HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-04-27, Page 2Page 2 Times -Advocate, April 27, 1994 IN THE NF.W.S nivolewowor Regional wrap up St. Marys Baseball Hall of Fame? ST. MARYS - About 100 resi- dents attended an information meeting last Monday night to discuss bringing a Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame to St. Marys. Those attending were told about plans for the 32 -acre site that included a $5 -million fund- raising plan. Mayor Jamie Hahn pledged the town's support for the pro- ject. "It's not a dream, it's a realistic goal, a place to be proud of - Canada's answer to Coopers- town," the mayor said. Dick MacPherson, who chaired the meeting, told the au- dience the project was still in the proposal stage, but it would be financially self-sustaining. St. Marys link to baseball comes from St. Marys Wood Specialty Co., which used to produce St. Marys hats. These were used nation wide for many years, it was reported in the Journal Argus. Adult entertainers banned CLINTON - A bylaw banning adult entertainment was passed by Clinton Town Council last Monday night. The decision came after a public meeting of the planning advisory board in March. At that time support for ban- ning adult entertainment was given through a petition from the Clinton Christian Reformed Church. As well, Clarence Bos, princi- pal of the Clinton and District Christian School, spoke in sup- port of the ban According to the Clinton News -Record, no public opposi- tion was voiced towards the ban. Prepare for Wal-Mart, BIA members told SEAFORTH - The Scaforth BIA is planning to take a proac- tive role and begin to make plans for how to deal with the possibility of Wal-Mart coming into the area. At the March 22 meeting, BIA members were told if Wal- Mart locates in the vicinity it could mean a decline in BIA members. Although no formal policies were agreed upon, the BIA dis- cussed charging higher taxes to owners of vacant buildings and having regular seminars for BIA members. The committee also discussed Town Council's role in the downtown, stating the town needs to take an active role in the health and well-being of its downtown, it was reported in the Scaforth Expositor. Goderich councillor resigns GODERICH - Councillor Mark Sully has resigned from Gode- rich Town Council. Sully made his announcement on April 15 at an environmental works committee meeting, it was reported in the Goderich Signal -Star. -"Due to the increasing number of conflicts of interest that I found myself addressing I have come to the conclusion that I must tender my resignation..." he said. • --..- Your Views Lettere to the editor From the gallery "We have no objection to obtain- ing the grant money however we are concerned that only one idea is being explored by council from the many ideas presented." Dear Editor: In regards to the town council meeting on April 18, 1994 we would like to present our view and im- pression of the contents of the meeting which took place. The agenda itself was primarily focused on an idea conceived from the meeting on the future of the Town held on March 30, 1994. It is the Mayor's opinion that in no uncertain terms the Town wants and needs the area on the north east corner of Main and Sanders streets which includes the Old Town Hall and the Library turned into a "Heritage Square". We were also told that a committee was to be formed and present its suggestions and the viabil- ity of the project as a whole. We were also told by the Mayor that regardless of the committee's find- ings viable or not, council will spend the majority of the infrastructure grant money of approximately $500,000.00 dollars of which the Town has to con- tribute approximately $185,000.00. It is our opinion that this is the only idea being pursued from the nu- merous suggestions presented at the "Futures Meet- ing" regardless of opposition. We have no objection to obtaining the grant mon- ey however we are concerned that only one idea is being explored by council from the many ideas pre- sented. We are also concerned as to where the Town's portion will be coming from. Will it be tak- en from reserve funds or the reallocation of money already slated for other projects? We believe the Town of Exeter needs a true iden- tity of its own however it appears that in the May- or's view this was the only idea worth pursuing and will take place regardless. Keep in mind where "grant" money comes from. If the public has any concerns or suggestions as to where and how this "grant" money is spent, attend the next council meeting and voice your opinion. Yours truly, Jim Jarrett, Rob Oud Editor's Note: The complete infrastructure grant allocation for Exeter is $790,018, of which the town contributes one-third, $263,339. The first $230,000 or so has already been earmarked for three sanitary and storm sewer upgrades. Mass resignation at Z.M.A.A. "...let a new executive institute a constitution for the betterment of all children and players of the Z. M.A.A. " Dear Editor: As I sat and read the paper of April 13, 1994 and especially the article on the Z.M.A.A. it made me realize the writer has a total disrespect for the league, the town, its players and the families to which they entrust their children to during the win- ter months. I would question if the people that resigned did so because of parental interference or if they did so be- cause of the problems confronting the Z.M.A.A. since the writer of the article in question became in- volved and told some coaches and maybe all coach- es that they were the boss of the team and that they should not worry about the parents opinions but do as they see fit. This attitude that has festered within the organiza- tion is both immature and immoral and anyone that believes the Z.M.A.A. should ignore the parents should also resign or as in the Past President's case, remain the past and let a new executive institute a constitution for the betterment of all children and players of the Z.M.A.A. so as not to forget what Mi- nor Sports should be all about in the town of Zurich. Written by one of the parental interferers, Ken Fenwick Raccoon cause of Thursday's power failure, but last week's still a mystery EXETER - Thursday evening's power fail- ure, the one that plunged both the high school dance and the Conservation Din- ner auction into darkness, isn't so much of a mystery as the failures the Sunday before. Exeter PUC manager Hugh Da- vis said the explanation for Thurs- day's 40 -minute outage is simple: a raccoon climbed into a trans- former bus at the Centralia sub- station, shorting out the 27,000 volt line. While the power failure was an inconvenience for much of the town, it proved fatal for the ra- coon, which was probably only looking+for a lithe warmth:. "I'm assuming he was probably pretty well cooked," said Davis. What is still a mystery is the se- ries of 24 short power failures that affected the Exeter, Seaforth, Cen- tralia, Grand Bend and St. Marys area on Sunday April 17. Although Ontario Hydro crews surveyed the 115,000 volt line that runs between Scaforth and Cen- tralia, no cause has been found. "They brought in a helicopter to patrol the line...and they never found anything to attribute to the failure," said Davis. Davis said those short failures are still a concern to the utility, and Ontario Hydro is stepping up its investigation to find a cause. Your Views Letters tothe editor Goodbye from Peter "Thank you all for laughing with me." Dear Readers: It has been a great privilege to be a columnist for the Times - Advocate for these past eight years. Newspapers must change as time marches on, and this time "Peter's Point" is being marched out of Exeter. I respect that: I'm just glad that my leave- taking is not in the style of my poor colleague Lewis Grizzard, whose demise the editor of the "Declaration" in Independence, Virginia, announced a couple of weeks ago: "Lewis Grizzard died Sunday in a hospital in Atlanta. This column, plus others that will run in future weeks, were written prior to his death." I assure you: none of my col- umns so far were written from beyond, and I intend to continue that practice for as long as I can. Thank you all for laughing with me. It was nice being part of Exeter since May 1986. Goodbye and so long. Who knows? Perhaps we'll meet again some day. Support for walkway "Our class would like a province -wide walk- way..." Dear Editor: We are two students from Ar- thur Meighen Public School, and our class would like a province - wide walkway using old unused CN Rail property around St. Mar- ys and area. The ground could be flattened and fences could be put up. Peter Hesse! Tourists would come by and stay in towns or cities nearby. Two or three lanes could be paved for dirt bikes, pedestrians, snowmobiles or other such vehi- cles. We have researched through all aspects of joining towns with a trail and think it would help tourism all over. Thank you for your time. Jamie Baldwin and Jordan Neufeld •ur.'ri',r1 1 h ursh I rie',I In/. fL,rr.r- Huron's voting structure could change this week GODERICH - Huron County council may have come up with a solution to its voting structure problem. It is recommended that the county adopt a one representative per each municipality system and the number of votes be determined by the size of the municipality. "If it's accepted on Thursday, all they have to do is get the minister's (of municipal affairs) approval," said Exeter reeve Bill Mickle. The recommendation is basically a streamlining of Section 28. If it goes ahead on Thursday, the new system would see the towns of Ex- eter and Goderich not have a depu- ty -reeve on council nor will the townships of Hay, Stephen, Gode- rich and Stanley. "This is the only option we've got without going to a Private Member's Bill," said Zurich reeve Bob Fisher. Council had presented a bill to the provincial government but on Thursday it will be recommended that any applications put forward concerning the application for a private member's bill be rescinded. Under the new system, those mu- nicipalities with less than 1,000 people will get one vote, between 1,000 and 2,000 get two votes, 2,000-3,000 get three votes and any municipality with more than 3,000 will get four. "It's a cap, it's not true reprises- cation by population," said Mickle. "Goderich should be getting five or even six votes. That could be an in- teresting scenario." Currently there are 32 members on county council and that could be dropped to 26. Your Views Letters to the editor Working together! "Keep up the good work" Dear Editor: On behalf of the VON Palli- ative Care Volunteer Program, Middlesex County, please ac- cept our sincere appreciation for printing the story "A Shamrock Hall of Fame" in your March 2/94 issue. It's wonderful how many good things can happen when a community works together. Keep the the good work! Jackie Wells Manager of VON Volunteer Programs - Middlesex County 41 I Ph • # ~d•A p -A0 r.4t; 4 te. 4 0 w p .4e46 -1.41.141111140.1m--43P49 are* Air Take A Spring Drive Into The Country and Visit Country Charm! Where you will find our shop filled with lovely handcrafted floral gifts that are ideal for your Mother's Day giving. Just for you. we also feature handmade. sunflower print pillows. country pictures and dolls. SUMMER HOURS (Starling Mon. May 2) 9 am - 5 pm Closed Wcd. & Sun. R. R. #1, Varna Watch For Signs Between Varna & Bayfield 263-5367 and COUNSELLING SERVICES OFFICIAL OPENING Friday, April 29, 1994 ... from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm OUR NEW ADDRESS ... 376 Huron Road, Goderich Honoured (i tlest, Will include: la • Floyd, Allnrnce General an.l Sha \luu.l• r n . ', Il.Ib1, Inr 4\.,m. L.u.. 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