HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1994-03-23, Page 23,/ikt(boome tilanaan IFaalAl ie nlesirms FOR SALE 99.61 acres cash crop farm. Tiled and all workable, McGillivray Township, 4 miles southwest of Centralia. For more information phone 228-6391 or phone 228-6226, or sealed tenders can be submitted to Little & Grant, 71 Main Street N. Exeter, Ontario till 12:00 noon local time on Wednesday March 30th, 1994 with a 52500.00 certified cheque. The highest or any tender may not be accepted. Household, antiques & Misc. Items Saturday March 26 at 10 a.m. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter We will be dispersing household effects from the Lucan home of Mrs. Gordon Atkinson along with additions from Grand Bend. HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUES:8 pc. dining suite incl. ext. table, 6 chairs and buffet, several chests of drawers and dressers, high back oak bed, cedar chest, plant and parlour tables, settee, hall tree, wal- nut drop leaf table, wooden kitchen table and 2 chairs, 2 old base- ment tables, chrome table and 4 chairs, chesterfield and chair, treadle sewing machine, blanket boxes, modem pine dry sink, floor lamp, several odd chairs, Admiral fridge, 24" elec. range, Inglis auto washer and dryer, Gilson chest freezer, humidifier, air conditioner, Eureka vacuum with power head, several good beds, apt .size dryer, coffee and end tables, card table, folding picnic table and benches, lawn chairs, small appliances, kitchenware, washtubs, oil lamp, Orange Crush and 7-Up clocks, crokinole board, some bedding, books, fine china and glass incl. pressed glass, china cups and saucers, Germa- ny etc. hand and garden tools, riding lawn mower, excellent push gas mower, F.M. wireless microphone system by Radio Shack, computer and games with printer, monitor, and keyboard, golf clubs and hun- dreds of useful and collectible items. Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 for viewing CLEARING AUCTION SALE 4 tractors, threshing machine, farm machinery, slab silo, travel trailer, misc. items etc. to be held for Dorothy Oesch. Go 2 1/2 miles east of Bayfield then south 2 miles on Zurich Road. $aturday. April 2 at 10:30 a.m. TRACTORS: Farmall M tractor with power steering, wide front end, hyd. outlets and 3 pt. hitch, Cockshutt 540 w/hyd. bucket loader, Ford 8N with side mount distributor, Farmall Super C with 4 row scuf- fler and bean puller. MACHINERY: New Holland 328 2 beater manure spreader (good one), MF #9 hay baler, Little Giant 32 ft. hay and grain elevator with electric motor, new Idea hay conditioner, New Idea PTO trail mower, Geo White single auger snowblower, 2 gravity boxes on wagons, Keewanee 15 ft. wheel disc, Kongskilde 8 ft. cultivator, 8 1/2 double land packer, Cockshutt 311 2 wheel rake, Lilly trail fertilizer spreader, Geo White #6 threshing machine, drive belt, International 18 run seed drill with grass seeder, JD 2 row 3 pt. hitch com planter, Inter- national single row com picker, Innes 200 AR windrower, wooden land roller, 20 ft. 4 inch auger with motor, 2 old flat racks on wagon, trail plow, old oat roller, bag cart scale, chicken debeaker, 16 ft. steel tube gate, antique com cob shelter, 9 plastic chicken crates, walking plow, Democrat frame, fanning mill, buzz saw, cast iron kettle, chick- en brooder, 9 milk cans, cement mixer, Aluminum clad truck topper, grain cradle, walking plow, old horse drawn cutter, MH 3 furrow trail plow, cream separator, a few steel posts, approx. 100 bales of straw, 1972 Little Hobo 24 ft. travel trailer, fully equipped, Kitchener 12x40 slab silo, plus misc, and small items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Lunch booth. AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton OWNER Dorothy Oesch 519-565-5319 ADDITIONS: 1964 Dodge 400 truck, run 400 miles, Ford 3 furrow plow. CLEARING AUCTION SALE trombine, 2 tractors, pick up truck farm machinery, stone picker etc. tdibe held 1 1/4 miles west and 2 miles south of Hensall for Carol Du- charme. Tuesday. April 5 at 1 p.m. TRUCK: 1979 Ford 1/2 ton pick up 302 V8 automatic with topper sells without safety. COMBINE: John Deere 4400 gas with cab, heater, straw chopper, rasp bar and spike tooth cylinders 18.4 x 26 tires. 443 4 row narrow com head, 13 ft. cutter bar head with reel and 9 ft. Sund pickup. TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers 185 diesel with Year Round Cab 18.4 x 30 power adjust rear wheels equipped with JF Quick attach loader, run 2469 hrs. Set of 18.4 x 30 Trail duals, set of chains. McCormick- Farmall 100 tractor. MACHINERY: Anderson stone picker, International #10 17 run dou- ble disc seed and fertilizer drill, IH 56 4 row com planter with fibre glass hoppers and insecticides, Kongskilde 4 row scuffler with rolling shields, Kongskilde 3 pt. hitch cultivator with hyd. fold wings and roll- ing harrows, 9 ft. roller 2-3 ft. pups, AC 4 furrow 16 inch semi mount plow hyd. reset, JD A0145 4 furrow 16" semi mount plow, Kongs- kilde 9 1/2 ft. Cultivator, old 9 trail cultivator, new Idea 3 beater ma- npre spreader, 5 section diamond harrows, 4 Turnco gravity boxes on wagons, gravity box on Horst model 12 wagon, fertilizer auger for parts, Allied 41 ft. 6" grain auger PTO drive, Continental 200 gal. poly tank trail sprayer, 2-200 gal. steel water tanks, Mauer 4 row bean puller, Innes 570 bean windrower with cross conveyor, Case 4 bar side rake, 6x10 ft. hyd. dump single axle trailer, Ferguson 2 furrow mounted plow, old 2 wheel trailer, old flat rack on wagon, wagon tarp, 5 wooden chicken crates, 15 steel posts, 4 milk cans, 2 trailer axles, 2 roll of snow fence, small vise, plus a few hand tools and misc. items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Auctioneer Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Owner Carol Ducharme 519-263-2244 ADDITIONS: AC 5 furrow auto reset plow, MF #10 baler, better built 1500 gal. vacuum liquid spreader with injector, fertilizer auger, Luck - now 7 ft. double auger snowblower drill press, front mount 6 row bean puller. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Invites Tenders To close April 5, 1994 at 12:00 noon 1. For the rental of approximately 49 acres of land legally known as Part Lot 25, Concession 8, Usborne Township, for a 3 -year term beginning May 1, 1994. Tenders to be accompanied by a Certified Cheque equal to 10% of the total first year payment. Annual payments to be due and payable on May 1 each year over the term of the contract. 2. For the rental of a 40 foot by 32 foot storage space, as designated by the Road Superintendent, in the Webber farm shed at Part Lot 25, Concession 8, Usborne Township for e 3 -year term beginning May 1, 1994. Appointment to view the shed should be arranged with the Road Superintendent. 3. For compaction and cover of garbage at the Kirkton landfill site for a 3 -year term beginning May 1, 1994. Work to take place after each day of operation. Cover material will be supplied by the municipality. Equipment preferred: HI -hoe or front-end loader. State price per day for compaction and cover. State price per hour for drawing cover material. 4. For grass cutting at the Thames Road ball park on Highway #83 east during the 1994 and 1995 ball seasons. Please state price 0.r a per-cuLbasis for a maximum of 10 cuts in each year. SEALED TENDERS, prepared on your own form and CLEARLY MARKED AS TO CONTENTS will be accepted by the undersigned at Usborne Township Office, R.R. #3, Exeter (Morrison Dam), NOM 1S5. LOWEST or ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 4 Sandra J. Strang, Clerk 20 hope' ty Fol Relit BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM country horns. near Kirkton. Recently renovated No pets. $650.00/nonth plus utilities. Phone 229-8254. (12c) 73 ACRES FOR KENT. 4 miles east of Hensall, SI 10 per acre, 3/4 down balance to 3:.`. 'lays. Roundup fall applied to 40 acres barley stubble. balance in soys Phone 263-2121.(12c) •••$100.00 - $120.00 LEASE SIGNING BONUS••• Open House Saturday 1:00-3:00 April 2, 1994 In Hensall • Lovely spacious 2 -bedroom apts. 174 Richmond Street at Elizabeth in quiet, clean building Fudge, stove incl. Laundry facility in building. Call 262-2924 (I2c) •••5100.00 - 5120.00 LEASE SIGNING BONUS••• In Hensall - Lovely spacious 2 -bedroom apts 174 Richmond Street at Elizabeth in quiet, clean building Fridge, stove included. Laundry facility, in building Phone 262-2924 (12c) APARTMENT FOR RENT - Main floor on Main St., Exeter. S460 per month includes heat. References, no pets. Call Dirk at 235-3948. (12tfnl 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings. meetings. banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films. etc. Kitchen facilities available Phone 235-0318. (17tfn) 23 Wanted To Rent CASH CROP LAND for 1994 and longer Got.,: price for longer contracts. Preferably Usborne Twp. Call Mark Penhale 229-8203. (9tfn) LAND WANTED to rent for cash crop or share crop for one year or tong terra. Phone 229 -884I.(10 -12c( 261egal Notices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of EILEEN BLANCHE CUTTING Late of the Township of Stephen. in the County of Huron, who died on the 9th day of January, 1994. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed on or before the 7th day of April, 1994, after which date the estate assets will be distributed, having re- gard to claims that have then been re- ceived. ROBERT J. DEANE, O.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Executors 27 Tenders Wanted 200 FRESH CUT TREE TOPS. For information call 236-7724 or 565-5286. (I2c) BEST SELLER NOVELS For a classified ad phone 235-1331 RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 519-482-7898 Sat., Mar. 26 at 10 a.m. Bolens 19 HP hydrostatic lawnmower tiller, furniture, antiques at Rich- ard Lobb Auction Building in Clinton. Tues. Mar. 29 at 12 noon: Combine, swather, 2 tractors, farm machinery, shop tools for D.G. Kirkby Ltd. in Walton, Ont.. Owner: Jeanne Kirkby 519-887- 6038. Wed., March 30 at 6 p.m. Fur- niture, appliances, 1977 Thun- derbird car - like new, run 10,500 miles at Brussels Arena for Lena Mustard Estate. Thurs., Mar. 31 at 7 p.m. Sum- merhill Community Hall partial lot and contents, 4 miles north of Clinton. Sat. April 2 at 10:30 a.m. 4 tractors, threshing machine, farm machinery for Dorothy Oesch, 2 1/2 miles east of Bay- field then 2 miles south on Zu- rich Road. 519-565-5319. Tues. April 5 at 1 p.m. Com- bine, 2 tractors, 1979 pick up truck, farm machinery for Carol Ducharme, 1 1/4 miles west of Hensall, then 2miies south, 519- 263-2244. Thurs., April 7: Large auction of tractors, harvester and wag- ons, haying equipment, plant- ing, tillage etc. at Richard Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for Allan Carter 519-522-0399. Thurs., April 14 at 1:30 p.m. Loader tractor, farm machinery, for Doug Farquhar 2 1/2 miles north of Clinton on Hwy. #4, then 1/2 mile west. 482-9241. Property Auction Plus Complete contents Saturday April_2 at 10 a.m, at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter ;are ;;,ill be condiirtinn an auction for Mr. Joe Carter who has moved to Exeter Villa - incluging a neat 2 + 1 bedroom home in excellent lo- cation plus all contents (to be listed next week). PROPERTY: Being offered at 10 a.m. on location, subject to a rea- sonable reserve, 10% down balance in30 days. Known as 133 Sand- ers St. E., according to Plan 376 of the Town of Exeter, comprised of 67' frontage, 142.5' depth - more or less), on which is located a neat 2 bedroom brick home with finished rec room, 1 bedroom in basement, lg. living room, dining room, 3 pc. bath, detached frame garage. F.A. oil furnace. 3 blocks from downtown and post office. Contact Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 for viewing i � Farm Drainage "Drain Your Farm Before it Drains You" A.G. HAYTER 'kc:. CONTRACTING LTD. R.R. 8 Parkhill Men Hayter 238-2313 288-2881 Paul Truetnner 285-4148 Drainage Professionals since 1967 F & MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE Specializing In: • Farm & Municipal Drainage • Clay & Plastic Tile Installations • Backhoe & Dozer Service • Septic System Installations For Quality, Experience, & Service call; PARKER L I M ITE D Wayne Cook (519) 236-7390 R.R.2 Zurich, Ont. NOM 2TO Times -Advocate, March 23, 1994 Page 23 AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for Geo. Ste- venson of Bayfleid plus other Consignors. $atundeyb 26 at 9 am, LAWN TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT: Bolene 19 HP hydrostatic drive with lawn mower and garden tiller, run only 404 hrs., being of- fered subject to a reasonable reserve. Unit cost over $8,11811.00 new. 2 gas push lawn mowers, older rear tine garden tiller, 2 wheel trailer, 18 ft. extension ladder. ANTIQUES, APPLIANCES, FURNITURE: Admiral fridge (left hand door), Moffat fridge Inglis washer, chest freezer, 30' electric stove, Beaty wringer washer, 2 dehumidifiers, water distiller, Electrolux vac- uum cleaner, with power head, 3 colour TV's. antique bonnet chest, 3 china cabinets, 2 hump back trunks, 4 piece bedroom suite with box spring and mattress, 2 dressers, single and double box springs and mattresses, 3 chesterfields, 2 round kitchen tables and 4 chair sets, apt. size washer and dryer, old pictures, floor lamps, 2 modem swivel rockers, organ stool, captains type chair, E. Daley tea tin, pic- nic table, umbrella table, lawn chairs, new child's wagon, pine toy box, quilt rack, easel, childs wheel barrow, new pine tea wagon, 5 new rocking horses, plastic train sets, bedding, dishes, glassware, some tools, garden tools etc. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of farm machinery, truck, household appliances, etc. For Mr. Bob Millar, Lot 23, Con. 14 Hibbert Twp., 5 Mi. E. of Hensall on the Town Line, 9 MI. N.E. of Exeter Wednesday, March 30 - 12 p.m. TRACTOR: Case 1490 diesel with cab, dual remote, radio and air. Only 1900 hrs. (real good). 13.6 x 26 tires and rims fit a 170 Allis. OOMBINE ; C2 Gleaner -Allis, gas, extra cylinder, 4 row n. corn head, 12' grain head with pickup, 13' head with bat reel. FARM MACHINERY: Int. 5100 soy Special 16 run drill with press wheels, grass seeder etc., Overun 3 fur. 3 pt. h. plow, Int. #56 4 row planter with insecticides, press wheels, fert., 4 row Kongskilde scuffler with rolling shields, 12' 3 pt. h. Kongskilde cult., 14' Kewanee wheel disc, Innis windrower, Smith 4 row bean puller, bean puller and scuffler for small Allis tractor, Massey side rake, M.F. forage blower, gravity bin and wagon. MISC.; Int. hammer -mill, Letz grinder, post hole digger, Woods grinder, quantity of blower pipes 9 & 11 inches, fert. auger, 9' auger for Allis 66 combine, Epps water pump, mobile home axles, pump for sprayer, Lincoln welder 225 amps, sprays, fanning mills, 1 cylinder gas engine, eavestrough fittings, cabinet doors, etc. HOUSEHOLD: G.E. Hotpoint automatic heavy duty washer and dryer, Admiral fridge, Moffat fridge, G.E. electric stove, etc. TRUCK; 1976 Sierra 25, 3/4 ton, tth racks. Further info (519) 263-5201. Lunchth. TERMS: Cash sale day. AUCTIONEERS FILSON AND ROBSON PHONE/FAX 666-0833 V V V 0 V V V 0 V V U V V V V U FARM MACHIINERY AUCTION FOR HODGINS BROS. Saturday April 2, 11:00 a.m. Sale to be held at the Corbett Sale Barn Yard at Corbett Onta- rio (7 miles north of Parkhill on Highway 8.1) TRACTORS - White 185 FWD 1100 hrs., still 1 yr. war., 20.38 snap on duals, D-12 Allis Chalmers Series #3 C/W 4 row scuffler and bean pull- er, 260 White tractor, 285 White Reid Boss 3700 hrs. MACHINERY: New Jiolland self propelled 4 WD forage harvester mod. 1895 with 2500 hrs. 4 row com' head and pickup head. New Holland Whirl a Feed forage blower 1000 rpm, w/pipes and hood, Gehl high throw blower, White 548 6-7 plow 16" bottoms spring trip, White 548 4- 5 furrow plough 18" bottoms spring trip, Vicon 30' cult. w/levelling and roller harrows, high clearance S tine, White 25' cult. w/harrows C tine, IH 5100 21 run DD seed drill, White 5100 8 row folding corn planter w/ monitor and hydr. pump, 16' harrogator, 12' coil packers, 10' hyd. ferti- iizer auaFr r;Pn White 500 gal. sprayer w/42' self level boom, Triple K cult. 3 pt. hitch 9' cultivator, Lucknow 600 bushel grain buggy, New Hol- land 5 bar rake, 3 pt. hitch bale wrapper, 3 pt. hitch scraper blade, Westfield 36' x 7" transport auger w/5 hp elect. motor, New Holland #795 double apron manure spreader single beater and tailgate, 2 sets of drag harrows, 4 New Holland #8 forage boxes with Horst double reach adj. tongue wagons, 4 gravity boxes on wagons, New Holland 352 mix mill, Ford 3 pt. hitch posthole auger, McKee 6' snowblower, 4 row scuffler, cattle squeeze on wheels, spray motor high pressure washer, Forney 1500 KW PTO generator, set of torches and cart, full set of 3/4" sockets, Ford 12.5 lawnmower w/38" deck. TRUCKS: 87 Ford LN8000 w/3208 Cat motor 22' livestock racks and chute, 76 Ford LN 750 w/388 gas motor, 18' steel grain body and hoist, 70 Chev truck with BJM feed body. AUCTIONEERS NOTE No reserve as partnership is dissolving. this is an excellent offering of modern machinery very well cared for. Please be on time as there are very few small articles. TERMS: Cash or cheque with ID. Everything must be settled for day of sale. Owner or auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. COULTER AUCTIONS Bruce Coulter 294-0585 Brett Coulter 294-6164. U 0 U U U U U U V U U ANNUAL LARGE FARM AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES, MISC. AUCTION Ilderton Fair Grounds Good Friday Apol 1 -10 a,m. The following is a partial list only: 2 Hy -Dynamic Dynahoe tractors with 190 Series B backhoe, 353 Detroit engines, 1 3/4 yd. front end loader bucket, 1/2 yd. digger bucket. VEHICLES: 1952 1/2 ton Ford pickup, certified, low mileage, no rust. 1952 Chev 5 passenger car (parts only), 1980 Chev dump truck, 8 cyl. 1980 Dodge 1 ton stake with duals, 1970 GMC 1/2 ton pickup, 4 wd Jeep, Honda 200X 3 wheeler. FARM MACHINERY: Heston 6200 self propelled swather with hay conditioner, 2 Gehl rebuilt forage boxes with roofs, N.H. 822 2 row corn head, NH baler with thrower, N.H. baler, Farm King 5' finishing mower, Int. 570 tandem manure spreader, packer and pups, pony trail 15' harrows, M.F. 4 row scuffler, Allied 4 row s3uffler, Int. vibrashank 18 1/2' cult., Int. 800 planter with dry fert. and Insecticide, 16' harrogator, 16' Kongskilde cult., 3 pt. h. discs, Oliver 17 run f & g drill, horse drawn manure spreader, all kinds of plows. Massey narrow corn head, gravity bins and wagons, flat racks and wagons, Little Giant elevator. J.D. 4400 cylinder (never used), J.D. 4400 spike tooth cylinder and concave, 1.D. 4400 finger bar (new). N.H. 3 pt. h. sickle mower, truck post hoist, 3 pt. h. fert. spreader. MISC. 8 ply tractor duals 18.4 x 38, power hack saw, M.H. potato digger, horse drawn road graders. 1 & 2 fur. riding plows, horse drawn mower, sleighs, M.H. #51 walking plow, 38' hay trailer, 40' extension ladder, transit with tri pod, Honda 0200 gas motor and pump, tamper with Honda motor, air hammers and chisels, radial arm saw, power washer, chain saws, quantity of new lumber, all kinds of riding lawn mowers, new and used tools of all kinds. BOAT: 16' Peterborough, 120 hp Mercury Inboard and out board motor and trailer. Consignments coming in dally. Plan to attend this Interesting auction. TERMS: Cash sale day or known cheque. Booth AUCTIONEERS FiLSON AND ROBSON PHONE/FAX 866-0833