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Times Advocate, 1994-04-13, Page 21
mmammamtammAmmaammmiammmou r 1 t he s t t 12 N.P. 39" CUT Homelite riding Iawnmthver. Used one season. 81200. Phone 235.4252. (14:15•) * PATIO FURNITURE • 1994 styles and colours now in our giant showrooms. Top quality, value priced. Check us out 71 King West, Forest 1-800-465-2430. (I5c) THREE PROM or graduation dresses, size 7-9. excellent condition S50.00 each. Phone 235.1857.(15•) FENDER, 6 string DR Jazz bass. Never used. $1500.00. Phone 235-4116. (15e) HUSKIE 181-1. twin cylinder Briggs Stratton motor, 45" cut. Used one season. 235-4144.(15-17c) METAL CAGE for small pet/rabbit 24x2'8" long 1' high. Attached wooden hutch, metal pellet holder fits into wooden pellet holder fits into wooden stand 2'8" high cage door is 1'8" asking $20. Phone 284-1784 after 6 p.m. 1184 S15 4x4 GMC $3500 as is; 1977 Skidoo Everest 340 $800; 1982 Polaris Indy 5(0 $ 1600. Call after 8 p.m. 284-0197 ONE PRECAST STEP 4'x3'. 4'x porch s hh step S150.00 o.b.o. Call 284-1903. OSTER KITCHEN CENTRE food processor with all attachments. Rarely used. S50.00 or best offer. Phone 237-3743. (15-22SA) TORO RIDING lawnmower 5 h.p. needs SOW work. Make an offer. Phone 235-1724.115-22SA) 19 Property For Sale Grand Bend Open House Sat. & Sun. 1- 3 p.m. Immaculate 4 bedroom brick home with oversized garage plus • workshop. Built in appliances and many extras! 1.19 acres, walk to beach, 2 minutes north on Hwy. 21. $195,000. Call Barb Richmond Sales Rep. 238-2303 or 238-6213, Sharen Realty Ltd. COLDWeLL BANKCR 0 19 Property For Stile 3 BEDROOM brick bungalow on Targe corner lot. Clean and well kept Excellent location • at 22 Sherwood Cres. Exeter. 235-0781 for more details and viewing appointment. (15:16c) 20 Property For Rent LARGE LUXURY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with three appliances. Laundry facilities in each unit. Ground floor units available. Phone 235-2961. (4tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartments, laundry facilities and heat included. Call 235-3497. (25tfn) EXETER - Two bedroom apartments. fridge and stove included. Extra options available. w & d, d/w. a/c. Call Glenn Haven Apts 235-0349 or 262-2401. (44tfn) Mexico for two? YOU'VE GOT ONE CHANCE IN 57! You could win a Mexican holiday for two by leasing at Glenn Haven Apts. in Exeter for one year. What's more, your 1 3th month's rent is FREE! The odds are great: a maximum of only 57 tenants will qualify for this contest! Call today to arrange a viewing. 185 Victoria Street West Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S2 (519) 235-0349i DISTINCTIVE REALTY 147 Main Street, Exeter, Ont. 235-1449 (24 hr. paging) Dashwood line 237-3182 Pat O'Rourke Linda Dzioba Ruth Zlelman-Zehr Jerry Zehr 237-3762 229-8887 236-4712 236-4712 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE $149,800 109 Albert St. Hensel) Sat. April 16, 2-4 p.m. Host Pat O'Rourke Excellent 3 bedroom family home on huge private lot. Heated inground pool for your family enjoyment. CB 124 Congratulations to Ruth Witherspoon of Crediton, the winner of our draw at the home show for two tickets to the Huron Country Playhouse. NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING - CENTRALIA - 5157,500 - Beautiful new 3 bedroom family home. Oak kitchen comes complete with built-in oven, countertop stove, dishwasher. Pine floors and open stair case. Main floor den and laundry room. Efficient gas heat and central air. 1650 sq. ft. Well worth your time to view this attractive new home. CB 124. NEW LISTING NEW LISTING ♦ -1 $411444 GRAND BEND - $199,900 Stunning 3 bedroom ranch on=.� huge picturesque lot. 3 IMAGINATION IS WHAT IT bathrooms including hot tub TAKES( - 2 bedroom home that off master bedroom. Very needs some lender Loving peaceful setting away from Caro", but the wonderful location the crowds. Why not call on extra large lot is inviting Bar - today for your own personal gain priced at just $72,900. Call showing/ CB 124. soon. CB 222. FARMS FARMS FARMS HAY TWP. - Excellent 2.9 acre hobby farm on paved road. 4 bedorom home. Good shed plus a ban for your horse. Ideal property for the country lover or choice location for a trucker. Located in the Dashwood area and priced at $94,500. CB 124. STEPHEN TWP. 123 acres, 80 acres workable. Prime vegetable soil. Excellent building site. Paved road, ravine and trees galore. Pipeline water available. 2 miles from the lake. CB 124. HAY TWP. 38 ACRES - all workable, great opportunity to add to your acreage or a choice property for the investor. Paved road. 10 minutes to Exeter. CB 124. USBORNE TWP. 100 ACRES - Good 4 bedroom home. Nice level Perth clay loam. CaII for details. CB 124. COIV1P11ERC1/>►L_/1NJ13UST1?1<1L EXETER - CORE COMMERCIAL - 900 sq ft. retail plus 2 residential units. Showing good retum. CB 124. EXETER - VACANT LOT - Excellent location on Main St. 50' x 185' comer lot. What an opportunity! CB124. EXETER - 2 ADJACENT LOTS - one with a 3 bedorom residence. One block from the Intersection of Hwy. #4 and Hwy. #83. Property zoned industrial. Fantastic location. CB 124. ALWAYS WANTED YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Unique general store with newly renovated 5 bedroom living quarters attached. Great opportunity for family run business. Call for details. CB 124. 20 Property For Rent LUCAN - Close to all amenities. Includes 2 appliances. One bedroom ground floor ?partrttert 2 Lancers. Lou of parking. oh nc 227-1710 or 227-4766. (4tfn) CLANDEBOYE - 2 and 3 bedroom apanmenu, available immediately. Call Cam 227-1557 M.F. Arnsby Property Management Ltd. (13tfn) TWO -ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS. References required. Fridge and stove incl Available immediately. 235-2420. (Stir) ZURICH - one bedroom apartment. available now. Phone 236-4320. (I Stfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Lucan. For more information call 1-246-1108. (7tfn) APARTMENT - available April 1st - 2 bedrooms - Hensel!. $465.00 utilities included. Phone 236-4961.(10tfn) APARTMENT - 3 roosts fumished. heated, suitable for single. Available immediately. Phone 228-6867. (I 2tfc) "•5100.00 - $120.00 LEASE SIGNING BONUS*" Open House - Saturday 1:00-3:00 April 2, 1994. In Hensall - Lovely spacious 2 -bedroom apts. 174 Richmond Street at Elizabeth in quiet. clean building. Fridge. stove incl. Laundry facility in building. Call 262-2924. (I3tfn) APARTMENT FOR RENT - Main floor on Main St.. Exeter. $460 per month includes heat. References. no pets. Call Dirk at 235-3948. (l2tfn) MACHINE SHOP Steel clad and insulated shop. 40'x80' with (550) 3 phase. 200 amp hydro. Three miles south of Clinton on paved road. Phone after 6 p.m. 233-7296. (I3tfn) ONE BEDROOM apartment, heat supplied. 304 Andrew St. Exeter. Fridge and stove. $347.50 monthly. 451-2131 or 471-0407.(13tfn) CLOTHING STORE with all fixtures. Main St. Exeter. Call 238-2742 after 6 p.m. (14tfn) AVAILABLE NOW - Responsible working person share furnished house. Grand Bend $290.00. Utilities included. Leave message 238-6393.(14;(5•) AVAILABLE MAY 1 - One bedroom apartment, heated, fridge and stove supplied. $310/month. Call 235-1354. (14tfn) For Rent Wellington Place Apt, Exeter Covered patio and loads of storage Spacious 2 bedroom apt. in 2 yr. old well maintained building close to downtown. Call 235-3511 for a showing today. Townhouse Simcoe St. Exeter !! Large yard and patio deck!! 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with ample closet space. Phone 235-3061 (Ask about Signing bonus) The Maples, Hensel! !!!Affordable Living!! 1 bedroom apt. $356.00 heat included. New paint and carpet. Very clean. Phone 262-2513 or 235- 3511. (Ask about signing bo- nus) Ducharme Investments Office 236-4230 RF/MAIC. LANDMARK REALTY I C. 215 Piccadilly Street, Suite 207 London, Ontario N6A 8S2 JUST LISTED EXETER - 2 storey with 1900 sq. ft. living space on top floor with 4 bedrooms. Bot- tom floor zoned commercial great for offices. Large shop rear. CENTRALIA - 8 acre plot with potential of 13-14 lots. LUCAN - Country estate, 2 miles north, 5 acre retreat with unbelievable 2 storey dome. HURON WOODS - 1450 sq. ft. of fabulous living space nestled in the pines on a large lot close to water. GRAND BEND -, 14 Shady Lane - 2 bedroom cottage close beach. Priced in $70s. GRAND BEND - "Huron Woods" - one floor "hidea- way" hid on a private lot. This home is immaculate with everything on main floor, price in $200,000s. Call for private showing. DASHWOOD WEST - 2 miles. 2 storey home on a 2 acres country lot. Fireplaces, low price. Call for a look. AILSA CRAIG - New homes, by Ron Campbell Homes Inc.. - come look, low taxes, sew- er, water, town has every- thing. COMMERCIAL - large com- mercial building for lease. Can lease individual bays 30 x 60 by the sq. ft. This build- ing offers good location, large exposure, right on #4 Hwy. Ron O'Brien Seise Rep. 432.1400 anytime or 284"2111 Residence 20 Property For Rent EXETER - ONE MONTH real free, two -3 bedroom apanmath available, plus hydro. Qhone 235-()512. (39tf s) EXETER - Large luxury two bedroom apt. with whirlpool, w&d, d/w, dc. Call Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (4Stfn) EXETER - new one bedroom apartment (upper), fridge and stove supplied. $445.00 plus utilities. Phone 235-3293. (46tfa) APARTMENTS - Bachelor, one and two bedroorns, partially furnished, laundry and ParPhone 235.1497. (Stfn) ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS. NENSALL - 1-3 bedroom and 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with fridge. stove. heat and hydro. Laundry facilities on premises. Fust month free rent. For more information and viewing opportunities call 262-2827. (48t(n) HOUSE - 2 bedrooms. large living room and kitchen. laundry on main floor, gas heated Storage shed. $500.00 per month plus utilities. First and last month's rent. References and place of employment. Phone 235-1647. (I4tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent 5450.00 and $475.00 plus utilities. 32 Victona Si. Available June 1/94. Call 235-4286. (14tfn) ONE, TWO OR three bedroom units available Spacious units in a new co-operative living community. For information contact Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-operative at 235-3382. (1 Sc) MAIN FL(X)R apartment in Exeter. large lot in moles Phone 235-3152. (1 Stfn) LJ E1 DD ' D Dirk Coolman EI Tlt'nes-Advocate, Apdt 13, 1994 20 P! operty For Rent AVAILABLE MAY 1 - 2 bedroom Heated. and stove supplied. $355 per moochArose 235-1354. (1'5tfn) EXETER - one bedroom apt available May 1. Call Jack Taylor 235-3293. (I Stfa) AVAILABLE IN EXETER - two bedroom house 5595 plus utilities, two bedroom apartment 5375 plus utilities, 600 sq. ft. store 5350 plus utilities. In Homan: 3 bedroom upper apartment in duplex $500 includes gas heat. Call Estate Realty Inc. 235-1621.115(1n) 21 For Rent THE 'OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals. including weddings, meetings. banquet room, lectures. exhibitions. films. etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-0318.(17tfn) 5600 SQ. FT. OF storage space for lease or rent. Partially heated shop. 229-8804. (14:15c) 23 Wanted To Rent SMALL UNFURNISHED apartment for summer, May to August. Non-smoker. Rent 5250 or Tess. Phone 262-3332 or 235-2357. (13tfx) a® OIOK M immo 1OOKE0 dada0 Ron Cottrell 24 HOUR SERVICE rm CALL EXETER'S ACTION TEAM WE WORK HARD FOR YOLII Page 21 Pat O'Rourke Andrew Scott, Broker/Owner of Cotdwell Banker Distinctive Realty wishes to extend congratulations to Pat O'Rourke for his outstanding sales achievement for the month of March. It is Pat's continued hard work and dedication to service that makes him Top Producer for Cotdwell Banker Distinctive Realty, Masonville Branch. Pat can be reached at our Exeter • office (519) 235-1449. A.J El OD DDD 493 MAIN ST. ei EXETER 235-3948 0 a a 0 II El Cl r • L5 ■ a a a a a a No LJ C7 O O 0 0 a a a is 2 : EDROOM mobile home r with family room and Targe E covered deck. Very nice unit, r all drywalled and spacious r rooms. Why rent? Call now! r 1! 14=141.1MWMIAMLWQMLIALIMM,AMQM M914 E 11 2 5r r i! E e r r ▪ EXETER - Triplex with over r $17,000 gross income. 1-2 bedroom unit (with r fireplace) and 2-1 bedroom ✓ units. Large 90x165' lot. r nt r S139,900 t7giaiiiamai7gi7gi7t14isr • qqq W gMggLIitlilagititiiilggr7t7 L 5155,900 MOST ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom brick ranch. Features central air, oak kitchen. Excellent floor plan with large master bedroom, ensuite and walk-in closet. TO:Amick 've , and Sive Its e t ' fir cu 'appeal. Drive by 55 Devon Dr. then give us a call for your personal showing •F NEW ISTIN a [\I:IER"119,900 CELLENT three bedroom brick bungalow - ideal for the young family or excellent retirement home. Compact and efficient. Many updates. Beautiful treed lot. Call now for viewing. i' '1 2.7; \( RI ti HIGHWAY LOCATION - Many uses. Excellent exposure with high traffic. .st ALL �LtzlSac[L15 t ti LRRtt 1' c 14 P \I 1IIc $136,900 Three bedrooms • 1-1/2 baths • Huge family room • inground pool *Gas heat • Central air I I6-1 I I\If Rl'1'I It" EXETER - $79,900. All brick 1-1/2 storey situated on a nice lot. Presently duplexed could be converted to single family with $4000 down will carry for as little as $488.28 per month princ. plus interest. l .titggqqqqqyqtatais r7 ii r r EXETER - Nearing i completion - Spacious raised rranch, large eat -in kitchen, 2 r baths, bright basement, Iattached • -garage and breezeway,: a14d of cpurse-the 7 year warranty and mature lot 5157,900 NEW ISTIN E\E1 I R 599,900 ▪ ENTION first timers - t± Nice two bedroom bungalow situated on a huge lot. Plenty of room for future expansion. r With just $5,000 down will carry for $760 per month (print. plus int.) E\TR.0I.- 5127,000 T ONE year old this very • active raised ranch makes a ey of a home. A ver• cient home to run with high efficiency gas heat, and moderate taxes. Beautifully finished, open concept living area, raised basement with walkout. Worth having a look at! • $124,900 • 1-1/2 acre lot • 5 min. drive • paved road • Recent updates ilmilliiiiii111011111311111111111111i,-, eLlLirR , �lgggqqqVcr•a.a♦la�t r LARGE SHOP, over 1600 sq. E ft. plus double garage, r situated on large residential r lot close to hospital. 559,900 r E rt. R. r6: ..i`7♦7.i.iYy♦i♦1♦'iV 4M.i♦i►1.aa......i.d EXETER 5139,9011 B of f go a RICK - Over 2000 sq. ft. inished living area, 4 bedrooms, amily sized oak kitchen, huge rec room with room for pool able and sitting area. This amity home also features ttached car port and mature lot. Take a look at this one: - r - L. L L L RE TER 51:~1,500 EXECUTIVE Cape Cod - Look at the features, brick drive, double garage, separate dining room, 3 baths, Targe bedroom, finished basement, LOW heating costs and much more. Only $184,500. Cali for more into. -'1 • L L` c r- \I: II It 574,900 GREAT POTENTIAL for first time buyers. Take this excellent little love nest, add some tender loving care. Simmer at just 5568 per month . Add just a touch of a down . • ent, and it's ours. lar it Pk. 1 (IRI 1)IIO\ $124,900 • Country • Raised ranch • 1/2 acre lot • finished family mom • nice property e L L WISITY WASHY - This downtown Exeter property could be the income -generating rimperty you've been looking for. Former Laundromat. Fantastic opportunity at 5149,000. 5174,900 - One of a kind - This unique property features a brick 3 bedroom with walk -out basement, overlooking over 5 acres of stream and trees. Very picturesque property within minutes of downtown. Call for exclusive showing. EXETER 5119,000 - Large 2 storey brick home, features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and full basement. Presently duplexed but easily converted back to single family. Situated on 2 lots, possibility of severance. Call for information. \\ I WANT YOUR i;t �1 \ I a a a O a a a 0 E1 a a a r,) a a a a a a a a a a a a a `■1 a [.1 a [11i a ASK A OUT OUR NEPAL ANITA tEETI©F a Both Dirk and Ron are fully licensed Auctioneers aaaaaaa®aaaaoa®aoaaaaaaaaaaa