HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-5-13, Page 4"nix Adolor haF 110 fo1101)2.11 .1datibary ,V4 t,q ;- lli'Qiit'utratice ttg , PQallitU /). Gun)), \\'Intntil hat.° alluded .)t. length ill oy bbok, around, alt‘t lie 11) 1)15,11 t".1 iog for his 00011300y, A ! ttay 01' 1.tY0 pr,r. 810110 1\1.r. il,'Iuntan to la Le 1., 0 1)1103'. 11101 t te following von ve,,,vb.ition kt nit -1 called -- Pit -ono -") get °tit 1 1 t; Want to ba bot1t4reil 0b0)) Iiu thoppy,d, 1.1 t —4 L.30 w.tut et,t .', 'Untin--lf von it t,1'2nit 01 i, , et log the breuktaq, and made It0 0 ° ' so useful. :Wad SQ01110d so al),xlaUs tYo* fb,r a 1'0 .v diy, that a retplost wat elrect was granted also. T1/0 wt;eks .woro ott awl, still she I10 1O Intt etti'd to the wife to make liorself a little to extra tw,reettblo tuo alp old watt, 1 o41a..1,y iuildly r ,monstrat- oa, 11o01 tito youth, vi0.,1.5 Patrick Attuding btlek to Siid ;allpiny. t week, howevo) n.a.tters grow dep,w.tto, mitt the o1(,1 lady remonstrated \\ Ith her hiu,band a 1)U0).11(1 tit)1e, him Lo 13eild the Ow weeitut ; but this l'atriek rofttecl to do, and shawdully boat1 the old "ttoinao 5,11 d, Ill W11101.1 Oj)i01i011 1sWaS tli4y a1)ti1)t0t1 by yt erie6 of the poor old woln,t,) to the .401 0 young man named ti.tutiltot ,5.5. eity huteher, 0110 turnon tne lablus by thritsluntrthu two ttaiiallants and yes - citing the old woman. °When ni 00.110 up041 the 1)0e110 he says tile y tViS ditueiltg around the tAtt tale, cuttitig rtittiastio pigeo,a. wings and whooping like a young :Indian. To.iiniglit Patrick and the girl (for Hamilton says she was young and good looking) disappeared, 1111 with them the hoard lu the stAx. lug -foot. Yes - the wife .tvas in the city, seeing it' she e,kold hear auy news of hot. lost g;tillaut05. sixiy years ago. Ilor face Lula WEIPO still swollen and, scratch- ed, anti the tears ran down her cheeks as she bogged the Chief of Poliee to hu t up Paddy—she would give the ulcl man another chance, she said, for he• vas always kind till that " shay camo " atwoon" them. 13ut Paddy has not yet returnod, and proba, bly will not so long as the contents of tht,stocking-fool hold out. But 1 won t 1) y,,t). Akid ink 1 1139 1,1% 1 i 'you've taeliled 005.1 I'in ;telt of it. 1, ain't ti.goin to mstit.e. 1100' Tint set tied. (1 int ti —Yon in is mule...A 1)01 ine ;fudge, 1 calloil to ascortaid 11 you Lir) menibor uf tile Peace Pitunto--1 11111. Cuiln---Itllotinvittou. Alit, of (2 airse, you are - willing to help tl'iulg 011,\ \\ hich will put an cud to war 11ad murder ? , Pitnittu-Cortaiuly, Gunn—\Vell, then, ;lust li-ten to 1111.1. I a, soling on the boholf of yoUr (',ftt,ey, 1 itiive 00 luttid il nutg.eitieent plat) for prl)tluoing 1,df5.cil Oil tit 0o a making armies useless. *S\lby did Cain kill Alto'? Gruin--13tklatt4o 110 hatino patticuliti ,interesb iu 1:eelkog liitti '12liat'1) tho reason. \VIty did David hang Go. why did the •Romans bilicher •tite C,Irtliageniaits ; why 11111 0111 Nvii,it's his natoe built Ilidiey and lattiiner at 1115. stake? Pitruttu.-11;twted it 1. k»o sv. because it wasn't 51t011- ey in tile pociteta of any of thos'e fel- lows to 11 Ivo the otlier chap..; walking rounid enjoyillg life, 1)o yea siipposo „Brutus would luivo stabbed ('5.0, o' if Uicsar's deatli 1\'oulcl k Ci p .131'n t us bard up for market money ? Not u uLtb, iio \vottleli.Ct. ) 11 believeWis would have.liung ol 1 ;folio. ..131'ow11 if John's (loath \you'd litive forced Wise to btu: - low money to buy boots ? Pitman—:toy bo lip wouldn't. Gun ti—C) f course. No X, am aiming at is to g 5.11105. tht, civi lized 0115 1.1.), fanti,y, r )urpoll 0-, so t tat ttll hands will be perftctly wild to loop everybody els) \\Then tlti•4 ite you call heal your swordi, o .po,irs 4)111 your plough sliares i.ate lruuilg hoolcs. for there'll 1)e no more, war. Don't you see 1 E'111 not working for a paltey eoininission or two. It iS 0 labor ofluve. I'm try lug to elei,-,tte tile nice and promote Christiall Pitmau-It never struck me in that \003'. 11:111--ilnytv ty it's so. ' And I ask you as a member of the Peace Society, to enroll your ttanie among those who are carrying oil this great worlz-. as 101v ftS 15.1131' other company ; and div- idends payable serni-annuaily. Unborn g nierations will rise Ili) and call you blessed.. We make our policie3 paya ble at any age, or 40'11 put yuu in the Tontine ; and, you'll dry the widow's tears, and hush the cry of the orphan. Go in for $5,000 policy", and I assure you that the glad hostiiiiialis of the white -robed angel of Peace once more v11‘reso11nd from the starry vaults of Heaven, and over the smiling earth the songs of love will still the clangor of tile \via -horse and the boom of the cannon, and a mon ones more will .1 no .v the felicity of paradise. Your grandmother died of liver complaint, I b )lieve ? Lem'rne see, how old are you? Pittnan---Ttn 44' in February. Put ruedown for $5,000 payable at sixty years of age. Call in the morning with the papdrs, and I'll sign 'em. • Gunn -Good day. Prn off. I'vo got anengagement with • Cooley at 11. and am anxious to lieep it. I've 1)aunt. ed him for two years now, and he has SUCCt11.12beti. E. ow a Toatt Undresses. TLere many luimais which only un- dress once a year, and that is to put on a new suit; among these is the toad. Au' eye witness, to tlio process thus de- scribes taking off his ciothes. About tlie middle of July I found a toad on a,.hi1 of melons, 011(1,110'5 Want- ing ill111 to leave', hoed around him. lie appeared sluggish and not inclined to move. Presently I observed'. hint pressing his elbows agttins6 his sides, ••rubbing downwards. Ile appeared se' sinttlar that I watched to see whathe was tip'to.' After a, few smart rubs, •his'Skill began.' to burst open straight along his bito.k.. Now, said I. old 111 10w, you have done it ; but he appear- ed tu be unconcerned, and kept on rubbing until he lutd wurked down all his ,sltin in'o the folds 01 his sides aud hips ; then, grasping one hind 1. 131) i.vith his hands.; he hauled oil one let.: of his pants the same as anybody worth; du 11, thou shipped the other leg in tin. Game way. Ile then took his cast oil cutiele forwatil, between his forelegs into his' mbuth, aiil siva110,1 °lit • then, by raising slid lowering hi$ bead, lowing as his head. came down, lit k.tripped off Lite slcin underneath until it tame to his forelcos, antl then graso- e(1 one of these with the other hand, by consicleral)Ie pulling stripped it..o", its skin. Changing hands, he stripped the otlier.'and by a stnall motion of' the head, he drew it from the ttiroat and swallowed the whole. The operation sceated to be an 'agreeable oue) and occupied but rt short time. •ime.i.64••••••••. Elopthiant Extraordinary. On the brow of tile mountain, about. a quarter Of a mile %test of Clairmont Pttrk, stitlIds an old shanty, where, 11.1] • til a, few days ago, 1104 dwelt an Old e'mple.for nearly forty year s. The ('ert) imine of tlieso 01(1 peoplo we do urn know) but evorybod,y knew them as Old Bachly Pollau and his wife. T115. old man got odd jobs of clloring-frotti 1110 nelghbors, and thr6ugit the long curse Of forty years th old lady ifilt).1. agoti to 'toot) house °alibi scanty (15.5.511 ings and tiretTrcducts of her Itiiittiop needles, arid. at the '13arbe 0'0'10 lay by 1.1 ao SHstoclring.foot t„,httlo ab a titnE tilt it ronoliod (.0/or $800, S'o Pat riot{ beingtattaat siivonty-five years 016 and. tbo Wifo about aoveb 1 y -two. At •hi 1.1010 111 yot:41 worrnat twonty.iive at thirty totnio to tho shorty quite late, d risked rot tri, ht's lodgings. Tho • tries* *At oaltua, ttrid 1113 Wig WOW* t1,f1i8S14Left 111 THE COURT OF REIRSION t5oit iOa To Wr El Sidi) of S t ephen Will be held at Crediton, on TUESDAY, MAT 25, 11575, for the Revision of the AssoaKIllialt 11011 for year 5575, of which all persons concerned are hereby required to take notice. C. TY, Crain9x. 88 -td. Stephen, May 6, '871. f.":; . GiDLEY, EXETER, CA- C 13INET-MAKER tiNTYP,RTAKERS, take this opportunity to inform tho inhabitants of this an0 surroundiro,Sections that their :New Heart e is now completetl, aucl they do not hesitate in say- ing that 11110110 of the best in this 'western part lur TJNDF.liTAIIIING Department, as heretofore, will be found hi vory efficient condition. Colitis -plain and orutunental,-- also, shrouds, etc Funerals furnishuil 0.5. the shortesi. notice awl most reasonable torins. N'.13 -A good assortment of FURNITURE al- W1t)'S5.n 1510011 Angna.t 28, '74 52-ly El:alms-6r State now complete at HENDERSON &WHITE'S SUCCESSORS TO G. 13,1.6111E1H and selling out rapidly. The reason is, they are selling Oteaper this Season than Ever to make 'a good impression for new manage- ment. JUST OPENED, A LOT OF 00 T rP 0 NS at prices never be:ore touched, secured for us by Mr. Sinith'previous to his leaving for Eur- ope to buy our Fall teck. along with Inc own Wholesale Stock for his place in Toronto, and the full benefit of wl,ieh we are giving to our customers. . • MiiiineryShow room opened, and very attractiee with all the latest novelties in Hats, Bonnets Bibbous, etc. Cashmere Capes and Silk Jackets from $1.50 to $12. A large steel( of Men's and Boy's Beady- niade Clothing Extraordlharily Cheap. N. B. -Sizes in Bo.lts and Shoes assorted, still selling at wholesule prices. HENDERSON & WHITE) filleCeSSOrg to G. B. Smith. • -1875- -4-TEAV SPRING GOODS AT THE "Popular House" Owing to the &premien in 1.racle,, both in Can acIft and the tr. it ( d Si a t e Ft, the rn a nnfact ul and wlioleSal e Men have been forced to disros of their Stocks for 0.14S; -.)X without reference to Even the Cost Price of the Material. m. McIntosh .& Co having cleared their Vinter Stook, tin oug11 their ve,ty 'successful sale, were in the Lest ,possible position to take advantage of this state 02 5.113 markets. • Their S1 ring Stock hits been bonght ninch earlier than usual, and under all the advantages which Cash and matured ex- perience can command, the full Benefits of zethich are given to their Cuitomers, Xew Tweeds New Denims New hirtings New Cottons New Prints New Jackets at Prices no-er before hetad of. W. MoIN TO S 1.{ Sr:. CO. ST, Martth 11, 1.876. 80-ty REDITON 00ZinIT oibscribers, hi returning thanita to the farming publics bar the patronage be- sto•wed upon (110115.10 ihe plitot year at tin, Urea.. iton Wolen 311113, wood beg to state that they nurpoio 0(m01min41 to work them dritingZ,tlic eernmg summon, having 1.ett1e<1 fltein for A number of years, hoping to givo in 11)(3 future the same satiSfaction as in the pa,a, Cmxlit4g Spinning, 'Weaving), and .&.tanutacturing all kinds of Twe'erts, done on the shorte'st, notice, and at lowoot tam 13r>ip, of 'Zurich ltfills Creillen, April 15 1874 84.1ta :•0177.41SE DUNDAS Prien etatillu; lih thvito to #7,81111 0 We IMPOrt our 01.1/11.090a$,.. We keep a lartio and Z1'4411(7/ i)). (,(O13 ana tid wbat is still bete); we; 1505,1 011/5 800116 00001/ 4'4 IRROFT.: Note the fol Good 111.1e0 Sills Dress, only 59 75 Cootkiiiik 1,111/101 Dross, only tg 50 150013 311100 sok Alpaca, only 50 and 25 ate, 1)01' 1)1151(1 GUOU V141 0 (5,1( 1)111 15 t 110 10 eontS per yard. (5.5.0>1 )1115.1 wars, to Snirillig 12 eents Par Yard 12 Yards Vactory Cotton Tor 15.1 OU Ood l'iintS 6 a. 110 10 M.11t0 per yard A 11 rst 4lasa Cutler alwo's 011 the Pr 15.(Si() end exann))o 05,1 (AtellQIN 0 Stoll IN chasing ; (may, reingmber the ?ld, mune EA -SAT Y. Bt/ -law to osto,WiSh through lets (?,Z end .92 ,tn'Itto sth 1011. 1315)1) onmulap QJ Stenlisit, 11 deoltittoli.rOtid. 'AVITEllEAS in consequence of 11011 swampy na- y tido or tho concession roa(1 knoWn its road running between eollook.siOn 1 and and between lots 81 and 22 of said COMI., 11 would be very ex - 'pensive 1111015 impossible, te maintain a pose>tblo road through said conceSsion 1 in consequence thereof ;1 deviation road is necessary. • , it therefor.) enacted by the .Reovo and Muni- cipal Corporation of the township of ;itopheit, 011(1 L/10 !Mill (j011 oratiOn hereby einters that froiniand 5.1105. 10,> passing of this by-law the following Ilevi- atioste shrill he mc de frongthe original road allow- anco, agreeable to the dosed ))tion hereinafter set out, front. and after that dato the said piece of road embracod within the said' description shall bo used as a public higirway, and shall to oil intents and purposes be parts of the township roads with- in the townShiP 01 StoPlion. Description of parcelor trac't Inland and prom- ises situate lying and. boin7, in the tl.`crwriship of Stephen in the County of ifuron in the Province of °Mario, containing by admeasurement three actesand twenty-two 1>011111(0) 12>0150 or less, being comp esecl 01 11111115 of lots twen ty:oho a ndt w Oat), 111'0 (>2 11)10 fifth oonoossion of said township, and which ratty ho hotter kno and described AS tol- 105115, 0101 to say, ' Coinmenoing at a, pint cat the south side of lot lavonty-one 1110 80141 fifth concession, and at t distance of six Chains and fifty links in a westerly direction from the south -oast ,cornor of said lot twenty-one, thence, in a ilortherly direction paral- ' lel to the oast side of said lot, twenty-one 01311/11B and sovonty links, thence north twciity-two -de- grees, 'east ta•O obelus arid fort,vtheme north forty -tight degrees, oast six elmins ci,nd. six- ty links gnore or 1088 10 100 oast side ot lot twenty - 115.0 in the said fifth CO11006'81011, thence ino 1101'th- orly clirechou al pug the east of aitidlot twonty-two 10101)11>15,11 11011.'1X011ty 1ink, 1001100 S011111 lorty- 0401'1 ilogroos, west soven chains and 5,ifty1inks, thence south twenty-two c1ogreeswoe5. two chains and oighty 1iuk, thence in a soittileviy- direction 1)1)5.111(01 0) the 'etit Sitio of said lot twenty -ono, twenty-two chaill21101.0 or loss to the south fide of tot twenty-one one chitin mere or lose to 5.01)100 01 beginning, acoording to a survey made by 1130, Boulton, TAKE NOTICE That the above is a true copy of a proposad By-law which will be taken into consideration by the Council of the l‘funinipality of the Township of Steplum on the thiril itIonday in May, 1875. C. PlIOUTY, T'p elerlt, B-Y-E..6.\..ANT 80. By-law to establish, 1010111)0 101 twenty in (lis )1111 Concession of Stoplam,'a deviation roarl, also r/191- 9111to throaah part of 1>11121 'in ConCeSSiOn, end part of tot elVVIltif 5.1 101 sixth etaarenton. WHEREAS. by the nature of the ground in the locality of 01e original roma allowance on w.bau is known as Exeter sideread, and on the fifth con- cession of said towiiship of Stephen, it would be very expensive if uot impossible to mahitain road ou the sight of tho original road allowance au 1 that a deviation road would be necessary, Be it therefore enacted 1"3, the 3.100X0 0,11(3, M1111i. Cipal 001pOrla1011 of the Township of Stephen by the powers vested. in them by section. 425 Cali. 48, Vie. 30, and by the authority of the same it is hereby enacted that from and aD er the passing of this by-lawthe following cloviation shall be made from the original road allOWELME agreeably to the description hereinafter set out, andfrorn.and after that date the said pieces of road embraced 'within the said description shall to all intents and pur- poses be used a,s a 'Albin highway, one be part of the township roads in the township of Stephen. First description. Description of part of devia- tion road OD lot twenty M the fifth concession of Stephen. Commencing at a, point On the south side of the original road allowance, distant cloven chains, for. ty-fivc links on &course north eighty degrees thir- ty minutes, east irons the northwesterly angle of said lot twenty. Thence south twelye degrees forty mime tes, 51-01 0110 chain forty-five links ; Thenco south sixty. seven degrees thirty-six minutes, west two chains seventy-two links; Thence north eiglity-eight de- grees twonty-eight .minutes, west throe chains seventy links; Thence north seventy-six degrees thirty 111111111;06, west two chains eighty links to south 1101111 of original road allowance; Thence south eighty degrees thirty minutes, west on said limit one ohttin eighty-five linics to rear of lot ; Thence south nine degrees thirty minutes Gaston line between fifth and sixth'conecssions, thirty- three links; Thenee south seventy-sht degrees thirty minutes., east four chains sixty-eight links ; Thende smth eighty-eight degrees twonty-eight minutes, east three chains ninety-four links : Thence north sixty-seven degrees thirty-six min- utes, east three chains fifty-four links; 'Thence north twelve degrees forty-nine minutes oast two chains thirty-eigh t links to smith lin3it of road al-, lows -nos; Thence sonth eighty degrees thirty min% utes west on said limit of road one chain ten links to place of beginning. Containing by a dm easure- ment 0110 11010 one rood and two porches of land. Second description. Description of part of devi- ation road on lot 21 in the 5111 concession of Ste. phsn. Commencing at a point on the north side of original road allowance, distant eleven chain eight links on 11701)15811 north eighty degrees thirty nullities east from the south-wosterly angle of said lot :No. 21; Thence north twelve degrees forty minutes, east three chai.is forty links ; Thence north severity -eight degrees thirty-five minutes, east twelve chain s nin oty-f onr links ; Thence 8011111 sixty-nine 11007088, fifty-five minntos, east seven chains to north limit of original roll allowance ; Thence south oighty degrees thirty minutes west on said limit two chains ; Thence north sixtv-nino degrees fifty-five minutes, wost five chains; '0101100 smith soventy-eigh t degrees thirty-five minutes, west eleven chains ninety-six links; Then.cc south twelve degrees forty minutes, west two chains thirty-five links to north limit of original road al- lowance; Thence south eighty degrees thirty min- ntes, west on said limit (1120 00011) toh links to place of beginning. Containing by adineasure- ment 10,0 11.0),OS and twenty -ono perches of land. . DESOPIPTION 102110. , Description of Part of a deviation road on 1011 10 ...in the lith eon. of Stephen. Con3mencing at a point distant 00 links cm a 'coin so south nino degrees - thirty minutes east from where the southerlylim- it al the sixth con. 111501'001)1 intersects the division Otto between the fifth con. and the nth con.: Tbence north seventy-six degrees thirty minutes, west ono chain fifty links to limit of minima road allowance ; Thence eouth eightyclegreos thir- ty minutes. west on said limit two chains sixty Bilks; Thence south seventy-six clearees thirty inutes, east. four chains twenty links to the divi- sion lino between the fifth and sixth concessions ; Thence north nine degrees thirty minutes, west on said line one chain ten links to the 1110.00 02 be- ginning. Containing by admeasurement fifty‘fivo perches of land. " TAKE—NO-TICE. That the above is true copy of a proposed By- law which 13111111 be- taken into consideration by the Council of the litinieipality of the Township of Stephen, on the third lVfoncla,y in May, 1875. C. PROUTY, T'p Clerk. T37,17- I,A.W 91. By-law for the purpose of estoldishivg Road oa the L'osiern, side of the south hall of int evymty-two fo th,ifoltrat cession'of the 1 otonship qf Stephekt; TN consequence of the low nature of the land in the 1Vestern portions of some lots in the fourtli concession it would he impossible for some of the inhabitants 012 saideoncession to gain 0.0001515 to eimeession road during Most of the year, in consequence whereof and on petition' of said inhabitants, it is necessary td open out a road on the Eastern side of lots twenty-one and iweitty-two of "said concession. Bo it therefore enacted by the:Reeve and wru- nicipal ("on:oration of the Township of Stephen and by virute of tbo powers vested in tbem by •Section 4255 cap. 48, Vic. 88, and by inctliority I "b tt"f '1 of o smelt is lrote y enac ecl ia rein and atter the passing of this by-law the fonewing ciescritica niece of land shall be assumed` 1115 15. public highway: Deseriptiom Commencing at the southeast angle'of lot 22. ill the fourth coneession of said Township of Stenhen; thane() westerly on botmdary line bet-weera lots twenty-one and twenty-twei tO the digtaneci of three rods ; (-hence northerly parallel to eastern side Of ,Said lot forty 50(15}.10010 or ltss to divisioll line be 1.11101511 the north lialf.and the south half of said 11.31 twenty-two thene,e easterly three rods to eastern limit of saiel let ; therM0 sotttberly along sai551 division limit forty rods ramre or less ±0 1)10.00 of 1)001111111g, 0011 1/tilling by admeasitre. Mort three roods be tlm sante moro 00 les, ac- cording to a survey ntado-by 11. C. Iloultoh, 1)ated this 22m1 day of April, Ati, 1875. TAXP, '1.11int the above >8 11 true eopy Of a propw.ed By-law which shall be taken in to,consideration by the Commit of the Municipality of the Town- ship of Stephen, 0115.00 third Monday in May, C. PliOttlft, T'p clerk,' 1611 SALE -TWO CONVENI- oni end pleasantly 'sitriated DWelung 000e08 fil ElOotor fersale, Apply to, April O >75, MR, it, V, tittiToRY 11eo0reon1.h Of rtt), ,,,1„:66tItyle0Yrt bait on latto 03 tifflPfl,.. Ordett: filled, On. 'tlie 15lot liqtigtioit ottifitiitoeit tikAt 281)g8ltUrt411Y. of flinch 1:*Crifr latinritil4kSii.e , k.l.1111,661.1111C0'11'. 43tri-t, , •DON.: OLM..&••,C-a. $..n.ii).4r,r..• • Ult .tatkiftIil Wo$ell Ifflielecate Rettii well assorted stool, 01 0/0/To'n//, gad 1/01111) .1(a) tsh ings, 101 021011, Ts.," 017 1'Z :.1\1.CY.17T 0 - 1o)\ iug Prices t 1.,%11e,v 131>it>1w1 "illirting 20a13 25 eo*its 1)515 1)11(215 ya litee 010 100110/ 1.01. 00 0111001B 4041 Cloor 011 13,1001 YOT cheap 0 o ed. 11 able Damask only 0)cents per yard t:LrWa 11u0gie, o my 75 cents 1>01 1)011(11 )i100 011-W001 twoccts„ only 50 004110 cents per yd. Stlit roadY and well ine de, only $13 75 enliSei4 to attend to ordered Clothing' troublo to shov, our geoils ; no °deuce 10o11011 pur- years ad tiii,111bill at, /1/2, 0111,81101,111. & CO, S16L 01 1110 it II; tart C LOWS, 01,110b110 rket lane -1'4 IL & B. 500 MT' W,A.11TED to carry away E A D AND AOL. 1,11)015 01) CiONTFILT;CTION (Plain and Ornamental) BRIDES CAKE MADE TOZORDER Special Attention paid to Orders for Parties etc The subscriber would elSo annonnee to the people of Exeter.and vicinity that he has on hand all kinds of Gil .0 R I 1.1 Teas Vont cannot be surpassed for their quality and flavor: Sugars, Clurrants, Ilaisiits, ,baccoes, eto. 4180, all kinds of Delf, Glassware Smallware, Toys, et°. All kinds of Produce taken in 0)5(1111)150 1>0' goods. Idemember the place-NexC door to Bolton's Drug Store.; Bread delivered in all parts of the town. free of ellarge. ZELL. Exeter, Nov. 10, 1.874. ft? 01 0 0 C.1 10) Co) ••••••131 Cf < EXETER STEAM RAKE &CR'ADE FA3TIfi GEO. C()T TLIi] 14.1.1,FUPACTU1IER 01 Wooden lia,rvest Tools Rakes, Snaithes, Fork Handles, Grain Cradles ETC. He w111 have ready for the coming laarVeist, the eclobrittod St4Ikey , Hay Rake X Novelty in this section. MERCHANTS• • will find if to T1;eir Advantage to Bay. their ."5tock froin , as I air prop .,,rod. to,, (teal with them .as reasoia. hly as any other establishinbut, and toggivlyprompt , attention to all orders, , - WHOLESALE 84 RETAIL.: Turrim g of all kinds made a specialty in the business. • GEORGE COTTLE Exeter, April 8,1875. 82 -Om New 13ooks. Cheap Editions of the following Popu- lar Titles httve just been received t Qtteeetry, ). .1w Miss Wetlierill Whlo, Wiec World .,. by itisN,Votherill Alone..., . ...,bylMarfortlittriand Stopping II:eaventvard.. 1'13E. Prentisfe Atritt Jane's Hero; „ , by E. Prentiss lila May-. . -by llifary Langdon Little Women, . Patience Strong'san 401.ti1 01 t1,101rF; Price, 80 Otseach d- It I G- 13001CSELLER SW ,MAEY? r11)ofrath.6ild general 'dealer in stovea,eplowk nwlfapttlaa6i(t.a... '11 110)1111), nork1Oritralls' 100) sorvanoteri iron t .i311 (sap, cut 111)1ltiti1t4-.54' , 15t0tsrlisli141 and )1Pi'rerdt4 • ri6 cuttio1w 9fl5,5. Griffin's Exeter Seed Store. W E$ 1: BURY J PROV ED Given away in Prizes at .ho Exeter Fall Westbury Improved. Fiwod 9 Turnip. MAILED veryt1i5n8' for the Garden.. Seeds and plants OF ALL KINDS, Garden and. Flower Seeds under 4 lbs. in weight, FR jUST ARRIVED Four New Kinds of Potatoes. Remeroter the spot, First Door north of Carling's Store. N. B. -Clover, Timothy, Flex, Millet, Hungarian Grass, Orchard Grass, at lowest prices. • er 1,..24/1M,4,4,114,...0111•11.10MR mynoolmeanmoomeacaeasseonnuacratesormamor* J. RANTON gi to minimum tl at his 'TR NHG STOCK F IS NOW and CompIete Being tho Large?:.t he has ever oxhibitod in Exeter. IIe. is cleturnitied, to sell as Cheap as is consistent in a legiti- 112 a 10 ter.5510, 0110 cordially 11>1'> ),.c an INSPECTION GOODS and COMPARISON of p rifts would as. tire his many customers ana friends that III: WILL SPARE NO 1-'2\.:INS 0) 211>11(0 it both a - PLEASURE AND PROFIT for the:l1 to transact business with him. 3. MANTON. Exeter, March 18, 1875. IT41 r p :"4 y 1-4 _I ) "s_ , 221:INITLIM, FANCY T.1.IEA1) AND BISCUIT BAKEE, & CCN I F. C TI(.151; E, E-xETEP,.. ,..yhik returning his siiMerepuha,- to the inhabitants of Exeter and surronmling villages for their pitki, literal /mucilage, belting to 11101 1) a contitatanet of their favors, woulcl call their attention to his large stools of Cakes, Crackers, .and Confectioner. .FRUIT CAKES, 15 CENTS PER POUND \cc1cl1flgs nid 11-'n ri les a Spec...iality. Fool, Dreritl constantly on band at Exeter and North Exeter Post Offices,runt J. Short' aml (01112 15110. fi hats wtiited tit . Exeter, April 10, 1874: 67-tf. A. SKINNER. .03,1,acimmerAM .ST.AARTS-A.Q.RM.ULT UA WORKS • THEM ST .CO,MB INED REAPER & MOW R • .,r.etiEl DOMINION" THE THRESHING MACHINES eng,this Establishment are so well 0001511 that any.rccommonditt ons would be super fluous The Three - Wheel gang Plow made by T. 13. Moore, claims precedence of anything of tbe kind in the Dominion. WAGONS of superior workmanship and material. Patent Dominion Land Rollers, Pio w s,ultivators, Seed Drills; Broad -cast Sowers Scuffle,. s, Sugar-kettics and Cauldrons, and every other kind of Agricultural implements on hand or made to order. JAMES R. MOORE, PROP. (45-1y.) St, Mary's, jitly 1, 1874.. ISAAC CA1114INO 13egs1eave to thank his friends in Exeter and surrounding country fo ./• their liberal patronage tho past, and hopes to merit a ,fair share of their trade 'the future, haying IT RAND one of the Larges f and Assorted Stocks Usnally fonnd in a Gtea1 CONs.tvtING Or/ • r Goods •Groceries, Etc., eady,,niade , Clothing, vvines and 11- quora, Ilardware,Croclery„ Boots • andShoes,Irleather,,eto . , C. a oal.1.*as he is ,cloterrotpor tiO,to te utla6r sold. by 'any establislnnertbinthis toeticilICOf 6orintry. PH,OENIX Corner Bathurst 84 reilingto JOHN ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR. .10 0 Pere evilt4 Mowers• Ovativators, 2=1,Qw=„ Carle-rlowso 'Cvadva.torol AND ALL KINDS OE impLENENTs mAistuvAcTuitED, FARMERS' SEED DRILL. This implement bits a double dishibuting grain cup, and is admitted to be the best before the public. I am 1100) 1/1151.1y engaged malting them for the spling seeding, and will be pre. 1)0>00±0 supply thorn 9, 10, 11, 10 tubes each, with tube shifter or without, aecording to or- der, and will endeavor to keep on band either kind and size to supply any who maY not have given their order. The style, finish, and matatial used will be found all that can be desired, and, if equalled, not surpassed in Western Canada. 0 This requires 110 introduction. It has bccome a ri-c-ssi•y 10 far.,.ners, 11 1) t on y 1113labor- saving implement, but i11 the increased quantiries of grain axed tr,t raking the stubble after the rower. 111 varMus ways it, can to used to advantt go. he expetienee of the last two 5.15111>0)10 1)11) decided me 10 use 1 11-39, round steel iustesil of the ovr1 for teeth, a S. being the best naapted for the work, not only the strongert rr,cl leabt liatle to break, but holds in position the best, 1101 2>5>111 w. 111, 10,-1radalt, apart mid miss in raking. At the Wostern Fair 1 took First - Prim in Sulky Baker, beside 115.0 13, 0. '.1.'ny'or. 1 111. Making the 5. i)e1100113Bake. itis very ruttitli like the 1.thica. In the eastern Slates rind the Loner 1'3 02101508 11 111>1) taken the 1end .1 all others. 1 mrale ton of thon lotit its fel '1110v havegiven ample • atisfaction. _1 will be ready ill season 151115 1.eth kinds, and lume to be able to stipply Mt who may favor me with their order. Last SORSOI1 1 AVIS 1511001 Ina one bunclrecl rakes. JOHN FLLIOTT, Plia-n ix Folvdry, (11:1) 0 OPM-AT...kiTS SAMWELL CDUzfiti PC('D EaujillA D..c,W opening out it lot of NEW SPRING GOODS ON% iug to, the depression in. trade 4•110.14.1eNII They have Eouht a number of and are now prepared to offer THE CHEAPEST Goeds ever offered in the' Call and EXamine. Exeter, Morob 18,1875. e s SAMWELL Ss PICKARD. 411MIMMIlir OICATIN. .1,624S "MAIIIII6111•11•13•111•11 FRESH Direct From Maltimore, 350. 3 cans Tor per can. $1.00 A S :Fly • rounds 'Best. Tea..111 Ftxetell/, 4.5O Ten; Ponxids • G It 0 114 proporiioi), a the ROCE:RY LIQUO for Z8.50