Exeter Times, 1875-6-10, Page 3SrI 1L11U food, freeoe thy y(nqhr, Vooa, intOo tbv slippors in the hall n' entry, and al- e 141 1)0 " two eyeo, Jibe stars, start front their ways remember to chankre itoor, dirty • -4 • • le of, klakittrostQk1G rook's oweetest alei spberiis, thy knotted and combined': beets before entering her ()testi. root -0R, EalIs& COVOI.WQ0d, Prwm. " • loel:,s to Citi..rt; told e(octit narticulor hair 1 (1"liett you fony he &Ur° Of a $ift1lf1 Of 1 1' 1 '11 t ' eolite as no , _ .)e left, far 11er • o ving r,,i,zret w blown eye4 445. Rt speilod down-, TI3 lel lailt1631, itixor " Sorry that 1, spelt the won', 1. 01.10vo yen, 10 J,s01.116, 00 094 WO (1111 Jp i ft"t‘ltttl, p00('0111,11e. ',), !Ake' bOhi, Of 1 to 'olefin um p, In the evoug eorob yout , ouethlog, be colic), dmi't falot ; we've hob' es earol'olly its 000t. ever didlo your vet ,- a-Orit ,G overronent ." Ile gave a 00 ortiog ditoos, Put on a clean coat or ftl:Ottal ROO. Said he 111(1 he011 <if:MO(1 by ; dresginik'v,own, and Whon ,Y01) tal;Q y0111 hate- to go ' IL V1 W003 i1101114011110,11 41(01, .81"1ettd pAPer 10 road, (lo not road to yourself T000tt000l.....00, br000 Q -e„ uocor. 11,,.... bis wit iro; ood, dew sadly owity,--oStni/ - mid leave her to loneconne thoughts A t‘ Vocalise ,yoo 1I I loo,fort, .derold. vitile sowing and mending, but remote., betltat Atil, toohas heel) Workitlh r4111"R't"'T. a gTq .111'ir°• -0Ev'14z -4.""fritOt'Pst' , ^ hard all day ana iS still working, Read jo uuip That swoot, child -face is Otowitio, — to her winuevor interests you, ,so that . 7 ikm piri, the grask.ies Ott lier gre.o A , . , , . . ' ...,., 00'111 100k ombroge at ail oittiele Bey interests mot opinimis may grow, Live f9rt)! Yetw$ been srewing,‘ with yours, nod that she may eompre, Ifelives t'olearit 01 liteteloiril schoo .740‘v Aro• who pass above hiloi Like her—bectioe the., iovel,itn, qeired of the iirit ono hornet who wrote and tieing a farmer s or mechanic,. s Lareeht the tritoeph ft'ad , . tokittrwmgiosomretatlx,r8ktrooTtr, OW ttt'tia t, showing tho , paper, nod j will net be 5 11t11 ft tiresome aod lonely . . 41,49/?, pointing to the one ilt which he took life as malty girls have every retv-on to — oxceptionH, , , . . , • • , , i thil1li SO. Bingular-- see a garden walk, "Said no \rnismt; JO5 VOlee 111 fl 1013o. tt-44:4-4-.1------- which appeared hi a paper ptiblish.011 iti the town in which lie resided, oh: persooal 011 the 0)11.00 day; and in an I irato manner, entered tho offiee nod in- . bend soinetiong bet -o: o , which too many have icon] more limo they shoold, oil will both be happier, • , to The wandering heireSS—the win( • al)), waut to See 0.10 editor who wrote, i•the Tont:711..ui C:16i V41, What holds all the snuff in the "you do,tt 003we1ed :!,*0111.1g of Now york judge \V )th ch who Maine has a new town called Sloth- olT.'os, 1 do," answered the straoger, about r, RI: fr 11 TIV ev wife)," saia jolyn 'Text doll will have it, and before I leave ‘vhcan ,o,„s oidowed datighter aud an • • ond witn 'leuel.tecl fist high in the Slato iss, • . • the aytiele." One of the first settlers the jutc'o-'0gMQd.- • ' established himself Whitestowo tho It torld ? No one hose, ,watelliekatelne, ' onorily, oil, is satisficetion I come for, 11),00„ht his 1-)0.1.14 with. him, anwhg• . . y, as he paid the !Miler's bill, here, too ; do you hoar and urideretauct °bay eli.oci_it clue b03,, about tour year,,, Uoving IS not pleasaet, It breaks rdo,,to, do you 2" . , , Ohl, r.l'he country arottiot was then tut 1p (,,ki as$0eiation5 and. the 1,11h1 0" • All right said tac, yraIng man, But rinbrolivii force!, and this 10,U wir idle do- rknuokii. hpfore. I call him, 1 'No'. 111111ahto, asii: 1.„1,101, of ti„; oaoago tribe, A wag of a gourmand who haz mad( you if you oval saw the gontienlin be- Junttre Witite,oft.w, the )10e,',-;,.dt,y, or . . . , , Liini i'.1f ill by feasting on fish, said he tore." it keepiror on gout, tel Mb l', 111) the 1.1tOlt1118, erne )(lied the trio of the fiery fortitee, , "No, of coo(se 1101," W(1`11)10 "Sfo-'1}.9.:0, ro, 110 110 was noarly iti,,uu,h,4\k,a,s,com, tho,----shad-rack, me -sick and abed- wo, answer, "Wtty do you wish to .o...100v.,,' Hetol.,,,,,at 1110-.0r hicre,y,_ Ata,,,,,m-thigiy, igc-h " ."0, mltititig pi(r10)1l tr, i thought tt' ite took ry eveopportunity to 005010Mo. Keen,' of Borioofiold deelined von did you 00111111 never care to 500 thoyn of ilk idtidAy •Neting,s, ibuci to se_ to 0,,,,,o• her daughters to tako p;irt in - re thou good will in return. Several the :-....elliog numli because she heard socit e body say that knotty word., w0ol:1 (.1o(lar 3.'ostt, or •3)0rawmi., 0411 tipplying t;e THO301,411i".N.WAX'; Oootralio: ,6:1,ITTMVA^S7, art tee 'Lots:7, "lortit 3)0)1110 t), 8tophoti, DR, Mee,- nnu rostuoilo o Maw rtroot 1'41;w -ter, siness bouts> any Ono in : Poado,ylialit '110t1a00y's oseclaea):. .it.!oa Parents 'Rising mit-for tniviect about chiis10014's first tooth 'as soon as engin. to 'Work ,$)41/ RautO .tatt11,1t OtneclAl101Y441OltItt00, x te See r.P.0 E$T BURY impTIOVED t.ivon out. Th t k net g in, ' sal 1 t: tester ,(irl who fouod. 0)3 1010 net hadtging to tin, fniage of '43 poll Ler return mono ft ,m5. lecture. - ono. ‘•Tootte jo.4 what I came for, , t chiefs earne to see him, and. 50000 (1)0)1 ; aud there wi.11 be,soine 010 you 1 paeino. But there wile one that , troobled him : au 'icgod chief of the On. 71707--QQZ.N-72-IZ t -':141'1,101:t Laving removed to. , ) 01111 111)111(110 0010 fa:envied Icy:1"dr. : 000t11c 06.000, 0( 1)0), Sas k!Oloalletely romreted4110: pron. 0e0 tota 511'1,11);,014111t4 tyttstaia 110 OH to. 011111,110.011 iro (11 'dke 15 Oartadci 3' (0)10001) 0:0 execute repic 1.40:1,-cIes5 tO y10,- N1t0c,1,,,tvjeS511i110Rty0111,6r, 01155 It sou, tlaucnce tr 14,,100s tcte .Atteeti01} 1:4C/140010 Ma 44006 cif. 3,11)1(111), 1110;04; On 110,10 ,1 01,011 110115,110n at 0100301000, tual bRintt 1(0)11 (1 to' Make 1(001014 =010a:crate rit1es,7 1VoVIel)1!0g.111100.1Pr411101. t1M010mtap re. 1041010d, t2 000t1C11610e011,'0.V 10161010111 f!',C) "W.11, stranger, I tell yon before- chla, uw.t. 0-110 of groat, in. l'iLd 11' i4 Pil"(7:'51 ,i1f,11-aq lluenee, woo r,,si(leel at. (lists:nee t(4 0) his Stl'‘'41rig'S. '1011r of a dozen miles, loot tiot been to see hiontreLl and owns two l'ists that him, nor oorikt he ascertain the views anti feelingo_i of the stiehem Rt1 oespeet to hie settlement in tbal, r:•8ion. last he soot 0 -message, and the answer was (bat the chief would visit them. on the marrow. Trne to his appointment, the sachem ---tt•ike treinon.dons ttilows ; whim angry, eyes 114.sh foto ; his tread is like art A. tittle girl, hearinoo her teacher ele01,0)t, tima tie eau lift a turee ingest," for they ,w e're-'44,enerally whip tould it base bail; no ' one dare 0l) 01.,, of as ,a W•oria,t, rs- ,portmi weight with Parfrict ease; marked that seholars Nve10. " p:doet.ik ..oult.01-, it (wee his shoulder itts 0Em3Y 110 Does the e!mrt nnderstaaid t" 'tt on),(1„boin clanger of losing their lives; resp,,,et, and iotronclectd. lhm to hie loot all roulitt every day. 'o•tch. in ail aligry mood, for oy came • Jr doe white received him with , . . If 00)1 15011) a T.F.07,013GB,LYflLABLE - 0,00 ' PARLOR, SCHOOL OR CHURCH APPLY TO tT 1C(17., Agent for OA P bT Corner $t 84 Wellington St., -ONT-A JOHN ELIOTT) PROPRIETOR. pars 4224 24Pwers, Cllatimrator$, 'now, ClarLva710v,70, CuktaivAt6rES7 AND ALL Ic.INDS OF IMPLEMENTS MANUFAOT13nD, xiven.B0,x've'!tt:3,e-riin,aPllrl.i.,,/,oais.r,a.t the for Oaraell• ceas caul plant$ OF ALL KINDS. G arden and. Flower Seeds under 4 lbs, in weigh t ,Weatb000 Tumrocoa Ftcrocl Turnip. , AIIJED FREE! _ TUST ARRIVED .For. --Ne* Kinds of BEST ORGANS 00 0111.4 ' Sv that von saw tho editor intox'c-- la ne has held an Lite ,..noerv.,,ew —MI ,:o..oweel, was inter ,,,, CONTINENT. at all, sir, 0:11Y I,'Ve see him 1 in; lutes, and puetiellitilei'4o.hrtn'istcuttitn.o"rti:i°d tt"ehlel wilt°';101.141 d.zartgli.litier'lld 'het IMe bay' gtteh 11,—, -1, --at- fillft'V (1.".; 1', attemp, o .„(31.z. of a horse, and torned him over eithw. pramiue resoit, the Jodoe wa, cat oat exiv wit) tile snuffers ; tours ,kitil cora, roto,tivc eose. Besides Ile 1-01- cotrrIcea fiis st.earity mioo,d40,10, -.......-----------7----="---;-----.-o-tt- ' " Thar me, how Ilaidly ho to01'0,:' arixiou8 1.1 Irlft 00 a f,itin.o.,tbleimpiles-doo Vtid Ars. P,1,--thingtda• raemitly. at 1 upon the di it,iiigni....13ed chief. He ox- te,nperwico me --ti n g•,*,-. 1- 1' 1 001 aiNV t y„ pressed his desire to settle in the corn:- ' rei 11 ed wh'n 11.-! nitopte the nost.tils, try to Jive Oft terms ,if amity and good. for his olopooe-owspoils even- ea,rt-rideo. fellowohip with the Indians, ond be izt my body." . '24' osefol‘ to iheni, by introclaciug ilincing o Weil neighbo. ' k!unituidgo, how -all." wors corrios six-shooter,and is to ex- and theueiio, e , „, cebout shot, senrooly missnig the mut s • 011 out of twelve. Strouger, fie is a vouliterpiirt rtf ;,-;,,,,11-40e11, of old., Dorinq i ho you 0,4 10)1)1,) brie rot:It:11 of the ,,,000%,t•tt 51 of 110 editor that wnte that artielo, the strtnger hod trtrned very pele, trembled all over. backing 1)11 ,the lime toward the ont of whicli oL.l iepZ'atao h t 7 . 1e) 0lt1-- o " *P daroolamnb0 tt. ien'upc down fito get a Iput theMTh?Neighb them f e s The chief 11510°0i (1 himeort, andliainlii111041d'‘iotholOyou 1>kt you sair , 1,\ Lp chandele Ton ofSinesiimhitoSsdoemitig rmiscmuchWhat pledge ciiii 1)10 h--' ;--r1 VU Aro want to awirthlocronietly thanto oncfivoy nr Mi.i ? Toe whie mta chaudyleerfor ? ae' haiat h,dyorsiell formet,Hopponent. :00 '3'11 bitsiness ?" asked a 4Well kii piky m- ter it W 1 1 4 Yw °3ii°1tthis \I11(e Thin , ydet tI 1n i ind when spoken to the in- indge apqLsoans;e yod '' When did. you ?'' coil for _ lfamAade .a 'tothe o ., ,.sIoov• tilc s \ 0s1;o8111i1" .-IeNtlteloti ab.,ogut fluinatgelreed‘ - l' 15010 5011coe)bant? A year ortWo ago liutf ight whool hoada:lag.es circus 01111 menaerie win noar New Flo e, o village about twenty miles from Philadelpcda. Tbe elephaut was place(l in the stable of the ittsino Sim tavero, and he ;seemed to be qrtite comfortable, althrhgli Lie gutted the 'mild -mg before he 'llad beau in a week, nod refused to allow horse to enter door," A little girl, at seliool lead : *1 Toe widow live Oil 11 11133,112.ey left, 0 r liy a relatics." •1°\17hat did 71)1,) nal) tia,t word 7"-kask 1 th teacipe- ; " the word is legacy11 " But- 2:aid the " v,:aster e. -vs I mast . „ say limb, .not le, A. rustic yaiiii,ster., bemg asked out to take tea with 'friend, was admon- i ihed to praise, (0;eatables. Presently 2(10 hllt.tllr asosel to him, when remarked, ry nice butter--whnt here is qt' it, ici,obscovicig a, smile. be added an plenty of it. snoli as - A Colorell,p„ Ood inadetile against de de fence ?Woe , er. " the cAorecry its dot 'stro world.' safi; 4:e boy 1111 t!iO" c ,er remoi 10ed : heti tionan lie sot '111111 up to dry." " Wnoniarle to.iptecl tve eager listen - ,Man out 1" exclaimed cher, " such. qaestions allf de th'ology, in de Said a, 'father tn his lit- kfctst table, " If you had `:011e bullied at the stake, .'tke John 116-gere. or, have your head off like _King Charles the Iliest, which ovould .yoct chbose ?" John Iloge4s," -taid the boy.' ." Alta why 7'" " Be- cause," rerli id Pie hpy •• I 8130111C1 pre - for hot'ste The ciitsip •wilo set op r the Niew ilt) 00111'000i 01 0 iniale _Belgian potties Wan .'olo Weelcawketi,” fce B el gi ,r,11 vers.""tAn oti1ei• whiel v -as idiculons, when " shack- le aloicts'wft.f, set up for slinamalcers on rilot*e °LI t'110 (+11 L110 stritc0-, ,fle, evidently iutended tdotfo,u,i, 001(1 ‘hoo ho hoed the oar I completely \vith. eztat11 1111(1 fratt. Vt 100(11 look° Lndians out of' thorn. I toe auten-tion of the detrital! t was A yoong lady NtriLS receotly overheard ' It- SO V t kr. th0 1 Ira was glad to - think that- linfnagle would soon take his elephant and quit the neighborhood. When the day of departure came, the entire caravan was put ..twou the road, except.ing the eleptutut, andle.reftn.0 -Ito budge. Tile blaudishutents of Antnagle, the wild ,t.nd fraotic oaths of the loodlord, and enotional prodding with the perstasive pitchfork were in vain ; the elephant mut made up his mind to stay. The laudlord was pretty nearly crazy, and some. cf. friends thought he would commit suicide, when kinfuagle sug- gested he ought. To buy the elephant and keep it around the place RS a sort ot .pet for the children. , Hufnagle said it would amuse the- little folks, and perhaps the londlord might sell it at a bargain to some (Arens man who was' shooti of an elephant. Toe landlord said 'le NV011id emigrate to ,Ans'aoilitt if that elephant was 1101.0111 of the btate ia twelity-four heurt;. He wou'du't take him as 0 gift if • he Imo truok p ae, ked f u 11 of d ono ds , dhiStleilis made of solid gold. Theo Elufnagle concladed to -try strategy with tue beast. He ltacl a cattle -car run along- side. the platform of the railway sta. Com, and then he boaglit seine _fifteen bh1s.of 6A-eget:bread i0nd 'These he laid along h1 .pfltlt 11.'0111 the gable to the' station ; then he placed e " «0 'hav1(101 nay lire in your said the Judge ; 'is it not an ovideriee. of toy good. intention . I have placed eolith -knee hi the Indian ,and no; ht. heve that he will abuse or betray the 1 t i thus reimsed." to a col'd chop," itor on a Nev York daily ork P.,',0:prasR is equal to trust t S “B6 much so well," replied the chief: " the Indion will repay confidence with confideoce; if you will; trost, , trust you. Let this boy go with ine.to U1' VtigwilM—f. oill briug him back io three (toys with nay an SW er 1" 11 1111 arrow had pierced the bosom of the mother she 00011d, Dot llooe felt a deeper pang than went ,throogh her heart when the Indian made this pro. posal. Sire sprang forward, :old run - thug to the boy, who.stood. at the OA e of the sachem, looking into his race With pleased wonder and admiration, She encircled him in her arme ancl pressing him. to her bosom., Vas -atria to fly out of the roam. A. gloomy Rua omin- ous frown came over the sachem's brow, but he did not soettk. But not so with judge 'White. Ho knew that the suecess of their enter- prise --the lives of his family--dep en a - ed on the decisi_on of a, moment. " Stay, stay—my daughter," he said; "bring back the boy, .I. beseech you. He 18 1)01 more t you than to me. I would not risk a littir 01 his head. my child, he nous) go with• the chief. God will wateh over him .1.1e be as safe in the so.chem's-vogwani as be. (11111113 ortv owto roof." The agonized mother hesitated 411 momeot to she thou. slowly returned, thteing 60 boy on the knee- of the chief, aild kneeling at his teet burst into 0 flood of tears. The elocin passed away from the 0,1,PhonVs. bC,itto but he said not a wora. aros6 (loparted. We soon not. attempt? to describe the ag ny of the mothei• Mr the enotting ,ohtee b,;e, was - agitated by c, n- teodingtiopeci aml fon rs.l4 the night sho awokti Nom sleep, seeining l0 her '1110 SCI'efltOS of the child eryi»g ,o0 its 1100• 11103 for hoop. But the titio wore 'Slow- ly novay, and the tliird•,,d0y come. limy slowly did the hours pass morn- ing waned. away, mom aryl v'e,d, yet the, saellem came not. TI tete 0141,5 a gloom over the whole liousehold. The mothor was pale 1131d silent. Judge white wollool 100 floor :0151 usly!' .As the last rays of the .seeting son were thrown upon the'topis, Of the trees aroend, the eagle features of the chief were 00o daucing abf)ve t he butilos it: the distance. Ile advatt.;e0 rapidly and. ,the little boy wo6 111 hio '81.110. lie 1011.0 gaily attired as a'ryoutit.i; chief, his feet being dressed in moccasihs, a fine beaver skin, on his shoulders, tonl. ciagle',: feathers were stock in his hair. He was in excellent spirits,ninl so prond Was he of his honors I hat' he seemed two inches toiler thao he was diefoi 0. Fie was soon io motherS arms ; and in thot brief minute she scented to pass from deoth mita life. It was a happy meeting -leo happy for ns to describe. "The white Man has' emperor]," said the Sodhem; "hereafter. let rts be friends, y.ii,1110,vo curisted an Indian --he will ropily you with 'Confidence and frieodship." wABER001,rs_ Senors Photoqraph Gallery, , MAIN ST., EIIETE11. Pt -an vet ing. (,!;, NV1 of ;1,1 nsy 11.13,0 17' yon mean 11on,j,„Slovs ly asci33.(1. the pintlorm, nr0l10.,Ogra13. do yeiri not ?" otio,goste! he ,,,t,,proached toe coo, told then 1111111. 1) e 'Pc'1'1101'"11 0 Id- " J in.1 (11., 0fre feet in the oar, 1118 Ili assembly speaking in ,ii, pretty girl jrist pass. alio. is a perfect, pa-rogrn,re vetoed to the delicacies, lie trotted :no, of the stable, and prooeeded to oleo, the gaiget loopol rout q, 000sinning 101)110 went, Ile ate hie 'way to the, rut. ooram, Mr.---," excootn • rt. tliellody it11 ft Co t11111.11; Cf01 ol tlitpaitpIntl diguation hupossible to 11001011)1). Two,colo if men toolc rerftgc, ondo- tree ;irk ;,tinlent thooder storm. ea ,you pray ?" said one, No, ilont„, Ivas the reply ; „ rebbor TilVt'(#. / 'Ie." "' W011,, eri,o't you tug,a,"it'yrot rloanst [lien the lightniiig ttrftelt.,,a tr solte0 See, 1,,..41p01 3101) g tdcli t on hat I": '110a -r 'sinvormg itt ,;;"' sponlcor ooel.eimod •3o11ey1 sumffin' done, 40' (1111 imghlo' 11000 you pass 00001)31±14' r13c)/) ...P.,1504.--1.to has °arrived 1 On o 'flew in at the 011e1) wio- , do ot r 8)1)2(11)) )i1,I'Ofllfltkl rtg Re bIt 'the. folio; in Ooloractowell onottob, but ' they were entilely (11111 ('lo to support both friendA and the gra,Ohoppers, ]ie down oil 0131' pilo of 05- 0 j711 takfog out his ,spe,,,;1 0.e1es1 iolc ool o eon neer file Varies'oS',,itnorket reports, lie 14'0111- t (1 'fo)' 1 Lillie eongiarrnhly Pagt 11' W6, p411100t &a. , otirto And .biop)-,tt ooeolit shot do 64101 0e8.14wcite414 e-ornteinidise. 11e ('5' 100:1111001. "Pitry cont.) 0 1.111,11)3 ".l'here'e no plaice like Gal ,"' Wor 30316401, “I'liend, you are; eviil,,utly I tinder a nliNtialm yrnk say Iltiki you loft 0,21050010 1)01301558 thei rnhoppy territory is already suldeiell ly ,01 51i112 the grrtsc,dioppor 1, loll 'yo t aware that we (;n sr- -of feet roinaisritor the plotfortn, 1)0 .ceactied his [1'11(11' a)1ii ate every gingerbread and apple lo the,,e0r. Whet, tile ear was:stripped 0100.11 the elephaut 'booked oet upon the platform, an0 to the dismay of fircluagle made 0 bee line for home, :She landlord had invited a number 01 1115 friends to come into the bar -room and take SI (111(113)1 to celebrate his deliverance tram that accursed 11e1641 ; 1)11(1 )115[ a's the g,lassos I were ooplatied opon the.coorher or,ts wa8. hoard in the direetion of 'tile 'stable, Too florty Posited_ out, The eteimant hod otrom,lied the stable door, n tlic old place troac- ;I t themotsi g font an 1,0:1ie:110n roont- a rod mi.:: 0.obieli a 111144,16 of c(1'agol)n1121Y. 11 111 1-‘117 11)13) tiot , gowsoopiows, blu ij 01 015 11)1.11)(1, 5:,7 ?!.74.014 ifd.k 0.1,111 011;( 41.11,13OW 111,31 tog away with 11 emiple of tons of hay. that night he was poisoned- and there are peopio wno trace a commotion be' 1,64e01.1 11104 fad and the' eitet3111,81- nee. 31313,1. 1,110 Landtord 64115 seen the Ramie ,ovutilog rolling a barrel of strychnine up an adjacent hill, And the merit o.t the story is that it is exactly true. MA)04 ADV,r,,trz. A .eonip,)silor on It New 'York da41,-;;,,' settrog up 0 114.'60014 Word inserted a, ak, "When the proof,rcade) kami out hirsarconf tim compositor remonstrated, saying „that ho l'ollowed copy. " 'rho proof-roader informed the gen 11. 1)181± that to 64110 3101 1150d in the I'll:ellen Ian, whereupo11 the 00111 310011)0 irod of the: 1001'080 01 " how he would spell wher:/barrow withont a to." .1"ne roar ot lain./ liter from his felIoW , 1)10)11 1)513 ors coo be tinogitieu, FT1 co), e.) Remenal..er the spot.. First Door north of Carling's store. N. Flax, Millet, llangurian Grass, Orchard. Gritss, kc., at lowest prices. „,,,,m4.4.44.mouunnom•••c•••••••04oimoril•••••••••••••ro*verfriv.re...............a...1•NWOOM•MOIM.•• J. RAN -TON (1) maa 1.."4 et. g ••+= .42 _• t •*• r.J Q.) r.41 0.) b.() c;1* fitr:11 r,t4 4E •F"'" 0 ,C44 C-4 r4:4" - 7-1 CZ 4-40 _S) 0 cr'.4 Very begs to atmouncie that his SPRING STOCK IS NOW 0:1 FARIVIERS' This implement, has s donik aistribut13114 5313,11I311- 11-nd ,1, bOth700E1 'before LL am mow busily engagchl malung them fro the spring. seeding, and., 'ilia be pre. pro 00 to supply them 0, 30,11, 12, tribes each, with rube shifter or without, according to 011- (10, and will ouletvrot to keep on hand either kind 141141 11100 )0 anlwly any who may not have giOCl their The p.tylo 11211011,trittl raft,t0r,i0111,11med will be fonlid 4111 011111 Can 130 deSired, and, if 0(104100, not burpasseh in, 'Western eamola. Full and Complete Being the Liarged ever exhibited in Exeter. He is determined to sell as Cheap asis cOusistent in a legiti- mate trade, awl gordhaly invites an iNSPECTION 600DS and COMPARISON of pric,Ho s wnod ft$ mro his many custemers and fricuels that 111.-4.... -NV ILL .SP.A.11,1141 0 At - to rocilea it botha 11,1-.EAS1.-U_RE. _AND PROFIT 1 ther.O. t40 iStalSttet 1.1116i11( 4.8154001110. J.1:1Al\TTC:),11'. March 18, 1875. MASPASexmarracauomem101.11.1I~••••••••.••••1•M.... 03••••eal=dosam.••••••Ruaelro*,*,••••••••••••••••*.Ww.2527 r E,XETE BAKE La ere., SEINITErul PANOY. DREAD 1,.1.ND 1 T & CON.1EC TIONEB, EXETElt This requires no bnroauctiov. It has In!r...141. it .1! !t4' y '0 16 aca y 10111' snxing lint in the increased (pm tit. gr 10 the Ft1.11 10 01111 )'5>1 h1'. 311 1"111•11,114 6(1;`.:. 10 t:111 4. 11:-04) t (OF cange. .7.110 ento 1,01 4,0 of 0 6 116,.. 4%.6, season4cCias decided, me to 44114 18-59 round. steel 0 on Gip ce:al 0.. tc,04,14, yoi (60h g 1 0 t, 11.altrtea fOr lit' V.011.1164 0)1) 111V 1(01g1 St 11.15lt 1{ il• 14 b:*1.4114. irnt }9011.IS 111 36)6Sitill11 .4 best, not nearly no npt to.triilline Hyatt 0101 h 1$44 111 At the \l'oeterit Fair 1 t00); Prize in Sulky 'taker. heshle 01(.04,0. ga:;.10r. ,o0 tualtiog Om Litchfield Date. 1) Acry much like the 3 thicht. 31, the catettail 13,4es pi 41 the 3 4.'1.'11' P.: 00i1tViN 14 Ito: 411:.(1. 01..1(.80 of all others. 1 made ten II thou but season 4.11 en 4,0 lin sad. 344 3 1,\ I` 0)014 alt13,1* 1 11111-145 1.00. 1;sul.., No.1 log.t. to by lath. L.1.1.:11pos uit„ sho 'tf10sy favor me with their oraer. ratst a sou 1 was short fithy one hundred roltes. JOHN ELLIOTT, Coo:4.7.'70411mila Wellintiluil .`,1s.. 1.4.414.41. ( 4. olm..•••••16.1.•mou•••••••...............coanaccelammusr•X•••••••• •Aradid••••••••••••••,..mealamiest4....4444.•••••••i• Z72.,41ME UT' coems, SAM W ELL while returning 11114 sincere 11),) Ls tr. the (0,)11.001,1s el Fzeter and trroviiiling Nillagt E for their 1in-0 liltrIct litho:14,a , 1,e rit s to n oi s (4 i th 11) et d their lallors, 'would wc11 tlleir -C attention 10 3 cislarge stook of C " C111:0 S , c ra eliers, and. Colifeetioner. .,.., , ,.4, ,--i.,..-1 cz,.) . --, • sc.& 07: 0(1 0, 110MPSONa LLIAMS AG 13 ICU LTUItAL -.1 EN S Biler and, Engine Works MITO]E� LL, ONT. 11. TIttra411. AIrCIOR,60VAlta111184---110111 t'OtlY S1')0130 01 every viityymi cam trivial 11 mas 00811)11) yoti, , 01 to,., 1 03) 11 1113 estra Intir el 4141? OIDLBIY, 'EXETtni C4- ) P,INVr-MiSiMR 'tTitirtf t,,IVOASinftP, brou,. thit, aeTtnatinity ta infant, 1110.ialuilittOittl, tbitt' '05 rtarrounclinggtethVIN that their •, 8064lieitracs T.'RUIT CA1:1.-Err.,, 15 ,CENTS PER POUND, AV ed.n..ii ic,.;:,1 Ilild Tirti-t.ic,,s rt, S..peciality. , 1,7E3- Fresh Brow' conntni,ily on 1,,,,a a/ P.set sr and North Exeter roBt oriees,sma ;C:F:hort, Crotlitort, 00.(.1 Mitt-m.)1'F, ( 41, If 1.,:itt. 1 tli ilite a itil oil 011 clally- 1.14:0100, April 10, 3074, 67.ti. A. SKJNNT,31,. ....A.,..............•••••,•••••, ' '••••••,..ww.a.masuse,1*...........•• .....0.....1CM.M.M10.••••••••••••••V. ST. MARY'S AGRIGULT URAL WORKS. TIII.:,BEST k;t0:1\11.3INEDIC.EAPER &,-YLOWER :IN TDB :1)01:INI9Isi Two -liorso power woca. Sawing Machine Thi„ 524111)0)11)0 1)1111 'boon thoroughly tostott and giVen 'ENTIRE SATISFACTION It is supplied with 10 8411' 0- Onartilt01:114'n, 11 110,0 00111?1t110 (1,01n3 0142)' (30 bot 6115(1110< Ito 005" irooit et l)(8,ttit6tirtat4Itititt,,ttittliair,!0.to (k 0. (4,1(01(11I'0 11.1110) ' tlin 511e50<0t iletreo 111)1)1414,110 a%815IMIIll) 5. soffitott)t 10131)13)80040113. 00811142 otOnit A115100 '18 14 094110 BAND NVELE1F.I.4 for <11:101111g11 THE THE,' IT1 EHIThTG- S 01(1 ±II1S rmamishm,lli, !IVO 00 V011 14110101 1110! any reconituenclations woulIl be saperfnor Th Thre - W121 e;ang Flovr Matta by a. F. Aloore, elninisprocedeneo of anything a 1.1w 6(11) 111 flu' 1101llinin0. 'WAGONS of superior worlunansidp end niatorial. 3 'atoll Dominica' Land 0. ? 1 ows,i.iltivators, Seed Drills, Broad -cast, Sowers Sugar-Rettles and eanirlrons'anti every ether kind 01 Agricultural truplonputs on lut 00 or IMitlo to osda. erAliES R. MOORE, P1101). Mary's, chnly 1, 1574. (10-16.) L COMIO Straw Cutt or, C+rain Crusher, 01' otlier rnitoltinory, witliont e01141, oNtailso (111 eopt,for tliebottol .A. 1.111A.L, OFF1.1 1,A). Alt kinds of Farminginip enients kopt..1.10, on hand. . A dit. , !nil of All f,i'gftt, ta coolor, 5.„ proroptio :A10111104 to "lt()MtIS'ON & \VIII: A oo, Miteltell, Ont. ISAAC 6ARLING Bog <lotive to tI rink his 110<8110 10 Exeter and f,nrrolouling country for their libaralitaironage in the post, and"hepes to 31110110 11 fair share of their trate in the future, lisNing one of the Lnygest ftri.a Best Assorted UsualAY fb-ata n a 6-eneva1 CONSiliTING OIi Dry -Goods',, Groceries, Etta, Bea y -trade 0104z:trig, wines and li- quors1 VI:ardware,prooltery, Boots and Shoes Leathern eto; any establi,8' .Inent seeti tly,,as.'On eotaitty,EXTEH alloct:EY 84' LIQUOR C A 001. f.1.8 130 Ot0roin0rt pot to b0 PICKARD nroihst how °polling out a lot of NEW SPRING GOODS ese,6. living to 110 depression in trait° They have Bought a number of and are now preparecl to offer THE CHEAPEST Goods' ever offered ill the Village. Call and Examine. sAgly ELT, Ler, Itxate'r,1‘11.tre,11 18,1871; weesta...•••••••=04•••••aersessimil•A•mement...•••eakers•Ys.••••••.6,••••••••.•64. FRESH YSTE Diroot Irrom Mpatiznowe, 350. 3 cans for per can. $1..00 Five Pounits Best Tea in Fxeter, $4,50 r $8.50 Ten,'Polinas .rotiottioti).. itt TO