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Exeter Times, 1875-5-27, Page 3
Iron,WilUmN1044.9uS41). Ifvfl legle 04 for South "est1409e Tuokolft ky Inajolity Of ever 200. seteesee. garringti$biug on the St. Croie this seaSQU 15 540(1055h-114 there me t0appeale aoaaset the Ueseeeinent. The "Listings Ride Associetion is to have one of tbe finest firing ranges in she Dorninion. Mr. M. Regan, of Parolee, the well- known wilter on oil inatterr, pUrpOStin; 2,tftlting. 114 UAW paper tift Thunder Day, Te e,rietual meeting of tlie Canadian. Pi'ess,Assoeiation will be held ill Hanel!, ton thie yeer ; the date, liowe'Ver, 11(4 yet being fixed, Mi. Gateman, who hod occupied the position'of Sergeanteat-Anis of the Quebec Assembly sine Copfederetion, is dead. Legal honors werre th.;(31i" in Welland and. lsTerth Wentworth, daring the last eljetion. About eue-half the oonstitu- • ency seems to have been. "called to the A noyel horse case, in which jarnes Bell, of Caradoe, is prosecutor, and Georg,e Hynes the defendant, is excit- • ing 'censiderable intereet in Ingersoll from the fact that the horse W118 sold, resold and returned. Prof. Goidwin Smith lectured to the 1.,4Ondoners on Friday evening last, un- der the auspices of the, East Middlesex Teacher' Association; on the thirty. years' tyn.r. The leeture-woe listened to by about 400 persons. The London Rowing club has beep organized kr the season. A subscriptioa has been ppened at Ottawa. for the purpose of raising a monument to the, late Mr. O'Reilly. The London ilerald has donned a new drese and presents a good appear- ance. Swindling agents are reported around Brantforda fleecing the unwary with machl-ne and agency rights. George McKay, a well to do farmer of Priiiceten, wag 'drowned •in a naill pond on Saturday night last. A new disease has made its appear- ance among the horses of St. Luis. The disease is considered an influenza affecting the nervous system, sel'ine- thing liJe cerebro spival nieniiiitis in human beings. evertdprominettt medical men have given it as their opinicm that the disease was brought ou by atmospheric influences, and that it will undoubtedly spread. . The Postmaster -General has issued an order reducing, the Postage to and from atl Countries with -which postal conventions have been eon ell de d from ten cents to five cents for each half °mice or fraction thereof 'after July 1. Mrs: Dr. Casgraiu etc.:Windsor, was seeeerely injured on Ttnirsday ley being thrown from a buggy. Mr. James Scott of the 21n1 cons, North of Adelaide, wits bedly hurt hest week by a severe kik in the side from -a balking hose. • ' A child of Mr. Robert Jeff( rY, Centre. vnle, was severely burnedathe Miter des' an.1 the mother whih rescuing it wu. als ' ntjured.' A reteetil of $200 is offered • by the the GeorgetowL. Conimi3, for the arr. of Lh.0 arty w r•et t.te i You. e iq.,eeeliorttime aet- Tee G tlt F )reto: li 1.1. a esand f,” itiondey eext, eed 1ouibere of tli brother. leeed e :14t( d from LC, doll f S Bran tfOrri leke part in the ra.oceedii One ,day lattely Buby:ki.iot 8P1 t t iaod tt. plortglr iii- a piece f f gr iiod WI It'll ]r1 never Leen ploreslietiliefore, and to the surpri-,e, of an dee oeasieb,iehood, the plonen teen ploughed up abo at 011 e lin d red lin Ella ti 81:11lls. 011 Saturcllay mcruing la4 a 'baggage . car on tbe Great Western took fire et. Paris, arid its contents were 'completely destroyed. • John Josey, ef Belleville; sentenced to de ill it tne late asetzes for the mur- der' of a youlig woman, has lied his sentetice commuted to imprisonmeei for life. G u elph.' s iicone frOrn Market fres, butchers' stalls, drill shed and Outside show license 121 5,200. Branford i--renlizes about 4,00 from. the same sources. The Box Grove woolen rnilis were destroyed., by fire on the 18th inst. It is supposed the fire was caused by Spontaneous ,combn stion " An intoxicated man named Benn- bridge, of Darlington. fell from a load of timber the other day an was so .badly crushed by the wagon that he cannot recover. On Saturday lemming, the body cf a fernale child, about three months old, was found floating in .the river, near awing bridge. The child had a large stOne tied .rend its neck by a cord, and no doubt ,ha,e. been thrown into the river by its tinhumen mother. Susei- cionsrestecl on a girl nareed Lizzie Wil- liattisas the mother of the child, who came to Napaelee some three ,months ego, and telegrams were sent to Belle- ville for hersarrest: She was brought to Napenee for trial. ' There is to be a monster Orange celebretiort in Guelph on the 12th of Two young boys of Hamilton were tientenced to three years' imprison- ment in the...Reformatory at Peitetan- guishene for stealing a gold wetch and chain. ' *ye° hurtdted ne)d sixty women of NeW Glasgow, Nova Scotia, have pub- lished an appeal to the liquor dealers of that place asking them to give up their business. ' Cardinal McClogkeywas presented with diamond arose valued at $20,000 by twenty-nine yeung Indies who were contirined by him on Friday last. Dencort Joseph Moyer, of KeenO Nev lIempeldre, widle laboring tinder a fit cif ineanity, set fire to his liettSe, hfs wife barely tn luef 'escape, and afterwatels cut big own throat. The result of the Item ilton elections is 28 f0110W31 Wosel 1,052; Irving, 1,088 Witton 1 599 • Browne 1 519. Rev. W..B. Affiscle was on Friday hist presented with o eninplimentury eddrese, ten alhuie eotitainittg severe] Call it 'C'ja1.3 V10W14 and a it er (Isom° travelling voliee fiiiielied its silvee ttr furnished in stiVer fittinge by (he tetn- p(trfinee tnen of Toronto. ifr. Attlee]; • will elioefly leave for England. Tile New ident,Govenor. yr, 1), A. Ittecdoneld Waeeint netireted rPridtiy 1o4* Quito a number of people wit. nOtsoill ph* oeretaoriy. a Literal SayS a society for the prevention of cruelty to Waldron by nurses who deceivo 114' mistresses is needed in TQW4tP, A sac' tragedy occurred iu the { oyo- ship of Saltfleet t1t week, Mre, Wl jeans lefooee, el 'Woodburn, left her home, and, leaving her youngest child at the house of her mother, and wan- dered, to the lake ono arterneon and spent all night along • the shore, In tho morning, she drowned hcrielf and Wi1,8 found hy one of the nolehbors Mg across a jog in the hike. The body was warm when taken out, but Winks to reetiseitate Lee 1.11181100080.11. Slie had left a look of her hair for her husband, with inetructious cencering her burial. She was the mother of seyeral children. Le its notiee of the late Rev. ,Tdel Briggs, whose body was found in the Toronto bay about two weeks ago, the Elora Eaprese sa,ys ; "His residence here up to Tune last made hie tom and time familiar to all who are likely to - read this notice, and there are none, even of those who were temporarily estranged from bim, who will not eym- Pathize with Ids family in their sorrow. In losing him, the Wesleyau Church has caese to regret the putting out of one of its brightest lights. For rears he was connected with the temperance movement, ai4l Silt in the chair of the G. W. P. of the S. of T. He excelled as a temperance lecturer, and did good work in that direction, and his cheery manner, free from intolerant bigotry and vulgar violence, helped to turn many an unfortunate drunkard. from his downward course. For isome time Mr. Briggs enifered nervous pros- tration, induced- by an accident in which he sustained severe spinal and crebral injury. He was advised to use chloral for the purpose of allevia- ting his troubles, and this appears to have hastened the catastrophe instead ef averting it. GREAT BRITAIN. A. special correspondence to the Daily. egrapli reports that the Ger- Mae, .ambassador at Brussels has been ing`trected to request the Belgian Gov- ernment 4o Drol.fil7ib religious proces- sions', and that the object of this amen- ceitYre is the overth W of 1 im Brlgian 'Cabinet. The correspondent guaran- tees the accuracy of the report, The Eti*a r mentions a rumor that 11.1r; Disraeli inzelifl's to -resign • at the .Close Of the session, and believes that there is foUndatifni for it; as the Pre- eniers disability for contirmous work is 4,111.aging the goveriain t. An under- standings however, exists " aneeng his supporter's thots lie shell 1.1 Ot lie replac- ed until, lie voluntarily resign 5. Judge Kerseli, la,fore whoin Om elec- tion petition 10 IntS deOided. that the litte -John was dis- qualified frore holding te seat in the Parliament been teoi be was a .fe*r and alinm. A 011 01100 for appeal to the Court of d Ph3os \vas granted-, and the case will poine up again ,next week: nA1LWAY UONSTItinCTION.—The 1I10- greS8 being trutdo in the' construction of the Loudon, Huron & Bruce Railway has liken so far satisfactory. that track - loving will be commenced on the -1st of june, and if uo untoward events occur. ,queli 11.5 thEY corning 011 of very bad earlier, the sr ita,1 bd laid as far as Llx-eter by the beginning of Sopletubet .ext. The grilatE.,,st activity ut present, s seen 00 the two most sonfeerly sec - ions, on IVitilIl 450 men and 162 teams are 111 Wid..k. As the Work grtes, .an, the opportunity for the eniploy- ment of larger, forces will present it ..e11. And the Satisf.tetOry pi:off:tress dins far is an earnest of that which e, ill yet be accomplished. A trein of 11 Lt -(4t15 has bee33 see t to M( utreal to seceive the first instalment of 6,000 tons of eteel sidle sent oat frem Eng- land itt anticipation of the °peeing of naeigation, and will be on the retUrio trip next week with their louses. The' lle,WS is of a gratifying kind, because it conveys the CO of the good faith. of the Great Weetern to finish the work rid) promptness. The continnal (seeds that have been made concerning the enterprise sink into well -merited instrnifi car ce 10 the ..ace, of the actual and industrious construction whieli is ,,oirw on. The best answer to all the aspersions that have been caet tenon the locel directors encl. Great 'Western Couipany hes in the frank performance of tbe work in bend. ' Beettl'elec-- 110 3S—In Rodgerville, on the 233.5. inst., Mr. Gavin Ross, ttged years. Conngt -In •Exeter, on 25th ins, 31Ir. Joseph • Corbet, aged 87 years. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM - n3 warranted to break up the most troublesonte Cough in an incredible short tnno. There is no remedy that C11,11 show toore evidence of roal merit than this Balsam, f or curing Consumption, Coughs Colds, Asthma, Croup, &c. It excites exn6c3era- tion, and causes the lungs to throw off the phlegm or Mucus; changes the secretions and purifies the :Blood ; heals the irritated parse ; gives strength to the digestive organs; brings the liver to its proper Fiction, and imparts strength to the whore • ystem 7816 introduced to the suffering public, after its merits or the positive euro of such diseases have been fully tested. The formula froth which it is prepared ds referred to by the leading medical joornals as being equal to any that can be made up for such diseases L y the me lical faculty. The Balsam is, consequ- e.A, ,,eommendea by physicians everywhere. sou by all druggists. Price $1 per bottle. ,P581111 DAVIS & SON. 1111111MINTIFIIIIIM, ,ZallanieWelelM T, • H. z B. 600 IVIEN WANTED -to carry away AIM ALL ragns ov Cal\TIFECTIOIN"1-rY (Plain arid Oreamental) BRIDES CAKE MADE TO ORDER I' Special .t.lettltion paid to Orders for Parties, etc y The stibseribrat ivrrold • also autionnee to the people of 3110ete3 and vicinity that he has 011 hand an hinaN-ot 'GR -0 E R 0 Tea, 011.111101130serpaSsed fel' their quality and flalor. Sugars, Currants, ihaiofo,i, to' hticcoeS, Also, all lthidtt oi e C-lassware nt411iir re, rys, etrt. All kin,r1.1, Of Prodeee token' 11 exelietv ftir &Mts. Remninber I016 pleco--Nexf, floor' to Belf,m'a Diag Store.; Bread vtired in all parts' of the town free of chtt1,00. et Not. 1e, 1874, DELL * l'iS" ,E1114,' B. h seueat $ $e to 09 'Int; 'Wheat 8.1 to 1311 , Oats ••• 3- ti to 4.0 110tatoes 00 to so rsitii — ,a.it to 79 1,44g4 ,,, 1'1, to 1.0 13utter - - 10 to 10 Viotti' per bbl,,., 000 to 6 00 12 to All 14 to 16 . • 7 OU i.,( 71.) 4011 to 0)0 0 00 to 0 001 • 70 to 1.7) -. 10 3)0 to 14 00 ..,.. )13 to 1.01) kiro43.0,' Miens s. Sheepskins- Ditod Apples,. Lard,. ..„ 14 to hi S1. Poihl wheat, pot bussel 8pring wheat iNeas 00,03 E33f0, P0000700 Inetter 86 to ea 00 to 05 00 to 05 ... 10 74 40 to tit .(28o lt to ',la ,73io' 00 0 01 to 101 7 79 to 0278 1 C(i.,`V., ... White tt'lleti,t....,,,...,.,.,,:, .....,..,. 68 to 00 Siwing.,, ...... ,...,...,,..,...„ .... , .. ., . ... : 88 to 00 Outs_ . . . ... ...,..„. ...... • „ ,.„, , ,, ..„ .„ .- 0 30 to 0 4t Pcn (070 10 00 13Biaititejr..„„ -„...... ...... ..,...,... ..... ,. 17) to o 910:j 1.07330,1)31 doze». ....... _. .... - 11 te 13 P011,1.0 0S. ... .,, ....,.‘,...„.„,„,„.... 75 40 () 75 11.10,"111'(.01 w „,.. , .. , . . - ........... .. . .... ..... ... 9 to 7 12 to 13 00 to 14 00 Tiinotliy seed.. , o 25 to 3310 Glover good ....„.„.. .... . ..... ..., ..... „o 00 to 0 75 \\toot-- .... ......- .... „. .... -.....,,;„. 111 to tso ----------------------------------1.shoopsicitisoo to a 80 illeicolois.. .. , ... . .. . .... ..„ ..... .,..-- ... -.. 0 00 to 0 50 Pork ' 7 00 to 7 50 ipri (a:lailisowy h e.......0:at... ,., i. GE:A IS T.0,. N• s 51 .„ 70 80 to l5 to 70 -, t to 'c'' $ t8 §pring Whe1 71 4."3 Eggs Butter ..,... lo 15 15 10 Wool ,, 87 37 LONDON. NVhito Wheat, per cental.,. ••• " Treadwell.......,- Red Winter Wheat__ -...-•..."• • „ ' •• ,. Spring Wheat- -...-•...-..."'..."'...; • 1 05 301 70 100 to 178 1 00 to 100 1 50 301 CO 1 0010 1 80 1.2030120 185to 1 42 SEAPORTII. Fall Wheat ......,..'..."' ...... . .... ,.... . 80 to 87 Spring wheat. - - 62 to- 87 Oats 0 38 to 40 Barley , ••• •• •'' 75 to 80 Peas 0 72 to 75 11u tor 0 20 to 20 Eg gs 13 to 14 CIINKEIIIIRWC. esassaucesse —1873. NEW SPRING GOODS AT THE 'Popular House" Owing to the deprossien ni ti ade, both in Care da vati' Id, Ili Si ales, tlie immultetni aLt whok sal inenhavo tun fineed to dispos of their Stooks for CASE: . without reference to Even the Cost Price of the Material. Wra. McIntosh & Co haying cleared their Winter Stock, through their veay successful sale, were no tho best post-dbie position to take advantage of this state of the markets. Their Spring Stook has been bought much earlier than usual, and under all the ,advantages which Cash and maul ed ex- , pericnoe can command, the full Benefits of which are given to their Customers. New Tweeds New Denims N ew hirtings N ew Cottons New Prints Jackets at Priceg never before beard of. W. McINTOSTI & CO. ST, MAR 'Z'S, ,Allanh 11, 1875, 80-1y The Dornmion Organ WoQdbam- Shop ny =PASIZPIE174, ,Blaulttocitiror 04,110 krIleras, wool Inform the iolutt,iton.ta of 1,1a• borne ond 313338 he 11,10 on halal Ulla p.r0.1,olca 1140.11.1,1:1.L0 11110 UWT AND UARNESS$ and those in want 00 1133730131(1 an Ins lino will study t1,101r 0111). 111t1a0S4S i.j1-0:44 him 0 call bo- inszilaitter40110, ills 013)0 whoro., Itelmirintt 1071,a.1311-11tkt,li • .ffilIE D,MoGLOOHLON -WATCH -L is the U0St1 11 the TO erlMt. 130 811r0 311(1 -ant th0 nt Mo 9 loch lon 'watch. Moro buying. Yen will have no other after see- ing them, who wear them recommend them. Ciotti and Silver, Ladies ana Gentleman's sizes. 77 Dunclus Stroob, London. See tho testimonials. The largest, bostand cheapest stook of Eno Gold Jewelry, Caocks, Silver, and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Stc„ e330., in the Provinco. Repairing of every description. W. D. IlinGLOUCHLON. 77Dundas st., London, 008, TIUBLIN HOIJSE • CORNER OF 2 Frank and William Streets, London. The above 'Total has boon rented by Mr, Isaac White, and thoroughly refitted for tho comfort of the traveling public. Good lieners and cigars at the bar. Attentive hostler always in attendance. IsAAC WHITE, Prop. . Luctm, A -era 15,187s. c -171206,06i -..4"Cet d Ceqf t2, 7 a9z rr/..) , . e c../nsfaite; Fis No T.Acti.u, olxsALL ANL/ 1010T.241'3. J. CURD 114. SON Dundas Weer, London, Ont., WINO 11"'" 0170,1e' 076 ,000 1Io 'A 131401W 020.0100 (loom, eitentWl" quality tor boy 8, 001111) ri§41 (4 III 1110613001 i 1 1 Iwo Pao. Joitittdhltals,%stit, ma bt to43,1toe 1, Ptisitotth I waking and 0)illinen Nets, 5.1-61iO3a310$0 Fisnipti 1111119, 04)83e33.14nen,130adc11 Linos, whit() 11.thir.:itor tow 0114, 'Tv [St ed H.11; and Oiled Sill; 141.03‘ 401Aq hoolt:4, 1,o(Ma, 0) a 01 0411.111,, 11003)8 69 A1t6, 11 001i% 40 pinto tying gui,L.Mop hy 15,33 yard stelers, iitrutaittal 311,08, .1008, (8pt), 194:8 141)(1 1313811 .\`91.1,Ur 060„ otoo 9f0,- 11io13ilay ittost tea' Prioe list. HAS RECEIVED THE FOLLOW., 1NG GOODS PER SS, GREECE. 4 Beles Brulsols Carpet 0 Bales Tapeetry Carpet 5 Bales Persian Carpet 4 Bales 3 -ply Carpet 8 13ete$ Kidderminster Carpet 0 Beles Union Ctirpet 4 Bales.(ienadian carpet 4-4 English Oil -cloth 6-4 English OiI-clotli 8)4 English Oil -cloth' •10-4 Englieh Oil -cloth 12-4 Engliew Oil -cloth 15-4 Englieh Oil -cloth • • 24 feet English Oil -cloth 1 011,80 Persian Damask 1 Case Velvet Damask 1 Gen Repp Damask 1 Case French Damask 1 Case Piano Covers 1 Case Table Covers t 200 PACKAGES GENERAL DRY oops. EXalii[HE .OUR STOCK when purchasing, as noone will do better with you'. It, S. 'MURRAY. No. 124Dundas St. LONDON. No. 120 Carling St. Zjaetes eal MC M4t 'eet Ct.! t51/3 ...4(Zga air tt,,, 62,14ettO, Wa1ed.;a46- 0, co O .jat:ede4ve ta?et4 Of 4- 0 0 esiel,404 IX" et to dec.., Ire I efjo if 0 0 0, 0 C . -,..-(/6re,./ /fed ----- cetZ ef..t if 111(;?1,C(7 at Me iezte ,s5" atite/ e 4 ce2tt. fec 4 et tt ((1(d07 er'1;.tfa t,...14 1,4 all et c/117J (.1 1;11:;/itt0711.:(1,, 110M1NION GUN SHOP AND M- S, PIA: PAW- CRY. BOWMANVILLE, ON T. ORGANS, • ORGANS, ORGAN- 8, _ Call and see our I bT Splendid Success Taking Everywhere Immense, Number Sold. N. B. --=01d. Instruments taken • in exchange, for new. --- instruments consfantly On hand at .1. Drew's Furniture Ware -r0011. Music Stools from 51 . to e5 each. " Send 'for Circular to , EXETER, P. 0. ' Agent, • PUBUG CAUTION. Holloway's Pills and. Ointment aro neither manufactured lz0r 1.01(1111 any part of the TInitoti 8-60,08, although they MEIN 11,0pbtAintAl the13,1)t. Arn,tican provinces. rtaen pot a tiel box licoys the Brititit overumett,t Stamp,lvith. the wordo,'.110110- way'o Piil and 0intinert1,1,000I0n,'entotaved there- on. It has become 00008)3))7 t0 make atonotin.; coment, bocauSe the NOW YOrkedlinniCal flothp(1ny (0)10pay nobedy) finding at hal; GI at their name ban been so exposed, have assumed the title of lionoway & Co ;" but, even now, 110 0110 0)11 1)17 their medicines direct from them, So 'that they 1.10N0 111E1410 1001(17111(1 (1118 to .3.coldtly exclusively the Jinn 60 81.059)9 lioury et; de., Of New York, With their so-called ay'11311$ and Of ntano rit," It is presinned that from the large oonnoiltion Meg. 338 lienry & Co. have in 600 1(11110) Provinces and elsewhere, the public 18 very 1110e17t0 be imposed Upon bytunseidtpulonS venders And others. unkss 8 -Ty exoreiso great caution to .111'0VOnt that" 001/18 riaslecl, by finding titec medicines ,bcaring.11 snoop with the name of Ilelloway St Co., Nevi York, ' printed thereon, Many respectable fOrnI in the l'rriti61). Provinces 0) 10 01)11131, My medicines direct from here, hive very properly suggested that I Should, for the benefit of themselves and the' publie'Aintert their mints in not: papers,. 3.1 at it may bo known that mediolnes eon be d 1)13 0) Inc fro8,A1 Loin 0.the ±ollowing 1031 1163 of the firms to ; (11)5.7 particularly 1900311010)1 those 100e0efre to got 1)17 modichufs to apply to some of toe 7101:161.,5 csars. Avery, 33rown Itulintx, 'N. 8; ilrefy.rft. V()) syth ,Ct Co,, 7i. 8, Messrs,: 'I., 1,3 Parker & 03 dolm, 73 13; 110, 38 Hes Br'isay, arlo tie own, P ES; Messrs. Loo y 5.10. Victoyi 1q088/,8. C; l0 fl Client in, 8001; Messrs, Mtroto C Mo.ntrectI; ';dessri., J. Winer & 30., anfiton; Mr, lt Ttoso, 'termite; Mr. A Cbip3 Man Smith, 336 3oho. 0 13; Mr, Jelin llo bet, (101tu ler, ",.• 11.1656tra.16.10)1(to., ,1010,36; 0)80, 31..31101,8r, St 4(1(30, .10fosnaP,. ilanington Dres„ St John 80 .71 ; NY' It ".1 dy, 03,4- Nftia 0.ey t,),10 8,4 7) 114 George (mi)t, )0., Vrodriekten, N 1.3 80 1)111 ['holm lieu, 1001,11 Onice, N 7'; Mr j 80 lifry„litted3-161ctrar,tN `, its)Sys 0))",41 vele; li.inattreal, The matliontes eve sold at the lowest wholesale nett prionS, 111 (pia attics Of nob 1 30 than ,±23:t060311 ---1t0'., 86, 0,, We., and 218,,per 37883)n be/toil Of Pill or pots of Ointment, for Which re- thittitnec roust be 8ont 111 ant! TWO, '('181)805.1 1 1.0 r.,T,itYw, ilicintsts mid ent r vendors 03 ifollowny's inno 1(111 (611 Ointment May 0) .1)) WO' hampg inian toil 3,00 16881 paper if tlicy 80-0 0) 68 apply' bore,t-505,, thitford-stqW fittendon, Veibrual:y: 18,1876 • W..SOP 'Mann facturor of and dealer in ig III'S., Spar .11ilercirrrs Pistols, Fishing Tackle, mid Hunters' supplies Gnu -stocking done in fixst-class style. Pin -fire linos 11 .91111 no Central F•ign of tho Gnu and. Golden Noy, CLARENCE 't., between nundas and King, London. 75 ly. New TaVor Shop. .2e:k © A "It 122 N j.ES to intimate to the inhabitants w ifoXv0.$4tilac:qt:1; rid V10111113 that he has opened Ile IN REAR orBiasca i's ilaticAtt.r419op where by strict attoution to bush IOSS l hopes merit; 1 :fair share 013,31410133170, A GOODFIT GUARANT.L'ED. a- A , SI)1):'O1.4L:11. W. McARTNEIY. EXETER !TEAM EALE efaftEE. FACTORY GEO. C 0 rri TLE MANITPACTUltint, 77'ooden I:Iarvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork I-landles, Grain Cradles gg ETC. Fre will have r,eacly for -Vic 00111104 harvest, the coletirtited. Sulkey Hay - Rake A Novelty in this section. wilt 011(1 08 to Their Adeentage, te ;lay their Steck front MR T. tot prop.ered to (7983 81'),)) teem es reossiea- lay as any other eStablishmon ft, 11,.11 30 give 1)1010111 (1110)110180 all 0011.8r5, NVIIOLESALlil & ltETAIL. uz'salsz u kinds )flu do spud11G7 too bitsiness, GEORGE COTTLE ExOter, April 8,1875, 82-011 ENTI`Eit PUMP V.t.(1`011.1( 11 -AIN ST1ZET',. ono door south of - . tee niettemee uotterticicTstusti 68 11811+1 1 numhor 0,8 1. ronns, OrtlOrs (11101. 001 ho ,8113>33083, 3,0 300, 81,,..1.1H.N1.(.001) 118 "0) WOPli 081I0o6011a 1, 80, '11,--A iage 'TO tlfty of 0 inch 1 stuff foe punipmeltors* use for notent 701180 80I.ITI0001".1% NOV, INTERESTING. JflIDIC&L men say that nothing is -so 1111- .L1 110(131113 to good health as a room com- fortably warmed. Th, season of year is now at hat trl when you wiltrequire the very best TOVES r'• is B1SSETT BROS. beg to say that they have just received one or the largest stooks in the county, consisting of Stoves of the very latest nesign and the best manufactures, which 0)1'1LL BE SOLD IlEASONABLY C /MAP Their aim ig and al ways has been to satisfy cus- tomers. Hardware, Tinware, Copper -ware, etc. always on hand. Also the V7 a r v.. 00 ic e nna 1,000 LB SOALESZOB, 518. 91d ralgg:CoPper, iron, etc., bought. BISS trf BROS. 75) SPRING (75 Gents Furnish'ng: AND GENERAL htit Estahhshniont , RE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN - n mkt) that ho lifts j nst received a splendid assortment of CAMAINAM ISCOTCH &'EfiGLISH 1EMDS BLACK BROADCLOTHS, & DOESKINS, ETC., which for STYLE - AND TJALITY WILL BE HAR4, TO BEAT I: AJ 14 0 I N G DepartMent is replete, with every modern itn- proveVent and furnished monthly with rAfiZIXON PLATES American Styles and Guts. Alt work' guararitotd, Mid out in the most ' fashionable style. " Call Early, and sec the choicest and best se- lecead stocks 311 towil, aria offering at, low fig. taros for,timb, 8011TE00ler. Exeter; April 15,1875. tt. rfH11iAVORITL LINE CHANCTIll OF 'PROPRIETORSHIP , CROIVLEY ,ANI) VLANA.GA.N liatting bought oat .111awkshaw, 'have Good .Iforses, comfortable Stages and Fast Time, Those Stitt/ea are &Mtn by Ile most acce dating Of driver% mai leave n16. T1IF LON1)(rIk1 0066,5. 6,0,01.1110011, 113 2 p.m., arriving In 7,110811 it ocnnact with trains- fOr tate cast PIO wesi si.d connecting in Flu et With the Clinton Mar v'S steites. " 141AVt MiliTERAROIlt 4-00 061111001,111g, 03 idierm ftrul London stages anti 61'16119, T111) curve'', NV. 01100134, PA'lf 7 LANACtAlST, 17iiver. 11.0 .S) ANTED TO lelfiAliN PIAN (t7)14(. 8tie4t tome a fair Lnglish 01711801. (1014, Allay at th ie office J1111 •DREW 'N bo Minos that he tta0 lately Purchased the Stock of Mr. E. Drew eon sirtiog ClIOICE LOT OF ttitNITURE of every description tittle. malting his present stook The Liargest and Best North of Liondo He has also purchased Mr. E, Drew's SPLE1TX:4113 weiell is estimated. to be ono of the 101058 111 the Dominion, and he is therefore prolatred 80 3133011(1 funerals, 11.11(1. FURNISH ALL REQUISITES AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE! Coffins Shrouds, Etc., always on hand, & furnished reasonably oig3 Frid tit G12,01:tG Fashionable BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Sign of the Big Boot, Lucan, Ontario, IXTOULD acquaint the inhabitants of this and the surrounding emit: y, and those visiting V V litican market, that he has on hand a large stock Of Boots and Shoes ok MS Own man. IttiletIll'e also imported work which ho CAN SELL AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION, and taint he is prepared to do order work second to 510110, a. he employs none , but First-elas workmen, and uses nothing but First-Olass Stock. • Luortn, October 22, 1874. G. CATHCART. (01-y1) CREDITON NnrC)OLEZT MILLS'. W. R ttlie mibscribers, in returning thanks to the farming public for the 113aral patronage be. Cre pest in t A0011 NVo don would beg to state that they 1300 ESEL LEP, slowed upon them. he 'year at the el- Protposo ,cordinning to work therrt during the coming simmer. having leased them for a 11 111111101` Of years, hoping to give in the future the 031(1(0 8)1810)1301101) as in amplest. Carding, Spinning, NVerIviiig, tttialfanttfacturin,g• 1111 0/ ,11006a 4 , S, itt0, 46116 011 the shortcetnotice, mid at lowst 133te8. T," tltM, JOHNSTON hops, of Zutielt Ceediteee April 15,1t70, 84-xta1 G G STATiONEIZ, et er. reeetereeie Intel t 3833)107407 104443 Wet SELLINO -CHEAP! And ()LAI' co,iitootitip now etoahles 1,32 310 I., Ciou3133 130101e Our .r3t330)4, 43 Plaeli:o$ THAT SUIll.)RISrl'-' OLD FAST 01V6`,COAIEW3^ - T11o438 Iloary, Wide Grey Cottctris At ueli sn unusually low price; tolls the tale, as 1(031 115 5h.0 SIrt.tV they are carrn331 tt1,41,1 • , whole webs. lot el Ladies' FANCY EMBROIDERED SKIRTS! ftt 75o., 'worth $t.2. Eats°, value in GREY & BLACK LUSTRE S i'rdered and Beady -Made Clothing a speciality. gent gooa tweed sults for .8"-atlti1110$13 Coat, pants line°. Boots and $hoes at Wholesale Prices. 11ENDERSON & WHITE, 4 Successors to G. /3. Smith. W. (T. GILPIbT, $T, MARY'S, Tinsmith and genera dealer in stoves, plovrs glass 5.0. sze., Tinvvare, eopperware and galvanized iron very cheap. Cut nails, 44.50 Cooking stoves 414 and upwards The Curtis plow e850, , rr NEwEsT & BEST THING 01.11' IMpOrtal1t to every owner of a Building. Carson's Paint (improved Fire -proof.) Those who are In need of Paint should enquire for Carson's Improved Paint. It is Cheap and Fire -proof, entering the grain of the wood; it stops all small leaks in roofs, and preserves them against the notion of both t'ine and 'Weather. One coat is as ser- viceabl, I o of ccooammon paint, and two ts WILL LAST A LIFTIME JAMES PROUT, Agent, Exeter, N. B.—Wood taken ;n exchange for the pain A.13EATTIE &Co CD T5L` 10.- o 1-a 0 CD '4 1:1 Pga t" t-3 1-3 CD 3-4 0.) 1141 TL9T `9Z tiorej,l c+ 0 0 P CD txi ei- e% •cz %,..2 t2t 4-, 0 CD 5. TI- P 0 cr Cc.ii ;4, • cr. 0 ,t-_,' 5. &4-010 -,g, (1)02 on'el- l-0 o ce ce et - • t•• t-tA. CS- p o C)t= cr. o ,-, a, ao 001(0el- OD 196 5. t-ri '11 " 0 0 ei- 11_3 0 • P•la aa 171. CI) (.71 CD t<1 et- ca co, *I • 0 hd • 0 aq ST ne ffintes Every 17;urs;lay Morning r 71/1.. 051'101t., pP150$,-4 E 33A1,11%. ii2/7.1tIS sLttirt' ster°11;itaionunatmilu'etaYfoltrbleless8t11.11.111,1387111/114)&ndItir: IL4 '1'ES ale A.1)1110R2'ISINCI. ' Pirst InSortion ... . .. dto Fiach subsegnent iniortion per line„ , Advertisements of strayoa battlP, artitles loit or , not exteeding ten 11189-5.581 mentlit 3'3.00; ee.014 sttbsequent month, SOcents. Notices 6i -births, marriages and deaths ineekted ,Aditertisetinenta,without specflo direetions will he 0150130(1 1111 iottbid, and charged aceekdinglY. kirettifionients to be ineasuiod by a 803110 of ,430114 01011p330101. 3 134 qLr 6REPNEN ; Iyhofonowi.g,'1,308 will be Shaved for YettilY. 1,:)V:0161`biti:iltitlir1011:8:.* 400 .. .,0. .. . otm 7.081x, ttes. moo (tall ft ., 035 , . 1$ (batter ” as " . 12 8 6 IlusinetatearriS, six lineti and under., ;;Ltieritel.n Mub . tartmlloatro Taxtor daily for Interim 0)111 3308(1010 ; arei vidg. LA Liman ot8 (1111(3131 London at On, m. heaves London ter Exeter at 2p.m 88 (33)81.: silting in. lilxotot317 p.fn. stage§ leave Exeter ditilk for Clintett at 5 rem. ersteine in Clinton itt 715 3071, Lbairo Clinton 0.1.0». 111 arrive in Egetcr, a48080 13.111 01, 85.06100)0 Exeter -bit Tnorolays, Thuredavi 33110 1131(4(104(70 for 81,lifarsi'fi, tit a ttart.,artiving hti time for noon traitis gefitg test -mid west, Leave /461,'4 313 440 roll.; parietal .. tte tat at 300