Exeter Times, 1875-6-3, Page 3, AIXEN,''SL1YG 11.ALSAYo, % tea.ti.), VN,SW. tO 0101,'Oorit •!.roWittjkopp;,, CcCO, 4M,,,,r0a1iger ofMrt tne.e. qltery4, Wi,„//:, ' iistOrigiew.iitotio. ow:Mimeo of rea,14M4 , evahat,. Cowitne otioa,.4.10ag14 ;Xt ipwit.6., ei.tt:POotnriV tiOni. /0 1,;0 ,11//ee'tliP. 1R.A140,1,fiigkkOW'Qn tilo.PtAWAIn for anatus ). ellanges the ;1141101ifil1 and pull/Us °4131:40h. 0') Ok94140g1TA.0401/. brings, the liver the Wood ; noitis 4.0 "Moil ports ; divos to its proper A9.100,2'4, (1;ittn4kv 2 strength to 01 0 18'4o1e44y4tonl, 3 IA .1,ixtvoctocoa to the suiforti g V4.44"cplgini.ts ioit lor to positive cure of *Ugh 414$10.soe havo been fully tested, Tliefornoi to W40lo it b.; prepared is rio ertod to tty t) 4ea(011104,ediettl )0((8s os acing equal to 0(11' 1.409rItit,toot that can bo 10(010 up iorsottli diseases uy the toe neat faculty. Tao Balsam Is, eonsoe0. anitly reecommunded bv phySiehtits everywhere, 8010. by an, druggists, oieo ,nnifav navog Lit 0041, Iltolleemeasomeglosseemeestmemseslavegessomassi THE FINLAY HORROR. 4001st1i2ss10tv or Tun WIDow-How nttrapuu WAS DUNE, Condensed from tho Free Press. The inquest on the- Finlay tragedy wa3 rest,/ med, on Thursday meriting last. The eyidoece went to show that Mr. Finlay 'and the mail Smith had been too iutimate for some time, but contained Dialling tending to fasten the (1011110 011 the prisoner. The follow- iug is AIRS. FINLAY'S EVIDENCE. Mrs. Finlay, being sworn, said -R. A. Finlay wae forty-three years old, and was born in Ireland ; they -were married in the towuship of Dover, County el Kent, nine years ago ; had lived m the township of Sombre, three yeals ; he was iu tolerable health ; had - „ SPELLS' OF DISPONDENCY ; people would sometimes say to her lie was crazy : yesterday he was ia his usu- al health, but complained ef weekn 78.8 during the day ; he went to bed tehont Line ('C10310 111 the evening, the "family retiring later ; thinks Tun mem) 2tA1 $11.17'it retired first; wituess retired about ten o'clealaaat abont otse o'efock iti the niorning, Alay 22ud, 11r. Finlay got up out of bed and went to the stable to see ' what was wrong with the horses, there BBING A NOISE IN THE STABLE. Ile did not return, and she hearing more . oise called the men and the; went to the stable and found Min death Beifig ttskefl by the coroner if they had lived aogethes agreeably, she said '' mealy." The. had DIFFERED ABOUT LIVING ON THE plum, she being opposed to .hie farming, bet not seriously. The yonng anon Shanks aud Mr. Pinky had never quarreled.The Ib. 711121.1 ntlel he had words Meats his emning tu the stable in his shirt sleeves 1104 Smith left for a time, buteWee, . ro- engagcd witlaMe. Enloe, three months SMITH'S isneuseeesee. Sinai', sworn, said his liame was W11- hain Henry Smith; WaS b01'11 in ire - lane ; had beeu in Unlade, since 1801, with the exception of three mouths; first lived iu Turf:lit° three years ; went from Toronto to London, where he tended bar for ins brother, win' kept the Thomeon Honse; IlllJ wieet'el in a flax' mill in Belmont for about six mouths '• wen t f CO in there 10 Arlip II ti 51120(1 worked in a flex mill there; HAD KNOWN FINLAY THREE YEARS ; had never been in any clinic:link with any one hi business except 21cCow' McGlen n on and Davidsou ; ha:d. gu110- 1 relied with him about wages end hilt hna ; never left him over any tithe, qiiivere) : this was tbnei just befoee din- ' nes e r;dia ,t, take ilinner with, hiltl that 1.iv oa hon Pen:;:oged 4-1 lain th: last time he ,got; his wife to ask ine come lislek and ha would give me 22 1110.11ti1 ; 11..(1)o020 We' 1.11i21'1t:•110.3 ;Pi Was • paying me $2,2 a ; Colleen§ the leas few dass there has 1)0.221 3s0,14,13A111.111L BET WEENVS; think he W08 1101 11,1.10gAllor 6011,11:1 of Mina; he ;Ind agreeably. he • eyes tea jealous; of witttee, (30126-2en they )Mr. and Mrs. IN altt0 quarrelltni frequently ; 110 was abueive to hec and the children. ELIZABETH REID TESTIFIES'. Elizabeth Ann Reid, sworn, said she knew nothing pi' the murder Until she was awaketted, iu the Morning, I,),) Mee. Finlay and told at it ; 2Lr. Plitt sometimes di:gutted ; it did mi2 hiet long ; elle (the witness) had lived n / (2080 2(110 years wiih them, FINLAY W-tS 112.1111 TO THE 0/1/DEE32; he. never 0, hipped ibevq bard ; never struck then' witi 02 Sliet2 Of 1111ret1Slio- able size ; he was a kini n tau ; never' heard him (parrot about Smith e Smith u i1 to bed first last tright, and witness , and childreu aftetaivards • saw Alie I tt It'l V i, ) t V, 1)0041' aweloa got the front yerd Chapn wheels On rid o I trt rse and k ft a de nil' 'A 1 th 1119 ttOnipiinif'iu (4, th 0 i•oport, 'if the gun. A sitylue it was a lair enran. Justisw 1 'Xlilinelt, dour tind lenooleide iseued, 0, search warrant, 'The eott. ts:.,,vgiti°e0 oatio,Y:t 80 to 00 rninnte or so aftor 8with ciente to the Week n as itatnediatel,y applied te,' Who $ '8:1$ .()) 949(10 ' el went to the door. Smith told etable foued Chapman tot Tidnielt, very pees „, 70 to 15 Ind it WaS done, early on the seconst day atter, ettu'le the teeta Botta - ,.. the bed Where Stnith and a boy,. Mulled the pal tiee event by the Way ot Saleni si311.;eal.'ss -,,'' "A abort time after 'tide I Went to heels) at Ilastings, It apveared that Vieurpor b... ,,, , : ,120,0104, ttt000 ()3.06 SlitiAlks, were sleeping, ana peetended olialia$tiklk18, riVe lni)es foither, and . I , 4 ..... ... 7 00 to 7 23. 10 awaken them, They gilt ap and Wout tafter dark eachanee ei el the hoes°. The .,1181t1.,,eis).,,,k,..1..„, 0 00 to 0 ien to the stable. Megistrate said that while li,o did not saser, a ...e..., -, is so to 14 00 - ........... 70, to 1 23 f -A. then went out ana askea them, coneider the ,hon>e stPlellOiE4 11° 1)°- lo)11...ileo6los4,.).1.),1.'4..„ "-","111:1"..1:' 111* ti,(a) i. (ig what was the matter. One of them lievecl a fretild 141,14. Inen imaeii,n(nl, awl 1.4,4.i........ --,..,r1ki, replied, "he is dead," if copsid(Ci•V(Itre\lig could belt 08"sed: ., " malt awl hhauks the ie 'went itisa or WY lam he would. settle it by iiiinese 41).se°,1eillew;let,',.'Sy'r,'!b,l'''''''1" 1. nf... 6060'tt°0 Vs caned, the neighbors," ' ing a flee ; inV, under the circuoktiteges Bariey,„._„,..,„„,..... .. 20 to 95 Tho confeseiou was signed by , he must commit t110 V1'1801101 101' trial ANNIn FINLAY. at the Supreme Court. 'Die pri$0110),: 13',ggo',1)°".!,zen..,.%, 12 to lv to .i.s was subseqeently released on bail. SM1T1-1,'S CONFESSION., 00 to 109 Snlith, on hearing her oonfeesion, Pork ., ..... ,, , , ... . . ... gave a heartrending groan, and turn- NVhito wheat ., ' ....,.'','..',„, ... - .;tittoo 0200 i..,il '''AS1'. lug to her, said, "You have murdered Treadw oil ,.. ....„.. . .',..... ... ....'........, t35 to 68 118 ball 1," ' Spring.„.., ,,,,,, ,..,.., ., ,,,,, .:1;.'.. , ..„ ,88 to 80 Oats .,.,, „..,, .,.... ... ' ....... . t ..;.' .. . ... . 0 101 to 0 41 Peas._ ..... .., ....,.... ........ . . .. ... ........ e 75 to 0 SO Tim YERDTCT. Barley... , ,,.. „ .. ..,.. ..... . ...... „. 99 to' 95 liattor L : ,• f ,1t1 to 10 On conclusicin, the jury „rendered a leas, per dozens...ea,. .,..,.. ,, ,, , ea to IL verdict of "wilful marder" by Williani Lard .. -,' ,, ,q, • 12 to. 13 Potatoes ...... k: -.....k..„,....,. ' . ' " '75 to o 75 ILO/11T Smith., and Mrs. 11. „ 5. Finley the.L.o for trial at the (aiming Assizes at el?\'1,a'?):1;11',iis:i as alt accomplice to it, and committed .. ................ .... .,,..;„,1 .% 0205. ttio) i84. &I 0 VI to 6 71 Sarnia. shoopsidus ...... .. 37 to 89 - ...... . . 10 00200 ttt000 16 05000 , UR*TON. t ' • 7 00 to 7 5Q Pail Vitheat „. ...).9 ..., s t 84 to § 66 Spring Wheat- „: , , ' 82 to thI Outs - - , . „ , 89 to 43 .,.. 70 to 71 131.31aittlez ,., , ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 15 . 10 70. to 76 10 ' 16 ,--";g4#4 " - . *I''I.• A ,*'''' ....!W!'''' ",i,r8fliV47 -r---- 141ISIHNG TACKLE WHOLESALE,. ..e_. $etae Al•11.) RETAIL. r6, so.,••S Ou Tueeday. 1120 an accident occurred in Burr & Skinner's cabinet factory, Guelph, which displayed ,the value,, of presence of mind\in danger. Mr, Jones Mahotty, an employe, while engaged i2 ph -tiling, and hisetiatention heving been attracted in s048 other direction for a moment, Ins left hand was caught by tlie rollers,. As soon asho felt his hand being drawn in and terribly crushed, with great preeeeme of mnad he put out his rightland and commenc- ed to turn the Screw svhich, relates the distal -ice between the bed aucl the knives of the machine, and by the time his hand was drawn in so far as tile knives the bed was so low that it escaped \vjthout being cut. I -Es 111111 WitS drILW11* 111 111111CSt to the elbow before ho suc- ceeded hatetting it free fterti, thee' rible Fewttion, Lula all this happened af-4 most in en iustant. His fellow works: men calve immediately thins assisteee, and Dr. Keating was at o»ce sent foie who did all M his power to alleviate hie, suffering. Several small bones in the letek oriels hand were broken, but the !laud was swollen to sueh au exteht that it was impossible to set the Bones un- til such time as it abated. The use of his haud will not be impaired, bat it will be the some little tillie before it ovill he entirely well again Quite a sensation was caused in Moa - 011 Monday evening by the re- moval from 11r. Pillgroan's yard of the 111(11 01 the lira tug boat ever built in Mee Ford, With trucks and 0 couple of teams the greatest • d1fficulty-ttt2nio8 from the emed-Litaving boon safely overcome, the hull moved majestically up the street, au interesting crowd eagetly 00 Aching its progreSs. With one or two stoppages 1(4 1041011(1(1 Port- ObishOlin's corner -for thenight. Next morning it 02i63 taken down -to the WU, Ler, and prepared for a latruch. On Saturday evening'im oldoman iu a pitiable ancl apparcti'dy dying condi- tion was brought into the Belleville po- llee station by AlexellaOr Burdett, Peter Post, Audrew Hamilton, and Owen Weeze, tf Thurlow. He gave his name as Samuel Pollard. Dr. Tracy, police surgeon, was at once een for, tuul fouud him iu euah a low state that death seemed certain to re - sett in a very short time. The man died during the eight and au ittquest was begins on Sundey, and -closed on Alonday eight. Dr. Tracy deposed, that lie examined decesased on Satur- day night at 9 o'clock. lle was then perfectly cold and pulseless ; his face suffnbed with blood ; from his ap- pearance should say he died from • con- geetiou of the luegs, in ought on by eepesure and neglect ; he had chronic soros on his lege. • Owen Woes() teeti- tied that 011 Tuesday night last he saw de:teased near Foster's gate; on the fol- lowing morning he WM •lying in the ditch ; Mrs. Weese taels (1)11(1 1121(1 driuk to him. and witness took Ilea strtuw 0210(1 placed it for him to lie tet ; geve him milk 1211(1 110 drank it, and then walk- ed to where the straw wee and loud down on it ; Jie said ho WILS 1611 lino._ shman , 71 years old; he also send ho had a daughter in Montreel and son in Ottawa, who was foreman of abook- bindery there ; he said that the police drove him orit, of Belleville ; that he came part of the way mi thc ears, hav- ing a ticket for Napanee • saw it ; it wes dated the 17th of IN.Utv ; 'he said ko was put off the ears ; on Thursday morning took fo,,d and driiik to 111421, of W114/11 he took seam ; witnc es' wife fed nim egain on Friday wonting ; on Saturday morning with ess and Messrs. .Post" atid Burdett •clettned, deceased and put clothes 011 hill) ; 111 tilkilag off his boots found maggots' in them ; one of his heels hail rotted off ; there wits it ',seined ni his back full of vermin ; ho Wits net couscions on Saturday morning; he said no Friday night to MIS. Woes° 012221 110 wished ho was death Other evidence was taken, cot•rcborative of the above, awl the juay returned 21)1(11' diet that deceased 00.1110 10 his death from long exposure and neglect. 6 to 7 riT-DI7rS.4 Spelling matehes are tho rage in Brussels. At aseocial tiller° last week the word "t oe d'' • was neve than thee could stand, and the prizes offered were rotainetl. . fift't.t-ga-mikat Last wook an illieit Still on the Bay- field Road was seized by reveuue 'Ott - COTS, alla all the apparatils coupected therewith, and a small, quantity of spirits were confiscated. The still is supposed to have been in operation all whiter, but if so the proprietor manag- ed to keep it verysti//. The pleasure yacht ‘‘Tommy White" was destroyed by fire in Goderich har- bor last week. Mr. Willitoiu Chisholm, of Goderich Township, went to Toronto three weeks ago, and had a cataract removed from his eye, at the Eye and Ear In- firmary. • Harry Reid, a Goderich aonenthle, fired a pistol off at a, 01000(1 1(1 Gudvrivii a few days ago, and tile ban ov a ea_ ding struck one Fred Witty at the cor- ner of one of his eyes . Uareless p00 - pit, those Godericliers. Rev. W. Craig lots been apnolnted 20 the incumbency a the 81. Thomas Church, Seaforth, in room of Rev. W. L. Mills, who goes to Quebec. . The next Proviucialeloughing match will be held at Scarboref. Wool has nettle its appea.ratice on tile Belleville market; 0108 more. The price- ranges frunt 28e. to 80e. silvtii exeitement in Tiverton le almest c1.1.111plotedy abated. Nothing 1121.8 beeii •doeetuwardS bill ki t g 11. test, shaft, though a gilt)]. many ate 128 gruite as ever that silver is there. man (truyo a itO1812-Wi1'ell he pro - unreel tit a livery stable at Lindsay - to Whit fifty fIVO hours. The horse died shortly afterward, Mal proceedings are 0004 taken agaitiet the driver. 011 the 18211 'May Mr. Telfer, fanner, 011.1118 very near leriog Dy a rum batting him. He wits heed - tug 110 01.1) examining a ewe, 0.21021 the sato made at him and kuoisked him duet', and when he attempted 60 get :IP the ram. 111020 et hint itgain. 13y ;rood fortune lie got liold or -02 1 tit,!ce 01 o10 horn and killed the rain. • 'este. Tel - fee is getting around again. The minuet mectims of the Grand Lodge, (Canadian Order of el(1aelowe,), was Lela 11.1 Dundas, on Tintreday, the :10tii Mt. The attendenee of members was large., 11,1.01. proeuetlings Wore 01' rt 111,081 itateresling character. 'Thu fel- lowitig officers were elected for the en- suing year Master, N. Ger- doe 131g100v, Toronto : D. (1 Master, \'ill jam Ogg, 1)011(142:4 ; D. D. G. Master, Wiliiaoii (1.. Black, Hamilton ; (-I-rand Secretary, Thnnuts ..Parry, littinittol1. All or Clio installation 01 officers the olo.thlia bodge adjourned, to tueet again ii1ITlItlttJll, 111 1876. At Cobol -ire; on Monday eveni11g,24th, . boy no nied .11111108 Henry Titotints had leaped upon a train on the Coburg and Mannora, .4t1,1 1 way carrying a 101.01. 01 J Limbo r, and as it, moved trona the 110.01, lie atilused himself by j Limping ,otti one trualc to another. As he ran ackward npon the loa21 to get a better tiert to j ton p to another car, he on foe - 'mutely went too far and fell upon the etcla.whon the next car passed. over Ins body, ctitripletely crushites Intel be - t:.:1001 80,eness.ie wheels. Death was install- tWhilst Angus MeLeed watt standing n a, plank, raking salt over the pan 111 Ir. Riehtmvee's well, Kincoediiie, last atintelay, he overbalanced himself, and ad ne elteenative but' to jump in the °thug brine. Ile had to walk about 5 feet in the scalding element, and on etting out had to wait quite a while afore assietance 0121110 to take off his toes end socks. He was placed mister le service:5 of' .Do. Johnson, who ren - 800(1 Inen all the help he could. We ern 1215,1.30 although badly scalded lie ill be ' ieittncl in a 'little while.-tee- 0r00e. Finley lead the p',I111 on Timreday to shoot tim squirrels thitt were destroying the corn at the stable. SMITE'S RELATIONS 1V1TIf MRS. FINLAY. I don't remember telling at school tliat Smith went out through the win- ?, 8 111 PI ti cl le 00 dow last winter when Finlay ceene home from but had told ti,e hired sishe so when she 001110 home ; she said slie r1 not remember that Ms. Finlay Inicl'giet Lindsey to take ctere of Abe stock ; sla, was from home theme& of the time ef Smith's absence, rind -when she came home Sruith was there, and Ralph, their little boy, said he had been there for over a week ; elee said WHEN FINLAY CAME, /10117. SUB SAW SUITT/ • HURRY INTO 0III1 PARLOR, AND TIIINKS HE WENT OUT OF THE BACK WINDOW, for she saw him behind the house in.'. medatcily afterwards ; Mrs. -Finlay went to the sleigh'(111)0(1111t Mrs, Finlay did not tell Smith to go through the house. CONFE880014 OF MRS. FINLAY. Mrs. Finlay confessed „to John. Fin- lay about noon Thursday, and after- • wards made oath before the COroner thftt Smith shot •Finlay. That he hitcl told her on Friday morning that be lutd 1jd tlie plan to niurder him on 'Thursday nigh t, but tho gun not beiug capped, he coul(1 1)06 acconiplish his week. ,Q11 Friday he went out to cut potatoce, and he pot a pap on the gun, and at one o'clock: Sittordttv morning went mit end looeened the hotee fte to make a noiee. Fifthly, being Alvah, heard the noise and 114)1 6111 to see what, was wrong, end ft little while sh8. hoard the report of the gun, find 00011 aftee Smith came to the hotise, knock.. ed at the door, and she opened iti and Suntli said, "Tlio.! ‘i,ork is done." 'rho fallowiog tvas the statement she Trtade, • frAlcitiV Dotlf 1117 tifil 00I1012E20. oOtt Veiday mottling Sinith told me he 110211 eeratiesel ate mmelerfor the night issfore, bet there hein(1 tio eftp 0)1 the 2111 11 he did not carry it into, effect. "Friday fie wenti into tho stelae to t potatoes foe geed, and (salved the gun, "At ono o'clock on, Saturday inert), Wflut into thc stable' and loosed h the hors, to 001161002 01, noise to draw i‘j JACKSON, THE ES -CAPUT) PRISON -ea. - TUC pcliee, have been informed of the hereabouts of Sam. Jackson, the ordered prisoner who eluded the grasp of l)citective Murphy reisently while en mute to tiiis city. He is believed to be [(111 .211. a swamp in rehr of the Ross .1?0,1'11.1, Westmitieter. .Detectivee P11011' and Murphy end othere were out 722 quest of him yesterday, and ran across two colored girls who had been providing him with food. They vefus ed to inform the officers of his hiding place, however, and up to a late hour !list night he had • not beeu captured. tie broke one of his arms in jumping from the car window, 01111 has had the handcuffs removed from his wrists by some of his friends in this city,- Free 0.9. Horse tt inlet's will be interested hi the case of ‘VM. Chairman, which wits heard in 4 0211)00814N srst, , 8,, the other day. The GeiZelte 8ays that C 1)ft p 1121(1eth or person brought horse to 118011)1110te1i 11,11d 01,:lpinan noel Geo 161108 Were talking Of a, sVra,p, and 'put CliampAn's hoes( beside, another of Vales' to try a matched .11',oles did net like the horse and wonid not swap, when 011111)103111 psopoeed to buy Vales% They 4gracil 'upon the j)(1)04 1011(14 be- fore the mode of payment was fixed., et the eiqueet of .,(J 14)1)1.0210 Itis companion harnessed rides' horse, and made his exit by the beck doer of the stable: The heese W)4(7 then taken from him by Vales' and eft in charge of anethory while 'ater3 wao potting 1u other horme,111 OV 011 the morning of the Queen's day, (itertrude a little girl of about 8 years of age, danghter of Mr. John ,Dutton, Guelph, had gone up town on an errand for iser mother durieg the forenoon, and. was returning again 'about eleven o'clocle. When, coming over Allen's briege she felts rather an minsual werinth aboukher waist, but thinking that it wile caused bythe strong heat of the sun that prevailed, never suspected that she was on lire. She 'lad not proceeded far when 11e1 clothes burst out into :dames. '1.'errified itud rifled and alarmed she scseomed, which lsrotiglit the people in the reighborliood to 1161.• assistituc.ie, the motlier of 21)02 unfol•tunitte girl, who Wit8 aniong the first on the snot, quiclily writpi?ed her own dross arortm1. the burning clothes of her daughter, alid thus iin- niediatoly smothered the flames. She ‘vas (2(4 (111110 carried to Iter horne near by, and upon exitMination it was found that 8ho had sustained severe though fortunately not fattilinjuries. Iler body oil the left side, frorn the waist dupri to the thigh ehnosb to the linee, was wits badly ,burne,d, and the suirerings of the iinfortuna,te p;irl were of the most exiiruciating, 16111,21. 'Everything possi- ble was dune foe her relief, and cal Wednesday she suffored but little pain, although unable to move. Consider- able time must elite's° before elle will be able to be ronnd agein. There is 110 floubt tint that het' clothoS were ignited tire-craclrers, which are 121)100001 12(1(1) id 14011 the Queen's arvi other holidays. r.'his should be a warning to be more dare- rtil in future, for had it not fortunately likppened that help wits close at hand, this young girl's life would altimst with- out doubt have been sacrificed to this dangerous amtiscinont, A. young lad no Med Palmer, son of Peter Palmer, brickleyei, of Tilson. burg, while loading a horse alono• the roacl on Tuesday last, tioar that Cown, Vlidelo/ed fieVere icick 10 the t6rnp1e, tind liVed abeUt twelve 1101111.1 after. wo,r(io, OTEAWRAK4,..:.414.0444'...ACT Y G (3..0 rr Ti xesoseeereurei, or rooaen liarret Too4B Efoios,, GraiLt ()radios, • , ETC.. ,fle will Moro ready fdr the 00 10011(2 harvest, tiio 8 colubriled .'"•;„ L J. CURD & ' -!, Dunlias street, Loyalou; out., bay° now °period out (1.111(0 110(1 of fishing TacItio Quods, also 11 cheaper quality for boys, comprising in part Bam- boo Poles,, Jointed Rods,Wallung 27t4.91r Rods, Raelftr Baskets, 2 smiling and 11:linnowNets,..A.ItificialVigi Visiting Baits, Capin, Linen,13ea0.ollLiue1(, White. Hair, Rair and Silk, Twisted Silk and oiled( Silk Lines, treble books, fly hooks, Woks brass fOrttlos, hooks to wit, hooks to gim)), tying gut,ginni by•thoo yard sinkers, floats, furnished linos, 21005.,, tips, rings end 1(0021016, 111(2786 Swivolls, etc etc., etc:- OcuO by post for prtiie list.. , . • \V G BOOZSELLEV, STATIO,NER Exeter., OREDITON 01 WC)OLEIT MILLS. The Rubsetibors, in retnrning thanks to the farming public for the liberal patronage be- stowed:upon them in the past year tot the Cred- non Wtrolon Miis, wouldbeg to state that they purpose continuing to work them during ,,t1te miming simmer. having leased them for a number uf years, loping to give in the future the sarnesatigfaction as in tbeptost. ()aiding, Spinning, AVe,avin,g, and Manufacturing au kinds of Tweeds, Flannels, Ette. done on the gbortest notice, and at lowest rates. T. & M. 'JOHNSTON Preps. of Zarieh Milts Crediton, April 15,„ 1875. skiinti THE FAVORITE LINE. CHANGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP CROWLEY ASO FLANARAN Having bought eat JIlawirshaor, 1, aye Good Horses, Comfortable Stages and Fast Time. •' -0- These stages are dr( yen by the Most ccornmo- dating of drivers, and leave TIEE WESTERN HOTEL, LONDON, every afternoon, nt. 2 p.m, arriving in 1111011,0 811 Linleto connect with trains for the oast and v.0140 ut.c1 conneeting in lixo ter with the Clinton and St Merl '23 01.1114111, LEAVE EMTE1tAEOUT 1-0(1 11.111., connecting in Luean and T/011(1011 Sta5E18 111111 10(11116. 27E1) citcm-tyy w. 131.100168. PAT IIAlsTAGAN, Driver. 1.1.11nriet0 UST RECEIVED Carload of SEED CORN Wo have alsO on hand a large stock of Clover, Timothy, Hungarian • Grass and other Seeds Warra.nted All Fresh No old Seeds kept in Stock Sutherland Bros. SMary's, April 8 1875. -1875. NENV SPRING GOODS AT THIS Popular lIouse ' ()wing to the clepressien 111 trade, both in Can atlit altd I Ile Utited 820.326, the /uvlitifnehn'of tuid wholesale 111011 (1)000 Leen 1012(1102) dispos of their Stocks for CAZIE without reference to Even the C'ost Price of ,the Material; m., 'McIntosh Go having cit.:Aro-A their Winter Stock, tin ottgh their veay folocessful sale, were in the heat possible position to take n (Ivo t ge of IOle fitate of the 1111111(25 0. Theit Spring Stock has been botight, nuteli etnlier than 11011111., /111(1 1111(101' Alt Old (id V /11 1 t gos which Cash and matured ox. limit:nee eau 2)010111(30(1, 1270 MI Peoqfitg of which are ghieg to , theik CusIoiners. NeW Tweeds New Denims' New ShirtIngs Now Gottons N .Prints New Jackets' at 'Pekoe hover before 'hoard. of, McINTOSISE St CO. tARV'Sylstatell It, 1815; 80.1 Suitkey A.,J71:a''Sr,.. Rake Norelt$r in this so'otion. CI -T 411 winDtidit to Ativatitage tellay their Steck frent „toe, akr air prop ixed to deal with theni as rensona- as any other estahlishment,otud to give prompt attelition, to all orders, . • , vlipLESALE & 'RETAIL. Turning 60 ill iikes-riftete,iili.lietritlq the 1;us00eti5. • GEO.RGE COr.PTLE • •4. E oter4pril 8, 1875, 82-6in S. LIVIMAY HAS ECEIVE0 THE FOLLOW- ING GOODS "At 1. PER 813. GREECE, 4 B#es Bruesels Carxet 6 Bales Tapestry Carpet, 13a4s Persian carpet 4 Bsalds :8 -ply Carpet 8 13ales Kidderminster Carpet 0 Bales dfnion Carpet 4 .Thelos Canadian carpet 4-4 English Oil -cloth 6-4 English 011i*loth 8-4 Engligh 10-4 Euglieli Oil. cloth 12-4 Englisit Oil -cloth 15-4 English Oil -cloth 24 feet El1gir?.11 Oil -cloth 1 Case Persian Damask 1 Case Velyet Damask 1 Case Repp Damask 1 (lee° Freneh Damask. 1 Case Piano Covers, 1 tease Table Covers 200 PACKAGES GENEV AL DRY OODS. ,EXIIMINE OUR STOCK when pnrchasing, 118 no one will do better with you. R. S. MUIPAY. Ng. 124 Dundas St. No. 126 Carlin St. LONDON. INTERESTING. ATED1tCALt tmon say that nothing is so good health as a room atm- fortahly warmod. The season of year is now lot lan id when you wilt require the very best A • H e S TOVES 102 -"jol 111 , - Nive ••••f. AND BISSETT BROS. beg to say that they lave just received one or the largest 1100115 14) the county, consistintt'of Stov,es tof the very latest. design and the best nit(nnfnctures, which DE SOLI) ll.EASONABLY CHEAP .Their aim is and always has berm to satisfy cus- tomers. 1-11t,rciware, Tinware, Copper -ware, etc. always on hand. Also the arnoc Amcd and 1,600 LB SCA LE";,E 011 VS. Old Bags, (Jopper, 11011, rte, bought, - • 11158 IAIT BROS. 75) SPRING (75 Gents Furnish'ng ATV) 00411(103,1) ES1alb1iSliM0111 Sli..1311)0RIB.ER.:BEG'S TO ANs • ..nonn.00 that he has:jos: rocoived .a.• eplendid. itssertnicutof • &. ENGLISH TITITEMILITS BbAbK BIWA DC L 0 TITS, c.Cz pOE SKINS, whioh for STYLE AND OtTALITT WM, BE HART) TO BEAT I T A-1.1•14 0 IR 1 N G Depattineet is replete will -roe -01,y males)) lea pre alai l'Arniahud 11011211111, rAsztrov rziATES 021 A triericin Styles 'and Cuts., All Week, 801321110160 21 eitt in the MCA fashionable style. Call rnify, end see the alseisest feel beat. 64,, 1211004 23tock:4 in town, mod offering at lo* ores tor 119,Alti SOU'II100'ek' 113tter, Ap.ril try, 1875, Ptirchasedthe 11(11.1N 1(t01)10 hog to announ Stock of Mr, 0011618/1Pg Of 11 CITOICE LOTOF ' 4, i•212' 1'11J11) 111111 lately E. Drew FIJRNFITTRIi] of every description, thus making. tali present stook The Largest mad est North of Lorado . Ito has also purchased Blr, E, Drew's SPLEITX)IX) 2mte1 woich is estimatod to bo one of tho finest in the Dominion, mat ho is therefore prepared 00 110202111 funerals, and FURNISH ALL RE461SIT'ES, AT A MOME117'28 NOTICE ! Coffins, Shrouds Etc, always on hand, & furnished reasonably =let GEORGE CA.ZTICA.RT FaadOnable BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Sign of the "Big .. Boot, Luean, Ontario, • • wouro acquaint the tihabitants of this and the surrounding country, and those visiting ittadiard, also imported work, wkich he • CAN SELL AT PRIOES TO DEFY ClOMPETITION. axarthat he is prepared ti) do order work second to none, a he employs none 'Mot P1081101315workmen, and rises nothing but First-class Stock, G. CATHCART. , (01-y1) 'lateen market, t at e hits on han'l a large stnek of Boots and Shoes of his °woman. Lucan, °etcher 22, 1874. Woodham Harness Shop 1 ENZI:7 ICATELER, Manufacturer of Light and Heavy !Lorne/is, would inform the inha.bitants of Ushorne and Mon hard that he hits on hand and is oreparod to manufu.c• hue • LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, and those in want of anything in bis lino win study thoir owtriuteregts by (211 (1:0 him a call be- fore purcin sing elseWhere, itepatring promptly attended. to. 75-8m. $5 ,10 $ ilt) r put DA:v.-A gotitS Wanted! All 6,4v classes„of working peoldo, of ei- ther sex, 1,00135 000102) Make nano noy lvork for us in their spare moments, or all the time than ab anything else. Particulars free. Post card to Statos costs but one cent. .Aticlress ST1NSO2O cte (JO., Portland, mine. 02-17. The Dommion Organ -11! H. ai B. 14. 500 MEN WANTED to carry away E EaDi AND 1(151 51112.06 01' CONFECTION 'R-17. (Plain and Ornamental) BRIDES CAKE MADE TO ORDER ! Special Atiention paicl to Orders for Parties, etc The subscriber would also announce to the people of Exeter and vicinity that he has 011 hand 1211 121)1016 of ,GPOCERIE 5 Tetos tkiat cannot be surpassed for their quality and flavor, Sugars, Currants, liaising, To- baccoes, ate. Also, allkinfla of Delf Glassware Smallwaxe, Toys, ete. All kinds of Produce taken iu exchonge for goods. Bement ber the Pi ace--•"-NoX t door to 13°1 ten'S Drug Store, Bread delivered in 011 )1011-02 of the .town free Of eharge, J. BELL. xeter, Nov. 19, 1874. • rrETIsl W. D.1IeGLO0IILON WA.TCIl .1. is the bust ln the iria,rket BOWMAN:VI-IL:LI ONT. ORGANS, ORGANS, • ORGAN S, (.4431 awl gee: our Spielidid • ••S'ti 0.• s s. • . Takiri.g.13V.e•VyWh.±.6 I1nmonsle• Number . N. 1.----01d Iristrurnents takel.) 111 eachenge foe iitsv. Inatitruents nonstantly on hand at 7. Drew' Fottniturc Ware -room, ',Slitsic Stools from 4. to 'f5 each, Seilti 111 J'Ett (0,0. nt, lio,sure and got' tbo 1),1\lc05ochton Watch boforo 'haying, Yon . havene ether: atter soot lint Omni, Allf who:Wear 211017. 1110068111.20)02 thorn, GOld and 271270, 7:11215)0 attd nolltlefftan'a 11100, 17 )1(111(1111 dreet, London. -5.66.12210':‘teetiatoil10w1610) . bergest, 3315)1 ,1)1 01166004 Rbook of flue °old .rowitiry, Oloolts, Silvor, mitt Plated Ware, 10103'GoOt:18, Ac,, la the 37(1121052 11+81111of every description, 'MD., -1‘retittOTTOVIAN't • 77 Du tola8 Tionden, 0210 ;'D ()Y A.Xr.l.'111) TO LE AEN ,* Itiost haw it fair itInglialt tio.a. 424 410 12414 61111o.', Ali.t.t I V ivILNDE8801‘1/ CO Pill/TE', 1 SUCCESSORS TO G. ) ex•steauf ship 2000r1141ti11, Mot 011000 a of flootig bought lie. by Mr. 5412212 b0).YOR41t.y 4i'lJe.c) 546 1121:0 V/II 111 130410, AT IVIANUFAOTUIIERS' CLEAR!NO PRICES, ' , a further saving to Customers the-atifli our fidvaing goons connection and MI coontatind of the markets. (2 ,11, Smith lurving 510,1701 (11 the BritiF,11 roan 1102aL 00 b11,Y his otocit for Las Whelesale Ectuoti 'itottoito tator 140 tounmer wholesale mtnort trade •wah 0 1. er, taling advantage el the tas.,' 1(1)050 0001111011)10tors ere willing to in.alie on alto' bW-a1D01 (;)1)4f:, (2(1121)10511 he loft on their hands, rathc,r than (tarry thoni ovt.r for 511011101. 1‘02.4011, 11.11S 003)114)0(1 for 110 6, 00g(11 41106 at 0)316v6 11)105 (Ii01411 Qaly he croditod without geoiotet oho goods. 770 10 opened a lot of E13,INI,'S AT 8 CENTS A Y. A.T.tI). Higher glades equalit, low in price, Also's, lot of -tv plftiti rd.tboaS 2111111 colu;s, 0001"1 to 11) CU. Further shipments coining to 1/1111a 12 00.115', 0,-sti10e1erir68g out beets M1(1013005 itt ro- dueeci HENDERSON SiteceSSorS to R. Smith. V. J., GILPI14, ST. 1\i_EA.Pu7.C.S„, Tingroith . and general (Maier. in R101'014 1.311;312a tuLile, 0.c, Ole, 'lltiv,,are, ()upper wars and galvanized iron very cheap. Cut 11a116, &LP tioelciug fitovoB $11 411 d upwards I he Curtis plow 895e. TELE NF, ST & BEST T HiN Cr' OUT IrrIportaut to every owner of a • Building. Carson's Paint, (iniprovorl Fire-ploof.) Those win) are in need of Paint should enquire fUr 011,1$011'2 Improved Paint. ItIs Cheap and Fire -proof, entering the grain of the wood ; it stops all snaoll leaks in roofs, and pteserves, them against the action of both t'an ami weather: One coat is as goo- vioettbk. , 0 of common paint, and two 001126 WILL LAST A LIFTImE JAMES PEOUT, • Agent, Exeter, N. 13.--Wootl taken ;rt exchange for the pain A.B BATTLE &Co Puy A&UO [a Cf..) 0.2 ST. MARTS. rtt run f,tonso Xqii/r Evely Thursday Morning r Tat, 01051011, p , PhOS pA.11.47. : $1.51) pox' atintria, /l115:1b10 strictly 122 advance, No sOl1bOrlD129.4 t11101:1o11' 1001 l,hlu js tuoniaili. ti .4 '('0(2' ()Le it ./) 1) Vivid insertion pek 11110.„.„,„,„ . .. It o.11 :1410003(00111tadit par 1 41.4,, vortinou ion Le 01 aystt (1023.124, 112.2141111 1OB2 (mita, 10,, not 3)00292In3) 0011 'O.8---fIrd itiOuth qi .4,11 T411.014octimit i..alotal, 2006015., _ NOLiece' 0.g births Inartio..,450 and deaths inserted t‘oto, Advertisements without Spec,Ile directions will 3.0 I taterte4 tin forbid, 22)1)2 Obit' g3,0. i1000rit.,1141y, , AtIVOrt.i8Olttolts to bo n111104104 by a stale of solt.1 noilocilel, • k fiLY,' A ( i 8 '11,0 ft/hawing 1'01110 will 1./(4' 11rtil;O0i. 110VallY Useinentst- oxfs, N•11.1.51, 6 'MOO,' 8 otos 1)10 olumn 22.11 " ..„„,. :83 "?.." (400.1 2111 " ,„8) Inghtlt " 12 1(00111n21 210100, six lineS and 'undcr tOrs Mos, 43, , st, \VILITL: 2,1(2222:10)11100,3) oinili tor 0,1)3)7.1 and tonflOiff 0. 22:1102; .1.5)710124 is:,:t Lue..tn at 8 it.l.U,1111,1-,..onat,s, 1'11 0 11.. ni. 7,0,00,9.1-..aittflot1 kr 1151400,..,4 at 214n.). l'..atanyat 6 14111.,t 10i \quit iu 111:7;00r nt ''r P.In. titte4P9,16,0coffittbtor 411,-11,tOr Clio.t.011 0.2 ti 11,,rn. rtt±k4141"441.414fti*.itt io loan. Loa\ 6 fellute6 a l if 211ififunittirrotfoltiI ) Iftefor, a24.5190 %30(• Streg614 tiXte'llite t. qu..,,Xncifolitys,. Titersila ainlitot 641 tall ,01.1414,11tiAt 6 11.1110*7114 1' tttae16.1,;iionn'trahitiii004,'115Si .'t a ,\,',,ft, e'R 01 1102.30, t,1011 i" ' • ":xeis...t,' - 1..1• 01' , 04)400..