Exeter Times, 1875-5-13, Page 31.(11,C110
9 /14.IllIATA of d1 Voiret
treal rhySietitn, nnrgoon,
0(11(44 ,4.1.1tesidiciice-,-Ei,etcr.
Qlfice ltours--S to id).4,3)-1,444 7 to 10 p.m,
'n& 13IW VVNING• & 110 iNeT,
44-j I41r5i6.4", 61.1.1%.(,(NZO, 40QQ11.0)10.11'0„ ()MOO
0.1011. Medical latboratory ono door. Mirth-
ofOrtv' blaclicinitli shop, Alain, st.,
aidenco, Br. Browning's, llmon, d
M.D., Graduate Victoria Cliniego, Member Eel,
legoThysicians Surgeons, WS1.141,Viso,
(4401.1.0oto Univorsity Trinity College, ;Member ("el.,
klitparlrysielans and Surgeons': 111/41,
MORI)EN, ,lIonaceopathhee
-Leer ,l'iteteoete, uciSurgeon,
1..Truni-Next door to liwitulen's, 41413.40, W01103.
'I$1011)4SCOd—coutml gotta,
Particuiat attention paid to cial'onie disearles,
all coals eremehe etteaasel,"advietenee,
EXcter March "2,1 less, 8.27y
R, LANG, g, B., L. ,Re C
S, 0. graduate. of 'Xrinity College, Wein-
Oct of the Pollegg_of- Seseelottose 2%11:13Q04,s
r. cdlice-uvrug $tore„ Main.St. tiralltodi
ard is alai propliotor of the Erug stdre, and con-
stantly liSeys en hand a largo stick of pure drugs
Pait'lliM0(.1-1,pilIQS, and. Dye stuiTs. '
Cirantord, line 18, 1874. "• 45-(lan.
-a et. Lem ttorneys, Solicitors, ammissioners
B. It, die,
Or"ku.cu-Ilinvtosla 13noon, Water Street, $t,
IL Barristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors in
l'iltaucery,n Conveyancers, CommissiOnerti Q.B,
3,11a liotttruollfteolic, St, Marv's,
Ovvitme-flutton's Block, Water St., St. Mary's
nt. 1-1y.
I/ e•
• martietee Liceuges midei tose-sate
ao 1,31:1 0J,11,WetOVD,s'ZItTlintrOlif. 46- tf.
111•111...11.1•••••M sasialgeNNI•ma•NONN.
BROWN, Public Auctioneer,
• Winchel sem Seaga promptly Oteudocl to.
'Tom ,4f-;afistinahle. •
Winchelsca, Oct 18, 1878-
Lai -For the County of ,111,1011.
'6,*4 •
AliANSION '17101)(GE.,'; EXETER
k, ONt., W. HeayKsHeaV, Peeetietee• 'raj
. t1OW 11.12i1 COTOMOCIIOUS 1'1047 cap pleted, and
fitted. up throughout' 'With ' The:
best of 1.,i/piora
s ndchoide'st cir Cigars at the
Bar. The lit.use is capabl0 rig acnommodatinu 885
guests. Excellent stahles anIl z8n. attentive laos-
la. .B0 11C•111.1:, Proprietor. This first-chri 11014"1
has lajtcly_,..icAaugcil hands (from eve 11 Wil, 1,8 to
W. 131:14‘t.'•I1?!"aut1 is fitted with DONS' fur ;tete
thro ighont."-IfFne 'bus to and from the atdtion
r t‘lie datty line of 'bussei,te, T ciutoL. The
hat is T ple •:1,:wi,t41.„ the elic-ccekt „1„,11401,'S tt-
rult 4-1;S„,,,,,„:-TePtIr...Calt411.1.41.Teb.LU Sal:1,1,11re 1T0fl11..
0041a Stab1141&44e4g1k1eitivo lio"stlers. 32 -Ty
- _Lea good one -storey frsmol!tre so,001 11111110
'5 rooins; also 4 tic' o of hml, 8,10i 64,.1, the 3,;:ealict
square, Blzeter. tue is on 14coli10t -w/.11
tOr. Porparticulars st ply io IsaAC
;toter. 77-11.
e•-,eg To .,8
11.,r3 P rtl 11 !
alass,.-1 w'srit,..!•!! p oi-
ttk.ir sox., -soUgl t, 71) t ' "C,
0.11.4UH Ceir i ,•••• ;511 le Ui
1.0 r11, .-l-40,:es C.
e; ,
Livery an,d -(9ale tables
cdonaction the Con ti al Hotel),
ABLE vehicles always on 'nand. Favorable
arrangoineLts 1110118with 00001585101travelers.
All orders left- at lii.sectt's Thisbe)) will be
promptly attended to.
. E. (7.; T.TISSETT, Prep.
E,Ecter.,Sem. 448181.
And Stood; :Breeders.
Etas removed his office to onerdoor north of c.
L'aerert's harness shop, and nearly opposit, John
Tinsmith: s'op, Veterinary Medicin, s al-
ways on hen, . Oalls promptly attended to.
Horses eit.,ighted as to their soundness
Augui fr.ls; n, ISM •
Illustrated Catalogue of
Warm, Flower &Crarclen,Seeels
$50.00IGIvi,N ATMs •3
4"9"No gt ill 09- CII7E2 AWAIT
Send tot a Copy atonce,
The London Seed Store
City Hall, Richmond -rib, Ilondon,,Out.
London, March 18,187:i,
:NO. 87, —WIIOI O. S9
I,CEEP constantly on hand the Largest and
Best Assortment of
Patent '11/1,edicines
Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Cloth
School Books., Toy ,Books,
BlankoBooke, Magazines,
A lbumsFaney Goods
Penal). Slates, Lead Pen-
eet.470.7-stel •
4eeets for LAZARUS, MORRIS, &
045.'5' Celebrated Perfected Speott.e,tis and
Prescriptions and Recipes quickly and, accu-
rately diSpensed. Remember the Place—Di-
rectly opplosite the 14 Central Hotel," Afain-St.,
Exoto. C. VANDUSEN & Co.
Exeter, January 7 1874. 11 -yl.
Tho Dozainiq LaboatorY
Go to theDoinill 10/1 Laboratory if you want
. .
Chemicals or Dye
1c.in went
Cendition Powders, Or
Horse Medicines,
Patent Medicines, 'Perfumery, Toilet Articles,
go t the!
!',.1 kit'ELITiftillitlY
• 4 ,„ •
• .. •
The New Brilliantine
Boot g 'Shoe
would inform tin, people, that'll() has cominen-
cod business in the above line next door toBell's
Bakery and Confectionery. ne has on hand a
'eplentlicl stock, of Leather of allkinds, and from
his t'oeneral knowledge of the business, and do.
ingfirst class worklit,pes to obtain a large cus-
Sewed work will receive his
sp€,cial attention.
Repairing done with neatness and des-
, patch, and moderate charges.
Inoter, May 6,-1875. 88-m.G.
'the Ppics'
the inhabitants of Exeter aud surround-
ing country, that lie lias opened out in
Broderick's Old Stand
stof,1 of
and trona the facilities that he poSsesses he has
been enab1e4o purchase his goods in the
Cheapest Market !
and he is bound to let those wh..) favor -him
with their patronage hose the benefit.
c0Alis only necessary to convince that I 81111
Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Raisins,
Rice, Etc. .
011 everything in the Grocery Line at Loudon
prices, and that my stock of .
in all 118 departments.
Farm Produce taken in. •Exchango, and the
higliest price thlowIt. On hand a first-class
lot of Bitecn. •
-r1.-7‘ TT A_LA :7 -I A 1\T
••,.." ex.
eteetetr,:etay 6,1875. •
1 T 11, 0 I. I) E T ABLISITED
, sioase
Thanking my num crone distorters for their t-
ronage in tlui past, mud would solicit of their 18881a
I remenibrance in the future, would beg to remind
thorn that I have
0118 of the riticst preparations for promoting
the growth of the hair, and giving it
A Fine, Mossy Appearance
All at th6 Lowest Pate.
N. 13 -PrescriptiODS 1.811(1. Veterinary Form:3-
a carefully (lispensod,
Exeter, A pril 6, 1875.
If you lvent
gLos,2* Li -46) a
nowt rO/fP clothing, 1,t,‘sFljyakt.t
comitoritebili ereeteiy: •
aware of the fact that Esc people Of Exet,
Or and surrotnidiug torso 'al? 11 aye a taste rot that
Whieli is comfortable ftiol neat, and 701150 especi.
ally ill theft Clothing (1181)8181,Lave, iv order to
aloes, thin demand, opened 801) 58
its Ptirnishuig' & Tailoringlsts:blish't
In the standlately occupied by Visliblirn
' where they intend keeping centif,anity 011 hand, a
Well-asterted 81081< Of the hif,est Styles of
mt. t1)liglx1; 53111 010 14r0 of 1180 failm 13115
1)114-IA11.0h 1158 1)5155840115111581 no uneminf.fel YO,
pitt,ation ao it Cotter, Parties Idlying cloihs may
rely On puroliftning them a Pi (88883) 116 885eW they
purchased 500(11 in tutor, besidea baring
fritEm CuT 11,E O18 CtikaUR
A perfeot 111; auetentooa.
MoIXTY1111 &
la V!, '1837t1,
Agont for the
08 "E
Setior's Photograph Cfa11ery9
HAS. SENIOR, having removed to
-tie° staeas cutely be artpied by 711" C .S'outlr-
cotte' 'tailor', has completely renovated the prom.
(So.§ Aid arranged. hit; studio so as tO command
Olio Of OA 1test Lights it ,Canada
10 ereettreet to c±ccrite work in 17rstn1asas4y1c.--
Atuknowledgfug past patron, go, he begs 00811-
En -Mined of trio Itrvorii Of 11)1 public. "'Attention
Called to bla totilt .61 Frarfres,, having on
hand • good Solcetifin boing
preVarert 100110 ail moderate rat0a.-
liestdencos photegritpllbil. 'lniotOgra8ih8*11011 re -
solicited,. se roe los.; oaainots, Jisst, rineosatis, 50
fact r of Might and lleavy 0000855 V00 1
.50111.1 thO illbabitAtitg of 'Cabot te and Dino hay
11581810 3488 Oft iltind SIM.18 memasoa te lessens&
Shop T
my stock in the New and Commodious Depart -
moots of the
rick look
at the south of the old stand,twhere will be found
consisting, of
Dry Goods,
Hard -ware,
Groceries,. •
Boots & Shoes,
Ready-made Cloth'g
Hats, Caps, &c,
spa. theiie in Watt Of anything in his Iincr 0-111
stray their blynititerosfebygi-OliVtini 001186,,
16V61ftelteriint01a**latire1 fteparting. piateeette
etteueteeto, eteerre
hays also added a first-clites
De oartmon t in connection. lify motto:ia, '0000
Goods atreasonable rates." Continent is unner,•:
sexy; the goods ate here to Speak for themselves
flit,hest Market Price paia for all kinds of
Remeinber, this ia the Oldest Eetab-
halted House in the County. Opposite
tho Post Office,
Exeter, May 6, 1875
,s -tore, /Post ()OUR Ifluzleling,
Stock of Groceries and Confectionery
on hand.
ts- Sportsmen supplied witlt AnnattriAtion.
SOhbOi. Books and Stationery. Jour-
nals and Magazines.
G. SANDse118.
'Exeter, N085e10be151$74, 19,
Carload o
Wo nate also 011 liana a largo ateclobf
C1.0Yet, IT,inAothy, flungarian
Orrass and crbilor Seeds
Warranted, All F"Pqi
, .
No .old...,-oced.fg kept, In Stook
utherland Bros
Ty'S 4)111 8 1876.
r...4111.04. YOU SATifila---T11,11`, loan-
trorther Offorg 106 3111(7 tho N.W. 4. of lon,t
0011,a, T.To.)oh),,, com.t.4.8114 toro. at..01081.1
tease es itetnif 1)010 11110 Walt 'tinillorend, /41,
&tweets is stetatos aeon 'see Stabin t the pterthees,,
Ver.falling:Onsing, ,Distant, freM1
alSe'rtgondltotinikeraiArd greft 8841411)8 1488
int106, aAipAyhtj'
StntyPtOthliteiVillotef P,O• • g
T-u_ToA::Eto, AN41) LOTe°T-41bLaIlEaTbl*IgN7
-1-2 ALE—A 'good.
Favymk'WUrrr,00li or D. 13u.ntlim,
Exeter, Ont.
Granton. A good ono story frame shop to
letSuattble for and trade ; size 28 x 40 in tho most
00 ntral part et the 311140 514)14` to
0 751. 31)1313 Compton,
TT Or1.11,CE.,-T1e,1a8tnereleila hereto-
fore e,:isting between Elia oke and 11c•rgto
et Limns, 1)agger lbta vilige, us (aencialOlt -
ConS011t„ atb Or WhitSh. t1.19 1)1181110013 ivill bo Ca" 1e4
era, was dissoiyed on March 28(1,1875, by mutual
on by Id E..114(i'Q1 04v.
witness, JOHN ItAtU„
Christ °btu eh, Exeter, will give a
The &3h?oiia
Thursday Evg., May 131 75
Tho ladies will have e• table for the
sale of their needlowerk.
A gentle:nazi from a distance 18 ex•
pect.ed to be present with a splendid
Megic Lantern for the entertainment.
_Admission, Q5 Cts.
Doors open at p.m. Tea will be
served till 8 pAn.
-2-tooms To MMT,
Hill) use of cellar. Apply to NES. GEO. HOD
S, Sanders street, LAETEA. Nat.
None but a first-class hand need twiny.
88-21, 11011T.
I hereby caution cll persons against cutting er
removing timber from the lands of the Canada
coinpuny, aki I 81.1.I1 ,011th01517.0a to prosecute all
trespassers with toe utmost rigor If Um law.
510135: el'ACRmAx,
Timber Agent Can. Co.
Exeter, May 13, 1875. 89-18.
i. Court of Revision for the
foram year .1877, will be held at the school house,
iss.stor,ou Mondaydist day of May instant, at
the hour of 050 o:th 'olop.m. M. EACREI"I'
Vilioge •oicilt. $0-15.
ihe Cycler
„k etas
Th.T MAY. 18, iis75
E A:13'1..4f .11,11;g:T.11',
e are reread this week to crave an
indulgeueJVrom our subscribers, and
we think it will be granted. The apol
ogy we have to make for the appear-
ance of only half a sheet this week is,
that three of the office hands have
been token sic,k ; and not being 'b1e to
procure oth.ers to fill their placos we
have been tillable to issue a full-size
sheet. We hope to be able to remedy
the lack next week.
Tian Globe says "11)0 election law
drives terror into the hearis of Con-
servatives, when their elections are so
pure. Sorry IVO can't return the com-
pliment.. 'The law seems to have no
terror for the Grits.
THE Grits are meeting with very
gratifying success in their endeavors to
unseat Conservatives. Platt and Cam-
eron, of East Toronto ; Bell, of West
Toronto ; Long, of West Simeoe ; and
Brown, of South Ontario, couldn't be
FLIES are scarce and We Slitlitid be ar-
py.A.in't a fly on the end of your 31088
more disagreeable than ram ?
APRIL SHOWERS are late this year.
So also willf.May flower.s. We may -
miss the 3.11130 Lbug, though.
Socasn.--Reenember this social this,
eveninea 111 the school house in aid of
ChristCharch Ladies' Aid Society.
CONCERT.-TVe 13 d want to_ raieo
some money to assist in paying , for
their tuition, and-. so purpose having
grand•concert in` the school house on
Friday evening, 21s31 inst., Romem-
bet what a, success last one WaS.
pursnant to atljourument. All the
members peesent ; minutes of previons
meetini read and confirmed. Moved
by D. Miller, seconded by J. Halls,
That By -lay No. 4, for 1875 as now
road be passed.--Caryied. Moved by
R. Monteith, seconded by W. Brock,
That 13y -law No, 5 for 1875 for the
regulation of Statute Labor as nosy read
be eassed.--Citrrieci. Moved by 1).
Miller seconded by R. IVIonteith, That
the list of Patlitnasters DOW presented
t'o the clerk be adopted. - Carded.
Moved by J. Halls, seconded. by I),
Miller, That the Court of Revision be
held on the first Saturday of June at 10
o'clock, ft. IE.-Clairried. Colwell ad-
journed to meet on the first Saturday
in: July.
S. P. Iferar,s,
Township Hall, Usberner May lst.
A clergyman was endeavoairig to in,
struct one <3 11113 Suuday schol-
itrs, plow boy, on the 1133351180 of a, mir-
acle'. "Now, my boy," said ho, sup-
pose you shottld see the sun. eieing the
middle of the night' what yeti
cellethet ?" " ales: eaun, plase fattit,"
" No, but," said the clergy/nett; " 81)9.).
3)01383 37011 1(1101V it W8,8 7)03 3110
and that you ettw that actually rose ,
tuidd,le of thelaiglet .2" • (' `Plase,
surf I should thinit ,it 'seas+. titte get
up 1"
4. A vials, down East sett:treed hie
nesveparee to tit6 ,priT1,11113; 00 With
.44 ild:riI01,1ii.„1‘" Writ:top on the margin, .and
to th0 O,It 188t1 editor otti,ted. t4)6
ft,at, an a w ou:Dibip ,.a)d peragrapli" by
oelting ; Will our indignant subscri-
ber pletme let' 'tee' know, at WIA8,6
i11,41.1)0 found 3)4
DY linlga enuteonn.
CHA PTERIY,- t 1184.
Why) Gwiler, you litt've 00510111 1y
gone teed aryain, for I called yen smith -
or (me broke iri Deaue, who,avas real-
ly mystified, well as ho know hie friend.
'That '4 again" is good, and the
most seneible thieg you have said in a
twelvemoeth ; but it cannot SLIVe you
P51 t sued the oddity. I say you have
called me chile:: fiat" or sceundrel, and
I don't intend to take such a charge
tamely, espeeially from a ma0 who is
not as big,' as myself. Yea say that no
one can ikuow your int:me:tee, except
tato eeoundrel who himself committed
the Abbety. Now I Lave told eou
abut Eye hundred times that .1 kuow
your innocence and could swear to it.
Either, then, 1 lio, because I don't know
your innocouce, or I am a scoundrel
and stole the money ? Don't you see
necessity for either apologizing or
` Yes,' answered Laurence Deane,
'with diffieeuty, now that he saw the
drift, controlling' his propensi y" to
laugh at the botebaet of the manner
and the absurdity of the deduction.
Yes but-'
t b t 1 Do ou withdraw
the offeusivE remark 2' inquired tee bel-
Under compulsion, because you are
bigger than myself -yes !' answered
'Very well, then, 1 accept your apol-
o y,' said Gwiler, sittiug doWn mid re-
suming his segar. •
Now I ;nu in hopes that I have
beard the lest of your despairine-bebul-
litions, for at least two hours.. To tell
you the truth, Larry, which,1 don't of-
ten tell and you can't bear to hear -
you don't act like an ineocent niae, and
if I did not kuow you a good cleat bet-
ter than you 35810785 yourself, 1 should
swear that you were not 1 'Si'ou are too
anxious to bo raking ep that old matter
all the time., rike it map who doubts his
ow11 respectability a little and so keeps
continually 31811<1 ug about it. You
would never conseut to be discharged
on one acquittal, on a trial for 3 -our
life, but stop ttliti inquire of tile jury
whether they 35010 sure they had not
forgotten some bit of unfavorable evi-
dence, and whether they had not better
try you over again.'
Frfs,a; 1,1011, 1,,,,,,mtvz Gay and rattling temperaments atea thate single accnntmoderme, Oat n7.
1.50 PEP., AN'r1.0”
beee merely attitudinizingebefore title laughed. a fabit 51.1ill.10 Of t110
iniomtebehea(1)1,17ittst9ittit. an earnest that could of his brandy through the veil ef" itie
natural temperament 11s7 ! thr8
Married I To whom?' again Fre- a little tcee much of a good tanner, nice
Gwilor repeated, ignoring the falleo old Irian as you aro 1'
cc eaoi 08 tiaantdhiiel Lli'LrIeonot ocfliQL pa -Letts,: yl-Loeitile,111011el:otiit tiobrift,td lioera,1 0,1 ,
1)13511,' 01t2d
sonally insulted. Give me Ads uarne, Coviler, 11.1? agalu ; bat it
ifyou letve been favoiecl with it; and will answer equally well 6.1" a yawn. 1
soo it' wo do not happen. lo have a little too teen sleepy, 111151 4'1 uould hot in-
misauderstauding-what ealled duce that danco of a tem -time" to pre
0 " diecushion whl elitick•S"---frona 'vide me either a lianimook or a
which one of us will not oome hoine rooetime pole, wo must even go biailt to
bre,,,allsvfoatei.ltdeou co the hotel end take our forty willhe
for me, 'Fred Amndmilitava'onlIulg.aievie'ney7(e..nu 81.1`Tlet a winir for Inca ani afraitt' ro-
se pitiful an hupression of my weak. plied Deane, as, lie prepared to ile1/01.1.1--
1108s, OY Illy cowardice, that you think pally him.
(.1reiaitrevietietwihtelittileireisteol. 20,,en 80 fight out a Nonsense ' eneeverecl Gwilee slep
Cosvardice be hanged, and wa ali-
'lass alongside of it, mi amigo!' rospolla-
ccl Commit a inurder ? No,
certainly not. Tlioae ugly words hetee
no busiuees iu the caeguage, since 1110
little operations that you and I 1(1885' ab
1VL17t8VIllG in '52 ; bet if you mean to
ask whether would pick a quarrel
with the man who stood in your way,
and shoot him--jast by;ttlesttlent. 02
COttr80--wily then I tell you lintt 1
would pop him 03 835, if if 110 didn't pop
tile, "With as good a will as 1 ever fived
two -ounce at old grizzly. But now
that 'name, before you forget it, I tell
you! COMMe Si l'a1120
And yet,' said Deane, speaking very
slowly and inapressively, the calinnees
all on /tie Side, 1103V, in that petty pride
whieh the best of us feel in possessing
informution five minutes in advance of
another-' and yet I will toil you his
name, for 1 did learn it -and you will
neither shoot him nor qtuerrel with him
on. the subject.'
the other.
• Try tile I' -waS the emphatio boast of
'His name is--jolata Gwiler.'
Fred Gwiler had been varying his
position by wanting, during his last
previotee minute. He paused,. sudden-
ly, approached Deane, laid his 333'0
1111nds ou the, othol.48 shoulders as if he
himself might have been a great bear
taking that liberty with his keeper, and.
spoke in it voice of concentrated sat -
p35190, alarm and. anger :
Only this,' answered Deatie, niore
and. more quiet as hie friend. became
more anti. reeve extiitait--c that Lillin
Saunderson is ebout to be inure:tett tea
my uncle's pat tner attel yone father --
nothing more !'
1 4051
••1/1,1,'' 460 :
,, • hot,"
1.4.0 % '").‘4611101 oot
,seero of teial tied ilittle:alty t"1"10
'11818 1'- t1t81(5Jil 1111, iII&I 1`,
161)414', f.a.4.11100 '511111
1i'1114, 1317
4 41 141
1311)1 (It 51 lilt', 1 illei)ea eat
'to be c.1()kk41).(iiilZ,„.t.11/. 4
W1'111h11'1 03' U111.02/)0113/ 15j1 ('1/Q3:k 101'1
1)7•0 VI', ter svevo dark to 10),150
a11:1 hlacit Ptite
10 110: 11";.f]lt 110,'T
e101110el to l) 1 (dniorl-oa (73) (1 [3)0 inn --
1.1(1,7, lo.11)18$2.110,1. to bo
3,10 itiottleet exlreesief„e ; and to all_
tlitev were (Jbserv,int, 81183111.
fittelliee..---es'iti nisei, 1 es'oe ',11111 est)
wJte Ilion thee J -J. sttepieioli 03' e<itieiriese
hi Ibo elJerfit teed: Joey irps)ffteel of tito
et:(1, tlit; noee 1) 801 enfliiefirit:/: ril-
Yidlatioil iJf simet(J oo trench of \veil -alit
111)510i1, ter tit'em
or !er 1)nt vcq,',)/ 111.)lallti,' 01 ',lila
gloe y, ev st\ctilt (10',51; in the ttleition
of tete.. tint :, two 11;ilves of ;1 (tecbie
ttee,(tee truteiii;le elm leele'e, ;led
I401:3 es, neatly os if tile 1)iley 11.11sas;.e
h1.11 11011111,c,, d()
11135 l ; 1310 hies, fell, reee-liJJai tsel. J1
15 litele Joutinf';, lifitt(notaissal
that Lint/ 187()17 ; "aiel r JJ•
gs 181, 0, 11 rt011.308.bzia .1(..0 1 1: 8tho41
Wiliell Lea lie al/Ottay orceir)o, rtavnolf:if..0 ill coo ;;Als
turned to the borders of his lattual role irig eiresa widell etc J 3
licking mood. Peltaw, titan. 1 witliin 4-.0-931i1)fle`i L111, -
at hour after we are lei bed, 31011 1,1e1.811Y 1‘‘'().1.1*(71rS avoeaii,e, ;eel.
staore so that every rat, in the house witl hit -1,111e lifo :113 :11-4(1 be:1r a little cleees
believe those is ale eartitatiake • and f)xtilitingtion• v'ithout detrimout tro lier
scamper for Ills life.
And eo tWo friends left 1110
Shadee,' where, thostgli it was lb eit
past, inidniglit, the billiasd Italie still
efsit---betore stio its allowed ti5. speak, ea
she s000 meet .1), for hereon'. One of
the iniconeiden'od yet not elways 1111-
Itenorsel` female worlcers of the ge eat
clicket1 fvoin withie end the boy •.511.11 l'roitneee, le her own 851111111 way,
the wild eves nevi the coinetary hair of eJlidt the wealthiest deniat411; nand
Still went shooting aboist cm
hag mission. At last, and for once if
never more. anxieties of the ftiture
evexe distributed between the two Id
and brain ee rising out, day by ' day,'
many of those gracefill desigos in delis
°ate roaterial, destined to set oft the
clettoten of aristocratie beauty or to ons
most evenly ; 81185(1 portiaps titay were to IsJ,Jeasa01 ,riatural,„1-teslilles.s by the very I'Llyati
travel toguthee all the na ore easily fe Leal
<8111 of l('83C1105 (111(1 17 413785 bioeko 78018111
that sharing of the blirtlinte
ft cerdeleY Jae" 1)0113 3117
e,V' 0103)1:10/11318-
,tal,c,tas_nicgt \!1.18.18;
, .
Alql) P0011 11 heel) 01Kietl'ert lite (1url-
.1;) ll'ly time tl:tring itte ceding
(,)(ir five year,-; 'and tile foe° which
altet•iiittet1 with that of 1405 ;i11010 as-
sistant, itie,rent•fce tend shop-eirl adanc-
ing tbsougli the tasteful array of laces
n1 d hroidered alto t io
,tnillings 57nd (7/1353 11351. mid- India 71 -
the second floor of the hilliditeg: leee and ebpeor lier little
wane enette, BAD PENNY
In her own quiet little room sae -Lil-
lie Saunderson, on the morning follow -
inn. the occurrences which have been
detailed in the two preceding chapters.
A quiet little room indeed it was, our
overlooking the street through winen. 1.)1gs..11(t):...1-u(3,vIrlev,1;.-itct:411171(..)eite;;e0df 111.71 ii.cf,a1.11sse.8111:
less as the snowieel. catelnie lionging
there, awl a tweet 11,g 11111305135• linenset1 vendere.' eeued. tO- ier )," 1 -)et ' 1
little:, an'cl not ono of a suite for if 3113 ''r ii!' t"I° CC' Wi tel•S'
carriage occaeioaally went unablee ea 01
tt cast jolting or rattlieg, and fsom
which the vekatious cries of the street -
hawkers glorying ia the appellation of s
, e fluttered • 1,1s
lar intervals. A 011733143 1110581 as 711 41<1 'Lrio In cflgr''. 1575) "14(.10
timo, 75575 (8,31, 1uuid
05 WOattb 585'0rO 10 uf 518101115 arid si'ld'vc3.1e4ieeutliorf?tisliir;1;1(:10:718a1111ti .iet'(:;'1' nosy 7:15. ?;;;?0:07171e.N %.'1?-1:::'9074S1'2Er";. "oss t
v40,..ny „t 81111 11 that Im t,d1 not always witiatieg tne ea paulter for ceseity Itaa CA Yet 11,,aae iCAJtelf
, 0(.111 lix, had the, t ; nit /0)31 8,11,Y 111011) than they leask el° :nit in the old 111 11,,ttee of pail
' 18 sst3 351,5118171,
istloy„ 811at .1 1,111 a foo.,', pa w c.et terrible Jelliget under ettelicieut lard 3)1711,1(11 01) Aud
(10 113188
• •, •, ,
meted blow, and the imposeilsilley of every eon:fol. arnl convonieece seemed
doe't tell Diu 01' faet more then six
1311105 4 day, "aral---'
'And now,' pursued G \viler", again
interrupting him, now that you have
0011110 .31<1(135011 your folly like a seesible
fellow, put off 111111 immensely serious
face, and I will be. so grave that they,
might stnIf me for au owl. Let me
know what has happened. But 21103 -
has anyotJe of yOUr uncle's family a
suspicion that we wero on board the
Illinois ? Have there been any spies
wale:1111)g our coming, do you think,
trona anything you have limed 2"
Not 0 suspicion, 1 believe. No ono
knows, 'or 085011 suspects, that WO are oa
this side of the contineut, except Lillie
Sauudersou, who will not tell for her
own sake, end Jane Wesley, the old
housekeeper, who will not tell for
! -"Nithaps you lia,c1 better
revere° that'll Gwiler, musing,ly.
Well, did you sae her ?-though of
course you oid, OY she would. not know
of -your arrieal, as you sey.'
Yes, am ashamed to own it, even
to you l' exclaimed Laurence Doane,
bitterly. I went skulking like a thief
into the house from which I had been
driven as a thief My uncle ankano1
wore absent, " speeding the evening,"
as they call it, thank heaven !---itaid
aided by Jane 1 saw my cpusin-only
co wish with all my heart that I had not
seen her, anti id111.0St to curse my folly
in ever corniug. baok to the East after
being so far away f,rom it.'
Well, well 2., to Otie!' said, Gwiler,
witia interest..
She will not betray 107 presenee
here, as she could nob well dei aftet:
ceiving me; but beyond this there'is
not a hope. She has something otthe
01(1 afroction remaioing, thittie.-ki4at,
is, I hope ; but it is 48 weak atilt:44r,
ors -woman. She does not gull:till-ink
me guilty ; but she has no beacf that .
can ever clear my character entirely;
she would notesuarey a poor man, even
if I could : and We ftre ft8 effectually
sicime,arctie,c,1 as if one or Isoth of, us, were
She shall be tauent better things, if
haverto o'ver, 'foe your beeeflt, all
the town education tlett I have been
nearly 'fonr yeaes'forgetting,' exclaimed
Gwiler, bringieg down his liand with
801110 violence on the leg of his feiend-
a pnysical detnonetvalion eommon with
expansive men, even if not always very
pleasant to those whom they beuise
thus amiably, t
Too iato Fro,.
1 said Deana, in the
same sad voice with which 'he had be -
gine the convoreatien, Three years
and move have not the lightened the
01.011.(.1 one r•liiaciovi; and now it is too
late • .
A very spoony exclamation -those
Ieet w610de '1 too late 1)1 ' replied Gwi tee,
rolling out a' cloud. of tobaceo emoke
through his heavy moustache, I re,
member to have "heard them When quite
a emit'll boY, eerlitiin intense novels
alai very exeruciatieg distaanie ; but
they are entieely oat of place ifs the
of a man cf to•day: Nothing ie too'
late for YObBg Allladed : i,1111,L48 etedl
ought te 1?0,9od." ,
'But Young Ameriea Can not cateh
1,Ip .31112 tilde 1) ty friend 1' 8,Iiil'Wered
1)8105155 1.8), VOleil so low and leroken
that irt seemed eilemie beside elle othee'e
riaging tonee. Too latta .1 toll yon,
for Lithe SethaderSon 18 going 10 be
Ditarelocl The jade I To Whem 2'
r'eried sptinging up from 11±38
,6hait ;..0i.Lty such. violence thh,f 'it went
ovily baelmar(11 witb a erasb. 110
irovota testi 1Jre iereelt t twirler saaal ler Lle reootn, 302! blitit1-0. NY'01:43 none °I the
he time almost mallened !se the {:,liaaices of altsaletto luxteey, an,1 yet
seeing beyond tbeFieed nese it involved to be pie:ea.:a that could well hew, been
and the suffering it 11817586 (2571150. Mb desise81 by au oecupaut 10111e35 -snots.,
paced the room neavily aud hurriedly for seeuttrcee within herself than ia the
for a moment, without a word, then poseession �2r3)11 funiiture, costly Or -
went to the door, and out into the bar- namonts and bijouterie. The white
room for a, correspoudiag period. When boa from which the maiden bad lately
lie returned be held his his baud a tuna- risen (alas 1. ---not necessaeily that. iu
bier containing a very different liquid which she had lately slept) had been
from anything on the little convivial already moulded into its dainty shape
table -the dark red sparkles of brandy of daily temptation by her Own fair
were flashing in the gaslights. A data hands; and peeped saucily out from a
gorous drink, for most men, and no little coved reeess half comeealed by a
doubt so for him at. ordinary times. loope(1 damask curtain. A neat drne-
-But just then, thet hot rebellious tide sing -bureau with. its swinging glass and
had a mission to calm instead of excit- damask cover ; a few choice books OD a
iug, : it was, to that seething heart and hanging shelf with its silken cord (Ina
brain, mere water poured upon blister:, tassele, which told that the leisure
iug sand to cool it for the touch of het- hours of the young girl were sometimes
man foot I Not it word, yet, and Lau- passe(1 with the people of voiceful sil-
eence Deane, a little frightened, looked enee ; two or thtee engravings of rneal
ou in the 837I11e ominous silence. Gwi- scenes, and a work table showing evi-
ler raised the glass to his lips, threw denees of habitual use --made rip all
back his head and seemed to tako down that the eye needed to recognize in the
the staggering draught at a single gulp. presence of a fair young occupant be.
Four bitter words acconapania'‘'d the yond whom it was not always easy to
movement, which inight have made the look.
bridegroom feel unpleasantly, if /to Poor Lillie was pele es compered
could have heard. them : with what she had eeemed to bo before
To John Gwiler's marriage !' Laurence Deitnoss eomina • on the pre-
' EredT s
said Laurence Deane, seri- -vioas eenine• -*and. hor aiten eyes but
ously, ylo you kaioer that 9. don't half too jshtinly showed how anxiety lied
lilte the Way you redeive this irttellie: wresaed with sleep all tho night, mitt
gence 2' .„ J collie off victor. Sowing -work was ly-
- Don't you, my boy? -then 1 ain ing upon the young girl's lap, but the
sorry ---just as sorry as I have sorne- mind was eviclenly too busy with the
times been to see 4/015 reco.iving itatelli- sad 101310018105 so lately forced upon it,
geuce in a way tliet dia not like,' wits even to let the ninible fingere perform
the reply of Gwiler, setting down the their office ; anti the brown bead, round
glass and throwing back his head with Nehicli the reflected moepin35 sunshine
a. shake,' as if disencumbering himself made that aureole 'which tile gas-bglat
,of some physical weight seittch, troubled had vainly attdinpted' the night before,
him. leane61 wearily on the arna supported by
Where is Young new 2' the work -table. It sedated blest site
.Deane °bold not avoid asking, his Owls would gladly 'lave shaken off, liact enelt
teouble for tile moment half f'orgotten power been given" her, the thoughte
be Lhe ovidoxit distress of his frieud. • which 1)11110170/1 band and brain ; for
IIere, by George !' Gwil±r spolt-e, niore than oneo she half -raised her
thumping his 1?171161 7)11011, 1118 breast head and seemec1 about to recoronaence
with soneethintr like the steine action her suspended. eetving, 311051 dropped it
'that Ise eveuld lbsave used in:settling at. again and mused on. Bert the head.,
tentidn to indomitable soul of Ar- cenie quite up when the tap of it light
mand Richelieu 3' tell you- finger sounded.. on, the door, tliouieh
now as ever ! But nay fattier 1 The there was far more pleiteuee Olen 01118 -
old reprobate 3' and he langlied it int- prise ha her tem as elle stepped quickly
terer titan hs friend over rc1.1-10111- to or)a» ib, an1,1 admitted her early Yiet-
bored' to littee ,licti,rel before front Ids tort,le, yout1gwe,
No may 1 be condemned to iNeeot yortng haiy___,) bo observed
quartz reining all my life, witil China -
a yo ling Woues.n, If 5110 118 - C o flier
men to help, rind piggov-irt 11519 tO ever e1)0110 of hereeif ebb
Itieder, if I own that mail 1010t1101day ! satraiss salvo betas ear lasia likely to tee,
Ife in tends, to disinherit 1411554 bait shall the mere .n1,81110001)10 1)111,rme 01.1.03
take the start of lanai -cut ,o11 svithr010 \\shell 81,?eak.itl„ 02. her.. poi, •1,01,10.,
1- 101)04
0111iVi(t 0If (J.J„3711:Y:f1111)sal.i1t;121031.1‘1 Ma .11 11TO1111101'1111 '1],?1°G11,.1V7.1. ;Jr '(01r0.1.?':1;3(.911-1-11\i'IV. (130(01(1017 ('88)d
to -:morrow, 81 1 4o2l't 4.1740 eave aha the ether, though least, 0t,16.1.1 by the
$0410 LoAislaLilt°°iLh,°r chttng°8 gietvorr aapellatioul,---Penny Worat.11
2)315780 01 mind. beforo b,00 5131815,7P601).10 0110 dr 11)11'0111d-531118' 0: female 80.
Sit $p'6.10t tila4;CY0 t'n 6 8atile 141(‘C)C1 el etub1'oitlere8e te those who
'Stop---etthat 18 yen:: autherity for tine k_hetv, het, nmat axettrately, ittid a '136(7-
6-,t,.6rnii"`°;ilitrrs of Litho herioli, :1;(0)101Inni,i;) 3s'110Ia3), 77)311
613111 3110171(010
sadlY lelAtea 010',16.vela l'00.41(ia to all the indeseeibsble hoarty diartit 'and
t'i'" 'flscl'Istt'"f
°• Ids grace 'ebout 111r 'Jet it be (1(11u/l,
Will 1)1 0501731 '1111'1" 31(13r1'15334IVO bi,„' 10 1 1g$ to that, It oto ely and too soldom
icublpd .(1§1; :or the 315,0571101 opue (10718 .,1:o4 Ef5117108h 34loaoo. . Son -Whig'
so heavily on the table, tte 'be dropped
into a 80133; tilat Oto of the glasses 234-
lowed'. tile blow and C\':118 41,11t101'00,, blie,
eau -not de 13 31
4 tilt) )7 078 tivAb do i.te
±1)171310 01 I 157)8 ,1
11111111,:111d 811)111 '11O,V3" tleavre' the
, _ „
wolnan sylto e1)0111(1 'I)o 3,1)11371±) 01 15147
friends if 1", go to State ,Ptieott item 1111(.1
the" 61 a'1,Ittissy a.rtoward, t() 3100-85035,3 ±3.
X0, 116, J9bu Owiler 31 anit liere
-bree-Sal.,. in ' coteiteetien:
Mao oler eulates'31.10 follt:wing
Sores:is 812 1110 nisealeetus win) --per-
t:ono inibtie do ‘,.s.hat they can
goi/1 fish. teick''. Tee iugglar stands up* -
on. tlie etage, throwe tt har.diterchief
over hie -0 ti aerl aree, and prodeices,
In succession three or four shallow'
,11118s•di81,8es filled to the biiin Ntith W1,-
1 17 which live goldliell lire swimming.
Of course the fish are'concealed some.
how 'fleon the person of the performer -
Peter Lamb, the
lives near me, discovered bow the trick
17118 done, and he;offeeed tD, iOIt he
other eight at Magruder's party for the
an entetainment oftne company.Se
the folks gathered'in one end of the
parlor, and in a few moments Lamb
entered ee door at the other end. Ile
Ladies and gentlemen, you will per-
ceivo that Iliave nothiegebeat me ex-
cept ay ordnary lothns, and yet I
shall prodce presently twdishes
flled with water mad living
Please watch we aarrowly.,
Then Peter lting the haudIerehief
over his baud aucerne encl We could
se he was workng vigorousS at 'some-
tthing beneath it. He eoritinuet some
somens, aud still the gold fish did iet
appear. Thenhe began te growvery
dark hi the face, ard we 'saw that some -
thin& vas the mater. Then the eers-
iiratiion beg,an ' 'to shil„d oczn ,P,et
ibrelead, 0161 laerulor asked
bine iflie was well. Then tile company
beganto laugh, tile magiian grew
residue But lieRelten fumbling
ileath. that Itandkeroblef, and ps?eset-
1lyuotryeeg i•to reach ea17510015/1 • und.
cattats. 111017 we heardsomethitnhg
8111731, tuncltho next 100100111eq]aret
ofwater ran 5100811 the wizard:a left log
end spread out 970the carpet. By
this time he looced aif the arave
would be awelcome refogo. I3u1"sitill
ls centhsedco fee38.101787/3 -ander "
ltinlkrchief. 'Al, lt 31170113085 snap
31171 liettrd and (100311131' qualof 7018301plungeddewit his eight`eg 17111 fomed
8 pool his shoe. Then tile pocro-
planed' lurreedljsaid the t the experi-
meentlaid faild 0)811811070, andolieedart
d into the dining roem. Ifollowd hen
fonechim eittme on the sfatr-
r'el'w1Wuahtttiyt,ttnlhc e '
s. Ioroae' 'e
0 geacibus 1 (±01110 nore 33,1133,111(135185 14
punthese eff Thei're c)ritu', wetE
and I'e got flfteen golalfi
my drawee; flipping round,and' "
r01in5110 91011 theifins enough
to setanean armee. Ouch. 1 Ates
t144 81100 ol' and grab thatfish
there at 11137 bit to e or rl,havo to
howl 110111 opt! .13)1)81 we tintlree8 1i1 ' plOkd
the lise out 1111138 cloeloa anc*I, die.
covered tiet ho 11141 o 11111 sh08
ter 1OVel'ed W1111 India 11.71(3)05 tops,
ttepyed inside his 11801531311r38 behind.
et; mbreggba to get at them be had
torn the cover o rsgs. We fixed him
1)4' a ittir Megruder's 330705e184
were sie 11081505) too hort for
;ineetel then1117' 03±1111)0(1 over tlo
3)11035\ ±31)50 1111)1 sventhone:. ' goys
111737 3,385814(910 170533±010 111, 351851)) 08<141'
public ieinieuds
310 001±113517
sitneelfto yen hal
A Detroit 350111101(109 eething blded
two 5)0118)01 01(11±411013 th81141)11 day
lhosed the boyonquit «' you beg ,
rkfatheandit ,
1 '15411111 be
hy 1117 1.51)11,1)185 'Calf 61'.•(,..a
ti.:142.. 116 •
in 3)15 1171"p'8olli- 3(13), 8 3170010(1 1110 111±358, " 6111117 1551
11)1(111 53±8 1111/1 1141)8,1(33 81)1013510 338 117111) (11111338 )I'11711513113 b /1 340181±1±00(1) 1'
077 1). 86. to.ttoli.lifiatt.()Otli,,,...it.'.Atior 413 ,set right •f O •
• • • • • • •••1: • •01111, iv,- •
2381151 4/1811 111513/1)343 3)313' 111(1 01747
011 142510 1111) a51t 35101147 gutw" 17
"lot be ainiee, to take .(vliet her erratic
eetteop of it lover lued 173 31(11 defOrr(1it) 57
glance et her personal appettranee,',
' M188 lieurly '1,Vorrall seemba $0016,