HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-04-27, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, April 27, 1994 CQMM UNITY Janice Puynlsveld, left, and Ryan Marr display the folk dancing that their grade 2 class from St. Patrick's Schwl in Lucan will be per- forr»ing at the London and Middlesex County Roman Catholic School Board's 23rd Annual Folk Dance Festival. Teachers needed for Bible school By Joan Beierling VARNA - There will be Vacation Bible School in Brucefield August 8 to 12, in the mornings, if enough Contact Miriam Jones if you're in- terested. Varna U.C.W. ladies meet Thurs- day, May 5 in the Varna Church. The U.C.W. ladies are invited to at- tend the Official Opening for Women's Shelter and Counselling Services of Huron (formerly known as Survival Through Friendship House) on April 29, 1 p.m., at 376 Huron Road in Goderich. The Stan Lee Club will meet Wednesday, May 4 with Norene Hayter and Marj Stirling in charge. If anyone has any news of any event, meeting, trip or anything in- teresting please give me a ring any- time before Sunday evening. if you like cooking, you'll love General Electric's new "true" convection ranges. Faster, more professional baking results every time. On sale nowt For selection and service at fair prices call... 262.2728 Mon: Tfw's. S.m.4pn Fri. tam-flpm Sat. San-Spn M INSALL, ONTARIO DIVSDALE 'Amo The grade 5 and 6 class from St. Patrick's School near Lu - can will be singing at 'It's a Grand Night for Singing' at Alumni Hall in London with about 1,000 students and staff from London and Mid- dlesex County. This tribute to Rogers and Hammerstein is on May 12 and 13. From back left are Darrell Parsons, Jim Dewan, Lisa Dokter, Car- la Lansink, Leigh Ann Darling, and Russell Pettypiece. Third row left, Daniel Harrigan, Mar- tha O'Connor, Mary Mcl!- hargey, Laura Earl, Ryan O'Shea, Stephen Maslen, and Diana Vandenberk. Sec- ond row left, Sarah Ewald, Emma O'Connor, Erin Abel, Rob Ryan, Rick Sullivan, Matt Goodale, and Craig VanKast- eren. Front row left, Catherine Ouellette, Scott McLeod, Jodi Pronchuk, Shannon O'Shea, Jason Cook, and Mike Dalgle- ish. v gid'. y...f` `~v A. raditi on of Faniily Service V6. a )ito 404 .16 1' •1 • since 1887 iIu' /(nllill/ n/. Ilirlrl('1l's I••t$1U'r(I( !lank' Inc. can relate (o families .SOri:att• because u•c''re /Wen n'orkirl(l trilh 1)c r,l)i(' ill limes al (lri('/fi,F ( slu'(•i(II 1(1I('nts arc (•(,nt/r,rt in(1 I)('nl)I(' (In(i (1(1in(1 r('sl)f)rtsil)lrl at: (h('ir behalf. Oi(r /anlihl is fully l)r('l)arc'(1 (r) meet any sil11(11ion u'il11 delicacy 11 (ul(1 1 a'.1. i'erhap)s a visit by iyatlr /(Irrlil•IJ 1O o111 /ihn('r(II home in a relaxed hour mi(lhl he the ht's( (call la establish our (l('(!('11 i((I.s ►ri1h !I'II. ('ali or vixil its 1011(11/ 111 (hII(nU1(' i • Dinney I:i'NI;1?,1I, IiN('. --471\Inirr S./i;scicr - 235-,7, .. 7l �l --1)11<1.( 1Okti- lfilliun) 1)inury • Il,d).•rl i)innry 4.04 CWL meet in Grand Bend By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Last month the Catholic Women's League of Im- maculate Heart of Mary parish in Grand Bend held at Day of Recol- lection in the Parish Hall on March 9. It was very well attended by both the host CWL and area coun- cils from Mount Carmel, Forest, Zurich and St. Joseph. Several members attended the Laster Ecumenical on March 29, hosted by the Church of God, Grand Bend. Rose Vanbruaene pre- sented an inspirational reading about the Easter season. The CWL held their annual Pancake breakfast for all parishioners on Palin Sun- day, March 27. Breakfast was se- vered after the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses in the Parish Hall. A folding bulletin hoard will be purchased to advertise league activ- ities to be placed at the back of the church. It was decided to purchase a second-hand dishwasher for the Parish hall kitchen. Members are asked to consider attending the CWL convention, April 2S-27. CWL meeting A CWL meeting was held at the Parish Hall in Grand Bend follow- ing Mass on April 12. membership fees are due and members are asked to hand them in to Margrit Breuer. President Lia Vandenberk chaired the business. Members are presently working on the quilt for the raffle at the end of summer. Toni Vandenberk passed out raffle tickets to all the members to start selling. Father Beck said the church will be hooking up to the new gas line in the near future. A special CWL Mass will he held on May 8, Mother's Day at 11 a.m. to commemorate our Patro- ness, Our Lady of Goodwill be at- tending the Convention; Lia Van- denberk, Cathy Vrolyk, Nancy Stokkerman and Rita Smith. It was decided to award a free member- ship (for one year) to Linda Backx who just joined the church at East- er. Anne Baltessen announced that there were 133 photo sittings for the Parish Directory and at least 12 photos sent in for inclusion in the book, expected to be ready in July. Photos will also be taken of the choir and service clubs. Congratu- lations to Anne Baltessen who or- ganized this undertaking and her helpers who did all the phoning to arrange appointments. Wilma Srneekens volunteered to choir collections osis, May 6-7 at nesses. Roberta for Multiple Scler- Grand Bend busi- Walker reminded the members that May is Flowers of Hope month, canvassing for do- nations to Community Living, South Huron, and volunteers are needed. Father Beck thanked all those who helped at the Pancake breakfast, and during the Holy Week Services, whether singing in Iht( liturgy, reading, serving, or cleaning and decorating to make Easter such a beautiful feast for (he parish. The next meeting is May 10 with Bingo games following the busi- ness . June 14 will honor Seniors Month with a special Seniors Pot- luck Supper with husbands invited starfiiig at 6:30 p.rn. 410111N Mark Coulthard THE FERTILIZER RECIPE If you as a homeowner. want to have a great lawn. you must understand the fer• tilizer recipe The three main ingredients of this recipe are: Nitrogen. Phosphorus and Potassium These three elements make up the analysis of a fertilizer The numbers represent percentages of each nutrient in the bulk total For example 24-4-16 means 24°o Nitrogen. 4% Phosphorus and 16°o Potassium Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for turfgrass Nitrogen is also the most expensive nutrient and required in the greatest quantity by turfgrass plants Nitrogen is responsible for lush, green colour and turf vigor Phosphorus aids in root development and is very important when establishing new turf Potassium or potash is necessary for maintaining hardiness and disease resistance Fertilizer must be applied evenly and at the proper rate to prevent burning or leaving stapes on the lawn By understanding the ingredients in a fertilizer you can cook up a better lawn Next Week: Origin of Dandelions See this space each week for a valuable Weed Man Turf Tip. GODERICH 524-2424 ea M• itt WE CARE FOR YOUR LAWN Proprietors TOLL-FREE Christine & Mark Coulthard 1-800-387-0342 "limo Sauria9 eve: 14001auwa of i ieua Lou«t9...and gaeuRiag/° IF YOU HAD RECEIVED THIS AD IN ¥OUR MAILBOX YOU WOULD HAVE THROWN 75% OF ITAWAY. That's a silly way of stating what is a documented fact. 75% of all advertising_ mail meets a sad end. In the trash can! Of the 25% that we keep, most we don't even read at that time. We set it aside, to come back to. Or to forget about completely. Three times as many people would prefer to receive their price and cost information in their newspaper. There, it's all together in one neat package. Complete and ready for comparison. When people turn to their paper, they turn there with interest. Which means that's where your advertising message needs to be. With all the choices available, it's difficult deciding how best to ad- vertise your business. But everything becomes a little simpler when you remember one rule... 1 t. YOU GOTTA BE IN THE PAPER. This message sponsored by this newspaper and the Ontario Community Newspaper Association