Exeter Times, 1875-6-3, Page 10
0 lie
I t
i 0111:!`i
4,114094.4111,4if Uctiut iitoye
404Q,a././/„./nd 7 to 10 1;411,
1141/4,ACcovicheurs, 0.01 co
l*NOrY, obo dOor 001 th
1') vcier. I.tes
1V. .PitowN,
1,6liego„ \.d0R1t1,0,0;
1080.P' eo'n p
(la:Al/A 4' oily College, Member
loge 1,14sicians d *Vous; (414f.
, 01.1.1)FA.N. Ileitnosopatli hie
1,11SsiOian and tiurgeOn, .
0.p3,30n-NOU kI.O00 ii0;\ 001„;,'0 marble :works,
attentiOn, peva to ohrahie diseases,
all Calif/ promptly a ttelided,a(ivice foe.
Exeter, Iklarob. 0,1875 82/Y
-)1t. LANG B. M. .1) L. R. C.
S. 0. 4.0railuate of Trinity College, Mom -
ver 0110,00010;0 or Pily,,,Ci.:10.03 0101 till0C,0(.0•4 of
ontario, (,)eice-,Drug , .)11ti 11 St, Uralvtog
and 0161() pl,,,i1J0i0t00 Llie Drug ;.,itore, and 000 -
stun tly .1“ope on. Mind a. largo ;gnat Of pure amp
Patent...Vedic/40s, aud Dye stufrK.
l'iranton, Jual318,1874,
I A UtDING 13areis,
ere,, tterness, Solicitors, Commissioners
5. -It„ tS.o.
Water Street, 87
c)11,N 11,1.111)INCi. E. W. TIAnnn•s,c4
13arristers, Attornevs-at-law Solicitors in
winery, Comeyttnems, CimunissiorterK in Q.B,
and Notaries Public, St, Marv',,, • •
Opric,e,,--Hutton's 1310.311, Water St,, St.Mary's
lit. 1-1y,
• IMarriage Licenses undo.' tile now Act
t the'POst Office store, Zurich Ont 413 tf
9 311 tfiii111,41[1.
BROWN, Public Auctioneer,
• "Winchelsea. Sales promptly attended to.
Terms reasonable.
WI,ichelseat Oct. 15, 1873.
LA For the County of Huron.
, s,
Lee ,n,Tr,„ I-IAWKSHAW, Proprleter.
110W Lela eoeenoitious ho is now comple ted,ar
up throughout with first -furniture. The
best of Liquors and the choieest of Cigars at the
Bar. Tne house is capable. of accominoclatihn (15
Amests. Excellent stables ana an attentive hos-
tiers. (3.1-.1y.)
BOWEY, izroprietor. This lirst-cla4 hotel
inis cliaurged (fram Mir n$ to
81.:nver4), thud is fitten wibh, new fur it/au
throqghout.. I'ree 'bus to arid the station
Oinee.for the now line of 'busses tn T oilcan . 0 he
ba is rk plot() with tic) ebrici ih „minors ea (1 frag-
rant: Ha,v../,,lits. Four cohiinercial 00.11p10 7 00111.
,E.loecl (nibbling and attentive hostior 32-ly
1,, ,
Vre,„211,. and yea lam ..trects, linn1i)r. The
above been ,,ilite41 by Mr, ir,ran 11,14.to,
and thoiohglriv rolttod for tl,e con/. ort tho
traveling pnblie. Good liqiu,rs and cig, iLL the
• ,bar. Attentive hostler always in a 1.1 oftdapep,
Is0.,41.0 evaders, Prop.
Lucan, „April 115,1875. 95 -Gut,
good, one -Storey frame/house, containing
00./nns_; 19,//0 of laud, adjoin:10,g the Marliet
;square, Exeter. On the lot is 1911 m0011011'7 af
-water. Par particulazs trly is.1..A0 DAN. -
1)127,1', Exel..?r. 77-71.
• 8 Ali
'scriber offer,,s tor sale the N.W. of lot 3,
COIL 3,.Usboruja, contodning 70 acres 01 excellent
l&ucl, 40 acrid cleared., ,hulr,1166 well ,timber?d, a
g4tou gel bi,..;ra,(anri,sfatrte
'also trigood young orewtrd of graft fruit and a ne
5er-failing spying. Di(rt from Exeter Larr
s 1,'e furt,her par. ...n1:01.06 tz,L ply to 4, DE MP
Y, Dxot.r P.O.
'FAIN STREET, one door south of
the Britomnia Hour.c. J. SMITH.c."OTT
011 13:0314 II number of 1 limps. Orders tilled on
the shortest r otiee. SaIisfaction emirs nt, 1r int:
ns work rind materiel. N. large cpsintit •
' of 0 inch staff for inuripuicherri' noe for saien1
.1.01114 SO1;0.11(500:0'. Nov. -7--.
0.L. NO. 924
of most-
ing–Pirst fr*ritlay ev
ory'inonfri, eorner
ley and Irlain sts. Vis-
tilln Brethren 000111011;
invited to attend.
40117N WHITE,
Lifiery and Sale St -La hies
(In eonnootion with. the Central Hu Lel).
• '-'er
.A.ELE vehicles alweys en hand, Favorable
.arrangriments niaclo with co.mncreia Itrai
All orders I yr. at Bissett's Tinslaop will be
promptly atten, d to.
R. & T. BISSETT, Prop.
txeter, Sepl .1, .873. 2-1y.
Illustrated Catalrom of
rarm,Flower Garde,n Seeds
'24 Now V 'XiCtli)g GIVEN' 117/17A7
Vega ta.hle Seeds
Send. for a COpy atonco,
GEO, J. ariLD,
The London Seed Store
917y limit, Richnio11,1-st, toncloii, Out,
1,0030011, March 18, 1875. 81-3in
Look Like a Man, I
More irozte io 2.611
coati oetably 4 ../6 "41'zi
eINTYPE , CO., fully
aware of the filet Olat the people, Of ExCt-
pr and surronnifing country have it taste for that
Which ia eon Ifortabl and 110.1 0, on,/ more cspee
0113, tneir clothing h.pprtrel, have, 01 order `to
00607 thio (1600111.1131, opened 011 a
& Tailarifig t8tabil,811.'t
in the stand lately occupied by rishburn
000 they 11110)1111(000M erinktantly On hand, a,
wel1-assorted steel< of the latest stylca
ir..13rightlbilS full Charge of the tailoring
,partiricutOther bringS Wit,h him no tmenviable
petationtese etitter, l'artice bnying Olotha ,,may
vely Ort PtIretaelilt; theta as cheap' ,310 ever they
t. pure/1000 goOdS n besides. having
',F.11.ViS1 CUT. _1.4 V CHAL,01
ter M`
'IS, 1875, f
VOL: .f.;),, NO 4i,
r t
''',VIIGLE NO, 92.
er-P,EP constantly on ham: tile a -largest aim
I, Bost Assortment 0
Patprrit.. Medicines !
Tooth NA; .ttiair and Cloth
,, •
°hoed Books, Toy Boofos,
Blankol3ooks, Niagexinee,
lbuneell'ancy Goods
Pencil Slates, Load Pen-
cils, &c.
OLE Agents for LAZARUS, 1101d11S,
Co.'s Celebrated Perfected Sppctaeles
Eye -glasses.
Preseiription and Recipes quickry and accu-
rately dispensed. Remember the' l'iver---Di-
rectly opposite the " Coniatitl Betel," Inalu-st.,'
Exetot . Q, Co.
Exciter, January 7, 1.874. 7 1-y1.,
• •
6. DomitIon • oorato:17
Go to the Do/SA/aim/ Laboratory it sou want
Chemic.),als r D N‘l; e:
St uffs
If 0011 Want
CarlolVot. Pow.q.e,rs, or
. Horse lvIedici-L.)es,,
Patent i/Cedichn...s, Pc.rfutnery, Icillat Articles,
P14 T '3 0 LS
go r thel
• ..0.3FeaiigliK......L.q.BIMATOM
'A Fresh supply of
fe, e aria
0110 of the, finta-t preparations for promoting
tho growth of pie hair, and giving it
71; r -i
zne, uiassy
AU a+ tlie Lowest Pcate.
N. 13 —Presei iptions and Veterii airy Fe ma-
n, carefully dispensed,
Exeter, Ain il 1S75.
-nur.,,N1. a y 's rills and Obit 10, cut; tire neiblier
manufacture:0 1100 r chi airy 'call,' of the United
Etat ce, although they me,V lield.tr,111cd tlieB.1,1.
An:orient], Provinces. ot said box, bent% I.LCI
.British Uovervmevt Stawv,v,i tlic
ily% PillS tied Oinzrrielit,.,,,u3,1.1011,'311grt.iNed th err.,
on. It In.s become neceSstiry 3.3,0.1..1th:is allI10111,-
(mikert, 0e0.31 1.100 1:41e., :NOW VaitCliemicai
(who pay tionc4.1.-Y) ni.ding /at( Um t/leir
beGII so exposed., (JONG avammt.:11. Lli0 title o
' Hol,ow eb, ;" but, oven now, no one will buy
their int:Oh:inks cliicet itnin them, le 7.;n9t they
1.114V0 .1.1111:(10 1:0 ,r,:pply cX,-.:191,5(001'y
the Britt oi Mess/ 1. Henry it 4-1 0.. lurk, .wi(11
their " IRA 10 Pit; itIVI
It locrt..Kunied that from tho lerge connexior. Jags-
srs. Henry & Co. have tilt1Driti02 „itecythess ard
cisowhets,,th,, public if; very litr.,13 to be irri,osed
11.7.00 by in, le as vOltder; ;Ind othEll'S,
thoy, cx.nr,.4.,,,t4reat cc,ution to.preN, On/ 1,t10.10 b0,1,1214
7,01i,•10c1„ by -1:p,(1i144 :thu, 01.(-0i.,-; '0 00 800,0i1,5
stain p 'with 7.1,41 • Dello 5.6 s o.,
York, ',printed ill.(14.101:i. M0.1,0,- 1 1,1q,(• tal.le firms
in th e PI trvin egs (Arta i ./0 , etilein
direct from hero, 0.1 01,ry 81177e:411s!
that I should, for tho beet:tit of thet.:38,45/,s and
the public, thsert 0.100.5 the 1.1131018, th.o.t
it 0-avy 0.0 ltziewri. that me di eh, se earl be ha d gen
ine tilem., foilow0,11 of the /inns
alluded ; (lila .1)1trtielllitlly 1 ecommelat those
who closiro to got my medicines to apply to .960310
Of the boust..9 named :-.Lesors. Avery, Brnwii
Co., Halifax, S; MessrF... Yoisyth & Co., N. El.
T E 13001«n: & Sons, St 4olin. N :13 ; T.
Des 1.1risay,00arlotto Town, P 111 I; Messrs, T.,ang-
ley 0o,, ietoria, D C.; .11,391.1ts.241cre Co.,Vic-
toris, 13 .C: 1)r, John Pallel,Chtttant, 1,1 13 ; Meas3s.
Muure & 0. ., Blot:Areal; & cc.,
airontou; Tar. Rose,. Torou to , 4,1)y .3„ Chip -
11/31/ II Smith, 51.30111LN it ; JolimBoucl, (leder,
10h.; Messrs. ,Elliot C 0,, 0.'orco Ito ; •Mr,, h rtloner,
St John, ; Messrs, ItanIngton 'Bros., St john
NB ; 11 IT'ildtly; • Windsor; Mrs 0.1/yen, Mordc/i,
NS; Mr Creerge EL/10, jr., Fredria.tOn, N 15; Mr.,
honspwm...narher orapc, itt r, ; Mi 4 AI
N 13.; Messrs W D
Montreal. Tee xnedicines,are. seta at the 'lowest.
whelesale nett prices, quantities of 11,37 les's
thfin. :226 werth--51z., 8s. &,.11‘2a.,.iincl 34s.per demon:
boxes. of 11111 Or pots of Ointiment; for which ra-
naittittee must be sent ',in ad.V. 110Q, •
`12.140MA8 HOLLOW'
Ch. enlists am) oth:r 'vendors of Holloway's gen-
uine Pills and Ointment nityv, have their names
inserted in the:local limpets if they -will phnicto
twee y hero- . 503; Oxford -Kt., W
aLondon, February. 18;11375 ' 77-m0
New Tailor Shop.
W. Ma Aliirs IT NI '5-r
EGS to intimate to tlie inhabitants
of erxeter ,and. 'Vicinity that Ito has oponecl
01V Tatter silo
01' Itisse1198 ittatchtr.,911,01)
whoro by strict attention to business 11( ',hopes cto
merit a fair share of patronage.
A NT -007:17N A SPE'CIAT/1"Y.
.)(.,.,,,f11:.1.,:f(0),:drSiO3.(f.,.-r5;13N SHOP AND RI.
"W (,) T.)
faeture.r of mit dealer in
It#11e*, SPfn -10/6"11'f'eN
Pistols; Etibieg Titckte, ited letuttene euppliee
Oun•Stoeltingtiono in (US 7,61asil pstyie, Pin
thins altered 00,(101/7fal Piro,
Piltm of tho Oat: arid'Oetettirt Roy, ClARENCE
st,,betWeaft 1)//nd it.6' 'abet Niillrftiondon. 74,1y,
T r.) 0 T
SAO 7,
1.,0,WrY 1.3 ott11(.18.. peQ
IleYePe,tholg else t/i)at
' J)r4.4Z
tt11,)10,3 girig hap f
‘vAltentrin. • s
,iiri4"11tet tcJii9N1.00 alert,
yli,one,o4 9' 14' 0.1
14-7 thoro. sigt.DitiOant,
711194 of llonesty and
lio le,tta a life of ordirtttrY
FashioAable. The following lines contain the simply, un-
0,00riled tAittenient ot it fact the exiteriorice
ot ,t to t,$ f 011 I. .:/t 41, 41 01,1).1(; lit the
& ioe Highland glens:
wouldieforin the people that be has common-,
cod business in. the above line noxt,deorto.Sehts
Bakery anti Oonfoetioner,y. He has on lutral
splen, id stock of Leather ofall kinds, and Isom.
Ins general knowlodge of the bitsiness, and do -
log first class worlihcres ebtiiin laige cus-
SOWOrl. work Will 10 Oeiere
Repairing done with neatnese and cies
patch, and mocleeate charges,
EiNhe Pe pics'•
thedullabitants of Exeter and surround-
ing country, that he hab openedout
Broderick's Old Stand
a large stock of
ME° r.,
ET0,, ETC,
and trom the facilities that lie possesses he has
been enabled to purolartse his goods in tile
44_0,3 11. _ _
M rket
artd,110 is bound to lot those whg favor hh.n.
witli their patrol -Ft -4e have the, benolii.
callis only nc essary to cpnvinee that can
Sugars, Coffees, Raisins,
'tie°, Tao.
and everything in the Grocei y Lino at London
prices, kma tilat my stock of
Boots& S 1-10 C.)oniple
an it8 departments.
Farm Product) taken in Exchange and bile
highest plies. allowed. On hand a first-class
lot of Bacon. •
Exeter, May' 6, 1875. 88
Thanking my numerous customers for their mit-
ronege in the pa,st, rind wonhi. solicit of their kind
170111 8211 br13,1100 ill the flittire, would bog to reniind
them that I inive
115:..;.3t '1,1; tholniriv Conamodiou Depart-
mentsof the
et tee south of the old stand, where will kle found
EV E RYT H 1'1,1 G
consisting of
Dry C--1-oads,
d_ Ware,
Boots & Shoes,
Hats, Caps, o,
1 1111,18 19190 addcd firr4t-class
on,. Aiwa Pi. •
De,lt,rtmon Tn connection. My motto:13, (3.00t1
(400c10 at re/180011We 1 ales " Comment is unnee
sary ; the goods tti 0 here to speak for the/139015es'
II16best Market Price paic for ell `Rinds of
Remember, this is the Oldest Estab-
lished House in thee County. Opposite
the Post Office;
Exctor, May 6, 1875
T 1.77•_A_RMERS
of the
• Veteri•
rims ramovod 1-11 offloo to olio door north 0,
1041,01, it's harness shop, 0110 nearly opposit,.. Joh. 1
suis11,1(19 shop. Veterinary Modiciuns
"siva ouhatai, Calls promptly attended to,
'torsos oxamino0,19 to thoir sonntiness
Augul 0101.10 3873,
c tee yfe /6 el'
(e'.2'/ ;re el die 4,e6t.
aven71 and ,....Atlauttlozent
(15/. 621,60e.:1,
eireeta,a5/(yil, ()CC) 0 0
a4 tar.) 1.1 0)4'0 0
• wa-ryin,t(4,t4 extkil deefth,11j.",
1)6 tr; 0.,6 () re) .12 ..7,';Ittl'e4k4
,..";446e,J er 7".49 4terei •i;A:1
'4eeer:b 0— 47 6 coOti.
fze4 tevzlzer;o,,,, eleiy6-4,,e4;v,,, 4
ant,di:elte 0:59,14
0/1:06 re' "'re/
As I came wandering down Gehl ,Spettn,
'Where :lie braes aro great: and grassy,
With ray light stop 1 overtoolt
A weal y.„footed
She 110d. one lnuidlo on hos. bacic,
Anotlicr in her hand,
Alld sin) wallted its one that was full loth
To trivet front the land.
Quoth T, "31„ty bonnie Lass !"--for ho
13:041110ir of flowing gold,
And dark brei)vit oyes and dainty lintbs,
Bight pleasant to behold.----
" 1\ly bonnie lass, what atleth ,tlice,
Cht,thif: brig)if,
To travel sad Rini shoeless thus
I'ipon".the 'stony '$Viiy '1"
"-I'm fresh and strong, :pad stoutly .1,oct,
And. thou art burdened so ;
March lightly now, mid let,,rao bear
Tho bundles ae we f,c0."
,,No, no!" sho said, "that may not be ;
Whate'er is mine to boar,
Of good, or ill, as God may will,
1111 take lily portioned share."
!‘ But yot; have twp and I have nono ;
Ono but don. giTe to Me ;
Pll ticke that burden from thy back,
That heavior seems to be."
"No, no!" she said, This, if you Nvill ;
That holds—no nd. but mine
May bear its weight front dear Glen, Sperm
'Crosi, the Atlantic brine!" ,
1Vell% well; hilt tell me what may be
that precious load
Which thou. dost bear 'with such fine care
Along the dusty road,
"BellIte it is some iiresent XCLI'0
Fiona friend in partin,g hour ;
Perhaps, as pluden ti maidens won 7,
t with thee thy tlotrer."
Site drooped her head, and Vit3 her hand
She gave a mournful W.11.00,
"Oh, do not jest, clear sir !—it is
Turf my mother's grave ?"
I spoke no woi d ; we sat tc-s,p t
By the road side together ;
No purer dew on that,brigitt day
Was deopt upon tit° 1 cather.
—John tuftr ill Good Words
And 3•et one peculiar feature of bh
rovm has been omitted, not on accoun
of its Wall t of consequence, but the r•o
verso, There ‘7178 quite a nurnber
doeumonts, carefelly indorsed, tied
and kept ha that methodical manner
indicative of the thotough man of busi.
noss—lying on tile desk -lid of the es-
eritoire ; and all 03'0 accusttemed to
disguises would at once have deeidecl
where they and other papers of conse-
quence were habitually ,bestowed ; for
on that bide of the room where the
bed -room door opened, there -seemed
to he it small bereau or cupboard; with
hook -ease above 171141 foldiug, doors be,.
lew. This seemed; the article of fur-
niture was .really a massive iron safe
veined to appear nothing more than
wood, but tne ti.ickness of its defence
agaiiiet burglars and the fire-tipud
plainly showing, as one of the cloot's
stood at that nunneut a little ajar.
As John Gwiler that evening sat at
the dose of the escsitoive, 11i8 }deadbeat
tem nal in eager examination of the
papers lefore luni, and his pencil oc
ceseimially jotting dowit on a meet) of
blank leer itt Ens Ade certain figures,
which seemed to bo induced by too ex-
amination—he presented an appear-
ance strangely interesling, though 011 e
that the eye might be compelled to
leave with less satisfaction than it eX-
gerielleed. 'the first gla,nco. The
strauge interest lay in the, evident
strength arid stetnima of the mum with
no small sharo of physical comeliness
superadded ; the dissatisfaction had
its origin In uudefinable feeling that
all this steength might be, worse thitn
The father of Fredelick Gwiler (him.
self thiety) could. not wolf have,been
loss than -fifty to fifty-fivo years of age;
apd Yet, it would have beim a bind veil-
ture to say !het this broad -shouldered,
powerful 111aal Veit11 tile heavy dark
side -whiskers Let •showed no thread of
gray, aucl the curling. dark hair that
lied only here and there a suspicion of
silver—with tho keen dart,: eyes nuder
heavy brows. the I1050 a, little aquiline,
(me tile 8 troti,g, brutd, shaven chin awl
firm mouth-- that this man Wft8 oven
fivo years last forty. Daylight niight
reveals something that the favoring gas-
light concealed ; a few crow's-feet
under, the eyes might thruet them-
selves forwited more prominently;
there might even be a revelation, in
the color of 7110 whiskers, that that
pottion of high art which deals with
colot heel been called in to do duty 111
the shape of an Infallible Hair Dye,
“witri•a•ntecl to inapart the requisite
(bine) shade two ntes," But
what of all that 2—iti, the worst, john
Crwiler was a man marvellously well
pro iervecl, physicelly least ; and an
-mill-trod friend of the see, celled 'on
to clraw oomparison mignt have dm-
liciously argued the,t 'the mother must,
have been notably plain, anti the fathee
wee oven at this day the handsomer of
the two
The fil0r01111,117 had. not. yet exclineig-
ed his etteet-costetine far dressing -
gown and slippers ami. his cloiles,
Which ever° colored, seggested a de-
teendiettion to pd'eServe tile appeer-
anee ot youth to the very last possible
moment, quite a8 11111.011 as t110 artS
llad been 70 skiarttily emplOyed
in the bitek room of the :Oreadway
tensor. fa tbetn, as elsowhero, the
etruggle was 'visible ; age might be
SDAY, ortit 187,5. 1. 50 PE R AITNU
1 1 1 *' ' '
oontilig ievitablys but lie fitta to do, as. little tilieg to do, end yet if ho lermg ion c 1 0 1 am a3. togetlica ;
for inaree ,3,ear ;yet; with a etoitt and 401 aSSUilled that position lie might— if 0001t1 at. that Inoment
deterreided wrestler Tueli !---what are these sec etions butleve known of the proselice
And had the vigor of the mind fail- 2103..th. ? Let tlie story be t as it the cliair, and Cattglit gstinipse of the
ed, the body klarl, been SO carefully 'was, fiat as it. might have beerif etruggling eaeoet svhieh informed
peeservid Ne-elionesty pui•itY ,of Tiler() lutd been a tan at the dectr, elfin eyes at the uttel'anee of' some 01;
PurPose] regard 101' aka' weifare or '1,110 01'1'011 before joiln Cr\viler re,,e to ItiP1t. his words, he worth -Lim.% felt verY
wiehes tellers, the liopee and fears cate atteective exterior lail'ore the Leitch es a men may beenipposidd to clo
of an aft.ter lire, all might liavo weaken- glass ---11, Very little, thilid tap; -feeble!:
ed. ttild a11 0 901110 Of t110111 died 07011 illatl '711e sterving shivering beg.
out altogether ; but the 8(40117711 of' gar, 'painfully donbtfu'l of reception,
will itudttlie pos2•01. of directing co a gives 7tt 1,100): of basement from.
specified Vtirpose, which is tile till° )411011 t110 Cinit,(.;):1 at dishes hild the
lessened during ell the' years of th"eir throuethelbceletrieitee egs. Evidently
mentality; had rather increased than scout or isre$nie up toetetlier
exeleise. lie wee an ahlex man, that ,t110,t4wich of lingers givori vvii
day>, tO.,cooe which. re; ono. , .i'etieret beeide
'night Ciyeatee, than fie lied beSen. tan, e buidy playsicild ,knocits
ilftee'll Cr °von twenty ed.e.i,re' et-T.1.110e 'tn .soneti peeves have liesdel.in tlie day before
lifo. `1,!' ivas lie dieposed .to Grantee- htttis'iNieft,a1{) it necessity, ring,iug 0144"
al etese a .,„,'C:144t714y ,t (,) ni 1 111,111 core...lauds '
clone at in.iy eaerier period ? ltoee
pa ors on Lilo (10811 of' tlid escritoire
his rape" rueniag over them; Ids Teich
and decided handling of tliew., indicae-
ed that lie might Lie eyon" playing for
some great stake, a trifle noiv, but
'otnet,11.ing to startle him in tht
soliloquies of Hamlet and Rich-
eril and Cato ere uunaturel necessitiee
of the dtainatist-eniodee bey which tine
thinker i8 midi) to reveal to his audi-
ence what lie'vould be, little likely to
reveal to any lunnean ear in realelife.
Men do not habitually 1)ace tlie fldore
of their chambers or recline in M111111101*
t11:1501•3, 115101.1711illg tO tile \Villas by the
eidul speithing of peecisely
thee() things whieli they are most
ardelous to 001100111 ; and ,yet•liow, with.
out the peetence, can Ivo assume to
meitsure their motives and in.tentior s 1
dolin Gwiler, [den() in his little room,
with the door unlatched auct the sashes
of his blind:oil window's tinclosed for
voiatilation:'elid 11 Ot mutter aloricl,
rapidle 11,41 his thoughts W01'0 shaping
thethselves into leorile. Only °Gee:don-
e:11y, RS t110 meet teruclent of us will do,
he uttered a, lAw words of exclamation:
was there a fate ordering that those
few worde sheuld form. the turning
point, of a career 2 •
But ttiosd tlivelelits which lie was
elietping into word s -1-wh w ere t13 oy ?
Senn:thing these, as le finished
with the papers lie haq beela perusing,
threw them dowee lieavily upon the
desk, as such'stroqg mei are apt to do,
tend firet lay beef: his chair, and
afterwttrd indulged in a promenade,
with. bintself foe quite suflicient com-
I think that wiil do—
that is, clo'lortIte present ; not for the.
future. 'There IN• 111 be nothiug -worth
living for, if the future was to bring us
nothing more than. the 14 -resent bad ale
ready sneiplied. Two hundred thous-
and, not• 'a cent—if this season's
busineessieeneiseet ee"ete eevell-ast as
begun. ',Pretty well that, et nay age,-;
yes, my ego, for 1.11I1 liot old—only be.
glutting te live. in the true sense of the
word. By thectime I am"—but be did
not even think what' the next deehnal
figure of his age would be, inucli less
os eirt 3 lfioarulinie31 .a ° ave thoughts tootr en -
"'What a fool flee world is, individn-
idly and eollectively 1—and how easy ib
is to nianage it, to those win') have both'
and ener;y Ministers preach
What they do nof believe, and philoso-
phers moraliee because they are too
weak to do anytliin naore manly; end
while the two manage to frighten 1110
blockheads vcith. stories of something
that is to happen to them ltere or here.
after, if they are 'naughty boys,' the
wiser Ones tale advantage of the ab-
sence of the others, and win twice 0.8
11111011 t1,8 tllOy 0,0111(1 (10 under other cir-
ciunstarces. Nice plane! —'excellent
arrangement !--it suits me to rt. cy-
pher !"
''Two hundred tlioneentl--foureeen
thousand 'a year, even if prib oat at
orCtinary interest, any clay chooee to
burst up the shallow hembug of 'Same -
Jerson Gwiler' and 'retiree' But,
give me five years, mull will matte it
th.ree hundred thousand, and win the
last 'plum' ea,,,,ier than I have (Toile any
previo 011. ttiousand of the whole.
Three hundred thousandt—oh, yes, one
might thiril of stopping W11011 lle reach-
ed. that figure, ospechilly"-- Hero an
expression that seemed the reverse of
content passed over ,face, -and he
left anothedeentence 'unfinished.
"Sonie day, I fancy people mity
ltnowdele as having beeu a manager--
eometlimg that hitve ta1;011 good 0111.0.
11 at thoy shoold not think mo, sitnply
because I have hianaged.them the more
easily for many of them other-
wise. Not a fallen. yet ; end if that
luck' which seine of the crealters
87) cif eve.r catches me at all, it had
better be on the road, for I shall soon
be beyond the reach. of it. Not a
ftriluiro--no, not one 7- I wished to he
rich, and I am ricli; I wished Co pos-
sess a character for high 'honor and
sPtli.°t111)(iltsY hboetft°0111° ttittlen NJvooltilnd, Crawniale ewolliC)
'Change ?"
"Humph 3" again recurring to a stib-
ject that evidently corefelted
—the more, because he as evidently
coinpolled himself to failey that ho held
it lightly-7'110111phi 1 have heard it
said. that yoeth had ail the energy and
all the hopes of ; lio lias 110.
tiling but the fro'li and barn, while all
thee 18 worth drinking lies beyond 3
Alta that very youth,. after all is a mitt.
tor of camparisbn. I have twenty
yoars more of lif8 .atad vigor in ine, to.
day, than. inally a man who is that
number of yea,re ney junior ; end tile
power of life mid eejoyment liee in the
Will to live and enjoy, whether it be for
ten yeitrs er an liendred."
wae tti oval 'mire 0 1, of rnoder-
ate eize, hinighig beside the mep cm
7110 °tiler side of tho room ; mid it, Ivey
pokisil)ly have beet' with ,soine rerevence
to the neasings coneeerang age, en
lie had been indulging, thet the
succemsful merchant rose ansd stoed for
savfmti minutes before that gla8e, hie 'ft -wheeling rte the child letd been, hold
back eeneocruently to the doore and his to be, we hey() already °heti before seen
fitiesee8 rtineing through his really rule gleam of ititelligetico paS.sing over
wili'ilzer4 in exanlinatioli (for that SU itoring hetet, prernising 'not only
peseible nitested geity .11air) n) ap- full rationality,' but ina,417ed keennese
Proval ef the goneral effect, 11 seeMod at 804410 time when childhood and suf.
win) lias incautiously laid doivii
on the opened lioad of a
barrel of' g pe \vder.
13rit the inercli,iitt, apart free.) his
ignoraieee of the presence of the child.,
:oust have been too 1131.1011 eb'sorbeil
1.116 11W11 refleetion8 even to talte notice
of enore not:ibis) iiiterruptidiis.
tlie bell litict eunte while Ile WilS
il/g, luta 1)0eil eils.wereiratal
yisisoe edinitt,eft. As tile „palters fell
;loudly, on table, the door through
wle' 1 elierlePR
-1-11°111 1)(1( 110U till tile inan of sueeec.is 1110" Ivitt101Y- tWO 01; theee'taps of i
lead talcen his iosition before i" tide- s 111,e're .v':f11,111i118' ;Ilia a 8111hdi thin com-'
inon-loolung man niat.h3 appear -e
ancs, so literally cre ping and croncle.
iug in ae to 'suggest, when talcen
connection with the entrance •of
01111d, that every one w110 approached
36111i Crwiler did so witli bowed head
and a SOl:Vile br 001i 111 oiuts of .the
knees; 11(11f 1411 hour.: later that idea
liave been sitplilented by a very
diiiererit 0110,7. but of that in utte time.
Tile new-cenier Wil8 umnietetitebly
Irish in blood, but quite aa- untnistitk-
- . ,
leiieck wee repeated ; tine
"mecliately after, et, little elfin faceovith
the eyes staetled-lookine• itnd et miser-
eble old eedin-bon'net," that might have
belonged to sonic; dimiifutive kit chen-
wench, covering-tlie short shoek
peeped in tie the (loge, aS It 11i4),IL have
done ineo tile don of eonte eteydl beitst
tt it ex el lt
p ec oesee ny mennen
springing forward. to tear the intaucler
into pieces. This wits fellotved, the
inStant after: by the body which. be-
longed to the face and quite accorded' abiY 17191ced tin0 robust vigor •for
with it --little' Betty Sown -lei -son in
fact, whe eves often 'sent by her father,
at night s well as in the daylight:to
bear any eneesage 27111011 lie chanced to
have for hispititner tne short dis-
tance intervening betiveen then• hotases.
-:--eandt who always entered, ft0 110 W,
thieeeightlie servants' basement, with:
cent the audacity.. of ringing the door
bell. (Richard Salln der spa ptob-
ably never thought of 1,liettent er of in.
trusteng such. a little atom; 'qr chi]
u in a ni ty.- to the reercy.eif "the dark
street! and ,the kidnappee--perhaps had
never heard ef the existence of such. a
trader in otlier flesh than that or the
negroe-probably thought, if he indulg-
ed auy thought on the'subject, that -the
euffien 27110 wmild steal oi• harm her
onfaussutbibueustsa(11.)ly nareowed in his clioice
They were noieelees hinges 911
1116 doors in the house of John &wirer
opened.; however that /louse 11111Thave
clisplityecl :tome- Of the mai al character-
istics of the illilbonian iealna where the
gates "grated, harsh thunder" instead
of "on golden bingee turning Z.' The
door made no sound as it opened., dead
on the thick, soft tcarpet" the .foot et
the little child made 310 more iioise
than a falling leaf on the paveinent.
Site stepped entii•ely 'within, without a
word, waiting for the•turnines of the
osreet meta of whom she stood in even'
enore than the trernbling -awe- Which -
she bore to all grown hmnanity.
little pale lips once iattennited to call
"Mt. Crwiler," but the timidity was too
great, and the words died- unuttered.
Suddenly the complattent - thinker
turned, with a loud involuntary, "Ha!
ha! Yes, I am satisfied 3" The
frightened child only saw the move-
ment and heard the words, without
knowing inore thee that they seemed
to be loud and threatening. Did he
know of her b;ing there 2 and was he
very angry ? and was he corning to eat
her up 01.• tear 11.21.• hinb from lenb,
she had heard of great giants and
ogres cloinfe, in those pleasant relations
habitually vented by 8ervants and
nurse-mitide to neglected children 1
Did he know of her being there 2—ah,
that was the question • and could sle
n o t hide away "until 'his great tvrath
should be eyerpaet," when. possibly she
might dare discover herself and do the
errand that she would certainly be pun-
ished if she went back without per-
forniing. 'Very cunnieg as -dell its
very fearful wo make our children,
When We treat thell1 With all commamts
frequent pimishment, and no beetowal
of coefidence or appeal to reason ; and
the motion with which poor little
Retty dodged behind the 'big; high-
backed chair, which stood very near
her, 1,l'aS much the same. with which
she would have cringed away from a
blow aimed at her ringirof ears or sore
back by her termagant, inaliern Before
John Gwiler had fairly turned his face
p9ssession Of which the Celtic race are
so envied even by the energetic Antio-
Saxon. Ire seemed ft 4,11til olvforty„
was pale as well as thin, had heavy
shadows undet sunken.. 6Yes,
dashes .of gray among his coarse black
-hair WOre cl thee f it 'lloth that
, o 0 C al ,
appeared worn and shabby enough to
have been ptirchaeed et second.diahd in
Chatham street, and had a kind. of
broltene hopeless humility ins bowed
head and back elig,litlY bent, as if under
the habituel carrying °tea weary bur -
then. Such was Thomas or Tom
Flynn, ler years pi.eviously the porter
of Saundeveon (.3.: &eviler, and -of wiles°
-physical appearance'a rough Wit.. Iti 0111(1
have punned upon tliattFrerich origin
of tlie name by which his einployment
Wt1,5 designated; by saYlng tliliat horniest
he,en selected as porter eepecially
he -cause he was too feebld to carry any-
thing! nib how lie •woulil'have wrong-
ed you, poor Tom Flynn, in the cruel
jest. ,Wlio could" catety a heavier load.,
'Tom, than you had ciurieti laboriously
during allethe last feur years, and not
break down instead of EetooPing uuder
it '
Seeing that the merchant, 17110 laud
dropped. back into his ellair at ;Idle
escuitoive, did not liolias him, the por-
ter first coughed by way of attrecthig
his ette 11 ti thou said, lioldino•
his' hat nervously in bifith halide tlat'e
( To be Continued)
(From tho Free Press)
F,1:0 111 the facts in our possession by
telegraph, it is apparent that the death
of 111r. R. S. Finley, of the township
of Sombre, 011 Pricloy night last, svas
deed of assitssination, rivalling in the
darkness of its. design Raul the
Of its execution, the- worst deed of mur-
der in the history of this Province.
Finlay was a eputable farmer
on Bear Creek, about four miles
fame the village of Wallaceburg. Oir
the eight of Friday he retired at his
usual bedtime, 9 o'cloelt. At I -ilia -night
he was aronsed by soine commotion in
the e'table, as it 0110. of the Etorses had
broken loose. He partialty dressed
himeelf, lit a lantern, and weet out to
.investigae the cense. Upon enteeing
the stable doer, he received
eurtees. IN TDB DRAIN.
fi on) a mysterious hand, whicb sent
him at once into eternity.
I-Iis wife states that a short time after
her husband went out sbe was aroused
from sloop, and finding he had not re -
111 the. direction of the door, he was turned, got up and looked out of the
quite as likely to have seen one. of the door leading to the steble where he had
mice playing bo-peop behind and g011 0, on seeing no light there called to
under thci 'wainscot, as the mote they one or two of the hired 1114,11, who were
child cowering behind the gdeat chair sleeping in the house, to . go and see
i31 tile coiner. what bad happened, she following.
John Gwiler, na tne suppose plivacy ellen]. On enteting the stable hey
of his own room, hat-CI:cached, lztst, fouud him lying on his face et ith blood
that point of exultation at which he. oozing from his head.
needect- to speak aloud, even with 110
other auditor than himself. And as TUE ALARM.
They left the body in the same /mei.
he strodn back to his chair he clapped • '• • • -
twit in which thev found end pro
his hands together cententedly, and oeoetod to aittnn'- the 1.1014.4.11b• othood.
finish ad his slumming up al oud •
lnicl in tlie staltle, ,jtist inside
"Yes, I ain young enough to marry the door, tin Saturday afternoon, witen.
Lillie Seunderson • and 1.1 am rich i nest was beoun by Coroner Alott
, an I
enough to marry any woman in New of Dreeden, ittrs„ Finley teethed that
York whom Imppeti ;to fancy 3 4nd 1160 husband ft few days,. before had
only-thinit."--and here he rubbed his loaded. his gun, and placed it, iu the%
hands together iustead of clapping Imre, remarking thee, fie intended to
them, in his geeat felicity...noon-1y think elloot the squirrels that were eeting his
that .7 711170 managed so well. with piek corn. Thiel trim Wit8 foetid leino• at his
Saunderson's money, as tobeggar him •
toot dischareed.
make myself twice as rieh 114 .1 W.0111d
have been, .get him entirely in Illy 'PE 411M"
pOW01`, alitl bey the hand of his clatigh. tbh8 sugge8tea 'w218 illat in "tering the
Lot at tha satne time. A 701,1y. nice stable nt midnight he had aecidentellY
little operation, altogether 3 The money ex910tied tile glint el' tht1t }lad a
in that safe would have been overlook- 111°t1111t 01 innzY taken eWn- life
ed by most teen, or lefe alone because, with the W0aP01), a 112077 ilhPr'll/able'
they &trod not touch it ; Me' it has 81-11)1)Psltion, seeing that he Was Of
been the warrant of fortune, ain't :r flan soltilawthd, 0,11(1,ja e"37:eireutilstall°°8'
&Visaed 1" POPULAR ID5.01TEMENT...
1-1.0 pf1.830(1 the eectitoire at the ' the news of the dreadftil .feee of
ment, end seemed to need sti 1 atintliett the, respectedt fartaer spreed eround, the
escepeevelve for the happy etteiegy, thet, township, the teielibere flddleed to's file
,wee 010 running riot, tot' lie took tip scoue,end made ail kinde sylnpattietie
the !Waviest paekage of pante% that lay enquiries. The tale8 afloat by, no
oe ree desk, end flutegefeem down ng4in moans Satigiod 110 improbe.
with smile a shim es nearly 'tightened bility of the version given by the lionse.
the little renteitider of oquitnimity out hold rapidly took possession of' 7110
of the mind of the human mouse people'e mind, tvlio could. 1107 ' realize
hee liiding-pitiete Nearly—not quite, thet poor Finley had. boon the vietim
of a seriee of aceidents so extrinirdinary
in 001131.dinitioit as eliose suggested,
Leath, lioweVer east eriepicion in ally
peartee, whorl all reppeared. tIlltat-
titill lY081(10 711E1 statenietit tlaO , wife,
and still dout)ting that statement
g no TAW), //lid egitinet
, 1 lied eineeesed ,floy
11',1(1 1)(1.11 not 1.1i0g: itp].
cotidriet of the
c)oiteased.to bring tlertrn upou r
te vengeariee ef any kind, It 'sat;
net for tile object Of plund ' for DO":
•Ilad been. tali..en• wee% Itoluct•
enityithe, good people of tlee neighbor -
, .
flood we re
of a ltind alinost too diabolical tO ,COn•
, , .,
templitte, aild these euspicione xeceivt
ed 4. partial Conti/Illation at the funeral
%..illich took place oil 'Monday. , Those
suspicions are indicated in our des-
patch, priblisbed below. ,, Canit btspos-
sible that within 1110 short apace of four
ll'Y:ir0ia,3 tiV 08;1 rtili1 4N1gtir:ifit hin()tir .1 e 6 °lel 7at 1,.°11g:ercIliji Dorf
horror thetougld-oi t t , 11 rfa4,1.11,‘fi
ite' pitrallsiOtoetirr qii.., 'i'ititr•fte.e.The '
„7,,,,„ iiii:igiiiaffitn', Of is li C11i'lli 1 a` ''''ity 111---'
snfaciently eepulsive. And 37E1', it is at,
at this time tlae tlioright uppermost in
tire yieillity of' tile Sonibea criine.
W018 mailted out by the crowd as ono
cl.tveal tyro:, t,:cit stsn. o. ei loot t eh erItyf so treer, tbielaeuanah:
the abject of earelese rind eeixiens
•01-1,LTS (1,°N6CiNCE
011.111107 101.1g a$0/1110 tlio searching. sren-
tiny el' those built on fliadiug it out,
The ilightest lapse, of ,resti filet -1,11a
inerest outembing ef etheinnerthoughts
ndaY'pr.ove a fatal betrayal. -
, At 'time of the funeral the condUct
of this malt 'became invested with a'cleep
and thrilling interest. •
As the' remains sttirted from:the lionso
11/Irs, Finley felt too faint to accompany
the 'precession a fact which appears to "
have seri-telt the assemblage with deep
0011001'11, yet it -might have been ,the
natural result of the excitement product,
ed by the terriblys sudden blow inelicte
ed upon.. her household. She therctoro
refraiued from attending the 1:1nrial.
Irian Smith Ive8 pressed to join
*the procession, and after inueli per-
suasfeth consented e hut pretending
, . ,
that ke also did*not feel very well, he
jumped out„of the wagon and decliiied
to proceed.,t'But people around at
lene.,411 serceecled, partly by persuaeien"
and pftrtly 'by foree, io getting him to -
go along.
At the gravesSinitli took up. a eposi-
tion.fmeide neeurnue, where bis
de , e an or *wee w atcli eclat err owly by all
whe,,,sto,ad- areuncl. 1Vbat took 'place -
tending to confirni the ,suspicion that
he MI5 the esenesin,. we'ire not advis-
ed of. But at any rote, the constable '
present. saw eilongh juetify
his.own mind to teke him into Oustody
which lie hccoiclingly :did. As the
prisoner was remedied through the
our,n f til -throng.there was -teeyeriferis bf
sympthy for 'him 'So stronaly were the
bystan-'ers impressed with lais guilt.
This first step in the ferretting out
of the dark and horrible mystery sur-
rounding the death of Mr. Finley it is
lioped will prove the groundwork of s,
complete revelation in a few days, and,.
in the tneatitime, the public eye will
tarriwithanxiety to thescene f the:crime
foe the hoped for exculpation of those
271.10 ttre now the objects of mere than
Eiart ;site that a LT reaZ.,74 Ares
A singular snit vr/is tried and leter-
mined in Washington, Dol., last week.
It is thus reported by the correspencl-
ent of the Philadelphia Tinto : " :Un-
der the laws of Deleware theproperty of
a wife whe dies without issue deecends
not to her htsband, but to those of ber
owlrblood. Teri years ago Henry
Stout, a wealthy Dover lawyer, died,
leaving his property to his three child -
'reel. Five years ago his rnly daughter-
married llev. Bee Hall, of LeTV!S",;
and a year later slie died in giving
birtli to.her first child. The latter, 11.
was claimed. by the father, lived for
few miuutes after being delivered, but
dais MIS Hall'e brother denied. If
the babe brettilecl for 'a single second
ofter birth, then its mother's property
descended to the husband: If it was
dead wbeii delivered, the ha:)tlier died
without issue, and her property *lea-
cencled to lier brothers. To settle the
the question, the brothers beoug,ht, suit
for the property, and the case occupied
the attention of the court thteentiee
week. For teeplainliffs, Senator Saul -
bury anil ex -Senator Comegys appear-
ed, anct the defendant was represented
by ex-Judgo Laytnn. ex Cong•ressrnan
Smithers, and Edward Ridgley, Esq.
Tlie first witnees called was Dr. Good-
ell, who attended .1)/Irs. Hall in bey fatal
ilhiese and delivery of a eleild, tie was
positive tho child 8howed eigus of
respiration or 'in u s cellar motion' after ,
birth. This Wa8 all tlie material eVi-
dence offered by the plaintiffs at this
stage of the proceediuge, Dr. Page,
who WaS also present at the delivery of
tlie child, was called by the tlefeneo.
Ho believod the child had -a distinct ox-
istence, f'or with bis ear upon its eliest
bo bad hoard its heart, beat ; he also
sew tlie temporal arteriee vibrate and
the untilical eh Ord throb. Dr. 1.)enrose,
Professor of obst cries in din Univeesity
of 1?enn8ylvauitt, being called as au et,
pert, snid that from the, testimony he
had hoard he felt, posiedyc of the child's!
independent and distinct exietence.
Pre. Juinp and Shoemaker geve simi-
lar te8timoey, In rebuttal the plain-
tiffs called Dieu Caliall and Ezekiel and
Cooper, who testified theft tilh
child lied none oilier than a feetal life,
and Clint its oxisteiwo was neeessarily
imperfect atitlitnlietinct--of no account
whatever in esfahlilliing the defendant'e
cfaint to his dead wife'e property. Thie
closed thettteviclence and the 0480 1401,3
argeed argro-4 length by the counsel.
elnef justice deilVerod ehtin,
orate charge to the jury,, who returned
it verdict in favor of I -fall, the defen d t,
basing it upon' tho supposition that
tlto drew len 81 0110 breathi
ti114 WOria, tO 1)0880AS
viitl totutie..