Exeter Times, 1875-6-3, Page 2A44,2«..2uz, :224 1,,etao ec, w, - 34.z.ssiates, I ), 3 4 1'31.3 22,3,3e f t , Wu 3 - v. lkre , -2,.. ,2,243.1.3 3,, 1, 3•1 th13 3,24maa 4aa3x,u mrx 3,3, \,‘ 32., l,0.- 3.2 a I 33.• 2d232-330 1 32k 'either- if Yo'l '1.94 .. c'l..rtzi,l'Irs,, e. ei, ,i, ti, it e ilet tiltendteee i 1 the theifty end 1`.. Yvtl, wtwt. Illtud-bilh3t e.0,t 1,12; ; wee mteette , • t. 4 t -• „ t ..1 tt, s 1 r you. emit eitvelono -,4:."4 OF :",, JANA IL, 1.4 LLI L ,,,,L. ,,, , , , , ., '1 ..9e., I " 1..' t ''.' 'kn. t'i A VQ) to i2...atre 822vees.s.to an ilt• It ,Y,Qt-1 svulit buetnees Cara$, , , ,, , 4.4, 7 . 22.1.2tt.y Qt tkil v ,i,..g.,24 414thre etep103 tut; Il: yeti Wallt neat billeheade., 1.46 vote.. tlxii, ;0 )......,oy loutcle Lot la, ;It, e - It, JF.,:e't , „t ; 1,1 the C,,i1.2:ei1 take it up. Mad hut be afraid of' it. The uyer-cautious wili ery aboUt the rofikay bonus, the street -est, iinproveineuts, etc., bet if we work on glig eta ("Attia; . Jo. 1,1ii's imin.i.lrum i,'Ity, well never , e ,z have over lialf-e-dozee more eente fu the place. The taxeS are high. "Yes ; and the iotteer you vtoelt to beep °thus from lleleing to jay thew, the longer and tuore of them will you have, to pay yotiveelt. "Ithle is plain. mmter-otnaeb The manufactures of a towel or vil- doetrine, lueoutroyeetible, and pro\ et) e lege ime to it what the splual column over aed over agiiin, it has been it to the Lotman, franbe ; 113oy pai,/ il;j3 ' Said, 1101 ;1.10 pay NVE,31 We 11 0 NV 0 WO, /31bd , , 4tregth, its weapon., its yory enieteeme thou lvtien others eoree he lot them i , help build tuel pay too. TItat's eound, le no one uase .44.1-2 it L4e 8.21-il-i 113.31 t De b r the u , e , ) .2, t 1, ve Imre , ten li 0 , teetate ,ett tem nate. n \elm dole, inanefaeturee ill ti villeee or LL, wil have been ,the means of ltiotleeime it$ pro- gress ono Iota, Neiehee eau it 1.227 said of them that they heve been the means of keeping ib in scqta quo. But uu the :SQ W4 4.4 -v44, J41-18 1 o •"7"7". (11,14 :.•1t3.'"tr7i.. • e!telrAriere'reirC.1'11/1 &St 12' yeu \twit shipping ttegs, e ou Want taety letter bends, If you want Mee visitiug cards, 11 you want the letet of 'tell' work, 11 yew waut any 110,1 efjob 1)413111g. Leave yeur ordere at the Ti4n4S office and you can secure them on short no, Vice, at low rates, and the best et,31e. urassmassentosaimasummissiespirianoilsozonsusismossi e 16 0 ter and '01.1111111. AN. 041) vusT. xdovsKI3gT411.: 33,44 of N lie, 4oyer ou the,wing, • Awl, hale ana we,a2.433.34 4a 14303241.403341.. 'ist.33.1222y Luc welch wi iltatto thy ,5.310.7, 0a, 4ontie waudeor; )vithor (lost 'ria3u4 toaper's 0000o nest Dieu ein gatin A wakill in his brost )v alerbo. • contrary, thrmielt their means through their ageeeies the foreit aud wilderuees yeeterduy is the town uf to -day. "1.iefure the 'nighty sway of mealuitattrre ("nimble tu veriest duet the' itionumental to.wg)rs of illost every other a.evioe, To it, C,auache wes in great 3-,u1 her eeietence—this canoot enelesafed. To it, our imielibors ecrose 11 Ler, due the 'tut tu be de - Idea metevial aud existeuce the many large tewes tied cities dot their coeutry. The qvieetitui often esolye3i itself 22mtaufactures or rail- ro.3 1 t'" wa)over.heard of 011013 101e r. 41,13) host.? Alanufauturee or raitroml ! 'Wo would glean from this that those echo propounded the query were of tha.:, 2:.einifor war3.1 type that they N1' ...I 11 like tu have oils or the other, bet, net both. 13ut one to 01100e0 they know Lot. In scene eueh as mining, coal- beneing lutnbertng distriets, the mieetion [eight be aliewered, buth if Ave team but the railioad is preferable. What more hltely cone lesion in each eases, DLit in 'other localities to carry on a large husiness, to make a centre, eaese your dielriet. to he .133.4.2\11 1031 must ha\ betlx. Certainly a railroad is aevonderful adj meet to the growth and posperity of 0 place, but to feed sue11 necessity there intuit be provided fed- i:ter. Bringing the niatter home to t terselves, we have 'IL NV under active la- bor, umubers of men and and horses colistructing what is to be the artery of our ctenniercial connection with the outt;r world. When c,ompleted, which .will be in the course of a few months, it look 312 tO ILSSibt inmalting it, a paying coucern..„*To this end, no doubt, grain mere -mite will assiet in no im- uiaterial degree, our tnerchimts will al- so aeetet po a grciat extent, But is not this,merely local ? 'tItiettelepende on the fitancially and otherwise, ...of those who fieger grain, whether the guit,tpany will have tlieple,asure of ship- ping much or little: If those ince ale not capable of giting the eame eatis. fait:ion to the lathier as be is able to olnateing heighboriug inarkets, lose :At faraier's tirade, and miss his cutin- teinuice. on the oilier haud, the same satisfaction Is warranted, we not ouly secure the local trade, but may - hap draw front the neighborhood of less satisfactory markets the istamina which eustaiiis them. Then we hate; fur our town a good name, which we et ould entreat of -you tu retain oer euaritete are ree,ognitted as being incom- patible vt,ith anything bad, 0,111 our eneretients rejoice. IS this, though, all we wolud ask for? Ale we eatiefieti tvitli the pietare ? Is theee auythieet iu it tu inalm tint' village grow to aueellieg mucli more- tInut it village ? tale storeheuses w•ill require p, fest, niove exteit hends ; theee will re- quire to live 10 the place. The f tuners lay out their gainings iu the stores, 411d these wi 1 re4airc to be maltipli.ed, And more help needed. But the solid, tibk,antitit life of the place is not here yt4,, We v..ent to hear the 111.1111 of the inachiuery, see the smoke-staclis tow- ering w.313 their plat.a.encd and 2003- Etailiod counterances, to3p.rcl the eky. 'Then we have life ; then Nve liiitve a town. The :ininioveable fact of rnanu fatures and prosperity Loing anything, illan twin eisters Lae beeteine 3111 - .4644.1)y apparent througlamt Canada, titatiit, deemed 0 sight worthy of note fur a manufactory worthy of name to yprIng np 03.232ga's briclge--tvithout nit:nitwits warning. So deeply im- pressed are the people with the impor- titnee of those interests tliat ,munici- , palitsr vles niunicii.ality ID the txtcut of the boutises they tiffer indacements to etatinch men to establish their indeetry in then. midst, that for 0115 of these to grop in place unasked and unaided is 0::t. of 'tile question. Without, doubt, some yillages are extraordietrily wide in their, itspfeatious, aucl hold forth iti- xlueetnents ifeteli as cripple them to the 'knee jolubs, 4.bsurditles like this are ,to be frowned' at and fern?ht iteainst. Were matters othersvise than. as above stated, t e glaiktit).4 of a 1)012023 would be the Ittet tlri DV, think of. We do not believe they are tbe bene- ficiary cures to the 313,3/tuftmiturei. Its ,supposed. He c00110t but feel that a tleb1 Ot gratitaLle 12 b0,11111: be,steneed ppon him, althotigh hy 118 .,010vonlei i he has fully repaid it, and. the gittoe, we aro fain to beli.Jvci, often imagine ellat a bond It holden upon 111:11., and be is liot his own master. Could tine ;be otherwise, our thoughts on ,t1n, Mattel' would be otherwise. We thiok that tile remarks with re- efard kailways and emu ttnacturee 'are relevant to our pro:tont and futurt prosperity As the ea:4 then 44(4,10ak, we want nianuhtrqures, and to obtah, theta We 11140 to pay foe thetn, Bus 'before doing so, we want tube caution, '011611 01 Lei "pay too much for tin Whistle," awl gwe ork Mere than th 1 Inefit re0eiteod. proper' Industrie seCured, ive feel eafe ettylog thet grr.,t110 fat woilting of titom rtb for which they. ,10•,012 refreFiaaeta from her snoo anal? Thou harelebs 12uss, I wood that I woo 15 Presentin bills for pennua evry hewer,- Takin of Duty's realm a wrapinros rove, 0 1st like a hap/wain) OW, brit/ bower! 11oltstettic qucarec/lied hones, 1 pra; w liawse solo in anor1.14.1 4 to weap— U lote snuze ihe hole of livo-long du, huvrer round las won tri to sleep. 3rW linVe to pay. As this lute beeh ePo400 tof for ,a lung time, end very httle" done, the haitietion 11 0 NV DO taken, And follow (we'd. rather say leade,in the wake of Palmerston, Bros- Lucknow, N'tringinLni,, Oshawa, Strathroy, St. Thoinae, Gbeicoe aud htunberless other, as we imagine, less entetprising to WAS: Dxnot.,,tn, the North. York inerist, has gone the way uf unrighteutte , ticians. ageet uudertuok 10 vanish it voter's debts by paming them, and 00 Saturday last the judges Intseitted 11 i 311, alld George 1.43.)wa said, Now, Diu ntua. Ait exchange sttealts of eome of the villagere eutieine, trill.' a piece of tin at the end. of tt, hook, front the azure impthe oi els eatery Ittmie, the pow: deluded heeling. \\hoover would do that would fieli with a lly for bait, it he wasn't too lazy to 033(011 'inn. DU, Lucknow Sentinel copies Mr. Brydges' letter tweet, the $10,000 bonus affair, and yet says he can't see that everythiug WaS alt eight. The editor wielms Mr. Carling end Ins urgau to understand Such an editor ! Asitiug people tu understated you! IS that What yea write fer ? \Ye think Mr. Carling Intd better "eise and eeplain." fur if he don't the Senti- nel Wall says he must, in the interest :4 his readers, put his shoulder 13.1 the Laak of "dragging his (11.1r. C.'s) name In the dust." Next. Tun next time we tender a bit of fatherly advice to our, cotem. Luek- now; and it auswers back by calling no names, we wou't get a bit vexed, but ust tell him the story of the "fox and ',he cow bell." In last issue he says in' allusion to us "What chise of people IS usually spoken of 110 possess- ing tile 01:11131 amouut of sense as child- ren ? Perhaps lee is One, of them " Now, Mr.:Sentinel, allow us to remark that, in your special case, there is no room for doubt, amd we cau dispense with the perhamen Tae Bruce Reporter says they have a minethine in that town comprietng four tubes, All 3 ou have to de is to stick them on y01.13 00 3V, arrange the pa.il, take up your kuitting, and in a few minutes look at your bucket, and you held your work 'accomplished. That's a poor inventiop. 'Why not had it emptied. into a churn, cause 1 the handle to be worked by the friction of the tubes, made the butter, scalded it with the "strippings," let the churn epset, spill out the buttermilk, and then the cow kick the butter in the U01.12l1 ready l'or salting and warka. HOD. Mr- Meceeezm le,lt for England on Weduesday last, mid the Globe took the occasion to pay tribute to the "ability " which it suppuees him to pos- sess, and at the same time triect to prepare the reception of Mr, Mackenzie in England by having a fling at the Conservative party. :Evidently the Globe has a shrewd idea that Mr. Mac- keuzie is as little thmeght of ou the other side of the A ttl0ntie, as he is on this side. Wonder if the Queeu will of- fer kuight hint ? Tun Dominion Governmenl', Ints rather ft strange way of bidding for votes. Iu the case in question we think there is but little necessiey for throwing out the bait, for the candidate will, we imagine, "run the coarse atone." Stilt, there may be opposi- tion, they think, and better ,to 0110 W 111 El people otte power. In doing so, 111037 most plainly and signifieantly show their hands. By the Bruce porter we learn that the Governmeut has already wade the promise of W011 - (Info]. improvements in the harbor theee clueing the coming summer. How strange euch peomise slitend thus hurriedly be thrust before the people ; 13E4 What 11011.1c311011 C.0 ill ad in .a few days the nominatioe for South 13ruee takes place 1 Fair wo), thou /111 us inseck now Dpe,13 1 I no tho LI 80rO0 of greof t.1111 pane.' Bees. I t-ta no 101n;er, or toll bruhe 31,1 )1.11rt ; IP,ye'llsinashU sortio. if yew sum atpine, Re kunis defyanee caw:in in his i -- Biz folty-probsis rny fici'sr( (loth 1290k;1, LssPio fruro bed. will ileapitirin 81, limes li tie], end then ltarnly azuoitit 1 DUST. MOSQUITOES are lively. • ,SonE ef the shade trees dead. Tim trees glory in ell their verthincy. Now for your wool clips. Who CM beat ? woikia tv,t, 1..,,e0a wen fol.:, one tO tai't Vittlull, 8,51t, the 12212-iness Itian to pay eaelt 00 htuell, say 1 5, 20 or ,2;:s 00Ate 1; ),vettt. some one to water the etreets thorough. 13,`. lf j01 4 10, 4 4ttilloietat 414190111 94)1 1A3 IVAANNCe Sitnnellt DREARERS.--- Q0 Sunday wet* bict tWo Winglittin boye, aged.Sixbeeli and eigirt ye4ra re, specti;ely, r'werit out boating, It ni).• peur6 the elder one 1144 1,0011 tit Sun - ,day school in the morning, arid in the afternome tile two weot, itsvey, veld not turning up in the evening, search \VW,. nettle for them, when the boat wits found capsized, and the boys' inits were 50011 0I/ the water. Tho river was dragged all night in statreii of tlte bodies, and iu "the morning they were foutn1,--,S'entinei, $PELLisu Bett—T110 coinmittee of ontitagement of the Y. 1!.. C. A., 01 village, eve malting aerfingements l'or 31 "spell" between ineenbers of the asso, ciation, to talte piece in the rooms tit the next regular ni eeting' iifter next Tutestley eveniog, at which latter 'ditto arrangeminits \vill oompleted and :hies 0105011. Ive would like to sug- gest tleit, during the coming summer. tt match take pltce betweru a given number of' members of the Iniprove- molt Society tied the Y. P. C. A., and to Lei held in tile .tchool house. A charge of fifreeit cents for admission, caoh society to equally s'itare in the proceeds. • IMP11017E1011341. CLASS.—Wht,3 13. C. 3.1ititnal 11nprovement Class met Alonday evening. A large ntunber present. Several 011 the proeramtne weee unavoidebly deoarred. 6'ne piece entitled ',Tale 130)1ring," react by 1\lise Essery, caused quite tin animated clis- mission tipon the proposal of one or two questions from. the 'members ask - fm• itnswere. Tho following was. cme : "Can Christieus be tele -bearers mid still live up to their professions Another, "-What is tlie motive in bearing tales ?" The discussion was lengthy arid satisfactory. IVe hope the lady mill not consider tile diecuss.it,ii arose frotee her reading, etc., as the piece certainly well tendered, but sillier from 311e, statenients it °until hied. Election of officers followed : Treed- deut, Ministers ot Cii.cuits ; Vice :tfr. jno, Goniti ; See., Ft 111. Whit- locic ; Ase't. Sec., 1\lit J. Down. "Meet. edjoureed, to meet et 7:30 o'clock, on Jutie 29. PA9TURAGE.—The pasturiv„e is now excellee t. FOR ENGLAND.—Mr. MrS. Trick took their departure from Now York for England on Fenterday Inst. OUT.—Mr. W. SarRierS_ is OA to be about town alter his lingering- illnees, and we hope soon to 800 him much im- proved in armearanee. fOTATO BUGS.—Thoso pests have al- ready made their appearance, and corn- meneed their leimee on the young tomato vi,tea a few clays since, SALE OF 'VILLAGE P ernbr`r Afr. B. Y. sale of and °tiler lots to-worrow n411 1, et Idetwl- sliew's IN:Tension House. .Don't fail to go and buy a lot,. PeasoNere—J. Hyde, 1‘1. D,, of Strat- ford, representaaivo ci toe ..1)1 1.1•10.: u.3 Weemnsoli aeld Maitti,ide hi the eledical OUUlleil, NV110 ill tO 011 011 111onclay last. The election conies off in the present mouth. 131(1' CLIP. --1‘.11'. Joseph Bawden in- forms ue that on Tuesday last he cut a fleece weighing tifteen poituds _front. a yearling Cotswold ewe belonging to Mr, James Pickavd. 11.13. 13awden wauts to kuow who can beat it. Hoesn.—One of the liaises employed on the reilroail full in front of Dretv'e Hotel. oil Tuesday night last. The animal was bled, but seemed to be none the better for it. and \vas carted away ou sleieh. (tverfeecliiig and too little work, probably. Nu GAMBLING 011 \VHISE.EY.—We no- tice'by eeference to the large illuminat ed. posters just 'issued by- the Exeter Driving 1. -)ark Assuctation that they iu- tend strictly to euforce the edict, "No iutoxicatine liquors nor ga.mbling al- lowed at th% races on 1110 lirst*uf July." Ia 011.0 33 ith ph/entire we sitw jas. Loaelinan pass our ofilite lie was accon,panied in his buggy by some friend. Id.is appearance dues net partake of the healthiest look, and we obeerved. that lie was not yet able to use .110 injured leg. 1\iay 11 e 60031 be able to walk as well as ride. '1113 110131STER. — This Canadian .Musical Monthly is a great success No. 6 lies „on our tattle, full of good scouter Chorus itlusic. The, creetents beiug the Temperance Chorus, "Sign To -Night," "The Swig of the and the NVorknian's Chorus, "Tis Six O'Clook P. M." Semi. 5u for sample ctopy to C. H. Ashdown, WeeienY " Ineeilet."--The weekly Liberal and Advertiser, or white was -for- merly the II/cetera .4deertiser. published Londou, is now publielied in To- routo iu connection with. the daily Liberal. The Libetal ond Advertiser is a large, well-filled and. neatly-i)rinted sheet, and is deserving of a largti circu- lation. It is published at $1.50 per ie sum which cannot be very remunerative to the publishers. HURON T.EAC1111116' ASSOCIATION. --The regular atm eat meeting of this associin thin. \vitt bs held in Clititon on tile th and 1.2th of June, 1.875, colinneueiug un Friday, at 9 a,. In., tile Central lionse. pyiblic 'lecture will be given on Friday evening, in the Town Hall, by j. A. .111cLellaii, AI. A., LL.D., one of the high School tin epectors, ited,formerly:a public school teacher. The adutiseiou to lecture will be free. SPARE Trie Bians.—New tltat the feathered teibet has duly feud fairly taken up its residence our hope it will be honored with epirit of letetdoneitiveness by the youtli and 'fife Beecher -Tilton tital deaws on kt)itel'iltegritt ttlii°).11;ttitlit tett gt onbt e I.1i (t)iS:g 7t1:11r31„ apace, mad the gossiTing world will ture on thege little llitebittgees. 1).id SJOII haye tbe seal of diesolution set 'they for a D101115111 11111.1 11 of theie use. upon their lips on that mere. To, fulness to" the fartnar, we rather think wards the clpso of last week judge r0wer 111e111 wwlia 1)° and Porter finished liis addreils to:the jury. alerelY Ill° full '01 thing. From the beginning he ,reviewecl the TT IV 1 1 , AN ale p easec, ayicleuce 00 closely, mid sent suctl to be aide to eay, withinany of our eon- viitla.,,eing blasts through the gables of Treres' manY 11011608 are 1)01118 Tilton's domicile its to cause Moulton, built, but not siellieiene 10 supply (110 wlien attacked by the satne, to think demand. What we want is for some . . tb4 all the tatiliery which ttotmed enteeprising villager to erect a number sebattepti tyeald scarcely be as motet_ ,dwellingS, suitable to rout, charge lose. peach thee ,followed, and. in in°dEnitte figttres' ftl'a* nub (6110vY 50 such a gt1.4,1 no doubt made many strangere to go tiNvay dieconeo- Beecher /mink tetnething 138 the 00430, tate, saying that they coult1 not get a that he was the best mat in the world. hume For the defence, ar,. pvarLs is now Tree. RAtt,110A.D. --Work on tile rail - lateen -eyeing ow 3110 godd awe evil pro. road in, this, vicinity 18 progeceeitig pensities of mankind in Tilton rapidly. .A. 'good litany miles of the ,teci Beechet in particular. The ypsult read have boon diarled, thotigh not jemmies wile) the Jury, leveled. ThroughbiNIr. Citrliee's ttt the 1)ack of the village, the LreeS The ships Alert [ilia Discovery, of 'lay° at' boon felled along the line of the Arelio ifIxpedition, sailed yeeterdity the-trAelt, altd men are busily engaered afternoon from Portemouth. Thous- Othlg Oult stitml'a °C1. 011 the other ands of people witue,seed their &Tee- side of the Sallble ItiVer, a feW rode mire. There wits grditt. elleeeirig, and 'v'etit of "AloLnlnartleittiTit;Itt/rk'''‘hrive innel) enthusiasm 00 nmilifosted, The boon tnrown and exca.visio'neliCiid'6 Qaeon Aeut a, telegraphic despatch wish- Ill'olml'atorY to ttl'Poning bridgeo Which ing success to tho expodition, will be about thirty 'feet abotre tile bed Thf'i 130051308 dial eontinae until °I (le river' 1,bout the middle of J'itne, A week "WATE111N0.—rillia is rt tgo w0,8 colltiantlY eXpeetod that ject which we think bile noter beep 110 eft,11 day of jone would See the met beoitelwal in this village as yet. Dine 2f the o.tt,r3e, bli-t•Ille long plea of Judge tho jiast fow ilayA have. seet the Etorter, ilinoss of the, juror Jeffrey, necessity of a benefit of title kind, One Lode tile promised lens, th of Eviirt'S mercionts arid 1)118111084 flieri 1100E1 it to ettiriming up, tenth it nete 0"eible that eonqiier tbe deist which is einitinually he 0180 Will lin given to the:Jury 11111911 lOiteinne. their glieltee and counters and efore the of l'ext rnoltb, ruakilig eveiyontt 1031 . prot1016 , th You, that nt the mesemint on carious e u new relationshipS you have forin(4, end ' fee:mime, by eeeiel intereouree end by in the hew borttet to ninth yokt, propose forwaedime tbe edneatif,mal advantages eemovioe, the "ehoieest bleseiog§ cf of eur PeOPla Tbe l(irktOn kriutge, Heaven may reef, upon yoo and yoers, with the hospitality of the veevle of that and that when our raeo eartli run vieteity, entertaiued the dolegatee to sve way unite triumphantly itt. clugiug two sit P kloto iepasts fur whiolt the song the Redeemed in heaven, v'ote t111011(ts WAS cot:Wally tetylered. Signed, hn behalf of the congregation jellies Bryans, with hic usual earue4t' nessi, takes a leading part iu the at - 1‘1‘11::: .1;11'1411QUIIN' ait', 'and has been instrumental in 'Miss 'Verity replyingremarked that organizing five enbordinete geanges although it 'wee not customary for within the past two mango. The foh, ladies to seeak on stich oecaeions, she lowing list composed the officers of f(ilta that would he ungrateful ou her Victoria Urauge : part not to thank the friends for the Bro„ Rob. 13eatty, vertiq Mastei.; matey expressions Of kindness, She Roh.Crardiner, Overseer; highly appreciated (he gift end although " Capt. Campbell, " Secretary ; W.Itatittg, fur tt welfare of others she felt that R. Lecturer; eimed at doilig, what ehe could to the eceial well as in the Olturele ,4 3. Heeart, Joho But•us, elle had uut dune nmie nava her duty, and was undeserving thie present,. She " 11'10/villa aesuied all preeettt, that it Mattered " Huoter, not how far she might be reniove,),frout Sister Hooper, " Exeter elm could never forget Wit) Kirk, " Flora ; ly associations of her girlhood days. Grant, She wits Inllowed by Revs. W. Laud " Duticito, " Lady Assi. Ste. tutd Godwin and others, who made a 1?nteentive,—.Jantes jantue low remarks euitable to the occasion. Grant, J. II, Donaldso,i. Dominihn fhe wet the; bloke up soon. after and Delegates. ---Robert Beatty and D. Sin - all retUrllted to t111.1ii homes ham aud clan% Com. we trust, better, for thus having mingl- ed together. Treas u er " Chaplain; " Steward; " Assi. " Gate Keeper Wortby Ceres ; " P0'110110, ' THE GEOP3,—It is 01113r the past few days that the eye 0011111 ole - serve anything in the bread fields worthy of more then a passing notice. Now the crops are in ench a state as to allow of coniment. The pea crop is large and loolcs exceedingly well. The same natty be stii,1 of oats, tile ateonut sown being fully equal to that of litst year. Spring wheat, which of late ap- pears to be teceivieg more favor from the farmers, is thriving well, the late- ness of its planting not caus;:fig it to eleteriorat8 in appearance. The hey and other crops do not appear to have lost anything by being kept from dis- playing their growth to so Into 23 date. The 3vorst feature. of the R0/15011 iS 1.11311 hill wheat. The higin.Ist anticipations were felt immediately after the &Var., tun:, of the first snosy l'or ti.is coven'. It then showed blade nice1y--too as it afterwards proved, for the heavy snows and frosts which followed almost entirely killed it. ------ . iiriare.; Scitoof Tr?tst:.,,c4. Tho Board of Trustees of Exeter school met pursuant to lictice al the seceetery's office., 28th :Nftty, 1'875. Present, :1.1.r. James Pickard, chair- man, 21nd 111r. T). J. -Whitlock and J. Mcl.)mtell. The minntes or the pre,viotts nieetiug were read autl con- firnied. 1\feved by Mr. D. Johns, seconded by Alt. 1. Whilleck. that D. Thomp- son's accotmt be paid. Carried_ Moved by 11f.r. 3. itreDinittell, eecolul- ed by 111r. D. 3011,18, that San- ders' account, for interest of money borrowed of him during the year 1874 be paid. Carried. • Moved by .;11e. D. Johns, eorninded by 111.r. 1. Whitlock, thnt the secretary prepare a financial repeat for the year 1874. Carried. "Aloved and carried that a committee be aPpointed, to consief of Mr. I). Johns, Mr. I. Whitlock end Mr. J. 11 ic- l)onell, to complete the school yard fence end fit up thetechool grounds'. 1\loved by Mr. • 'Whitlock, seconded by 111r. J. 111cDonell, that the Board 110 NN' adj011rbi. Cartietl. \ATILT -um SANDERS, Seen Lary. Set:wrist soul Pres cutation. Friday evening. last, 1.11r. W. II. Verity's premises ill IfIxeter N were taken possession 1)1 by the members of the Afetliodist Ctiorch and congregatiou, ticcompanied by the Exeter Brass Band, . In the early part cf the CV0111 lig the Baud discoursed eeveral pieccts of Sweet 111 11830 011 the ground in front of the beautiful residence after whic,h repaired to the spacious drawing-rooni ice-cream and'other delicious re- fresInnents were served in profusion. The most iateresting pa,rt of the eetee- titinnient, indeed, that which broetebt the happy company together, wes then entered upon. Itliss Vetity, who is about removing from Exeter, and who has for many years rendered excellent service 08 organi2-,1 the -Methodist Church, Was made tile reciplent of an addross and a Very goegeous silver tea sciP'vice valued at $80. The presenta- tion was /mute in the name OP con-. nTerration bY Mrs, Trick and ilirs. 11. Manning. The addrees wits mail by Themes Gidley • whieli wita follows : .12X Annar,S8. .3tiss Trerity,— Wo have long felt that as meal - leers of the :Methodist Chuech and con- gregatien lexetee wo ere deeply iv- debted to yott for 3roue efficient itnd valuitIple service so proinptiy, faithfully and cheerfally rendered for many years as organist ; it hits our inectings niora attractive and has assisted us in sib ging the praises of oer God andt making melody in ohr litarts. ' We deem it, but our duty now on the eve of yolir departmee ft.oin'amongst to present this tett siervice (.0 you .,:t8 ineltiorfal of high esteem in which we have old you, We aro ,41.100611 deed at the tliong.ht cif Imone one of Otte nurober whose prayees at, the 1111.one of Grace lieve frequeellte mingled ou hi, 12,12d Milli t1/11 610 we 'req.noittly hula 8Weet eel the Lord ; hot bo nssflred, that, tiot only our goo4 ovistomi blit out OcCg•O ,Coemetl. 0QUIceIL131tocEtPINGs(7 \ • Revibiou fur the Village of' 14)Ceter foi year 1875 teats held accordinetteet uiniet atttlie eehool houee, Vey 81st 1875.. „., PreSellt the iteeVO 14141 OutiltelllOrS. Verity, ltoss tout Jenne, \Om were duet sworu by the clerk. Thu Reeve the chair. The appeal uf Hodgson against hie aseeseinent teas betted. and 01,1 1110 - Lit)._ of D. Julius, seconded .by W. .11. Verity tvas reduced $200. 1\1e 111c Williain's iiituie placed on the roll as owner of par,. uf lot No. 1 William Street. Moved:4)y \V. II. Verity, seconded b3 J, Itoss, That the assessmeut roll a$ now revised be adopte.1.--Carried. The court e as then closet', and a couucil nuetiute heal pureuatit to ad- joimninent. All the members present ,eecept ittie Piekard. The 1113113)10e ot last meeting read and count:Med. W. J: Soutticott's reenemition .pouncl.lteeiter, it, ;5 aeeer tou '121.itio) uf J. 'See. -by D. Jonne. Mo'tied by 1). Johns see by J. Ross That 'NV. J. ie aerie be appoituLe4 pound - keeper, and thTilt .by -la W'tki''ci.if ovide ,peund and ratify adjeurinnout be sub- initted tu this council.— Cartiod. By-law No. 0, for 1875 for the etiove purpme, \vas chilly read mid passed 011 motion of' W. 11. Verity, se:6011(10d by .1 Itoss. Aluvetl by NV. If. l'erity, soeunded by D. Jot 1 118, a. by-law 1.o.: submitted LO C0111 al idle 11...51 Still Ulu Labor lei Ile ASS - 50$112 11111; rull al t 110 rate t.c. 50 cents 1301 day.—Carriod By-law No. 7 for 1875, to commute Statute La 1)01' Was rOztil pasSal 01 1.11.0)101.1 a \V. Verity, seemed/A b3 J. Ross. Aloviel by 3. 11oss, seconded 1)y W 11. elity, That, Mr. Julta Cri.11 be ap- pointed to collceL stazut labor emmuu- tation from persons whose names do not appear on the assessment roll and arc liable to perform st.itute labor, 122211 111221 a by-law to r.atify appoiminept submitted 111 the next, wouting of the cunileit.—Carried. Moved Ly J. lios5, 550011(10(1 by 1), Johns, That the "toilet Cominiseiouer authorized to procure a scrape. for the corporation.-021132ied. Moved by 1). johns, secoinle(1 by W. 'Verity, l'hat by•law to prevent -the discharging of tire ciacl:ers, tol- peclues on lhe public street be submit- ted ,t) tbetnext meeting of this commit. ritel'ior::eieddby 1). Johns, 5500m:tea by J. Poes, That 111essrs. J. Sv2cet and 'Al. IlaoiretCs acc:mnt for $8.50 for I•epair- ing fire engine be poid.--Ca nicest. Ilovt d by J. I10,,s, secmulod by D. 3011118, That, this council adjourn until Tlinr.sday the 3rd (lay of Julie, ttt 7.30 p. EACEETT, Clerk. E.: TIP.V. PEESENTAIICN.- -01.3 Tuesday eveeing of last. week :Rev. Mr. Litobert S Adied tO I -101100r a lecture in the B. 0. Chtle.cli. At its close the congrega- tion presented him with a splendid cotey -of the Bible and a purse con- taioing between $50 and $30. Mr. Limbert made a feeling and suitable reply. Mr. Greeeway has rented his stole, here to a, party from Straturoy, who takes psosession on the Let July. S. Press has rented his hotel to J. laLe Lucan, solfo shortly is to take posseseion. The fall wheat crop, with few excep- , Geiger, seconded by Ale. lealothesch, Heine, looks had. A lumber of does have lately de- parted rather suddenly 'to land where good dogs go ; cause, "pizen." Craquet clubs are being organized. Mr. Enies, who was lately. burnt out, is rebuilding. et..? 4.61.1i- 57'0 A'. 1)eiseriutertVi FIRE. -011 11Ifty 30th we bad the .iiio it destructive fire tete: visited di.11 111..11 since the date ef its exisio..nce. The fire, originated in the Qulario House. esvned by J. P. McIntyre, and lately sulcl to 'Hr. liroolts. The tavern, driviii".•kilied and • 2 all outbuildings were consumed. The fire spread on eithor side, 1111:1 ,consum- 0d. the post-oflice and store occupied by Grant Bros., formerly occupied by Stanley & Iludson. Mr. 13rooks saved only a ',mall portion of his fornit,tre. and G,1111t Brom saved "Host of their g:•ods, though. in a damaged conditien. Tile furniture in Welke.; was blistered \vitt' the heat front 1.11e fire, end it was with difficulty that the building was eaved. The five has almost clestroyEd the village, and has left a very ugly place behiud it. Tile inbitbitatits then. en" out itild worked 1101113, to stop tIte progiess 01 the fi,e. 12.4 LON' • Ekienati 000ln 1.949, Ne Yite IFISAIr We impart ur GoOda, Wo koop Jeanette PripCiood4; ond wttattu still liotor sonokaw 09(19 (.0104( Gonne or REVISION.—The Court of Revision Cur 11.1i.J township of hay, Avrt,-; irti1C1 Ille Town hall, Zurich, on `.1`ues3323y,i1lay 25. All the Members of the Council present, wlio, after taking the necessa.3.y oath., emistitaite.d the Court a Revisnm, the 11eeve being ehauenan of the same. There beieg no appeals trent the assessmeet of 1875 to briug befere the Court, it was moved by i\ir. N•Ylls0o, se0011ded by .21112.. C'rt/i ger, that the Court of itevisien (10 ILO NV apjourn to meet 1141613 in the To33-32 101311, on Tuesday, the Stli.clity of J mitt 115x3, 111 10 o'011/1111 31., eollSiller soule complaints now 1n:0 -tight befere the Court, told to correct the palpable errors iti the rolls, and. that the Clerli bt, instructed to eutify all parties in- terested aceordnigly-- The Court theu adjourned. The Council theifinet :it the ctol of, the Reeve for the tiestetteli of bueiuess. ;All the members. present ; _active ill the cliair. fter the minutes uf the previous lueet• int; had boel.1 r€1111 and approved of, it was moved by Air. \Vilson, seconded by Mr. Geiger, ttiat the-Iteeve issue 411 order tni the 'ili•casaret:, 111 favor of M.rs. klinte, for bltl, 2,107 bohlg a widow and 10 indignel,t elreatostallees—Garvied. Moved, by Mr. McGoll, secon(le(1 1)y 1\1r. th231 Ralph Brown he pale the sum of $85, being salary for assI.35s. or for the pi esen year—Carried. lAloy3 31 by 11113. seeomied by 1‘. fr. 1Kallnliesell, that '$1.0 120 gra.112ed to. A.21122222122 Situart, silo Laing in ill 110221t12 and iu. initiginott tareollieta11008 —Oat - rteee. ,ved by :ter. Wileon, second - by Air. that Devitt Sureems ittel b. llicobeelter b22 22.1102%2)d te work. their statute labor at the sideline at Lets 15 and 0, It., and thas 11`. Hien- hoe,ker he pa,inuaster; that Stephen .1.,i.oyer and. Theneas Eesery perform, their staeuie.latior on sideroad betweeu Lots 25 and .20, S. Troyer pathunieter ; teat tie G. Geiger be pa timeaeter, elttee 0. Aailler, and that Wm. Inane be struck 2.231' the list ul pathruasters, itud his division be added tr) that of John 11untee—Garris.d. &roved by i\lit ecituded by 'Air. Kalbilieech, that by-law No. 1 for 1875 reteetlett, and tile, following s bstito t- ett, 010., iliat a11 :lioessud the amotti it et $200 snail perform two cloys gLatute 1:101)03, uraler $4011 three days, 212 der $1.302.1 four days, 2011-1 for eiteh ad $800, or any treenail thereut ever (etc nettlitiouttl day.— Gar- riOd. 181oved by 31r. seconcleti by Mt'. lialbtlieech, that the staute la- bor clue on each Lot be perfumed in he the road division iu which the said lot is situated.i--Cari ied. Moved by Mr. tnat the Cteek dratt 0 by-lw to he adopted tit the next meeting, of Council, appropriatilig the amount of the "quid- cipittl,Looll 11,11(.1 SUrpl 118 PI.111d due this township, for the purpose of Inlyingt up our Railway debeetures and the South Boundavy debeetures,and to 11)37 out the balarce ittproving the public 'high- ways in the townsliip----Carried. Mov- ed by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mu. Ealbtliesch, that- the following accounts be paid, viz, :I.- J. "Wilson, cedar and plamk, $6 ; A. 13. $21 ; Hart tie Rawliee soli, rite ronto, for municipal. manuals and stationitry, $41 45 ; plank eto., $8 12 ; the Clerk express charges on books , from Toronto, 50 ecuts ; Abram Rogenberger, work on road $3 ; Alr. Vvilson, auditor, $0 S. S. Faust, auditor $8.—Garried, , Moved 1...y Mr. AleColl. seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the report of the auditors, as submitted, be received, and adopted, and that 50 copies ,of the abstraet,. to gether 'with a, detailed stateMent of ell accounts for the' past year, be, printed for the use of tlie lied, Moved 'by Mr, Geiger, secoetled by Mr. Wilson, tirat three sweepers be ordered for the use of this inunieiptel- ity—Carried., Moved by Mr: Wit. 8e00.1.ded by Itir, Geiger, that this cloti ow adj'ourn, to meet agnio on Tuesday, the 8th day ef 3.111e next, at the ToWn Hall, at the how,' of 2 o'clock P, 1\1,--Clarriod, Lovn, Sn., , ri ea rdine bitee ,,0 lub iplayed at Listtwel on the '24th of May against the chili of that plat*, and came home with a big dinner, and a score of 0'2 to 131 ag,tillst them, SM4A..T. 1;4 PI1 OFT 0.9d Di.* silk Dye., 0111y $9 75 1'1(4° th° 101 (Mod 14868,c/01y CQ (100.1 131aclt Alpaca only 20 and 25 eta. per yera (teed-we/to tiettee's 111,0 to to1:11 vox' 701,1 0000. end eXtra. 4000 tiblrilieg 344 0,4419 per ya..1'd 12 yards Euctory Cotton IOr 00 60225 vraas 8 1281-1.1000iaS per Yard sr. ..111.1 it r' Onxenur Ot,"'n.--1 'fleeting of the St. 'Meiry's Cricicat Cleb was held' at the National Hotel 011 NVedneedity evJning, the 20t,le ill 1., for 1110 trurpose of or- ganizing for the 5011.,1011. The follow - nig gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing. yeitr, viz.—President, Dr. 1-1'orcl ; lot Vi eeProsident, W. Harding, 211d'Vice-President, Thonins fue dale, Esq.; Ilreitsnrer, Mr,. .W. C. itioecrip ; Secretary, 1\lr. }1. A, TJ, Wilit11. A 'challenge' was received arid accepted i'voiri the Toronto Crieliet Clnb to play it Immo and 110016 e• atolt. The club will this year give it Lood ac- count of iteelf. To:it*. Giutivot OnwiNinn... At Kirltton,-011 ult. a 1)ivision Grange of the Pittrons of fitiebancley WILS organized, Pour siihordimite' g.rOges were repre- sented by delegarte4. Cirringe was mooed Victoria,'"' in honor of our be- loved Oieen, it, being.orgitnised oil the anni.versa,ry ot' her natal day; The dis- cussions, 31,1,e' and epirited, 600111. far to disproVe the erroneous irloa that fartnerEi 01,01101 n`Pn of ability. 'Tlie jitriedietion of Victoria Grange will eiteed ()Vet. the Comities of Perth r eel Iliii.on and vicinity, The grango sys, tem aims at bringing into direct content the mantiftintriew ()ma plitolos61.., the preellteer alai constitute, and ienitovine the numeeotte triiddlemen or" egentbe whom NVO tameeestry ; 1.1so to reiprovi4 Onrselvece by friendly dis. „ , , . t)titter eiwiwys on the Pr iss,- tt.1 u,4 I 3131.10 ouv 011 noo.re ,itoo No chasing{ 0:11:13 1:LA,11511.,LOOV thO old name' r Ili Ail 1110 IP 1.4"GS. , The defeated "of South Ontario has gone to Garry. Aeton, Co, Halton will bave monthly fair ; first one July let. Twenty German families settled in the County of Sinecoe liist week.' Atcton, Cm. Helton, offers liberal in- ducements to niantifecturers to start business 111 the village. ' Fraok Bainbridge, of Bowintinville, fell off a load of tiniber the other day and received very serious injuries. Peach anil cilyIkry trees in the vicinity of lianiilfole are fooking splendid ; ap- 4105 and pears also promise well. . Over 209 woolen of New Glaegow heve e;geted mid published ad appeal to the liquor dee,13u3s of the town, ask - Mg them tc) give up their business. 111)2311 buildit4 13230 activcnv cora- umuced thr), Parly $0,thcl Payt,Y 112A-3 ILL,1) 4011 t/t) survey a IalW 11.1 1110 111611.1Ct, prebaltly to be followed by lie Lill,r1Tay uf otliere before long. • iN1r. Join) Brown, late of Kerr,13rowit & Co., Hann' ton, lias relinove21 York. Eitig's mill, in Stephen, was sok' to 11. &I N. Pliippetn, of Parithilt, for $2,500. The Rev. 1\ lie Goute-h, of Teterboro', has aeceptkil call t,. the .Bionitt, Church, of St. 111ary's. 111e. A. L'. Forget, 0 :Iontreal inlet/ - cute, has been appointed ri,drutnry to . „ tile AltAiS Cla 11112 1.101itliliSSiUll, . A. yoting lad aged nine year.-:, sell of 'ATI% Joint 03011.1ftl, of Norul ter, wy,s thrown front norse the 01 210. day, freeturing his 81;012 in it frighetta Ilia 11 1101'. 111r. J01111 Dulenage, of ParIchill, for- merly or LotidoD , leaves for New Yon: 111 a few days, trial the intention 223 brineihg back with lath 212' LIME Stalli011. 111r. John 1\1. Gerrie. of St. 0 telt 11.- , hies, has beeotne proven:230r Uf Ver.N teusi-ve and valuable limestone quarrle.. 021 the .1\liagara Itiver, at Qii,elist2o,vii, convi-nieut fore-sliipluent. 01-41A: srmia,a g STOJE we Sell W6lesage Retai Won itusextee. steel: 94 Oiothilifl, and .1.10a8c Furiti$hino$, for Caoh, Otril MOTTO lowing rapes: valley ,F,42.4u2.21 8110.1044 2010(4 20 cw(to or yard 5 y 41$ ja,co curtain net for 1.K) Carpels and 3 Oil (0301... Vary &pap c/d 34tinash OOritSper )14.Td weir.; ono, 75 ot‘lite per 494911 Nice all -wool moons, only 50 Linda() cents 149:r. Y(4,- • .804 I.'weed, XeutlY raa40, 01117 $10 75 (311118CS t•t1 attend tO ordered Clolittale ro.aii.,1,,t0 slum our gob(ls; no offence fornot pur. yonis estublninvd. OfILS119T,41 k CP, ("ji!trILL) striking, 110elt oprositiriparu(4 10,110 •• EXTENSTVEI SALE 1T.LLAGE & O LOTS of various feiZeS to 811 it purchasers Prow one ilftlt ot an acre th two acres. Stand. Up, Sinvion MeIlecel, Item, of Parkhill. You are the \villein. 01 the gold -headed cane for beitig ths itioet. 30014 11 1/11* Ulan NOrtll T.111- dinio8 of the people said se ,;$100 i( as venliZed 1'01 the urei 1. ' • .11:1.r. :Henry Siddall, of Parkhill, sus beilied mat?, a seeious tecciclent 'Thursday last. Ile was teititritig out, ,)r hi, ponies, Oil the iStlf eon., and tV/1012 :it 01 11 'W.:ea 2.hu uoDy 2l11. ebled and threw inv. bmalfing his cellar boue and otheinvise bruising him. vietims of the leelyekt church ;Iisastete were buried on S.1141 Jay. in the church where service was purformed /1 1/ arilit occurred by the bre,aii 14 do3311 Of a jilatfur 00.1 Lail -l- ing thirty-five of the cotlins. A temple ef young men 43 110 1nta1 vio- lated the fithe-ry reguliLtious by catch ing bass during the (.210:0 fily„Lsto 1, were sumnion2(1 •by litspector :N1 ((Cann, of Lon on, but cm paying. the costs 1111.1 promising. to do so no 1110re, they were dismissed, The 'Brooklyn 50011dg:1 rinse has fur- nished a frodi surprise. and smite fur- ther highly -fl vored 11.1'0 pro- mised.. One of the 40;10 of II. 0. 130wen makes a statoinent in tne New Yeek Suncley 'Itines, indicating the ,ex- ietence in Plymouth Cinmah of a still rnore lively skeleton tient the Tilton teen] has dene. nxeDrints for the extretue reticence of his 18111(51' by ing that he is 1)0 0 tat lionor to hold his tongue ; but if he could deceutly open his mouth he ,could tett a tale to freeze the blood of respectable Brook- lyn. Teis lie cannot do without com- promising several families; in the con- gregation. Moreover, he lias been shabbily treated by the churc,11 and its meinleers, iteid lias repeatedly chadellg- ed .the entire concern to a contlict of slatinennts ; but the 01111.117 dare 1. 0,Elle, to the combat. ft is threa 2.2., that, -will dievor way it goes, th‘. ilt)oi trial will nut see the i ad of the lireult- lyn ectiedal. The elder Bowen is 31bct:IfItnntd. to get up a row oh 0W1.1 The Ottawa corresnondent of 1 lie Mail says : It lias transpired that pr1or to 'Mr. Fourni.)r's arrival from Quebec, during ttie recent Cebinet cliange$, the 'Hon. Ed \ward 131ake was sworn in as 1?o,,tiantster-Ge} craI, hifiding office aftcr 311r. Fouroier's r(31.11)11 ,t0 Ot- ta1V11, wheu he agreed to' relitiquish lite portfolio, geld the embryo netil bag custodiao was transferred tiff the De- partnient jitetiec, thus exchanging positions with his eolleague. It woulcl 119AT 11061 too much of a good thing. ilot to 1111170' had a 131akeisne counectt d wIth the shuffling; of offices, mud doubt- less the honorable ineniber for S6u1,11 Bruce, had it been niecesettry, weal(' have improvised a new point on C011. Stitati011111 practice, doing away with necessity of swettring in Cabinet ..11tiisiers at all, or with announcing their appointments thu Gazette. ilowevor, political history 0/111 ONV re- cortl tinit Me. Blake, win) was twice non-portfoliooil, tivo Cabinet offices in ono day. The ittiestion dirt will naturally occur to the public is--7.1)id Nfr., Blakre, soleronly sivetiring that lie would discharge the duties of Postmaster General, linow in his heart that lie did not, intend do so 't Or he so eager after all to got offtect that he digs willingly grasped the first portfolio vacated, destroyed ,A.0 cora speech, and forgot that' the ties of the National party vteee on Intl, their hearts yettrning towaNis over the monebee for South Bruce Ilow comprehensive is mint's brain, managed 1118 "iloniele shuffle" excel. The 2401 of itietY ices ierotignt tee leotty well, and perhalis 1'0'8 803(81 , , „ close in Kincardine by a boy tiring °Jr Bruce constituents \Nil' asli lifin 10 ex. fire,(41telter, NOVity W110'11 111100 110, plain the vierioue strategietel movements tied thAt roportet, eortleptottwith it. TO BE SOLD 13Y PUBLIC AUCTION ON Friday, 4th day of June next AT TEE i\IAI1.014' HOUSE in the` -of 21:zerter - kept by 'Air. EfiLkshaw, at SEVEN O'CLOCK iu sue oveliiiig. fonownig ehumblo property, vlz.,Lots 2a 90 & 50 on 41/41.14111 Street, ioxettir, end 82 ealti $3 on sourn siao of ciulcoo 121 , "(0111.39 Survey," con- taining neeriy 3 of au there 012(111, 1,01 /.31 ea tau oast side of at,, "Car- ling 2urvi/3-," 1-5t1. of acre. Lots 1,11 ol LI on the waterloo Street, iinciediately" adjoining to but beyond trio southern Waits of tho ythago, ealkging from, about. olio to two acres, . Alsu 1..ot 4 and 1.5 itielucivd tho south aide of 0 aturam Street. alorueeld, veryilig frolu 1-eth, of en 1,o1.0 10 100 an. eure. Also 1iot, six 011 tau side of Marlborough fitdrA no,nprising ono aoro ithin.t .11,101180 from tho .3.311‘vey station, Alsu I..oLs .61111 52 on the North of the Suable 21,e pert ur 111e luidiorly 1.1,116081oh LI. 4itganiity of tho aboro Lots as building sit:a and. tor gard...11s .11131 toe ra,.idly inororising prOpurty al and minx 1.us wait 121‘0411 111UL 1.16 4,11110A. t0 tiLt3 it-.1‘,ILLI011 or 1110 ii1219114 to 1,,,1 ail vantages (telex- muny 0,,st. 1.11,..^11 11 in. ot too ()cloning oi ti.e 1,0 ....1011, 11,11ce Itailwtty riapteinher peiLt, Tue tunnel will ceowenient pncunuseri4, will le.3 cio..te 1.3...i/we at thnu of sale. Vinus eau 80111 L,11,1 outeined iLL the oiace M.. V. ELLIOT, bolicitor Lxeter. Ester Ma:: 20, 2875. TT:ENT-10N keen. • Drill '1475H -187a: . 4110 embers of No, h Huron Batt., aro uor,1),, 1.02'..nc11 to attend at toe Drill Shod, un an,!, Uatoribiy a,tOrnoon prior to thou '4'2;40 to 1)1011 11 niluto11 LLIal tleCulltre- 1,1,,L1,8 pre,,Ltr,Ltury to going into Brigailo Camp at mi •inosd.,,,•.V.Z...d.Juum, 1878. 1,,,v.../16 0, 1st June, '67135,'jv.0.24".1°'12.1:c) w good r,.‘rtliti.s WU:14 tC,1. N CYJUI. C Tee council of tee Cooperation of the County of 1111r,n meet at the ()milt -Room in. liott53- 111), ott • 1.1()NI)A.Y, 21sT OF JUNbl INST. FE'VER'ADA.I.120.g, L.IJuuty clerk. County elork's office, 1. Juuo 1st, •1$75. X A. 1V11 N 171_ 0 N- 01, -Public School teachers,\ The annual examination of canclida*es for Pub- lic. '20,,o01 '.1.eacbiers' secobd. end antra Oless cer- tificates Will 00 11041 /LI Uccle:rico, conirauncing 'illoaday, 1910 July, 1'31., • V ror second class'',11.ini TtiesOlay, 20th at 9 for th_iril ebtes. 31‘00 oxalliillitt 1013 of teaudidater fOr :third class 011.1111cates win uo hold ii1 the smile place, coni- nnincing on idomlay, 4(1,111 .1111y, at 1.30 P.111. Fn:Ital of iN 01.110 to be previously given by the emenc.hae.i. 11 ObtoilieL:1 0.) eppacatiou to 11 II, 1,4,11).AtO It 1) iespL.1.1841L13 that candidates shouid. nut lator toe 29.0 Juuo to presout thiduselves fei 1' a:T.:41.3 ADAMSON, sinleStli,cor,olt8a7r5y, of 11x.inado.0. 0Z-tf, I:4101,f et A LE-- A. *Pit:A COTTA.GE ceetentl tag ,` 1'0111 ris load pantry, witillatchen Atli() r tilt3 101 Utl LI bus ouilt. 5 apple frees aiii1 limn ber of Okla 1LIL ' 01103.1:y 120,,5 On tile lot, .111 051Lei..1 fruit, Apply to 0.06. tirlAILlNii, 813o.et, h.xe ter. no- ot Oli SE ANL) LOT 0 IN • Grapt.on, A. good. one story freine silop to lotsuitablo ler malt/ado ; sizo ZS zile in tine roo.it co etral pert iif the app.13 to. N1',D313,(Iraiiten. TO rilliES PASSERS ON 1 T.1-11.?. CAN ADA. t...; 0.219,1.14 0'S LANDS. I hereby caution all pers- ons against cutting or removing timber from tue 10022 of 019 Oornpaaly, as aan autdorizeil to prose/pito ail traSinL8801.8 With th0 LL 1111010 rigor of the 3011:. Timber Agout 1.10. Fon tor, May 13, 1878. 89•uf. OTICE. THE COURT 01? REVI,SION 11011. '1)1111 . T 0 N-vnshi.jD of U.s1Dorne .or the present year 1101d at the Township Hall, lirnville, Sa,thrday, 5th June, 1675, at 10 o'clock man., of which all persons interested aro hereby required to take notice. Selivri, P. nemt8, 40V11811ill clerk, Usborno, May 19th, 1875. 00-31. ITAIP IT C T 0 BIT Tho subscribers haVo started n Pump Factory in the Village oi Carronbrook, and also iu tho Township Of flay ONE MILE NORTH 02 EXETER, and as they aro in pos/;•ission of B TEA.= PONAMIt they wilt he fible to not only do their work Weil. .44 but elicap'er thtia 1.01910 W110 have to do their wOrk by hand. Every variety of Weodon pinups, 113- eduantg 1110 CELEBRITED FORCE PUMP nuido to ardor and 51110ed in 1.3011S, all being *war- ranted for two years,f. • ordovi left et the sliPporMr, boulton one north of Exeter Will receiVorron11,1 attention. MliNSINGER 130t3LTON. May 27, 1875. FicEsn oysTEils GPIOCERIES cutqA,P; G. s.A_N-iDir,,n,s ,stoet, lEt.01. A. Steck of Groceries and Confectionery on hand, 01,t0It'a TO 3..ta.)V1 aliti CIO/IPA ivith Seltoolitooks all& Stationery. 22TottrA nals and MagaZines. ALL V11.111 I4A.IT:til ST NtYVVI:tt.4, 8iNteltate.f. Itreter, NeYerelter4Y1, 19, 85,1'1