HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-04-13, Page 10Paye 10 Times -Advocate, April 13, 1994 Cow/tumult The Red Cross held a blood donor clinic in Lucan Thursday evening. The First Lucan Guide Company made a donation, not in blood, but in cash to the Red Cross, using part of the money they raised through a coat check at the recent Lions Fish Fry. From left are Red Cross volunteer Olive Wilson, Guides Ashley Wilson, Heather Baker, Nicole Dann, Me- lissa Baker, and leader Nancy Baker. Hensall news Service and breakfast held By Liz Sangster HENSALL - At Hensall United Church a special Maundy Thursday service was conducted by Rev. Henry Annen, with Doug Klopp as organist. The readers were: Pam Mallette, Diane Gerstenkorn, Pat Veal, Tammy Preszcator, Joanne Moir, Amy Wood and Karrie Con- sitt. A Sunrise Service and breakfast was held at the Hensall United Church, thanks to the Senior Sun- day School and Worship Commit- tee. Rev. Annen conducted morning worship using for his message "Death has been conquered". The Official Board will meet in regular session April 20. The Annu- al Beef Supper will be held April 13 (tonight) with talo sittings; one at 5:00, tlivaher aP !30. The colf•W" gregation" appreciate the refurbish- ing of the baptismal font and flower stands by the Walpers of Varna. Easter Services were observed at Carmel Presbyterian on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. Rev. Mark Gaskin conducted the servic- es and Joyce Pepper was the organ- ist. PCW The P.C.W. of Carmel Presbyteri- an met Monday evening. President Jan Baker opened the meeting with a poem. Secretary Margaret Varley read the minutes which were passed as read. Pat Pollock conducted the wor- ship. After a short business meeting lunch was served by Edith Bell and Jean Snell. Dorothy Taylor was the pianist for the evening. A reminder tickets' that are still available for the Presbyterian Hot Spring Luncheon, April 26. Ham, scalloped potatoes, and pie are on the menu. On April 7, at 2:30 p.m. the after- noon ladies group held their month- ly meeting at the Hensall United Church. Elva Forrest, president, opened the meeting with a reading "He will turn our tears to smiles", followed by her prayer. A hymn was sung with Hilda Payne as the pianist. Anne Annen showed a video of the Easter Story. Olga's devotional theme was "Whispering Hope". Olga read the scripture which was followed by prayer. The offering was given and dedi- cated by Elva. Sadie Hoy gave the treasurer's report and Mary Roobol the card report. There was a short discussion about the 1995 Heritage Book. Roobol read a poem 'The Cross in My Pocket.' After a hymn the Mizbah Benediction repeated. Mary Roobol and Hilda Payne served lunch. Friendship Circle Helen McLean chaired the Easter meeting of the Friendship Circle, April 4, in the ladies' parlour of the Hensall United Church. There were 12 members and one guest present. The roll call was answered with ar- ticles from the wish list of Camp Menesetung. The Bakeless Bake Sale has raised $145,000 which will also be given to Camp Menesetung. Belva Puss gave devotional enti- tled "Preparing for Baster". "Christ is Risen Today", was sung fol - A, lowed by scripture and prayer. Hel- en McLean gave a reading on "How are your prayers answered?" The meeting was closed with a hu- morous reading, and Helen led in prayer. A video was then shown. Tea was served by Mary Brintnell and Kay Mock. Drop In The next Hensall and Area Com- munity Drop-in will be held April 21 at the United Church. Footcare begins at 10 a.m. on a first come, first served basis, with minimal cost. Lunch follows with flexibility exercises after the meal. The speak- er is Phyllis Ramer on the commu- nity kitchen. Don't forget cards. Cost for the day is $4.00 which includes the meal and activities. If you wish to participate in only the activities there is a $1 charge. PerrSkitials congratulations to arlene and Jim Regier on the arli l of their new daughter. The Kinettes wish to congratulate the winners of their Easter Basket Contest and to thank Luanne Phair for judging the entries. Linda, Andrew and Melanie Mar- tens have moved to their new home on Queen street. r SUPERSTATIONS PLAY MORE TEAMS MORE OFTEN -CATCH THE ACTION WITH 10 FREE PREVIEW DR VS APRIL 15 TO 25 Packages start at $9.95/ month plus tax Free installation During the month of April Call Ex-Cen Cablevlslon Ltd. 482-9233 for details At the Hensall United Church, this past Sunday, The Sacrament of Baptism for Brittany Ambar Lee Parker, took place. Erin Traquair, as junior minister read from the New Testament. Minnie Noakes and James Sang- ster attended the funeral of the late Ross Peebles in Elmira. Ross, a vet- eran of WW lI, gave freely of his time to the War Amps. District Deputy President makes official visit EXETER - Sister Jean Hodgert, D.U.P. of Huron District #23, made her official visit to Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge April 6. A pot luck meal was enjoyed before the meeting. Visitors were present from Forest, Ilderton, St. Marys, and St. Thomas. V.G. Barbara Tiedeman, report- ed she had given a flower arrange- ment to Leona and Phil Hern for their 50th wedding anniversary and she took a plant to Velma Car- rot when her husband, Earl, died. Viola Coates is now residing in the Exeter Villa. Several plants and fruit were taken to our shut-in members at Easter. An invitation was received from Victoria Rebekah Lodge, London, who are celebrating 125 years of ApriI is seat belt month EXETER - This year April has been targeted as seat belt month by the O.P.P. Drivers can expect RIDE checks and moving checks .to increase in an attempt to get a higher compli- ance rate. Besides a $90 fine, fail- ure to comply with seatbelt legisla- tion will result in two demerit points accumulating against your driving record, say the Exeter O.P.P. All provinces in Canada have adopted a common goal of 95 per- cent compliance by 1995. Ontario is at approximately 84 percent. In this district last year.115 persons were killed in motor vehicle acci- dents. Twenty-seven of them were not wearing seatbelts and of those, 17 were ejected. Rebekah Oddfellowship in Lon- don. They were the first lodge es- tablished in Ontario. Also received was an invitation from Hillcrest Rebekah Lodge, St. Marys, who will be celebrating their 40th year on May 27 with a dinner. The Order is celebrating 175 years in North America. Next Wednesday is the District meeting in Exeter in the afternoon and there will be a card party in the evening. Pride of Huron are having a des- sert euchre in the lodge hall May 11 at one o'clock. Sister Jean Hodgen, D.D.P., in her talk, urged members to visit other lodges because of the fellow- ship enjoyed. She gave some inter- esting information about the work and the projects of the Order. Lois McFalls and Ruby Beaver gave readings which were much enjoyed. After contests, there was a draw on two plants which were won by Gerald McFalls and Mil- dred Thomson. amnammanqoasiminamaninire FURNITURS rotth ttb04te[rCupbo ..G]i.1�..5.. Cr>rk ptctctre w 4 vnnotO dox56r ,arid ermib',aticn Irmwt01iaDg t1/skp 0{r . •.� nt conow roovrl Qct VJedrinpjiot1StAfton Muyvvvi 242 22D4 - HAVE US PREPARE YOUR 1993 PERSONAL TAX RETURN RECEIVE YOUR Accurately and Efficiently REFUND FROM REVENUE CANADA OA AS LITTLE AS 2 WEEKS by 1din9 etectronicallY Wdh US Starting at $19.°° Call for an appointment at our offices located in: Hensall, Clinton, Exeter, Grand Bend 263-3039 or 1-800-567-0844 Fax: 262-3111 W. H. 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