HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-03-30, Page 25Exeter LIONS TV BINGO Game 1: $15.,Clndy Price Game 2: $15. Darlene Broom.Game 3; $15. Pam French Game 4: $15.Mary Lou DesJardlne.Game 5 $50 Sara Knox Game 6: $50. Marg Cronyn. Game 7 $40. Lindalee Covell. Game 8 $40. ori Payne. Game 9 $100. Shirley Crowley. Game 10 $100. Kim Caldwell I sappy Birthday 'No" my Boys Koedi (lst)(Apnl 2) and Dave (14(h)(Apnl B Love always, Shelley, (Monuny)) Thursday Night 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. LINE DANCING 10 p.m. - Close STEVE STURDY "Get Your Holiday Weekend Started Off Right!" Friday All Afternoon FREE POOL FREE SEGA HOCKEY on the big screen 9 p.m. - Close STEVE STURDY Saturday Show us your shot... POOL TOURNEY starts at 2 p.m. 16 Player Limit! and then stick around for SECONDS' OUT "Female Lead Vocalist" NO COVER! 4 482-1234 317 Huron St. (Hwy 8 West) Happy Sweet Sixteen Candy, Aprll 1st New Canadian Benelux Club SPRING DANCE on Sat. April 9,'94 at the Community Centre, Mitchell Music by "The Black Forest Band" • Doors open at B p m• Dancng 9 p m to l a m • Fa Tickets Car 2715400 • Age of Malonty Only ANNUAL MEETING FRIDAY APRIL 15.8 p.m. Friendship Centre Mitchell SPRING 15 HERE Easter Celebration 0 Come and enjoy our famous SMORGASBORD • With wholesome foods Sat. 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sun. 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. • $15.95 z 0 SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $10.95 Coffee included with these specials O 12 years and under 7 half price O 236-7707 G Reservations appreciated A Hwy. 21 just Ln north of 0 St. Josephs C.,0::=7) •c • Z Highway 4 • closed five times this year Zurich bowiIng team wins National Golden Agers title By Ron Dann ZURICH - Hilda White led her Zurich team to victory Wednesday in the ladies division of the Nation- al Golden Age Triples Team Cham- pionship three game, pins over a-- erage, zone rolloffs at Zurich Town and Country lanes. Six teams from Zurich and St. Thomas participated. White scored 41 pins over her 146 average while team states Theresa McCann and Aileen Ra'. - elle added 23 over and 35 under their respective 154 and 117 aver- ages as their team won with a cont- ained 29 pins over. A second Zurich team of Kay Al- len, 59 over, Doreen Reid, 19 over, and Marie Wintle, 79 under, took second place with a combined mi- nus one. The Zurich team of Grand Bend Golden Agers Milt Robbins and Ron Dann, with 6I4 and 638 scores for 95 and 62 pins over their re- spective 173 and 192 averages along with Milt Glendenning from Grand Coves, with a 469 score and 37 pins over his 144 average, rolled to victory in the men's division Thursday with a combined 194 pins over their team average at Park N Bowl, St. Thomas. z HENSALL- It's not surprising to anyone that works departments in the county were busy for the past two months. And the village of Hensall was no exception. Works superintendent, John Bak- er told council on March 14 that his department was busy during Febru- ary with snow plowing and remov- al, sanding streets as well as deal- ing with one watermain break. As well, Baker said Highway 4 had to be closed twice due to weather conditions. In January he had to close high- way 4 three times and highway 84 once. One Call To your Travel Agent books our Comprehensive Escorted Tours To Europe &Britain Globus & Cosmos offer the finest tours to Europe, Britain and other exciting destinations around the world. One call books air space, transfers and all other elements of the land tour. Choose from a great program of 229 escorted and independent tours. We've specialized in quality touring since 1928. Today we sell more escorted vacations than anyone else. Globus...for first-class tours at reasonable prices. Cosmos Tourama...world leader in bargain tours. For more information and a copy of our brochures contact: ELLISON TRAVEL Old Town Hall, Exeter 235-2000 Long Distance 1-800-265-7022 FILET MIGNON & LOBSTER TAIL Lobster Dinner, Filet Mignon OR ANY ENTREE From our Menu *9Q • SOLI/ OR SALAD *WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY ENTREE ntOM OUR mem YOu WILL RECEIVE THE SECOND OF EQUAL OR 1 ESSER VALUE FOR 19.95. YOU MUST PRESENT THIS Al) WHEN ORDERING TO QUAIJ•, FY FOR THIS sPECW. PRICE OMR ENDS APRIL 4/94 • Not tow .rite smother pewMton a day vends or m.ce.nt. -1' (AVAILABLE WITH THIS AD ONLY) CALL TODAY FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS 238-2081 FOR EASTER DINNER 238-2081 EARLY BIRD DINNERS DAILY 5-6 PM GRAND BEND HV/Y 21 SOUTH f=OH RESEHVATIONS 2ais-2oii 1 Another Zurich team of Al Har- greaves, plus 75, Bob Simpson, plus 67 and John Lillie, plus 22, took second place with a combined 164 pins over while a St. Thomas team finished third with 140 over in the six team rolloff. The two winning teams now ad- ince to the Ontario Champion- ships April 27 at Hamilton from where the Provincial winners will represent Southern Ontario in the National Golden Age Triples Team Championships June 26, 27 at Sas- katoon, Saskatchewan. Grand Bend Golden Ager Clay- ton Lovie bowled the tournament's most pins over average high single game of 235 for 104 pins over his I31 average. OFPBA Ontario Youth Chal- lenge Bluewater Association's ladies team (13-18 years) finished last in Bluewater's first ever appearance in the six -region Ontario Five Pin Bowlers' Association (O.F.P.B.A.) Ontario Youth Challenge Champi- onships Saturday at Barrie. The for- mat was single round robin, scratch, match play against Lon- don, Niagara, Toronto, York- Simcoe and Ottawa Valley. Shuffleboard Exeter March 23 4 game winners Allen Johns Gil Northey Wilma Davis Allen Berry 3 game winners Ray Hodgson June Hodgson Mabel McKnight Grace Farquhar Hensall March 22 6 game winners Pat Davis Gert Eagleson Dave Kyle Dave Woodward Ethel McMurtrie Alice Thiel Russell Ferguson 389 355 347 318 251 249 203 199 579 542 538 411 393 397 364 Exeter Legion Ladles Auxiliary BINGO Thurs., Mar. 31 7:00 p.m. 10 Regular Games 5 Specials 1 Share the Wealth Jackpot $650 No one under 18 admitted Lic. #M125539 i 1 Times -Advocate, March 30, 1994 Page 25 Figure skating Jennison brings home gold from top event EXETER - Rebecka Jennison has brought herself yet another figure skating accomplishment, this one is a biggie. A member of the Exeter and Area Figure Skating Club, she 4,0 recently travelled to Sudbury where she captured the 1994 On- tario Inter Club Senior Bronze. Freeskate title. The 11 year-old beat 11 skaters from across the province. • To qualify, Jennison finished first at the Western Ontario Sec- tionals and before that was the top skater at the H.O.M.E com- petiton in Ilderton. • The Exeter Club recently held a test day and the following are the results, Preliminary Figures - Jenny Blacker, Megan Nedza, Alicia Laye, Sarah Overholt. First Figures - Jena Darling, Rhonda Watt, Jonathan Ens, Preliminary Free Skate - Rhonda Watt, Jean Darling, Michelle Hakvoort, Jonathan Ens, Me- ghan Marshall. Senior Bronze Program - Tara McKinnon. Dutch Waltz - Brenna Anstett; Courtney Hrudka, Ashley Ralph. Baby Blues - Meghan Gaiser, Jenalyn Baker, Alicia Laye, Lindsey McLeod, Megan Nedza, Sarah Overholt. Swing - Mi- chelle Hakvoort. Fiesta Tango - Jeny Blacker. 10 Fox - Meaghan Marshall. 14 Step - Jena Dar- ling, Rhonda Watt. Harris Tango - Tara MacKinnon, Sonja Black- er. American Waltz - Kim Rebecka Jennison MacLean. Blues - Andrea Wei- gand, Rebecka Jennison. Blue Water residents tour sugar bush ZURICH - Tuesday afternoon, in beautiful spring like weather, resi- dents of Blue Water Rest Horne took a bus trip with Glen Thiel to Goderich. On route they visited Schilbe's Sugar Bush near Bay- field, drove through Holmesville and looked at St. Christopher's beach in Goderich. Percy Camp- bell, Rose Merner, Catherine Richt, Madeline Harburn, Kurt Beget, f Ruby Bell and Joe Kenda Sr. f thanked Glen for his tour. Players Needed IF you are 19 years or older and would like to play Women's Soccer this summer please contact Cindy @ 235-4105 or Leslie @ 235-2827 Erbs-- -- ---- -- - Go z Iry KftcheR Easter Sunday Brunch: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Easter Smorgasbord: 4:30 - 7:30 p..m. Hours: Mon. - Sat. 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Reservations recommended 236-4812 EFTA GoutttPV Ditcher[ Licenced under L.L.B.O. Air conditioned, Visa/MasterCard 16 Main St. Zurich, 6-4: 2 11111111111111 OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, April 5 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at the South Huron Recreation Hall. Come out and enjoy a Free Class of Karate and coffee and donuts. Tyndall's Karate School operates year round every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Excellent fitness and self-defense training program for women and youth. Classes held at. South Huron Recreation Hall 6:30 - 7:30 pm Youth; 6 yrs & over 7:00. 8:30 p.m. Adult All Black Belt registered with Butoku-Kai of Canada For information please call the Recreation Centre at 235-2833 or Ron Tyndall at 482-3634 SPRING SPECIAL 6 Night Course Tuesday afternoon tea was served by Verda Baechlcr and Laurene Zehr, both tenants at Maplewoods Apartments. Rev. Roger Peebles, a retired United Church minister currently living in Exeter, conducted Thurs- day afternoon Chapel Service in the absence of Rev. Jack Patterson, Bayfield United Church. Fr. Mat- thias Wronski, St. Boniface Church, Zurich celebrated Mass. The residents will visit with their buddies on March 29 and Easter egg colouring on March 3 I . Geri Fashions Mobile Clothing Store will be at Blue Water on April 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Centralia Faith youth group play broomball CENTRALIA - The Youth Group of Centralia Faith Taberna- cle challenged thc adults in a game of hroomhall Friday night at the Hensall Arena. It was a close game hut the Adults managed to squeak the tic -breaking goal in, with only minutes Icft to play to win 6-5. Saturday, Faith Tabernacle host- ed the. Independent Assemblies Conference. The ladies provided a roast beef dinner to begin thc after- noon. Special music was provided by Sharon Parker and Cathy Prom. and Rev. David Elliot of London was the guest speaker. The Swictzcr family, Dale, Bren- da and thcir son Michael ministered in both the morning and evening services on Sunday. Seven-year-old Michael on the drums. joined his parents in a few songs. The "Siding Contest" winners will be announced Sunday morning with one person from each of the three divisions being awarded a prize. The last chance to make a guess will be Wednesday night at Lost and Found Club. The "Bible Search Contest" con- tinues until the end of April. The giris'ttave a very narrow lead over the boys. Points are being awarded each week for bringing their Bibles, finding Scripture, bringing a friend and learning the Books of the Bible. The Faithwalkcrs have been pre- paring over the past few weeks for Youth for Christ on Saturday night. After the quizzing a film will be shown. There will be a Good Friday morning service at the church at 11:00 and an Easter Cantata enti- tled "Don't Forget, about Mc" will he shown Easter Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m.