HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-5-20, Page 3,Thai 1 tuicipa,l Council of Ttaalte*-1 LOCA-, EXPENDITURE.
•ulith have drawn $14,000 of 11874 Cu,
the Muzlicipal ,Loan Fund money dile March 7,W. Quintin, bride. $80 00
the townahip,' and ;ll'ave invested. the March 7, J. A. Stnitll over.
i, a chs' ed Statue.... 0 00
Whole of this aniearllG on failn lriol.t ►8
gugea at 8 1'er cont. ;interest. There Mar. 7, J. Picltard Lumber laird
5) il,'order 7 05 1Ntrrl,n,•.••a,,,•••r.,, .,n.,.,,,,
is still to draw ;tkroat �3, t 9, an , ,
tor whi ill hag been forwarded, and. the M. $7,W,Cebt `, zelief., ,,..,,.,,, 10 00
" .
Gotl11ui1 Laveava >tow ai?1' licatious for the Mar„ 7. kx.R a b ertson rep, scraper
1 75.
entire amount,
A L1'S,iTT'.'IiF1LSAhI.
Ts warranted to break no tbo tvosttrettble ome
Coii,lhitt auipereiUbleshott tone. -hero io tie
roluocly that ea t1 show there evidoneo of roal,merit
thau:tftts 13,18a1t3,for,Ouritig Consumption, Coughs
Colds, Asthma, Croup, ,&o. 1t excites exr?ectora-
tiotb and causes the lungs to throw off the Phlegm
or mucus; crlangos the eecrotioue and littrillea
the .Bleed ; -teals tits, irritated parts; gives
w '4"1301.1. to tlte;digesttvo, Organs; brings the' liver
to its proper ,,,tion, and imparts strength to the
whole - ystom.It 1s,autroduoed to the suffering
publio,after itp merltet Ter the positive euro of
suoit,tiiseaees'bave been full'tested. The formula
from which it is prepared, is referred to by the
leading odiea l iournalo t S tieing eq:xal- to env
n that he up forsuch diseases
the me icaf. faculty. The 13,alynm is, copsoqu-
e.,.l nnt'ndoti by + pli sleisus everywhere.
6o1dk'y alruggists. Price $1 Baer bottle, r
r,rini;x DAvrs & SON,
.- , 1VLtRR ED,
/►,^, zz -K1 z r sit Ne ,east"e, on tho Iltht inst., at
the reiidonoe of the bride's tither, by the Rev.
11, r3raut,11Ti",^W, N, Allin to Iva 13., daughter
of Prof. Rent, of Newcastle.
Jorcxs-in :Exeter, c+n clunday, lath inst., Mr. Wil.
Baia johns, awed 8tlyears.
Canso -At Ot editou, on Mondav,'l7t'h inst., Eliza-
beth. wito of acmes Chang, aged 21 years.
`W. G I I G G
AB Tale
";Po uIt t House
Owing to the da.preerien in trade, loth in CGr'
ada and tU . rt:fd t'patca. il,a. n , 1143411 let
and tiholesale n.eu ha'< her ixccd tc wf.l ca
of their Stocks for
� n �my y
without reference to
Even the Cost Price of the
-1M. McIntosh ec Co
having cleared their svintez Stock, tht ougi,
their veal suceessf:tl' sale, were in the Les.'
pos.i„de position to take advantage of tins sa.at,.
of the markets: • `Their Spring Stock has been
bought gush earlier than usual, 'anti ander all
the advantages which Cash and maimed es--
pcxienee can ci:nitn,uul, the full •
Benefits of which • are given to
their Customers.
New Tweeds
ew hirtings
New Prints
at Prices neer before heard of.
ST, LAItY'S, March 11, 1875. 80•ly
I' ew Denims
New Cottons
5w Jackets
The [)omrnion Organ
Call and see our
Splendid Success
Taking Everywhere
Immense ;6 umber Bold.
Mar. 7, J.Pickard, luurl!ar.,,..,, 1.41
1V1ur, 7,I,,, Groauavay, ttic?v onlaw 5 0(}
Mar, 7, W. Wood, Ditch,,,..,,,. 10 00
Fletcher, Maul,R 7, M. leu?lacy.»,,, 2 20
Mar, 7, J. Pickard, lumber--lumber--13 •3
Mar.'', D. Rielliards, culvert.,. 10 OO
April 4, J. Lewis, repairs. . . .. 8100
April 4, Mrs, Jeffery, relief 10 00
April 4, J. White & Sons, pritlt'g 38 '76
Aptit 4a M's, Swill°, relief.,..,. 10 00
April 4, It: Frayne' top. ,bridge''` 1 50
May 2. Mrs, Clack, relic£ .: 10 00
May 2, T. Ottssey, two culverts 4 00
May 2, 'John Hunter, wood...:'., 2 00
May 2, M. ivio'Taggart,,plilvert.., 4 00
It ay 2, G. Arlustrong,sch. purp. 8 00 Nov. 71 S. Islaae, buildingbridge 'G 00
May 2, .ft Ptnconbe treasurees Nov. 7, W. Gardner,Midge...... 5 00
fees-: ., • 80 00
May 2, MA's. Clack, relief ' 8 00
;flay 2, 11. "Monteith, tthsesst i ... 55 00
June 18, J. Marra, culvert 8 00
June 13, J, Werry removing
demi horse from road 2 00
June, 18, J. Pul and, cj tcir7 25
,Tune 13, Samuel Horn, drain 2 00
,Trine 13, John Brock, drain..;. 2 Ola
.Tune 13, Mrs. Clack, relief 8 0(?
Jute 13, W. Hazelwood drain2 00
June 18, William Kirk, plank.., 14 00
1u t«;13, RttbertKiaowles, culvert 3 ,00,
June 13, Mrs. Siiaillie, relief.., 5 Oth
June 13, John sale, graining54 00
Jude 13, G o McGee, f.ce on
G. T. Railway
7 70
June 18,'James.Tutu, rep. .col50
June 13, J. Brownlee, grading, 12 50
June 13, A,' Smith, C Dee tor 05 00
June 13, W. Perkins ciaaains3 OJ
Tune 29, Mrs. Olaek, relief 6 00
J nue. 211, Henry Francis lumber 1 00
Julie 29, 3. Welch, two culverts 7 (10
Ttine 20,R. Haacni,,, cuttitag hill 85 50
dune 29, G Bay wood. culvert7 00
June '29, T. Bern. rep. bridge 3 ,00
A.,g.5, M. Perkins, watching
gap ' ' 1 00
Aug. 5, Jona Walker, gravel... 8 75
Aug. 5, M. Luxun, ditching..,... 6, 00
Aug. 5, 1V >tlid+lleiun, grading
ditch .. 18 25
Aug 5, W. Rutittley, trading 17 50
Aug. 5, E. Brock, bridge 29 50
Ing. 5. E. Brock, repair'gbrid-ge 4 00
Aug. 5, Jeffery & Fi.aitley, grad-
ing snd gravelling 88 00
Aug. 5, Simon Prouty crossway 48 OU
Aug. 5, \V:n. }311'1'111, ditching .. 19 20
Aug. 5, J. McFarlane, culvert 11 00
Aug. 5. M. Fulton, culvert,..... 15 00
Aug. 5, W, Hazelwood, lumber 2 65
Aug. 5, Exeter `-'itis:•, printing 73 75
Aug. 5, A. Stewart, culvert 20 00
Aug. 5, W. Birrill, gravelling_&
tar. pir.;.it'g.......... 28 00
Aug., Passmore and others gray14 50
Aug. J. Clara, gravelling4 45
Aug. 5, T. Casey, gravelling6 30
Aug. 5, G. Baldsen, grading 42 50
Aug. 5, Thos. B aIrnan, grading 15 04,
Aug. R.Blatchrerd, grading 40 00
Aug. 5, Thomas Cornish, culvert
and drain 9 00
Ang. J. Blatchford, ditching12 50
:lug. 5. ltrtbert Bell, ditching,12 50,
Aug. J. Workman, culvert ' 7 87
In r. M rs. Clack, relief 6 00
Aug. 5, Treas. Teachers'Institu-
te Library- 10 00
Ang. 5, R. Pincoumbe discount
on Goveininent chequeS '75
Dec. 28, R. Alexander. grav'g8 00
Dec. 28, J. McDonald, graav'g6 30
N. B. -Old Instruments taken
in exchange for new.
Nov, 7, A. Cudlllore, grading....
Nov, 7, Mrs Sulilli°, rolie>":, •,,
Nov, 7, J. Dryer's,, 'eiilvert..:.,
Nov, 7, J. Rowoliffe, tavern pro-,
seeution t'xl>eose ,..,.,,. , . 0 op.
.Nov, 7, z,), to ; G`Ttaek+ allef , : 5 00
,t°iov. 7, J. Strang, inspettialg
• '' ..
;,. • .,,, 10
Nev. D.W' Wiseman, gravelling 14(D
'tv big,,
11 a 1d
Nev. George a
ov7 a ,
t rug window or ta11-house,,. 1 00
"'NOT .7A rk1111 dbttle bridge.,..,, 65 00'
'd=e. and
L. Hardy, bridge +• n.
elniueallctnent,, ,..,...,. 2,69 00
- , W. Routley, rep, baidke 6 50
.Nov 7 ,, 1
,Nov, 7, Dr. Browning, (attending
on W. Clitcli.,,....,.,.....',., 20 60
Noy, 7, T. Legie, culvert,,:,,,, 3 50
Nov., 7, `Phos. Logie,` Hammer 1 715
Nov. 7, John Harris, gravel'6 00
Nov.` 7, H. Harney rep, ',.bridge •,'7, 50
Nov;' '7, J. Horney, culvet't.,.:,. 10 00
Nov.. 7, S., Murry, grravelling,,. 4 00
instritmentr constantly on hand at J. Drew's
Furniture R. et e-rooin. Music Stools from fr.].
Send for Circular to
4 Cu Pedlar,
EXETER 13, 0. enel al Agent,
to (may awaY
B 71 Apt
AND ALI, 010
Dec. 28, Jon Hunkiu, lumber - 5 82
Dec. 28; R• Caun, gravel... 1 40
Dec. 28, T'p Clerk,j ury list3 00
Dec. 23, T'p Clerk, postage and
stationery ... 11 84
Dec. 28 S P 1l",11s, salary -as
clerk. 120 od
lied. 28, W. Brock, services as
Councillor ... -. 40 00
Dec. 28, Joint Ilarris, ditch10 00
Dec. 28, H. Berney, S. S No. 10 60 00
Dec. 28, W. Wood, gravel 9 05
Dec, 28. J. Hackney -,council ser-
vice 40 00
Dec 28, W. Luxton, gravel 5 '70
Dec. 28, Francis Hamilton, re-
pairing bridges,.. 1 00
Dec. 28, W. Rontley, gravelling 25 00
Dec. 23, James Elder, council
service...... .....: ......... 40 00
Dec. 28, R. onteith. j-r,rylist.,. 3 00
Dec. 28,P. MoGee,rep'g culvert 3 50
Dec. 28, 0. Goilbolt. gravel 22 70
Dec. 28, D. Millar, gravel .. 10 55
Dec. 28. Henry Doupe,gravel6 25
Dc•e. 29, Thomas Nairn, gravel 2 80
28, Geo. Hackney, gravel 11 '10
,Dec e28, T. Ballantyne, emban't 10 00
Doc. 28, J. Bailantyr.ie, gravel 12 50
Dec. 28, Al' x.-Drincan, auditor 5 00
Dec. 28, T. McF at hate, l;ravel'g 14 00
Dec. 28, A. Ste'waart, gravelling 2 15
Dee. '28, John R wcliffe, tav'n
Inst ebtor 8 00
Dec. 28. W. Miners, .tae. Insp'i 14 00
Dee. '28, L. Hunter, Council
services 40 00 May 1, tofines from D. Kirk, 2 00
Dec. 28, Stephen Hethrington I M.ay 1, to A. Sittitr:, (Jol etor's
repairing bridge 7 00 roll for 1878..........';..:. 277 61'
Dec. 28, R. Dalrymple, culvert 12- 75 July, -20, to Legislative school
Dec. 28, Reeve,. postage for grant :. .. .. :622.'00
Conrsil 5 25 To fines D. Kit•k, J. P......... 8 00
coisTIPT-EcTiolsr 'Jay
o.` Special Attention paid to
Orders for .Parties, eto
The subscriber would also announce to the
people of F.',xcter and vicinity that, lio has on
hand all kinds of
. Teas t/..rit Cannot he Surpassed for their lquality
Also, all kinds of
Produce taken in eschenge for goOda,
Nov. 7, R, Alexander, drains,,, 8 00
Nev. 7, White & Sons, prilting 81 50
Noy. 7, W. Wood, gravel 20 65
Mrs. Clack, relief. ,.... 6 00
Nov. 7, W. Luker, culvert. .... 275
No .12, Walter Keddy, grttvlling 20 00
Noy, 13, W.;Carriek, lumber,,. 15 62
Nov, 13, W. Martin, culvert.,: 're 2 00
Dee.: 12, 13. Balls rt .einba nk'nt,.14 80
Dec. 12,` R. Blalehfurd, drain2 C
D, -e. 12,11._Ca,nn, gravel,......., 6 70;.
Dec. 12, E,' Brock;; rep. bridge 2 50
'Doe. 12,, W. ltoutlt,y, bridge 19� 50,
D.,c, lg, Mrs. Andrew, gravel 18' 65
-1).e. 12. M. ii,�ll:aud. cutting tree 1 00
Dee. 12, J. 1.0 !gins, culvert8 00
Dec. 12 J. 13rowiilte,drain", 2M' 00
'De:. 12, Brownlee, graveelling.., 50 00
,Dee. 12, Jas. Bontllren, -audita';
Doc. 12, 3. Hartman, gravelling 8' 25
Dec. 12, Win. Hemi gravelling 2 50
Dec, 12. W. Garrick. lnlnber.., 16 82
,Dec. 12, Noah, Ft' id, lumber.,. 4 11
Dee. 12, Thos..,,Werry., sett.,
laniber.. 4 00
Dec. 12, N. J. Cl tris, auditor5 00
Dec. 12, M. Lbriugi,on.dr'g 1a1'k 2 00
Dee. 19, H. Fulton, culverts :, •�� 5 00
$Dec. 12, A. Huckue,y, coy. bridge, 2 00
Dee. 12, S. Cawpbell,diteh 3 7,5
Dec,12, N. Stewaart,'5 culverts 21 00''
Dec. 12, W. Brown, gravelling 20 00'
Deo. 12, D. Turnbull, ditching 7 50
Duo. 12, J. Poland, ditc.lt..:. `37 /00
Dee. 12, J. Jory,graavelling. , 23 00
Dee. 12, IT. Homey, drains.., 2 00
Deo. 12, D, Wiseman; gravel 12 20
Ueo. 12, James Cave, ditch..... '10 00
Dee. 12, James Clave, culvert 10 00
Dec. 12, John Towel, gravel'g,3 00
Dec. 12, W. Horn, gravel 17 15
Dec. 12, W. Perkins, drain..-.,2 00
Dec. 12, Blake, a.lv�ice on rail-
watyby-law.....: 20 00
Dec. 12, Municipal Manuals for
Council " 80 00
Dec. 12, Mr:;. Smilie, relief .6 00.
Dec. 12, S. P. Halls, expenses of '
appeal court 15 12
Dec. 12, S. M'adniiig Stat. Lab '8 0(1
Dec. 12, H. Daaymoud, culvert 6 00
Dec. 23, Jas. Ballantyne, gravel 6, 00
Dec. 28, Jim. Glen, Bdg. bridge.212 w00
„ " 44 7 „ 41'65
tereerritvt the plftee--Next. door '43,0'0)&0.
brag. Store,: Broad delivered in all Ptirf,f3 jf the
town free of cluoto.
• _ '. 8
" it „ 8
,, " 14 1
" . 40 fife
" 65 50
" 69 70
" " 6 "- 56 15
" „ 11 ....2 30
Paid J. R. Miller, Inspector in
Teachers' fund 16 00
639 ( 0
Schwa )Sec• N,. 1 YaidTrue. $689 22
780 62
1004 31
554 61'
515 85
380 74
285 00
7 00
- 26 00
q.• .,
.1 4 "
„ 5 „
„ 6 ..
.4 7 "
,6 8
4, 9
11 ,"
$5316' 59
CR. -
school Sec. No. 1 $74 25
., " 2 .. 68 20
,, .. " 3........ .. ...... .63 90
' 5
., 6
" .7
57 90
86 45
49 05
S. T. Fund to Inspector 16 00
RECEIPTS, 1874. -
To order given by nthaelte... 5 00
To four Tavern Licenses at
April 4, to Fine from Doak'
vpttocl it3 c?l`1 It } bhabltata+:s •f &° t4pt Au
111 baac t he man .s. -malas
4 4 tilt ca ,�
>1 P
MUIQ +. .l i,'.3)P
for wine ,tl le elq-' . 1f t {or '+ tIto
h�lRva• ��:. A'lv���tp'�,-�'!1te �Nt�adr3bex feels
y*. i w n a
;;. Qsa1, a t
zt d l _ ... _taef , k`11 1a,
#i e
.. is
la. ..
t1' 1. ale
' 1 d
a ast la
6- �ll.p +�
ERIC 11000 xlxart he
`1 Pi
]a F LD
111-nurAorotx.--•One-Peurtlt mile north 4f
Ole village of 8xoter, en Lot 7, Ito, Lon do
lgNad. B ' -.
ftoptirisG attended to wit pfior'
asd done at reasonable pricer.
the best in the av arkex,
nca9�ea' aieI
alien e a :/✓ a2a0f .
gfe' eht a2 icy
atrtr r parte/ JnVQda�svncnr
rel fir a ` 1000; 000
FCeJedue.07;a.a O
ialafaoJ'�a2d et* deentec/ lJ •
QUAD D :4.4.23011
lt1'1lultppt, xondati A nIt1C eoUs' la
� f1:1l}ata qi flsltin aelfilo (1C�oe s atecrhs,"
1 alisµ )pr gu� t r
bo�p cenimislt1 iul,arl
�0o. oleeb!tft � � oa,vaakht itt>�1tie, 0010,
0lslzlt' ;t3,sits,:Uottefl;-11Reu,l3oatieii,LinOIbWltita'i
Alai w' and Silk '1wisttid Shit and Oiled St11e
,e .1. .. e 1 ae s
'ia � to ur1
t ho b k
_ 9k, k f
o k
ltaokgho+Alit, -looks to gisn Uiti l:gut,gimp by tit
-yard sinkers, ,ilpats, fairnts tool, lines rods, 'tips,
rings wed kee cera, Brags 6w eUk, t4 , otc,, etc,-
Scud by post for price licit.
., Ss M .B. 1+ T
1 iGOOGDll,
• ,seuiQ beato s
G $41�
o �C. of
,64,45,,,13BBB atat::11 eeee ssss tect; Creft,e;h:p:ppe,ete.`t,_,t.:7
6 Bales' union ,Qacpet,
4"Biles Canadian carpet
Engligh 04 -cloth
10-4 Eng,lish Oil -cloth "
15,4 English Oil -cloth
3. 'Case Persian .Diunask,
1 Case 'Velvet Damask
1 Case Repp Damask,
Cai,e French Damask
.,,l,Case Piano Covers
1 Case Table Covers
when' purchasing, as no one will d
better wint yen.
'Celt ;r1r4 sued at to46
talit 45- amt. 6/et eent.
at hand when you will require2:he very btafi
portant' to "good health as' r cora Cop-
censietingof a
North °flu:mild
E. Drew
l7 EN- E
t9VOf1''r 30.11$` 7G'B
arid "soiling oat rapidly: ,Tilo"r'ea1)on'<i,.a',13
", k,re' tretlll4.... a..
ea)ertbsi'ui 3 . uE.
dal l e 1 tl
:good esaiti ` w . Q
to xnwlzo'a. ,i hupression 11 Seic 1%e >��C
a c
Ho boa also purchased Mr: -.E, Drew's
weich is estimated to be ono of the finest in
the,Dominionoind. he is,therefore prepared
Mannfitaturor of and dealer in
Pistols, Fishing Tackle, and Hunters' suppli4
-Gun-stocking done in 54st-class style. Pin -fhb
Sign of the Guu and, Golden Rey, CLAIIISIC
at., between Dundas and Kum, London. 75 ly.
-New Tailor Shopi':
Doc. 28, D. &chard; culvert ... 2 00 Aug; 6, to"Suf-plris fr Guy -
Dec. 28. Alex. McDonald, drain 1 50 Sept, 22, Clergy ReServe 189 04
1)oc. 28, Reeve, ceuneil services 40 00 To D Kirk, tavern tfinee.....,38 00
Dee. 28, Henry Kerslake, ditch 8 00 Dec.12, tohou-nd'y appropri'' '1'69 00
'Doc. 28, (lard 'lee and Others 10 54 Dcdue., Kernick for work.-- 5 00
jan 28, George L w, Librarian 14 00 1875 /r,
jtu 23, W Rooney, retarning Mar. 18, 0)1'c:tor's roll, 1674 10700,48
officer and house.-- '5 00
Jan 23, Thos. Allin, returning $16404 08
officer and house , 5 00
Jan 23, I) Bran inl. scrapers 4 12
Jan 28, & U Agricul Society 10 p0
Jan Man.ling,cul,vert 1 00
Jan '23, Registrar of births...-. 11 sp
ja,n 28, james Pickard, Lumber
Jan 23, joint Hunter, wood2 00
Jan 28, James Brownlee, gravel 1 80
Jan 28; Treastuer's fees for '74,80 00
314,1) 2a, Alfred Johngon, relief 10 lip
fitter and 6 00
5, W. ,trePee, clothing .for
Sept. 5, lutribbr 8 80
7, S., ItidteCurtly, ditch-. 4 55
vv, Quinton. tWo efiverht -4 00
By County Rates, 1878.- 2582 28
BY Legislative School gra;:t 622 00
By School Trustee rate...... 5316 59
13y LOcal School 5 7.5
By County 1118 24
",,j0Q.EGS to intimate to the inhabitants
of, Exeter 4,1`Ztleinity. that be has opcuedia:
-where by strict attention, to hugineet hut 'hopes tie
3 molt a fair allure of patronage..
8c Cordwood
DERSONS requiring Rails,, Cedar Posts, or
Oordw3od, can be supplied by applying,to
WIT.' GREEN WA.Y, on the .premises, Lots
beg to say that they have just received one es
the largest stocks in the county, consisting of
Stoves of the very latest design and the beat
Thelr aim is a.nd always has been th satisfy ma -
always on hand. Also the
/ma imo SCALESS OR 618.
Cofans, Shrouds, Etc., alwx,y0 hand & furnished. reasonably
Gents larnis 'n
31.141D onimrian
wiii, Bi ELC.B,D. TdiwAT!i't i
Ile will have ready for tho comind harvest, the
4,, celebrated ,
'A, Novelty in this section,
will find it to
Their AdVantage to :Buy their Stock frel.iiii2
The' anti, cribers;Liir 'returning than lei', -to the
farming public for the liberal patronage . be;
stewed upon them in the past Year at the Cred,
iton Mills, would beg to state that they
ptirpoos dontinnhig, to work them during 41110
corning saint/tor, havingt„ ledsed for „ft,
number of years', hoping,to, thii
the sable, eatisfadtion as tho past.
T. at 11. I011XST014
Props, otItorioti 1,4L11
all kinde made a specialty 14 toe buliinerns.
Departinent',,is i'eplote,Arithfovery rho ern in
Call Early, rind sCelAiZt choicest and best
dlittin by the mon second
at prloes ;lever e„o16„taiiclifal, ecured., for us
by ..lv1r. Smith previous to Ids leoleg for Ertr:`
ope to buy our Fall Stook slang, witli hie own
Wholesale fitock for his place in Toronto. and,
the full benefit of wYleli po are giving to our
-11/1111ineryShow room
opened, arid very attreetiso with. all the iatest
Cashmere,Capes and Silk Jackets from 111.50 to
rrade Clothing Extraordinarily Cheap.
N.13., -Sizes in Boots and Shoes assorted;
still selling at wholesale prices. '
successors to (4.,B. Smith,
r1.4.880LU,TION of Partnership
Notice is hereby gii en that the pattnsrship
heilitefore existing between the. undersigl Mt in
the, ousiness brick-inakers, 14 the towp shin of
'As ben, 'andel the name and Style of " Stab] &
Al.otz," has been this iSth day of March, 1875, dig-,
°solved by mutual consent. L. STA:111.4
Tho above buniness wrn in future, be carried
en by the undersigned, who win settle all busin-•
as exac action with the late arm. L. STA1-114, '
Tinsmith and general dealer in stoves,' plows
nails, glass, em, 4 -to. Tinvf.are, oopperwaro and.
galvanized iron very cheap. Out nails, $4,50
Cookiug stoves $14 an d upwards "
The Curtis plow $950.
Impertant to every owner of a
Carson's Paint, ,
(Improved Fire -proof.) Those who are in
need of Paint should enquire for Oarsen'to
Improved Paint. ,
It is Cheap and Fire -proof, entering CI'.
grain of the wood ; it stops all small leaks in
roofs, and preserves them against the action
of both and weather. One coat is as aer-;
coats -
Agent, Exeter.
N. B.-Wooa taken in exchange for the pain,
trutcw 'by 3, 11,146ther; elalnI4r6eadetiee'itli,ing of the kind in. the Doininion. WAGONS
efetiperior workmanship and material. Patent DominionLaud toner's, ,
o'c:ftbibnahle`BOOV& MAXER, Sign of tile.,
lirffeture, also 1'11)10116d which he
*1104 xi
Ca 1:5-
0 r=24
CI 1:4
c; td
tot 4
in 8
0 P4
. $1,S0 Pay, able stitotly in savant*
'Villa insertion per into, ..
141.00 ;,,e.111 iahsaitent month, 50eents.
N Miceli of birtlin, Marriages and, deaths insortsa
..4dvertisenionts to be ' iiicail ed 'by 14, Seals et
11,}1 f,01161\ringilttOtt 91j1 Charged lor, year!