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Times -Advocate, April 13, 1994
(,j, n (1s'!ic,s'
Last Wednesday was the last day for gymnastics at Hen-
sall Public School. Here Desiree Small gets a bit of sup-
port from instructor Barb Westlake -Power. At the end of
the session all the students received medals for their par-
ticipation this year.
Hensall yet to target
grant money spendin
HENSALL - Village of Hensall Projects such as watermain re -
council has yet to decide what to pairs and road construction are pos-
spend its infrastructure grant mon- sible options that have already been
cy on and councillors are reluctant discussed.
to make any commitments within "I think we have to give this
the next few weeks. some thought before committing,"
"We have $187,000 in total to Reaburn said!
spend over the next two years," Council expects to have a firm di -
clerk -treasurer Luanne Phair told rection on the matter after a public
councillors on Monday night. meeting next Monday.
Reeve Cecil Pepper said he The village will need to come up
would like an indication of how the with one third of the $187,000 it's
money might used. eligible to receive.
But councillors Jeff Reaburn and
Butch Hoffman suggested cni.ncil
not make any firm decisions until
thc village budget is set.
The infrastructure program was
set up to help create local employ-
ment opportunities.
Clowning around at Blyth
BLYTH - Humorous, colourful,
highly visual, sophisticated and
charming arc words that describe
Lampoon Puppettheatre's delight-
ful show, Clowning Around, com-
ing to thc Blyth Memorial Hall
stage for one show only at 2
o'clock on Saturday afternoon,
April 16.
The success of this show is easily
explained since humour is enjoyed
by all ages. The colourful visual
images have the same universal ap-
peal for young and old.
Blocks, bubbles, balloons and
9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
349.2878 Line dancers
Fri., April 15
Les Davidson 8 Sagebrush
Sat., April 16
Country Versatiles
The Ultimate Pink
Floyd Tribute
TICKETS $5.00.
Pair of Pink Floyd Concert
Tickets to the July 5th
Concert to be won.
Commercial Hotel
Seaforth 5270980
magic are presented by two irresis-
tibly funny clowns who, in the
same tradition as some famous hu-
man clowns, use mime to commu-
nicate with their audience.
Clowning Around was the first
show built by Lampoon Puppet -
theatre and is still a favorite.
Designed especially to appeal to
kids from JK through Grade 6, the
sophisticated and charming hu-
mour is sure to delight all ages.
Tickets are 87 each, and are availa-
ble by calling the Box Office at
Exeter 1
Game 1: $50.Nancy Dowson
Game 2: 850. Lori House.Geme
3; 825. Jo-anne Price Game 3:
$25.NancyDowson.Game 4 875
Cheryl Cregan Game 5: $35. Jo-
anne McKnight. Game 5 $35.
Mary MacKenzie. Game 5 $35.
Karen Cooper. Game 6 $100. Vic
Taylor. Next weeks Jackpot 8500.
for 53 numbers.
April 13
Bingo starts 7:30 p.m.
Regular Games
Jackpot Game
55 calls or less $1200. bonus
• Total prizes
Due to the licence regulations,
no one under 18 allowed to play
Licence 0537495
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Monday Ladies
Shirley Rees 288-718, Lynna Smith
267-667, Darlene Bourne 244-666,
Heather Smith 275-653, Pat Hodgins
245-617, Barb Smith 219-615, Bonnie
Kooy 230-608, Sharon Redick 243-
607, Joyce Sovereign 226, Deb Pearce
223, Helen Hardy 213, Edie Burt 210,
kathy Mason 202, Barb Tuxford 202.
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Marcus Appelman 158,153, Kurt
Juergens 149.144, Tyler Graham
142,130, Chad Rodgers 232, Joey Gra-
ham 178, Brad Ankers 166, Trevor
Maxwell 164, Craig Leyes 153, Su-
zanne Juergens 149, Carrie MacGregor
146, Kristen Hickson 146, Joe
McNaughton 145, Matt Trudgeon 134.
Len Poole 296-670, Arnie Vander-
weil 211-610, Laura Hudson215-604,
Jean Poole 247-569, Dave Smith 220-
552, Hanney Denotter 243-533, Peter
Denotter 181-525, Shirley Bosley 189-
521, Jack Moir 187-520, Alex Bosley
182-506, Tony Siroen 200-500, Myrtle
Hastings 198, Bill Bere 195, Ken Weir
193, Donna Jeffrey 190.
Senior Citizens
Cathie Westman 237-647, Harry
Noels 224-584, Marion Noels 231-576,
L. Mosurinjohn 220-571, E. Mosurin-
john 264-559, Charlie Grieve 216-527,
Len Smith 215-502, Myrtle Maguire
172, Theo Sentjens 168, Florence
McRobert 165, Norah Wissell 161, Pe-
ter Vandenboomen 161, Bessie Cald-
well 150.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Ayden 011ivier 182,149;, Alexandra
Dawson 151,105, Ashley Smith
141,109, James Lucier 125,110, Mallo-
ry Dow 123,115, Robbie Yeo 118,103,
Robyn Hodge 117,112, Charmine Me-
lanson 157, Derek Lucier 126, Jenni
Holland 122, Melissa Baker 116, Mike
Ankers 109, Kerrie Davis 106, Melissa
Rinn 101.
Wednesday Mixed
Allen Rollings 252-705, Steve Allen
247-653, Frank Smeekens 271-644,
Dale Fisher 237-614, Karen Leger 226-
613, Kevin Rollings 221-605, Ann Ma-
rie Beaudoin 227-604, Doug Smith
230, Tom Dobinson 226, Don Cunning-
ham 220, Laurie McGee 209, Kevin
Haw 207, Marty Kelders 204, Jean Zie-
gler 203.
Thursday Men
Bob Pipe 278,347,220-845, Bill
Mathers 310,228,300-838, Bob Smith
275,271,265-811, Tom McLellan 304-
793, Dart Heywood 294-773, Frank
Palen 295-759, Pete Smith 289-756.
Paul Smith 309-749, Earl Allison 279 -
Precious Blood Cash
Calendar Winners
Mar. 20, 850. Brian Degnan, Mar. 21 $50.
Angelo Fraglskatos. Mar. 22, 850. W.
Charlton. Mar. 23, 850. Paul Shanks. Mar.
24 850. Joe Durand. Mar. 25, 850. Mike
Hogan. Mar. 26 8100. Jack Van Busse!.
Mar 77. 850. Florence Cravnord. Mar. 28.
850. Al Lkrdenfleld, Mar. 29. 850. Jeff
Keller. Mar. 30 850. Dale Klnts. Mar. 31
8250. Ken Ziegler. Apr. 1. 850. Mark
Shepley. Apr. 2, 8100. Toni & Bill c/o P.
Groenewegen. Apr. 3 850. Ben Flsher. Apr.
4 850. Laverne Heywood. Apr. 5 850. Pat
McMahon Apr. 6 850. Jack Conlin Apr. 7
850. Jack Waldeck. Apr. 8 850. Annie
Reymer. Aix. 9 8100 Gerald Francis
Thurs., April 14
7:00 p.m.
10 Regular Games
5 Specials
1 Share the Wealth
Jackpot $650
No one under 18 admitted
Loc. #M125539
John's In Town
The Ultimate John "Cougar"
Mellancamp Tribute
Tickets '5.00 Going Fast!
Dont Miss This Party
Mate . drive for
lord" Stan�y
317 Huron St. (Hwy. 8 West)
747, Larry Smith 320-739, Larry Gib-
son 267-727, Gary Melvn 281-725,
Jack Fuller 267-716, Jack Currie 246-
708, Wayne Smith 258-698, Jim Dixon
250-687, Garry Harvey 257-685, Brian
Ankers 248-683, John Jansen 235-673,
Colin Brewer 266-670, Jim Smith 266-
665, Tom Bullock 258-663, Carlyle
Thomson 267-662, Bob Taylor 258-
Crest Centre
Bob Montag 201,166, Eddie Hasti-
low 177,160, Rick Allison 175,135,
Jim Minns 165,137, Doug Atkins
158,153, Conrad Zimmerman 150,140,
Ron Churchill 136, Nelson Bender 124,
Henrietta Zwiers 122, Edward Charles
112. Helen Moore 112.
Friday Mixed
Russ Smith 275-756, Bob Smith Sr.
263-750, Pete Smith 278-681, John
Carvell 255-677, Wayne Smith 256-
675. Patty Smith 280-651, Jeanette
Smith 229-649, Larry Smith 253-625,
Dan Rogers 242-622, Bob Smith Jr.
259. Sarah Tickner 214, Jim Simpson
211, Helen Rogers 205, Stan Roth 202.
Sunday Mixed
Rob Riley 292-726, Jim Smith 258-
688, Don Morgan 242-670, Pat Hod-
gins 284-668, Dorn Stoddart 247-661,
Garry Gibson 246-648, Barry Southcott
220-633, Cheryl Smith 293-610, Tina
Riley 268, Tracey Riley 236, Carolyn
Horner 225, John Jaques 220, Pat Rim-
mer 215, John Speakman 215.
Monday Night Ladies League
Friskey Five - Barb Reschke 582,
High Five - Edna Meilke 600, Alley
Cats - Tracy Lather 671, Town &
Country - H. Vanderhoek 606, happy
Gang - Sherrie Edwards 696, Smokin
Shooters - Anita Faber 533, Packers -
Mona Kraft 609, Pinpoppers - Carmel
Sweeney 545, Odds 'n' Ends ;it ;AI.
Rooseboom 770, Red Devils - S dra
Dickert 733, H.S. Karen Campbell 309,
H.T. Sandra Dickert 810, H.A. Bev
Cregan 218.6.
Tuesday Mens League
Ramblers - Milt Robbins 611, Hen-
sall Boomers - P. Bedard Sr. 726, Fami-
ly Affair - Bill Bengough 663, Market -
Doug Smith Jr. 635, La Crystal Balls -
H. Vanderspek 602, Klondyke - Tom
Smits 591, Highrollers - Lambert
BAltessen 619, The Hookers - Dennis
Payne 657, Rockets - Bill Coleman
683, TeaTotallers - Paul Bedard Jr.
H.S. Pau Rood 369, Larry Smith
374; H.T. Gary Huston 881, Jim Rus-
sell 815; N.A. G. Huston 230.1, Henry
Larson 215.5.
Wednesday Night Ladies
Go For It - Donna Webster 629, Five
Alives - Betty Datars 542, Dirty Devils
- Marge Roberts 593, Filthy Five - Jan-
ice McClennan 527, H.S. Sharon Jenni-
son 337, H.T. Donna Webster 629,
H.A. Joyce Hillman 209.
Thursday Night Mixed League
Nickle Nuts - Clasina DeBont 656,
Hits&Misses - T. Rooseboom 693, Pin
Crushers - H. Vanderspek 671, Sexy
Six - Gary Huston 780. H.S. L. Me-
loche 315, J. Smith 359; H.T. T. Roose-
Karaoke's Back at
Thurs. Night come sing
along with Debbie.
Line Dancing lessons
every Wednesday night
Dashwood Firemen's
Date: Wed. May 4
Location: Dashwood
Community Centre
812.00 adult
55.00 children
under 12
'rime: 4:30 to 8 p.m.
(All you can eat)
Proceeds to Community
boom 823. H.Larsen 803; H,A, T.
Rooseboom 216.2, G. Huston 220.2.
Friday Night Mixed Leasus
Bad °Attitudes - Shelly Bedard 602.
Hush Puppies - Dan Durand 558, Hot
Shots - Moria McFalls 683, The Not* -
Diane Beattie 598, Good Sports - Tom
Smits 581, Gutter Rats - Randy Bedard
589. H.S. Bev Cregan 316, 0. Eisens-
chenk 359; H.T. Bev Cregan 807, Tom
Smits 764; H.A. Bev Cregan 207, Mike
Cregan 209.
Saturday Ladies Intertown
Molesworth 21 pts. vs Zurich 11 6
pts. H.S. Betty Daters 248, Joyce Hill-
man 234; N.T. Joyce Hillman 622,
Mona Traquair 605.
Monday Pineview Park
Sien Smits 541, Milt Robbins 516,
Chris Morgan 419, Maureen Healy
531, H.S. Maureen Healy 218, Milt
Robbins 193.
Monday Grand Bend Seniors
Ron Dann 602, Bert Barry 575, Jean
Dann 564, Audrey Barry 476, Clayton
Lovie 402, Aileen Ravelle 370. H.S.
Ron Dann 237, Bert BArry 232, Jean
Dann 201.
Tuesday ARC Angels
David Bresette 142, Joe Fahie 107,
Dan Greb 124, Don Tiedeman 101,
Eloise Klungel 120, Ann Fydenchuk
76, Mike Simard 172, Debbie Brown-
lee 29, Penny Caza 58, Tom Finleon
105, Jeff DeKon 96, Robert Fox 78.
Wednesday Ladies
Linda Webber 781, Maxine Sereda
485, Madaline Amsby 514, Helen Was-
nidge 495, Rosaleen Berends 507, Bet-
ty Smtih 419, Theresa McCann 464,
Bea Dykstra 452. H.S. Linda Webber
321, 246.
Thursday Grand Cove Seniors
Al Hargreaves 646, Vic Dunbar 569,
Bob McCall 562. Shirley Tieman 541,
Bob Simpson 538, Frank Allen 493,
H.S. Al Hargreaves 325, Frankie Ford
Thursday Golden Age - 2 games
Nora Heard 416. Peggy Hahn 421,
Jack Lillie 329, Jim Hahn 348, Mary
Jacobe 295, Harvey Martin 283, H.S.
Peggy Hahn 226, Nora Heard 211.
Saturday Y.B.C.
Bantams - Leanne Shanks
(204,192,138) 534, Ryan Parsons 492,
Steven Munn 452, Stephanie Groot
444, Laura Shanks 39, Jenny Hardy
391. Lucas Bruxer 353, Jamie Ben-
gough 337, Michael Klaassen 329,
Lindsey Van Damme 319, Derek Du-
charme 312, Jamie Johns 304, Aaron
Datars 288, Chris OBrien 273, Jona-
than Kelders 253.
Juniors - Jonathan Hardy 465 (206),
Jason Hardy 456.
Peewees - two games - Kevin Du-
charme 209, Julia Hardy 196.
Wedding Reception
Marg Vanstone &
Jim Londry
Seaforth Legion
Sat., April 16
Music by Black Majic
GERALD F4GA\:r0\D( ( 105
Paul McCartney's
Liverpool Oratorio
Fri., May 6, 8 p.m.
Centennial Hall, London
Tickets: $20.00
Call Al de Hann 235-1464,
Pat Dobbs 227-1078, Donna
St. John 262-3133
Ticket hotline
Over 50 exhibitors offering savings &
selection in computers, software.
games, related products, computer
Sun., April 17
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Community Centre
County Rd. 16, off Hwy. 4, N. of Arva
Admission $5 for adults
Children 10 & under free
For more info call 1-800-465-8286
Sponsored by Computer Literate
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