HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-5-13, Page 2SOCA ,g3tX" Adelet has the f�1Low1 i tl Danbury lifeinetarauee agent, Benjamin P. Ottun, to whom I have ielluded at length tuy i)OQb is$till around, 0,4.14 lie is 411 eauvassing for bie comPeteY- day. or two ago he dropped In to per- etutde Pitman to t eke out a policy, tred t'ae following eonvereatiOn (m- ew p.a.', —Opt out! 1 oti wikut to4e hQthevoa about life itieuranee. • Unntle-ei just dropped ittto s;.e-- P411154,-4 know you, did, aud I don't, want auy. You can't insure ine, Gunn—If you'li petinit Me merely to Pitman—But I won't permit you. 1, This is the eixteupth time you've tackled min AO sio,k of it. ttint setoing to insure rey life. That's settled, Gann—You raisunderstend me, Judge, I called to aseertain if yoa are 2L member of the Peace Societe' Pitman—I am. G U1.111-1. thonght me And, of ceurse, you are willhig to help along aity elieleee which will put an end to War aild murder? Pitman—Certainly. Gunn—Well, then, ust lisfee to me. I an .aating on the behalf of your So- idety. Ileave on hand it magnificent plau for producing permanent peace on aith and malting armies useless, Why did Cain kill Abel? ' Pitman:--Dunno. Gunn—J3eoatt SO ho had no pm ticular interest in keeping him alive. That's the reason. Why did David bang Go- liah ; Why did the Romans butcher the Oarthageniarts ; why did old what's his name bnim Ridley aud Latimer at the take? Pitman—Hanged if 'know, Gunn --Why, because it wasn't mon- ey in the pockets of any of those fel- lows to have'the other chaps walking remit' enjoying life. Do you suppdee :Brutus would 3 have stabbed Cie! ar Caesar's death would keep Brutus hard' e up for market money ? Not n uch, he wouldn't.. Do :you believe Wise would have hung old John Brown if John's death would have forced Wise to bor. IOW money to buy boots? Pitman—May be he wouldn't,. ' Glinn—Of course. Now, what I am aiming at is to gather the entire civi. lized earth, and hutnen family, itito:ot r c )inpany, so t:tat all hands will be perfectly wild to keep everybody elsi Wlien this is acne you can beat your sworde into ;penes and Four plough shares into primiag, hooks. for there'll be no more war. Don't you see I Pin not working for a paltry commission • or two. It is a labor oflove. I'm try. ene• to elevate the race and promote Christian Pitman—It never struck me in that Way. Gutm--Anyway it so. And I ask you as a member of the Peace Society, to eurollymeeniame among those who are carrying on tliiS great work. Terms ae low as any other company ; and div- idends payable seini-aunuaily. -Unborn g nerations will rise up and call you blessed. albite our polieiei p tya ble at any age, or 1%e'll put you in the Tontine and you'll dry the widow's tears, and hush the cry of the orphan. Go in'for $5.000 policy, and I assure you that the glad hosannahs of the white -robed atigel of Peace once more will resound from the starry vaults of. •Heaven, and over the smiling earth thisongs of love will still the clangor of the warhorse and the boom of the eannon, and a man once more will 1 no. the felicity of paradise. Your frraudrnother died of liver complaint, I b dieve ? Lem'rne see, how old are you ? • Pitman --I'm 44 in February. Put me duwn for $5,000 payable at sixty years of age. Call in the morning with the papers, and I'll sign 'em. Gunn—Good day. I'm off. I've got mil engagement with Cooley at 11. and arn anxious to l,eep it. I've b arm t- edliM for two years now, and he has succumbed. the eeka, and made her•elf 0 and seetne 0 411:5,;;Qtke to re, .n for a, few days, that a reiinest to tnat eireot was granted al6o. •The wetoks, wore on All 1.10. /lot g0 but kiecquoci to t1,0 wit'e to make Ltereell little to o,tra '1.5eetilsi1e too tbe'old nutu„ T40 ola lady mildly nneoestrat- ed, tind revived a etrapping from the young yixen, Patrick standing back to SOO 344'y •148t WeQk, 110 WU.V0t,, Plittter5 gw,v ito5poruke, and the old lady remensteated m jib her le a Sb 11 second time, aehleg Lim to send the !young women a.wity ; but this Pateiek refused to do, twa ,i4two.illy bcntti the okt °mall instoad, in whieh atniable operation he Wit8.ab ,1M8i01e'l by tb6 ,y 01111ga. Tile Qrlo5 of the poor old woman brought to the epota young man entitled Ilaniiltuia city butcher, who speepily etiened the tables by thrashing the two aassailants and res. cuing tile old svoinau. .\Viten Hamil-, tin twain: upon the scene he says' the ,,Junt; women was dalioidg around the old one, elltAllig ututilitge0:1 wilags anderhg aopin11, young 'Ilat 'night 'Patrick and the girl (for Hamilton say* she was young and good looking) disappeared, an,: with thorn tbe hoard Iu the etoceing-foot. Yes- terday the wife was in the city, seeing if she could hear any news of her Last gailaut of sixty years aeo. Her face and neck wereetill swollen and scratch- ed, and the tears ran down her cheeke as she bogged the Chief of Pollee to hu t pp Paddy—she would give the old man another chance, she bald, for he •Yee always kiud till •titat " shay came " atween" thorn. l3ut Paddy has not yet returned, and proba- bly will not so long as the contents uf that stocking -foot hold out. LOW a Toad Undresses. . . Pere many autmals which o.nly un- dress once a year, and that is to put on a new suit; among these is the toad. Au eye witness to the process thus de - Scribes taking off his clothes. About the middleof July I found a toad ou ir hill of melons, and,not want- ing hien to leave, hoed around him. iie appeared sluggish :tad not iiiclined to tnove. Presently I observed, him i.ressing hie'elbows agaiuss Iiic1:os, rubbing •do MINN' a IA s . Ile iippeared se' eiugular that •[ watched to bee what he was uplo. Afeer a. few smart rubs, his skin began to barst open straight :thing his back. New, said I, old ad low, you have done it ; but he appear- ed. to be unconcerned, and kept on rubbing until he had worked down ali his skin in' o the folds of his sides aed hips ; their; egrasping one hied It ;es with his'Llaude; he hauled oft one lee of his pants the same as anybody womth do it, then sti.ippeC1 the other leg in tin same way. He then took his cast oft cuticle forward, between his forelegs into his motth, an 1 swalloi e 1 it ; then, by raising end loivering his head, swel. lowing al his head came down, ,he stripped off the shin underneath until it came to his ferehgs, and. then grasn. ed One of these with the other hand, by considetable relling stripped it o: its skin. Changing handee•lto etripped the other, and by a email motion of the head, he drew it from the teroat and swallowed, the whole. The operation gee nod to be an agfeeable one, and oceneded 'but a short time. ftiopensettt E.14.4tor44itary. Oh the brow of the mountain, about aluarter of a mile west of' Clairmont Park, stands an old ehanty, where un. til'a few days, ago, had dwelt an old o'itiple for nearly forty plate, The real name ef these old people eve do tioi knOvey but everybody knew them as Oa Daddy Than and his wife. Tin olt man got odd jobs of chorieg from his neighbors, amt. through the long coaree of forty years the old lady mato aged to keep house ohltis ecarity can ie inga autl. the pie,ducts or bor knittioe :needles, ited at bho 841n0 tioe lay ley in Ifyi old stogichig-eoot a iittlo at a time 'till"' it reached over iJOQ So, Pat , 'tick being about sovontyAlvo yeas and the'.`yit'o about seventy,two. At this 'time •fi yotu,4 3/70111 n twonty-five Or thoty dettlIc; tilt the 81,10,Ay quite late, ealt6takedfor,a' night4o lodgings.. The 1.equpt was roahly grantod, and tht Iptulg 310111041 iorr and as6.isteri iu NOTICE. THE COURT OF RETS/CM • Fon Ittx . Township of Stephen Will bo held at Crediton, oi TITESDAY, MAY as, Ism to taw neosioa of the Assessment Rob. for year 1871, of which a.11 porsons concerned are hereby required to take notice. c. PROliTY, CLErnic. 88 -td. Stephen, May 6, :'87C'. & S. GIDLEY, EXETER, OA- nneeirreneuene. ichTAKERS, take this opportunity to inform the inhalitauts of til,r; and surrouudiuoections that their New Hearie uow comploted. and they do not hesitate in say - 105 that it is ono of the best in this western part. Jur UNDIALLTAKING Department, its heretofore, will be four d in a vole. cieeket condition. Coffins—pliiin and i0narrienta1,— also, shrondi, eti Funerals furniqhcil wi tho shortest notico itud most reasonalle terms. NB—A good assortment 08 P0RSITt113.T6 al- wa vs in stock August 28, '74 88-Iy paring Sto? now complete at HENDERSON &WHITE'S SUCCESSORS TO G. B,'SBLITI-I and selling out rapidly. The reason is, they , are Felling Cheaper this Season than Ever o inake a good impression for new manage- ment. JUST OPENED, A LOT OF COTTONS at prices never be:ore touched, secured for us by Mr. Smith previous to his leaving for Eur- ope to buy onr Fall Steck along with his own Wholesale Stock for his place in Toronto. and the full benefit of wl'ich we are giving to our customers. MillineryShow room opened, and very' attractiee with all the latest novelties in Eats, Bonnets, Bibbons, _etc. Cashmere Capes and Jackets from K.50 to K2. A large stock of Men's and Boy's Ready: made Crothing Dxtraordlnarily Cheap. N. B.—Sizes in Boots' and Shoes assorted, still selling at wholes -ale prices. . HENDERSON & WHITE, succesSors to 0. 13. Smith. —1875 NIe')V SPRING GOODS AT THE "Popular ouse Owing to the depressien, in trade, loth in Can acht and the C tittd Stake.; tl.e ni x.nfactiu er and WholeSal e men .ha,ve Leen laic( d to 5ij es of their Stocks for Without reference to Even the. Cost Price of' the Material. m, 1Vicintosh & Co having cleared their Winter Stock, tlnough "their vexy successful sato WOTO in the bust possible .pOsilion to take advantage of this state of the markets. Their S1 ring Stock has been bought much earlier thnn usual, and under ttIl the advantages which Cash and matured ex. periehee can command, the full 13 cuefils of which aPe given to their Customen. New Tweeds New Denims Sew hirings Ne- Cottons New Prints Sew jackets at Pikes never before heard of MoINTOSH & CO. ST, MAIMS, Mania 11, 1875., 80-ly cilrinrroN wootatpT 14DraZe' ' • 'Elm subscribers, in retureieg thanks to the farinieg paint° for the liberal patronage he - stowed upon them in the past year at the Cred- tton WOolen•Miltn, would beg -to state that they purpoS.7 000tinning to WOrk thein during ;the corning' sin/truer, having leased Dunn for a irdmbor of,yenrs, hoping to give in the Suture the 8arilc satisfaction 55 in the paat. Carding, ()pin IN • 0 Vnil0' ^ ,•0 , • cp grid, MatatNoturine, all kieds,orTavidfr, liiotf1 k4ce, (Ione Oh the ' sharks t netiee ;Ltd at lOilest rates. & L JORNSTON Pieps, of Znrieli C ()dhoti, April lib 87ii*$4.1113 iOn 0011115 liOs,wo i31Y1tV to L'ASIT We Import our oiringagd'e't lteop zt lar5o 5111 'Pane'.1./ Pr,i,/^ 0004 aia iS what is, still birtor wo, O�U 004' cobas ch,N, - Nete the tot Good Black. 776Ik Dress, only $5 75 3.3cod Silk l'oplin Dress, only 05 60 Good 131%ek Alvaca, only 29 ana 26 ets, per yeate creeawitito cotton 5 tlia 10 cents per yank 000d and eXtra wide Shirting IS owgts. per yard 12 yards 32'actory Cotton for 51 00 Good l'rints 5 and 10 gents per yard A First-class Cittter Multi's on the Pr or paid examine our extensive Htook10 Qha'si1181; etwlY, remember the old name BY LAW 77. Ap.law to ostaWsh I:10.02,406 iot$ (ma the 585 uon bhc .1 OntilN51,1? or 51500, 0 doalottoit 'roust, AVIIEBIUS 7o eQueoquonce of tho swampy no, , tura of the concession react known as roat running between colice,sielt 4 and 1 and between lots 21 twirl 20 of said cons., it n'etail be very ex- pensive if not, impossible to Maintain a passable road through said concession ; In consequence thereof a deviation road is necescarY, , lie it therefore enacted by the :Reeve', and•Mani- eipal uorporatien 01 110 township of ;Stephen, and the said Coil oration hereby Ontle44 that 100111all0 alto).* the posing or this, by -1w the followMg,de vi - salons shall ho ma de fro1021e. original roAtl'allow untie, agreeable to the desdription hereinafter sot out, from and after chatUte the satelpisce of road embraced. witilin the, said, cleSeriptien Filial' be used, as public highway, and shall to all intents and purposes be par4 of the township roads with- in the township oi Stephen. Description cg parcel or tract of land and pyom- ;sea sitbato lying and being 1 the 'nOWnship of Stephen intim Cieunty of neron in the Province of °uteri°, containing by adinoasurement three acres aud twouty-two perches mere or lose, being composed of -parts Aif lots twenty -ono eaa twenty- two 10 thetifth 00110008100 of said township, and which ;nay be ;better known and describekas fol- lows, that is to sey; Commencing at a point on flit, south side of lot twp,itty.one Mrate said fifth conc.ssion, and 11 dista 3goe .of six chains and fifty linIfis in a westerly „clirectiOnlrom the south-east corner of said lot tarentv-ono, thence in a northerly direction paral- lel to the east side of said lot, twenty-one chains and seventy links, thence ninth twenty-two de- grees, oast two etatine ella furry aoke, theneo north forty-c.ight degrees, oast six chains and six- ty links more Or less to the oast sido of lot twenty- two in the'sind fifth concession, thenco in a north- erly direction along tho east of sai01 lot twontv-two one attain and twenty 11zik, thence south hn'ty- eight degrees, west soyen chains and fifty links, tilence south twenty-two degrees, west two chaMs and eighty links, thence i11 a southerly direction parallel to the east side of said, lot twenty-one, tiventy-two chains more or loss to the B01.1t1i 1150 06 lot twenty.oito one chain more or loss to place of beginning, acoording to survey made by II. C. Boulton, TAKE NOTICE That the above iS a, true copy of a proposed By-law which will be taken iuto consideration by the Council of the Munialptility of the Township of Stephen on the third Monday, in May, 1875.- C. PROUTY, Tp clerk. -13-Y-E.A_W SO. ' 23y-lcru] to establia., throughlob twenty in the fifth Goneesoion of Stephen, a bleiiiation yoad, also run - wing through part of 5)421 in fifth Coneessicrn,ancl port of lot twenty in the sixth Conaession. WIIEREAS. by the nature of the ground in the locality of the original road 11110\00010 on what is 1:110-W11 11.6 terxeter sideroad, anc1 on the firth con- eession of said township of Stephen; it, ,would be vory expensive if not unpossible to maintain ..5 road on the sight of the original road allowande an A that a deviation road would.be necessary, Bo it therefore enacted liy the:Reeve and Mimi - eine' Corporation of the TownShip of Stephen by the powers vested in them by section 42.5.Cap.48, Vic. 35, and by tbe authority of the same it I hereby enacted that from end af; or the passing of this by-law the following deviation shall bo made from the original road allowa ', e agreeably to the tbat date the said piecini of id embraced within iwir description hereinaftert ., and fo serm mediatr o the said clesc, 6111100 shrill to till intents and pur- poses be used as a pubLe highway, aim be part of the township roads in the t:owriship of Stela:00. First description. Descriptioivof patof ("evic- tion road on lot twenty in tho 11660C01111010101o'l Stephen. ' ' Commencing at a point on the south side of the 00151061 road allowance, distantcloven chains, for- ty -lire links on 5(005' north eighty degrees thir- ty minutes, 0511 11010 the northwesterly angle of said lot 'twenty. ' t. Thence sentlieweive degr,ees forty minutes, west one chain forty-five links ; Theme south o[xty Seven deropes thirty-six minutes, WORt 6100 dos seventy-two links; Thence north eighty-010lb de- grees twenty-eight minntes, west three chains seventy linkS; Thence north seventy-six degrees thirty minutes, -west two chains eighty links to south 'hint of original road allowanee; Dllionce south eighty degrees thirty minutes, west on said limit one chain eighty -live links to rear of lot; Thence south -nine dogiees thirty minutes east on Inc between fifth and sixth concessions, thirty- three links ; Thence smith seventy -81x degreca tnirt y minutes, east four chains sixty-eight links ; Thence s..nith eighty-eight clogreos twenty-eight minutes, east t1J1iE10 itImjPis3s ninetyur -folinks : Thence north sistirWa grees thirtym -six in- utes, east three ' c Pie' "tf y -four links; Thence north twelve degree5„„fortiO ine raintiteAr546t,two ebnins thirty-ciglielin,t south limit.O.Pferitiliita-, Iowa:nee ; Thenze south eighty (.1N,crees tliirty..Mtn- utes west on said limit (dread. One Chaitirte..n.11.tiltS to place of beginning. Containing by 'irlitie6sure- ment ono acme ono rood and two porch an5f land. S e con 1 description. DeSCriptiOn of 111 0± devi- ation road en lot 21 in the fibb concession of Ste- ph,3n.• Commencing at a point On the north side (if original road tillowanoe, disptint eleven chains eight links on a course ninth eigh ty degrees thirty minutes east from the south-westerly angle of said lot No. 21; Thence north twel vc degroes forty ininutes, east three chams forty links ; Thence north seventy-eight' degrees thirty-fivo minutes, (est ;twelve cliaiiisaduoty-four links ; Thence south sixty-nine degrees flfty,dve minutes, cast seven chains to north liMit of original road allewance ; U.'hence south eighty degrees thirty minutes west on said limit two chains ; ll:hence north FAX tT-ni no degrees fifty-flve minutes, 11006 110 ehnins ; thence south seventv-cight degrees thirty-five arduntes, west eleven chains ninety-six links; Thence south twelve degrees forty minutes, west, two chains thirty-five links to north limit of :originn,1 road tia- Iowan cc ; Thence sbnth eighty 01eg1:ecs'thirty min- utes, west on said limit' one chitin ten links to place of beginning. " Containing, by stilmeasure- ment two acres end twenty-one perches of latill. DE0CEIPTION,T1,11121). Description of part of a, deviation road on lot 20 in the 010 000 of Stephen. CO113111011 chig at a point distant 00 links on it C010 60 south mile degrees thirty minutes east from 101010 100 southerly lim- it el the sixth con, siderond intersects the division lino between the fifth con. and the fith con.: Thence north Seventy-six degrees thirty minutes, west one chain fifty links to limit of 6 1111 road allowance; Thence south eightytlegr.oes thir- `,y minutes. west on said_limit two 0111ms sixty links; Thence south seventy-six decrees thirty minutes, east four chains twenty links to the divi- sion lino between the efte, and sixth 'concessions ; mono° north nine dogroos thirty ininutos, wesp on said lino One 00100 550 links to the 01)0(1 01 be- ginning.. Conte:Meg by achneasurement ility-fiye porches of land. . -- . TAICE NOTICE. That the above is a true copy of a proposed By- law which shall he take)1 int() consideration by the Council of the Municipality cif the Township of Stephen, ou the thircl Monday in May, 1871, ' C. PROUTY T'p Clerk. TYYLW 91. By -low for the ino.pose of establishing a Rood, an the Eastern Side of the sonar, qf lot twenty-two iv, thefourth eon- etssion, of the 7owns1iip of Stephen. TN consequence of .f,he low nature of the land in the Western portions of some lots in the 'fourth concession it would be impossible for some of the inhabitants on said concession to gain aceess to concession road during most of the year, in consequence, whereof and on petition of said inhabitants, it is necessary to open out a road on the Eastern side of lots twenty-one and twenty-two of said concession, 33e it therefore enacted by the Reeve an &Mu- nicipal Corporation of the Township of Stepheu an11 by virtu.° of tho powers vested in them by Section 425, coy. 48, "Vic. 39, and •by authority of the same it is hereby enacted that from and after the passing of this by-law th'o following described piece of land shall bo assumed as a publie Description. Coin m °nein g at tlie sett th oast angle of lot 22 in tho fourth concesSion of said Township of Stephen ; thence westerly on boundary lino between lots twenty-one and twority•two to the distance of three rodS thence`northorly parallel to eastern Hide of said lot 'forty racts,,,moro or loss to ;division line be - I wcen the north half 11115 610 south half of said lc t twenty-two; tlience easterly Giro ro4s to eastern limit of said let ; thence sOuthetly along, Bahl rii-viHimi limit forty rods more or less 7) 51(00 of hoginn gcontaining by admeasurc; Mont throe roods le: 'the same more 00 1000,, ac- cording to a survey Inacto hy 111 d. Bonlion, P. D.S. 4 Dated this 22nd day of April, A.D. 1875. TAKE NOTICE. Thn t the above is a film copy of` a proposed 72y -law whieh shall he talcf!ii into consideration the Council of the 'Municipality of the Porn. ship of Stephen', On Ow third Monday in May, 1875. " (.1Pleb CITY, rO e ak.' VOR SALE.. ---TWO CONVENT., (int and nloasantly situated DwellinghouSes in Dxetar for sale.' Apt April 43; '75. Mit. )3, V. triti1011. PAETIlft PtIVIP PACTOItli "tTAIN stRiofit, ono door south of the Dritatinin, 803ITIle,O,TT a s on hand a n 'umber 1(1111,isoyaor• enoa on the shortest tuition, Satisfaction guaranteed 136611 cs to -Work 6.nd 1Y5,t0111, l Bt largo (5(( 811741, of SI inch stinT for putitinukers' use for sato,- 661111160V.e, ov. OLIT & C SITEE'r al ST01110 , We, Sell Nicrliolesase 4'.4 Retai well assorted stock of totiebw, ami 11u (710 1(1/0 oh1oys, for Casa. 0"CT-1,-?: :1\1:0rat'12'0 lowing Prices: neney bloom)]. siiiirting 50 and 25 coutever yard. yit as Moe iiurtain 106 111 00 arpeta and Fluor 011010611 'yory Oen) , Go ed '11(010 Damask 014 '25 1 C0146 per YAr.4 • _,Vo),(68 010100, only 75 cents 'per (too» Nice all-weel tweeds, only CO toad 60 cents per ya. suit r‘ye‘:a, yolay kola welt, woe, only 515 78 1» attewlo ordertdOlotinne • 'trouble to show cier goods.; ito oncnco fornot pnr- 7051 ,S Ofti.thlifi)O„ A. C1T1SHOL3i ti 00. • 81.8it of the Striking clock, oppositoniarket laxo Tri, 600 CONVIECTIOI\T BRIDES Orders The people G-ROCERIE Tests and Delf1 smailware, Remember Drug Exeter, SC 4 • , ., ..., 'VII ....,,,r': (plain CAKE .Special subscriber of Exeter • t&u-tt cannot flavor, . Produce taken the Store.: 13re5,01 - Nov. 1.1. N to carry et0 alla Attention for would and hand be Sugars, baccoes, Also, all Toys, in pla9,0.,-,N4t delivdred town frlp,e 19, 1871. WANTED away ewes or 'ila, - clrliam,ontai) MADE TO2ORDER ! paid to Parties, etc also announce to fin 'vicinity that he has oi all kinds of q surpassed for their qualit OUrrants, Ilaisine, To. etc. kinds ef Glassware ete. All kinds 01 exchenge for goods. door ,"to 0011,311;; in allparts of tht of charge. , .11 BELL. Cr) 1 en 0 0 ill peir Z• , - • :I) ;.- , .'-' _ , 4-, d .p (13 ee ne (1) g---) •.o.• 0 ;:-,1. ,.> .„....... I--4 P-1 "iii ..).- - co '.: l'.i.-- -'''-'c r•-•-. • 1.... • t-' CZ) r, ' ,-.: `.It'.) ,... cp Pe• --5 ....', ,......4.1. C 4.... :;•-• Ce- ._.:1 "'''''' • c'S 'C.3 "- I-,'• ,--; ..., ,- ,....) d:,1 -4'72 ...—.. ..4.' 613..... rz '8 4....., ' '7-1 -0 0.) Li .4... 0 Q.) f.., ki P•4 nee 1.10' , : ., - --1:1•4 riazza) ;53) EXETE,11 STEAM RAKE& b ..., -Ti, Viood.en Rakes, Snaithes, . lie wl11 bavo ready Sulkey A Novelty AlIERCTIANrIS •.wai Tiler Advantage ... 5 8 1 i111 prop.,red bly as any other atterition WHOLESALE Turnxn of all kinds made Exotor, April 8, f . ‘...) tirmiiturn.om Iiarvesi-TboP Fork GRADE FA Till _ 71 t'),. rri rii T --171 ki. ..1_ 1.1....1, li BEI: , Oil' • , Handles, , Grain CradIP.S;- e, ETC. for the- coming harvest, the celebrated , Hay -,i, Rake in this section. and ii to to Puy their $tiek ,from nic,, 4 ,i. to deal iillttli them as reasona- efitablishment, and to give prompt to all °ram's, & RETAIL. et g a specialty in the business. GEORGE COTTLE 1878, 82-810 New -Books. Cheap Editions of the following Popu- lar Talcs have jubt boon received Quooelly, ...„........,.. by 'Miss Wetherill Wide, Wiec World . , • , . , , , by Miss; Wotlicrill mone......, .. ,,...... . . . ,hy Mat 70011511511 a Stepping Heavenward.... by bl. Pren Lists Aunt janels Iloro. , , .. , . by E, Prentiss lila May, , .. , . “ .... , . , , by Mary Langdoli Little Women,. , . , , .... , . " Patience Strong' Ontinge and others Price, 80 Cte, ssaell W PC GIG - t „X . lei tooltszt,LER 1 I W. J.. GILPIN, 11.ARYS,, Pbomlth and 'general dertler 00 sitoYcn, plows glasS, 4c1,, &c, tinware, copperwaro and' gfilvanizod trim very sheep. Cut m.1110,54,80 'Cooking stoves $14 and upws ' Th s ,Chrtie plow $950, ..TitteSp .117 Given awRy in Pri.i.es at he - Exeter Fall Fair. Westbury Improved. Swed, Turuip, verything for the Garden. eecl.s. and plan s oF ALL KINDS. Gard.en cold Flower Seeds under 4 lbs. in weight TVIATIJET) FREE'! eIUST A RIVED Four New Kinds of Potatoes, Remen4er the spot. First Door north of Carling's store. N. B.—Glover, Timothy, larx, Millet, Hungarian Grass, Orchard Grass, &c., at lowest prices. er J. RANTON 101100110011lage 10 at his T)T LI 1 1.),, 1 kj ' 1:1 "Li .1.4 15 N 0 ‘lr -larnixesiva STOCK and ComOete "eing the L [trge!A he has OVOT OXIIIbillbti in Exeter. Ho is determined. to sell as Cla&ap a,s is consistent in a legiti- mate trade, and cordially 111111.u.S 511 INSPECTION GOODS and COMPARISON of priccs He would as, ure his many customers mila friends that TIE WILL SPAJE NO PAINS - 10 11111(0 it both a PLEASURE AND PROFIT for them to 6(10001 10110105 with him. J. ELAN ON. Exctei , 'ell IS. it -375. Y' 7F71 t3 I do.. Sr: :11:1T ' 1:'ANCY 11 EAU AND BISCUIT BARTEP,, C C ( 1.3 13, 1.72YETIT. wane r)-turniee; 161., ii•arro thanks to 11071171 al limits of Ex( ter 1)1-11. I-11 orlallirg iillapcs for their past 171c a; 318.1 10, lic h,g to ir oyi n cc:mini- anca of their imers, tvc..uld call 61 071' attention to hit; largo stock of Cakes, Crackers, and Confectioner. FRUT.T.:C AE:ES, 15 C77411N-TS :PER POUND, \uitigs 12 Ia..' a'0.1 S re. (-if llity% e01 110 constantly iinlIMMI.A.Exefor mIS ;Noi t Eixtei Post Cf,iccs,n-nd J. hhort' STeditrii,p d Mit c 1 ell's, (Ault ;rs.c 1F,iO 01( xeler, Aprl L. 10, ,i571:-' t77011. A. SKINNER. S T;;;44 rvi, y., 3 A, nz' 1 1 I 'TA — WORKS . Thrh' 'ST ---641; (::,?irif1131'f ND 0:1??L\11.-1J'jItIYE'll &'.1\1° \ iR E THBESHING 11.A_OR INES om tlis-Establishinent nye so well knovii that any recommendations would 1,0 super illitut , Th6 Three' - "Wheel' gang Plow .rdacto by 5, B. 1110ore, claims PrecederiCe of 61.3.thlUg of the kind in tlie,DOininlein. !' WAGONS of superior workmanship and malerial. Patent Dominion Land. BollerS, PI o w soaltiv'ator,s, Seed Drills, Broad -east' Sowers s, Sugar:kettles and eiteedeoes, end every other bind .of Agricultural implements on bane oe Made to order.• • JAMES R. MOORE, PROP. (48-1v.) St, Mary's, July 1, 1874. 5N11010.. I 11\11,, 1 B.TAING 13egsleave th 1,1- ;Ink his frieude in Exeter and Surrounding country foo, 6101? patronn.ge the pitst, Aria hopes to nietit a fair shstre of their trade In 'the future, having Best ono of the Largest and Assor or •too TY8.'401;11 :fotrid.iii...a.:.:Oexieral.. • • ' Ete- 119 wi.gb's; and 4111,14,$.1...h0 ii doterinined ro to 136) tttidbi' fl U Corn thut & Wellingto JOHN ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR. "1A7r, 10 B.90.Pers ZP-ZOWr4rS/ arVatOrra E*10 •qia.3:34".•11"10NATS, CAX14,VatOrOf AND ALL KINDS OF DIPLMIENTS MANUFACTURED. FARMERS' ED DRILL. This implement has a double distributing grain eup and iv admitted to be the best before Inc public. I am now husily engaged making those for 1.110 eptiea serding, 11)101 10111 be pee pat ed to supply them 5, 10, 11, 12 tubes each, with tube Shifter or without, accorlding to or- der, and will endeavor te loop en hand either kind size 1050)5513' any 'who rrtsty not have given their order, The style, finish, and inatetial used sill be found all that can Iv desired, and, if equalled, not surpassed in Western Canada. This requires no introduction. It has become am cesshy to tne farmers, ;101 on ,y 18 11 label. - sawing implement, but 711 the 1il110e:101l quantiries of‘ganin 100011 hy raking the stubble after tha roapor. In varicns -ways it 1K11 Le used. 10advantrge. The experience oLthe last, two • seasons has deeided ime to use 13.812 rcund steel instead 01 the oval ter treth, as being thejbest adapte01 fOr the worlk,n et only limo strongest and least liable tali,r,44,,but 10151 10 positio*he host, uot irlearly so apt' to st; addle apart and yoking .A-1; th-e'Western. Fair 1 tosiltt 51030 111 Sulky Baker, beside 6713 1, C. Taylor. 1 ; 710 1 itch'fibld Bake. 11,4Yery 11111011 like the 'alien.. 1.11 the eastern at es and the Low el. Pi ovic.ces s taken thiflead ; 1,11 others. 1 road° ten of lino last stsson 111.1 1111011 316. `.1 hoy ha ve. given ampla s tip:$:1;1011(01. 1 will he ready in s(as) n with he Sit kinds , sr cl hope to' be able to,Hupply $111 Who may favor mo with their order. Last season 1 was HLort fully one hunch cd ,TOHN FT,T,TOTT _ OUTti ,f4b71,m. -1)1'm WY Pl!yEa klElr S AM 'ttki F L! P471 • re ,te A en, oce re.„V aro j 'List anYvv opennag out a lot of OD C Or\ D Owing to the depression ia, trade e• They have t a mirciber Of and are now prepard to offer HE CHEAPEST Goods eir,o-r offered in the Village. Call and Exainil Excitor, March 18, 1878. SAMV\TELL & PICKARb. Irt-,tilirtlft:C.X.111.111ERM Direct rwom, Baltirricro, 35 3 cans for per can. $1.00 3'iV0Patin11s Best To in 84.50 Ten, 'Pounds' for $8.50 Roo ,11.1„ prvorbion., yliOn •