HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-04-13, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, April 13, 1994 WI general meeting Women's Institute members from London and area held their general meeting at Centralia College last Thursday. More than 100 women came out to the day -long seminar. The day con- sisted of guest speakers, music and information seminars. Seated in the photo above are committee members who organized the meeting, from left: Gladys Egelton, Hilde Morden and Delores Shapton. From left are guest speaker Irene Richardson, Deb Campbell, WI president Margaret Pale, treasurer Janet Gibson and speaker Donna Kittmer. Busy schedule*set for H.S. Women's Institute By Mona Akknlice HENSALL - Huron South Dis- trict Women's Institute have a busy agenda after meeting April 5 at Hensall United Church. The annual meetings with yearly reports will round out April with "A Slice of Huron" April 11-15 at Seaforth Community Centre and Agriculture Grounds, showing agri- culture to school children. April 7 a workshop on new pro- gram ideas was held at Centralia College. Pitch In Week will be held May 2-8 to gather up the rubbish. May 19 a tray will be presented to a graduating student at Centralia Dashwood WI install officers D - The annual tree f Dashwood Women's In - j titu e was held April 5. To open ilte',imeeting, everyone told an amusing joke. The group then said the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. Roll Call was pay- ment of their dues. Reports were given by the secre- tary, treasurer, auditor and co- ordinator. The district directors re- ported on the board meeting held at Hensall April 5. Correspondence was read. The Institute was asked to compete in composing a song for the Women's Institute Centennial. A share netted Crediton, Dashwood and Grand Bend $320.77 from the Wardens Banquet. Business followed with discus- sion on the sheet of coming events. Some of the officers elected are: past president Martha Weigand, president Katharine Becker, first vice president Brenda Sheppard, secretary Dorothy Restemayer, treasurer Kaethe Freiter, and dis- trict director Martha Weigand. The executive are looking after the December meeting. The officers were then installed by Edith Baker. The group then signed Secret Pal names followed by the exchanging of Secret Pal gifts and a lunch. Dashwood Women's Institute meetings are held at 7:30 on the first Tuesday of every month. College. Also May 19 the District's Annual meeting is to be held in Grand Bend. A bus trip on June 7 will be taken to the Erland Lee and Adelaide Hoodless homes with other side trips. Members are reminded to sell their quilt tickets as the draw will be made at the picnic July 5 at Cre- diton Community Park. 'The W.I. Fall Rally will be held October 3 in Zurich. In between, the Tweedsmuir History Curators will work on their books. The Fed- erated Womens Institute of Canada are holding their convention in Tru- ro, Nova Scotia in June 1994. /NO7I7ICE Numbers In the TA Phone Book for Dlnney Furniture and Dinney Funeral Service were transposed The correct numbers are: Dlnney Fumiture 235-0173 Dinney Funeral Service 235-3500 SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's Holy Communion Service was held at 11:00 a.m. Sunday April 10. Rev. Stephen Emery spoke to the children about imaginary friends that they sometimes have and how whenever they are lonely they don't need to be afraid because Je- sus is our friend and He will al- ways be with them. Sunday, April 17 is the Third Sunday of Easter and the St. Pat- rick's Morning Prayer service will be at 8:30 a.m. Scripture readings: Acts 3:12-19, I John 3:1-7, respon- sive reading Psalm 44 The Holy gospel Luke 24:36b-48, Sunday School theme "meeting Jesus Again and Again". Ordinand Eli- sabeth Geertsma of Mitchell, Se- bringville and Stratford Parishes will officiate here in the parish. Personals St. Paul's Spring Fling to be held at the Kirkton-Woodham Commu- nity Centre on April 17 - 7:15 p.m. Enjoy an afternoon of country music at Centralia Community Centre on Sunday, April 17. Linda Durran and Lucas of Au- burn were weekend visitors with the MacGillivrays. Congratulations to Harley Davis placing eighth on Sunday in the Spring Motocross Classic at Go- pher Dunes Courtland Ontario. Walter and Donna Frasca of Mis- sissauga visited with the Davis' on Saturday. Story of Tom Thomson coming to Blyth stage BLYTH - Tom Thomson is a leg- end among Canadian painters. His great canvases - Jack Pine, North- ern River, and The West Wind - are a treasured part of our national heri-- tage, and the mystery of his death in Algonquin Park in 1917 remains unsolved to this day. Jim Betts, one of Canada's most talented compos- er/playwrights, tells the story of Thomson's life and art in his Col- ours in the Storm, a startling new musical play full of humor, passion and intrigue, coming to the Blyth Memorial hall for one performance only, 8 p.m. Sunday, May 8. Colours in the Storm is the story of a man who at age 34 discovers what he wants to do with his life and for the next five short years fu- riously pursues his obsession: to capture in paint the exact quality of the colour he finds in the northern landscape. As well as the obsessive artist, Thomson is revealed as a gregarious and charismatic charm- er, who stirs up dark passions in those around him. Thomson was a Toronto photo- engraver when he met Ben Jackson, who first took him to Algonquin Park in 1912, along with some of the other artists who would later form the Group of Seven: J.E.H. MacDonald, Franklin Carmichael, Frederick Varley and Arthur Lis - mer. The circumstances of his death remain a puzzling and haunting mystery. On July 16, 1917, ten days after he disappeared, Thom - son's body was discovered floating face down in Canoe Lake, with fishing line wound 16 times around one of his ankles and a 4" gash on his head. Accident or murder? Was Martin Bletcher jealous enough of Tom's relationship with Winnie Trainor to kill him, or did Annie Fraser's kindness for the painter en- rage her suspicious, hot-tempered husband? Jim Betts leaves us with the mystery. His play is about Thomson's life, the struggle to be- come what he was, and his fight against time. Betts subtitles Colours in the Storm "A Gallery of Scenes and Songs on the Life of Tom Thom- son." It is a play with music, the original score influenced by folk and Celtic traditions. The songs are representations of the paintings, de- scribing the emotional and physical landscape around Thomson. Tickets for the single local per- formance of this touring production by Tapestry Theatre are available for $17 each from the Blyth Box Office at 523-9300. .Eclipse Hairstyling, Esthetics and Tanning is happy to welcome Charlotte Webber Charlotte has 12 years of experience and has worked in Alberta, VanCOUVOr,Victoria and Uppsala, Sweden Charlotte specializes in long hair and perms. Hours: Mon. - FYI. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. 9.4 Walk -Ins welcome For appointment cell Eclipse, valuinart Plaza 235-1880 Cla rfotte Webber REBATES assammiliesimmisimisaiw 46" Home , Tbeatiye'" Projection Stereo Monitor -1 cefver • Full Color Picture -in -Picture' ■ SRS (e )' Sound Retrieval System • 5 Watts/Channel' Stereo Amplifier • Broadcast Stcrco with dbx• Noise Reduction ■ Master Touch' Universal Rcmotc ■ High Gain Picture System ■ 13 -Jack Vidco/Audio Monitor Panel with S-Vidco Connector • Dual Antenna Inputs Price before rebate $2499 P467729BA 28" ColorTrak Plus" Stereo Monitor -Receiver • Full Color Picture -in -Picture' • Master Touch' Universal Remote • Broadcast Stereo • 5 -Jack Video/Audio Monitor Panel with 5-Vidco Connector • On -Screen Clock, Sleep and Alum Timers F26671FT $ 729 Price before rebate 1 25" ColorTrak Plus' Stereo Monitor-Recelver • Mulct Touch' Universal Remote • Broadcast Stereo • 5 lack Video/Audio Monitor Panel with S -Video Conncctoc • On -Screen Clock, Sleep and Alarm Timcn • Channel Labeling F25651BL $629 Price before rebate RCA 8 mm VH8 Camcorder • lox Zoom Lcns • FA -Range AutoFocus System at 1 Luz Low Light Recording • Flying Erase Head at Scene Select AE Recording Dial with Sit Recording Modes • Infrared Remote Control • Automatic Head Parer Up to *1000o CASH BACK on selected TVs, VCRs and Came orders colo pix in pix $10000 REBATE w•r•tt1111111•a1111wn 31" Home Theatre" Stereo . • . 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