HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-04-27, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, April 27, 1994 Forthcoming marriage - Eu- gene and Elizabeth Woodley of Englehart, Ontario, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Kimberly Ann to Craig Winbow, son of Michael and Christine Winbow of Kirk - ton. Craig and Kim will ex- change their vows at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catho- lic Church on Saturday, May 14, 1994. Open reception, 8:30 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre. Zurich recital FAMTT.Y Music students fickle the ivories By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - Music students of Laurie Erb held their recital at the public school gym on Sunday after- noon with two groups taking part. The younger children performed their piano talent and singing at 1:30 p.m. while the older students began at 3 p.m. Blue Water Rest Home A Ladies Auxiliary meeting at the Blue Water Rest Home will be held on the first Tuesday of May at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. A Mother's Day Tea and Bake Sale will be held at Blue Water Rest Horne May 7 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Awards night The Zurich figure skating club held their banquet and awards night at the arena April 24 while the 2.M.A.A. will be having their hockey banquet awards and elec- tions on April 26 at the Community Centre. Spring concert On Wednesday and Thursday af- ternoon the Kindergarten pupils of St. Boniface School will be present- ing their spring concert, with dress rehearsal at 1:15 p.m. while at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday is the actual performance. Bowling dance Everyone is welcome to attend the Zurich Bowling Dance this Sat- urday night at the Hensall Commu- nity Centre beginning at 9 p.m. Ad- mission at the door is $5 per person which includes lunch and dancing to the band "Night Wind". Brownies The Brownies will be having their last meeting and Fly -Up cere- mony at St. Boniface School gym on May 3, which parents and rela- tives are welcome to attend at 7 p.m. Zurich PS concert The Zurich public school will �e presenting their annual "Spring Concert" on Thursday, May 5 at 1:15 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. Personals Alice Gingerich of Ailsa Craig is spending some time with her daughter Mary Forman while hus- band Roy Gingerich is a patient in Exeter Hospital. Alice and Ralph Joyce of Boston, Mass., along with Carol Beth and Garry and family of Lockport, New York, were Friday dinner guests with their cousin Lylyan Greb. Gerald and Ursula Regier cele- brated their 50th Wedding Anniver- sary at St. Boniface Church on Sat- urday when a Mass was said for their intentions by Father Corriveau with their children, relatives and friends attending. A dinner and dance followed at the Zurich Com- munity Centre. A buck and doe was held at the Zurich Arena Saturday for Bobbi Brown and Jeff Hoffman who are planning to be married in May. Jim and Carol Sweeney of Lon- don, along with Beth Sweeney and Doug Beaudoin of Toronto were Saturday dinner guests with Jerome and Carmel Sweeney and family. Gord and Cecilia Smith and Kel- ly -Lyn spent the weekend in Wind- sor visiting their daughter Nadine and Ray Chong. The community welcomes home Earl and Doreen Oesch; Malinda and Earl Gingerich; Abbey and Wilma Erb; and Hubert and Marge Schilbe who have spent the winter in Florida. Darin and Debbie (nee Bedard) Telford's daughter was baptized April 24 at St. Boniface Church by Fr. Wronski. A bridal shower was held April 17 at St. Boniface Parish Hall, Zu- rich for Pamela Money of Langton. She is the fiancee of Patrick De- nomme, Tillsonburg. His mother Mary -Lou Denomme and sisters hosted the shower with several friends and relatives attending. The couple are planning to be married May 21. Barb O'Connor of Lake Bluff, Il- linois spent the past two and one half weeks with her mother Geral- dine Kane. Happy anniversary wishes go to Larry and Debbie Denomme on April 24; happy birthday wishes to Dennis Willert on April 21; happy 40th to Barb Gorman; also happy anniversary to Butch and Marion Sweeney of Vanastra on April 29. Congratulations to Rodney and Lisa Freeman (nee Bedard) who were married April 16 at St. Jo- seph's Church in Clinton followed by dinner and reception held at the Zurich Community Centre. Lisa is the daughter of Paul and Shirley Bedard of Zurich. Congratulations to Wayne and Tanya Thiel on the recent arrival of their first baby, a girl, Amanda Faye, born April 11. A family get-together was held recently at the home of Barb and John -Paul Rau, RR #2 Zurich to help John celebrate his birthday with relatives coming from Detroit, Windsor and London. Keith and Helen Gingerich re - Forthcoming marriage - The parents of Bobbi Brown and Jeff Hoffman are pleased to . lann4unce the ..forthcoming ,marriage o>t . tbeir children on May 7, 1994 at 2:00 o'clock at the Exeter United Church. Open reception to follow at South Huron Recreation Cen- tre, Exeter. Exchange student guest speaker at Elimville WI ELIMViLLE - The annual meet- ing of Elimville Women's Institute was held April 18 with 14 members present. Reports were given by the secre- tary, treasurer, auditor and co- ordinator. Correspondence was read and adopted. Business followed with some discussions. Guest speaker Andrea French spoke on her trip to Nova Scotia with the Perth County 4-H ex- change. Barbara French read a story about the willow pattern on a plate. The following officers were in- stalled: president Shirley Cooper; vice president Marjorie Johns; sec- retary Kay Morley; treasurer Mar- gueriteoutler; public relations Ma- rie Brock; directors Evelyn Horne, Ruth Skinner, Kay Morley; district director Marjorie Johns; Alternate district director Marie Brock. Zurich Figure Skating Club presented its annual awards on Sunday night. Here are, front, left; Julie Semple, Passed Fifth and Sixth Figures and Senior Silver Dance; Elyshia Denomme, Sen- ior Silver Dance and Fifth Figure; Krista Schilbe, Senior Silver Freeskate, Gold Dance, Sixth Fig- ure, Seventh Figure, Novice Competition; Melissa Timmermans, Third and Fourth Figure. Back, left; Marcia Lee Denomme, Junior Silver Dance, Fourth Figure; Sarah -Rae Lovie, Senior Bronze Dance; Julie Hearn, Novice IV Canskate; Jamie Eckel, Novice IV Canskate; Shelley Miller, Fourth Figure. Adult Drop -In April 25 Carpet bowling 3 game winners Wilma Davis 2 W, score 42 Peter McFalls 2 W, score 42 Lawrence Russell 2 W, score 27 Doris Hackney 2 W, score 26 Next week the local playoffs for Ontario Senior Games will be held. There won't be open bowling, however spectators are welcome. The Poor Boy lunch- eons will resume in the fall. !SOS Is R.R. 2 Crediton o a� 234-6464 Greenhouse & Nurseryc▪ i 4 Now expanded to serve you better , Mon. - Fri. 4 - 10 p.m., Sat. - Sun., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Holidays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Annual - Perennial Box Plants 4. I Great for fiowerbeds and rock gardens indoor tropical and flowering plants, rose bushes trees and shrubs. Selection of hanging baskets "No GST" 4 SUSAN'S GREENHOUSE ra V. 1 1/2 All Your ;. Gardening'"'' Needs miles south of Crsdlton HOPPER HOCKEY FUNERAL HOME We're glad you asked... BILL HASKETT Xife•,467 Funeral Home Limited 370 William Street, Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-1220 BOB FLETCHER IS PRE-PLANN/NO WORTHWH/i7 Yesi Pre -planning for funeral services is well worth the hour or so it takes to talk over your final wishes with our trained funeral directors. Pre -planning Is important for three reasons: First, pre --planning makes your wishes know In advance, so difficult deci- sions won't have to be made at the time of death. Second, pre -planning permits free choice of all those personal and intimate aspects of a funeral- (music, scriptures, eulogy, etc.) in a comfortable, re- laxed almoephere. Finally, any possible disagreement among the bereaved is eliminated when your wishes are expressed and reoomied in advance. As funeral directc.'s, we have ail the information you might need In pre- planning for funeral servtcea. Please stop by if you would Re mom informa- tion on this very irtporfant declslon-maktrq. ON MAIO r ($4 nit SiROC( ASSOC ettCot ameseetesith tom' 1 cently spent three weeks in Saraso- ta, Florida and also attended the 40th anniversary celebration of Le- onard and Dorothy Bowman. Several relatives of the late Leo- nard Denomme attended his funeral in Windsor April 23. Happy birthday wishes go out to Diane Klopp and Glen Greb on April 21. Kathy and Terry Luther of Cal- gary and two children are spending a couple weeks holidays with her mother, Mrs. Alice Neilands in Hensall. Also weekend visitors were son Mike Neilands from To- ronto and daughter Sue from Iro- quois. THE DECORATOR PATCH 213 Main Street Lucan, (519) 227-1595 April 19 - 30th Hours: Tues. - Friday 9 - 5:30, Sat.9-4 Sale price $31.95 gal. Reg. $40.10 71 UM ULTRA WHITE 319.01 �inllkwn�fQ Sale price $29.95 gal. Reg. $37.25 Sale price $31.95 gal. Reg. $40.35 Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello Chewable Vitamin C tablets are tasty and easy to take but you should brush your teeth or at least wash your mouth out afterwards. Vitamin C is acidic and can have an adverse effect on tooth enamel. Osteoporosis affects 25% of women over the age of 60. It has been shown that young women who maintain a sufficient intake (1500mg/day) of calcium in their youth will be Tess likely to suf- fer from osteoporosis. Leading an active physical life will help also. Everyone seems to have unused medication in their medicine cabinets. The inclination is to use it again'when it's thought that the same problem has recurred. Not a good ideal Often, it may not be the same problem and if it is, the amount of Mediicatiort may not be sufficient to do the job. Check with your doctor be- fore using. In the U.S. The Food and Drug Administration is proposing new labelling for A.S.A. (Aspirin) preparations. The labels will include the warning: "important: See your doctor before taking this prod- uct for your heart or for other new uses of A.S.A. because seri- ous side effects could occur with self -treatment." Good advice for Canadians, too. NI_If on Apothecary l_til 'Your Health Care Pharmacy' PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST.. EXETER, ONT. rCHESTNUT PORK HOTEL] Sneak preview Specia/ " improvements today leant to superior accommodation in the future." Package Includes • Ouernight stay in our newly renovated Test room • Complimentary continental breakfast • FREE parking Iplwlla 't c 1 K Package includes • Ouernighl stay in our newly renouated quest room • Complimentary continental breakfast to The Chestnut Park Hotel is conveniently located in downtown loronto Close to shopping, theatres. entertainment and special euents inctudlnq Eaton Centre, Pantages Theatre, Royal Alen, Royal Ontario Museum. 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