HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-03-30, Page 9COMMJJ!\UTY Easter in He,,saIl An Easter basket -making contest was held in Hensall Saturday morning, sponsored by the Hensall Kinette Club. Twenty-eight children submitted their handiwork for judging in seven cat- egories. Winners received cash prizes and every got a chocolate bunny. From left are par- ticipants Jennifer Anderson, Megan Bisback, Brittany Pilgrim, and Denise Bisback. Queensway residents hold birthday party HENSALL - Although thc weath- er is still cold and somewhat snowy outside, the residenbegan cele- brating spring tas4 week with trivia and quizzes abobirds, spring, etc. at Fun & Fitn The Legiofi Auxiliary sponsored pingo Monday and supplied a va- riety of prizes. Reverend John Hilhorn of Exeter Directory useful for Huron community CLINTON - Jane Muegge, new- ly elected Chair of the Huron Commynity Service Network, con - acted the semi-monthly meeting' on March 17 at the OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) office. The "Trading Post" occupied the first hour of the meeting, as mem- bers shared up-to-date information about their agencies, including workshops and seminars occurring during the next few months in all areas of Huron County. Reports from Treasurer Sandi Davidson on sales of the Huron In- formation Directory were encour- aging . Several members com- mented that the directory would be of particular use to churches, mu- nicipalities, physicians and other professionals in the county. "This hook could save people a lot of time when searching for con- tacts or preparing mailing lists," says Bev Brown, who served on the information committee. which prepared the directory for the Net- work. Directories arc available for $22 from most county libraries, the OMAFRA office and from in- formation and placement at 80 Mary Street in Clinton. A membership and community relations committee has been formed by the Network which will work towards informing the public on the activities of the Network. The Network has been ap- proached by the Huron Coordinat- ing Council for Youth and Chil- dren to provide networking opportunities for all coordinating committees in the County. Following a 10 -minute video "Nurturing Health". produced by the Premier's Council on Health, Wellbeing and Social Justice, a discussion took place on the deter- minants of health. The next meeting of the Net- work will he at 9 a.m. on Thurs- day. May 19 at the OMAFRA of- fice. Everyone is welcome. The Times -Advocate is your Winsor & Newton Fine Art Centre. Come in and see our super selection. United Church conducted this week's church service. His music associate. Deborah Wood, provided the musical accompaniment for the residents to sing hymns. At the March Birthday Party, happy birthday wishes went to Isa- bel Sproat, Grace Dinney, Blanche Stephenson and Marjorie Carey. Upcoming events April 5 at 7 p.m. The Christian Reformed Singers are visiting Queensway; April 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Geri Fashions will be dis- playing their clothing; Grand Cove Singers entertain April 26 at 2 p.m.; and April 28 there will be a Birth- day Party with Marie Flynn. Times -Advocate, March 30„1994 Page 9 Hensall United Church Children lead Palm Sunday parade. HENSALL - The March Break - Bible School children had a Palm Sunday parade at Hensall United Church. Junior ministers Leanne Erb and Tammy McClure read Words of Assurance from the Old Testament. The Children's Hymn was sung and the children's story was "Lent to Easter". The children sang "Our Fa- ttier". Junior ministers Stacey But- son and Laura Elder read from the New Testament. Several songs were sung by the children. March Break Bible School lead- ers were Joanne Rowcliffe, Pam Mallette, Mindy Bell, and Deanna Brock along with several assistants. A fellowship time followed the service. Hensall students raise funds HENSALL - Students at Hensall Public School were able to present the Heart and Stroke Foundation with a cheque for $100 just before March Break. The money was raised through a lunch box auction and the cheque was presented to HPS teacher Lorne Rideout, a local Heart and Stroke representative. rBE A REGULAR Ami BLOOD L DONOR Maunday Thursday service with communion will be held Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Blessings Un- limited in Zurich, are asking for volunteers. Plans are underway for the Beef Supper on April 13, with sittings at 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Call 262-2304 or 262-2935 for more information. The Friendship Circle April 4 at 8 p.m. The Senior Sunday School Class and Worship committee are in charge of the Sunrise Service at 7 a.m., April 3. Everyone is wel- come. Generous support was for the Food Grains Bank. Carmel Presbyterian church Sunday, at Carmel Presbyterian, Rev. Mark Gaskin conducted com- munion service. A Maundy Service will be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The P.C.W. will meet April 4 at 8 p.m. Garbage schedule There will be garbage pick-up in will meet —Hensall on Thursday, March 31. Garbage should be to the curb by noon on Thursday to ensure pick- up. There won't be blue box collec- tion on Good Friday. Regular col- lection will resume Friday, April 8. The Hensall Landfill Site will not be open Friday. April I. Regular hours will resume April 2. realized Easter Sunday Service will begin at 11 a.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1994 Huron Satellite Systems RR 3 Dashwood Will be re -locating to 592 Main St. S., Exeter 235-4042 As a Goldstar dealer we now sell TV's, Stereo's and VCR's. We also offer repairs to most makes The pillage of Lucan Recycles More! "Blue Box" recycling has been on- going in your community and now you can recycle snore. It's part of an important project to help reduce waste that goes into landfill sites and to conserve our precious natu- ral resources. And you can be part of it. Simply collect and store newspapers, glass bottles and jars, beverage and food cans, household plastic con- tainers, and boxboard and cardboard for blue box collection. Then put it on the correct side of thc road for pick up on your collection day. You should have al- ready received detailed information re- garding the materials - - collected and the ~` proper way to place mate- rials at the curb through your regular mail distri- % bution. Our recycling program can only be a success if we all partici- pate. If you have any questions, call the Bluewater Recycling Associatit,n Hotline at: 1-800-265-9799 Recycling. It only works if we all do our part. Collection in the Village of Lucan will be weekly on Thursdays beginning April 7, 1994. Please have your Blue Box out before 7:00 a.m.