HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1875-5-13, Page 1• ct /T00 -13E,, 1\ittl) x 01-41/4D1)414114 lacetlt 12t i* root eingeotatiateeoie rt Onett-oreteter. On 14 t. 0O0016 a.zu.,outl 7 to 10 p EROVNING IRY1N U, VtlYsiCisna, StUVOna.,,,,Attetwoheurs. OicO —„D*PutIMM LoOrtttory, ono cloor og,Davieblattltf-initik shop, st , Exeter. Hut hthi he , Dr, 13rowniug's.Iraron w. mews-. jug, (Ira dna to "Vic to ria College, Aftnnhor (101,- 1,Q„ Phrcieiolvi t.t SW:gtwos. W711.,..tX11,119. txtoduutoUniversity tfirinity College, Ilistahcr Col- lege ealyaisieua and Sargon*: Ottf: 11' 1\ 110131)E. N Physician and Surgoon. °PrxeXttieeete DttWelett'S marble WOrke. lloorD4Nont–Oontrol Hettel. Particiflarottention Wad to obroniodisonses„ all colis Promptly ottemicd,a(1,X109 free. ' laeoter. Af,arch 25, 1675, 62-y R, LANG,. a. 13,, M. D., L. dreautite of Trinity College, WM. box Of thei College of Physioians end .Surgeona og Ontario, otfiec-Dra0 $tote.Main St, Gravitoi. a audio ins° proprD ietor of tile rug store, and con- Stantly lteeps on hand o largo stook of pure drugs Potontgodicines, and Dye stuirs, (Ironton, June 16,1674. 45-6m. I ARDIN G 11A11:1)ING, 13 arrie „a_ tors, ttorneys, Selittitors, Commissioners ()Erron--1-Itirtora's 13.r..tion, Water Street, St. gory's. . INTUN LHAI/DINO. n, W. Ekunnio .viESSRS. JONES & l‘feDOUGALL, Barristers,„ Attorneys -at -11m Solicitors, in f„lhanoery, ,,Convoyancers, COmmissionors, Q.I3, 3,nd Notaries Public, St, Marx's, _ Orrien--Huttou!s Elea, Water St., St, Maxy's nt W 110DIA111111), 13.A., BIBRISTER, OT.A.litY CONVEYANER, LLICAN, ONT. .G. WILSON, 'ISSUER OF .,•lifarriage Licenses under the new Aot, attha1:?0,0 OtRce Sterc: Znritt1,4 - de:tr. J{BROWN, Public Auctioneer, Ws inclaelsea. Sales promptly atteudod to. Terms rq ta,anob, Wincludsetr, Oct. 15, 1873. SPA CW211 A .1 y, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Reran, ^ RESIDENCE, • - EX1TER, On ' ALE3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO CHAlt GE S MODERATE. TANSION HOUSE, EXETER L LLL ONt., W. HAWESHAW, Proprietor. Thi new and oommodious bo & is now complet ed Bald fitted up througnout With. art-furtriture. The in best of Lign's =dam' choicest of Cigars at the Bar,'The he use is etepable of accommodatii u!ti; guests. Excollent stables and in ittbalitivo Los - tiers. C54 -1y.) tOU' .HOLItL, LUCAN. W ee BOWES:, Proprietor. This Orst-elat hotel Is lately eharigon ed hande (fri W, us to „ So way), alai is fitted wife neve fur ittlrfl thro.mhout. Proo 'bus to and from the station' . (mica i• the now line of otigeas te t mew,. ',tee bar is T o with the- clicie.al naia frieg. 9.,yett -"es, Four comingratiti sample room. Goei'd stabling and attentive hottlerS. T_JUUSEAND LOT FOR SA LE A good ono -storey frame kort`se,"comtainit. a 5 rooms.; also, asia of lAnd, djoinin gtbel1l arket squarthe lot ie, Exeter. Ou s an .excellent well of water. Per particulars apply to is AAC DEN, Exeter. 77.-tf. me 1,r1 PER D kgents WWI ted ! t elasses-of p ee;j1e, of ei- ther sex, young or old, in.tke ion's mom** at worlt fur us in thtiir sp.ire moments, or all the tint. than at .itivbbeig P•trtien I ars in 0. Po...t card to States costs but Olin, OnjltS. Aaulres G. STINSON" 4:10., Portland, Maine. O.L. NO. 024 of moot - in z -First .Priday in ev- ery month, corner Gid- lityMain is. V ting neethron ,cordiully invited to attend. CATEN JOHN WHITE secretary. BISSETTS" Livery and Sale. Stab/es IDA covineetion with the Central Hotel). OOD HORSES AND COMFOPT- ABLE 'vehicles always on hand. Favorable arrangementS nide with c,oninicrcial travelers. All orders left at Bissott's Tiushep will be promptly attended to. . R. iC; T. BISsETT, Prop: Exeter., Sepo. ‘1873. T 0 R -F..; And Stock-Breetlers. 77,7 M. SWEET• S 9 . • k .5 Uraduate „e of the Veter:- nary Ontario d College. • MO removed his office to ono door north Eserort's hat P(SS shop, and. nearly opposit John Tinsmith', s'im. Veterinary liedieim al- ways on limn,. dell s promptly attended to, Horses ex, :.1 in ed. as to their soundness Augtut26t,,, 1873. JUST PUBLISHED GEORGE J. CHILD'S Illustrated Catalo'gue of -farm, Flower 84 Garden, Sees AINI)::..S.01TTIT:11U111()N, :$913-171i,:,:PV4-1Tf-.4 • NORTIf -rl ).1111‘4-1? GArif irrit 1+.9 „..4L E.ETER,ONTARIO TRURSD.A.Y,M.A.Y 13 1875. c. TANDLISEN EEP constantly on hand the Largest and _EA. Beet Assortment of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE--ST'UFFS Patent Medicines! HORSE & CATTLE MEDICItES, Tooth, Nail, Hair, and Cloth „ BRUSHES PEnFUMERY,TOILET-SO4P8 STATIONERY School Books,' Toy 13oolcs, BlankoBooks, Megezines, A lbuinsFaney Goods Pencil Slates, Lead Pen- cils, &c. .. ,, --• ." s',-..:,.;.... (,0LE Agents fOr LAZABUS, MOPMS, g.: 0 Co.'s Celebrated Perfected Speciac,es and Eye -glasses. Prescriptions and Recipes quickly and accu- rately OiSpensed. Remernhcr the Place -Z -Di - redly opposite the ". 0entral Hotel," Mait-it., Esete...0. TANDUSEN Lf.: Co. Exeter, January 7, 1k4. T.4.Poitj*.7.'441,...T.i4b:oratory Go to theDorniiiion I.aboi.at.ory i you want PURE DRUGS! Chemicals o r D y e St lin If you want Conditibn Powders, or Horse Medicines, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, PAINTS OR OLS t thel DOMENEON LABORATEDRY . Fresh supply of 13EARINE, k VAN BUSKIRK'S SOZODONT, The New Brill ian ti T R oat T F4shiorlable, /30.0t & 'Shoe wouletinform the people that ho has common. cad business in, the above line next door teBell's Bakery and Confectionery. Lie has on hand a splont'id stook of Leather of all kinds, and from his general knowleclgeof the business, and do- ing first class 'work ht4)as to obtain a large cus- tom. kSewea work will receive his special attention. Repairing done with neatness and des- pateh, imd moderate charges. W. II. TROTT. Exeter, May 6, 1876, 88-m3. The Peoples' sfromE. r PHD UNDERSIGNED WOULD ACQUAINT , est tile inhabitants of Exeter and surround- ing country, .that he hat opened out iu Broderick's Old Stand a I urge stook of o,p,[i;EniEs BOOTS 4 SIXOES ETC„ ETC, and trorn the facilities that he possesses he has boon enabled to purchase ids goods in the Cheapest Market ! amd he is bound to let those who favor him with their patronage have the benefit. A. callis only necessary to conrince that I can sell Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Raisins, Ric e, Etc'. and•everything in the Grocery Line at Loudon prices, and that ray stock of -Roots&ShoesConiplete in all its departments. Farm Produce taken in Exchange, and the highest price allowed. On hand a first-class lot of Eacon. J. ORUNICA14 Exeter, Itray 0, 1875. THE OLD .ESTABLISEED et. nousu J. PICKAR .Th 'inking my tumorous customers for their pat - „Cr. a 272 renege in thepast, and would solicit of their etua remembrance in the future, would beg to remind them that halal One of -Coo Finest proparni ions for promoting the watart1i of the hair, and giving it ' Fine, Caossy Appearance All al' the Lowest ltate. , 'N. 11—Prescriptions anct Veterinary Ferran- ' it carefully dispensed. EN (tier, .\ pril 0, 1875. $ 50 00 GIVEN A.WAY IN SPECIAL 1 PRIZES 24 Now Varieties of Gri""mm Vegetable Seeds V LIT AWAY Pa' Send for a copy at onCe, GBO. CHlt,D, The London Seed Store city Hall,Richtuoncl.st, Loudon, oue, London, Meath 18,1075. 81-3m Lop]; Lilco a bilgan t Hate Iraqr tIoShilasa• to Iit rail tioinfovtabilit ZS. direttl y. eitti TYRE & CO,, tally . • aware of the fact that tire people of 'Exet- er awl surrounding eon/dry halm a taste for that Vinleb is comfertablb Idl neat, and more -aspect- a,Ily iii tncir clothar clothing appel, b aVe, in et -der to Moat this demand, opened out a Gents' rurnislfng & Tailoring tStablishl in the etndiatoiy oceupied by Mr, Pisblnirn where they intend keeping contiantly on hand, weibatisetted Steck itt tho latest styleS of TWEEDS,,, COATINGS, EO Mr , Pright Into full, Charge ot tl)ir tainiring pertinent, and bringo wiih lufto tth tinciiviable Yet, ptilation as it eatter, Parties 1)Iiying clotht May rely �npurciaegiiig them tto eliertp art CVdO they purchaSed goods In I,l)mter, bceides hitving THEM etTif FlIEE OP CLIARGJI 'so- A perfect et guaraateeit Pi* IMryju & co pkokto., Math itt, 1876. If you want it THOROUGHLY RELIABLE ORGAN PARLOP, Eli,C1021. OR CHURCH ., APPLY TO FRAux I, WI-liTlipaZ, Agent for tho BEST ORGANS ON TUE CONTINENT. WAREROOMS— Senior's Photograph Gallery, MAIN ST., EXETER. rpcoToqixt,heil.raa IIAS. SENIOR having removed to the standlately ocenpierl by Mr, Ct. Smith. eotte, failcn, bris completely renovated the . prem. iseS sAid arrangcd'his studio so nal to conatuand One of the Best Lights in Canada propared.to execute wurk in first-class style:- Aiennowledg,ing yrist patronage, be begs a con- tinuance of Um favors of the 'public, Alton lien IS Called to his stock of Filmiest Szc,, having on hand a good selection it t nionidings, and being prepared to make frames at moderate rates.- itesaloricos phetographed. Photographs Nyhon re. touched, $2 per dos4 Cabinets, i11; Imperials, 8'5 WOodham. FAt'ries's Shop SI:V; ItAITLE11, • Vtanuatettiret oil:A(0A rthd treavy Itriness.'woul Inform the inhabitants of Usberne aol 1310.11 ilAT that }lb 1,110 ett meat and is eaoeseoa litmanufac taro tiouT AND HEAVY HARNE880 ,Ntia thews hi *atit• of anythinoitt lAri lfiud wilt Straly their' trot latorolitt3 113? Ovo* bit. fot,o purefu tinitblit*Tioto„, itoiraitIng itroinotw itttonciodtp, • ZIEMOVED my stock in thenicrNicz.4.1teuctic, Commodious Depart - Betio& 3k at the south of the old stand, NV1101'0 will be found EVERYTHING IN THE (SESSEltall, BUSINESS JEtE consisting of Dry Goods, Millinery, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, • Ready-made Cloth'g Hats, Caps, ezc, I have also added a first-class TA I 14.0-R 1 INT G ‘Decartment in connection.Aty inotto:i3, ' Good Goods at reasono lila rates.” C0111X11011t is'aninee sat,y ; the goods sae hero to speak for themselves Li" Hi,houitu Mairket Price pada fax ell Icind's of Produce. Remember, this is the Oldest Estab- lished House in the Comity. Opposite the Post Office, E Kober, May 6, 1875 FRESH OYSTERS GROCERIES CHEAP, AT G. S.A_INTIDEll'S Store l'ost °Wee BUIE cling- • ^ A. Stock of Groceries and Confectionery on hand. CHOICE TOB ACOES and CIGARS Sportsmen supplied with Ammunition. School Books and Stationery. JOtir- mils and Magazines. ALL TWE LATE ST N 0 VE LS . G. SANDERS. L'xeter, November1874, 19, 6.5-11 JUST RECEIVED Carload of SEED ,CORN also on hand h 112 Whit ot Clover, Timothy, Ifungltrim GTaSSI 11,/ld. other Seeds Wattarito6. All rnsh , No old See4s kept in Steck SuthrIatd Bros S.t.qn,ry's, u431il 8 1875. I 1AP M POR, SAI VHF "ttIt satia0 . odors tor sale the N.A,V, of let a, - eon, a, nootari, 66),.1,Thinufte, tiO iritroS• l± CltCOlIeiui land,10'n,cres elcareA, heated *On thilberod; dWelli,g touho 610,0;61)1e 0 t the Promises, alp -o a good young erphavi 41610, frWt And a no cur: rq)vitig nittctife' frein' Fxette Pan , - ' OVV,Iwebricror,,Viketet PO. 73 TO OR A.i.ds—A.. good asmat nano eitgeg 1' Apply to ' Fevanut Wuretooa or D. .DBAriNa, Exeter, Ont. —OUSE AND LOT T 0 LET IN lot sualiaaliettf°011x. a illulgt°rZcile°1;1:i got IVY! 1:1tr toe 41101°P1O0bSot co ntral port of the village apply to Q. N. W1013, O./canton, iNSOTIC11.—The Partnership liereto- .,....14 fore existing between Ella Oke and "ilargsr, et jhunta Daggoi ihis -village, as Gosneral 1)(tal- ors, was dissolved on Morph 23n1 1875 by mutual consent, after which the 111161,11Obn }Vill Lo carried on by AI 1,1.1)ACt 6 only. M. E.,DaGo, Witness, Joira HAvit. ss.st THE LADLES' AID sociErry oii., Christ Clinic:4 Exeter, will give 0 1 - -A,,z- -4 GP 'VNDSOCIAT 314 ,. The School Ball ON . Thursday Evg., May 13, '75 — i The ladies will have a table for the sale of their needlework. A gentleman from a distance is ex- pected to bo present with a oplendid. Magic Lantern foe the enteetainnieut. A.Arriission, , ‘) 5 els. Doors open at 0 p.m. Tea will be served till 8 p.m. II.001/ZS TO LMT, FURNISHED Olt UNFURNISHED, with use of collar. Apply to 11110. GEO. HOD GINS, Sanders street, EXETER. 60-11, ITEA.D SAWYER WANTED FOR,NEW STEAM SAW -MILL, C._,..r None but a firsttelass baud need ripply. 89-2.t. ROBT. BISSETT, EXCTER. N-"---OTICE TO TRESPASSERS ON THE CANADA COMPANY'S LANDS. — I hereby caution all persons against cutting or removing timber from the lands of the Canada. Company, as I am 1,1itliorized. to prosecute all trespassers with thefittraost rigor of the law. , • jOIll: til?AORMAN2.'" ' Timber Agent Can, Co..t Exeter, May 15,167:5. t,t, 89-tf.' COURT OF REVISION. 7„-IARE NOTICE, TIIAT TIIE. , _a_ Court of ltevision fox the . , VILLAGE OF EXETER forth° year 187J, will he hold ati•the school house, ' itxoter, on Monday. 31st day of May i'n.htie et, at the hour of 040 o'clo:,.1t pm. 21. ll A.lat FITT, ' Village clot k. 80-tf. 4..... .6....6.1 ..1 Li. .... 16= (The eteter R7iints , , L,---• , THUESDAy, MAY 13, 1875 , EXIP L.1.47.1 E49 9 — We are forced this vet:1c to crave an indulgenceEirom our subscribers, and we think it will be granted. The. apol, goy we have to make for the appeer- ance of only half a sheet this week is, that three of the office hands have been token sick ; end not being able to procure others to fill their places we have been unable -to issue it fullesize sheet. We hope to be able ,to remedy the lack next week. -- THE G/Obe says " the election law drives toi•ror into the hearts of Con- servatives, when their elections are so pnre. Sorry we can't return the com- pliment. The law seems to have no terror for the Grits. TUE Grits are meeting with very ;gratifying success in their endeavors to unseat Conservatiyes. Platt and Cem- eron, of Eagt.Toronto ; Bell, of West Toregeto ;Long, of West Sinicoe ; and Brown, of South Ontario, couldn't be disturbed. FLIES ere scarce and ,we should be haps py.Ailitt at, on the.'en(1. of your nose, more disaereealale°01an nun ? ° /APRIL Sttownis -are late lethis yotireg . So al FO Will:411y 0 WCI'S. WO ,may miss the Juita :bog, ,thotigh. Sberee.--Reenegialiegellte stoma: this evehing,linethil4p,e10, ' iteettaid Christ Chia*, 'ad, f.P-• 4, ed-.0:oNeenced." their tuition, and so purpo some modialy, a grand conceit in the school house oli, Friday (-veiling, • 21st it., Remem- ber what a seccess last one was. • SAFE.UNSAFEI 04) PI -1E MAN FROBI CALIFORNIA. ir netate meet:mug Why, you lgtVo oerti.01,y ofia,4',1; for I called. You neith„ (4' one broke '4.ti Deane,. Mw:was,real, iy mystified, well as he knew his friend, 'That; " again" is good, and the most sensible thing you have t*eivonlonth; 'wit it cannot save you r eued the oddity. I say you have called me either liar or scoundrel, amb I don't intemi to take „saelt liargo tamely, especially from ft - who is' not as big as Myself. You sty t,116.1 ne one can know , yoar innocence, exoept the scoundrel Who 'himself connuitted the tobbely. Now I have, told you if:boat fiye Inindred tithes that 1 know your limed:give° and could swear , to it. Either, then, I lie, because don't knew your innocence, or I am a scoundrel and stole the money ? Don't you see the necessity for either apologizing' or fighting ?' • Yes,' answered Laurence Deane, with difficulty, maw that he sew the drift, controlling his prOpensi y to laugh at the heibbast of tho manner and the absurdity of tile deduction. • Yes, but—' But me no buts! Do you withdraw the offensive remark ?' inquired the bel- ligerent. 'Uuder compulsion, because you are, bigger than myself—yes !' aeswered Deane. • Very well, then, ttecept your apol o y,' said. Gwiler, sitting down and re sinning his seger. • Now I effe -hopes; that I have heard the leet Of your despairing ebul- lition's, for at least two hours. To tell you the truth, Larry,' which.. I don't of- eu. tell and you can't hear to hear— ten doedgeoi like ap timaceut Ilitt11;.and rliknot. know YMi-a .good. dei11. butt - tor Mau you know yoUrself, .1 should 'We'ar that you were not 1 - You are too mxious to be ;eking up that Old. matter. dd. the time, like a. ante who doubt e his teeitespectability a, little and so keeps, ontinually italking about it. You would never consent to be discharged n one ecenittEd, trielefor your ice, hut stop and inquire of the jury \leather they were sure they had. not bretotten sonie bit of .unfavorable evi- lenoe, and whethea they !leaflet better ,ry yoa °Vet' ageind Fred,' said the young man, looking p so Redly and earnestly sthat.uci one uld leve had the heart to jest louger, • I 'mow that I ani a fife]; So leaSe, don't tell me of the fact mete than eix. times a day, and —' 'And ne \V; DUI:SW(1 again interrupting him, 'now that you have ackuo vledged yea): folly like a sensible fellow, put toff that immensely serious fnce, and I be so grave that they might stuff me for an. owl. Let me know, what has heppeeed. But first— la anytme of yuur unole's family a suspicion that We were on board the lili 10111 ? liege there been any spies watching our coming, do you think from any LIIiirg you have heard.?'' • Not Et suspicion, I believe; No one knows, or evou sespects, that we are en this side of the continent, except Lillie Saunderson, who' will not tell for her °an sake; ancl Jane -Wesley, the old honsekeeper, who will not tell for • Humph 1 Perhaps you had better reverte that l' said (.}vier, musingly. hWeli, did you sed her ?—though of course you did, or she would not know of your arrival, as you say.' • Yes, I am ashamed to own it, even to you!' exclaimed Laurence Deane, bitterly. I went skulking' like a thief t in Lott -in house ftom which. I had been • "• ,-tti a, thief 1 Mg uncle and aunt w abTelit,''' spending to evening,'' ets icy call it, thank heaven 1—sand ttdd by Jane saw my coutin—only cottgiali WIth all my heart that he'd not lenthe:c.tiSt1 ahnost to curse my folly `1111W1 coming; baek to the Ettst'after beim, so far away irom it.' \Veil well ? Go one' said Gwiler t, frktu much interest. s She will not boteay me presence here, as she could not well de efter xe- ceiving nae ; but beyond this there is 330f a hove. She lies something. of the old affection rouatining, I think—that is, 1 Irope ;. but it is as weak as water, or --woman. She does not quite think 1110 gailty ; but 6110 hes no boiler that can over clear my •cheracter entirely; she would not marry it poor man, even if (multi : and we are juat as effectually parted as if one or both of US were dead. ' She shall be tetright, better things, if I have to go over, for your benefit, all tho town education that I have been nearly four years forgetting,' exclaimed Crwiler, bringing down his hand with wine violence on the leg of his 'friend— ft physical demonatralion oonnnon with expansive mete even if not always very pleasant to those tvhome they bruise thus amiably. ',Too late, Fred 1' said Deane, in the sante sed voice With which he had be- gun the conversation.• Three years and more lave not the, lightened the cloud one shadow, and now. it is too late !' • ' very spoorly exchunation—theso lest \verde " too late I" ' replied Gwiter, rolling out a cloud of tobacco sinoko through his heavy.moustache. re, naem ber to liaye hoavd 1110111 when quite o small boy, in eertata intense novels and. very excraciatino. • drama ; but `thoy aro entieely out ofbpiace in the life of ft utast cf to 'day. Nothing ia too late for Yoeng America,: that's MC, and ought it. be p00.' T3tit'Yoring America eatt. not catch up this time, my friend 11 ensweved 1)0anca. voice so low and beoken that it seemed sileiscebeside the other's tinging' (once. late, toll you, ifnotaxiT4e0i(til,t,e Sann!lorgon is going to be • Ming:led ? The jede ! To whotn eided Caviler, springing tip from hit Stieh violenee that if, Went over' backward with a crash. Ile had US13011.71'11; COUNCIL PROMADINGS.----001111(lil met pursuant to adj ournment. All tl o members present ; minutee of previous meeting read. and continued. 11.roved by D. Miller, seconded by J. Halle, That By -lay No. 4, for 1'875 as DOW read t,be passed. --Carried. Moved by R. Monteith, seconded by W. Brock, That By-law No. 5 for 1 875 for the reg,ulation of Statute Labor as now read be pesacc1.--Carried. Movcd 1* Miller seconded by a AlonCeitif, 'That the list of Pathmastors now presented to the clerk be adopted. - Moved. by J. Halls, seconded. by 1). Miller, That the Conti of Revision be held on the first 'Saturday of lune at Ili o'clock, it. m. --Carried. Council ad - rimmed to meet en the th•st SEIStird S. P. ifenee, ' Township Usborne, Nifty A clergymen. was endeeveaing to in- struct ono of his Sunday school 801101- 318, a, plow boy, on the nettle° of a mir- acle. "Now, rely boy," eeid he, " sup- pose yeti should see the sun tiLing in the middle of the night,' what should you. call that Tho men, plass aur." " No, but,'" anal:Ilia clergyman, 41 stip- poeo you knegt it wee not the Moon, aind that you SAW that actually rose in the middle of the night 7" Plase, stir, I should think it vo.v4 time to get up l'" A man down East returned Ids neWspe per to the printing,offiee, with " jetekassd written oh tho mevgin, and 11) the next issue the oditee stated the Rat`, and W ri 1.,1p tho paragraph by toiling Will one indignant sabseri- ber /alone° to let rie Imo* al what 33 or flirtherfiattidaltir-0 axtf.qt,3(441)14) ila,tofty he found ?Y $1,50 PEE AN 3 A ,beeti merely attitudinizing before thi time he 'was in an earnest that cola 3..°1j:1)0(1'°i1011)Il.ted. ‘1V1a1rTo whom?' again Fre Gwilor repeated, ignoring the fallet chair, and standing in front of Lear ence Deane in the attitude of ono per eonally ;insulted. Give me his name if you have been faymecl with it ; ant. see if we do' not happen to have it littl 1 misunderstanding—what Paddy • called a •• diecushion wid shticks"—from which one of no will not come home to breakfast 1' • -Would ou commit it murder, eyen Lor me, Frsd? And have 1 given you so pitiful an impressien of. my weak. nose, oe nay cowardice, that you think I cannot be trusted even to fight out a quarrel with a rival 2' • Cowardice be hanged, and weak 11081 alongside of it, mi amigo./ respond ed (+wine Commit a murder? No certainly not. Those ugly words hav no busineas in the languege, since the little operations that you and I saw at Marysville in '62 ; but if yoa mean to ask whether 1 would pick a quarrel with the man who stood in your way, and shoot him—just by accident, of course ---why then I tell yon that I would pop him user, if if lie <halal pop me, with as good a will as I ever fired a tai -ounce at ohl grizzly. But now that name, before you forget it, 1 tell you 1 Confine se, And yet,' said Deane, speaking very slowly and impressively, the celnaness all on his side. now, in that petty pride which the best of us feel in possessing information five minutes in advance of another—' and yet 1 will tell you his name, for I did learn it—and you will neither shoot him nor quEugel with him on the subject:' Try na. His nirwas the emphatic boast of thee is—John Gwiler.' Fred Gwiler had been varying his position by walldrigt glaring his last previous mieutei. He paused, sudden- ly, approached Deane, laid his two hands eit the other's shoulders as ifdie himseirmight have been a great bear taking that liberty with his keeper, and prise, alarm and auger : hispoitemlz avoiee of concentrated sur- • Only this,' answered Deane, more ancl more quiet as ids friend became more and more excited—• that Lillie Saunderson is about to be mareied to nty uncle's pat tiler and your father— nothing more !' • Gay and rattling temperaments arc not always wanting in the capacity for suffering, any more than they leek the pewee of terrible anger und.f.,r sufficient provoeeetion. Frederick Gaynor was for the time almost malcle.ued by the unex- pected blow, and the ioipossibility of seeing beyond the meal ness it involved and the suffering it must cause. He vacecl the room noavily and hurriedly for ui moment, without a word, then went to the door, and out into the bar- room for a coreespoudiag /period. When Ito returned he held in his handIb tum- blee contaiuing a veryhlifferent liquid from anything o11 the little convivial table—the daelt red sparkles of brandy were flashing in the gaslights. 4 dan- gerous drink-, for most men, and no doubt so for him at ordinary times. But just then, that hot rebellious tide field a mission to calm instead of excit- ing : it was, to that seething heart and brain; mere water poured upon blister - leg sand to cool it for the touch of hu- man foot 1 Not a word, yet, and Lau- rence Deane, a little frightened, looked 00111 the same ominous silence. Choi - ler raised the glass to his lips, throw back his head and seemed to take down the staggering draught at a single gulp. Four bitter words accompanied Lite ,naovement, which might have made the bridegroom feel unpleasantly, if he could have heard them : 4, To John Gwiler's marriage 1' • Fred 1' •said Laurence DeaueS seri- ousrPg 'dies you know that I don't half like the way you receive this intelli- gence 2' • Don't you, my boy?— then I am sorry—jus 00 gorry as I have some - n Limes been to see yoreceiving iutelli- gence in a way Lieut 1ilia. not like,' was the reply of Gwiler, setting clo‘vn the 01055 and throwiiin• back his head with a shake, as if disencumbering himself' of sorto phyeicaleweight which troubled • Where is Young America, now ?' Deane ()Mild not avoid asking, his own trouble for the moment half forgetten in the evident distress of his friend. Here, by Georgbe Gwiler spoke, thumping his hanc1 upon his breast with something liki the same actions that he. would have used in calling at- tention to the inclonlitable soul Ar - Richelieu 1' • Here, I tell youta-- now ag ever 1 But My father 1 Tho old reprobate 1' and he laughed a bit, term. laugh than hie friend Sver gembin- bored to have hefted before from his Nce floay I be condemned to quartz mining all mplife, with China- men to heln, and Digger -In hians to hilider, it' I osyn that Man weather day I fie intends to disinherit me, bat I shall take the start of him—cut him off with 4lock of my hair laid 11 copper half - cent if 1 can find. ono. May 1 pan out to -morrow, if I don't take tato Livab 801110 Legislature either changes his DOM 0 or inine, before too many people suspeet' that we share the same bleed Step—what 14 37001 ctutherity for tint statement 2' The lips of my 001.16111 Lillie herself,' sadly replied the lovea, tlina recalled to the full consciousnees of ins laas. • will pro -Vont that inartiage 1' 1,11.1e (Ionbled .fist of the speaker came down so heavily 'on tiao table, its he dropped into 11 seat, that one of the glasSes fol- lewed the blow end Wag ShiVbred On the e Jhmghocl a faint elrado of the sardonism e too ani sleepy, and as 1 oould not M- a. boi.:,,e00,::-Ienfeldayn ttlhitaotugfohr Li: 0 hi:1:1, ,ofs' ahii(ii I will answer equally well for a yawn. I natural tempetament4--, no, no ! this is - a, little too much of a good thing, nice old Man as you are l' - ' Heigho 1' uttered Deane, again,. , Gwiler, siainging rip again ; • but it duce that dunce of it landlord to pro- vide me with either a hammock or Et 1:0084114 p0.11!, WO must oven go baok to the hotel and take our forty winks in • Not a winl, for me, I am afraid,' re- . plied Deane, as he prepared to accom- pany him. • Nonsense,' answered Gwiler, slap- ping his friend on the back with one of - those familiar rough endearments - which indicated that he had already re- , turned to the borders of his usual rol- e licking mood. 4 Pehaw, MAilit 1 within an hour after we -are in bed, you will snore so that every rat in the house will believe there is an earthquake and scamper for hie life.' And so the two friends left the ' Shades,' where, though it was then past midnight, the billiard balls still clicked from within and the boy with the wild eyes and the cometary heir still went shooting about on his liquefy- ing mission. At last, and for once if never more. the anxieties of the future were distributed between the two al- most evenly ; and perhaps they Were to travel together all the more easily from that sharing of the burthen. ,ffoot, Yon cen not a.,-$ it!' suggested Deane: tell you that I' well do it, which includes, the fact tbat 1 eon- 1, Ivry 1110- the1'8 linsband Shan 1.101)(317 111111,17 the woman whoeelionfil be the .wife of my friend, itt go tO State prison here and CHAPTER V. WHITE Limon, BAD PENNY AND POOR ItE Ty. In her own quiet little room sat Lil- lie .6aundeeson, ou the morning follow- ing the occurrences which have been detailed in the two preoeding chapters. A.„ quiet little room 'indeed it was, ou the second floor of thetbrulding, though ovorioohing.'itio street through which a carriage occasionally went rambling, or a cart jolting or rattling,' and from which the vexatious cries of the street - hawkers, glorying, in the appellation. of • 114ellSOC1 Vanden,' SOUIlded at irregu- lar intervals. A single room as well as little, and not one of a suite ; for if the time woad, at hand when the daughters of wealth were to requite wholo"suites of rooms and brigades of servants for their single accommodation, that ne. ceasity had not yet made itself appar- ent in the old-fashioned house of Edell. ard Satenderson. And it very plain lit- tle room; for there were none of the appliances of absolute luxury, and yet every comfort and convenience seemed to be present that coul1 well have been desired by an occupant looking more Lan xesources within herself than in the posaession of rich furniture, costly or- naments and bijouterie. The white bed from which the maideu had lately risen (alas 1—not necessarily that in which she had lately slept) had been alreedy moulded into its dainty shape of daily temptation by her own fair hands, and peeped saucily out from a little coved recess half concealed by it looped damask curtain. .A. neat dres- sing -bureau with its swinging glass and damask cover ; a few choice books ou hanging Sh.Cif With its silken_ cord and tassels, which told that the leisttre hours of the young girl were sometimes passed with the people of voiceful. sil- ence ; two or three engravings of rural scenes, agd a work table showing evi- dences of habitual use—made up all that the eye needed to recognize in the presence of a fair young occupant be, yond whom it was not always easy to look., Lillie was pale, as compaged with what she had seemed to be before Laurence Deatae's coming on. the pre- vious eeening ; end her beaten oyes but toe pituuiy showed how anxiety had wrestled with sleep all the night, and come off victor. Setviug-work Was ly- ing upon the young girl's lap, but the mind was evideuly too busy with the sad memories so lately forced upon it, even to let the nimble fingers perform their office. ; and the brown head, round which the reflected morning sanshine made that aureole which the gas -light hact vainly attempted the night before, leaned wearily on the arm supported the work -table. It seemed. that would gladly have shaken off, had such power boon given her, • the thenghts which unnerVed hand and brain ; for more than once she half-eaised 'her head and seemed aboals to recommence her suspended sewing, their dropped it aceetia and mused on But the head • came quite up when the tap of a light linger 8911114d cm the door, though there WaS far more pleasure than sur - 1 (3 her face as ehe stepped quickly to open it, and admitted her early visi- tor—Et young women. Not a yoang ledy—let it be observed ; a :young woman, If the new -comer evdr spoke of herself descriptive.y, she would hove beeia far loss likely to uee the Mere fasit iou able phrase aunt eth- ers when speaking of her. For Pene- lope, Penny, or Pen Wolgall---(people who know her called .her alternately one Enid the other, though least often by the graver anpel•lation).--Penny Woraall was one of the • mud -sills' of female so- ciety' --kit embroideress ,to those who knew her most accurately, and a lug girl' to ell the remainder ; therefore lady,' Ivit young Woman," with all the indetcribable hearty charm end grade about her, lot it bo added, whieh bolongs to Oust homely and too seldom med. old g08)i011 phrase, Somethiug of her name, that -actor and oectipation hes bolero boon hood in connection with Vrodelick 0.wiler'saidth llirstigrase ts.vaer; rel 'kvitli his fuller ; mentioned, to his linnoti, that ho had by no moans faltered in his matrimoni- al intentions towards the gIl brave enOugh and strong enough to earn her OWTt living 100 mnoh rincloretood, 1±way not be amiss to take (whet her erratic scamp of a lover had 08 yct deferred) it glance fit 1101* pOl!SOnal tapail,11),1106.. M14$ rOntlY Worrell aeonaed •Sorne4 the 01(1161'1'y afterwatd, to [1±0±0111 14. No, no, John Owiler 1' and here he ase, A t friern ijttj 1,1.0,r fti )• fifDDO lity moulaekl. base beloeged to ouie who h naugh gore Of titled and ailr the tore onent's danittliter, olio who leitl probably far ma+ energy remaining. Plain tif.1 511P have been to thenreyeedske'wats pt'et egertheless. Iler otuop4i9.0 • kifaucc rthlay, 8pttO Of 0 fagr and deterteingd linea •Vli fty to h'S ecifreheting; 014 n` avrinkleS of morrimer, hroW. Her eyoe Wer'61' belle's, and poeitively Wee aocceeling to tlEe light in 'whieh olumeed to be observed arid thei feeling which they haPpened to . the motneut eepressing ; and t9t they were bright, observantg al fitishing—even mischievou S. wee more than a auspicion of saupi 'in the slight. tendency 'upward of end of the pose 81R1 the consequent,re volution 'of a shade to much of well-eue and flexible nostril, 1 ter hair, gui1t1es8 of ;el rl but very clerk, abundant and glosq, w ,s swept down in the fashien of Wet time in two halves of e Gothic arch, alueoet touching the brows, and kept as fleetly as if the busy fingers had really nothing to do except arrang- ing it ; the lips, full, rose -leaf red, and •a little pouting, harmonized well with that hair and. brow ; and her plump lit- tle figure, ovidentlrill high, health said capable of great endurance, showed, to excellent .advantage in the unmetend- ing dark dress which had no doilbt been, fashioned by these very busy fingers. Penny Worrall's avdcatiens and po- sition in life will also bear a little closer examinatige, without detriment to her- self—before she is allowed to speak, as she soon roust be, for herself. On'e of the unconeidered yet not always un - honored female workers of the great city—a producer, in her Own, small way, of what the wealthiest demanded; nand and brain working out, •day by day, many of those graceful designs in deli- cate matetial, destined to set off the charms of aristecratic beauty or ti en - hall QC natural ugliness bythe very fore° of contrast. In e quiet street running out of Bleecker and a few blocks north-, wettward (Within the limits of that be- fore -named • G•reenivich Village' of half a centnry age), her neat little tin bron- zed sign of • Miss Worrell, embroider- ess and Sewer in Lace and ll'ine Goods,' might have been observed by the. curi- ous at any time during the preceding four or five years, and the face wirich alternated with that of her tingle 'des. sista n t, apprentice and shop -girl, glanc- ing through the tasteful 'arre&of laces and embroidered handkerchie-fa-,t-eancl quillings and edgings, and India tints- -. .. lius and slipper patterns, in her little ,... shep-winclow,---conveyed no false im- pression. when it spoke bf a life as spot. less as the snowiest caanbric hanging there, and,a heart as light as the song of the little pet canary that Chirped and fluttered in his cage over, and made up a trio uf lite with the two counters. . , The Gold. Fisis, Tr'icis: HOW & NECROMANCER CAME TO danne. Max Adder relates the following : Several of the megicians who per- form in public do what .they cell the gold hsh trick. The if -Egg -leg stands up- on the, stage, throws a handkerchief' over his extended arm, and produces, sue,cession three or four shallow glass dishes filled to the brim with wat- er, in which live goldfish are swimming. Of course the fish are concealed soiree. hew Ilf.011 the person of the performer - Peter Lamb, the young fellow who lives near me, discovereclhow the trick was clone, aml he:offered to de it the other night at Magruder's part); for the en entertainment 01±110 company: tSo the folks gEtthered in one lefid of the parlor, and in a few niemeills Lamb entered the door at the ether end. He 'saiLla'clies and gentlemen, you will per- ceive that I have nothing about inc ex- . ,cept.my ordinary clothing, and • yet I 'shall produce presently two . dishes filled •,vitli water and living fish. Please watch we narrowly. Theta Peter flung, the handkerchief over his hand and firm find we could see he was working vigorously at some- thing beneath it. He continued some inoinentst and still the gold -fish did. not appeal'. Then he began to grow very, dark in tlie face, and we saw that some- thing was the matter. Then the pers- piration began to °stand on Peterls forehead, and - Mrs. Magruder asked him if he was well. ` Then the eompany began to laugh, and the magician grew redder. But he kept ea fumbling be- neath that handkerchief, and apparent- ly tryinefs to. 10)1011 na•ound under ilia e 'cont LaiLi. Then we heard something snap, and the neat 0Pontent a quart of watee ren down the wizard's left leg and spread out over f the carpet. B,y tide time hes looked as if the grave would be a welcome refuge. But still ho contiened to feel aroanul under the 'handkerchief. At hest another snap was heard and another quart, of • water plunged down hie right leg and formed a pool in his shoe. °Then the necro- mancer hurriedly said that the experi- tnent 1011 failed semehoty, and he dart- 'e'd into the di nin; room. 1.tollowed hire and found him sitting on the sofa, try- ing to remove his pantaloons. He ex- clained : 0 grecions 1 Conte here quickly and pull ;these off 1 They're sokin' wet, and' I've got fifteen live goldfish insi,Th my drawer's flipping around 'and respin' the skiff with their fins enough to set a man crazy. Ouch 1 0 Moses. ! Hurry that shoe off and grab that fish there at my left knee, or I'll have to howl eight out 1 Then we undressed hirn and picked the fish nut of his clothes, mid I die - covered that he letcl two full dishes of water covered with India rubber tops, striTped inside his trowsers 'behind. , rn his staugglo toget itt them, he had ora the eever to rags. We fixed liim up pair of magruacr's trowscri, whitili were six inchos too shoil for hiinrtd then lie dlimbed over' the back fence and Nvent home. He says , now that the noet time 110. givea exhi, bftions, in public he intends to cOnfin,e himself to ventriloquism, A Doti:on e—nt1-4ein..."-al walking behied two sehool children the oflier day heard the boy enquire you lie at 'the vitas to -night rt, •• I shall be tiler's," answered the miss, ,{ I trtay 112 wen tun you tam, that yettr hyve is hopolcs, 'gamma is detortnined, is set, and it Isn't right for tile to • est - courage your atteniion,, t can he a sistor to you, bitt,notlang tom*. Theret fore yoti ucodn't buy Me any valentitie or give 1114 any Inore ganaw"