' natural gentletnan, in spite able tough ife end Califerelis experiencetbad r4. moved his hat when first coming intO theiliou se . et id that btoadh immed head- eovering lay on one of the chairs., inthe other venni ;''bet lin* he 8,v/intake' pli 1 it off again to 'bow dOWit fronithe, Basic proud eieetness of hie carriage, as'itl*e stood , in the presence • Of` eomethin sainted aqd hely: The eyes that:ha lately been so inerry and inisellieveonei were dimmed with tears that be ,wig yet 11(41 soft etiough to allow, pas:Sage down the cheeks ; the Arm' month quivered and a Shad* ineffable love'and sorrOW came o'er' the 'broad, bright btow. The man who seldom 'fettled 4 master and never, acknowledged 1enti if he did,' Wet bowed :Intl broken before ithrintluence that could" not bo' resisted' The flettrell andhis'words were all exi plained, now—Prederiek Owiler standing before the portrait of his dead mother. • • • eil tIh�I�It b an f far,' r°W -but o sorrow u tutto theelettetse. Dr. lOnes' wife Waii awakened by a noiee in her room the other bight, and when she at up in bed elm eaw the , doctor *tending over the armchair in the room. Ho hadjaitowel tiedaround one of the legs of chair, and With a handsaw lie was cettingitin half. Mrs. Jones exclaimed: "Henry, whit, in tha,nami of coin, - mod sense are you doing.° ronlied the dssiOrt You% wake the patient, YOuhohl tbe form to hia nose =while Ital. his leg oft I'm jutst half way, through the bone Weir Mrs Jones get. out of bed mad Ihook and pinched biro until oroke. Then he exclaiinedi• "Ho*'. the patient ?" Mrs. Jones' merely said, "Conde to bed, you, idiot, and stop hooking up the furniture.% ' Graeious, Merits," said the doctor, as he eolletted his scattered senses, "do you knew,' thought I was in the hospi- tal sawing of a leg that had it compound fracture. There's a 550 fee gone." Anti Jones went to bed feeling as if he was an injured man at having lost that money. DeProts 4484. 141,, CAS". Last Sunday morning, just as one of our straightest 'deacons Was getting ready te shake the Iineee over hislhorses' backs and "get dap,""the wife happened to remember that the calf hadp't_been fed. Thefietteon looked at his' Simatiy clothes and observed that he did not deem it incumbent upon WM' to suffer for the negligence of others; to which the „deaconess replied that pitch Ian - pia& hi the presents of the children, 011 13 SundaymOrningeand from 4' pil- lar of the 'church, was enough to ahake one's belief in the professions that had been wade by some one she could name. The deacon 'landed the lines to his oldest boy and climbed over the wheel without saying it word. went around to theiront door and took the key fromeunder the Mat, came around to the other door, and as he was trying te put the key in the 'hele the key slipped from bus' hand and slid down into the snow. Finally he got into the kitchen aud started for the back -yard with the milk. He set the pail down on the ground and called to the calf but the beast whisked its tail in the air and bellowed a him. Then he captured the animal and pulled it along by the ears,andjammed its head into the pail, but the calf gave a spring sending the milk in it cloed ef spray .over the deacon's shirt front. In lay- ing to reniepture the beast; the deacon dropped his -hymn -book out of hispock- it, 'an e ore e rescue, it the calf stepped both feet on it and tore the cover off it. • Tbe deacoi Lot mad. He took it hop-eole and belat bored the ealf. One end of the pole struck the shed, and bounding up, knocked the deacon's plug hat off. It •relit cl direotly under the calf who set his foot through 'the tile, and then went tearing around the pled with his tail in the air and that hat • fagtenect just above the knuckle joint. The dea- con went into the house'and' fla he un- buckled his ehirt collar, he called out, "Maria, you:go un to el;urelhand if any oue asks after me tell them I etaid hOrne to feed the calf!". lClir:4l:c1 Bt ti:3cE80::Ei307EA:Ii 111E • uoN)usiO4n.:00NA0 J J. GIVES 1111AI A TALKING TO. Oh, Tint needn't think you're going to fool me, Mr, Jackson, nutting off your boots ou the dooretep and sneak- ing around that way. ' kneev waist tinae, it is, -arid a nice time °flight, too,,for a man of your age to be coroing,home, and after coril- pleining of 0, cold on week, 1 wonder yon haven't More sense you stupid old Creature. You'ain't is old as l'ata. How can you say, so, wben you know very well I could prove my age by my father's Family Bible, if the register hadn't gottorn Ont. Whe tared out ? Howdo limey ? Don3 tisk me, yen eta keltt t Y°11:M4 re 1 bosomoflac -yourc. f family as yoa abould have ,d0DR, they •wouldn't be cold now. Where have yen been 2' Eh, John. sayJohn John Jacksen 1 Oh, you ain't asleep, SO you needn't snore. (dome now, out with it No; I ain't boring auger holes with inyelbnws, but 1 want to know Where you've been. What's that you Bay Ynta just went out of curiosity with Ma -- eon to hear the Mormon preecher ?— No, I won't lie down and keep quiet. - 1 see through it all, John Jackson, you hoary -headed old siuner. You want to become it Mormon; and marry Mason's daughter, that tallow -faced, stuuk.up minx, that you was making love to at the social t'other'night. You didn't make love to her? Now don't tell me. I ain't blind, and what made her hang around you so with plates after plates of this thing and that thing, and such smiles and going on, it made me quite sick to look at it. I wasul very sick when I drank aim cups of tea? I didn't drink it, and if I did I wasn't aware of it. • I was so pat out, and I'm nearly wild now. • Oh, you old wretch; to dare think of such a :thing ;. you'd go and commit jiganay, w,ould yau? 'What's jiganav ? Why having two wives at once, you stupid. Oh, it's bigamy is it? If you're so particular maybe you'd better get up and write it down for me, and then paste it on that ugly bald head of yours, so all the world can know. what you're up to. You might wait anti! I'm laid in my poor, lonely, forgotten grave; and- I am sure I can't lest Much ranger, the life I lead with you. No, I won't shut up ; I'll say what I - like, and I want yen to understamb if you're going te be it saint; I'll never be one. '- What's that you say? not likely ?— John Jackson, you're nothing, but it premedicated old Turk! Any man as old AS you are, and the father of it fa- mily, to think Of joining them abomin- able-Mornaons, ought to be tarred and feathered, and jolted from Londoa to Exeter and back on the ragged edge of it rail. . • And how do you expect to keep goodness knows how' many wives and babies, you that don't half provide for what yeu have now. What are they suffering for? How can you ask me, ,when you know very well that Emma Jane has been begging for a piano ever since she got on long dresses. Pre- cious long did you say: They ain't so long as fleet Mason ;girt's, anyway. And es for me I haven't had it new bonnet this year yet. And Charlie asked me toe other day if he coaldh't have it watch and gold ring like other boytrof his age, and my heart bled to refuse him. But I never expect to have thinge like other folks. And after toilieg and moiling all these year, till I'm worn down ta skin and bone. Just look at me now and the day you got me, John Jackson! It ain't the work, but my temper 2— My temper ain't half as bad as yours, you tyrannical old tom -oat!• Yes, I will slap my fist &tin,' on the pillow, just as close to your head as I like,and ifeyorthant Eihmeewomen to deal with, you'd have that big nos'a of yours flat. tened quicker'n lightning. " Mormon's preaching, indeed 1 I bet you didn't see my brother Will there! • He has more sense in -little finger than all the 'Jacksons " you can stand, between here and Salt Lake. • Oh thy stars! what will Pa s ay when he hears of this ? What's thet 1 Pa was there in the front rank. Go to sleep you old fool, and don't keep me awake all night with your clatter. John Gwiler did not return Meier.ti Without a night.lateb and his* repots 111)110 of the door standing, lying. in 'a somewhat defenseless coneh tion. 1301d, bad men,. .who have tio greatest need to be unvarying careful, often play a little recklessly in such re= gerds,--perhape to ehow how eaudid and 'above board they are, and how lit- tle need they have of nsing, merked eumspectiou. Perhaps the merchant's cigar 3333301(031 longer than he had anti. cipated perhaps his walk extended it block or two further than was his Wont. 'But the ioom which he left didn't long 10131111113 without 1111 onettimeiteeen 00093p11131 WhOSO capacity to 0001.111y111 reorii, by the way, Will be rickno et ledged the tinanient,ltie pereonality dean'. ea, . The 01311(1thia 110311111(317 • diaappearad down the steps of the piegza, when , hettVier foot. dame up them John, OWi'. ler Wail itt leekein the 'Wile, Of ViSitbf4f that 'evening, quantity tieing .conoldered though whether he woo quite 86 well shited le' al. together different problem, it 'la do -Ethan]. whether the now,eomet, „ . . The alirtte Expetisttos. Some of the etoree Which are ready for shipment are of 'peculiar intermit, It will he it surprise to many to 'hear that •theeipaditioniwill narry out with it a complete thsatica1 Wer.irebe,' and teistoinatyndjiiiieets' Of the': etagee: All exPerienee 'hee iitreeed. thatth. best for the. drearineisnt'On 0iTtie *inter 18 eheetifillneSS �t spirit. Nene but healtlri'Men Will be ' perniitted to sail withthe;elpedition, and the' lire. qimary liven ;,so. st,rict' es earnest to 4/0`. prObibithey. A trick' manin the Attic .eitole jwoolclnot, only bila buideti tor h.iinself,, but- would 10 handicap his messinates as probably to p,ut fujeopardyilie success of the under. taking. Abselote health, has therefore, lieen made .rs 'sine lute non •;landlitimaYlbe etsseneed that„;teltheetithY, neon itte.of cheerful dispoSion. But., 'the expedi- tion is previded. with, .artifieal, nicle 10, good fellowship. The .,adinitaltyilleye' not Made it; e eeoditOi the eft.e.eis,' fte tilde to sing fte gnoct „long, or !da0ce iehOrnpipe; but snc like accoth.: P,liehinenie are ofgreat irnportuoeun- der 'the cirelimstaniaiii, iikta iriefteeee, takOta to eneonrageitheliistrionie` poreer's �f the ehipe riOnapithies.% C. litarkhara rencarks 'the ineit for „Artie iletVices,are eta- pitude for taking part 111 those "'Winter amittitimeriti,Whieh gave lite to the, l'ilertitii/B(dnrini the ,nikintlia, of'foreed 'ennetielf,'atidi* his Artie he has recorded:the park Which each of aer tonkiii thaTolat Aheittrieals, fait, the majority of 'Out Moat noted .A.rtie haVigatOrftwere/froth the zgen- cie :of th,ir 'position, Eidinitabto tette. tout perfortneril,• end furnishing teatridel*Ardtebi'itiettipputtenances, the- t/iefettonentitto contributing in no to es Much greater.,,Etedt4liitts qlsey esipliotted t� the snec� .�t-th rtickipodition Of 1816, It woo it picture oil; painted many Years before and 136 marvel ' art....1 tether datib than otherwiii, if threw into' comparison With the Works 4, th'", best, modern American th fietes eha Ausitiligtont.ima the ⅈ tut It 'had feelitit and tait34 'ttilnesstiVo qualitieS *hid); ilia) inioct finiehect pietutio! *eon tbo ootoit do not iiltraye 'pock; it Amor. n up0 her prel inetton the testienney Andlete thee ^ , , eine had tukou 1i14 plea,kitne LTA ItiftgAhtvoltiiiihybeeleest Wet thowOmplighwent otthe dewl to hive felt gultlempiitetioutt nt any of the or d'Usit,,dbilikrnfa nurderer toith4aving the:body of t victiM 11337eg 'ta serve as A remint14r The woman& own son, a little boy of 1.2, wee the Priocipal witness against her. Site niade this mere ehild dig up and move the bAy of her victim two . Or •the'Ve. - tunes the epece era week. She first buried the childin it ga,rdee, and , when •its disappettrance had exeited comment and caused the institution of - 'a search, she attracted the tettention of ; the °Maces to another point she her- self accompanyieg them, first •telling her little son to dig up the body in thole w absence andnide it in the ; The boy performed this task, told nt night was Illade to carry the body to al cotton pen , and subsequently to 4. thicket, where i( wes finally dieeeYered During the course of 'the trml, with her own son giving such testimony of her atrocity, the woman evieced little feel. nig of any kind, paesiug' througn the entire ordeal with an unruffled d.e- meanor. Otseof Ltis ./iitt yolks. , • The Chatham Planet relates ratiicr gootletory concernieg the eliiiister of Fall Plowing,—It seems tbet Mr- ltIcSween had occasion to visit Torboto, an`111:..d(1:ttIoug1'it,w,o1ld'1ll1,1;1 hiE4g01d hC'4vo flP31ktOrW1) withhis 'friend. 'With bin'i. view lit trudged up to the office ef the Cabinet Minister and asked' • Lho messenger at tbe door to show hina in. The messenger inquired whet his name was, and in reply was told in broad Scotch accent McSWeeu. ' Go- ing into Mr. ISIcKellar's room the mes. eenger not catching the visitor's name iiactly, announced that "Mark Twain," was in the waiting room and desired audience. But thelhovineial Secretary said he didn't want to see " Mark Twain," probably having -violets of ." the innocenets abroad'3 before his eyes. Upon the inessengere:‘ return and relating that the Minister was " eng,aged" Mac's blood• fairy boiled with indignation that lie _should be •thus refused, and with welds suiting the action of the words, declared that the MeSweens were not to be treated in that way. Luckily, nowever, the mes- senger this time heard "McSween" and no mistale, and returning to the Min=* ister of course, was ordered to show him in, and Mr. McSween--enot Mark Twain—joyfully grasped the horny hand of the great Fall Ploughman. A Broad Street, Newark, Phyeician wee called upon last week to attend it seaanstress who felt indisposed.- He inquired as to hor health, and she' re- sponded, very appropriately," '1 Well, it's about sets', sew, Doctor, but seem worse to -day, and I have frequent stitches inthe side. The doctor hemmed, as he felt her pulse, and said she wouhl mend soon, and left prescription. * 4 THE SS. VICKSBURG- WRECKED. A, tiumher newiPaPir Mtn "from tringot and:Toronto arrived in DrooltlYn loot' Sottirdey "toe the piirpose of seeing the T:leeelier tial. The i'',J„ourti never Sits en 4aturday, but on 14terulay3114138 *Olson ,iniproved the •cpportnllitio te th1141' Ot.0eight)* tlicPloi ttops ,91 „Yisitere.•it 4ittiOiity eialtorg, iten0,4061040$ he 10 iiiy4f)11' athlif glut oily who lioetiot4tiii thillioligootattio titter' 13112 &tin befpre tlte tribl EXpertoarists tato Rats. NEARLY ALL ON BOARD p333311333—ONLY FIVE OF THZ DREW KNOWN TO MAYA BEEN SAVBD—THE BOATSWAIN'S STORY — The SS. State of Georgia, which ar- rived at New York, on the 10th inst.,. • picked up a boat contaieing tive see - 11101) of the SS. Vicksburg, o from Mnri- treal for LiverPonl. - The -Min *thee nearly dead from 0N.1)08111'13. The Vick- sburg a as sunk by ice Oil Tuesday, the - 1st of J une. The rescued men tell a 'fearful tale'of suffering. James Crowley, the boate- wain, makes the following statement ; We left Quebec on l'hnrsday morn- ing, efay 27, with a crew of sixty men all told, :nue eight saloon ,passengers,.. five men and three ladies, and about twenty in the steerage, of whom four • were ladies. 'The weather was fine na- til,about nine o'clock on Sunday even- ing, when we fell in with field ice, and. were soon surrounded with it. The ship stopped till daylight, when we proceeded again with but little icein sight. On Monday evening the was stopped among heavv ice andhead- ed to the south, when we proceeded at full speed to get clear of the ice; At midnight while going at half speed we struck theiee. The engine's' were im- rnechate,ly, r,e,versed. The ship struck heavily aft on her port quarter carrying away the fans of the piopellor, and' a hole wasimooked through the plates el that quatter, through which • ,the' ship made a &oil deal of water. • Got sails over and stopped •the hole up, BO that but little water came in, e All hands were employed in heaving the cargo overboard. • On Tnesday morn- ing the captain ordered tho forward wells to be sounded, and Six inches of water Witti found, the after steerage then being full of water. The main hold wells were also sounded, and five' feet and a half of water were also fotind. The captain called me on to the bridge and told nie not to mind the bombs, anti then called everybody aft and told, them to have no feare, ae he would take. . P. the ship to St Johns N was then discovered that the tiros is the engine -room were drowned ontenid the captain then gave orders. toelaunch the boats eith their respective crews, and teld them to mind that the dis- tance from'SG. lohns was 120 north -w at, 1 proceeded to launch NO. 1, which was my boat, and it was ear. sized in lowering, losing :chronometer. watch, charts, rudder told part of the provisions. She was full of water. -- O'Brien and 1 baled her partly out', when Gro,s,,an. Wilkason and Williams jumped in. We cotod net heesg on to, the ship, owing to the sea on and toe ice about. O'Brien saN1/ the captain on the bridge beekoning the.boat back, vifi having drifted about 150 yards from the ship. We saw the second oiliear'l bkmlt 10Were4 all clear, Withnitie hap& and himself in her, She earth) Arounti the how and pulled, to Wiiniaord latent sixty yards. The ship sank about 10 ofeleck, floating boat No. 2, with the chief Officer and shod thirty people in 1et :18W0:a1rwit.i1761..0681tal isv01:10°10:10ni60,01:6:pbrtiks:Ifti!or,(1)41111141aileetat46,11141:13;wvi fld 1113* about, Wore not able to d.o ad. WO tpwiro6kektit:°a; op if, Vbetitb'ioe‘atirill bbI shipped our inasts and kept company being WI full f+f water and 'the ROI 'With the other boats tot tibtritt,i 0 An ainusirignxperiment on rats was recently perpetrated in • it mercantile lionse Petereb Ter) of these attintield ,Iteen• trapped, and - it was decidedie, try the ekeets of whihkey up- Onthein. Voitl,drops were adminis- ieFfa' to .eneh of die* by' farce, and the result !they' were placed in it wide, 'deep boi, Whieli 'borne trash And gravel thrOivn.•A saucer of.whiskey Winepleted therein. For it White 411 Was ,ollehk, each rat having .ierited hineselfin it *minor where lie re. rottined its Morose as a rat cou,d be. and 1»', hoieever, the liquor began to **irk. Therats began to smile, and play with their tails ;• then to fall -down and roll over. Finally one of them found the saucer, and, with the peculiar cnr,iositY of his race, dippe his nose in it. He drank, and the noise of drink. iog brought his cedepattion to hie side, They drank as though they were really Iona td" the shift and it Hi estimated more than eighty Arops. The revisited the Batietir, and then got mad °Vet it: A. rough and tumble 'fight ensithil, which taa untilhoth were exhausted. Then they remained fort each with • paw to his nose, grinning at, each other. Finally both fell asleep, hila while hoth' glorions ttneonticious, tireieSr Was iltolve(1 beside thm e. , It IteineWee not built in •s the inference ie ilia), it eprung in the night, at& thtto coo mutthroonl mil, • „,. httirs, when we lost stglit OfIIIer‘l