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Times -Advocate, March 30, 1994
Coach Bob Parsons kept an
eye on last Tuesday's game.
Stephens will meet Otonbee in finals
By Fred Groves
T -A staff
HURON PARK - 1t was a
wild one. A game which saw the
excitement bubble over from in-
side the arena to outside in the
parking lot.
Playoff hockey came to a boil
last Tuesday night as the Ste-
phen Township bantams and
their fans hooped and hollered
as they now head to the Ontario
Minor Hockey Association ban-
tam 'E final series.
They beat Norwich 5-2 and
swept the series in a quick three
Stephen will now take on
Otonbee Township which is lo-
cated south of Peterborough.
As of presstime game dates
and times had not been deter-
'They have the same problem
we do, their ice goes out on Sun-
day," Stephen coach Bob Par-
sons told the Times -Advocate
late Monday night.
What is known however is
that with the distance to travel, it
will be a weekend series.
"If we can't come to an agree-
ment the OMHA will have to
step in," said Parsons.
Wild finish
Tuesday the Norwich fans
shook the glass around the
boards and they made it quite
clear, outside in the parking lot,
they were not happy with the
fact their team lost 5-2 and were
in three games
Bantam 'E'
The final few minutes of this
game took quite a while to play
as Stephen's Jeff Glover was on
the receiving end of a vicious el-
bow and Norwich's Jamie
Briggs attacked Jeremy Slater.
Although the visitors went
ahead 2-1, Stephen rallied back
and a couple of weird goals saw
them take the lead which they
did not give up.
A John Rutten shot hit the top
of the Norwich net, bounced
back onto the ice and captain
Jeff Glavin was there to put it in
to tie the score.
What proved to be the win-
ning goal came midway through
Exeter Belles are regional champions
KITCHENER - They may
have had only eight skaters but
the Exeter Optimists won the
Ontario Ringette Western Re-
gional Championship in Kitch-
ener on Sunday.
Winning the Belle 'B' title, the
girls opened with a slim 4-3 loss
to Dorchester then won 7-4
against Kitchener and beat
Owen Sound 7-4 in round-robin.
The championship game saw
Kim Farquhar explode for five
goals in a big 6-2 win over Dor-
chester. Danielle Miners had a
goal and two assists while
Heather Davies and Chris Mor-
gan also helped set up the goals.
Goalie Jana Webster made sev-
eral big saves.
In the first game against Dor-
chester, Farquhar had two goals
with the other to Miners. Mor-
gan had an assist.
Against Kitchener, Davies had
four goals and two assits while
Farquhar scored once and set up
four more while Miners had two
goals and three assists.
In the win over Owen Sound,
Miners had five goals and an as-
sist while Farquhar scored twice
and set up three more. Judi Wil-
son had a big game with four as=
Petites win
KITCHENER - Kerri Fulton
Exeter Optimists won the Ontario Western Regional Belle 'B' title on Sunday here are, front;
Jana Webster. Middle, left; Judi Wilson, Katie Armstrong, Chrissy Morgan. Back, left; manager
Heather Rideout, assistant coach Doug Miners, Janice Sanders, Katrina Brandt, Heather Da-
vies, Kim Farquhar, Danielle Miners, coach Ken Farquhar.
Invitational Tournament - Exeter 7 vs
St. Clements 6; Exeter 4 vs Kitchener
5; Exeter 3 vs London 8
Goals: Ashley Gooch (7). Chantelle Elder
13). Julie Farquhar. Shannon Postill. Ja-
mie Darling (2)
Assists: Postill (5). Karly Pinder (4), Dar-
ling (2), Denise Ritchie (2). Sarah Parsons
(2). Elder (2), Farquhar, Gooch (2). Mi-
randa Grenier, Jocelyn Stire, Amber
Preszcator, Shannon Baer
Excellent defence: Ritchie. Preszcator,
Grenier, Pinder
Great goaltending: Krista Hodge, Farqu-
Super effort by all players - excellent im-
provement during the year
"B" Silver Medal Winners
Round Robin - Game 1 - Exeter 7 vs
Chatham 6
Goals: Tracy Wilson (3), Julie Godbolt,
Sarah Wucrth, Melissa Hayter (2).
Assists: Alicia Lawrence, Jaclyn Bayn-
ham, Sarah Hamilton. Hayter. Kim Kel-
ler. Wilson
Game 2 - Exeter 6 vs Forest 4
Goals: Hamilton. Wilson (2), Hayter (3).
Assists: Hayter. Lawrence, Keller, Law-
rence. Hamilton
Game 3 - Exeter 9 vs Walkerton 5
Goals: Wuerth. Hayter (2), Hamilton (3).
Lawrence. Jodi Truemner, Wilson
Assists: Wilson. Hamilton, Lawrence.
Miranda Hayter, Wuerth, Hayter, God -
bolt. Wilson, Hamilton, Hayter, Bayn-
ham, Tnremner
Game 4 - Championship Game -
Exeter 3 vs Roves' 6
Goals: Wilson (2), Hamilton
Assists: Baynham, Hamilton, Wuerth,
Season Record
- 2i wins- 1 tic - 14 losses
March 25 - 'Euler 8 vs Owen Sound 4
Goss: Shawna Rowe (3), Amy Edwards
Assists: Pauline Brandt. Teresa Slim (2).
Meagan Raiz
Exeter 7 vs Seaforth 9
Goals: Jaime Palsa (2), Edwards. Rowe
(3). Mire
Assists: Stire (2), Preslee Maver, Ratz.
Palsa. Rowe (2). Edwards. Kelly Regier
March 26 - Exeter 5 vs Mitchell 2
Goals: Edwards (3), Rowe. Palsa
Assists: Stire (2), Ratz
March 27 - Silver Medalist - Invita-
tional Regional Finals - Exeter 4 vs
Seaforth 6
Goals: Rowe (2), Edwards (2)
Assists: Palsa. Tracy Taylor. Regier.
Rat/. Rowe
Regional Invitational Intermediate
Ladies - Fri. Mar. 25 - Woodstock 10
vs Exeter 2
Goals: Corlene Elder (2)
Assists: Kim Gray, Cindy Moore. Sue
Dorchester 4 vs Exeter 6
Goals: Jasmine Cote-Rifou (3). Cindy
Moore (2), Coates
Assists: Gray
Winning goaltender Michele Hodgert
Sat. Mar. 26 - Kincardine 4
vs Exeter 2
Goals: Suzanne Jansen. Cote-Rifou
Assists: Jansen
Great team effort - everyone played well
Exeter 3 vs Owen Sound 13
Goals: Cote-Rifou (2). Moore
Assists: Jansen, Coates
Sun. Mar. 27 Bronze Final
Kincardine 7 vs Exeter 5
Goals: Cote-Rifou (4), Moore
Assists: Elder, Jansen, Coates
Michele Hodgen played net for the lo-
Exeter Optimists are the regional petite 'B' Invitational champions. Here are front, left; Ann
Marie Parsons, Sarah Webber, Kelli Fulton, Pamela Keys, Krista Dayman, Lauryn Baynham.
Rack, left; coach Michelle Hodgert, Kerri Fulton, Robyn Etherington, Maggie Steciuk, Sarah
Hodge, Laura Skinner, coach Alan Hodgert; coach Greg Dayman.
scored three goals and set up an-
other as the Exeter Optimist pe-
tites won the Regional 'B' Invi-
tational championship on
Sunday in Kitchener.
Exeter beat Waterloo 12-2 as
Kelli Fulton played well in net
all weekend. Also having strong
games in the . final were Pam
Keys with two goals and an as-
sist while Maggie Steciuk had a
goal and three assists.
Laura Skinner scored twice
with one each to Lauryn Bayn-
ham, Sarah Webber, Sarah
Hodge and Robyn Etherington.
Krista Dayman helped set up
four goals.
Exeter opened with a 10-6
win over St. Marys as Pam Keys
had three goals and two assists
and Kerri Fulton scored twice
and set up three others. Dayman
had three assists.
In the 4-2 win against Mitch-
ell, Steciuk had two with one
each to Skinner and Webber.
Exeter beat Waterloo 12-3 as
Skinner had three goals, Ste-
giuki ,..f aynham: and Fulton net r-
ted"'tWo each .with singles from "
Keys and Webber.
Also scoring were Skinner
with two, Steciuk, Hodge and
the second period when Ben
McCann let go with a shot
which hit a Norwich defense -
man and went in.
Jeff Glavin led the winners
with two goals and a pair of as-
sists while Matt Glavin, Ben
McCann and Tim Morgan also
scored. Helping set up goals
were Rutten, Matt Glavin, Ian
Becker and Glover.
Another title?
Two years ago Stephen won
the peewee 'E' title and many of
the same players, now on the
bantam team would like to put
another banner up on the wall.
Parsons, who helped coach
the 1991-92 champions said his
team won't change their style
against Otonbee.
"Our guys have done a good
job and our goaltending is
good," he said of puckstopper
Jason Glavin. "They're a good
group of kids."
Minor hockey scoreboard
Stephen Minor Hockey
Tyke Mini Kings
March 26 - Year end tournament
Mini Kings 0 vs. Blyth 3
Goaltender: David Desjardine
Game tit - Year end tournament
Mini Kings 9 vs. Hensall 0
Goals: Ryan Masse (3), Tim Sheridan (3),
Matt Marten (2), Craig Sommerville
Assists: Marten (3), Edward Hearn (3),
James Sterling (2), Ryan Masse. Andy
Springall, Sommerville, Kent Nicholson.
Tyler Pfaff, Kurtis Masse
Shutout: Desjardine
March 27 - Year end tournament
Game 03 - 'B' final ,
Mini Kings 0 vs. Stephen Mighty Ducks 1
Goaltender: Desjardine
Great tournament and great season team!
Tyke Mighty Ducks
March 15
Seaforth 7 vs. Mighty Ducks 4
Goals: Jeff VanBergen (2). Greg Thomp-
son, Jeff Smale
Assists: Greg Thompson (2), Smale, Jason
Goaltender: Curtis Pfaff
End of Season Record: 8 wins, 4 ties and 5
March 26 - year end wrap up tournament in
Game 51
Mighty Ducks 1 vs. Zurich Dynamites 2
Goals: Jason Thompson
Assists: Cory Laye, Justine Knee
Goaltender: Pfaff
Game 52
Mighty Ducks 8 vs. Brussels 0
Goals: VanBergen (3). Smale (2), J. Thomp-
son, Travis O'Neil, Shane Wilson
Assists: G. Thompson (2), Laye, Knee,
Mike Gaiser, J. Thompson, O'Neil
Shutout: Pfaff
March 27 - year end wrap up tournament in
Game 03
Mighty Ducks 3 vs. Clinton 1
Goals: J. Thompson (2). VanBergen
Assists: Ryan Heywood, VanBergen, G.
olltender- Ptah
Game 04
Mighty Ducks 1 vs. Stephen Mini Kings 0
Goal: VanBergen
Assists: Knee. G. Thompson
Shutout: Pfaff
Mighty Ducks won the 'B' Final.All four
games were well played by all the boys with
some excellent passing. Goaltender Curtis
Pfaff had an excellent tournament with two
shutouts and he only allowed 3 goals in 4
games. Congratulations boys on winning the
'B' championship.
Novice Kings
March 24 - WOAA 'CC' division Consola-
tion finals
Kings 10 vs. Wingham 3
Goals: Jesse Schroeder (3). Jesse McCann
(3). Scott Davies (2), Roman Wilson, Colin
Assists: McCann (3). Schroeder (3). Shawn
Thompson (2). Kris Finkbeiner (2). Davies
(2). Brad Schenk, Wilson, Jason Stuckless,
Kenny Tilley, Dane Michielsen
Goaltender: Michielsen
March 27 - WOAA 'CC' division Consola-
tion Champions
Goals: Davies (3), Schroeder (2), Sander.
Finkbeiner, Wilson
Assists: Wilson (2). Schroeder (2), Davies
Goaltender: Michielsen
Congatulations boys, it was a welt deserved
championship! Have a great summer!
March 29: Novice Kings vs. Novice Parents
Atom Black Knights
March 22 - WOAA finals
Black Knights 2 vs. Blyth 4
Goals: Adam Glavin (2)
Assists: Rob Sandwith
March 26 - WOAA finals
Black Knights 3 vs. Blyth 2
Goals: Jeff Rollings, Adam Cyr. Sandwich
March 27 - WOAA finals
Black Knights 2 vs. Blyth 4
Goals: Ben Parsons, Glavin
Goaltender: Gary Sauder
Blyth wins the finals 2 games to 1
March 24 - Brussels tournament
Game 01
Black Knights 9 vs. Exeter 1
Goals: Brent Tatara (2), Parsons, Cyr. Cal
Delange, Rollings• F. MacDonald. Sand-
' with, Glavin
Gameb2f '
Black Knights 3 vs. Blyth 4
Goals: Delange (2). Tatara
Game 53
Black Knights 2 vs. Bayfield 3
Goals: Cyr, Tatara
Former world champion to put
on demonstrations in Exeter
By Fred Groves
T -A staff
LUCAN - It's not boxing and it's not karate.
Kickboxing is a combination of the 'two sports
and nearly ten years ago it was illegal in Ontario.
"The boxing promoters in Ontario felt threatened.
They were getting 400 or 500 out to a boxing event
and we were getting 7,000," said former world kick-
boxing champion Leo Loucks.
Loucks, now a Toronto police officer, was help-
ing out at the Lucan Karate School last Wednesday
night. This Saturday from 2-4 p.m. he'll be putting
on various demonstrations at Physiques in Exeter.
Kickboxing combines the punches of boxing and
the footwork of karate. Points arc scored like they
are in boxing, in other words when a punch is
scored, the fight continues.
"When you score a punch, that's when you go, not
stop," said Loucks a London native.
He is a black belt in karate and first started in
kickboxing back in the early 1980's. Loucks said in
karate as soon as a point is scored, the match stops
so the judges can award the point.
What hc noticed in the difference between karate
and kickboxing was that although he was a fairly
skilled and conditioned martial artist, when he
stepped into the ring as a kickboxer for the first
time, he wasn't in as good as shape as he thought he
Loucks retired from kickboxing as soon as hc be-
came a police officer. However, he still does a regu-
lar training workout.
"I still train in Kitchener whenever I can make it.
My schedule is pretty hectic."
In Kitchener he trains with his ex -manager, Ron
Day who is the son of former Exeter police chief
Ted Day.
"I try to keep in shape. There's no way I'm in the
condition 1 was when I was a fighter, it's hard to
maintain that."
When asked if he misses being away from the
sport competitively, Loucks said, "oh yeah, but I'm
35 years old. Last year I took an exhibition fight
and I was going to take a real fight but my priorities
are different."
Three times the champ
Loucks first won the world title on February 2,
1986 when he beat Cliff Thomas of Texas.
The ban on kickboxing in Ontario had just been
lifted and the bout at the CNE in Toronto, was the
first legal fight in the province in over three years.
He successfully defended his title three times and
in February of 1988, Loucks retired.
Although he was not a big supporter in the push to
bring kickboxing hack to Ontario, he said legislative
changes allowed the sport to return.
The reason the boxing promoters wcrc ahlc lo
have it banned was because prior to the changes.
Loucks said there was no legislature which said you
could both kick and punch in the ring.
"It (kickboxing) would fall under something like a
prize fight which was illegal," said Loucks.
Demonstrations: When Loucks and local karate
senses Dan Bell visit Physiques on Saturday the
will do a heavy bag demonstration, kick pad demon-
stration, a self-defence course and a women's sell -
defence program.
Former world champion Leo Loucks den7on-
strates a kick.